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Mike Osolinski
CLI Automation – Using the
Command Line to
automate repetitive tasks
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What the command line
is and how it helps us to
work more efficiently
Basic examples of how
time and effort can be
saved by using CLI Scripts
Chaining multiple scripts /
modules together to create
automated solutions
What I’m Going to Talk About.
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
The Command
Line and how it
helps us work
more efficiently.
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
A command-line interface or command
language interpreter, allows a user to
issues commands in the form of successive
lines of text
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What is the Command Line?
Command Prompt
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What is the Command Line?
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What is the Command Line?
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What is the Command Line?
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What is the Command Line?
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What is the Command Line?
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What is the Command Line?
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What is the Command Line?
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What is the Command Line?
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Extremely powerful (in both good and bad
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
“With great power comes great
- Uncle Ben
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Quick and easy to write ad-hoc scripts
that would otherwise take much longer
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Take advantage of a huge library of pre-
built scripts.
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Chain different scripts and libraries
together to create fully automated
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Save time on
repetitive tasks.
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Examples Of
Using the
Command Line to
Save Time.
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
• Merging Files
• Optimising Images
• Extracting Data
• Running Lighthouse Reports
• Running Screaming Frog Reports
• Renaming Files
• Manipulating CSV Files
* I know, I know, bullet points kill Kittens
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
You Could . . .
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
Create a new
master file
Open each
individual csv
Select and
copy and
paste the data
Double check
everything has
been copied
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Or . . .
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
copy *.csv > merged.csv
cat *.csv > merged.csv
Linux / Mac
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
You Could . . .
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
Work through all files and
rename them
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Or . . .
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
for /f "Tokens=*" %f in ('dir /l/b/a-d') do (rename "%f" "%f")
for i in $( ls | grep [A-Z] ); do mv -i $i `echo $i | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`; done
Linux / Mac
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
You Could . . .
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
images via FTP
Upload in
batches to an
Tweak image
settings as
optimised images
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Or . . .
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
jpegoptim –size 500k *.jpg
wget -i large-image-urls.txt
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
You Could . . .
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
Create a
new SF Log
File project
Import log
file data
Filter out
User Agent
Export the
data to
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Or . . .
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
cat *.log | grep Googlebot >new-file.csv
Select-String -Path "C:a_ex190207.log" -Pattern
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
You Could . . .
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
Install Lighthouse
Open each URL
in a Browser
Select options
and run
Once each
report has
finished running,
save as a HTML
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Or . . .
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
• This does require some additional modules installing but it is generally very quick and
easy to get set up. Full instructions here
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
You Could . . .
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
Wait For
Crawl to Run
Select Filter
100 KB
Export the
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Or . . .
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Basic Command Line Examples
cd "C:Program Files (x86)Screaming Frog SEO Spider"
ScreamingFrogSEOSpiderCli.exe ^
--crawl ^
--headless ^
--save-crawl ^
--config “C:image-crawl.seospiderconfig" ^
--output-folder “C:scriptsScreamingFrog" ^
--export-tabs "Images:Over X KB"
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell…
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell
Scripting Panel
Command Line
cmdlet Library
PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET. PowerShell helps
system administrators and power-users rapidly automate tasks that manage operating systems (Linux,
macOS, and Windows) and processes
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell - cmdlets
A cmdlet (pronounced "command-let") is a lightweight Windows PowerShell script that performs a
single function.
Import-CSV Invoke-RestMethodExport-CSV
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Import-Csv
The Import-CSV cmdlet turns a
CSV file into an object which
has properties which can easily
be referenced with filters
-lt (Less than)
-gt (Greater than
-eq (Equal to)
-like (Like)
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Import-Csv
Import-Csv -Path 'C:BrightonSEOscriptscsv examplesinternal_html.csv'|
select Address, Status,'Title 1 Length'|
Where Address -like *services*|
where Status -eq 'OK'|
where 'Title 1 Length' -gt 55
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Import-Csv
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Export-Csv
$myData = Import-Csv -Path 'C:BrightonSEOscriptscsv examplesinternal_html.csv'|
select Address, Status,'Title 1 Length'|
Where Address -like *services*|
where Status -eq 'OK'|
where 'Title 1 Length' -gt 55
$myData | Export-CSv 'C:BrightonSEOscriptscsv examplesinternal_html-new.csv'
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Export-Csv
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Import-Csv
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
You Could . . .
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Import-Csv
Open redirect
report from SF
in Excel
Create filter to
find any rows
with a redirect
count of more
than one.
Create a new
column to
contain the
Use a
formula to
prepend the
rule to the first
and last URLs
Remove all the
other columns
which aren’t
required and
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Or . . .
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Import-Csv
$myObjectsArray = Import-Csv "C:powershell-scriptsredirect_and_canonical_chains.csv" |
Where { $_."Number of Redirects" -gt 1}
$newArray = @()
$myObjectsArray |
$redirectType = "Redirect 301 "
$addressToRedirectFrom = $_.Address -replace
'^(?:https?://)?(?:[^@/n]+@)?(?:www.)?([^:/n]+)', ''
$addressToRedirectTo = $_.'Final Address'
$rewriteRule = $redirectType + $addressToRedirectFrom + ' ' + $addressToRedirectTo
$newArray += $rewriteRule
$newArray | Out-File "C:powershell-scriptstesting-export.csv"
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Invoke-RestMethod
Invoke-RestMethod consumes
REST APIs and parses the result
and where JSON is returned
the data is converted into a
PowerShell object that can be
easily queried.
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Invoke-RestMethod
$username = “user-name-here"
$password = “api-key-here"
$uri = ""
$testURL = ""
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}"
-f $username,$password)))
$testing = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f
$base64AuthInfo)} `
-Method Post -Uri $uri -Body @{url=""} `
$testID = $testing.test_id
$testURLWithID = $testing.poll_state_url
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Invoke-RestMethod
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Invoke-RestMethod
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Invoke-RestMethod
$fullData = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f
$base64AuthInfo)} `
-Method GET -Uri $uri+$testURLWithID
$testScore = $fullData.resources.pagespeed.Length
$testDoMTime = $fullData.results.dom_content_loaded_time
$testFullyLoaded = $fullData.results.fully_loaded_time
'The test score is:'+ $testScore
'The DOM content loaded time is: ' +$testDoMTime
'The fully loaded time is: ' +$testFullyLoaded
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Invoke-RestMethod
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Introducing PowerShell – Invoke-RestMethod
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Linking things together
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Generate Redirect Report and Create
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What is the Command Line?
cd "C:Program Files (x86)Screaming Frog SEO Spider"
ScreamingFrogSEOSpiderCli.exe ^
--crawl ^
--headless ^
--save-crawl ^
--config "C:redirect.seospiderconfig" ^
--output-folder "C:redirects" ^
--save-report "Redirect & Canonical Chains"
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What is the Command Line?
cd C:redirects
Get-Content C:redirectsredirect_and_canonical_chains.csv |
Select-Object -Skip 1 | Out-File C:redirectsredirects.csv
$myObjectsArray = Import-Csv "C:redirectsredirects.csv" |
Where { $_."Number of Redirects" -gt 1}
$newArray = @()
$myObjectsArray |
$rType = "Redirect 301 "
$rFrom = $_.Address -replace
'^(?:https?://)?(?:[^@/n]+@)?(?:www.)?([^:/n]+)', ‘’
$rTo = $_.'Final Address'
$rewriteRule = $rType + $rFrom + ' ' + $rTo
$newArray += $rewriteRule}
$newArray | Out-File "C:redirectsredirect-rules.csv"
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Generate Lighthouse Reports.
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What is the Command Line?
cd "C:Program Files (x86)Screaming Frog SEO Spider"
ScreamingFrogSEOSpiderCli.exe ^
--crawl ^
--headless ^
--save-crawl ^
--config “C:image-crawl.seospiderconfig" ^
--output-folder “C:scriptsScreamingFrog" ^
--export-tabs “Internal:ALL"
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What is the Command Line?
@echo off
cd C:scriptsChainingLighthouselighthouse-reports
for /f "delims=" %%a in
(C:scriptsChainingLighthousetest-urls.txt) DO (
ECHO Line is: %%a
lighthouse --quiet --chrome-flags="--headless" %%a
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
What is the Command Line?
cd C:lighthouse
Get-Content C:scriptsScreamingFroginternal_html.csv |
Select-Object -Skip 1 | Out-File C:lighthouseurls-to-test.csv
$myObjectsArray = Import-Csv "C:lighthouseurls-to-test.csv"
$newArray = @()
$myObjectsArray |
$newArray += $_.Address
$newArray | Out-File "C:lighthousetest-urls.txt" -Encoding ascii
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
This is just the tip of the iceberg
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Useful Resources
For Learning and
Working With CLI
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
CLI Scripting Resources
Title Link
A beginners guide to batch scripting in
Distilled Beginners guide to command line for
SEO Strategies to impress your boss
Beginners guide to Terminal on Mac
Tom Pool CLI Hacks presentation
Tom Pool CLI Cheat Sheet
Tom Pool Podcast
64 Resources for learning to code online
The 100 days of code project
PowerShell download packages
Beginners guide to PowerShell
Guide to using Arrays in Poweshell
PowerShell Foreach-Object
PowerShell out-File
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
CLI Scripting Resources
Title Link
CSV kit for PowerShell
Loop through files in directory in powershell
Understanding invoke-rest method
Working With Csvs in PowerShell
Video example of connecting to REST Method
PowerShell add-ons
Powershell substrings
Screaming Frog Command Scheduler
Screaming Frog Command Line
Running Screaming Frog CLI On a Server
GTMetrix API
Cygwin to run Linux and Mac commands on
Huge searchable DB of REST Apis
Regex to strip out domain from URL (For
Content and sentiment analysis
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Closing Thoughts.
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Repetitive tasks are often PERFECT
candidates for automation
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
If a tool doesn’t already exist to perform a
task don’t assume you have to do things
the hard way. BUILD IT.
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Writing scripts is not as HARD as you might
imagine it to be.
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Remember the words of Uncle Ben and BE
@Fearless_Shultz #brightonSEO
Thank You.

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