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Getting Digital Marketing Right
A Simplified Process for Business Growth,
Goal Attainment, and Powerful Marketing
Book available on
Course on
David J. Bradley
Founder & Digital Marketing Strategist
The Big Idea – an Introduction
Creating a strategy is exciting,
but it takes an investment of time, energy, and money
The Fundamentals
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Focus on Return-on-Investment
Dime-a-Dozen Tactics
Becoming the Leader of Tomorrow
Do I need a big budget for this to be worth it?
Do I have to be tech-savvy or a designer?
I’m not an MBA. I’m sort of a newbie. Am I ready?...
Not trying to brag, but I’m pretty darn good at digital marketing…
What’s in it for me?
The Big Idea
Two Keys to Success
Digital success is found with two key elements:
Digital Sales Funnel and Strategy
The Fundamentals
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The amount of information in digital marketing is overwhelming
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
There is no silver bullet
I started my agency with a mission:
• Help my clients reach their goals
The Big Idea
Why YOU Need a Strategy
There’s a reason for you to have a strategy,
and it’s unique to YOU.
The Fundamentals
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Look at what your business goals are
Discover why they are important to you
Every time you find the why, ask yourself why again
The Big Idea
Building Your Strategy Team
Your support network and project group is vital to your success.
The Fundamentals
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What departments are affected?
Can you manage the group dynamics?
What office politics do you need to be concerned with?
Have the fewest members that makes sense,
you can always add more later on.
• First, what is your business goal for the next year?
• I'd like to double my sales team and break $2.5 million in annual revenues.
• What is so important about that goal?
• Well, I’ve had my eye on this place I’d like my business to be for about three years now. Having that
sales team to back me would get me there.
• Why is that important?
• At that size, I’d have enough revenues to continue growing the business and not stress about cash flows.
• And ultimately, what would having that do for you?
• I know part of the reinvestment would go into hiring someone to assist me. All of the administrative work
that takes up my time and some activities that distract me from what I really enjoy working on… I’d like
one or two people to handle that stuff. I don’t want to be the small business owner that can’t be with his
family without being distracted by how his company is doing.
The Big Idea
Applying the 80/20 Rule
Find a Balance Between
High Impact and Low Resource Needs
The Fundamentals
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Effectiveness & Efficiency
20% of what you do gives you 80% of your results
Where can this apply to you?
APPLY 80/20
80% of your sales come from 20% of your activities
80% of your revenues come from 20% of your customers
80% of your leads come from 20% of your marketing efforts
80% of your blog post hits come from 20% of your articles written
The Big Idea
Risk Management 101
You will face risks when developing your strategy.
Preparing is all you can do to minimize the risks.
The Fundamentals
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Know the fundamentals to how your business operates today
Consider ease of adoption
Involve your team, as needed
Use 80/20 on risk management
Quality leadership is vital
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
Remember, despite pushback, you’re benefiting all stakeholders
The Big Idea
Generating Demand
You have no funnel without demand.
Just make sure to get the right eyes on your business.
The Fundamentals
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Define your target market
Decide on a limited number of channels
Compare to what you are doing now
How do your customers find you online?
What’s your competition doing?
What do industry leaders do well?
Does 80/20 apply to what you have done to this point?
The Big Idea
Capture Quality Leads
You want to capture quality leads,
not just anyone that visits your website.
The Fundamentals
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Always, always, always communicate a strong benefit
Give a high-value lead magnet offer
Make it easy!
Write a powerful headline. “Contact Us” is not powerful!
Ask for name and email – that’s it.
Call-to-Action – the final nudge
Getting Digital Marketing Right
A Simplified Process for Business Growth,
Goal Attainment, and Powerful Marketing
Book available on
Course on
David J. Bradley
Founder & Digital Marketing Strategist
The Big Idea
Nurture Leads
Traditional marketing would “push” a message.
Today, we nurture leads with education, engagement, and entertainment
The Fundamentals
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Use the Three E’s – Education, Engagement, Entertainment
Have the right focus
Quality Content
How long should you engage your leads?
What schedule will your emails be set to?
What can you offer that would educate your leads?
What will compel your ideal customers to take action, giving their
information in exchange for your offer? (The CTA)
The Big Idea
Convert Leads into Customers
We need to make “the ask”.
And, it should be a low-friction ask.
The Fundamentals
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The Final Call-to-Action
High Value, Low Friction
Keep It Simple
What’s the last push to help your ideal customer do business with you?
What will drive them to take action? Select a few possibilities.
Consider asking your sales team for help.
The Big Idea
Close, Deliver, & Satisfy
The “Close, Delivery, and Satisfy” stage is simple.
But, it’s extremely important!
The Fundamentals
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Customers are 4x more likely to go to a competitor if there’s service issue
70% of buying experiences are based on how customers are treated
It costs 6-7 times more to acquire a new customer than retaining one
How can your closing process be seamless?
Can you remove friction and add value and credibility?
Is your delivery seamless? What can be improved?
How can you “wow” new customers?
How can you make them feel part of the family?
The Big Idea
Referrals and Follow Up
Creating a strategy is exciting,
but it takes an investment of time, energy, and money
The Fundamentals
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Focus on Return-on-Investment
Dime-a-Dozen Tactics
Becoming the Leader of Tomorrow
What can you build out as a referral system?
Can you test 2 or 3 ideas?
How will you follow up with customers?
Is there a schedule to follow – every few weeks, months, or quarters?
The Big Idea
Your Current Funnel
You need to know where you are today,
to get to your ideal tomorrow.
The Fundamentals
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Understand Your Sales Funnel
Recruit Help Who Know the Funnel
Be Honest About Weaknesses
The Big Idea
Advertising, Marketing, and Performance Tracking.
These are keys to growth!
The Fundamentals
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Marketing Message
The Big Idea
Ideal Customer Profile
Marketing to your ideal customers makes the difference
between success and failure.
The Fundamentals
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The Interview
The Profile
The Ideal
Get your own Ideal Customer Profile document here:
The Big Idea
Your Vision, Goals, and Milestones
A vision gives you a guide for your business,
goals move you closer to your vision,
and milestones make your goals possible.
The Fundamentals for Vision
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Start with financial metrics
Consider influence and impact you want to make
Know your “why”
The Fundamentals for Goals
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Move your closer to achieving your vision
Chose the right goals – use a matrix
Use measurable goals
Ranking FactorsFeaturesandBenefits
Rank each 1-5
Business Value Complexity Cost Savings Time/Energy
Weight 3 1 1 2
Feature A
Feature B
Feature C
Feature D
Feature E
The Fundamentals for Milestones
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Milestones move you towards goals
Be specific
What would your first step be to reaching a goal?
Getting Digital Marketing Right
A Simplified Process for Business Growth,
Goal Attainment, and Powerful Marketing
Book available on
Course on
David J. Bradley
Founder & Digital Marketing Strategist
The Big Idea
Vanity Metrics and Record Keeping
Details matter in the big picture,
because, again, you need the right focus for success.
“My traffic rose 300% in just the past few weeks!”
“We gained another 200 Facebook Likes over the past two weeks!”
Is it your ego or status quo, or your vision, goals, and milestones?
Avoid a traffic-checking-addiction, a-la Pavlov.
Focus on what’s important to your success
We can track everything and anything relevant. Here’s some ideas:
List each individual “Marketing Activity”
Use “Insert Comment” feature for notes on cells
List “Metric” and use the key metric for each activity
Record “Financial Investment” – the startup costs
Track progress on each metric
“Conversion Rate” is helpful for digital work
“Revenue Generated” or “Leads Generated” or “Leads Closed” show financial progress
The Big Idea
What Works, Competition & What’s Next
You need to know where you and your competition is today,
to plan for tomorrow.
The Fundamentals
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What’s working now, and what’s not?
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly – why?
What’s your competition up to?
There are SO many tools, tactics, and techniques you can use.
Here are the digital sales funnel stages again:
1. Generate Demand
2. Capture Quality Leads
3. Nurture Leads
4. Convert Leads into Customers
5. Close, Deliver, & Satisfy
6. Referrals and Follow Up
Your funnel must align with your stratregy
The Big Idea
Generate Demand
We don’t want to get attention for “brand building” or our egos…
We want attention so we can turn that attention into revenue and new customers.
The Fundamentals
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Decide on the best ways to generate demand for your business
Focus on 2-3 mediums, not all. Do an 80/20 later to narrow your focus.
Always focus on your ideal customers!
Advertising is the mainstream way – but this is different than print advertising
The Funnel:
1. The Advertisement
2. The Landing Page
3. The Call-to-Action
Google AdWords:
1. Keyword Research
2. Campaign Architecture
3. Landing Page Creation
4. Bid Strategy and Budget Management
5. Track and Optimize
Facebook Advertising:
1. Use Lead Magnet Offers
2. Mix in Promoted Posts
3. News Feed > Side Panel Ads
4. Target Meticulously
5. Use Images, 20% text max
6. Run a “Like” Campaign
Retargeting / Remarketing:
a. Ever buy a car or start researching a new one and end up seeing it everywhere?
b. 70% more likely to go back to site and convert.
c. Only works for those who already visit your site!
Do SEO “right”
1. Relevant to latest trends
2. Within regulations, a.k.a. “white-hat”
Make sure to do on-page optimization!
SEO is benefited by other activities, like content marketing and social media
Is SEO Right for you?
1. Do you embrace long-term strategy?
2. Are you on page 1 already?
3. Do you have search volume for relevant keywords?
On-Page SEO Checklist:
• URL Optimized by Target Keyword
• Page Title (up to 70 characters)
• Page Description (up to 150 characters)
• Header (H1) set on page
• Subheadings (H2, H3, H4) set on page
• Image file name and alt text optimized
• Social sharing options available for visitors
• Keywords used in content on page
• Linking internally between web pages
• Sitemap created for Google and Bing
• Add site to Google Webmaster Tools
Often used interchangeably with “inbound marketing”
Part of off-page SEO strategy
When creating content, do at least one of three things:
1. Educate
2. Engage
3. Entertain
Consider investment of time and energy for your team, or money for a new hire or agency to help
Can create authority and thought leadership
Doesn’t have to be for a “sexy industry”
Types of Content to Consider:
• Podcasts
• Blog Posts
• Guest Blog Posts
• Infographics
• eBooks
• Guides
• Videos
• Lists
Answer the following:
• Do I have the resources to dedicate to this? (Time, energy, money)
• Is it worth investing resources into social media? (Opportunity cost)
• What budget can I set on this and do I need to set on this to make it worthwhile?
• What networks are my ideal customers on?
Can use one of two strategies with social media:
1. Use it as a “landing page”
2. Invest time, money, and energy into it
Facebook vs. Twitter vs. LinkedIn vs. Pinterest
Again, important to do Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)
Remember Three E’s
Some Places to Find Your Customers:
• Facebook groups
• Message boards and forums
• Reddit pages
• LinkedIn Groups
• Quora
• Major and Niche Blogs
If your site isn’t mobile-responsiveness now, fix that.
Also, check your site loading speed!
40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.
47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less.
1. PageSpeed Insights (
2. Pingdom Website Speed Test (
3. GTmetrix Performance Analysis (
The Big Idea
Capture Quality Leads
Attention alone does nothing for us.
It’s time to turn that attention into opportunity.
The Fundamentals
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Keep attention with strong headlines
Provide an engaging offer specific to your potential buyer
Design a low-friction process
Start with a Strong Headline:
• Speak to benefits
• Target pain points
• Ask a must-know question
• Make it slightly mysterious (but not misleading)
• Use lists, cause everyone loves them (top 5, 10, 23, etc…)
Ask for the information – Low friction, high value!
Customize these opportunities as it is reasonable and needed
Here are a few potential offers you may use:
• eBook
• White Paper
• Pricing Sheet
• Infographic
• Consultation
• Demo
• Free Trial
• Pricing Quote
• Online Course (by video or email)
• Discount/Promotion
Keys to Getting the Offer Right:
• Focus on your ideal customer
• Focus on this stage of the buying process
• High value, low risk, and free
• Ask for minimal information
• Make the offer stand out
The Big Idea
Nurture Leads
You turned the quality attention into a lead,
now we need to help turn that lead into a customer.
The Fundamentals
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Decide on a way to nurture your lead
Continue to educate (and engage and entertain)
Make the process enjoyable and automated on both ends
Email newsletters give you permission to stay in touch
Autoresponders, the more sophisticated cousin.
Strike while it’s hot!
In creating your autoresponder:
1. Match the length to your sales funnel
2. Decide on how often to contact
3. Decide on how many emails to send
Include in your emails:
1. Educational, engaging, and entertaining content
2. Answers to FAQs
3. Quality content from your blog
4. Case Studies
Getting Digital Marketing Right
A Simplified Process for Business Growth,
Goal Attainment, and Powerful Marketing
Book available on
Course on
David J. Bradley
Founder & Digital Marketing Strategist
The Big Idea
Convert Leads into Customers
Forgetting or failing to make the ask is one of the greatest sales mistakes.
Don’t make it!
The Fundamentals
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Making the ask
Strengthening the ask
Make the process smooth
Leverage Sales Pages
Your Call-to-Action (CTA) should be compelling
1. Be concise
2. Stand out visually
3. Be action-oriented
4. Match to other pages
5. Flow with your whole message
6. Speak to emotional wants and needs
Make Brave Guarantees:
Be over the top, but within reason.
Testimonials make us comfortable with making a decision.
1. Again, concise messages are best
2. Speak to specific pains, solutions, and benefits
3. Include a picture
4. Link to website, LinkedIn, or other
Leverage Case Studies
1. Pick the right clients
2. Ask the right questions
3. Write the case study
4. Finalize the case study
CRM Integrations make the final stages smooth
Check out for further automation
The Big Idea
Learn, Invest, Set Benchmarks, The Big Moment, Monitoring
Getting your hands dirty is all about execution.
You have your strategy so you know you can succeed. Get to work!
The Fundamentals
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Be ready for the execution of the project
Get things moving forward
Monitor and measure
What do you need to learn and invest in?
Numbers to move you from A to Z
• Sales needed
• Increase in revenue
• Conversion rate
• Traffic increase
Starting Your Campaign:
• Outline all your different marketing methods chosen
• Decide on a prioritization order
• Assign responsibility for each area
• Set deadlines for each area
• Get to work and start implementing
• Test, Test, Test!
Learn to love Google Analytics
Email Marketing Analytics Matter Too
• Open Rate
• Click Rate
• Click-to-Open Rate
Heatmaps are as awesome as they seem.
Record Keeping is still vital
The Big Idea
Recap and Review
The end is sure to highlight the bruises received along the way,
but it also serves to highlight your accomplishments as well.
The Fundamentals
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End your campaign at the right time
Review what worked and what didn’t
Consider what you might adjust in the future
Set a smart deadline for when your first campaign ends
• 3 – 6 months is best
What worked? Where did you see greatest ROI? What moves you closer to your ideal state?
What didn’t work? What was exhaustive or just didn’t deliver results?
How could you adjust? Does your tracking and analytics give new insight?
The Big Idea
Calculating ROI on Social Media
Social media ROI is in demand,
but still an amorphous and subjective subject.
The Fundamentals
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Set Your Goals
Choose the Right Platform
Track, Review, and Improve
Social ROI
ROI = [(Benefits – Investment) / Investment] * 100
Benefits: Traffic, leads, customers, customers serviced, branding, SEO
Investment: Time, energy, money, opportunity cost
The Big Idea
Lessons Learned and What’s Next
There’s a lot to learn when developing and executing a strategy,
it’s important to make sure it all sinks in so you can improve next time.
The Fundamentals
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Think about professional lessons
Think about personal lessons
What’s next?
Next Steps
Time to start over.
Back to the beginning - digital sales funnels, what you are doing now,
where you want to be, and how to get there.
It’s easier second time around!
20% of your input leads to 80% of your output
Where did you see it in your marketing results?
How can this help you focus on future efforts?
Copywriting Crash Course
Copywriting is an art form anyone can learn and benefit from.
It’s benefits span personal and professional areas. Time to learn!
The Fundamentals
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Speak to your audience
Keep it simple – but powerful
Never stop learning
Guiding Principles:
• Edit later
• Ideal customers!
• Each sentence is interesting
• Speak to benefits of what you offer
• Include proof of those benefits
• Take breaks
The Words You Write:
• Think about emotions
• Be personal and human
• Use white space and short paragraphs
• Use headings and subheadings
• Be concise and clear
Never Stop Learning
• The Irresistible Offer by Mark Joyner
• Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples
• The Robert Collier Letter Book by Robert Collier
• Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene M. Schwartz
• Advertising Secrets of the Written Word by Joseph Sugarman
• Get swipe files (copywriting work done by the pros) and rewrite them by hand.
Spend 30-minutes each day doing this for a month. You’ll see at the end you
are much better at writing just as they do. (Don’t type out the messages and
don’t quit after a few days!)
Practical, Simplified Neuromarketing
Understanding basic neuroscience can make you a better
businessperson, copywriter, marketer, and even… friend.
The Fundamentals
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Our old brain makes decisions
Our middle brain processes emotions and feelings
Our new brain processes data and is rational and logical
We should be targeting the old brain
• Use pictures
• Use storytelling, and use it well
• Use stark contrast to make a point
• Communicate with emotion and passion
• Use testimonials and case studies as proof
• Always use the word “you” to focus attention on the reader or listener
Getting Digital Marketing Right
A Simplified Process for Business Growth,
Goal Attainment, and Powerful Marketing
Book available on
Course on
David J. Bradley
Founder & Digital Marketing Strategist

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Getting Digital Marketing Right: Strategy, Sales Funnels & a Free Course/Book

  • 1. Getting Digital Marketing Right A Simplified Process for Business Growth, Goal Attainment, and Powerful Marketing Book available on Course on David J. Bradley Founder & Digital Marketing Strategist
  • 2. The Big Idea – an Introduction Creating a strategy is exciting, but it takes an investment of time, energy, and money
  • 3. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Focus on Return-on-Investment Dime-a-Dozen Tactics Becoming the Leader of Tomorrow
  • 4. SKEPTICS IS A DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY REALLY NECESSARY? Do I need a big budget for this to be worth it? Do I have to be tech-savvy or a designer? I’m not an MBA. I’m sort of a newbie. Am I ready?... Not trying to brag, but I’m pretty darn good at digital marketing… What’s in it for me?
  • 5. The Big Idea Two Keys to Success Digital success is found with two key elements: Digital Sales Funnel and Strategy
  • 6. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | The amount of information in digital marketing is overwhelming Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication There is no silver bullet
  • 7. BEFORE WE GO ON SOMETHING I WANT YOU TO KNOW I started my agency with a mission: • Help my clients reach their goals
  • 8. The Big Idea Why YOU Need a Strategy There’s a reason for you to have a strategy, and it’s unique to YOU.
  • 9. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Look at what your business goals are Discover why they are important to you Every time you find the why, ask yourself why again
  • 10. The Big Idea Building Your Strategy Team Your support network and project group is vital to your success.
  • 11. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | What departments are affected? Can you manage the group dynamics? What office politics do you need to be concerned with?
  • 12. REMEMBER LESS IS MORE. Have the fewest members that makes sense, you can always add more later on.
  • 13. EXAMPLE WHAT WOULD AN ANSWER LOOK LIKE? • First, what is your business goal for the next year? • I'd like to double my sales team and break $2.5 million in annual revenues. • What is so important about that goal? • Well, I’ve had my eye on this place I’d like my business to be for about three years now. Having that sales team to back me would get me there. • Why is that important? • At that size, I’d have enough revenues to continue growing the business and not stress about cash flows. • And ultimately, what would having that do for you? • I know part of the reinvestment would go into hiring someone to assist me. All of the administrative work that takes up my time and some activities that distract me from what I really enjoy working on… I’d like one or two people to handle that stuff. I don’t want to be the small business owner that can’t be with his family without being distracted by how his company is doing.
  • 14. The Big Idea Applying the 80/20 Rule Find a Balance Between High Impact and Low Resource Needs
  • 15. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Effectiveness & Efficiency 20% of what you do gives you 80% of your results Where can this apply to you?
  • 16. APPLY 80/20 MAYBE YOU HEARD OF 80/20, OR PARETO’S PRINCIPLE, BUT HOW IS IT USED? 80% of your sales come from 20% of your activities 80% of your revenues come from 20% of your customers 80% of your leads come from 20% of your marketing efforts 80% of your blog post hits come from 20% of your articles written
  • 17. The Big Idea Risk Management 101 You will face risks when developing your strategy. Preparing is all you can do to minimize the risks.
  • 18. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Know the fundamentals to how your business operates today Consider ease of adoption Involve your team, as needed
  • 19. RISK MANAGEMENT 101 PEOPLE, TECHNOLOGY, AND SIMPLICITY Use 80/20 on risk management Quality leadership is vital Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication Remember, despite pushback, you’re benefiting all stakeholders
  • 20. The Big Idea Generating Demand You have no funnel without demand. Just make sure to get the right eyes on your business.
  • 21. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Define your target market Decide on a limited number of channels Compare to what you are doing now
  • 22. DEMAND GENERATION THE BEST WAY, NOT EVERY WAY How do your customers find you online? What’s your competition doing? What do industry leaders do well? Does 80/20 apply to what you have done to this point?
  • 23. The Big Idea Capture Quality Leads You want to capture quality leads, not just anyone that visits your website.
  • 24. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Always, always, always communicate a strong benefit Give a high-value lead magnet offer Make it easy!
  • 25. DESIGNING YOUR ASK HOW DO YOU ASK AND ACTUALLY RECEIVE A RESPONSE? Write a powerful headline. “Contact Us” is not powerful! Ask for name and email – that’s it. Call-to-Action – the final nudge
  • 26. Getting Digital Marketing Right A Simplified Process for Business Growth, Goal Attainment, and Powerful Marketing Book available on Course on David J. Bradley Founder & Digital Marketing Strategist
  • 27. The Big Idea Nurture Leads Traditional marketing would “push” a message. Today, we nurture leads with education, engagement, and entertainment
  • 28. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Use the Three E’s – Education, Engagement, Entertainment Have the right focus Quality Content
  • 29. AUTORESPONDERS BUILD OUT YOUR AUTORESPONDER(S) How long should you engage your leads? What schedule will your emails be set to? What can you offer that would educate your leads? What will compel your ideal customers to take action, giving their information in exchange for your offer? (The CTA)
  • 30. The Big Idea Convert Leads into Customers We need to make “the ask”. And, it should be a low-friction ask.
  • 31. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | The Final Call-to-Action High Value, Low Friction Keep It Simple
  • 32. ACTION STEP WHAT CALL-TO-ACTION WORKS FOR YOU? What’s the last push to help your ideal customer do business with you? What will drive them to take action? Select a few possibilities. Consider asking your sales team for help.
  • 33. The Big Idea Close, Deliver, & Satisfy The “Close, Delivery, and Satisfy” stage is simple. But, it’s extremely important!
  • 34. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Customers are 4x more likely to go to a competitor if there’s service issue 70% of buying experiences are based on how customers are treated It costs 6-7 times more to acquire a new customer than retaining one
  • 35. OPTIMIZATION CLOSE, DELIVERY, & SATISFY – ENDING ON THE RIGHT NOTE How can your closing process be seamless? Can you remove friction and add value and credibility? Is your delivery seamless? What can be improved? How can you “wow” new customers? How can you make them feel part of the family?
  • 36. The Big Idea Referrals and Follow Up Creating a strategy is exciting, but it takes an investment of time, energy, and money
  • 37. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Focus on Return-on-Investment Dime-a-Dozen Tactics Becoming the Leader of Tomorrow
  • 38. THE NEW END DELIVERING THE PRODUCT ISN’T THE END What can you build out as a referral system? Can you test 2 or 3 ideas? How will you follow up with customers? Is there a schedule to follow – every few weeks, months, or quarters?
  • 39. The Big Idea Your Current Funnel You need to know where you are today, to get to your ideal tomorrow.
  • 40. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Understand Your Sales Funnel Recruit Help Who Know the Funnel Be Honest About Weaknesses
  • 41. The Big Idea Advertising Advertising, Marketing, and Performance Tracking. These are keys to growth!
  • 42. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Advertising Marketing Message Analytics
  • 43. The Big Idea Ideal Customer Profile Marketing to your ideal customers makes the difference between success and failure.
  • 44. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | The Interview The Profile The Ideal
  • 45. YOUR TURN CREATE YOUR OWN IDEAL CUSTOMER PROFILE Get your own Ideal Customer Profile document here:
  • 46. The Big Idea Your Vision, Goals, and Milestones A vision gives you a guide for your business, goals move you closer to your vision, and milestones make your goals possible.
  • 47. The Fundamentals for Vision 1 | 2 | 3 | Start with financial metrics Consider influence and impact you want to make Know your “why”
  • 48. The Fundamentals for Goals 1 | 2 | 3 | Move your closer to achieving your vision Chose the right goals – use a matrix Use measurable goals
  • 49. Ranking FactorsFeaturesandBenefits Rank each 1-5 pts. Business Value Complexity Cost Savings Time/Energy Savings Total Weight 3 1 1 2 Feature A Feature B Feature C Feature D Feature E
  • 50. The Fundamentals for Milestones 1 | 2 | 3 | Milestones move you towards goals Be specific What would your first step be to reaching a goal?
  • 51. Getting Digital Marketing Right A Simplified Process for Business Growth, Goal Attainment, and Powerful Marketing Book available on Course on David J. Bradley Founder & Digital Marketing Strategist
  • 52. The Big Idea Vanity Metrics and Record Keeping Details matter in the big picture, because, again, you need the right focus for success.
  • 53. VANITY METRICS BEWARE OF DISTRACTIONS AND YOUR EGO “My traffic rose 300% in just the past few weeks!” “We gained another 200 Facebook Likes over the past two weeks!” Is it your ego or status quo, or your vision, goals, and milestones? Avoid a traffic-checking-addiction, a-la Pavlov. Focus on what’s important to your success
  • 54. RECORD KEEPING THE DULL BUT NECESSARY STEPS IN STRATEGY CREATION We can track everything and anything relevant. Here’s some ideas: List each individual “Marketing Activity” Use “Insert Comment” feature for notes on cells List “Metric” and use the key metric for each activity Record “Financial Investment” – the startup costs Track progress on each metric “Conversion Rate” is helpful for digital work “Revenue Generated” or “Leads Generated” or “Leads Closed” show financial progress
  • 55. The Big Idea What Works, Competition & What’s Next You need to know where you and your competition is today, to plan for tomorrow.
  • 56. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | What’s working now, and what’s not? The Good, The Bad, The Ugly – why? What’s your competition up to?
  • 57. UP NEXT MOVING FROM CURRENT TO IDEAL: TOOLS, TACTICS, AND TECHNIQUES There are SO many tools, tactics, and techniques you can use. Here are the digital sales funnel stages again: 1. Generate Demand 2. Capture Quality Leads 3. Nurture Leads 4. Convert Leads into Customers 5. Close, Deliver, & Satisfy 6. Referrals and Follow Up Your funnel must align with your stratregy
  • 58. The Big Idea Generate Demand We don’t want to get attention for “brand building” or our egos… We want attention so we can turn that attention into revenue and new customers.
  • 59. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Decide on the best ways to generate demand for your business Focus on 2-3 mediums, not all. Do an 80/20 later to narrow your focus. Always focus on your ideal customers!
  • 60. ONLINE ADVERTISING ADWORDS/PAY-PER-CLICK, FACEBOOK ADS, RETARGETING/REMARKETING Advertising is the mainstream way – but this is different than print advertising The Funnel: 1. The Advertisement 2. The Landing Page 3. The Call-to-Action Google AdWords: 1. Keyword Research 2. Campaign Architecture 3. Landing Page Creation 4. Bid Strategy and Budget Management 5. Track and Optimize
  • 61. ONLINE ADVERTISING ADWORDS/PAY-PER-CLICK, FACEBOOK ADS, RETARGETING/REMARKETING Facebook Advertising: 1. Use Lead Magnet Offers 2. Mix in Promoted Posts 3. News Feed > Side Panel Ads 4. Target Meticulously 5. Use Images, 20% text max 6. Run a “Like” Campaign Retargeting / Remarketing: a. Ever buy a car or start researching a new one and end up seeing it everywhere? b. 70% more likely to go back to site and convert. c. Only works for those who already visit your site!
  • 62. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) THE “NATURAL” WAY OF GETTING NOTICED Do SEO “right” 1. Relevant to latest trends 2. Within regulations, a.k.a. “white-hat” Make sure to do on-page optimization! SEO is benefited by other activities, like content marketing and social media Is SEO Right for you? 1. Do you embrace long-term strategy? 2. Are you on page 1 already? 3. Do you have search volume for relevant keywords? On-Page SEO Checklist: • URL Optimized by Target Keyword • Page Title (up to 70 characters) • Page Description (up to 150 characters) • Header (H1) set on page • Subheadings (H2, H3, H4) set on page • Image file name and alt text optimized • Social sharing options available for visitors • Keywords used in content on page • Linking internally between web pages • Sitemap created for Google and Bing • Add site to Google Webmaster Tools
  • 63. CONTENT MARKETING THE NEW TREND IN DIGITAL MARKETING Often used interchangeably with “inbound marketing” Part of off-page SEO strategy When creating content, do at least one of three things: 1. Educate 2. Engage 3. Entertain Consider investment of time and energy for your team, or money for a new hire or agency to help Can create authority and thought leadership Doesn’t have to be for a “sexy industry” Types of Content to Consider: • Podcasts • Blog Posts • Guest Blog Posts • Infographics • eBooks • Guides • Videos • Lists
  • 64. SOCIAL MEDIA IS IT RIGHT FOR YOU, YOUR CUSTOMERS, AND YOUR RESOURCES? Answer the following: • Do I have the resources to dedicate to this? (Time, energy, money) • Is it worth investing resources into social media? (Opportunity cost) • What budget can I set on this and do I need to set on this to make it worthwhile? • What networks are my ideal customers on? Can use one of two strategies with social media: 1. Use it as a “landing page” 2. Invest time, money, and energy into it Facebook vs. Twitter vs. LinkedIn vs. Pinterest
  • 65. DIGITAL COMMUNITIES GO WHERE YOUR TARGET CUSTOMERS ARE Again, important to do Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) Remember Three E’s Some Places to Find Your Customers: • Facebook groups • Message boards and forums • Reddit pages • LinkedIn Groups • Quora • Major and Niche Blogs
  • 66. BEING READY FOR DEMAND IN OTHER WORDS, MOBILE AND SPEED READY! If your site isn’t mobile-responsiveness now, fix that. Also, check your site loading speed! 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less. 1. PageSpeed Insights ( 2. Pingdom Website Speed Test ( 3. GTmetrix Performance Analysis (
  • 67. The Big Idea Capture Quality Leads Attention alone does nothing for us. It’s time to turn that attention into opportunity.
  • 68. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Keep attention with strong headlines Provide an engaging offer specific to your potential buyer Design a low-friction process
  • 69. CAPTURING YOUR LEAD DON’T LET THAT VISITOR LEAVE JUST YET! Start with a Strong Headline: • Speak to benefits • Target pain points • Ask a must-know question • Make it slightly mysterious (but not misleading) • Use lists, cause everyone loves them (top 5, 10, 23, etc…) Ask for the information – Low friction, high value! Customize these opportunities as it is reasonable and needed Here are a few potential offers you may use: • eBook • White Paper • Pricing Sheet • Infographic • Consultation • Demo • Free Trial • Pricing Quote • Online Course (by video or email) • Discount/Promotion Keys to Getting the Offer Right: • Focus on your ideal customer • Focus on this stage of the buying process • High value, low risk, and free • Ask for minimal information • Make the offer stand out
  • 70. The Big Idea Nurture Leads You turned the quality attention into a lead, now we need to help turn that lead into a customer.
  • 71. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Decide on a way to nurture your lead Continue to educate (and engage and entertain) Make the process enjoyable and automated on both ends
  • 72. NURTURING YOUR LEADS LEVERAGING EMAIL NEWSLETTERS AND AUTORESPONDERS Email newsletters give you permission to stay in touch Autoresponders, the more sophisticated cousin. Strike while it’s hot! In creating your autoresponder: 1. Match the length to your sales funnel 2. Decide on how often to contact 3. Decide on how many emails to send Include in your emails: 1. Educational, engaging, and entertaining content 2. Answers to FAQs 3. Quality content from your blog 4. Case Studies
  • 73. Getting Digital Marketing Right A Simplified Process for Business Growth, Goal Attainment, and Powerful Marketing Book available on Course on David J. Bradley Founder & Digital Marketing Strategist
  • 74. The Big Idea Convert Leads into Customers Forgetting or failing to make the ask is one of the greatest sales mistakes. Don’t make it!
  • 75. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Making the ask Strengthening the ask Make the process smooth
  • 76. CONVERTING LEADS INTO CUSTOMERS THE LAST HURDLE BEFORE GETTING A NEW CUSTOMER Leverage Sales Pages Your Call-to-Action (CTA) should be compelling 1. Be concise 2. Stand out visually 3. Be action-oriented 4. Match to other pages 5. Flow with your whole message 6. Speak to emotional wants and needs Make Brave Guarantees: Be over the top, but within reason.
  • 77. CONVERTING LEADS INTO CUSTOMERS THE LAST HURDLE BEFORE GETTING A NEW CUSTOMER Testimonials make us comfortable with making a decision. 1. Again, concise messages are best 2. Speak to specific pains, solutions, and benefits 3. Include a picture 4. Link to website, LinkedIn, or other Leverage Case Studies 1. Pick the right clients 2. Ask the right questions 3. Write the case study 4. Finalize the case study
  • 78. CONVERTING LEADS INTO CUSTOMERS THE LAST HURDLE BEFORE GETTING A NEW CUSTOMER CRM Integrations make the final stages smooth Check out for further automation
  • 79. The Big Idea Learn, Invest, Set Benchmarks, The Big Moment, Monitoring Getting your hands dirty is all about execution. You have your strategy so you know you can succeed. Get to work!
  • 80. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Be ready for the execution of the project Get things moving forward Monitor and measure
  • 81. THE FOURTH STEP SUCCESS COMES FROM FLAWLESS EXECUTION What do you need to learn and invest in? Numbers to move you from A to Z • Sales needed • Increase in revenue • Conversion rate • Traffic increase Starting Your Campaign: • Outline all your different marketing methods chosen • Decide on a prioritization order • Assign responsibility for each area • Set deadlines for each area • Get to work and start implementing • Test, Test, Test!
  • 82. THE FOURTH STEP SUCCESS COMES FROM FLAWLESS EXECUTION Learn to love Google Analytics Email Marketing Analytics Matter Too • Open Rate • Click Rate • Click-to-Open Rate Heatmaps are as awesome as they seem. Record Keeping is still vital
  • 83. The Big Idea Recap and Review The end is sure to highlight the bruises received along the way, but it also serves to highlight your accomplishments as well.
  • 84. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | End your campaign at the right time Review what worked and what didn’t Consider what you might adjust in the future
  • 85. RECAP & REVIEW JOB DONE? NOT QUITE. WE’RE JUST GETTING STARTED… Set a smart deadline for when your first campaign ends • 3 – 6 months is best What worked? Where did you see greatest ROI? What moves you closer to your ideal state? What didn’t work? What was exhaustive or just didn’t deliver results? How could you adjust? Does your tracking and analytics give new insight?
  • 86. The Big Idea Calculating ROI on Social Media Social media ROI is in demand, but still an amorphous and subjective subject.
  • 87. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Set Your Goals Choose the Right Platform Track, Review, and Improve
  • 88. Social ROI BUT WHAT REALLY IS RETURN-ON-INVESTMENT? ROI = [(Benefits – Investment) / Investment] * 100 Benefits: Traffic, leads, customers, customers serviced, branding, SEO Investment: Time, energy, money, opportunity cost
  • 89. The Big Idea Lessons Learned and What’s Next There’s a lot to learn when developing and executing a strategy, it’s important to make sure it all sinks in so you can improve next time.
  • 90. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Think about professional lessons Think about personal lessons What’s next?
  • 91. Next Steps NOW THAT YOU DEVELOPED AND EXECUTED A STRATEGY, WHAT DO YOU DO? Time to start over. Back to the beginning - digital sales funnels, what you are doing now, where you want to be, and how to get there. It’s easier second time around!
  • 92. BONUS LESSON 80/20 RULE REVISITED AND REAPPLIED 20% of your input leads to 80% of your output Where did you see it in your marketing results? How can this help you focus on future efforts?
  • 93. BONUS Copywriting Crash Course Copywriting is an art form anyone can learn and benefit from. It’s benefits span personal and professional areas. Time to learn!
  • 94. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Speak to your audience Keep it simple – but powerful Never stop learning
  • 95. COPYWRITING A FINE ART OF COMMUNICATION Guiding Principles: • Edit later • Ideal customers! • Each sentence is interesting • Speak to benefits of what you offer • Include proof of those benefits • Take breaks The Words You Write: • Think about emotions • Be personal and human • Use white space and short paragraphs • Use headings and subheadings • Be concise and clear •
  • 96. COPYWRITING A FINE ART OF COMMUNICATION Never Stop Learning • The Irresistible Offer by Mark Joyner • Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples • The Robert Collier Letter Book by Robert Collier • Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene M. Schwartz • Advertising Secrets of the Written Word by Joseph Sugarman • Get swipe files (copywriting work done by the pros) and rewrite them by hand. Spend 30-minutes each day doing this for a month. You’ll see at the end you are much better at writing just as they do. (Don’t type out the messages and don’t quit after a few days!)
  • 97. BONUS Practical, Simplified Neuromarketing Understanding basic neuroscience can make you a better businessperson, copywriter, marketer, and even… friend.
  • 98. The Fundamentals 1 | 2 | 3 | Our old brain makes decisions Our middle brain processes emotions and feelings Our new brain processes data and is rational and logical
  • 99. NEUROSCIENCE WHY DO WE CARE AS MARKETERS? We should be targeting the old brain • Use pictures • Use storytelling, and use it well • Use stark contrast to make a point • Communicate with emotion and passion • Use testimonials and case studies as proof • Always use the word “you” to focus attention on the reader or listener
  • 100. Getting Digital Marketing Right A Simplified Process for Business Growth, Goal Attainment, and Powerful Marketing Book available on Course on David J. Bradley Founder & Digital Marketing Strategist

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. You are the average of the 5 people around you.
  2. 1 = What technologies do you use for CRM, email, etc. 2 = Ease for people and tech that has to work with new investments 3 = Greatest pushback may come from people – people who have jobs taken away by tech, or who need to learn new tech
  3. Don’t get lost in risk management and worries. Focus on the 20% that is likely to cause 80% of your problems. Are there select individuals that will push back? Include them in the process or manage them how you see fit. Always opt for simple technologies, which cause less disruption than robust and unnecessary tools
  4. 1 – Geography, demographics, common needs and wants, users of certain products and services 2 – You can generate demand with Facebook News Feed Ads, PPC, blogging, content marketing, retargeting, SEO, and more. Choose a few for yourself. More than 1, but not all. 3 – How do you generate demand now – online and off? What works and what doesn’t?
  5. 1 – Financial, strategic, personal 2 – What does your buyer want at this stage of their buying process? Infographics Video course How-To eBook Checklist / Guide Data sheets or White papers Free Consultation with a Specialist Buyers Guide for your Product/Service Coupons and Promotions Access to Private Groups Free Sample or Trial Giveaway Offering Webinar Access Product Demo 3 – Make it easy for you and them! Low friction means more results. Only ask for what you need. Name and email should be enough, and it gives you clean data to work with.
  6. Headlines – newspaper example CTA – Never use “submit”, always associate the button text with the value received, “get my free report”
  7. And don’t focus on selling yourself. You need to be 100% focused on: - Your potential customer - Their pains and problems - The benefits of using a solution Autoresponders are… Here are some ideas you can include on your autoresponder: Promotions and discounts Offers for free consultations Check-In and ask for questions Quick, instantly applicable tips A mix of long and short-form content Testimonials and customer highlights Informational, thought leadership videos Blog posts with highest views and engagement The lead magnet offer the lead first signed up for Case studies focusing on specific benefits or pains Reviews of a set of previous messages in the sequence Any great content you considered for a lead magnet offer
  8. Some ways to offer high value and design low friction in the process is as follows: Trials Set Up Training Guarantees (the stronger, the better) Social Proof (notable others who were happy to buy) Engaging Stories (specific to the pains, problems, and solution)   Also, you want to lay everything out in the most basic way possible. For example: Tell them where to click to get started What to do, like entering contact or credit card information The following action, like clicking the final CTA button, and What to expect next, like how long to wait for the purchase to arrive
  9. Where are you advertising now? How much of your budget goes towards each area of spend? Where do you see ROI? Where are you unable to track it to see if there is ROI? What’s your message now? What does your brand represent? How do you decide on your marketing message? Is your message catered to a specific ideal customer What do you state as your “unique selling proposition” (in other words, why you?!)? Google analytics will allow you to see: Website traffic change over time What visitors do on your website Geographic location of your visitors Your most effective marketing campaigns What pages resonate strongest with visitors How much traffic comes over mobile devices The most valuable segments of your target market Which keywords work best with your ideal customers
  10. Within six months.
  11. 1 – Sales pages and CTAs 2 – Guarantees, Testimonials, and Case Studies 3- CRM Integration