SlideShare a Scribd company logo
1 of 89
where will your next
big idea come from
real inspiration
We could focus on the product,
and ask, “What ideas could it inspire?”
We could look around to discover the latest technology being
used and ask, “How could we use it?”
This is our approach. We discover your customers’ changing
expectations and ask, “How do we better connect?”
a change in expectations
can do
technology | services | experiences | connections
not about
getting a map
on your phone
about the
confidence to
go anywhere
the answer to the biggest
question in all of marketing
what do people
want right now?
see it,
don’t save it
After a decade of digital hoarding, today’s
sharers want to just live in the moment.
The scrapbookers
went online and built
multimedia life stories
on Facebook
The article hoarders
saved every link on
Then, the people just
living real life went on to
Snapchat and *poof*
The recipe collectors
cheffed up enormous
personal cookbooks
on Pinterest
More than 60%
of 13- to 34-year-old smartphone users in the
US are active on Snapchat and together view
more than 2 billion videos a day
daily users
daily users
the year
of the
to broadcasting
Will a cameo be the new selfie?
These live platforms are building on a style
popularized on Youtube: Let’s do something fun together
in your
Wonderful little tools and algorithms are
making the Internet—and all your devices—
do more for you before you even think to ask.
in alerts
anything important
will likely be
delivered to you?
create your
own custom
easy buttons.
my robot
Name him Big Hero or R2D2.
Just get ready:This is the year a
robot might come home with you.
selfie stick on wheels?
or a helper just when
you need it?
the GiraffPlus
Project is
betting on
Their test: Can a robot inside a
smart home system help people
live independently longer?
90 person
Focused on
4th vital sign
100s of
iSpy games
in the
Robots can even make
scary grown-ups much
more Huggable.
Who stole all
the scientists?
Uber may be replacing the sharing
economy with the robot economy
without it
Nearly half the people who own a
smart phone say they couldn’t live without it.
of those 18-29
use their phone in public for
no particular reason, just to
do something.
– Pew Research
60 lbs
2-4 hrs
700-1400 hrs
– New York Spine Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine Center
Pew Research Center, Google, Mary Meeker, 2015
why the
addiction? it’s
the answers
Quick searches on cellphones increasingly
help us finish our sentences, find a great
place for dinner, or learn more about a
health worry.
of smartphone owners
looking up info about a
health condition last year
of smartphone owners
looked up something they
saw on a TV commercial
Consumer mobile usage
outpaces mobile ad spend
by 3x
there’s more
magic to come
Remember a time before the Internet?
Turns out, millions of people are still living it.
The smartphones in your pockets are
~100x faster than dial-up’s 56kps speed.
As ubiquitous as
technologies are
in many of our
everyday lives,
they’re virtually
absent from the
lives of many
Pew Research Center, Google, Mary Meeker, 2015
People who lack the basic online skills
needed to send and receive email, use a
search engine, browse the Internet, and
complete online forms.
of UK
9.5 million
are poor,
or elderly
the digital divide
is still a thing
Percentage of
individuals using
the internet in 2015
*Commonwealth of Independent States | Source: ITU
The Americas
Europe 37.0%
Arab States
Asia & Pacific
the digital divide
is still a thing
Percentage of
individuals using
the internet in 2015
*Commonwealth of Independent States | Source: ITU
The Americas
Europe 37.0%
Arab States
Asia & Pacific
“For people with limited computer skills, online
applications constitute one of the biggest obstacles
to employment, even for fast-food jobs paying a few
dollars above minimum wage. My colleagues and I
often spend hours helping one person fill out an
online application that has poorly written instructions
or a feature that doesn’t work no matter how you
enter the data.” - Stephan Barker, a librarian in
Prince George’s County
getting involved
to bridge the gap
How do you make something
seem easier to use?
Make it easier to use.
a whole world of
easy buttons
even easier?
the interface
is disappearing
voice command
is the growing
Adult smartphone owners use voice search:
40% to ask for directions
39% to dictate a text message,
32% to make a phone call,
23% while they are cooking
even healthcare
is hiding its
do you really
know me?
Consumers expect personalized
experiences but get frustrated with
brands that act like false friends.
Pl eas e not e t hat i f you us e a s pam f i l t er t hat bl ocks or r e- r out es emai l s f r om s ender s not l i s t ed i n your emai l addr es s book,
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1. Our Rel at i ons hi p wi t h You.
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keepi ng your mai l i ng addr es s and emai l addr es s up t o dat e i n your Account Pr of i l e.
1. 7 Not i ces t o You. You agr ee t hat PayPal may pr ovi de you Communi cat i ons about your Account and t he PayPal Ser vi ces
el ect r oni cal l y as des cr i bed i n our El ect r oni c Communi cat i ons Del i ver y Pol i cy. Any el ect r oni c Communi cat i ons wi l l be cons i der ed
t o be r ecei ved by you wi t hi n 24 hour s af t er t he t i me we pos t i t t o our webs i t e or emai l i t t o you. Any Communi cat i ons s ent t o
you by pos t al mai l wi l l be cons i der ed t o be r ecei ved by you 3 Bus i nes s Days af t er we s end i t .
1. 8 Not i ces t o PayPal . Except as ot her wi s e s t at ed above i n t he El ect r oni c Communi cat i ons Del i ver y Pol i cy, and bel ow i n Sect i on
12 ( Res ol ut i on Pr ocedur es f or Unaut hor i zed Tr ans act i ons and Ot her Er r or s ) and Sect i on 14 ( Di s put es wi t h PayPal ) , not i ce t o
PayPal mus t be s ent by pos t al mai l t o: PayPal , I nc. , At t ent i on: Legal Depar t ment , 2211 Nor t h Fi r s t St r eet , San J os e, Cal i f or ni a
1. 9 Account St at ement . You have t he r i ght t o r ecei ve an Account s t at ement . You may vi ew your Account s t at ement by l oggi ng i nt o
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1. 10( a) Cont act i ng You. I n or der t o cont act you mor e ef f i ci ent l y, we may at t i mes cont act you us i ng aut odi al ed or pr er ecor ded
mes s age cal l s or t ext mes s ages at t he t el ephone number ( s ) you have pr ovi ded us . We may pl ace s uch cal l s or t ext s t o ( i ) pr ovi de
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agr ee t hat we and our s er vi ce pr ovi der s may cont act you us i ng aut odi al ed or pr er ecor ded mes s age cal l s and t ext mes s ages t o car r y
out t he pur pos es we have i dent i f i ed above. We may s har e your phone number ( s ) wi t h s er vi ce pr ovi der s wi t h whom we cont r act t o
as s i s t us i n pur s ui ng t hes e i nt er es t s , but wi l l not s har e your phone number ( s ) wi t h t hi r d par t i es f or t hei r own pur pos es wi t hout
your cons ent . St andar d t el ephone mi nut e and t ext char ges may appl y. We and our s er vi ce pr ovi der s wi l l not us e aut odi al ed or
pr er ecor ded mes s age cal l s or t ext s t o cont act you f or mar ket i ng pur pos es at t he t el ephone number ( s ) you des i gnat e unl es s we
r ecei ve your pr i or expr es s wr i t t en cons ent .
1. 10( b) Your Choi ces . You do not have t o cons ent t o r ecei ve aut odi al ed or pr er ecor ded mes s age cal l s or t ext s i n or der t o us e and
enj oy PayPal ’ s pr oduct s and s er vi ces . Wher e PayPal i s r equi r ed t o obt ai n your cons ent f or s uch communi cat i ons , you may choos e t o
r evoke your cons ent by cont act i ng cus t omer s uppor t at 1- 844- 629- 9108 and i nf or mi ng us of your pr ef er ences .
1. 11 Recor di ng Cal l s . You under s t and and agr ee t hat PayPal may, wi t hout f ur t her not i ce or war ni ng and i n our di s cr et i on, moni t or
or r ecor d t el ephone conver s at i ons you or anyone act i ng on your behal f has wi t h PayPal or i t s agent s f or qual i t y cont r ol and
t r ai ni ng pur pos es or f or i t s own pr ot ect i on. You acknowl edge and under s t and t hat , whi l e your communi cat i ons wi t h PayPal may be
over hear d, moni t or ed, or r ecor ded wi t hout f ur t her not i ce or war ni ng, not al l t el ephone l i nes or cal l s may be r ecor ded by PayPal ,
and PayPal does not guar ant ee t hat r ecor di ngs of any par t i cul ar t el ephone cal l s wi l l be r et ai ned or r et r i evabl e.
2. Account s .
2. 1 El i gi bi l i t y. To be el i gi bl e t o us e t he PayPal Ser vi ces , you mus t be at l eas t 18 year s ol d and a r es i dent of t he Uni t ed
St at es or one of t he count r i es l i s t ed on t he PayPal Wor l dWi de page. Thi s Agr eement appl i es onl y t o Us er s who ar e r es i dent s of
t he Uni t ed St at es . I f you ar e a r es i dent of anot her count r y, you may acces s t he agr eement t hat appl i es t o you f r om our webs i t e
i n your count r y.
2. 2 Per s onal and Bus i nes s Account s ; Types of Tr ans act i ons . We of f er t he f ol l owi ng t ypes of Account s : Per s onal and Bus i nes s
Account s . By openi ng a Bus i nes s Account and accept i ng t he t er ms as out l i ned i n t hi s Agr eement , you at t es t t hat you ar e not
es t abl i s hi ng t he Account pr i mar i l y f or per s onal , f ami l y, or hous ehol d pur pos es .
You may s end money f r om, and r ecei ve money i nt o, your Account , as des cr i bed i n mor e det ai l i n Sect i on 3 ( Sendi ng Money) and
Sect i on 4 ( Recei vi ng Money) . You may al s o add money t o your Bal ance us i ng an avai l abl e Payment Met hod, as des cr i bed i n mor e
det ai l i n Sect i on 3, and wi t hdr aw money f r om your Bal ance, as des cr i bed i n mor e det ai l i n Sect i on 6 ( Wi t hdr awi ng Money) .
2. 3 I dent i t y Aut hent i cat i on. You aut hor i ze PayPal , di r ect l y or t hr ough t hi r d par t i es , t o make any i nqui r i es we cons i der
neces s ar y t o val i dat e your i dent i t y. Thi s may i ncl ude as ki ng you f or f ur t her i nf or mat i on, r equi r i ng you t o pr ovi de your dat e of
what we
expect in
a little simple
recognition remember how
long you’ve been
a customers
remember past
any type of
what sort of
do you expect?
what we
get in return:
isn’t always
too relevant
Most consumers and business travelers
agreed that 75% of the travel offers they
receive are completely irrelevant to their
needs and preferences
Boxever, 2015
will unsubscribe from a
company's content after
receiving numerous,
irrelevant offers
would be less likely to
open that company's
next offer
would be less inclined
to buy from that
86% call bad ad retargeting
irritating or intrusive to their
Games used to be easy to pick
up and play. Now, they are again.
Rewards Hacks Competitions with people we know
casual games
are changing
the people
who play
1 billion
hours per day playing
more time than they spend
on Facebook or YouTube
8 to 80
is the new demographic of
– Newszoo, 2015
And around the world
“When we were kids, we used to
all sit around a table and play
Crazy Eights. My cousins are all
over the country and we all have busy
lives. I probably wouldn't interact with them
very often except maybe at family
reunions, and Clash of Clans is just
another way to play with them.”
- Lisa Ann Colton-Fowler, a mom in Brownsville, Texas
At home
75% of parents now play video
games with their children.
and how
are using their TV streaming boxes to bring
casual gaming to the big screen.
focus in 2016?
Create one live event
that lives entirely online.
Experiment with
technology that lets
multiple geographies
share that virtual stage.
Let your customers
know when to come
back. Push current
news, knock on digital
doors, be top of mind.
Embrace the distraction.
Create content for people
who are absently scrolling,
not just ones who are
actively searching.
Identify one way you can
help bridge that digital
divide. Bring the robust
service and support to
the people who need it
Take a hard look at
your interface. How can
you hide some of the
complexity of interacting
with your brand? What
would Jeff Bezos say if
he heard your reasons
why not?
Get personalization right.
Recognize something
about your customer in
every direct email, mail,
or message you send.
Think about gaming. Learn
about how people play
together and how they
learn in competitive
environments. Explore
solutions that could make
your own med ed more
compelling for patients
and professionals alike.
Get your own robot.
Not for marketing,
just because
they're awesome.08
special thanks
to our contributors
Abigail Schmelzer
Alex Brock
Allison Pignatelli
Amanda Joly
Amardeep Lally
Andreas Reinbolz
Andrew Glenn
Ann Manousos
Brooke Glanzberg
Chris Devine
Chris Iafolla
Christina Blosser
Christopher Callahan
Dan Smith
Dave Sonderman
Duncan Arbour
Ed Hammerton
Eduardo Menendez
Elizabeth Stelzer
Eric Davis
Eric Sabo
Francine Carrick
Heather Irvine
Ilya Tetelman
James Tomasino
Jason Sankey
Jeffrey Giermek
Jennifer Fleishman
Jennifer Oleski
Jessie Brown
Joanna Voorhis
Joe Desalvo
John Mucha
Joy Hart
Juli Cavnar
Kara Kinsey
Kevin Coleman
Kevin Nalty
Kristianne Shanker
Leigh Householder
Liana Federico
Logan Cooper
Maggie Janco
Marci Piasecki
Mark Jazvac
Mark Stechschulte
Matt Mizer
Matthew Bergen
Melissa Morrow
Michael Bonilla
Michelle Casciola
Naseem Allaf
Nate Lemke
Nicholas Capanear
Nick Bartlett
Nicole Sordell
Nina Bressau
Pat Etter
Patrick Richards
Rupert Dooley
Salvatore Cannizzaro
Sarah Brown
Scott Page
Stephanie Jones
Susan Perlbachs
Tom Callan
Tom Mullins
Tyler Sax
Vaneeta Verma
Vanessa Rivera
Zach Gerber
and get the full report

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Digital Pharma East: Digital Trends Preview

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. where will your next big idea come from
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 8. product We could focus on the product, and ask, “What ideas could it inspire?”
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. technology We could look around to discover the latest technology being used and ask, “How could we use it?”
  • 12.
  • 13. trend This is our approach. We discover your customers’ changing expectations and ask, “How do we better connect?”
  • 14. a change in expectations can do technology | services | experiences | connections
  • 15. not about getting a map on your phone
  • 17. the answer to the biggest question in all of marketing what do people want right now?
  • 20. see it, don’t save it After a decade of digital hoarding, today’s sharers want to just live in the moment. trend01
  • 21. The scrapbookers went online and built multimedia life stories on Facebook The article hoarders saved every link on Twitter social Then, the people just living real life went on to Snapchat and *poof* The recipe collectors cheffed up enormous personal cookbooks on Pinterest
  • 22. More than 60% of 13- to 34-year-old smartphone users in the US are active on Snapchat and together view more than 2 billion videos a day daily users 1,000,000,000 daily users 100,000,000
  • 24. to broadcasting with Will a cameo be the new selfie?
  • 25. These live platforms are building on a style popularized on Youtube: Let’s do something fun together
  • 26. running in your background Wonderful little tools and algorithms are making the Internet—and all your devices— do more for you before you even think to ask. trend02
  • 28. when anything important will likely be delivered to you?
  • 31. my robot Name him Big Hero or R2D2. Just get ready:This is the year a robot might come home with you. trend03
  • 32. +
  • 33. selfie stick on wheels? or a helper just when you need it?
  • 34. the GiraffPlus Project is betting on helper Their test: Can a robot inside a smart home system help people live independently longer?
  • 35. 90 person study Focused on 4th vital sign 100s of iSpy games human in the machine Robots can even make scary grown-ups much more Huggable.
  • 36. Who stole all the scientists? Uber may be replacing the sharing economy with the robot economy -40researchersandscientists“poached” -Bonusesofhundredsofthousandsofdollars -Doubledsalaries
  • 37. naked without it Nearly half the people who own a smart phone say they couldn’t live without it. –PewResearchCenter trend04
  • 39. theperfect distraction fromany momentthat feelsboringor unimportant of those 18-29 use their phone in public for no particular reason, just to do something. – Pew Research 35%
  • 40. 60 lbs 2-4 hrs 700-1400 hrs – New York Spine Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine Center
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43. Pew Research Center, Google, Mary Meeker, 2015 why the addiction? it’s the answers Quick searches on cellphones increasingly help us finish our sentences, find a great place for dinner, or learn more about a health worry. of smartphone owners looking up info about a health condition last year of smartphone owners looked up something they saw on a TV commercial Consumer mobile usage outpaces mobile ad spend by 3x 66% 62% 3x
  • 46. digital exclusion Remember a time before the Internet? Turns out, millions of people are still living it. trend05
  • 48. 2,100,100 The smartphones in your pockets are ~100x faster than dial-up’s 56kps speed.
  • 49. As ubiquitous as technologies are in many of our everyday lives, they’re virtually absent from the lives of many others.
  • 50. Pew Research Center, Google, Mary Meeker, 2015 digitally excluded People who lack the basic online skills needed to send and receive email, use a search engine, browse the Internet, and complete online forms. 20% of UK population 9.5 million people 3:4 are poor, disabled, or elderly
  • 51. the digital divide is still a thing Percentage of individuals using the internet in 2015 *Commonwealth of Independent States | Source: ITU 66.0% The Americas 43.4% Worldwide 77.6% Europe 37.0% Arab States 20.7% Africa 59.9% CIS* 36.9% Asia & Pacific
  • 52. the digital divide is still a thing Percentage of individuals using the internet in 2015 *Commonwealth of Independent States | Source: ITU 66.0% The Americas 43.4% Worldwide 77.6% Europe 37.0% Arab States 20.7% Africa 59.9% CIS* 36.9% Asia & Pacific “For people with limited computer skills, online applications constitute one of the biggest obstacles to employment, even for fast-food jobs paying a few dollars above minimum wage. My colleagues and I often spend hours helping one person fill out an online application that has poorly written instructions or a feature that doesn’t work no matter how you enter the data.” - Stephan Barker, a librarian in Prince George’s County
  • 54. simplifying simple How do you make something seem easier to use? Make it easier to use. trend06
  • 55. a whole world of easy buttons
  • 58. voice command is the growing expectation Adult smartphone owners use voice search: 40% to ask for directions 39% to dictate a text message, 32% to make a phone call, 23% while they are cooking
  • 59. even healthcare is hiding its complexity
  • 60. do you really know me? Consumers expect personalized experiences but get frustrated with brands that act like false friends. trend07
  • 61. Pl eas e not e t hat i f you us e a s pam f i l t er t hat bl ocks or r e- r out es emai l s f r om s ender s not l i s t ed i n your emai l addr es s book, you mus t add PayPal t o your emai l addr es s book s o t hat you wi l l be abl e t o r ecei ve t he Communi cat i ons we s end t o you. You can updat e your pr i mar y emai l addr es s or s t r eet addr es s at any t i me by l oggi ng i nt o t he PayPal webs i t e. I f your emai l addr es s becomes i nval i d s uch t hat el ect r oni c Communi cat i ons s ent t o you by PayPal ar e r et ur ned, PayPal may deem your Account t o be i nact i ve, and you wi l l not be abl e t o t r ans act any act i vi t y us i ng your PayPal Account unt i l we r ecei ve a val i d, wor ki ng pr i mar y emai l addr es s f r om you. 1. Our Rel at i ons hi p wi t h You. 1. 1 PayPal i s Onl y a Payment Ser vi ce Pr ovi der . PayPal hel ps you make payment s t o and accept payment s f r om t hi r d par t i es . PayPal i s an i ndependent cont r act or f or al l pur pos es , and i s not your agent or t r us t ee. PayPal does not have cont r ol of , or l i abi l i t y f or , t he pr oduct s or s er vi ces t hat ar e pai d f or wi t h t he PayPal Ser vi ces . We do not guar ant ee t he i dent i t y of any Us er or ens ur e t hat a buyer or a Sel l er wi l l compl et e a t r ans act i on. 1. 2 Your Pr i vacy. Pr ot ect i ng your pr i vacy i s ver y i mpor t ant t o PayPal . Pl eas e r evi ew our Pr i vacy Pol i cy i n or der t o bet t er under s t and our commi t ment t o mai nt ai ni ng your pr i vacy, as wel l as our us e and di s cl os ur e of your I nf or mat i on. 1. 3 Pr i vacy of Ot her s ; Mar ket i ng. I f you r ecei ve I nf or mat i on about anot her Us er t hr ough t he PayPal Ser vi ces , you mus t keep t he I nf or mat i on conf i dent i al and onl y us e i t i n connect i on wi t h t he PayPal Ser vi ces . 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You agr ee t hat PayPal may pr ovi de you Communi cat i ons about your Account and t he PayPal Ser vi ces el ect r oni cal l y as des cr i bed i n our El ect r oni c Communi cat i ons Del i ver y Pol i cy. Any el ect r oni c Communi cat i ons wi l l be cons i der ed t o be r ecei ved by you wi t hi n 24 hour s af t er t he t i me we pos t i t t o our webs i t e or emai l i t t o you. Any Communi cat i ons s ent t o you by pos t al mai l wi l l be cons i der ed t o be r ecei ved by you 3 Bus i nes s Days af t er we s end i t . 1. 8 Not i ces t o PayPal . Except as ot her wi s e s t at ed above i n t he El ect r oni c Communi cat i ons Del i ver y Pol i cy, and bel ow i n Sect i on 12 ( Res ol ut i on Pr ocedur es f or Unaut hor i zed Tr ans act i ons and Ot her Er r or s ) and Sect i on 14 ( Di s put es wi t h PayPal ) , not i ce t o PayPal mus t be s ent by pos t al mai l t o: PayPal , I nc. , At t ent i on: Legal Depar t ment , 2211 Nor t h Fi r s t St r eet , San J os e, Cal i f or ni a 95131. 1. 9 Account St at ement . You have t he r i ght t o r ecei ve an Account s t at ement . You may vi ew your Account s t at ement by l oggi ng i nt o your Account . 1. 10( a) Cont act i ng You. I n or der t o cont act you mor e ef f i ci ent l y, we may at t i mes cont act you us i ng aut odi al ed or pr er ecor ded mes s age cal l s or t ext mes s ages at t he t el ephone number ( s ) you have pr ovi ded us . We may pl ace s uch cal l s or t ext s t o ( i ) pr ovi de not i ces r egar di ng your Account or Account act i vi t y, ( i i ) i nves t i gat e or pr event f r aud, or ( i i i ) col l ect a debt owed t o us . You agr ee t hat we and our s er vi ce pr ovi der s may cont act you us i ng aut odi al ed or pr er ecor ded mes s age cal l s and t ext mes s ages t o car r y out t he pur pos es we have i dent i f i ed above. We may s har e your phone number ( s ) wi t h s er vi ce pr ovi der s wi t h whom we cont r act t o as s i s t us i n pur s ui ng t hes e i nt er es t s , but wi l l not s har e your phone number ( s ) wi t h t hi r d par t i es f or t hei r own pur pos es wi t hout your cons ent . St andar d t el ephone mi nut e and t ext char ges may appl y. We and our s er vi ce pr ovi der s wi l l not us e aut odi al ed or pr er ecor ded mes s age cal l s or t ext s t o cont act you f or mar ket i ng pur pos es at t he t el ephone number ( s ) you des i gnat e unl es s we r ecei ve your pr i or expr es s wr i t t en cons ent . 1. 10( b) Your Choi ces . You do not have t o cons ent t o r ecei ve aut odi al ed or pr er ecor ded mes s age cal l s or t ext s i n or der t o us e and enj oy PayPal ’ s pr oduct s and s er vi ces . Wher e PayPal i s r equi r ed t o obt ai n your cons ent f or s uch communi cat i ons , you may choos e t o r evoke your cons ent by cont act i ng cus t omer s uppor t at 1- 844- 629- 9108 and i nf or mi ng us of your pr ef er ences . 1. 11 Recor di ng Cal l s . You under s t and and agr ee t hat PayPal may, wi t hout f ur t her not i ce or war ni ng and i n our di s cr et i on, moni t or or r ecor d t el ephone conver s at i ons you or anyone act i ng on your behal f has wi t h PayPal or i t s agent s f or qual i t y cont r ol and t r ai ni ng pur pos es or f or i t s own pr ot ect i on. You acknowl edge and under s t and t hat , whi l e your communi cat i ons wi t h PayPal may be over hear d, moni t or ed, or r ecor ded wi t hout f ur t her not i ce or war ni ng, not al l t el ephone l i nes or cal l s may be r ecor ded by PayPal , and PayPal does not guar ant ee t hat r ecor di ngs of any par t i cul ar t el ephone cal l s wi l l be r et ai ned or r et r i evabl e. 2. Account s . 2. 1 El i gi bi l i t y. To be el i gi bl e t o us e t he PayPal Ser vi ces , you mus t be at l eas t 18 year s ol d and a r es i dent of t he Uni t ed St at es or one of t he count r i es l i s t ed on t he PayPal Wor l dWi de page. Thi s Agr eement appl i es onl y t o Us er s who ar e r es i dent s of t he Uni t ed St at es . I f you ar e a r es i dent of anot her count r y, you may acces s t he agr eement t hat appl i es t o you f r om our webs i t e i n your count r y. 2. 2 Per s onal and Bus i nes s Account s ; Types of Tr ans act i ons . We of f er t he f ol l owi ng t ypes of Account s : Per s onal and Bus i nes s Account s . By openi ng a Bus i nes s Account and accept i ng t he t er ms as out l i ned i n t hi s Agr eement , you at t es t t hat you ar e not es t abl i s hi ng t he Account pr i mar i l y f or per s onal , f ami l y, or hous ehol d pur pos es . You may s end money f r om, and r ecei ve money i nt o, your Account , as des cr i bed i n mor e det ai l i n Sect i on 3 ( Sendi ng Money) and Sect i on 4 ( Recei vi ng Money) . You may al s o add money t o your Bal ance us i ng an avai l abl e Payment Met hod, as des cr i bed i n mor e det ai l i n Sect i on 3, and wi t hdr aw money f r om your Bal ance, as des cr i bed i n mor e det ai l i n Sect i on 6 ( Wi t hdr awi ng Money) . 2. 3 I dent i t y Aut hent i cat i on. You aut hor i ze PayPal , di r ect l y or t hr ough t hi r d par t i es , t o make any i nqui r i es we cons i der neces s ar y t o val i dat e your i dent i t y. Thi s may i ncl ude as ki ng you f or f ur t her i nf or mat i on, r equi r i ng you t o pr ovi de your dat e of
  • 62. what we expect in return: a little simple recognition remember how long you’ve been a customers remember past purchases any type of personalization US UK what sort of personalization do you expect?
  • 63. what we get in return: isn’t always too relevant 3:4 Most consumers and business travelers agreed that 75% of the travel offers they receive are completely irrelevant to their needs and preferences Boxever, 2015 will unsubscribe from a company's content after receiving numerous, irrelevant offers 50% 60% 40% would be less likely to open that company's next offer would be less inclined to buy from that company
  • 64. when personalization goeswrong 86% call bad ad retargeting irritating or intrusive to their privacy. -IntentHQ,2015 86%
  • 66. 16-bit rewind Games used to be easy to pick up and play. Now, they are again. trend08
  • 67.
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 70. Rewards Hacks Competitions with people we know
  • 71. casual games are changing the people who play 1 billion hours per day playing 5x more time than they spend on Facebook or YouTube 8 to 80 is the new demographic of gamers – Newszoo, 2015
  • 72. And around the world “When we were kids, we used to all sit around a table and play Crazy Eights. My cousins are all over the country and we all have busy lives. I probably wouldn't interact with them very often except maybe at family reunions, and Clash of Clans is just another way to play with them.” - Lisa Ann Colton-Fowler, a mom in Brownsville, Texas At home 75% of parents now play video games with their children. and how they’re playing together
  • 73. are using their TV streaming boxes to bring casual gaming to the big screen.
  • 75. Create one live event that lives entirely online. Experiment with technology that lets multiple geographies share that virtual stage. 01
  • 76. Let your customers know when to come back. Push current news, knock on digital doors, be top of mind. 02
  • 77. Embrace the distraction. Create content for people who are absently scrolling, not just ones who are actively searching. 03
  • 78. Identify one way you can help bridge that digital divide. Bring the robust service and support to the people who need it most. 04
  • 79. Take a hard look at your interface. How can you hide some of the complexity of interacting with your brand? What would Jeff Bezos say if he heard your reasons why not? 05
  • 80. Get personalization right. Recognize something about your customer in every direct email, mail, or message you send. 06
  • 81. Think about gaming. Learn about how people play together and how they learn in competitive environments. Explore solutions that could make your own med ed more compelling for patients and professionals alike. 07
  • 82. Get your own robot. Not for marketing, just because they're awesome.08
  • 83.
  • 84.
  • 85.
  • 86.
  • 87. special thanks to our contributors Abigail Schmelzer Alex Brock Allison Pignatelli Amanda Joly Amardeep Lally Andreas Reinbolz Andrew Glenn Ann Manousos Brooke Glanzberg Chris Devine Chris Iafolla Christina Blosser Christopher Callahan Dan Smith Dave Sonderman Duncan Arbour Ed Hammerton Eduardo Menendez Elizabeth Stelzer Eric Davis Eric Sabo Francine Carrick Heather Irvine Ilya Tetelman James Tomasino Jason Sankey Jeffrey Giermek Jennifer Fleishman Jennifer Oleski Jessie Brown Joanna Voorhis Joe Desalvo John Mucha Joy Hart Juli Cavnar Kara Kinsey Kevin Coleman Kevin Nalty Kristianne Shanker Leigh Householder Liana Federico Logan Cooper Maggie Janco Marci Piasecki Mark Jazvac Mark Stechschulte Matt Mizer Matthew Bergen Melissa Morrow Michael Bonilla Michelle Casciola Naseem Allaf Nate Lemke Nicholas Capanear Nick Bartlett Nicole Sordell Nina Bressau Pat Etter Patrick Richards Rupert Dooley Salvatore Cannizzaro Sarah Brown Scott Page Stephanie Jones Susan Perlbachs Tom Callan Tom Mullins Tyler Sax Vaneeta Verma Vanessa Rivera Zach Gerber
  • 88. and get the full report

Editor's Notes

  1. Let’s look at this another way You’ve probably seen headlines like these They’re typically followed by research projects and studies that indicate that the best ideas – the ones that are both innovative and doable, profitable and desirable – don’t come from big open-ended brainstorms
  2. Staring at that glaring blank white board, Sharpie in hand limits us in powerful ways: To what we already know To our personal experience To the current normal To what’s been done before
  3. Uber casestudy = example of what happens in a product-driven innovation landscape: • for years, the only innovation was minor/incremental because it was all done by players currently in the taxi/livery cab scene who were too focused on the product (incremental innovations were adding a viseo screen for passengers, and setting up credit card pay…) •it took an outsider-uber- to actually shake things up and provide real innovation