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ODSC 2017
Deep Learning with Keras
2016 Copyright QuantUniversity LLC.
Presented By:
Sri Krishnamurthy, CFA, CAP
Slides and Code will be available at:
- Analytics Advisory services
- Custom training & certificate programs
- Fintech and Energy Analytics and Infrastructure
• Founder of QuantUniversity LLC. and
• Advisory and Consultancy for Financial Analytics
• Prior Experience at MathWorks, Citigroup and
Endeca and 25+ financial services and energy
• Regular Columnist for the Wilmott Magazine
• Author of forthcoming book
“Financial Modeling: A case study approach”
published by Wiley
• Charted Financial Analyst and Certified Analytics
• Teaches Analytics in the Babson College MBA
program and at Northeastern University, Boston
Sri Krishnamurthy
Founder and CEO
Quantitative Analytics and Big Data Analytics Onboarding
• Trained more than 1000 students in
Quantitative methods, Data Science
and Big Data Technologies using
MATLAB, Python and R
• Launching the Analytics Certificate
Program in Summer and a Fintech
Certification program in Fall
• May 2017
▫ Sponsoring the CFA Fintech Conference in Boston
▫ QuantUniversity Chicago Meetup
 Deep Learning – May 18th -
▫ Deep Learning Workshop – May 30,31st
 Chicago & Online :
• June 2017
▫ Machine Learning Workshop – June 8th, 9th
 New York & Online :
▫ Anomaly Detection Workshop – June 18th, 19th
 Boston & Online :
Events of Interest
Summer 2017:
• Boston
• New York
• Chicago
• Washington DC (Coming soon)
QuantUniversity meetups
• Unsupervised Algorithms
▫ Given a dataset with variables 𝑥𝑖, build a model that captures the
similarities in different observations and assigns them to different
buckets => Clustering, etc.
▫ Create a transformed representation of the original data=> PCA
Machine Learning
Obs1- Class 1
Obs2- Class 2
Obs3- Class 1
• Supervised Algorithms
▫ Given a set of variables 𝑥𝑖, predict the value of another variable 𝑦 in a
given data set such that
▫ If y is numeric => Prediction
▫ If y is categorical => Classification
Machine Learning
x1,x2,x3… Model F(X) y
Start with labeled pairs (Xi, Yi)
( ,“kitten”),( ,“puppy”)
Success: predict new examples
( ,?)
“has fur?”
“pointy ears?”
“dangerously cute?”
Weighted sum
Non-linear “activation” function
Learning = “find good weights”
Learning = “find good weights”
How? Gradient descent!
1. Our labeled datasets were thousands of times too small.
2. Our computers were millions of times too slow.
3. We initialized the weights in a stupid way.
4. We used the wrong type of non-linearity.
- Geoff Hinton
Neural nets were tried in the 1980s. What changed?
Computer-Aided Diagnosis with Deep Learning Architecture: Applications to Breast Lesions in US Images and Pulmonary
Nodules in CT Scans
Towards End-to-End Speech Recognition with Recurrent Neural Networks
How is deep learning special?
Given (lots of) data, DNNs learn useful input
D. Erhan et al. ‘09
New Approaches
• Theano is a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and
evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional
arrays efficiently
• Performs efficient symbolic differentiation
• Leverages NVIDIA GPU (Claim 140X faster than CPU)
• Developed by University of Montreal researchers and is open-source
• Works on Windows/Linux/Mac OS
• See
• GPU vs CPU
▫ Theano Test
▫ See Theano Test.ipyb
• Logistic Regression
See Theano-Logistic Regression.ipyb
Convolutional Neural Networks
Max pooling
Convolutional Neural Networks
See Theano-Conv-Net.ipynb
• Keras is a high-level neural networks library, written in Python and
capable of running on top of either TensorFlow or Theano. It was
developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation.
• Allows for easy and fast prototyping (through total modularity,
minimalism, and extensibility).
• Supports both convolutional networks and recurrent networks, as
well as combinations of the two.
• Supports arbitrary connectivity schemes (including multi-input and
multi-output training).
• Runs seamlessly on CPU and GPU.
• Keras Examples
▫ Testing Keras: See KerasPython.ipynb
▫ Mlp-1 layer
▫ Running Convolutional NN on Keras with a Theano Backend
 See Keras-conv-example-mnist.ipynb
• Motivation1:
• Goal is to have ෤𝑥 to approximate x
• Interesting applications such as
▫ Data compression
▫ Visualization
▫ Pre-train neural networks
Demo in Keras1
Supervised learning
▫ Observations are independent
▫ Given X1----Xi, predict Y
▫ CNNs
Supervised learning
▫ Sequentially ordered
▫ Given O1---OT, predict OT+1
1 Normal
2 Normal
3 Abnormal
4 Normal
5 Abnormal
• Given : X1,X2,X3----XN
• Convert the Univariate time series dataset to a cross sectional
Time series modeling in Keras using MLPs
X1 X2
X2 X3
X3 X4
X4 X5
X5 X6
X6 X7
X7 X8
X8 X9
X9 X10
X10 X11
X11 X12
X12 X13
X13 X14
X14 X15
• Monthly data
• Computational Intelligence in Forecasting
• Source:
Sample data
• Use 72 for training and 36 for testing
• Lookback 1, 10
• Longer the lookback, larger the network
Multi-Layer Perceptron
Size 8
Size 1
Train Score: 1972.20 MSE (44.41 RMSE)
Test Score: 3001.77 MSE (54.79 RMSE)
Train Score: 2631.49 MSE (51.30 RMSE)
Test Score: 4166.64 MSE (64.55 RMSE)
Lookback = 1 Lookback = 10
• Has 3 types of parameters
▫ W – Hidden weights
▫ U – Hidden to Hidden weights
▫ V – Hidden to Label weights
• All W,U,V are shared
Recurrent Neural Networks1
Where can Recurrent Neural Networks be used?1
1. Vanilla mode of processing without RNN, from fixed-sized input to fixed-sized output (e.g. image
2. Sequence output (e.g. image captioning takes an image and outputs a sentence of words).
3. Sequence input (e.g. sentiment analysis where a given sentence is classified as expressing positive
or negative sentiment).
4. Sequence input and sequence output (e.g. Machine Translation: an RNN reads a sentence in
English and then outputs a sentence in French).
5. Synced sequence input and output (e.g. video classification where we wish to label each frame of
the video).
• Andrej Karpathy’s article
• Hand writing generation demo
Sample applications
Recurrent Neural Networks
• A recurrent neural network can be thought of as multiple copies of
the same network, each passing a message to a successor. 1
• Backpropagation(computing gradient wrt all parameters of the
network) which is process used to propagate errors and weights
needs to be modified for RNNs due to the existence of loops
• BPTT begins by unfolding a recurrent neural network through time
as shown in the figure.
• Training then proceeds in a manner similar to training a feed-
forward neural network with backpropagation, except that the
training patterns are visited in sequential order.
Back Propagation through time (BPTT)1
• Backpropagation through time (BPTT) for RNNs is difficult due to a
problem known as vanishing/exploding gradient . i.e, the gradient
becomes extremely small or large towards the first and end of the
• This is addressed by LSTM RNNs. Instead of neurons, LSTMs use
memory cells 1
Addressing the problem of Vanishing/Exploding gradient
• Dataset of 25,000 movies reviews from IMDB, labeled by sentiment
• Reviews have been preprocessed, and each review is encoded as a sequence of
word indexes (integers).
• For convenience, words are indexed by overall frequency in the dataset, so that
for instance the integer "3" encodes the 3rd most frequent word in the data.
• The 2011 paper (see below) had approximately 88% accuracy
• See
Demo – IMDB Dataset
The most frequent 5000 words are chosen and mapped to 32 length vector
Sequences are restricted to 500 words; > 500 cut off ; < 500 pad
LSTM layer with 100 output dimensions
Accuracy: 84.08%
• Neural Networks are resource intensive
▫ Typically require huge dedicated hardware (RAM, GPUs)
• Parameter space huge! – 100s of thousands of parameters
▫ Tuning is important
• Architecture choice is important:
▫ See
Key takeaways from modeling Deep Neural Networks
What is Spark ?
• Apache Spark™ is a fast and general engine for large-scale data
• Run programs up to 100x faster than Hadoop MapReduce
in memory, or 10x faster on disk.
Lightning-fast cluster computing
Why Spark ?
• Combine SQL, streaming, and
complex analytics.
• Spark powers a stack of high-level
tools including:
1. Spark Streaming: processing real-time
data streams
2. Spark SQL and DataFrames: support
for structured data and relational
3. MLlib: built-in machine learning library
4. GraphX: Spark’s new API for graph
• Investment : Enterprises have significantly invested in Big-Data
• GPUs – Require specialized hardware – Niche Use-cases
• Can enterprises reuse existing infrastructure for deep learning
• What use-cases in Deep learning can leverage Apache Spark?
Deep Learning + Apache Spark ?
• Databricks – Platform for running Spark applications
• BigDL – Intel’s library for deep learning on existing data frameworks.
• TensorflowOnSpark – Yahoo’s Distributed Deep Learning on Big Data
• The Rest:
▫ SparkNet – AMPLab’s framework for training deep networks in Spark
▫ DeepLearning4J – Uses Data parallism to train on separate neural
▫ DeepDist - Lightning-Fast Deep Learning on Spark Via parallel stochastic
gradient updates
Efforts on using Deep Learning Frameworks with Spark
• Deploying trained models to make predictions on data stored in
Spark RDDs or Dataframes
 Inception model:
 Each prediction requires about 4.8 billion operations
 Parallelizing with Spark helps scale operations
• Distributed model training
 Use deep learning libraries like TensorFlow to test different model
hyperparameters on each worker
 Task parallelism
• Tensorframes
 Experimental TensorFlow binding for Scala and Apache Spark.
 TensorFrames (TensorFlow on Spark Dataframes) lets you manipulate
Apache Spark's DataFrames with TensorFlow programs.
 TensorFrames is available as a Spark package.
• BigDL is an open source,
distributed deep learning
library for Apache Spark that
has feature parity with
existing popular deep learning
frameworks like Torch and
• BigDL is a standalone Spark
Intel’s BigDL library
• BigDL uses Intel Math Kernel Library, a fast math library for Intel and
compatible processors to facilitate multi-threaded programming in
each Spark task.
• The MKL library facilitates efficiently train larger models across a
cluster (using distributed synchronous, mini-batch SGD)
• Key Value proposition:
▫ “The typical deep learning pipeline that involves data preprocessing
and preparation on a Spark cluster and model training on a server with
multiple GPUs, now involves a simple Spark library that runs on the
same cluster used for data preparation and storage.”
Intel’s BigDL library
• Existing DL frameworks often require setting up separate clusters for
deep learning, forcing us to create multiple programs for a machine
learning pipeline
CafeOnSpark – Yahoo’s Distributed Deep Learning
• TensorFlowOnSpark supports all types of TensorFlow programs,
enabling both asynchronous and synchronous training and
inferencing. It supports model parallelism and data parallelism.
CafeOnSpark – Yahoo’s Distributed Deep Learning
• Developed at UC Berleley’s AMPLab
• SparkNet is built on top of Spark and Caffe.
• Not much activity in the last year
• SparkNet's parallelized stochastic gradient decent (SGD) algorithm requires
minimal communication between nodes
• Deeplearning4j (DL4J) leverages Spark clusters for fast, distributed,
in-memory training of DL models that were developed Scala or Java
• A centralized DL model iteratively averages the parameters
produced by separate neural nets.
• Leverages Spark and asynchronous SGD to accelerate Deep Learning
training from HDFS/Spark data
• DeepDist fetches the model from the master and calls gradient().
After computing gradients on the data partitions, gradient updates
are sent back the server. On the server, the master model is updated
by descent() using the updates from the nodes..
• Databricks – Platform for running Spark applications
• BigDL – Intel’s library for deep learning on existing data frameworks.
• TensorflowOnSpark – Yahoo’s Distributed Deep Learning on Big Data
• The Rest:
▫ SparkNet – AMPLab’s framework for training deep networks in Spark
▫ DeepLearning4J – Uses Data parallism to train on separate neural
▫ DeepDist - Lightning-Fast Deep Learning on Spark Via parallel stochastic
gradient updates
Efforts on using Deep Learning Frameworks with Spark
• QuantUniversity has started a new initiative to support students and
unemployed professionals interested in fintech and data science
roles to attend our workshops for free/reduced cost.
• If you or some one you know are interested in attending our
workshops for free/significantly discounted price, apply for a
scholarship here
• If you are want to join us in supporting this initiative through a
sponsorship, please contact us. We are on a mission to democratize
Analytics education and we seek your support in making it possible!
QuantUniversity’s Analytics for a cause Initiative
Thank you!
Checkout our programs at:
Sri Krishnamurthy, CFA, CAP
Founder and CEO
QuantUniversity LLC.
Information, data and drawings embodied in this presentation are strictly a property of QuantUniversity LLC. and shall not be
distributed or used in any other publication without the prior written consent of QuantUniversity LLC.

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Deep learning with Keras

  • 1. Location: ODSC 2017 5/4/2017 Deep Learning with Keras 2016 Copyright QuantUniversity LLC. Presented By: Sri Krishnamurthy, CFA, CAP
  • 2. 2 Slides and Code will be available at:
  • 3. - Analytics Advisory services - Custom training & certificate programs - Fintech and Energy Analytics and Infrastructure
  • 4. • Founder of QuantUniversity LLC. and • Advisory and Consultancy for Financial Analytics • Prior Experience at MathWorks, Citigroup and Endeca and 25+ financial services and energy customers. • Regular Columnist for the Wilmott Magazine • Author of forthcoming book “Financial Modeling: A case study approach” published by Wiley • Charted Financial Analyst and Certified Analytics Professional • Teaches Analytics in the Babson College MBA program and at Northeastern University, Boston Sri Krishnamurthy Founder and CEO 4
  • 5. 5 Quantitative Analytics and Big Data Analytics Onboarding • Trained more than 1000 students in Quantitative methods, Data Science and Big Data Technologies using MATLAB, Python and R • Launching the Analytics Certificate Program in Summer and a Fintech Certification program in Fall
  • 6. 6 • May 2017 ▫ Sponsoring the CFA Fintech Conference in Boston ▫ QuantUniversity Chicago Meetup  Deep Learning – May 18th - Meetup-Chicago ▫ Deep Learning Workshop – May 30,31st  Chicago & Online : • June 2017 ▫ Machine Learning Workshop – June 8th, 9th  New York & Online : ▫ Anomaly Detection Workshop – June 18th, 19th  Boston & Online : Events of Interest
  • 8. 8 • Boston • New York • Chicago • Washington DC (Coming soon) QuantUniversity meetups
  • 9. 9
  • 10. 10 • Unsupervised Algorithms ▫ Given a dataset with variables 𝑥𝑖, build a model that captures the similarities in different observations and assigns them to different buckets => Clustering, etc. ▫ Create a transformed representation of the original data=> PCA Machine Learning Obs1, Obs2,Obs3 etc. Model Obs1- Class 1 Obs2- Class 2 Obs3- Class 1
  • 11. 11 • Supervised Algorithms ▫ Given a set of variables 𝑥𝑖, predict the value of another variable 𝑦 in a given data set such that ▫ If y is numeric => Prediction ▫ If y is categorical => Classification Machine Learning x1,x2,x3… Model F(X) y
  • 12. 12 Start with labeled pairs (Xi, Yi) ( ,“kitten”),( ,“puppy”) …
  • 13. 13 Success: predict new examples ( ,?)
  • 15. 15
  • 21. 22 1. Our labeled datasets were thousands of times too small. 2. Our computers were millions of times too slow. 3. We initialized the weights in a stupid way. 4. We used the wrong type of non-linearity. - Geoff Hinton Neural nets were tried in the 1980s. What changed?
  • 24. 25
  • 27. 28 Computer-Aided Diagnosis with Deep Learning Architecture: Applications to Breast Lesions in US Images and Pulmonary Nodules in CT Scans
  • 28. 29 Towards End-to-End Speech Recognition with Recurrent Neural Networks
  • 32. 33
  • 37. 38
  • 38. 39 How is deep learning special? Given (lots of) data, DNNs learn useful input representations. D. Erhan et al. ‘09
  • 39. 40
  • 43. 44
  • 44. 45 • Theano is a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently • Performs efficient symbolic differentiation • Leverages NVIDIA GPU (Claim 140X faster than CPU) • Developed by University of Montreal researchers and is open-source • Works on Windows/Linux/Mac OS • See Theano
  • 45. 46 • GPU vs CPU ▫ Theano Test ▫ See Theano Test.ipyb Demo
  • 46. 47 • Logistic Regression Theano See Theano-Logistic Regression.ipyb
  • 50. 51 Convolutional Neural Networks See Theano-Conv-Net.ipynb
  • 51. 52 • Keras is a high-level neural networks library, written in Python and capable of running on top of either TensorFlow or Theano. It was developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation. • Allows for easy and fast prototyping (through total modularity, minimalism, and extensibility). • Supports both convolutional networks and recurrent networks, as well as combinations of the two. • Supports arbitrary connectivity schemes (including multi-input and multi-output training). • Runs seamlessly on CPU and GPU. Keras
  • 52. 53 • Keras Examples ▫ Testing Keras: See KerasPython.ipynb ▫ Mlp-1 layer ▫ Running Convolutional NN on Keras with a Theano Backend  See Keras-conv-example-mnist.ipynb Demo
  • 53. 54
  • 55. 56 • Goal is to have ෤𝑥 to approximate x • Interesting applications such as ▫ Data compression ▫ Visualization ▫ Pre-train neural networks Autoencoder
  • 56. 57 Demo in Keras1 1. 2.
  • 57. Supervised learning Cross-sectional ▫ Observations are independent ▫ Given X1----Xi, predict Y ▫ CNNs
  • 58. Supervised learning Sequential ▫ Sequentially ordered ▫ Given O1---OT, predict OT+1 1 Normal 2 Normal 3 Abnormal 4 Normal 5 Abnormal
  • 59. 60 • Given : X1,X2,X3----XN • Convert the Univariate time series dataset to a cross sectional Dataset Time series modeling in Keras using MLPs X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X Y X1 X2 X2 X3 X3 X4 X4 X5 X5 X6 X6 X7 X7 X8 X8 X9 X9 X10 X10 X11 X11 X12 X12 X13 X13 X14 X14 X15
  • 60. 61 • Monthly data • Computational Intelligence in Forecasting • Source: Sample data 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 100 103 106
  • 61. 62 • Use 72 for training and 36 for testing • Lookback 1, 10 • Longer the lookback, larger the network Multi-Layer Perceptron Size 8 Size 1
  • 62. 63 Demo Train Score: 1972.20 MSE (44.41 RMSE) Test Score: 3001.77 MSE (54.79 RMSE) Train Score: 2631.49 MSE (51.30 RMSE) Test Score: 4166.64 MSE (64.55 RMSE) Lookback = 1 Lookback = 10
  • 63. 64 • Has 3 types of parameters ▫ W – Hidden weights ▫ U – Hidden to Hidden weights ▫ V – Hidden to Label weights • All W,U,V are shared Recurrent Neural Networks1 1.
  • 64. 65 Where can Recurrent Neural Networks be used?1 1. 1. Vanilla mode of processing without RNN, from fixed-sized input to fixed-sized output (e.g. image classification). 2. Sequence output (e.g. image captioning takes an image and outputs a sentence of words). 3. Sequence input (e.g. sentiment analysis where a given sentence is classified as expressing positive or negative sentiment). 4. Sequence input and sequence output (e.g. Machine Translation: an RNN reads a sentence in English and then outputs a sentence in French). 5. Synced sequence input and output (e.g. video classification where we wish to label each frame of the video).
  • 65. 66 • Andrej Karpathy’s article ▫ • Hand writing generation demo ▫ Sample applications
  • 66. 67 Recurrent Neural Networks • A recurrent neural network can be thought of as multiple copies of the same network, each passing a message to a successor. 1 • Backpropagation(computing gradient wrt all parameters of the network) which is process used to propagate errors and weights needs to be modified for RNNs due to the existence of loops
  • 67. 68 • BPTT begins by unfolding a recurrent neural network through time as shown in the figure. • Training then proceeds in a manner similar to training a feed- forward neural network with backpropagation, except that the training patterns are visited in sequential order. Back Propagation through time (BPTT)1 1.
  • 68. 69 • Backpropagation through time (BPTT) for RNNs is difficult due to a problem known as vanishing/exploding gradient . i.e, the gradient becomes extremely small or large towards the first and end of the network. • This is addressed by LSTM RNNs. Instead of neurons, LSTMs use memory cells 1 Addressing the problem of Vanishing/Exploding gradient
  • 69. 70 • Dataset of 25,000 movies reviews from IMDB, labeled by sentiment (positive/negative). • Reviews have been preprocessed, and each review is encoded as a sequence of word indexes (integers). • For convenience, words are indexed by overall frequency in the dataset, so that for instance the integer "3" encodes the 3rd most frequent word in the data. • The 2011 paper (see below) had approximately 88% accuracy • See ▫ ▫ networks-python-keras/ ▫ Demo – IMDB Dataset
  • 70. 71 Network The most frequent 5000 words are chosen and mapped to 32 length vector Sequences are restricted to 500 words; > 500 cut off ; < 500 pad LSTM layer with 100 output dimensions Accuracy: 84.08%
  • 71. 72
  • 72. 73 • Neural Networks are resource intensive ▫ Typically require huge dedicated hardware (RAM, GPUs) • Parameter space huge! – 100s of thousands of parameters ▫ Tuning is important • Architecture choice is important: ▫ See Key takeaways from modeling Deep Neural Networks
  • 73. What is Spark ? • Apache Spark™ is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing. • Run programs up to 100x faster than Hadoop MapReduce in memory, or 10x faster on disk. Lightning-fast cluster computing
  • 74. Why Spark ? Generality • Combine SQL, streaming, and complex analytics. • Spark powers a stack of high-level tools including: 1. Spark Streaming: processing real-time data streams 2. Spark SQL and DataFrames: support for structured data and relational queries 3. MLlib: built-in machine learning library 4. GraphX: Spark’s new API for graph processing
  • 75. 76 • Investment : Enterprises have significantly invested in Big-Data infrastructure • GPUs – Require specialized hardware – Niche Use-cases • Can enterprises reuse existing infrastructure for deep learning applications? • What use-cases in Deep learning can leverage Apache Spark? Deep Learning + Apache Spark ?
  • 76. 77 • Databricks – Platform for running Spark applications • BigDL – Intel’s library for deep learning on existing data frameworks. • TensorflowOnSpark – Yahoo’s Distributed Deep Learning on Big Data Clusters • The Rest: ▫ SparkNet – AMPLab’s framework for training deep networks in Spark ▫ DeepLearning4J – Uses Data parallism to train on separate neural networks ▫ DeepDist - Lightning-Fast Deep Learning on Spark Via parallel stochastic gradient updates Efforts on using Deep Learning Frameworks with Spark
  • 77. 78 • Deploying trained models to make predictions on data stored in Spark RDDs or Dataframes  Inception model:  Each prediction requires about 4.8 billion operations  Parallelizing with Spark helps scale operations Databricks databricks.html
  • 78. 79 • Distributed model training  Use deep learning libraries like TensorFlow to test different model hyperparameters on each worker  Task parallelism Databricks databricks.html
  • 79. 80 • Tensorframes  Experimental TensorFlow binding for Scala and Apache Spark.  TensorFrames (TensorFlow on Spark Dataframes) lets you manipulate Apache Spark's DataFrames with TensorFlow programs.  TensorFrames is available as a Spark package. Databricks
  • 80. 81 • BigDL is an open source, distributed deep learning library for Apache Spark that has feature parity with existing popular deep learning frameworks like Torch and Caffe • BigDL is a standalone Spark package Intel’s BigDL library
  • 81. 82 • BigDL uses Intel Math Kernel Library, a fast math library for Intel and compatible processors to facilitate multi-threaded programming in each Spark task. • The MKL library facilitates efficiently train larger models across a cluster (using distributed synchronous, mini-batch SGD) • Key Value proposition: ▫ “The typical deep learning pipeline that involves data preprocessing and preparation on a Spark cluster and model training on a server with multiple GPUs, now involves a simple Spark library that runs on the same cluster used for data preparation and storage.” Intel’s BigDL library
  • 82. 83 • Existing DL frameworks often require setting up separate clusters for deep learning, forcing us to create multiple programs for a machine learning pipeline TensorflowOnSpark, CafeOnSpark – Yahoo’s Distributed Deep Learning tensorflowonspark-distributed-deep
  • 83. 84 • TensorFlowOnSpark supports all types of TensorFlow programs, enabling both asynchronous and synchronous training and inferencing. It supports model parallelism and data parallelism. tensorflowonspark-distributed-deep TensorflowOnSpark, CafeOnSpark – Yahoo’s Distributed Deep Learning
  • 84. 85 • Developed at UC Berleley’s AMPLab • SparkNet is built on top of Spark and Caffe. • Not much activity in the last year • SparkNet's parallelized stochastic gradient decent (SGD) algorithm requires minimal communication between nodes SparkNet
  • 85. 86 • Deeplearning4j (DL4J) leverages Spark clusters for fast, distributed, in-memory training of DL models that were developed Scala or Java • A centralized DL model iteratively averages the parameters produced by separate neural nets. DeepLearning4J
  • 86. 87 • Leverages Spark and asynchronous SGD to accelerate Deep Learning training from HDFS/Spark data • DeepDist fetches the model from the master and calls gradient(). After computing gradients on the data partitions, gradient updates are sent back the server. On the server, the master model is updated by descent() using the updates from the nodes.. DeepDist
  • 87. 88 • Databricks – Platform for running Spark applications • BigDL – Intel’s library for deep learning on existing data frameworks. • TensorflowOnSpark – Yahoo’s Distributed Deep Learning on Big Data Clusters • The Rest: ▫ SparkNet – AMPLab’s framework for training deep networks in Spark ▫ DeepLearning4J – Uses Data parallism to train on separate neural networks ▫ DeepDist - Lightning-Fast Deep Learning on Spark Via parallel stochastic gradient updates Efforts on using Deep Learning Frameworks with Spark
  • 88. 89 • QuantUniversity has started a new initiative to support students and unemployed professionals interested in fintech and data science roles to attend our workshops for free/reduced cost. • If you or some one you know are interested in attending our workshops for free/significantly discounted price, apply for a scholarship here • If you are want to join us in supporting this initiative through a sponsorship, please contact us. We are on a mission to democratize Analytics education and we seek your support in making it possible! QuantUniversity’s Analytics for a cause Initiative
  • 90. Thank you! Checkout our programs at: Sri Krishnamurthy, CFA, CAP Founder and CEO QuantUniversity LLC. srikrishnamurthy Information, data and drawings embodied in this presentation are strictly a property of QuantUniversity LLC. and shall not be distributed or used in any other publication without the prior written consent of QuantUniversity LLC. 91