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Syndrome Differentiation
 Syndrome differentiation in TCM is a method
to analyses and recognize the syndrome of
 In other words, it is also a process in which
the location, nature, occurrence and
development of a disease as well as the
condition of health Qi and pathogenic factors
are identified according to the clinical data
obtained from the four diagnostic methods.
 From the above it becomes obvious that
syndrome differentiation is the premise
and foundation of treatment.
 Correct differentiation and appropriate
treatment are the prerequisite for
achieving the hoped-for results.
There are a number of methods to
differentiation of syndromes in TCM,
such as
 differentiation of syndromes according
to the eight principle;
 differentiation of syndromes according
to the theory of Qi, blood and body fluid;
 differentiation of syndromes according
to the Zang-Fu theory;
 differentiation of syndromes according
to the theory of six meridians;
 differentiation of syndromes according
to the theory of three jiao.
 Each method, while having its own
features and laying stress.
 They should be applied flexibly and
accurately so as to understand a
disease comprehensively,
 thereby providing the basis for
The eight principle syndromes
The eight principle syndromes
 refer to Yang and Yin, exterior and
interior, cold and heat, deficiency and
 Is the most important syndrome in TCM.
 Complicated as the clinical manifestations of
diseases may be, they are classified under
the eight principles.
1. the classification of syndromes——Yin or
2. the location of disease——exterior or interior;
3. the nature of disease——cold or heat;
4. the states of health Qi and pathogenic
factors——deficiency or excess
Exterior and interior
 Are two principles for differentiating the
location and severity of diseases.
 Exterior: the surface skin and body hair,
the muscle, the channels.
 Interior: Zang-Fu organs, the blood
vessels, the bones marrow.
Exterior syndrome
 indicates the exterior parts of body is
affected by exogenous pathogenic
factors and the disease is in its primary
stage and relatively mild.
Exterior syndrome
 If the enemy invades
our border, our army
will go out for fight, and
then the border will
become the battlefield
at this moment.
 the exterior parts of
body is affected by
exogenous pathogenic
factors and the disease
is in its primary stage
and relatively mild.
 Exogenous pathogenic factors intrude
human body through body hair and skin,
muscle, and channels, or through mouth
and nose, characterized by rapid onset
and short duration.
1. Fever, and superficial pulse, white thin
coat——a fright between health Qi and
pathogenic factors.
2. Aversion to cold ——the hindrance of the
defensive Qi fails to warm the body.
3. Nasal obstruction, nasal congestion, itching
and pain in the throat, and cough——lung is
impaired by pathogenic factors.
4. Headache——the unsmooth flow of Qi and
blood caused by pathogenic factors.
Principle of treatment
 Relieve the exterior syndrome with
drugs pungent in flavor
Interior syndrome
 indicates the disease is in the interior
parts of the body, such as Zang-Fu
organs, Qi and blood, and marrow.
 It is commonly seen in the intermediate
and late stages of diseases caused by
exogenous pathogenic factors or
diseases which result from internal
Interior syndrome
 if our army are unable
to resist the enemy's
invasion, then the
enemy will invade into
our city, even the
capital, the condition is
more serious at this
 the disease is in the
interior parts of the
 Is characterized by a wide variety of
symptoms and with different disease
 Such as high fever, disphoria, coma,
thirst, abdominal pain, constipation, or
diarrhea, vomit, short micturition with
dark color urine, yellow or white, thick
and greasy tongue coat, deep pulse.
Principle of treatment
 Different treatments according to the
various causative factors. Such as
1. Warm the interior
2. Clear away heat
3. Relieve constipation
4. Promote digestion
5. Reinforce Yang
Identification of exterior and
interior syndrome
Exterior syndrome Interior syndrome
New disease, short duration Old disease, long duration
Fever, aversion to cold, or
to wind
Fever caused by exogenous
pathogens but without aversion to
cold or to wind; or fever due to
endogenous damages
White thin tongue coat
(relatively normal)
Remarkable change in tongue and
tongue coat, e.g. yellow tongue
coat, thick and slimy coat, dark red
tongue, pale tongue, etc.
Superficial pulse Deep pulse, or full and rapid pulse,
Half-exterior and half-interior
 It indicates that during the penetration of
exogenous pathogenic factor from
exterior to interior,
 Or the exteriorization of interior
syndrome, the pathogenic factors just
come to its half way
 Disease location is neither exterior nor
interior, but in between.
 Alternating fever and chills, nausea,
vomit, distressing fullness in the chest
and hypochondriac region, restlessness,
bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, no
desire for food and drink, vertigo, wiry
Main points for distinguishing
exterior and interior syndrome
1. changes of cold and heat
 Exterior syndrome——fever accompanied by aversion to cold
 Interior syndrome——fever without aversion to cold, or
aversion to cold without fever
2. Tongue condition
 Exterior syndrome——comparatively mild, and tongue coating
remains unchanged
 Interior syndrome——relatively sever, with changes in the
tongue coating by the dysfunction of some Zang-Fu organs
3. Pulse condition
 Exterior syndrome——superficial pulse
 Interior syndrome——deep pulse
Heat and cold syndrome
 Are two principles used to differentiate
the nature of diseases.
 Heat and cold syndrome reflect the
states of Yin and Yang in the body.
 Zhang Jingyue held that, “cold and heat
are mutations of Yin and Yang”.
Symbol of heat and cold syndrome
 Heat syndrome  Cold syndrome
Cold syndrome
 is attributable to the
invasion of
pathogenic cold
factor, or depletion
of Yang, or excess
of Yin.
1. Cold form, cold limbs, somber with white
complexion, curled-up recumbent posture, desire
for warmth——Yang Qi is insufficiency or
impaired by exogenous pathogenic factors and
fail to warm the organism.
2. Tasteless in the mouth——excess of Yin cold, do
not harm to body fluid, so there is not thirst.
3. Phlegm, saliva and nasal discharge, long
micturtion with clear urine, thin or watery stools —
—Yang being insufficient and incapable of
steaming the fluid.
4. Tense pulse——cold is congealing
5. Slow pulse——Yang being insufficient, not
enough strength to mobilize the circulation of Qi
and blood
Heat syndrome
 denotes to symptom
complex that is
attributed to
invasion of
pathogenic heat, or
excess of Yang, or
depletion of Yin, or
hyperactivity of the
organism .
1. Aversion to heat and preference for cold——
exuberance of Yang produce excessive heat
2. Thirst, desire for cold drink, short micturition with
dark colored urine——consumption of body fulid by
3. Yellow, thick phlegm and nasal discharge——fluid
decocted by Yang heat
4. Flushed face——upflaming of fire
5. Restless——fire impaired the heart
6. Hemorrheage——fire burn the collateral veins
7. Dry stool——heat in the intestine
8. Dry tongue——Yin fulid is impaired
9. Red tongue with yellow coat, and rapid pulse——
indication of heat syndrome
Identification of cold and heat syndrome
Cold syndrome Heat syndrome
Aversion to cold, cold limbs,
preference for warmth
Fever, aversion to heat,
preference for cold
Testlessness, no thirst Dry mouth, thirst, desire for cold
Somber white complexion Flushed complexion, congested
Quiet Restlessness
Long micturition with clear urine Short micturition, with dark
coloured urine
Thin or watery stools Dry stools
Pale tongue with white moist coat Red tongue with yellow dry coat
Slow pulse or tense pulse Rapid pulse
Principle of treatment
 Cold syndrome
 Warm to expel cold
 Heat syndrome
 Clear away heat and
reduce fire
Main points for distinguishing
between cold and heat syndromes
Manifestation Cold syndrome Heat syndrome
Aversion to cold
or heat
Aversion to cold,
preference for heat
Aversion to heat,
preference for heat
Thirst Absence of thirst Thirst with preference
for cold drinks
Complexions Lightly pale Flushed
Four limbs Cold Warm
Stools Loose Constipation
Urine Clear and profuse Yellow and scanty
Tongue Pale tongue, white
and moist coating
Red tongue, yellow
Deficiency and excess syndrome
 Are two principles for differentiating the
states of pathogenic factors and health
 Deficiency syndrome chiefly denotes to
insufficiency of health Qi.
 Excess syndrome denotes to excess of
pathogenic factors.
Deficiency syndromes
 Include deficiency of
Yin, Yang, Qi, blood,
essence and body
fluid, Zang-Fu
 Caused by
insufficiency or
Yellow river
 There are two major types of deficiency
that are frequently observed in clinical
 The etiology of deficiency is mainly the
damage of Yang and Yin.
1.Yang deficiency
 Impairment of Yang leads to warming,
moving, and containing dysfunction:
 Manifestation: Pale or withered yellow
complexion, spiritlessness, lassitude,
palpitation, shortness of breath, cold form,
chills in the limbs, spontaneous sweat,
urinary and fecal incontinence, pale and
enlarged tongue, vacuous, deep, and slow
 Cold syndrome
2.Yin deficiency
 Deficiency Yin syndrome in which Yin is
damaged and unable to restrict Yang,and that
Yin fails to nourish and moisten the organism:
 Manifestation: feverish, sensation in palms,
soles and chest, emaciation, flushed cheeks,
dry mouth, dry throat, night sweat, tidal fever,
red tongue with less coat, vacuous, thready
and rapid pulse.
 Heat syndrome
Principle of treatment
 Nourish the deficiency
 Reinforce Yang in case of Yang
 Reinforce Yin in case of Yin deficiency
Excess syndrome
 Is caused by attack
of exogenous
pathogenic factors
or dysfunction of the
viscera that leads to
interior retention of
phlegm, fluid,
dampness and
blood stasis.
Common manifestations
1. High fever——excessive heat
2. Dysphoria, coma, delirium——heat impaired the
function of the heart
3. Chest distress, abdominal distention pain that
aggravated by pressure——stagnation of Qi and
4. Coarse breathing, rattling sound in the chest and
throat——accumulation of profuse phlegm block the
5. Diarrhea or dribbling and pain urination, dry stools,
constipation——pathogenic dampness factor in the
6. repletion, forceful pulse——fierce struggle between
health Qi and pathogenic factor
7. Tongue with thick greasy coat——turbid damp
steaming up.
Principle of treatment
 Reduce the excess
 Different methods for reducing the
excess should be used depending on
different pathogenic factors.
 Excess syndrome
 Health Qi is not weak
 Pathogenic factor is
 Conflict is fierce
 Deficiency syndrome
 Health Qi is weak
 Pathogenic factor is
 pathogenic factors
prevail over health Qi
Main points for distinguishing between
excess and deficiency syndromes
Item Deficiency Excess
Duration of
Chronic disease New disease
Constitution Weak Strong, in most
Spirit Listlessness Restlessness
Voice and
Low voice, weak
Sonorous voice,
coarse breathing
Pain Alleviated by pressure Pain on pressure
Chest and
No pain on pressure Aggravated by
Distention and
Sometimes alleviated Not alleviated
Fever Burning
sensation in the
chest, palms,
soles, and slight
afternoon fever
High fever
Aversion to cold Alleviated by
Not alleviated by
Tongue Flaccid with little
or no coating
Thick coating
Pulse Forceless Forceful
Treatment principles
 Deficiency syndrome
 replenish
 Excess syndrome
 purge
Yin and Yang (P82)
 Yin and Yang is a pair of principle used
to summarize the other three pairs of
principle and are also the key principles
in the eight principles.
 So the other three pairs of principles are
classified under either Yin or Yang.
 Exterior, heat and excess syndromes are
classified into the category of Yang,
 Interior, cold and deficiency syndromes fall
into the category of Yin.
1.Yin syndrome
 is characterized by deficiency of Yang-
Qi and excess of Yin in the body.
 Different symptoms are show in
different Yin syndromes.
 The Yin syndrome is a generalization of
interior, cold, and deficiency syndromes.
1. Listlessness, lassitude and low voice are the
manifestations of deficiency syndrome.
2. Cold form, chills in the limbs, absence of
thirst, ,foul stools and increased amount of
clear urine are the signs of exterior-cold.
3. Pale and enlarged tongue, deep and slow
pulse, or weak, thready and choppy pulse
indicate deficiency-cold.
2.Yang syndrome
 is characterized by the hyperactivity
of Yang-Qi and hyperfunctions of
the Zang-Fu organs, resulting from
excess of Yang-heat in the body.
 Different symptoms are show in
different Yang syndromes.
 The Yang syndrome is a generalization of
exterior, heat, and excess syndromes.
1. Aversion to cold and fever seen at the same
time are characteristics of the exterior
2. Flushed face, restlessness, dry mouth, desire
for drink, short micturition with dark color
urine are the manifestation of heat syndrome.
3. Loud voice, rough breathing, dry stools are
the symptoms of excess syndrome.
4. Dark red tongue with yellow dry coat, the
pulse may be superficial rapid, or full and big,
or rolling pulse indicate excess heat.
Differentiation between Yin and Yang
Yin syndrome Yang syndrome
Inspection Pale or dim
heaviness of the body,
lying in a curled-up
posture, lassitude,
listlessness, pale and
delicate tongue, moist
and slippery coating
Malar flushed face,
feverishness, preference for
cold, irritability, restlessness,
dry and cracked lips,
crimson tongue, yellow or
stale-yellow coating, even
dry, dracked, or dark and
thorny tongue
and olfaction
Low voice, quietness,
disinclination to talk,
weak breathing, short
Sonorous voice, irritability,
polylogia, coarse and
asthmatic breathing, rattle in
the throat, shouting and
Differentiation between Yin and Yang
Yin syndrome Yang syndrome
Interrogation Foul stools, loss of
appetite, tastlessness in
the mouth, absence of
irritability and thirst, or
preference for hot drinks,
and increased amounts of
clear urine or scanty urine
Dry or hard stools, or
constipation, stools
with foul smell, no
desire to eat, dry mouth,
irritability, preference
for drinking, yellow and
scanty urine
Palpation Abdominal pain alleviated
by pressure, chills, cold
feet, and deep, faint,
thready, unsmooth, and
forceless pulse
Abdominal pain
aggravated by pressure,
warm body and feet,
superficial, rapid,
smooth, and forceful
3.Collapse of Yin and Yang
 In a critical stage of
disease, Yin and Yang
may be exhausted
 Yin humor is dried up,
and Yang is collapsed,
both of them can no
longer support each
 Such dissociation of Yin
and Yang implies death. 0
 The eight principles are the guiding
principle for syndrome differentiation
and treatment.
 Exterior syndrome indicates the exterior parts of body
is affected by exogenous pathogenic factors and the
disease is in its primary stage and relatively mild.
 Interior syndrome indicates the disease is in the
interior parts of the body.
 Heat and cold syndrome reflect the states of Yin and
Yang in the body.
 Deficiency syndrome chiefly denotes to insufficiency
of health Qi.
 Excess syndrome denotes to excess of pathogenic
 Yin and Yang is a pair of principle used to summarize
the other three pairs of principle and are also the key
principles in the eight principles.

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Eight Principle Theory in Chinese Medicine

  • 2. Outline  Syndrome differentiation in TCM is a method to analyses and recognize the syndrome of disease.  In other words, it is also a process in which the location, nature, occurrence and development of a disease as well as the condition of health Qi and pathogenic factors are identified according to the clinical data obtained from the four diagnostic methods.
  • 3.  From the above it becomes obvious that syndrome differentiation is the premise and foundation of treatment.  Correct differentiation and appropriate treatment are the prerequisite for achieving the hoped-for results.
  • 4. There are a number of methods to differentiation of syndromes in TCM, such as  differentiation of syndromes according to the eight principle;  differentiation of syndromes according to the theory of Qi, blood and body fluid;  differentiation of syndromes according to the Zang-Fu theory;  differentiation of syndromes according to the theory of six meridians;  differentiation of syndromes according to the theory of three jiao.
  • 5.  Each method, while having its own features and laying stress.  They should be applied flexibly and accurately so as to understand a disease comprehensively,  thereby providing the basis for treatment.
  • 7. The eight principle syndromes  refer to Yang and Yin, exterior and interior, cold and heat, deficiency and excess.  Is the most important syndrome in TCM.
  • 8.  Complicated as the clinical manifestations of diseases may be, they are classified under the eight principles. 1. the classification of syndromes——Yin or Yang; 2. the location of disease——exterior or interior; 3. the nature of disease——cold or heat; 4. the states of health Qi and pathogenic factors——deficiency or excess
  • 9. Exterior and interior  Are two principles for differentiating the location and severity of diseases.  Exterior: the surface skin and body hair, the muscle, the channels.  Interior: Zang-Fu organs, the blood vessels, the bones marrow.
  • 10. Exterior syndrome  indicates the exterior parts of body is affected by exogenous pathogenic factors and the disease is in its primary stage and relatively mild.
  • 11. Exterior syndrome  If the enemy invades our border, our army will go out for fight, and then the border will become the battlefield at this moment.  the exterior parts of body is affected by exogenous pathogenic factors and the disease is in its primary stage and relatively mild. Battlefield border
  • 12.  Exogenous pathogenic factors intrude human body through body hair and skin, muscle, and channels, or through mouth and nose, characterized by rapid onset and short duration.
  • 13. Symptom 1. Fever, and superficial pulse, white thin coat——a fright between health Qi and pathogenic factors. 2. Aversion to cold ——the hindrance of the defensive Qi fails to warm the body. 3. Nasal obstruction, nasal congestion, itching and pain in the throat, and cough——lung is impaired by pathogenic factors. 4. Headache——the unsmooth flow of Qi and blood caused by pathogenic factors.
  • 14. Principle of treatment  Relieve the exterior syndrome with drugs pungent in flavor ginger
  • 15. Interior syndrome  indicates the disease is in the interior parts of the body, such as Zang-Fu organs, Qi and blood, and marrow.  It is commonly seen in the intermediate and late stages of diseases caused by exogenous pathogenic factors or diseases which result from internal injury.
  • 16. Interior syndrome  if our army are unable to resist the enemy's invasion, then the enemy will invade into our city, even the capital, the condition is more serious at this time.  the disease is in the interior parts of the body. Battlefield capital
  • 17. Symptom  Is characterized by a wide variety of symptoms and with different disease location.  Such as high fever, disphoria, coma, thirst, abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea, vomit, short micturition with dark color urine, yellow or white, thick and greasy tongue coat, deep pulse.
  • 18. Principle of treatment  Different treatments according to the various causative factors. Such as 1. Warm the interior 2. Clear away heat 3. Relieve constipation 4. Promote digestion 5. Reinforce Yang
  • 19. Identification of exterior and interior syndrome Exterior syndrome Interior syndrome New disease, short duration Old disease, long duration Fever, aversion to cold, or to wind Fever caused by exogenous pathogens but without aversion to cold or to wind; or fever due to endogenous damages White thin tongue coat (relatively normal) Remarkable change in tongue and tongue coat, e.g. yellow tongue coat, thick and slimy coat, dark red tongue, pale tongue, etc. Superficial pulse Deep pulse, or full and rapid pulse, etc.
  • 20. Half-exterior and half-interior syndrome  It indicates that during the penetration of exogenous pathogenic factor from exterior to interior,  Or the exteriorization of interior syndrome, the pathogenic factors just come to its half way  Disease location is neither exterior nor interior, but in between.
  • 21. Symptom  Alternating fever and chills, nausea, vomit, distressing fullness in the chest and hypochondriac region, restlessness, bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, no desire for food and drink, vertigo, wiry pulse.
  • 22. Main points for distinguishing exterior and interior syndrome 1. changes of cold and heat  Exterior syndrome——fever accompanied by aversion to cold  Interior syndrome——fever without aversion to cold, or aversion to cold without fever 2. Tongue condition  Exterior syndrome——comparatively mild, and tongue coating remains unchanged  Interior syndrome——relatively sever, with changes in the tongue coating by the dysfunction of some Zang-Fu organs 3. Pulse condition  Exterior syndrome——superficial pulse  Interior syndrome——deep pulse
  • 23. Heat and cold syndrome  Are two principles used to differentiate the nature of diseases.  Heat and cold syndrome reflect the states of Yin and Yang in the body.  Zhang Jingyue held that, “cold and heat are mutations of Yin and Yang”.
  • 24. Symbol of heat and cold syndrome  Heat syndrome  Cold syndrome
  • 25. Cold syndrome  is attributable to the invasion of pathogenic cold factor, or depletion of Yang, or excess of Yin. Cold
  • 26. Symptom 1. Cold form, cold limbs, somber with white complexion, curled-up recumbent posture, desire for warmth——Yang Qi is insufficiency or impaired by exogenous pathogenic factors and fail to warm the organism. 2. Tasteless in the mouth——excess of Yin cold, do not harm to body fluid, so there is not thirst. 3. Phlegm, saliva and nasal discharge, long micturtion with clear urine, thin or watery stools — —Yang being insufficient and incapable of steaming the fluid. 4. Tense pulse——cold is congealing 5. Slow pulse——Yang being insufficient, not enough strength to mobilize the circulation of Qi and blood
  • 27. Heat syndrome  denotes to symptom complex that is attributed to invasion of pathogenic heat, or excess of Yang, or depletion of Yin, or hyperactivity of the organism .
  • 28. Symptom 1. Aversion to heat and preference for cold—— exuberance of Yang produce excessive heat 2. Thirst, desire for cold drink, short micturition with dark colored urine——consumption of body fulid by heat 3. Yellow, thick phlegm and nasal discharge——fluid decocted by Yang heat 4. Flushed face——upflaming of fire 5. Restless——fire impaired the heart 6. Hemorrheage——fire burn the collateral veins 7. Dry stool——heat in the intestine 8. Dry tongue——Yin fulid is impaired 9. Red tongue with yellow coat, and rapid pulse—— indication of heat syndrome
  • 29. Identification of cold and heat syndrome Cold syndrome Heat syndrome Aversion to cold, cold limbs, preference for warmth Fever, aversion to heat, preference for cold Testlessness, no thirst Dry mouth, thirst, desire for cold fluid Somber white complexion Flushed complexion, congested eyes Quiet Restlessness Long micturition with clear urine Short micturition, with dark coloured urine Thin or watery stools Dry stools Pale tongue with white moist coat Red tongue with yellow dry coat Slow pulse or tense pulse Rapid pulse
  • 30. Principle of treatment  Cold syndrome  Warm to expel cold  Heat syndrome  Clear away heat and reduce fire
  • 31. Main points for distinguishing between cold and heat syndromes Manifestation Cold syndrome Heat syndrome Aversion to cold or heat Aversion to cold, preference for heat Aversion to heat, preference for heat Thirst Absence of thirst Thirst with preference for cold drinks Complexions Lightly pale Flushed Four limbs Cold Warm Stools Loose Constipation Urine Clear and profuse Yellow and scanty Tongue Pale tongue, white and moist coating Red tongue, yellow coating
  • 32. Deficiency and excess syndrome  Are two principles for differentiating the states of pathogenic factors and health Qi.  Deficiency syndrome chiefly denotes to insufficiency of health Qi.  Excess syndrome denotes to excess of pathogenic factors.
  • 33. Deficiency syndromes  Include deficiency of Yin, Yang, Qi, blood, essence and body fluid, Zang-Fu organs.  Caused by congenital insufficiency or postnatal malnutrition. Yellow river
  • 34.  There are two major types of deficiency that are frequently observed in clinical practice.  The etiology of deficiency is mainly the damage of Yang and Yin.
  • 35. 1.Yang deficiency  Impairment of Yang leads to warming, moving, and containing dysfunction:  Manifestation: Pale or withered yellow complexion, spiritlessness, lassitude, palpitation, shortness of breath, cold form, chills in the limbs, spontaneous sweat, urinary and fecal incontinence, pale and enlarged tongue, vacuous, deep, and slow pulse;  Cold syndrome
  • 36. 2.Yin deficiency  Deficiency Yin syndrome in which Yin is damaged and unable to restrict Yang,and that Yin fails to nourish and moisten the organism:  Manifestation: feverish, sensation in palms, soles and chest, emaciation, flushed cheeks, dry mouth, dry throat, night sweat, tidal fever, red tongue with less coat, vacuous, thready and rapid pulse.  Heat syndrome
  • 37. Principle of treatment  Nourish the deficiency  Reinforce Yang in case of Yang deficiency  Reinforce Yin in case of Yin deficiency
  • 38. Excess syndrome  Is caused by attack of exogenous pathogenic factors or dysfunction of the viscera that leads to interior retention of phlegm, fluid, dampness and blood stasis.
  • 39. Common manifestations 1. High fever——excessive heat 2. Dysphoria, coma, delirium——heat impaired the function of the heart 3. Chest distress, abdominal distention pain that aggravated by pressure——stagnation of Qi and blood 4. Coarse breathing, rattling sound in the chest and throat——accumulation of profuse phlegm block the lung 5. Diarrhea or dribbling and pain urination, dry stools, constipation——pathogenic dampness factor in the body 6. repletion, forceful pulse——fierce struggle between health Qi and pathogenic factor 7. Tongue with thick greasy coat——turbid damp steaming up.
  • 40. Principle of treatment  Reduce the excess  Different methods for reducing the excess should be used depending on different pathogenic factors.
  • 41. Identification  Excess syndrome  Health Qi is not weak  Pathogenic factor is strong  Conflict is fierce  Deficiency syndrome  Health Qi is weak  Pathogenic factor is strong  pathogenic factors prevail over health Qi
  • 42. Main points for distinguishing between excess and deficiency syndromes Item Deficiency Excess Duration of disease Chronic disease New disease Constitution Weak Strong, in most cases Spirit Listlessness Restlessness Voice and breathing Low voice, weak breathing Sonorous voice, coarse breathing Pain Alleviated by pressure Pain on pressure Chest and abdomen No pain on pressure Aggravated by pressure Distention and fullness Sometimes alleviated Not alleviated
  • 43. Fever Burning sensation in the chest, palms, soles, and slight afternoon fever High fever Aversion to cold Alleviated by warmth Not alleviated by warmth Tongue Flaccid with little or no coating Thick coating Pulse Forceless Forceful
  • 44. Treatment principles  Deficiency syndrome  replenish  Excess syndrome  purge
  • 45. Yin and Yang (P82)  Yin and Yang is a pair of principle used to summarize the other three pairs of principle and are also the key principles in the eight principles.  So the other three pairs of principles are classified under either Yin or Yang.
  • 46.  Exterior, heat and excess syndromes are classified into the category of Yang,  Interior, cold and deficiency syndromes fall into the category of Yin.
  • 47. 1.Yin syndrome  is characterized by deficiency of Yang- Qi and excess of Yin in the body.  Different symptoms are show in different Yin syndromes.
  • 48. Manifestation  The Yin syndrome is a generalization of interior, cold, and deficiency syndromes. 1. Listlessness, lassitude and low voice are the manifestations of deficiency syndrome. 2. Cold form, chills in the limbs, absence of thirst, ,foul stools and increased amount of clear urine are the signs of exterior-cold. 3. Pale and enlarged tongue, deep and slow pulse, or weak, thready and choppy pulse indicate deficiency-cold.
  • 49. 2.Yang syndrome  is characterized by the hyperactivity of Yang-Qi and hyperfunctions of the Zang-Fu organs, resulting from excess of Yang-heat in the body.  Different symptoms are show in different Yang syndromes.
  • 50. Manifestation  The Yang syndrome is a generalization of exterior, heat, and excess syndromes. 1. Aversion to cold and fever seen at the same time are characteristics of the exterior syndrome. 2. Flushed face, restlessness, dry mouth, desire for drink, short micturition with dark color urine are the manifestation of heat syndrome. 3. Loud voice, rough breathing, dry stools are the symptoms of excess syndrome. 4. Dark red tongue with yellow dry coat, the pulse may be superficial rapid, or full and big, or rolling pulse indicate excess heat.
  • 51. Differentiation between Yin and Yang syndromes Yin syndrome Yang syndrome Inspection Pale or dim complexion, heaviness of the body, lying in a curled-up posture, lassitude, listlessness, pale and delicate tongue, moist and slippery coating Malar flushed face, feverishness, preference for cold, irritability, restlessness, dry and cracked lips, crimson tongue, yellow or stale-yellow coating, even dry, dracked, or dark and thorny tongue Auscultation and olfaction Low voice, quietness, disinclination to talk, weak breathing, short breath Sonorous voice, irritability, polylogia, coarse and asthmatic breathing, rattle in the throat, shouting and yelling
  • 52. Differentiation between Yin and Yang syndromes Yin syndrome Yang syndrome Interrogation Foul stools, loss of appetite, tastlessness in the mouth, absence of irritability and thirst, or preference for hot drinks, and increased amounts of clear urine or scanty urine Dry or hard stools, or constipation, stools with foul smell, no desire to eat, dry mouth, irritability, preference for drinking, yellow and scanty urine Palpation Abdominal pain alleviated by pressure, chills, cold feet, and deep, faint, thready, unsmooth, and forceless pulse Abdominal pain aggravated by pressure, warm body and feet, superficial, rapid, smooth, and forceful pulse
  • 53. 3.Collapse of Yin and Yang  In a critical stage of disease, Yin and Yang may be exhausted simultaneously,  Yin humor is dried up, and Yang is collapsed, both of them can no longer support each other.  Such dissociation of Yin and Yang implies death. 0 10 20 30 40 50 normal Yin Yang
  • 54. Conclusion  The eight principles are the guiding principle for syndrome differentiation and treatment.
  • 55. Review  Exterior syndrome indicates the exterior parts of body is affected by exogenous pathogenic factors and the disease is in its primary stage and relatively mild.  Interior syndrome indicates the disease is in the interior parts of the body.  Heat and cold syndrome reflect the states of Yin and Yang in the body.  Deficiency syndrome chiefly denotes to insufficiency of health Qi.  Excess syndrome denotes to excess of pathogenic factors.  Yin and Yang is a pair of principle used to summarize the other three pairs of principle and are also the key principles in the eight principles.