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Andy Mui, Vlad Vlasceanu
October 2015
Deep Dive into Blue/Green
Deployments on AWS
What to expect from the session
• Overview of common deployment risks
• Blue/green deployment concepts
• Benefits of blue/green with AWS
• Deploying apps using blue/green patterns on AWS
• Best practices for the data tier
• Cost optimization
Deployments are not easy
• Traditional environments
favor in-place upgrades
• Resource constraints
• Downtime
• Dependencies
• Process coordination
• Difficult rollback
Common deployment risks
Application failure
Infrastructure failure
Capacity issues
Scaling issues
People failure
Process failure
Rollback issues
Business Impacts
Data loss
Bad customer experience
Lost revenue
Grumpy managers
Burned out staff
Wasted time/resources
Defining blue/green
deployment on AWS
What is blue/green deployment?
(existing production
(parallel environment
running a different version
of the application)
(ability to switch traffic between the
two environments)
What is an environment?
Boundary for where things changed
and what needs to be deployed
App component, app tier, microservice
DNS, load balancer
v2.2.103 v2.3.020
Environment scope in AWS
Narrow Wide
Auto Scaling group
AWS Elastic
Amazon EC2
Container Service
Define your environment boundary
Every deployment is different in scope and risk.
 Need a platform that is flexible and has powerful
automation tools.
Factors Criteria
Application architecture Dependencies, loosely/tightly coupled
Organizational Speed and number of iterations
Risk and complexity Blast radius and impact of failed deployment
People Expertise of teams
Process Testing/QA, rollback capability
Cost Operating budgets
Benefits of blue/green deployment on AWS
• Agile deployments
• Flexible options
• Scalable capacity
• Pay for what you use
• Automation capabilities
Deploying apps using
blue/green patterns on AWS
Using EC2 instances
1. Classic DNS cutover
2. Swap Auto Scaling groups
3. Swap launch configurations
Deploying apps using blue/green patterns
Using EC2 Container Service
1. Swap ECS services via DNS
2. Swap ECS services behind ELB
3. Swap ECS task definitions
Common thread: Environment automation
Deployment success depends on
mitigating risk for:
• Application issues (functional)
• Application performance
• People/process errors
• Infrastructure failure
• Rollback capability
• Large costs
Blue/green deployment patterns
address these risks differently
CloudFormation most
automation platform
• Scope stacks from
network to software
• Control higher-level
automation services:
Elastic Beanstalk, ECS,
OpsWorks, Auto Scaling
Strength of
Patterns: classic DNS cutover
Deployment process:
• Start with current app
• Deploy a new app environment
• Test the green stack
• Gradually cut traffic over via
• Monitor your environments
• If needed, roll back to blue
Patterns: classic DNS cutover
Deployment process:
• Start with current app
• Deploy a new app environment
• Test the green stack
• Gradually cut traffic over via
• Monitor your environments
• If needed, roll back to blue
Patterns: classic DNS cutover
Deployment process:
• Start with current app
• Deploy a new app environment
• Test the green stack
• Gradually cut traffic over via
• Monitor your environments
• If needed, roll back to blue
Patterns: classic DNS cutover
Deployment process:
• Start with current app
• Deploy a new app environment
• Test the green stack
• Gradually cut traffic over via
• Monitor your environments
• If needed, roll back to blue
Patterns: classic DNS cutover
Deployment process:
• Start with current app
• Deploy a new app environment
• Test the green stack
• Gradually cut traffic over via
• Monitor your environments
• If needed, roll back to blue
Patterns: classic DNS cutover
Deployment process:
• Start with current app
• Deploy a new app environment
• Test the green stack
• Gradually cut traffic over via
• Monitor your environments
• If needed, roll back to blue
Patterns: classic DNS cutover
Deployment process:
• Start with current app
• Deploy a new app environment
• Test the green stack
• Gradually cut traffic over via
• Monitor your environments
• If needed, roll back to blue
"Resources": {
"myApp": { "Type": "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application" },
"myConfigTemplate": {
"Type": "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate"
"myBlueAppVersion": {
"Type": "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion"
"myBlueEnvironment": {
"myBlueEndpoint": {"Type": “AWS::Route53::RecordSet" },
..."myGreenAppVersion": {
"Type": "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion"
"myGreenEnvironment": {
"Type": "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment"
"myGreenEndpoint": {"Type": "AWS::Route53::RecordSet" }
Automating your environment
• Use CloudFormation
templates to model your
• Version-control your
• Use Elastic Beanstalk or
OpsWorks to model your
applications inside the
• Update CloudFormation
stack from updated template
containing green
Amazon Route 53 weighted DNS switching
• AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment endpoint swap
• DNS record time-to-live (TTL)
Reaction time = (TTL × no. of DNS caches) + Route53 propagation time, up to 1min
Beware of misbehaving DNS clients
• Auto Scaling and Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) need time to scale
• Measurable metrics
ELB: Latency, SurgeQueueLength, SpillOverCount, BackendConnectionErrors
Your application metrics
• Your deployment goals
Amazon Route 53 weighted DNS switching
Using CloudFormation:
• Update template record
sets with initial
weighting information
• Consider using
parameters for the
weight values – reuse
the same template
• Update
CloudFormation stack
with new weighting
"myBlueEndpoint": {
"Type": "AWS::Route53::RecordSet",
"Properties": {
"HostedZoneId": { "Ref": "parameterHostedZoneId" },
"Name": "", "Type": "CNAME", "TTL": "60",
"SetIdentifier": "stack-blue", "Weight": "90",
"ResourceRecords": [
{ "Fn::GetAtt": [ "myBlueEnvironment", "EndpointURL" ] }
] } },
"myGreenEndpoint": {
"Type": "AWS::Route53::RecordSet",
"Properties": {
"HostedZoneId": { "Ref": "parameterHostedZoneId" },
"Name": "", "Type": "CNAME", "TTL": "60",
"SetIdentifier": "stack-green", "Weight": "10",
"ResourceRecords": [
{ "Fn::GetAtt": [ "myGreenEnvironment", "EndpointURL" ] }
] } }
Pattern review: Classic DNS cutover
Risk category Mitigation
Application issues Great Facilitates canary analysis
Application performance Great Gradual switch, traffic split
People/process errors Good Depends on automation framework
Infrastructure failure Good Depends on automation framework
Rollback Fair DNS TTL complexities (reaction
time, flip/flop)
Cost Great Optimized via auto-scaling
Let’s remove DNS from the
Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups
Deployment process:
• Amazon Elastic Load Balancer
(ELB) outside the environment
• Start with current Auto Scaling
Group (ASG)
• Deploy & scale out new ASG
• Test green stack
• Register green ASG with ELB
• Remove blue ASG from ELB
Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups
Deployment process:
• Amazon Elastic Load Balancer
(ELB) outside the environment
• Start with current Auto Scaling
Group (ASG)
• Deploy & scale out new ASG
• Test green stack
• Register green ASG with ELB
• Remove blue ASG from ELB
Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups
Deployment process:
• Amazon Elastic Load Balancer
(ELB) outside the environment
• Start with current Auto Scaling
Group (ASG)
• Deploy & scale out new ASG
• Test green stack
• Register green ASG with ELB
• Remove blue ASG from ELB
Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups
Deployment process:
• Amazon Elastic Load Balancer
(ELB) outside the environment
• Start with current Auto Scaling
Group (ASG)
• Deploy & scale out new ASG
• Test green stack
• Register green ASG with ELB
• Remove blue ASG from ELB
Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups
Deployment process:
• Amazon Elastic Load Balancer
(ELB) outside the environment
• Start with current Auto Scaling
Group (ASG)
• Deploy & scale out new ASG
• Test green stack
• Register green ASG with ELB
• Remove blue ASG from ELB
Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups
Deployment process:
• Amazon Elastic Load Balancer
(ELB) outside the environment
• Start with current Auto Scaling
Group (ASG)
• Deploy & scale out new ASG
• Test green stack
• Register green ASG with ELB
• Remove blue ASG from ELB
Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups
Deployment process:
• Amazon Elastic Load Balancer
(ELB) outside the environment
• Start with current Auto Scaling
Group (ASG)
• Deploy & scale out new ASG
• Test green stack
• Register green ASG with ELB
• Remove blue ASG from ELB
Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups
Deployment process:
• Amazon Elastic Load Balancer
(ELB) outside the environment
• Start with current Auto Scaling
Group (ASG)
• Deploy & scale out new ASG
• Test green stack
• Register green ASG with ELB
• Remove blue ASG from ELB
Swapping Auto Scaling groups behind ELB
• Register with ELB:
• One or more EC2 instances
• One or more Auto Scaling groups
• Least outstanding requests
algorithm favors green ASG
instances for new connections
• Connection draining - gracefully
stop receiving traffic
• Scale out green ASG before ELB
• Put blue instances in standby
$ aws autoscaling attach-load-balancers 
--auto-scaling-group-name "green-asg" 
--load-balancer-names "my-app-elb"
$ aws autoscaling set-desired-capacity 
--auto-scaling-group-name "green-asg" 
--desired-capacity X
$ aws autoscaling detach-load-balancers 
--auto-scaling-group-name "blue-asg" 
--load-balancer-names "my-app-elb"
$ aws autoscaling enter-standby 
--instance-ids i-xxxxxxxx 
--auto-scaling-group-name "blue-asg" 
Pattern review: Swap Auto Scaling groups
Risk category Mitigation
Application issues Great Facilitates canary analysis w/
additional ELB
Application performance Good Traffic split management, but less
granular, pre-warmed ELB
People/process errors Good Depends on automation framework
Infrastructure failure Great Auto-scaling
Rollback Great No DNS complexities
Cost Great Optimized via auto-scaling
Let’s reduce the environment
boundary further…
Pattern: swap Launch Configurations
Deployment process:
• Start with current ASG & Launch
Configuration behind the ELB
• Attach updated green Launch
Configuration to the ASG
• Grow the ASG gradually to 2x
original size
• Shrink the ASG back to original
• For more control, put old instances
into Standby
Pattern: swap Launch Configurations
Deployment process:
• Start with current ASG & Launch
Configuration behind the ELB
• Attach updated green Launch
Configuration to the ASG
• Grow the ASG gradually to 2x
original size
• Shrink the ASG back to original
• For more control, put old instances
into Standby
Pattern: swap Launch Configurations
Deployment process:
• Start with current ASG & Launch
Configuration behind the ELB
• Attach updated green Launch
Configuration to the ASG
• Grow the ASG gradually to 2x
original size
• Shrink the ASG back to original
• For more control, put old instances
into Standby
Pattern: swap Launch Configurations
Deployment process:
• Start with current ASG & Launch
Configuration behind the ELB
• Attach updated green Launch
Configuration to the ASG
• Grow the ASG gradually to 2x
original size
• Shrink the ASG back to original
• For more control, put old instances
into Standby
Pattern: swap Launch Configurations
Deployment process:
• Start with current ASG & Launch
Configuration behind the ELB
• Attach updated green Launch
Configuration to the ASG
• Grow the ASG gradually to 2x
original size
• Shrink the ASG back to original
• For more control, put old instances
into Standby
Pattern: swap Launch Configurations
Deployment process:
• Start with current ASG & Launch
Configuration behind the ELB
• Attach updated green Launch
Configuration to the ASG
• Grow the ASG gradually to 2x
original size
• Shrink the ASG back to original
• For more control, put old instances
into Standby
Swapping launch configurations
• Launch configurations:
Blueprints for ASG instance provisioning, each ASG points to exactly one
• Scale-out & replacement:
Events will use the attached (green) launch configuration to provision
• Scale-in:
ASG scale-in events will terminate instances with oldest launch
configuration first while trying to keep capacity in AZs balanced
• May need to address AZ imbalances separately
• Temporarily remove instances from ASG
Place specific ASG instances (blue) into standby – stop receiving traffic
Pattern review: swap Launch Configurations
Risk Category Mitigation
Application Issues Fair Detection of errors/issues in a
heterogeneous fleet is complex
Application Performance Fair Less granular traffic split, initial
traffic load
People/Process Errors Good Depends on automation framework
Infrastructure Failure Great Auto-Scaling
Rollback Great No DNS complexities
Cost Good Optimized via auto-scaling, but
initial scale-out overprovisions
What if we’re running
EC2 Container Service
Environment boundary:
Docker container -> Task definition
Deployment options:
1. Blue/green ECS services, DNS update
2. Blue/green ECS services, shared ELB
3. ECS update
Pattern: Swap ECS services with DNS
Deployment process:
• Start with blue service composed
of a task definition and ELB
• Create new task definition based
on new version of Docker image
and a new ELB
• Create green service with new
task definition and ELB
• Update Route 53 alias record to
direct traffic to new ELB endpoint
• Clean up blue service resources
when no longer needed
Pattern: Swap ECS services with DNS
Deployment process:
• Start with blue service composed
of a task definition and ELB
• Create new task definition based
on new version of Docker image
and a new ELB
• Create green service with new
task definition and ELB
• Update Route 53 alias record to
direct traffic to new ELB endpoint
• Clean up blue service resources
when no longer needed
Pattern: Swap ECS services with DNS
Deployment process:
• Start with blue service composed
of a task definition and ELB
• Create new task definition based
on new version of Docker image
and a new ELB
• Create green service with new
task definition and ELB
• Update Route 53 alias record to
direct traffic to new ELB endpoint
• Clean up blue Service resources
when no longer needed
Pattern: Swap ECS services with DNS
Deployment process:
• Start with blue service composed
of a task definition and ELB
• Create new task definition based
on new version of Docker image
and a new ELB
• Create green service with new
task definition and ELB
• Update Route 53 alias record to
direct traffic to new ELB endpoint
• Clean up blue service resources
when no longer needed
Swap ECS services with DNS
1. Create task definition
$ aws ecs register-task-definition 
--cli-input-json file:///Code/web.json
2. Create service and ELB
$ aws ecs create-service 
--cluster dice-demo 
--service-name web-service-v2 
--task-definition web-tier 
--load-balancers loadBalancerName=web-tier-
--desired-count 2 
--role "ecsServiceRole"
"containerDefinitions": [
"name": "web-tier",
"image": "amui/web-test:v2",
"cpu": 256,
"memory": 256,
"entryPoint": [],
"environment": [],
"command": [],
"portMappings": [
"hostPort": 8000,
"containerPort": 8000,
"protocol": "tcp"
"essential": true
"family": "web-tier"
Swap ECS services with DNS
3. Route traffic to green ELB endpoint
$ aws route53 change-resource-record-sets 
--hosted-zone-id Zxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
--change-batch file:///Code/dns.json
"Comment": "Update alias record to route
traffic from Blue to Green ELB for Dice Demo
ECS Service",
"Changes": [
"Action": "UPSERT",
"ResourceRecordSet": {
"Name": "",
"Type": "A",
"AliasTarget": {
"HostedZoneId": ”Zxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"DNSName": "dice-demo-green-",
"EvaluateTargetHealth": false
Pattern review: Swap ECS services with DNS
Risk category Mitigation
Application issues Great Full cutover or weighted canary analysis
Application performance Good ELB may require prewarm, CloudWatch,
and automation to scale ECS
People/process errors Great Simple process
Infrastructure failure Good Leverage CloudWatch, Auto Scaling,
Rollback Fair DNS TTL complexities (reaction time,
Cost Fair Require enough cluster resources to
accommodate new service
Pattern: Swap ECS services with ELB
Deployment process:
• Start with blue service composed
of a task definition and ELB
• Create new task definition based
on new version of Docker image
• Create green service with new
task definition and map to existing
• Scale up green service by
incrementing number of tasks
• Decommission blue service by
setting task count to 0
Pattern: Swap ECS services with ELB
Deployment process:
• Start with blue service composed
of a task definition and ELB
• Create new task definition based
on new version of Docker image
• Create green service with new
task definition and map to existing
• Scale up green service by
incrementing number of tasks
• Decommission blue service by
setting task count to 0
Pattern: Swap ECS services with ELB
Deployment process:
• Start with blue service composed
of a task definition and ELB
• Create new task definition based
on new version of Docker image
• Create green service with new
task definition and map to existing
• Scale up green service by
incrementing number of tasks
• Decommission blue service by
setting task count to 0
Pattern: Swap ECS services with ELB
Deployment process:
• Start with blue service composed
of a task definition and ELB
• Create new task definition based
on new version of Docker image
• Create green service with new
task definition and map to existing
• Scale up green service by
incrementing number of tasks
• Decommission blue service by
setting task count to 0
Swapping ECS services with ELB
$ aws ecs create-service 
--cluster dice-demo 
--service-name web-service-v2 
--task-definition web-tier 
--load-balancers loadBalancerName=web-
--desired-count 1 
--role "ecsServiceRole”
Swapping ECS services with ELB
$ aws ecs update-service 
--cluster dice-demo 
--service web-service-v2 
--desired-count 2
$ aws ecs update-service
--cluster dice-demo 
--service web-service-v1 
--desired-count 0
• Similar to swapping ASG behind
• Application versions must co-exist
• Container resources may need to
be cleaned up
Pattern review: Swap ECS services with ELB
Risk Category Mitigation
Application issues Great Canary analysis
Application performance Great ELB already warm, CloudWatch and
automation to scale ECS
People/process errors Good Multi-step process to transition traffic
between environments
Infrastructure failure Good Leverage CloudWatch, Auto Scaling,
Rollback Great No DNS complexities
Cost Good Resource management handled by ECS
Pattern: ECS service update
Deployment process:
• Start with blue task definition
referenced by an ECS service
• Create a green revision of the
existing task definition
• Update existing ECS service to
use the updated task definition
• ECS will deploy the new task
definition to container instances in
a rolling fashion
Pattern: ECS service update
Deployment process:
• Start with blue task definition
referenced by an ECS service
• Create a green revision of the
existing task definition
• Update existing ECS service to
use the updated task definition
• ECS will deploy the new task
definition to container instances in
a rolling fashion
Pattern: ECS service update
Deployment process:
• Start with blue task definition
referenced by an ECS service
• Create a green revision of the
existing task definition
• Update existing ECS service to
use the updated task definition
• ECS will deploy the new task
definition to container instances in
a rolling fashion
Pattern: ECS service update
Deployment process:
• Start with blue task definition
referenced by an ECS service
• Create a green revision of the
existing task definition
• Update existing ECS service to
use the updated task definition
• ECS will deploy the new task
definition to container instances in
a rolling fashion
ECS service update
1. Create task definition and update service
$ aws ecs update-service --cluster dice-demo --service web-service --task-definition
2. Monitor service update process
$ aws ecs describe-services --cluster dice-demo --services web-service
"services": [
"status": "ACTIVE",
"taskDefinition": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:012345678901:task-definition/web-
ECS service update
“deployments” section of describe-services output displays progress
"deployments": [
"status": "PRIMARY",
"desiredCount": 3,
"taskDefinition": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:012345678901:task-definition/web-tier:2",
"runningCount": 0
"status": "ACTIVE",
"desiredCount": 3,
"taskDefinition": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:012345678901:task-definition/web-tier:1",
"runningCount": 3
ECS service update
“events” section of describe-services output will reveal any errors
"events": [
"message": "(service web-service) has reached a steady state.",
"id": "34d17afa-89eb-454a-9311-f4de402222ca",
"createdAt": 1442976067.928
"message": "(service web-service) registered 1 instances in (elb web-tier)",
"id": "b0020deb-8c4c-4128-bbd3-9b87487eba8f",
"createdAt": 1442976061.644
Pattern: ECS service update
Risk category Mitigation
Application Issues Fair No canary analysis
Application Performance Good No traffic management, ELB
already warm
People/Process Errors Great Simple, automated process
Infrastructure Failure Good Autoscaling cluster instances and
Rollback Great No DNS complexities
Cost Great Rolling deployment, cluster
instance +1
What about schema changes?
Decoupled schema changes & code changes
Two approaches:
• Database updates are backward-
compatible (old code uses new
• Code changes are backward-
compatible with the old schema
(new code uses old schema)
DB outside environment boundary
Tradeoff: simplicity vs. risk
Start app
Finish app
Start app
Finish app
What if schema changes can’t
be decoupled, or you’re
deploying across regions?
Isolated and synchronized data stores
• DB inside environment boundary
• Environments have separate data
• Need to coordinate data changes
across stacks:
• Blue needs data for rollback
• Green is new production stack
• What consistency model does the
application use?
Centralized writes process
Deployment pattern:
• Deploy an aggregator of
centralized write operations
• Common baseline of data: Use
data store-specific replication
• Aggregator worker affects changes
to data in both environments
• Account for lag/latency
Simplifying the centralized writes process
Green app writes to both DBs
• Asynchronous process moves
changes by blue app to green DB
• Great if there’s a mismatch in
consistency requirements (old app
needs strong consistency)
Each app writes to its own DB
• Asynchronous process pushes
changes to the other DB
• Fully decoupled architecture
• Example: DynamoDB tables +
streams + triggers + Lambda
Closing thoughts
Blue/green deployment patterns at a glance
Mitigated risk
Classic DNS
Swap Auto
Swap launch
Swap ECS
services with
Swap ECS
services with
ECS service
Mixed fleet Canary
Mixed fleet
Granular traffic
Mixed fleet ELB may require
Container level
granularity, warm
No traffic
warm ELB
Automation: Use CloudFormation with Elastic
Beanstalk, OpsWork, third party
Simple process
DNS swap
ECS automated
Auto Scaling,
Auto Scaling,
CloudWatch, Auto
Scaling, ELB
CloudWatch, Auto
Scaling, ELB
CloudWatch, Auto
Scaling, ELB
DNS ELB ELB DNS ECS automated ECS automated
Some over-
Require addl cluster
DNS weights
Auto Scaling
DNS weights
Highly automated
Get comfortable with the deployment process
Deployments will always have risks associated
with them
• Deployment & automation frameworks help
mitigate process & human error risks
• Get comfortable with deployments, practice
using production-like replicas
• AWS provides affordable, quickly provisioned
resources – use the flexibility to experiment new
Thank you!
Remember to complete
your evaluations!
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AWS Cloud Watch
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Auto scaling using Amazon Web Services ( AWS )
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AWS Route53
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DevOps on AWS
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Intro to Amazon ECS
Getting Started on Amazon EKS
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Getting Started on Amazon EKS
Introduction To DevOps | Devops Tutorial For Beginners | DevOps Training For ...
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Introduction To DevOps | Devops Tutorial For Beginners | DevOps Training For ...

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Similaire à (DVO401) Deep Dive into Blue/Green Deployments on AWS (20)

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(DVO401) Deep Dive into Blue/Green Deployments on AWS

  • 1. © 2015, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. Andy Mui, Vlad Vlasceanu October 2015 DVO401 Deep Dive into Blue/Green Deployments on AWS
  • 2. What to expect from the session • Overview of common deployment risks • Blue/green deployment concepts • Benefits of blue/green with AWS • Deploying apps using blue/green patterns on AWS • Best practices for the data tier • Cost optimization
  • 3. Deployments are not easy • Traditional environments favor in-place upgrades • Resource constraints • Downtime • Dependencies • Process coordination • Difficult rollback
  • 4. Common deployment risks Challenges Application failure Infrastructure failure Capacity issues Scaling issues People failure Process failure Rollback issues Business Impacts Downtime Data loss Bad customer experience Lost revenue Grumpy managers Burned out staff Wasted time/resources
  • 6. What is blue/green deployment? “Blue” (existing production environment) “Green” (parallel environment running a different version of the application) “Deployment” (ability to switch traffic between the two environments) What is an environment? Boundary for where things changed and what needs to be deployed Examples: App component, app tier, microservice Examples: DNS, load balancer v2.2.103 v2.3.020
  • 7. Environment scope in AWS AMI Narrow Wide Auto Scaling group AWS Elastic Beanstalk AWS OpsWorks AWS CloudFormation Amazon EC2 Container Service
  • 8. Define your environment boundary Every deployment is different in scope and risk.  Need a platform that is flexible and has powerful automation tools. Factors Criteria Application architecture Dependencies, loosely/tightly coupled Organizational Speed and number of iterations Risk and complexity Blast radius and impact of failed deployment People Expertise of teams Process Testing/QA, rollback capability Cost Operating budgets
  • 9. Benefits of blue/green deployment on AWS AWS: • Agile deployments • Flexible options • Scalable capacity • Pay for what you use • Automation capabilities
  • 11. Using EC2 instances 1. Classic DNS cutover 2. Swap Auto Scaling groups 3. Swap launch configurations Deploying apps using blue/green patterns Using EC2 Container Service 1. Swap ECS services via DNS 2. Swap ECS services behind ELB 3. Swap ECS task definitions
  • 12. Common thread: Environment automation Deployment success depends on mitigating risk for: • Application issues (functional) • Application performance • People/process errors • Infrastructure failure • Rollback capability • Large costs Blue/green deployment patterns address these risks differently CloudFormation most comprehensive automation platform • Scope stacks from network to software • Control higher-level automation services: Elastic Beanstalk, ECS, OpsWorks, Auto Scaling Strength of automation platform
  • 13. Patterns: classic DNS cutover Deployment process: • Start with current app environment • Deploy a new app environment • Test the green stack • Gradually cut traffic over via DNS • Monitor your environments • If needed, roll back to blue
  • 14. Patterns: classic DNS cutover Deployment process: • Start with current app environment • Deploy a new app environment • Test the green stack • Gradually cut traffic over via DNS • Monitor your environments • If needed, roll back to blue
  • 15. Patterns: classic DNS cutover Deployment process: • Start with current app environment • Deploy a new app environment • Test the green stack • Gradually cut traffic over via DNS • Monitor your environments • If needed, roll back to blue
  • 16. Patterns: classic DNS cutover Deployment process: • Start with current app environment • Deploy a new app environment • Test the green stack • Gradually cut traffic over via DNS • Monitor your environments • If needed, roll back to blue
  • 17. Patterns: classic DNS cutover Deployment process: • Start with current app environment • Deploy a new app environment • Test the green stack • Gradually cut traffic over via DNS • Monitor your environments • If needed, roll back to blue
  • 18. Patterns: classic DNS cutover Deployment process: • Start with current app environment • Deploy a new app environment • Test the green stack • Gradually cut traffic over via DNS • Monitor your environments • If needed, roll back to blue
  • 19. Patterns: classic DNS cutover Deployment process: • Start with current app environment • Deploy a new app environment • Test the green stack • Gradually cut traffic over via DNS • Monitor your environments • If needed, roll back to blue
  • 20. "Resources": { "myApp": { "Type": "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Application" }, "myConfigTemplate": { "Type": "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ConfigurationTemplate" }, "myBlueAppVersion": { "Type": "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion" }, "myBlueEnvironment": { "Type":"AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment" }, "myBlueEndpoint": {"Type": “AWS::Route53::RecordSet" }, ..."myGreenAppVersion": { "Type": "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::ApplicationVersion" }, "myGreenEnvironment": { "Type": "AWS::ElasticBeanstalk::Environment" }, "myGreenEndpoint": {"Type": "AWS::Route53::RecordSet" } ... Automating your environment • Use CloudFormation templates to model your environment • Version-control your templates • Use Elastic Beanstalk or OpsWorks to model your applications inside the template • Update CloudFormation stack from updated template containing green environment
  • 21. Amazon Route 53 weighted DNS switching • AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment endpoint swap • DNS record time-to-live (TTL) Reaction time = (TTL × no. of DNS caches) + Route53 propagation time, up to 1min Beware of misbehaving DNS clients • Auto Scaling and Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) need time to scale • Measurable metrics ELB: Latency, SurgeQueueLength, SpillOverCount, BackendConnectionErrors Your application metrics • Your deployment goals
  • 22. Amazon Route 53 weighted DNS switching Using CloudFormation: • Update template record sets with initial weighting information • Consider using parameters for the weight values – reuse the same template • Update CloudFormation stack with new weighting "myBlueEndpoint": { "Type": "AWS::Route53::RecordSet", "Properties": { "HostedZoneId": { "Ref": "parameterHostedZoneId" }, "Name": "", "Type": "CNAME", "TTL": "60", "SetIdentifier": "stack-blue", "Weight": "90", "ResourceRecords": [ { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "myBlueEnvironment", "EndpointURL" ] } ] } }, "myGreenEndpoint": { "Type": "AWS::Route53::RecordSet", "Properties": { "HostedZoneId": { "Ref": "parameterHostedZoneId" }, "Name": "", "Type": "CNAME", "TTL": "60", "SetIdentifier": "stack-green", "Weight": "10", "ResourceRecords": [ { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "myGreenEnvironment", "EndpointURL" ] } ] } }  
  • 23. Pattern review: Classic DNS cutover Risk category Mitigation level Reasoning Application issues Great Facilitates canary analysis Application performance Great Gradual switch, traffic split management People/process errors Good Depends on automation framework Infrastructure failure Good Depends on automation framework Rollback Fair DNS TTL complexities (reaction time, flip/flop) Cost Great Optimized via auto-scaling
  • 24. Let’s remove DNS from the solution…
  • 25. Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups Deployment process: • Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) outside the environment boundary • Start with current Auto Scaling Group (ASG) • Deploy & scale out new ASG • Test green stack • Register green ASG with ELB • Remove blue ASG from ELB
  • 26. Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups Deployment process: • Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) outside the environment boundary • Start with current Auto Scaling Group (ASG) • Deploy & scale out new ASG • Test green stack • Register green ASG with ELB • Remove blue ASG from ELB
  • 27. Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups Deployment process: • Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) outside the environment boundary • Start with current Auto Scaling Group (ASG) • Deploy & scale out new ASG • Test green stack • Register green ASG with ELB • Remove blue ASG from ELB
  • 28. Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups Deployment process: • Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) outside the environment boundary • Start with current Auto Scaling Group (ASG) • Deploy & scale out new ASG • Test green stack • Register green ASG with ELB • Remove blue ASG from ELB
  • 29. Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups Deployment process: • Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) outside the environment boundary • Start with current Auto Scaling Group (ASG) • Deploy & scale out new ASG • Test green stack • Register green ASG with ELB • Remove blue ASG from ELB
  • 30. Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups Deployment process: • Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) outside the environment boundary • Start with current Auto Scaling Group (ASG) • Deploy & scale out new ASG • Test green stack • Register green ASG with ELB • Remove blue ASG from ELB
  • 31. Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups Deployment process: • Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) outside the environment boundary • Start with current Auto Scaling Group (ASG) • Deploy & scale out new ASG • Test green stack • Register green ASG with ELB • Remove blue ASG from ELB
  • 32. Pattern: swap Auto Scaling Groups Deployment process: • Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) outside the environment boundary • Start with current Auto Scaling Group (ASG) • Deploy & scale out new ASG • Test green stack • Register green ASG with ELB • Remove blue ASG from ELB
  • 33. Swapping Auto Scaling groups behind ELB • Register with ELB: • One or more EC2 instances • One or more Auto Scaling groups • Least outstanding requests algorithm favors green ASG instances for new connections • Connection draining - gracefully stop receiving traffic • Scale out green ASG before ELB registration • Put blue instances in standby $ aws autoscaling attach-load-balancers --auto-scaling-group-name "green-asg" --load-balancer-names "my-app-elb" $ aws autoscaling set-desired-capacity --auto-scaling-group-name "green-asg" --desired-capacity X $ aws autoscaling detach-load-balancers --auto-scaling-group-name "blue-asg" --load-balancer-names "my-app-elb" $ aws autoscaling enter-standby --instance-ids i-xxxxxxxx --auto-scaling-group-name "blue-asg" --should-decrement-desired-capacity
  • 34. Pattern review: Swap Auto Scaling groups Risk category Mitigation level Reasoning Application issues Great Facilitates canary analysis w/ additional ELB Application performance Good Traffic split management, but less granular, pre-warmed ELB People/process errors Good Depends on automation framework Infrastructure failure Great Auto-scaling Rollback Great No DNS complexities Cost Great Optimized via auto-scaling
  • 35. Let’s reduce the environment boundary further…
  • 36. Pattern: swap Launch Configurations Deployment process: • Start with current ASG & Launch Configuration behind the ELB • Attach updated green Launch Configuration to the ASG • Grow the ASG gradually to 2x original size • Shrink the ASG back to original size • For more control, put old instances into Standby
  • 37. Pattern: swap Launch Configurations Deployment process: • Start with current ASG & Launch Configuration behind the ELB • Attach updated green Launch Configuration to the ASG • Grow the ASG gradually to 2x original size • Shrink the ASG back to original size • For more control, put old instances into Standby
  • 38. Pattern: swap Launch Configurations Deployment process: • Start with current ASG & Launch Configuration behind the ELB • Attach updated green Launch Configuration to the ASG • Grow the ASG gradually to 2x original size • Shrink the ASG back to original size • For more control, put old instances into Standby
  • 39. Pattern: swap Launch Configurations Deployment process: • Start with current ASG & Launch Configuration behind the ELB • Attach updated green Launch Configuration to the ASG • Grow the ASG gradually to 2x original size • Shrink the ASG back to original size • For more control, put old instances into Standby
  • 40. Pattern: swap Launch Configurations Deployment process: • Start with current ASG & Launch Configuration behind the ELB • Attach updated green Launch Configuration to the ASG • Grow the ASG gradually to 2x original size • Shrink the ASG back to original size • For more control, put old instances into Standby
  • 41. Pattern: swap Launch Configurations Deployment process: • Start with current ASG & Launch Configuration behind the ELB • Attach updated green Launch Configuration to the ASG • Grow the ASG gradually to 2x original size • Shrink the ASG back to original size • For more control, put old instances into Standby
  • 42. Swapping launch configurations • Launch configurations: Blueprints for ASG instance provisioning, each ASG points to exactly one • Scale-out & replacement: Events will use the attached (green) launch configuration to provision instances • Scale-in: ASG scale-in events will terminate instances with oldest launch configuration first while trying to keep capacity in AZs balanced • May need to address AZ imbalances separately • Temporarily remove instances from ASG Place specific ASG instances (blue) into standby – stop receiving traffic
  • 43. Pattern review: swap Launch Configurations Risk Category Mitigation Level Reasoning Application Issues Fair Detection of errors/issues in a heterogeneous fleet is complex Application Performance Fair Less granular traffic split, initial traffic load People/Process Errors Good Depends on automation framework Infrastructure Failure Great Auto-Scaling Rollback Great No DNS complexities Cost Good Optimized via auto-scaling, but initial scale-out overprovisions
  • 44. What if we’re running containers?
  • 45. EC2 Container Service Environment boundary: Docker container -> Task definition Deployment options: 1. Blue/green ECS services, DNS update 2. Blue/green ECS services, shared ELB 3. ECS update
  • 46. Pattern: Swap ECS services with DNS Deployment process: • Start with blue service composed of a task definition and ELB • Create new task definition based on new version of Docker image and a new ELB • Create green service with new task definition and ELB • Update Route 53 alias record to direct traffic to new ELB endpoint • Clean up blue service resources when no longer needed
  • 47. Pattern: Swap ECS services with DNS Deployment process: • Start with blue service composed of a task definition and ELB • Create new task definition based on new version of Docker image and a new ELB • Create green service with new task definition and ELB • Update Route 53 alias record to direct traffic to new ELB endpoint • Clean up blue service resources when no longer needed
  • 48. Pattern: Swap ECS services with DNS Deployment process: • Start with blue service composed of a task definition and ELB • Create new task definition based on new version of Docker image and a new ELB • Create green service with new task definition and ELB • Update Route 53 alias record to direct traffic to new ELB endpoint • Clean up blue Service resources when no longer needed
  • 49. Pattern: Swap ECS services with DNS Deployment process: • Start with blue service composed of a task definition and ELB • Create new task definition based on new version of Docker image and a new ELB • Create green service with new task definition and ELB • Update Route 53 alias record to direct traffic to new ELB endpoint • Clean up blue service resources when no longer needed
  • 50. Swap ECS services with DNS 1. Create task definition $ aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json file:///Code/web.json 2. Create service and ELB $ aws ecs create-service --cluster dice-demo --service-name web-service-v2 --task-definition web-tier --load-balancers loadBalancerName=web-tier- v2,containerName=web-tier,containerPort=8000 --desired-count 2 --role "ecsServiceRole" { "containerDefinitions": [ { "name": "web-tier", "image": "amui/web-test:v2", "cpu": 256, "memory": 256, "entryPoint": [], "environment": [], "command": [], "portMappings": [ { "hostPort": 8000, "containerPort": 8000, "protocol": "tcp" } ], "essential": true } ], "family": "web-tier" } web.json
  • 51. Swap ECS services with DNS 3. Route traffic to green ELB endpoint $ aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id Zxxxxxxxxxxxxx --change-batch file:///Code/dns.json { "Comment": "Update alias record to route traffic from Blue to Green ELB for Dice Demo ECS Service", "Changes": [ { "Action": "UPSERT", "ResourceRecordSet": { "Name": "", "Type": "A", "AliasTarget": { "HostedZoneId": ”Zxxxxxxxxxxxx", "DNSName": "dice-demo-green-", "EvaluateTargetHealth": false } … dns.json
  • 52. Pattern review: Swap ECS services with DNS Risk category Mitigation level Reasoning Application issues Great Full cutover or weighted canary analysis Application performance Good ELB may require prewarm, CloudWatch, and automation to scale ECS People/process errors Great Simple process Infrastructure failure Good Leverage CloudWatch, Auto Scaling, ELB Rollback Fair DNS TTL complexities (reaction time, flip/flop) Cost Fair Require enough cluster resources to accommodate new service
  • 53. Pattern: Swap ECS services with ELB Deployment process: • Start with blue service composed of a task definition and ELB • Create new task definition based on new version of Docker image • Create green service with new task definition and map to existing ELB • Scale up green service by incrementing number of tasks • Decommission blue service by setting task count to 0
  • 54. Pattern: Swap ECS services with ELB Deployment process: • Start with blue service composed of a task definition and ELB • Create new task definition based on new version of Docker image • Create green service with new task definition and map to existing ELB • Scale up green service by incrementing number of tasks • Decommission blue service by setting task count to 0
  • 55. Pattern: Swap ECS services with ELB Deployment process: • Start with blue service composed of a task definition and ELB • Create new task definition based on new version of Docker image • Create green service with new task definition and map to existing ELB • Scale up green service by incrementing number of tasks • Decommission blue service by setting task count to 0
  • 56. Pattern: Swap ECS services with ELB Deployment process: • Start with blue service composed of a task definition and ELB • Create new task definition based on new version of Docker image • Create green service with new task definition and map to existing ELB • Scale up green service by incrementing number of tasks • Decommission blue service by setting task count to 0
  • 57. Swapping ECS services with ELB $ aws ecs create-service --cluster dice-demo --service-name web-service-v2 --task-definition web-tier --load-balancers loadBalancerName=web- tier,containerName=web-tier,containerPort=8000 --desired-count 1 --role "ecsServiceRole”
  • 58. Swapping ECS services with ELB $ aws ecs update-service --cluster dice-demo --service web-service-v2 --desired-count 2 $ aws ecs update-service --cluster dice-demo --service web-service-v1 --desired-count 0 • Similar to swapping ASG behind ELB • Application versions must co-exist • Container resources may need to be cleaned up
  • 59. Pattern review: Swap ECS services with ELB Risk Category Mitigation Level Reasoning Application issues Great Canary analysis Application performance Great ELB already warm, CloudWatch and automation to scale ECS People/process errors Good Multi-step process to transition traffic between environments Infrastructure failure Good Leverage CloudWatch, Auto Scaling, ELB Rollback Great No DNS complexities Cost Good Resource management handled by ECS
  • 60. Pattern: ECS service update Deployment process: • Start with blue task definition referenced by an ECS service • Create a green revision of the existing task definition • Update existing ECS service to use the updated task definition • ECS will deploy the new task definition to container instances in a rolling fashion
  • 61. Pattern: ECS service update Deployment process: • Start with blue task definition referenced by an ECS service • Create a green revision of the existing task definition • Update existing ECS service to use the updated task definition • ECS will deploy the new task definition to container instances in a rolling fashion
  • 62. Pattern: ECS service update Deployment process: • Start with blue task definition referenced by an ECS service • Create a green revision of the existing task definition • Update existing ECS service to use the updated task definition • ECS will deploy the new task definition to container instances in a rolling fashion
  • 63. Pattern: ECS service update Deployment process: • Start with blue task definition referenced by an ECS service • Create a green revision of the existing task definition • Update existing ECS service to use the updated task definition • ECS will deploy the new task definition to container instances in a rolling fashion
  • 64. ECS service update 1. Create task definition and update service $ aws ecs update-service --cluster dice-demo --service web-service --task-definition web-tier 2. Monitor service update process $ aws ecs describe-services --cluster dice-demo --services web-service { "services": [ { "status": "ACTIVE", "taskDefinition": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:012345678901:task-definition/web- tier:2",
  • 65. ECS service update “deployments” section of describe-services output displays progress "deployments": [ { "status": "PRIMARY", "desiredCount": 3, "taskDefinition": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:012345678901:task-definition/web-tier:2", "runningCount": 0 }, { "status": "ACTIVE", "desiredCount": 3, "taskDefinition": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:012345678901:task-definition/web-tier:1", "runningCount": 3 }
  • 66. ECS service update “events” section of describe-services output will reveal any errors "events": [ { "message": "(service web-service) has reached a steady state.", "id": "34d17afa-89eb-454a-9311-f4de402222ca", "createdAt": 1442976067.928 }, { "message": "(service web-service) registered 1 instances in (elb web-tier)", "id": "b0020deb-8c4c-4128-bbd3-9b87487eba8f", "createdAt": 1442976061.644 },
  • 67. Pattern: ECS service update Risk category Mitigation level Reasoning Application Issues Fair No canary analysis Application Performance Good No traffic management, ELB already warm People/Process Errors Great Simple, automated process Infrastructure Failure Good Autoscaling cluster instances and service Rollback Great No DNS complexities Cost Great Rolling deployment, cluster instance +1
  • 68. What about schema changes?
  • 69. Decoupled schema changes & code changes Two approaches: • Database updates are backward- compatible (old code uses new schema) • Code changes are backward- compatible with the old schema (new code uses old schema) DB outside environment boundary Tradeoff: simplicity vs. risk Change schema Start app deployment Finish app deployment Start app deployment Finish app deployment Change schema
  • 70. What if schema changes can’t be decoupled, or you’re deploying across regions?
  • 71. Isolated and synchronized data stores • DB inside environment boundary • Environments have separate data stores • Need to coordinate data changes across stacks: • Blue needs data for rollback • Green is new production stack • What consistency model does the application use?
  • 72. Centralized writes process Deployment pattern: • Deploy an aggregator of centralized write operations • Common baseline of data: Use data store-specific replication • Aggregator worker affects changes to data in both environments • Account for lag/latency considerations
  • 73. Simplifying the centralized writes process Green app writes to both DBs • Asynchronous process moves changes by blue app to green DB • Great if there’s a mismatch in consistency requirements (old app needs strong consistency) Each app writes to its own DB • Asynchronous process pushes changes to the other DB • Fully decoupled architecture • Example: DynamoDB tables + streams + triggers + Lambda functions
  • 75. Blue/green deployment patterns at a glance Pattern Mitigated risk Classic DNS cutover Swap Auto Scaling groups Swap launch configs Swap ECS services with DNS Swap ECS services with ELB ECS service update Application issues Canary analysis Canary analysis Mixed fleet Canary analysis Canary analysis Mixed fleet Application performance Granular traffic switch Instance- level granularity Mixed fleet ELB may require pre-warm Container level granularity, warm ELB No traffic management, warm ELB People/process errors Automation: Use CloudFormation with Elastic Beanstalk, OpsWork, third party Simple process DNS swap Multi-step process ECS automated Infrastructure failure Automation framework Auto Scaling, ELB Auto Scaling, ELB CloudWatch, Auto Scaling, ELB CloudWatch, Auto Scaling, ELB CloudWatch, Auto Scaling, ELB Rollback capability DNS ELB ELB DNS ECS automated ECS automated Cost management Gradual scaling Gradual scaling Some over- provisioning Require addl cluster instances Resource reuse Rolling deployment Deployment complexity Simple, DNS weights Auto Scaling control Scale-in adjustments Simple, DNS weights Multi-step process Highly automated
  • 76. Get comfortable with the deployment process Deployments will always have risks associated with them • Deployment & automation frameworks help mitigate process & human error risks • Get comfortable with deployments, practice using production-like replicas • AWS provides affordable, quickly provisioned resources – use the flexibility to experiment new approached
  • 79. Related Sessions DVO202 - DevOps at Amazon: A Look at Our Tools and Processes DVO305 - Turbocharge Your Continuous Deployment Pipeline with Containers