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Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009

                         A Conceptual and Operational Definition of
                            ‘Social Role’ in Online Community

      Eric Gleave                 Howard T. Welser             Thomas M. Lento                Marc A. Smith
University of Washington          Ohio University                 Facebook                  Microsoft Research   

                      Abstract                              the social context, history of actions, structures of
     Both online and off, people frequently perform         interaction, and the attributes people bring to the
particular social roles. These roles organize behavior      interaction. Social roles encapsulate these dimensions
and give structure to positions in local networks. As       by providing a meaning system that defines alternative
more of social life becomes embedded in online              actions and imposes structure on who chooses to
systems, the concept of social role becomes                 interact with whom, under specific conditions and
increasingly valuable as a tool for simplifying patterns    circumstances [23] [29] [34]. Social roles are a crucial
of action, recognizing distinct user types, and             window into the underlying social structure of
cultivating and managing communities. This paper            interaction, and one which researchers can use to
standardizes the usage of the term ‘social role’ in         differentiate research subjects and explain how and
online community as a combination of social                 why people behave in the ways they do [8] [11] [17]
psychological, social structural, and behavioral            [18] [19] [31].
attributes. Beyond the conceptual definition, we                 We articulate a conceptual definition of ‘social
describe measurement and analysis strategies for            role’ based on the symbolic interactionist approach to
identifying social roles in online community. We            identity theory [43] [8]. That definition describes social
demonstrate this process in two domains, Usenet and         roles as cultural objects that are “recognized, accepted,
Wikipedia, identifying key social roles in each domain.     and used to accomplish pragmatic interaction goals in a
We conclude with directions for future research, with a     community” ([8]: 232). Such roles operate as both
particular focus on the analysis of communities as role     sources of constraint and resources for action and thus
ecologies.                                                  are observable at several levels of analysis: in the
                                                            content of communication, in relation to the identities
                                                            enacted, in distinctive patterns in local social networks,
                                                            and in the behavioral history of community members.
1. INTRODUCTION                                             Operationally, we suggest that once such roles have
                                                            been identified through a combination of detailed
     Social life has moved online. From discussion          analysis of content and broader statistical analysis of
boards, to wikis, to social networking sites, people do     structure and content, researchers can use patterns at
things together through digital communication. Those        the levels of social networks and behavior to infer role
interactions leave behind complex records of who did        status of participants in online social spaces.
what, when, under what context, and with whom. In                Building on the conceptual and operational
other words, the interaction order [16] is now              definition, we describe measurement and analysis
electrified and self-documenting. This fact is              strategies for identifying social roles in computer-
reverberating across the social, communication,             mediated social spaces. We then demonstrate how the
information, and computer sciences and requires the         combined conceptual and operational definition allows
development of new methods and increased                    the study of communities. We demonstrate this process
interdisciplinary collaboration [39]. This collaboration    in two domains, Usenet and Wikipedia, identifying key
requires researchers to use the comparative advantages      social roles in each. Finally, we conclude with
of many disciplines in order to perceive, conceptualize,    directions for future research, including analyzing the
measure and understand what has unfolded in the             interactions between various roles in the context of a
electronic interaction order [51]. A key intersection of    larger role ecology.
these scholarly disciplines is the concept of the social
role [40] [8] [52] [50].                                    2. DEFINITION OF SOCIAL ROLE
     Whenever people interact, they act in ways that
are both enabled and constrained by social structure:

                                      978-0-7695-3450-3/09 $25.00 © 2009 IEEE                                            1
Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009

     The concept of social role has been the subject of            It is important to note that cultural elements are a
analysis for over 100 years (see e.g. [4] [16] [28] [29]      key part of many conceptualizations of social roles.
[30] [33] [35] [36] [40]). The term’s meaning is              Callero [8] emphasizes the importance of cultural
therefore broad and varies from area to area. Despite         dimensions, especially for well-established roles that
this variation, the concept remains important because         are recognized in social settings. Callero also
of its utility: the classification of types of social         emphasizes that roles vary in terms of social
relations and behaviors into a smaller set of roles           accessibility (barriers to adoption of the role) and
reduces the analytic complexity of social systems and         situational contingency (degree that the role requires
facilitates the comparative study of populations across       specific contexts to be used). In other words, roles may
time and setting [22]. This categorization of users can       differ in their scope and their relevance to action.
be particularly useful when designing or managing                  Roles are resources that help people accomplish
social media spaces. By identifying roles and mapping         their goals and are tools used in the establishment of
participants to one or more role categories, designers        social structure [2]. For example, a father in the
and managers of computer-mediated social spaces may           company of a large number of young children may
focus on meta-level management tasks like monitoring          adopt the role of ‘coach’ in order to achieve social
the relative proportions of roles. The creation and           order and to justify the sanctioning of children who are
maintenance of these social spaces depends on the             being disruptive. Similarly, in an online community a
complex social ecology created by the interaction of          participant may rely on the role of ‘expert’ in order to
several social roles. Identifying roles is a critical step    achieve social order and to sanction ‘newbies’ for
in the effective management of these social spaces.           failures to follow local norms (like reading the FAQ).
                                                              Both of these cases highlight the importance of scope;
2.1 Social roles are behavioral and relational                the role of ‘coach’ or ‘expert’ may take different forms
patterns                                                      in different contexts, even as those roles have certain
                                                              similar characteristics. More importantly, in many
     Social scientists draw attention to two fundamental      contexts these roles may not be explicitly named.
dimensions of social life: structure and culture. Social      Experts in online discussion groups can fill that role
structure refers to patterns in the distribution of           without formal recognition from other members of the
relationships and resources in a population. This             group, or even recognizing the roles themselves. We
includes things like the pattern of friendship                emphasize the importance of finding ways to measure
relationships in an online community, or the age              and identify such emergent roles, especially in those
distribution within a town. Such structural features act      cases where the cultural dimensions of a role have not
as both opportunities and constraints for social action.      yet been recognized by all of the participants in a given
     Our definition asserts that social roles begin from      social setting.
a structural foundation in simple commonalities in
behavior. The role of father begins from actions related      2.2 Conceptual operationalization of roles
to socializing, protecting, and caring for offspring. The
particular actions may vary across cultures, but the role          Social roles can be conceptualized at several
of father fills certain basic social needs and is therefore   different levels of abstraction. At the most granular
recognizable across cultures, both by outside observers       level, social roles can be defined in terms of behavioral
and individuals living within a given social                  regularities and network attributes. Consistent
environment. Similarly, many social roles, especially         behaviors resulting in persistent or recurrent
those that are newly emerging, will have distinctive          interactions between individuals in a social group are
social structural foundations even if they have not yet       potential signals of a meaningful social role. Social
developed the same level of recognition within and            actions, loosely defined as individual behavior that
across cultural settings.                                     includes an action targeted at one or more of the other
     An understanding of the structural foundation of         members of a social group, are a higher level measure
roles goes beyond analysis of behavioral patterns.            which is often useful for identifying the existence of a
Because behavioral consistencies also pattern relations,      role. Beyond behavioral metrics, researchers can look
people who consistently adopt particular roles develop        for self-identification with a given role.
distinctive modes of participating in social settings,             Once the data from these levels of analysis has
which results in patterns of behavior and relations.          been processed, role researchers might come up with a
Once the correlation between these patterns and a             definition for a particular role. That might be a
particular role is established through statistical            definition for a role which is emergent and as yet
analysis, those patterns can be used to infer role use        unknown to the participants in the social group or one
from those structural signatures [50].                        for a fully recognized social position. The researcher

Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009

can then move from that role definition to more                 signatures of that role. Once the behavioral and
abstract categories or classifications that provide             structural signals of that role are understood,
theoretically or practically relevant information about         researchers can attempt to discover indicators of social
the purpose and function of a given role.                       roles at other levels of analysis. As the researcher
      Table 1 uses the example of a vandal fighter, an          comes to understand the relationship between those
important social role within the Wikipedia editor               indicators, particularly indicators related across levels
community, to illustrate these different levels of              of analysis, observations at one level can be used to
analysis. This role was initially identified through            infer the degree of role use by community members. At
exploratory qualitative analysis of interactions across         this stage, the relative frequencies of different role
the dozens of community and project related talk pages          types can be used to characterize the community more
in Wikipedia. It was later verified both through more           generally (for a more detailed discussion, see section 5
detailed quantitative analysis and through discovery of         on role ecologies).
patterns of self-identification and cultural significance.            It is important to choose the right starting point for
      We contend that the best way to identify roles is to      social role research. Starting from simple behavioral
begin with either qualitative or quantitative analysis of       regularities or distinctive social positions is a flawed
social action and work both downward towards                    approach because it is overly inductive: of the infinite
identifying the key related behavioral regularities and         patterns we can find, there is no reason to think that the
distinctive positions (signatures of social roles), and         ones that initially stand out will be of any social
upwards to abstract theoretical categories that allow us        significance. Starting from abstract categories like
to tie these particular roles to general research               'altruist' commits the error of over-deduction: simply
objectives.                                                     because we can label a set of activities as altruistic
      The initial stages of social role research involve an     does not necessarily mean that those behaviors are
iterative process of moving from observations of                motivated by altruism. The key is to connect higher
meaningful situated actions of actors likely to be using        levels and abstract categories to observable behavioral
a particular role, to measures of structural and                regularities and distinctive network positions in order
behavioral patterns. There are two related goals: the           to discover types of actors relevant to theoretical
first is to refine understanding of the role itself and the     questions in social research.
second is to generate insight into the structural
Table 1. Operationalizing roles across levels of analysis
Level of Analysis       Operationalization                                Example: Vandal Fighter in Wikipedia
Behavioral regularities Persistent, repeated actions                      Vandal fighters exhibit numerous reversions
                                                                          of vandalized pages, a serial pattern of edits
                                                                          to the user pages of other users, and edits to
                                                                          vandalism related project pages
Network attributes         Distinctive, reproducible patterns of          Vandal fighters typically have weak
                           interaction across several examples of         connections to a high proportion of relative
                           the role type                                  isolates in the user-talk page network
Social actions             Particular sets of behaviors which are         Vandal fighters exhibit frequent reversions of
                           targeted at other members of a social          content, sanctioning of rule violators, efforts
                           group – may be measured qualitatively          to teach and integrate norm violators, and
                           or quantitatively                              imposition of bans on unrepentant violators
Self identification        Individual engages in action which             Self avowed vandal fighters, membership in
                           explicitly or implicitly indicates that s/he   vandal fighting-related projects and groups
                           recognizes that s/he fits this role
Role Definition            Researcher develops a clear definition of      Vandal fighter, or counter-vandalism editor,
                           the behaviors and structural signatures        is a Wikipedia editor with a particular set of
                           that make up a social role – roles may be      behavioral (reversions, sanctioning, etc) and
                           emergent or recognized within the social       relationship (weak ties to isolates) attributes
Abstract categories,       External researcher classifies social role     Vandal fighter might be considered an
classifications            into theoretically relevant type for           altruist, an enforcer of social norms, or a type
                           research or development purposes               of technical editor

Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009

    Figure 1. Relationship between roles, actions, and social actors

     Figure 1 describes the process for identifying roles    2.3 Utility of definition
in online communities and later using structural
signatures for predicting the emergence and incidence             Building a catalog of social roles is an important
of a given social role. General qualitative analysis of      first step towards understanding complex social
the content and context of interaction is used to            systems. As a set of social role definitions is
discover behavior that may indicate role use and reveal      developed, these systems can be defined by the
new role types. Alternatively, quantitative analysis of      interaction of a relatively small set of roles that exist in
repeated behaviors or interactions may also uncover          different proportions, making up a variety of role
indicators for social roles. This initial analytical         ecologies. Faced with populations of millions of users,
process entails moving from evidence about persons in        role identification allows these systems to be reduced
situations, to patterns in action and relation in the        to the interactions among a relatively small number of
community, back to situated action. The goal is to           roles. With the capability to reduce social media
iteratively refine the description of a social role. Then,   system populations to simplified role ecologies, many
actions relevant to a particular role can be coded via       practical and theoretical questions can be addressed.
content analysis to establish a ‘ground truth’ for the       Are social media services better served by recruiting
degree to which a sample of online participants              more leaders or a relatively larger population of
matching the role profile actually engage in that social     moderate supporters? Are participants playing roles
role during a given time period. This degree of role use     associated with enforcing informal social norms? Do
can then be compared to patterns of action and social        rapidly growing populations overwhelm the ability of
relations from the same time-period. Once a strong           existing members to socialize new participants? Which
correlation between role use and particular structural       social roles play a disproportionately important
and behavioral signatures is established, the analysts       function in their environments? Without a model of
can use those signatures and other variables to predict      different roles and their relationships to one another,
variation in role use and to describe a social ecology of    these questions are difficult to frame, much less
roles for given communities. This process allows             empirically evaluate.
researchers to predict the existence of roles and                 In the following, we review social role analysis
whether or not a given set of individuals is engaging in     with a particular focus on methodological approaches
those roles beyond the cases included in the initial         and social roles in online communities. The next
content analysis sample. Of course, such extensions are      section presents two examples of the application of
subject to further confirmatory analysis in order to test    structural and content analysis for the identification of
the generality of the role and the limits of the             roles in two distinct computer-mediated social spaces.
association between the role and the signatures.             The studies presented here rely on content and context
                                                             to understand social structure. This approach gains
                                                             significant traction by leveraging computer-mediated

Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009

interaction data, providing a low cost, high fidelity       position of broker but do not demonstrate brokering
source of relationship data and content from naturally      behaviors.
occurring social settings. We conclude by advocating             A structural conception of social roles provides
for the study of role ecologies to further our              new insights and is an excellent complement to the
understanding of processes in complex social systems,       interpretive approaches used by ethnographic scholars.
and provide some topics for future research.                Network approaches show that a collection of
                                                            behaviors can be understood as the performance of a
                                                            role that leaves an identifiable structural signature [13].
3. METHODS FOR SOCIAL ROLE                                  Interpretive approaches provide the contexts and
                                                            behaviors associated with these structural signatures.
                                                            Integrating the two approaches by combining the pure
                                                            structural approach of social network analysis with the
     Researchers conducting social role analysis have
                                                            behavioral notion of a role [14] makes it possible to
developed two general methodological approaches:
                                                            identify, based on structural signatures, the social roles
interpretive and structural. Interpretive analyses (see
                                                            that are meaningful at the interaction level. The
e.g. [1] [17]) employ methods such as ethnography,
                                                            importance of such roles [16] makes a well-developed
content analysis, and surveys to capture behaviors and
                                                            hybrid approach to social role analysis highly
relations within groups. This is a prominent method
used by anthropologists and sociologists in
                                                                 A long tradition in the structural analysis of roles
understanding groups and social systems. Structural
                                                            has emphasized that roles entail precise structural
analyses (e.g. [7]) employ social network analysis to
                                                            positions. While we agree that role use can be revealed
differentiate individual nodes in a network based on
                                                            through analysis of social structural position, the roles
metrics of structure drawn from data on kinship
                                                            cannot be reduced to a particular position, nor is role
networks, corporate structures, or exchange networks.
                                                            use likely to result in exact similarity of positions. For
     Interpretive methods have been used effectively
                                                            instance, the term ‘structural equivalence’ refers to
for social role identification [17], understanding
                                                            situations where two actors have identical ties to and
individual motivations [31], and observing a
                                                            from all other actors in a network ([47]: 356). This
population’s response to destructive social behavior
                                                            concept and its various relaxations are not helpful for
[18]. While highly useful in identifying and
                                                            identifying roles (as defined here) because they are too
understanding important social roles and the context in
                                                            precise and too limiting. Instead, social roles are likely
which these roles develop, interpretive studies often
                                                            to give rise to distinctive tendencies to enter into
neglect the macro social structure in which these roles
                                                            particular types of relations and tendencies to abstain
exist. This results in role definitions and findings that
                                                            from other types. For instance, research indicates [50]
are difficult to compare across social settings.
                                                            that experts or ‘answer people’ will tend to have
Addressing this shortcoming, Nadel [30] proposed
                                                            outward ties to alters who are otherwise isolates in the
explicitly including structural positions, providing the
                                                            local community. Furthermore, much discussion of
foundations for a ‘calculus’ of roles. This work was
                                                            identifying roles in the network analysis tradition (see
extended into block modeling [52], structural
                                                            [47]: 347-502 for a summary), is fixated on the
equivalence [24], and role coloration [12]. Others have
                                                            exclusive reliance on structural data to infer roles. In
worked on homomorphism [5] and local roles [25] (for
                                                            contrast, we contend that efforts to find roles will be
a full review of structural role analysis, see [22]).
                                                            most productive when they rely on both structural data
     These efforts ultimately diverged from the holistic
                                                            and detailed qualitative description of the context and
intent of Nadel's proposal and came to equate roles
                                                            meaning of interaction.
with structural position. Although they contributed a
great deal of knowledge about the structure of a
network and made it possible to use metrics to point to     4. ROLES IN SOCIAL MEDIA
an individual node or cluster of similar nodes, these
studies have moved away from the context and content             We recognize that a holistic approach to role
of the relations. A key example of this is Burt’s [7]       analysis is data intensive. In the past, collecting data on
concept of a broker, a person who links two otherwise       both structure and context was an exceedingly difficult
disconnected groups of people. Although this concept        task. Indeed, as a result of data limitations researchers
is theoretically important, it does not effectively         have often been forced to choose a methodological
distinguish individuals who are engaging in brokering       approach that engaged either the structure or the
behavior and are socially identified as holding that        meaning of the behavior that defined each social role.
position from individuals who occupy a structural           Social media spaces, which include machine-readable
                                                            traces of social interaction along with highly detailed

Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009

behavioral records, represent an unprecedented
opportunity to find structurally significant roles and       4.1 Example Studies
understand their meaning within the social context.
     While the costs, quality, and quantity of this class         Combining interpretive and structural methods in
of data are attractive, the greater research significance    social role analysis has great utility. In the examples
of this data is that it provides a simplified setting for    presented here, investigation into a new social media
the study of social roles and the development of social      data set begins with broad qualitative explorations that
structures. With such data, it is possible to observe the    identify individuals performing interesting roles, after
growth and development of social groups and social           which maps of the structural positions of populations
roles from birth to death, a luxury few other data sets      are used to identify network patterns that differentiate
can offer. Furthermore, the abundance of structure and       users. The next step is to analyze the context of
content available through these systems encourages a         participation and the content of behaviors of the actors
renewed effort to integrate structural and interpretive      whose interactions formed those social network
approaches to role analysis.                                 structures. This iterative process moves between
     The explosion of online social spaces has               content and structure to refine our understanding of
produced naturally occurring laboratories for                social roles and validate the relationship between
understanding the mechanisms behind the development          structural attributes and behaviors. Each of the
of informal social organization. In settings such as         following cases demonstrates how this combined
Usenet and Wikipedia, the actions of any individual          interpretive and structural method allows for the
within those systems are public. The formation of ties       identification and explication of social roles that either
is based on common affiliation with topical areas, not       method, in isolation, could miss.
unlike the increased likelihood of friendship forged              4.1.1. Usenet. Usenet is one of the oldest
through common church membership or other shared             institutions for social interaction on the Internet.
activities. Some institutions built from internet systems    Hundreds of thousands of news servers now connect to
have matured to develop somewhat formal social               one another to globally distribute a collection of a
structures. Wikipedia, for example, has a definable and      million messages per day organized into more than one
relatively stable hierarchy of administrators and            hundred thousand newsgroups, which may have a
arbiters. Newcomers who seek to occupy these                 common theme, topic, or simply be the product of a
positions of power and authority must first overcome         particular collection of people. Collectively, Usenet
obstacles that demand significant tenure and history of      newsgroups contain messages composed by millions of
contribution. These obstacles defend the position of         unique authors.
those who have attained them, placing a drag on the               To discover and describe key social roles within
rate of social change. Such patterns can be detected in      Usenet, Welser et al. [50] focused on authors who
the data contained in the detailed logs of these online      frequently answer questions in technical support
systems, providing an opportunity to observe the             newsgroups. These Answer People provide the bulk of
development of a social system from its earliest             the content in these newsgroups by responding to
formation to its current state. This makes it possible to    dozens of questions a day, often more than three
assess the development of different roles and the            hundred days a year. After identifying a few of these
relative abundance of a given set of roles over the          Answer People in technical support newsgroups by
course of the lifetime of a social system.                   observing the content they create, others sharing
     The availability of such data, then, represents a       similar structural characteristics were identified. A
golden opportunity to make advances in understanding         combination of visualizations of authors' posting
social roles and role ecologies. Despite the relatively      behaviors, the posting behaviors of each author's
recent availability of such data, numerous studies of        neighbors, and egocentric network graphs allowed
social roles and interaction in online communities have      newsgroup participants to be coded in terms of their
appeared (e.g. [32] [42]). However, while some studies       resemblance to an ideal typical Answer Person (for an
have incorporated both interpretive and structural           introduction to structural signatures see [41]). This
approaches, most studies of social roles have focused        coding was then correlated with a content analysis of
strictly on interpretive methods for role discovery (e.g.    the author's messages to test the structural signature's
[17] [18] [31]). Although these studies have identified      relationship to answering behavior across several
several important roles in these online groups, there are    newsgroups and multiple authors.
additional roles that cannot be identified with a strictly        Just as the Answer Person is a critical component
interpretive or purely structural approach. Two such         of a technical support newsgroup, the "Discussion
roles are described in the following section.                Person" and "Discussion Catalyst" play important roles
                                                             in social support and political discussion newsgroups,

Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009

respectively [19]. Discussion People a characterized
                                         are                    differs from a traditional encyclo   opedia, however, in
by frequent reciprocal exchanges with a relatively high         that any reader may edit or contri   ibute content to any
number of other participants. Discussion People                 page. The primary tasks of the Wikipedia community
typically connect to other Discussio People. This
                                        on                      focus on constructing and managin these documents.
social role is the source of most of the discussion
                                         f                      Despite the potential challenges of open access,
content contributed to long threaded conversations.
                                         d                      Wikipedia has cultivated a collect    tive concern for the
The Discussion Catalyst is responsible for the majority         quality of the resulting articles (see [6]). While
of messages that initiate long thr       reads. The key         Wikipedia has a handful of formal defined roles like
behavior for these individuals is creati new threads,
                                         ing                    administrator and bureaucrat, the largest population of
usually by posting quoted material from external news
                                          m                     roles are emergent. These inf        formal, collectively
sources. These root messages then prod   duce long chains       defined roles are organized aro     ound practices like
of responses as the community picks u the topic and
                                          up                    fighting vandalism, copy editing, enforcing standard
the discussion begins. Interestingly, th  hese individuals      formats, welcoming new users, evaluating article
often do not participate in the threads th initiate [19].
                                         hey                    quality, and writing tools to help the community [46]
     The egocentric networks present     ted in Figure 2        [9].
show the positional structure for ide types of the
                                         eal                         Content analysis of many Wik     kipedia pages led to
three social roles discussed above. Whi these differ in
                                         ile                    the recognition of distinct pat      tterns of behavior.
important ways, they share similarities that can make           Subsequent structural analysis ass  sessed the similarity
them difficult to distinguish, p        particularly for        between other actors' behaviors and the pattern
individuals who have less clearly def     fined behavioral      observed for actors who play par     rticular social roles.
patterns (for an example, see the W      Wikipedia roles        This began a process of refining th definitions of the
described below). The context of thes relationships,
                                          se                    identified roles more cleanly and clearly. The
including the newsgroup in which the interaction                discussion presented here focuses on two critical social
occurred and the content of the messa     ages exchanged,       roles performed in Wikipedia: Sub   bstantive Experts and
helps to differentiate one user from a   another. Answer        Technical Editors.
People and Discussion Catalysts, fo example, are
                                        or                           Substantive Experts display extensive knowledge
distinct social roles that display similar star patterns in
                                          r                     of particular topics, contributing a great deal of content
their connections to others. Without in   ncorporating the      to the subject-area and resolv      ving content-related
context of technical support newsgro      oup or political      disputes on the "talk pages" asso   ociated with a given
discussion newsgroup, these patte         erns blur the         Wikipedia content page. Technical Editors enforce the
distinction between the role signature It would not
                                         es.                    formatting standards of Wikipedia while policing
have been possible to identify the social roles or              grammar, style, spelling, hyperlink accuracy, and other
understand their significance to the s    social structures     minor issues. These tasks are related, but many
they create without analyzing a c         combination of        Wikipedia contributors specialize, developing expertise
structural attributes and contextual clu embedded in
                                        ues                     in ways that cause them to dist      tribute contributions
the content of the interactions.                                differently. These two social role are of particular
     4.1.2 Wikipedia. The investigation of social roles         interest both because they are cruci to the core task of
has been extended to Wikipedia, the user built, free,           the encyclopedia and because th      hey possess clearly
online encyclopedia [49]. Wikipedia’s goal is to create         contrasting structural signatures.
a set of documents similar to encyclop    pedia articles. It
       Figure 2. Ego Networks for three roles

                    Answer Person                        Discussion Person                 Discussio Catalyst

Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009

    Figure 3. Local Networks for Technical Editors and Substantive Experts

     Technical Editors have a repetitive task that is       Figure 3) best fits this ideal model, displaying dozens
largely independent of the content of any given page.       of outward ties and very few connections among those
Thus, such Wikipedia contributors should have brief         alters. The substantive experts have more variance in
interactions with many other participants, serially         the number of alters and the density of their local
moving in and out of relationships with Substantive         networks than the technical editors.
Experts who have a more focused and durable                      The sample networks illustrate the need for
connection with a smaller set of pages. Substantive         contextual analysis in social role discovery. A pure
Experts, by contrast, are more likely to engage in          structural approach might confuse some of the
ongoing conversations with other Substantive Experts        technical editors with substantive experts, or vice
as they work to improve pages in their shared areas of      versa. For instance, T3 and S3 show similar structural
expertise. Therefore, the social network structures that    features. Analyzing the content of interaction helps us
surround these social roles may illustrate the              determine whether structural similarity is matched with
distinctions between them. The network structures of        similarities in behavior and role performance or,
Technical Editors should feature outward connections        alternatively, provide instances where these structural
to alters who are otherwise not connected to each           features are not accurate indicators of role
other. The performance of the role of Substantive           performance. This suggests that structural signatures
Expert should generate a dense interconnected               complemented with analysis of content and behavioral
network.                                                    contexts can improve our understanding of social roles.
     Figure 3 depicts visualizations for the local social
networks surrounding three Technical Editors (T1-T3)        5. ROLE ECOLOGY
and three Substantive Experts (S1-S3). A directed
outward tie indicates that an Editor posted a message to
another Editor's "user talk page", where conversations           Although important, the discovery and cataloging
associated with each Wikipedia participant are stored.      of social roles in order to understand individuals in
A lighter gray line indicates a reciprocating tie from      their social context is not the final goal of this research.
another Editor. The size of each node indicates the         Examining social role ecologies, defined by the
measure of the out-degree from that Editor.                 balance and interaction of roles within a given
     Technical Editors tend to have more outward ties       population, will allow researchers to further our overall
to other Editors who are otherwise unconnected to one       understanding of the social world. Understanding these
another. The illustration of Technical Editor 1 (T1 in      social roles and clearly and consistently defining them

Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009

allows us to simplify complex systems and provides a         begin to understand how sudden or gradual shifts in the
means of comparison between different social settings.       distributions of roles might impact the overall social
With a better understanding of roles, researchers will       system. Understanding the structural positions of these
be able to tackle questions about the relative               roles and how they are related to one another can
performance of some populations over others.                 further our knowledge of how these social systems
Furthermore, as researchers develop an understanding         function. Such understanding has implications for key
of how different role ecologies relate to different social   theoretical questions from sociology regarding social
outcomes, these analyses will provide an additional          structure, social roles, and individual agency as well as
means of studying social dynamics through analysis of        pragmatic questions regarding community building, the
the impact of changing role ecologies on social              evolution of social groups, and structural qualities of
processes.                                                   healthy communities.
     As [50] demonstrates, social roles are often                 These research goals are not new and have been
inherently defined in relational terms; a role only exists   thwarted by the challenge of marshalling data of
in relation to others who are likewise enacting social       sufficient size and quality. Social scientists have a new
roles. In a Usenet technical support newsgroup, for          opportunity to realize these goals by leveraging
example, Question People provide the base material           recently available data that captures relationships in
that stimulates Answer People to generate replies.           detail at significant scale. The increased prevalence of
Without a population of questions, an Answer Person          computer-mediated social interaction means that social
cannot exist. In every population in which an Answer         data of this type is increasingly available. As
Person is present, they remain a small proportion of the     computer-mediated interaction systems evolve and
population while generating the majority of its content.     become more widely mobile, they promise to capture a
The bulk of the useful content is thus being contributed     growing swath of social interactions. As more of the
by a tiny minority, reflecting the disproportionate          social world becomes essentially self-documenting,
importance of Answer People in the newsgroup                 social roles will increasingly be observable as a
ecology. Yet each Answer Person requires a large             function of both social positions, as with early block
number of Question People in order to support that           modeling efforts [52], and content analysis and
behavior. Therefore, any single technical support            ethnographic methods.
newsgroup can only support a limited population of                Computer-mediated interaction data allow
Answer People proportionate to the active population         researchers to access another layer of analysis not
of Question People. An additional Answer Person in an        normally available: detailed longitudinal data. It is not
already saturated newsgroup would only reduce the            just the volume but also the duration of these data sets
questions available to other Answer People already           that will allow us to see more clearly into the social
present and could lead to the departure of an Answer         world, grasping processes whose frequencies are too
Person seeking more opportunities to display expertise.      long to be easily recognized by time-limited
     The symbiotic case of Answer and Question               investigations. These data sets will make it clear that
People is straightforward; the presence of Answer            the composition of social roles relative to one another
People is an attraction to Question People while a large     fluctuates over time, revealing either random
population of answerable questions attracts Answer           perturbations and returns to equilibria or the evolution
People. Other role ecologies, however, will be less          of the social structure. Individual behaviors may
straightforward. A cyclical problem in Usenet, for           evolve from one type of social role to another, or
example, is the invasion of newsgroups by authors            individuals may adopt dramatically different social
seeking to cause social disruption like Flamers, Trolls,     roles in different social settings. Finally, social data
and Spammers. When the proportion of messages in a           with long time horizons will allow the observation of
newsgroup from Spammers or Flamers exceeds a                 groups’ responses to environmental changes, such as
threshold, other substantive contributors may leave the      the appearance of undesirable elements or the
group. The withdrawal of key contributors can cause a        departure of core group members. Such analysis could
cascade effect where the signal-to-noise ratio continues     lead to the discovery of strategies that are more
to plummet. The result can be the “death” of a               successful at maintaining group cohesion and ensuring
newsgroup or a period in which the social space is           group survival, information that would be invaluable to
vacant.                                                      anyone trying to understand, develop, or manage a
     These examples point to the need for a macro            collective process.
orientation to social roles that encompasses both
individual behaviors and the whole ecology of social         6. CONCLUSION
roles within a given social space. As researchers gain a
thorough understanding of role ecologies, they can

Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009

     We have argued that research that leverages both          develop baseline measurements that can be used to
structural and semantic dimensions of social roles is          compare and contrast entities across a variety of fields.
consistent with the goals of early network theorists and       As more of social life is conducted in or through
points to a productive path forward for the structural         computation, we foresee a future in which social
analysis of social life in computer mediated social            sciences gain new traction on long standing questions
spaces. We provide two examples of how researchers             and an unprecedented depth of insight into large-scale
can move between interpretive and structural measures          patterns of human association.
in order to refine role definitions. We believe that these
strategies will pave the way to a broader study of role        7. REFERENCES
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Defining and Identifying Social Roles in Online Communities

  • 1. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009 A Conceptual and Operational Definition of ‘Social Role’ in Online Community Eric Gleave Howard T. Welser Thomas M. Lento Marc A. Smith University of Washington Ohio University Facebook Microsoft Research Abstract the social context, history of actions, structures of Both online and off, people frequently perform interaction, and the attributes people bring to the particular social roles. These roles organize behavior interaction. Social roles encapsulate these dimensions and give structure to positions in local networks. As by providing a meaning system that defines alternative more of social life becomes embedded in online actions and imposes structure on who chooses to systems, the concept of social role becomes interact with whom, under specific conditions and increasingly valuable as a tool for simplifying patterns circumstances [23] [29] [34]. Social roles are a crucial of action, recognizing distinct user types, and window into the underlying social structure of cultivating and managing communities. This paper interaction, and one which researchers can use to standardizes the usage of the term ‘social role’ in differentiate research subjects and explain how and online community as a combination of social why people behave in the ways they do [8] [11] [17] psychological, social structural, and behavioral [18] [19] [31]. attributes. Beyond the conceptual definition, we We articulate a conceptual definition of ‘social describe measurement and analysis strategies for role’ based on the symbolic interactionist approach to identifying social roles in online community. We identity theory [43] [8]. That definition describes social demonstrate this process in two domains, Usenet and roles as cultural objects that are “recognized, accepted, Wikipedia, identifying key social roles in each domain. and used to accomplish pragmatic interaction goals in a We conclude with directions for future research, with a community” ([8]: 232). Such roles operate as both particular focus on the analysis of communities as role sources of constraint and resources for action and thus ecologies. are observable at several levels of analysis: in the content of communication, in relation to the identities enacted, in distinctive patterns in local social networks, and in the behavioral history of community members. 1. INTRODUCTION Operationally, we suggest that once such roles have been identified through a combination of detailed Social life has moved online. From discussion analysis of content and broader statistical analysis of boards, to wikis, to social networking sites, people do structure and content, researchers can use patterns at things together through digital communication. Those the levels of social networks and behavior to infer role interactions leave behind complex records of who did status of participants in online social spaces. what, when, under what context, and with whom. In Building on the conceptual and operational other words, the interaction order [16] is now definition, we describe measurement and analysis electrified and self-documenting. This fact is strategies for identifying social roles in computer- reverberating across the social, communication, mediated social spaces. We then demonstrate how the information, and computer sciences and requires the combined conceptual and operational definition allows development of new methods and increased the study of communities. We demonstrate this process interdisciplinary collaboration [39]. This collaboration in two domains, Usenet and Wikipedia, identifying key requires researchers to use the comparative advantages social roles in each. Finally, we conclude with of many disciplines in order to perceive, conceptualize, directions for future research, including analyzing the measure and understand what has unfolded in the interactions between various roles in the context of a electronic interaction order [51]. A key intersection of larger role ecology. these scholarly disciplines is the concept of the social role [40] [8] [52] [50]. 2. DEFINITION OF SOCIAL ROLE Whenever people interact, they act in ways that are both enabled and constrained by social structure: 978-0-7695-3450-3/09 $25.00 © 2009 IEEE 1
  • 2. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009 The concept of social role has been the subject of It is important to note that cultural elements are a analysis for over 100 years (see e.g. [4] [16] [28] [29] key part of many conceptualizations of social roles. [30] [33] [35] [36] [40]). The term’s meaning is Callero [8] emphasizes the importance of cultural therefore broad and varies from area to area. Despite dimensions, especially for well-established roles that this variation, the concept remains important because are recognized in social settings. Callero also of its utility: the classification of types of social emphasizes that roles vary in terms of social relations and behaviors into a smaller set of roles accessibility (barriers to adoption of the role) and reduces the analytic complexity of social systems and situational contingency (degree that the role requires facilitates the comparative study of populations across specific contexts to be used). In other words, roles may time and setting [22]. This categorization of users can differ in their scope and their relevance to action. be particularly useful when designing or managing Roles are resources that help people accomplish social media spaces. By identifying roles and mapping their goals and are tools used in the establishment of participants to one or more role categories, designers social structure [2]. For example, a father in the and managers of computer-mediated social spaces may company of a large number of young children may focus on meta-level management tasks like monitoring adopt the role of ‘coach’ in order to achieve social the relative proportions of roles. The creation and order and to justify the sanctioning of children who are maintenance of these social spaces depends on the being disruptive. Similarly, in an online community a complex social ecology created by the interaction of participant may rely on the role of ‘expert’ in order to several social roles. Identifying roles is a critical step achieve social order and to sanction ‘newbies’ for in the effective management of these social spaces. failures to follow local norms (like reading the FAQ). Both of these cases highlight the importance of scope; 2.1 Social roles are behavioral and relational the role of ‘coach’ or ‘expert’ may take different forms patterns in different contexts, even as those roles have certain similar characteristics. More importantly, in many Social scientists draw attention to two fundamental contexts these roles may not be explicitly named. dimensions of social life: structure and culture. Social Experts in online discussion groups can fill that role structure refers to patterns in the distribution of without formal recognition from other members of the relationships and resources in a population. This group, or even recognizing the roles themselves. We includes things like the pattern of friendship emphasize the importance of finding ways to measure relationships in an online community, or the age and identify such emergent roles, especially in those distribution within a town. Such structural features act cases where the cultural dimensions of a role have not as both opportunities and constraints for social action. yet been recognized by all of the participants in a given Our definition asserts that social roles begin from social setting. a structural foundation in simple commonalities in behavior. The role of father begins from actions related 2.2 Conceptual operationalization of roles to socializing, protecting, and caring for offspring. The particular actions may vary across cultures, but the role Social roles can be conceptualized at several of father fills certain basic social needs and is therefore different levels of abstraction. At the most granular recognizable across cultures, both by outside observers level, social roles can be defined in terms of behavioral and individuals living within a given social regularities and network attributes. Consistent environment. Similarly, many social roles, especially behaviors resulting in persistent or recurrent those that are newly emerging, will have distinctive interactions between individuals in a social group are social structural foundations even if they have not yet potential signals of a meaningful social role. Social developed the same level of recognition within and actions, loosely defined as individual behavior that across cultural settings. includes an action targeted at one or more of the other An understanding of the structural foundation of members of a social group, are a higher level measure roles goes beyond analysis of behavioral patterns. which is often useful for identifying the existence of a Because behavioral consistencies also pattern relations, role. Beyond behavioral metrics, researchers can look people who consistently adopt particular roles develop for self-identification with a given role. distinctive modes of participating in social settings, Once the data from these levels of analysis has which results in patterns of behavior and relations. been processed, role researchers might come up with a Once the correlation between these patterns and a definition for a particular role. That might be a particular role is established through statistical definition for a role which is emergent and as yet analysis, those patterns can be used to infer role use unknown to the participants in the social group or one from those structural signatures [50]. for a fully recognized social position. The researcher 2
  • 3. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009 can then move from that role definition to more signatures of that role. Once the behavioral and abstract categories or classifications that provide structural signals of that role are understood, theoretically or practically relevant information about researchers can attempt to discover indicators of social the purpose and function of a given role. roles at other levels of analysis. As the researcher Table 1 uses the example of a vandal fighter, an comes to understand the relationship between those important social role within the Wikipedia editor indicators, particularly indicators related across levels community, to illustrate these different levels of of analysis, observations at one level can be used to analysis. This role was initially identified through infer the degree of role use by community members. At exploratory qualitative analysis of interactions across this stage, the relative frequencies of different role the dozens of community and project related talk pages types can be used to characterize the community more in Wikipedia. It was later verified both through more generally (for a more detailed discussion, see section 5 detailed quantitative analysis and through discovery of on role ecologies). patterns of self-identification and cultural significance. It is important to choose the right starting point for We contend that the best way to identify roles is to social role research. Starting from simple behavioral begin with either qualitative or quantitative analysis of regularities or distinctive social positions is a flawed social action and work both downward towards approach because it is overly inductive: of the infinite identifying the key related behavioral regularities and patterns we can find, there is no reason to think that the distinctive positions (signatures of social roles), and ones that initially stand out will be of any social upwards to abstract theoretical categories that allow us significance. Starting from abstract categories like to tie these particular roles to general research 'altruist' commits the error of over-deduction: simply objectives. because we can label a set of activities as altruistic The initial stages of social role research involve an does not necessarily mean that those behaviors are iterative process of moving from observations of motivated by altruism. The key is to connect higher meaningful situated actions of actors likely to be using levels and abstract categories to observable behavioral a particular role, to measures of structural and regularities and distinctive network positions in order behavioral patterns. There are two related goals: the to discover types of actors relevant to theoretical first is to refine understanding of the role itself and the questions in social research. second is to generate insight into the structural Table 1. Operationalizing roles across levels of analysis Level of Analysis Operationalization Example: Vandal Fighter in Wikipedia Behavioral regularities Persistent, repeated actions Vandal fighters exhibit numerous reversions of vandalized pages, a serial pattern of edits to the user pages of other users, and edits to vandalism related project pages Network attributes Distinctive, reproducible patterns of Vandal fighters typically have weak interaction across several examples of connections to a high proportion of relative the role type isolates in the user-talk page network Social actions Particular sets of behaviors which are Vandal fighters exhibit frequent reversions of targeted at other members of a social content, sanctioning of rule violators, efforts group – may be measured qualitatively to teach and integrate norm violators, and or quantitatively imposition of bans on unrepentant violators Self identification Individual engages in action which Self avowed vandal fighters, membership in explicitly or implicitly indicates that s/he vandal fighting-related projects and groups recognizes that s/he fits this role Role Definition Researcher develops a clear definition of Vandal fighter, or counter-vandalism editor, the behaviors and structural signatures is a Wikipedia editor with a particular set of that make up a social role – roles may be behavioral (reversions, sanctioning, etc) and emergent or recognized within the social relationship (weak ties to isolates) attributes group Abstract categories, External researcher classifies social role Vandal fighter might be considered an classifications into theoretically relevant type for altruist, an enforcer of social norms, or a type research or development purposes of technical editor 3
  • 4. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009 Figure 1. Relationship between roles, actions, and social actors Figure 1 describes the process for identifying roles 2.3 Utility of definition in online communities and later using structural signatures for predicting the emergence and incidence Building a catalog of social roles is an important of a given social role. General qualitative analysis of first step towards understanding complex social the content and context of interaction is used to systems. As a set of social role definitions is discover behavior that may indicate role use and reveal developed, these systems can be defined by the new role types. Alternatively, quantitative analysis of interaction of a relatively small set of roles that exist in repeated behaviors or interactions may also uncover different proportions, making up a variety of role indicators for social roles. This initial analytical ecologies. Faced with populations of millions of users, process entails moving from evidence about persons in role identification allows these systems to be reduced situations, to patterns in action and relation in the to the interactions among a relatively small number of community, back to situated action. The goal is to roles. With the capability to reduce social media iteratively refine the description of a social role. Then, system populations to simplified role ecologies, many actions relevant to a particular role can be coded via practical and theoretical questions can be addressed. content analysis to establish a ‘ground truth’ for the Are social media services better served by recruiting degree to which a sample of online participants more leaders or a relatively larger population of matching the role profile actually engage in that social moderate supporters? Are participants playing roles role during a given time period. This degree of role use associated with enforcing informal social norms? Do can then be compared to patterns of action and social rapidly growing populations overwhelm the ability of relations from the same time-period. Once a strong existing members to socialize new participants? Which correlation between role use and particular structural social roles play a disproportionately important and behavioral signatures is established, the analysts function in their environments? Without a model of can use those signatures and other variables to predict different roles and their relationships to one another, variation in role use and to describe a social ecology of these questions are difficult to frame, much less roles for given communities. This process allows empirically evaluate. researchers to predict the existence of roles and In the following, we review social role analysis whether or not a given set of individuals is engaging in with a particular focus on methodological approaches those roles beyond the cases included in the initial and social roles in online communities. The next content analysis sample. Of course, such extensions are section presents two examples of the application of subject to further confirmatory analysis in order to test structural and content analysis for the identification of the generality of the role and the limits of the roles in two distinct computer-mediated social spaces. association between the role and the signatures. The studies presented here rely on content and context to understand social structure. This approach gains significant traction by leveraging computer-mediated 4
  • 5. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009 interaction data, providing a low cost, high fidelity position of broker but do not demonstrate brokering source of relationship data and content from naturally behaviors. occurring social settings. We conclude by advocating A structural conception of social roles provides for the study of role ecologies to further our new insights and is an excellent complement to the understanding of processes in complex social systems, interpretive approaches used by ethnographic scholars. and provide some topics for future research. Network approaches show that a collection of behaviors can be understood as the performance of a role that leaves an identifiable structural signature [13]. 3. METHODS FOR SOCIAL ROLE Interpretive approaches provide the contexts and behaviors associated with these structural signatures. ANALYSIS Integrating the two approaches by combining the pure structural approach of social network analysis with the Researchers conducting social role analysis have behavioral notion of a role [14] makes it possible to developed two general methodological approaches: identify, based on structural signatures, the social roles interpretive and structural. Interpretive analyses (see that are meaningful at the interaction level. The e.g. [1] [17]) employ methods such as ethnography, importance of such roles [16] makes a well-developed content analysis, and surveys to capture behaviors and hybrid approach to social role analysis highly relations within groups. This is a prominent method desirable. used by anthropologists and sociologists in A long tradition in the structural analysis of roles understanding groups and social systems. Structural has emphasized that roles entail precise structural analyses (e.g. [7]) employ social network analysis to positions. While we agree that role use can be revealed differentiate individual nodes in a network based on through analysis of social structural position, the roles metrics of structure drawn from data on kinship cannot be reduced to a particular position, nor is role networks, corporate structures, or exchange networks. use likely to result in exact similarity of positions. For Interpretive methods have been used effectively instance, the term ‘structural equivalence’ refers to for social role identification [17], understanding situations where two actors have identical ties to and individual motivations [31], and observing a from all other actors in a network ([47]: 356). This population’s response to destructive social behavior concept and its various relaxations are not helpful for [18]. While highly useful in identifying and identifying roles (as defined here) because they are too understanding important social roles and the context in precise and too limiting. Instead, social roles are likely which these roles develop, interpretive studies often to give rise to distinctive tendencies to enter into neglect the macro social structure in which these roles particular types of relations and tendencies to abstain exist. This results in role definitions and findings that from other types. For instance, research indicates [50] are difficult to compare across social settings. that experts or ‘answer people’ will tend to have Addressing this shortcoming, Nadel [30] proposed outward ties to alters who are otherwise isolates in the explicitly including structural positions, providing the local community. Furthermore, much discussion of foundations for a ‘calculus’ of roles. This work was identifying roles in the network analysis tradition (see extended into block modeling [52], structural [47]: 347-502 for a summary), is fixated on the equivalence [24], and role coloration [12]. Others have exclusive reliance on structural data to infer roles. In worked on homomorphism [5] and local roles [25] (for contrast, we contend that efforts to find roles will be a full review of structural role analysis, see [22]). most productive when they rely on both structural data These efforts ultimately diverged from the holistic and detailed qualitative description of the context and intent of Nadel's proposal and came to equate roles meaning of interaction. with structural position. Although they contributed a great deal of knowledge about the structure of a network and made it possible to use metrics to point to 4. ROLES IN SOCIAL MEDIA an individual node or cluster of similar nodes, these studies have moved away from the context and content We recognize that a holistic approach to role of the relations. A key example of this is Burt’s [7] analysis is data intensive. In the past, collecting data on concept of a broker, a person who links two otherwise both structure and context was an exceedingly difficult disconnected groups of people. Although this concept task. Indeed, as a result of data limitations researchers is theoretically important, it does not effectively have often been forced to choose a methodological distinguish individuals who are engaging in brokering approach that engaged either the structure or the behavior and are socially identified as holding that meaning of the behavior that defined each social role. position from individuals who occupy a structural Social media spaces, which include machine-readable traces of social interaction along with highly detailed 5
  • 6. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009 behavioral records, represent an unprecedented opportunity to find structurally significant roles and 4.1 Example Studies understand their meaning within the social context. While the costs, quality, and quantity of this class Combining interpretive and structural methods in of data are attractive, the greater research significance social role analysis has great utility. In the examples of this data is that it provides a simplified setting for presented here, investigation into a new social media the study of social roles and the development of social data set begins with broad qualitative explorations that structures. With such data, it is possible to observe the identify individuals performing interesting roles, after growth and development of social groups and social which maps of the structural positions of populations roles from birth to death, a luxury few other data sets are used to identify network patterns that differentiate can offer. Furthermore, the abundance of structure and users. The next step is to analyze the context of content available through these systems encourages a participation and the content of behaviors of the actors renewed effort to integrate structural and interpretive whose interactions formed those social network approaches to role analysis. structures. This iterative process moves between The explosion of online social spaces has content and structure to refine our understanding of produced naturally occurring laboratories for social roles and validate the relationship between understanding the mechanisms behind the development structural attributes and behaviors. Each of the of informal social organization. In settings such as following cases demonstrates how this combined Usenet and Wikipedia, the actions of any individual interpretive and structural method allows for the within those systems are public. The formation of ties identification and explication of social roles that either is based on common affiliation with topical areas, not method, in isolation, could miss. unlike the increased likelihood of friendship forged 4.1.1. Usenet. Usenet is one of the oldest through common church membership or other shared institutions for social interaction on the Internet. activities. Some institutions built from internet systems Hundreds of thousands of news servers now connect to have matured to develop somewhat formal social one another to globally distribute a collection of a structures. Wikipedia, for example, has a definable and million messages per day organized into more than one relatively stable hierarchy of administrators and hundred thousand newsgroups, which may have a arbiters. Newcomers who seek to occupy these common theme, topic, or simply be the product of a positions of power and authority must first overcome particular collection of people. Collectively, Usenet obstacles that demand significant tenure and history of newsgroups contain messages composed by millions of contribution. These obstacles defend the position of unique authors. those who have attained them, placing a drag on the To discover and describe key social roles within rate of social change. Such patterns can be detected in Usenet, Welser et al. [50] focused on authors who the data contained in the detailed logs of these online frequently answer questions in technical support systems, providing an opportunity to observe the newsgroups. These Answer People provide the bulk of development of a social system from its earliest the content in these newsgroups by responding to formation to its current state. This makes it possible to dozens of questions a day, often more than three assess the development of different roles and the hundred days a year. After identifying a few of these relative abundance of a given set of roles over the Answer People in technical support newsgroups by course of the lifetime of a social system. observing the content they create, others sharing The availability of such data, then, represents a similar structural characteristics were identified. A golden opportunity to make advances in understanding combination of visualizations of authors' posting social roles and role ecologies. Despite the relatively behaviors, the posting behaviors of each author's recent availability of such data, numerous studies of neighbors, and egocentric network graphs allowed social roles and interaction in online communities have newsgroup participants to be coded in terms of their appeared (e.g. [32] [42]). However, while some studies resemblance to an ideal typical Answer Person (for an have incorporated both interpretive and structural introduction to structural signatures see [41]). This approaches, most studies of social roles have focused coding was then correlated with a content analysis of strictly on interpretive methods for role discovery (e.g. the author's messages to test the structural signature's [17] [18] [31]). Although these studies have identified relationship to answering behavior across several several important roles in these online groups, there are newsgroups and multiple authors. additional roles that cannot be identified with a strictly Just as the Answer Person is a critical component interpretive or purely structural approach. Two such of a technical support newsgroup, the "Discussion roles are described in the following section. Person" and "Discussion Catalyst" play important roles in social support and political discussion newsgroups, 6
  • 7. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009 respectively [19]. Discussion People a characterized are differs from a traditional encyclo opedia, however, in by frequent reciprocal exchanges with a relatively high that any reader may edit or contri ibute content to any number of other participants. Discussion People page. The primary tasks of the Wikipedia community W typically connect to other Discussio People. This on focus on constructing and managin these documents. ng social role is the source of most of the discussion f Despite the potential challenges of open access, content contributed to long threaded conversations. d Wikipedia has cultivated a collect tive concern for the The Discussion Catalyst is responsible for the majority quality of the resulting articles (see [6]). While s of messages that initiate long thr reads. The key Wikipedia has a handful of formal defined roles like lly behavior for these individuals is creati new threads, ing administrator and bureaucrat, the largest population of l usually by posting quoted material from external news m roles are emergent. These inf formal, collectively sources. These root messages then prod duce long chains defined roles are organized aro ound practices like of responses as the community picks u the topic and up fighting vandalism, copy editing, enforcing standard the discussion begins. Interestingly, th hese individuals formats, welcoming new users, evaluating article often do not participate in the threads th initiate [19]. hey quality, and writing tools to help the community [46] The egocentric networks present ted in Figure 2 [9]. show the positional structure for ide types of the eal Content analysis of many Wik kipedia pages led to three social roles discussed above. Whi these differ in ile the recognition of distinct pat tterns of behavior. important ways, they share similarities that can make Subsequent structural analysis ass sessed the similarity them difficult to distinguish, p particularly for between other actors' behaviors and the pattern individuals who have less clearly def fined behavioral observed for actors who play par rticular social roles. patterns (for an example, see the W Wikipedia roles This began a process of refining th definitions of the he described below). The context of thes relationships, se identified roles more cleanly and clearly. The including the newsgroup in which the interaction discussion presented here focuses on two critical social o occurred and the content of the messa ages exchanged, roles performed in Wikipedia: Sub bstantive Experts and helps to differentiate one user from a another. Answer Technical Editors. People and Discussion Catalysts, fo example, are or Substantive Experts display extensive knowledge e distinct social roles that display similar star patterns in r of particular topics, contributing a great deal of content their connections to others. Without in ncorporating the to the subject-area and resolv ving content-related context of technical support newsgro oup or political disputes on the "talk pages" asso ociated with a given discussion newsgroup, these patte erns blur the Wikipedia content page. Technical Editors enforce the l distinction between the role signature It would not es. formatting standards of Wikipedia while policing have been possible to identify the social roles or grammar, style, spelling, hyperlink accuracy, and other k understand their significance to the s social structures minor issues. These tasks are related, but many they create without analyzing a c combination of Wikipedia contributors specialize, developing expertise d structural attributes and contextual clu embedded in ues in ways that cause them to dist tribute contributions the content of the interactions. differently. These two social role are of particular es 4.1.2 Wikipedia. The investigation of social roles interest both because they are cruci to the core task of ial has been extended to Wikipedia, the user built, free, the encyclopedia and because th hey possess clearly online encyclopedia [49]. Wikipedia’s goal is to create contrasting structural signatures. a set of documents similar to encyclop pedia articles. It Figure 2. Ego Networks for three roles Answer Person Discussion Person Discussio Catalyst on 7
  • 8. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009 Figure 3. Local Networks for Technical Editors and Substantive Experts Technical Editors have a repetitive task that is Figure 3) best fits this ideal model, displaying dozens largely independent of the content of any given page. of outward ties and very few connections among those Thus, such Wikipedia contributors should have brief alters. The substantive experts have more variance in interactions with many other participants, serially the number of alters and the density of their local moving in and out of relationships with Substantive networks than the technical editors. Experts who have a more focused and durable The sample networks illustrate the need for connection with a smaller set of pages. Substantive contextual analysis in social role discovery. A pure Experts, by contrast, are more likely to engage in structural approach might confuse some of the ongoing conversations with other Substantive Experts technical editors with substantive experts, or vice as they work to improve pages in their shared areas of versa. For instance, T3 and S3 show similar structural expertise. Therefore, the social network structures that features. Analyzing the content of interaction helps us surround these social roles may illustrate the determine whether structural similarity is matched with distinctions between them. The network structures of similarities in behavior and role performance or, Technical Editors should feature outward connections alternatively, provide instances where these structural to alters who are otherwise not connected to each features are not accurate indicators of role other. The performance of the role of Substantive performance. This suggests that structural signatures Expert should generate a dense interconnected complemented with analysis of content and behavioral network. contexts can improve our understanding of social roles. Figure 3 depicts visualizations for the local social networks surrounding three Technical Editors (T1-T3) 5. ROLE ECOLOGY and three Substantive Experts (S1-S3). A directed outward tie indicates that an Editor posted a message to another Editor's "user talk page", where conversations Although important, the discovery and cataloging associated with each Wikipedia participant are stored. of social roles in order to understand individuals in A lighter gray line indicates a reciprocating tie from their social context is not the final goal of this research. another Editor. The size of each node indicates the Examining social role ecologies, defined by the measure of the out-degree from that Editor. balance and interaction of roles within a given Technical Editors tend to have more outward ties population, will allow researchers to further our overall to other Editors who are otherwise unconnected to one understanding of the social world. Understanding these another. The illustration of Technical Editor 1 (T1 in social roles and clearly and consistently defining them 8
  • 9. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009 allows us to simplify complex systems and provides a begin to understand how sudden or gradual shifts in the means of comparison between different social settings. distributions of roles might impact the overall social With a better understanding of roles, researchers will system. Understanding the structural positions of these be able to tackle questions about the relative roles and how they are related to one another can performance of some populations over others. further our knowledge of how these social systems Furthermore, as researchers develop an understanding function. Such understanding has implications for key of how different role ecologies relate to different social theoretical questions from sociology regarding social outcomes, these analyses will provide an additional structure, social roles, and individual agency as well as means of studying social dynamics through analysis of pragmatic questions regarding community building, the the impact of changing role ecologies on social evolution of social groups, and structural qualities of processes. healthy communities. As [50] demonstrates, social roles are often These research goals are not new and have been inherently defined in relational terms; a role only exists thwarted by the challenge of marshalling data of in relation to others who are likewise enacting social sufficient size and quality. Social scientists have a new roles. In a Usenet technical support newsgroup, for opportunity to realize these goals by leveraging example, Question People provide the base material recently available data that captures relationships in that stimulates Answer People to generate replies. detail at significant scale. The increased prevalence of Without a population of questions, an Answer Person computer-mediated social interaction means that social cannot exist. In every population in which an Answer data of this type is increasingly available. As Person is present, they remain a small proportion of the computer-mediated interaction systems evolve and population while generating the majority of its content. become more widely mobile, they promise to capture a The bulk of the useful content is thus being contributed growing swath of social interactions. As more of the by a tiny minority, reflecting the disproportionate social world becomes essentially self-documenting, importance of Answer People in the newsgroup social roles will increasingly be observable as a ecology. Yet each Answer Person requires a large function of both social positions, as with early block number of Question People in order to support that modeling efforts [52], and content analysis and behavior. Therefore, any single technical support ethnographic methods. newsgroup can only support a limited population of Computer-mediated interaction data allow Answer People proportionate to the active population researchers to access another layer of analysis not of Question People. An additional Answer Person in an normally available: detailed longitudinal data. It is not already saturated newsgroup would only reduce the just the volume but also the duration of these data sets questions available to other Answer People already that will allow us to see more clearly into the social present and could lead to the departure of an Answer world, grasping processes whose frequencies are too Person seeking more opportunities to display expertise. long to be easily recognized by time-limited The symbiotic case of Answer and Question investigations. These data sets will make it clear that People is straightforward; the presence of Answer the composition of social roles relative to one another People is an attraction to Question People while a large fluctuates over time, revealing either random population of answerable questions attracts Answer perturbations and returns to equilibria or the evolution People. Other role ecologies, however, will be less of the social structure. Individual behaviors may straightforward. A cyclical problem in Usenet, for evolve from one type of social role to another, or example, is the invasion of newsgroups by authors individuals may adopt dramatically different social seeking to cause social disruption like Flamers, Trolls, roles in different social settings. Finally, social data and Spammers. When the proportion of messages in a with long time horizons will allow the observation of newsgroup from Spammers or Flamers exceeds a groups’ responses to environmental changes, such as threshold, other substantive contributors may leave the the appearance of undesirable elements or the group. The withdrawal of key contributors can cause a departure of core group members. Such analysis could cascade effect where the signal-to-noise ratio continues lead to the discovery of strategies that are more to plummet. The result can be the “death” of a successful at maintaining group cohesion and ensuring newsgroup or a period in which the social space is group survival, information that would be invaluable to vacant. anyone trying to understand, develop, or manage a These examples point to the need for a macro collective process. orientation to social roles that encompasses both individual behaviors and the whole ecology of social 6. CONCLUSION roles within a given social space. As researchers gain a thorough understanding of role ecologies, they can 9
  • 10. Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2009 We have argued that research that leverages both develop baseline measurements that can be used to structural and semantic dimensions of social roles is compare and contrast entities across a variety of fields. consistent with the goals of early network theorists and As more of social life is conducted in or through points to a productive path forward for the structural computation, we foresee a future in which social analysis of social life in computer mediated social sciences gain new traction on long standing questions spaces. We provide two examples of how researchers and an unprecedented depth of insight into large-scale can move between interpretive and structural measures patterns of human association. in order to refine role definitions. We believe that these strategies will pave the way to a broader study of role 7. 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