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Yelp	–	Disrup-ng	Open	Table	
By	Apoorv	Kulkarni
Background	Prompt	
Yelp	–	disrup-ng	OpenTable	
Jeremy	Stoppleman	has	built	an	amazing	company	and	product	in	
Yelp	 by	 unlocking	 a	 powerful	 network	 effect.	 	 But	 he’s	 not	
sa?sfied…	 	Although	his	product	is	well	liked,	it	only	delivers	on	
part	of	the	customer	benefit	–	it	helps	you	find	great	restaurants,	
but	not	book	a	table.	 	It	drives	him	nuts	that	aGer	finding	a	great	
place	to	eat,	his	users	need	to	open	up	another	app,	OpenTable,	to	
book	a	table,	oGen	only	to	find	out	nothing	is	available,	so	back	to	
Yelp	 to	 find	 a	 new	 restaurant.	 	 Sound	 familiar?	 	 We	 have	 all	
probably	experienced	this	many	?mes.	 	It	seems	like	it	would	be	
straighMorward	to	leverage	Yelp’s	powerful	network	effect	to	bust	
into	 the	 booking	 space,	 but	 OpenTable	 also	 has	 a	 powerful	
network	effect	between	restaurants	and	diners.		Jeremy	has	asked	
you	to	take	a	few	hours	and	solve	this	problem	for	him.
Assump-ons	and	Notes	
•  The	case	is	based	in	2010	
•  Yelp	and	Open	Table	have	not	entered	into	a	
•  Other	compe?tors	such	as	UrbanSpoon	don’t	exist		
•  All	data	is	from	2010	or	earlier	
•  Events	between	2010-2016	have	been	ignored	
•  Yelp	has	not	launched	Yelp	Reserva?ons	or	acquired	
User	Journey
1.  Understand	problem	space	
•  Iden?fy	target	user	personas		
•  Formulate	user	stories	
2.  Exploring	solu-on	space	
•  Iden?fy	alterna?ves,	evaluate	and	choose	
•  Outline	strategy	for	chosen	solu?on	
•  Evaluate	compe??ve	landscape	(network	effects)	
3.  Experimenta-on	and	hypothesis	tes-ng	
•  Formulate	hypothesis	and	conduct	experiments	
•  Determine	next	steps	based	on	test	results
Understanding	Problem	Space
Restaurant	Reserva-on	-	Two	Sided	Market	
•  Network	effects	
•  Product	value	=	
•  Therefore	
important	to	
a`ract	both	
•  Diners		
•  Restaurants	
Restaurants	Diners	
Reserva-on	Product
User	Persona	-	Diner	
•  29	years	old	college	educated	
•  Ast.	Sales	Mgr	in	a	tech	co.	
•  Makes	$100K	per	year	
•  Lives	in	SF	
•  Always	has	her	iPhone	within	
an	arms	reach	
•  Dines	out	2	–	3	?mes	/	week	
with	prospects	or	friends	
•  Checks	online	reviews	before	
booking	table	or	shopping		
“I	love	to	try	new	cuisines	
and	discover	new	
restaurants.	Fun	to	go	out	
with	friends…	If	only	booking	
a	table	was	easy“
User	Persona	-	Diner	
As	a	diner	wan?ng	to	have	lunch	
or	dinner	at	a	full	service	
I	would	like	to	be	able	to		-	
•  reserve	a	table	easily	
•  as	it	will	help	me	save	
?me	and	
•  reduce	the	hassle	around	
restaurant	reserva?ons	Jill
User	Persona	-	Restauranter	
•  34	years	old	College	diploma	
•  Manager	@	single	unit	full	
service	restaurant	in	SF	
•  $750K	turnover		
•  3.5%	profit	margin		
•  0.7	daily	seat	turnover	
•  Reserva?ons	pen	&	paper	
•  $15K	marke?ng	budget	
•  Tech	savvy:	
•  Launched	FB	page	
•  Engages	with	reviewers	
on	Yelp	
“I	want	to	get	more	diners,.	
Many	diners	like	to	book	a	
table	online.	Therefore,	I	
want	a	simple,	automa?c,	
real-?me	and	inexpensive	
way	to	accept	reserva?ons	
from	such	diners.”
User	Persona	-	Restauranter	
As	a	mid	size	restauranter	
I	would	like	-	
•  a	simple	and	inexpensive	way	
to	accept	reserva?ons	from	
people	wan?ng	to	book	a	
table	online	
•  as	it	will	help	me	get	more	
diners	 John
Exploring	Solu-on	Space
Solu-on	space	
Poten-al	Solu-ons	(Partner/Repurpose/Make)	
•  Partner	with	Open	Table	to	enable	diners	to	directly	
book	a	table	from	Yelp	
•  Repurpose	Yelp’s	messaging	feature	to	help	users	book	
a	table	
•  Develop	a	cloud	based	restaurant	reserva?on	product	
with	real-?me	booking	capabili?es	à	low	upfront	CapEx
Evalua-ng	Alterna-ves	
Solu-on	 Simplicity	 Booking	speed	 Affordability	 Scalable	
OT	partnership	 D:	High	
R:	Mid	
High	 Low	 Mid	
Messaging	 Low-mid	 Low-mid	 Low	 Low	
High	 High	 Mid-high	 High	
Value	to	users	
				 OT	partnership	
Low	 Messaging	
Low		 Medium	 High	
Development	effort	
ROI	 Low	 Medium	 High
Product	Strategy	
•  Cloud	based	reserva?on	product	à	leveraging	Yelp	network	
•  Ini?al	version	à	basic	func?onality	to	make	reserva?ons	
•  Frontend	–	Diners:	Mob	+	Web;	Restaurants:	Tab	&	Smrtphone	
•  Backend	develop	proprietary	reserva?on	algorithm	
Business	Model	
•  Mobile	driven	SaaS	model		
•  Restaurants:	nominal	subscrip?on	+	per	seat	booking	fee	
•  Free	for	diners	making	reserva?on	
•  Use	booking	to	improve	ad	targe?ng	à	increased	ad	revenue
Network	Effects	Analysis		
•  Network	size	
•  39M	users	à	most	discover	Yelp	while	searching	for	
•  307K	claimed	businesses	(11K	ac?ve)	
•  Engagement	indicators	
•  15M+	user	reviews	(23%	for	restaurants)	
•  43%	users	visit	Yelp	>=	3	?mes	/	week	
•  Value	to	restaurants		
•  60%+	Yelpers	dine	>=	3?mes/week	
•  HBS	study:	+1Star	à	+5-9%	revenue
Network	Effects	Analysis	(Compe--on)	
•  Network	size	
•  20K	users/diners	
•  15K	restaurants	(top-end)	
•  Engagement	indicators	
•  6.5M	seats	reserved	monthly	
•  Value	to	restaurants		
•  45-80%	reserva?ons	come	from	OT	
•  CRM	capabili?es	à	valuable	diner	data
Network	Effect	(Opportuni-es	&	Threats)	
•  Yelp	has	advantage	in	mid	market	à	target	segment	
•  specially	single	unit	restaurants	
•  Many	restaurants	have	claimed	profiles	and	engage	with	diners	
•  Our	target	restauranters	find	OT	uneconomical	
•  Perceived	conflict	of	interest	
•  Low	ac?ve	businesses	count	
•  Open	Table	may	enter	mid	segment
Vision	-	Crea-ng	Value	
Increased	value	to	user	
•  Higher	engagement	
•  Increased	no.	of	reviews	
Increased	value	to	restaurants	
•  Increase	in	claimed	
•  Higher	engagement	
•  New	revenue	source	
•  Higher	NPS	
•  Be`er	ad	targe?ng	
•  Higher	LTV	of	diners	and	
Hypothesis	Tes-ng
Experimenta-on	–	Hypothesis	tes-ng	
Sequen-al	Tes-ng	
Test	H(A)	
If	successful	à		
				Test	H(B)	
If	unsuccessful	à	
analyze	results	and	
find	root	cause	of	
Hypothesis	and	Experiment	
Experiment:	Wizard	of	Oz		
•  Test	period	7	days	
•  Randomly	select	100	mobile	users	(like	Jill)	per	day	in	SF	
searching	for	restaurants	
•  Show	op?on	to	book	a	table	à	measure	click-through	
•  In	the	background,	call	the	restaurant	and	book	manually	
Leap	of	faith	hypothesis	
•  Diners	like	Jill	will	make	a	restaurant	reserva?on	on	Yelp
Experiment	Mock-ups	(1/3)	
Users	in	the	test	group	see	an	
“Reserve	Now”.	
If	the	user	taps	on	the	“Reserve	
Now”	bu`on,	s/he	is	taken	to	
the	next	screen
Experiment	Mock-ups	(2/3)	
User	can	enter	desired	
reserva?on	?me	here	
AGer	entering	desired	
reserva?on	?me,	user	taps	this	
bu`on	to	finalize	the	booking
Experiment	Mock-ups	(3/3)	
User	sees	this	message	as	Yelp	
reserves	a	table	in	the	
S/he	can	choose	to	to:	
•  Wait	?ll	an	on-screen	
confirma?on	is	displayed	(not	
pictured	here)	à	conversion	
•  Choose	to	be	no?fied	once	
reserva?on	is	complete								
à	conversion	
•  Cancel	the	request
Evalua-on	Criteria	
Success	Factors	
•  10%	click-through	rate	
•  Benchmark:	es?mated	10%	mobile	Yelpers	have	called	
•  8%	conversion	rate	
•  Benchmark:	7%	conversion	rate	for	hotels-OTA	(higher	?cket	
•  No	shows	à	if	>	20%	experiment	with	reminder	and	penalty	in	
future	tests	and	MVP	
•  Benchmark:	18%	in	hotels	and	flight	reserva?ons
Follow-up:	If	Successful	
•  Test	H(B):	Restauranters	like	John	would	want	to	accept	reserva?ons	
on	Yelp	
•  Experiment:	Wizard	of	Oz	
•  Test	period	7	days	
•  Select	5	SF	restaurants	similar	to	John’s	
•  Give	tablet	(with	3G	if	no	Wifi)	
•  Prototype	with	web	based	shared	calendar	
•  Yelp	staff	receives	diner	request	and	manually	makes	
•  Restauranter	can	also	edit	calendar	
•  Con?nue	qual	&	quant	experiments	with	diners	à	feedback	driven	
Table	1	 Table	2	 Table	3	 Table	4	
Yelp	booking	
3	guests	
2	guests	
2	guests	
Follow-up:	If	Successful	(Experiment	Mock-ups)	
•  conversion,	cancela?ons,	no	shows,	wait	?mes		
•  Restauranter	interview	à	qualita?ve	feedback	
Rest.	booking
Follow-up:	If	Successful	(Cont.)	
Product	development	and	launch	
•  Outline	MVP	v1	Specs	
•  Staffing	and	?melines	for	product	development	
•  Obtain	Execu?ve	approval	and	get	budget	sanc?ons		
•  Progressive	rollout:	dog	fooding	with	select	SF	restaurants,	
employees	and	Community	Managers	
•  Work	with	Marke?ng	&	Sales	for	low-touch	restaurant	
acquisi?on	strategy	
•  Full	scale	launch	city	by	city	à	SF	à	LA	à	….
Follow-up:	If	Unsuccessful	
•  Check	if	there	were	any	unexpected	events	
•  Analyze	data	
•  If	different	user	(m/f)	converted	at	different	rates	
•  If	Conversion	rate	at	different	dates	and	?mes	was	different	
•  If	conversion	rate	differed	for	different	restaurant	types	
•  Conduct	user	interviews	
•  Obtain	feedback	on	UI	&	UX	
•  Obtain	feedback	on	usefulness	of	reserva?on	feature	
•  Refine	hypothesis	based	on	analysis	and	feedback
User	journey	(Addi-onal	Decision	Points)
User	Persona	-	Diner	
Research	sources	
A.  Yelp	Analy?cs	(Techcrunch)	11/08		
B.  Local	Consumer	Review	Survey	
2010	–		BrightLocal		
Key	highlights	
•  Yelp	gender	ra?o	
•  49%	W,	51%	M	
•  Yelp	age	distribu?on	
•  37%	20	–	29,	36%	30	–	39	years	
•  Restaurant	reviews	
•  32%	W,	30%	M	
•  Restaurant	online	reviews	affect	
purchase	decisions	
•  28%	16	–	34,	29%	34	-54	age	
User	Persona	-	Restaunter	
Research	sources	
B.  Na?onal	Restaurant	
Associa?on	reports	2010	
•  Mid	segment	
•  Turnover	
•  	24%	à	$0.5-1M	sales	
•  Average	sales	0.75M	
•  Affilia?on	
•  86%	single	unit	
Target	Users	–	Full	Service	Restaurants	
(Figures	are	
Avg	check	/	Person:	
Avg	check	/	Person	
Avg	check/Person	
Profit	margin	 3%	 3.5%	 1.8%	
Salary	&	wages	as	%	
of	sales	
33.7%	 33.2%	 33.7%	
Employee	turnover	 60%	 63%	 50%	
Marke?ng	as	%	of	
1.6%	 2%	 2.2%	
Daily	seat	turnover	 1.9	 1.5	 0.8	
Barriers	to	entry		 Low	 Low-medium	 High	
Number	of	
Large	 Moderate	-	large	 Low	–	moderate
Iden-fying	target	users	(Diners)	
Users/Diners	 Fast	Service	Restaurants	 Full	Service	Restaurants	
Breakfast	/	
•  Popularity:	Medium-High	
•  Walk-ins	
•  Average	party	size:	1-3	
•  Popularity:	Low	
•  Many	full	service	restaurants	
don’t	offer	a	breakfast	op?on	
•  Popularity:	Low-Medium	
•  Walk-ins	
•  Average	party	size:	1-3	
•  Price	and	speed	of	service	
more	important	for	patrons		
•  High	repeat	visitor	count	
•  Popularity:	Medium-high	
•  Reserva?on/walk-ins	
•  Average	Party	size:	2-4	
•  business/casual	mee?ngs	
•  Popularity:	Low-Medium	
•  Walk-ins	
•  Average	party	Size:	1-3	
•  Price	and	speed	of	service	
more	important	for	diners	
•  Popularity:	High	
•  Mostly	reserva?on	
•  Average	party	size:	3-6	
•  Social	experience,	spend	?me	
with	family	&	friends
Return	on	Developer	Effort	
Scale:	1	–	5		
Simplicity	 Speed	 Economica	 Scailable	 Total	
5	 5	 4	 4	 18	
Messaging	 2	 2	 3	 7	
OT	partnership	 3	 5	 1	 2	 11	
Value	 Dev	effort	 Val/effort	
Reserva?on	prod	 18	 4	 4.50	
Messaging	 7	 2	 3.50	
OT	partnership	 11	 3	 3.67	
Reserva?on	prod
•  Restaurants	opera-ons	sta-s-cs:	
•  2009/2010	NRA	Restaurant	Industry	Opera?ons	Report	
•  Yelp	sta-s-cs	
•  Yelp	blog	–	data	
•  Yelp	S1	filing	(taken	data	for	year	2010	0r	earlier)	
•  OpenTable	sta-s-cs	
•  10K	filings	
•  Other:	
•  Local	Consumer	Review	Survey	Report		2010	(Part	1-3)	
Sources	&	References
Thank	You.	
Let’s	build	it!	
Apoorv	Kulkarni	
Stanford	MBA	
Product	Person

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