moocs rai university moocs foundation ahmadabad rai moocs branding human resource management advertising introduction to branding human resource planning rai business to business branding online branding legal perspective of branding brand as strategic device branding architecture brand portfolio consumer segmentation brand positioning strategy brand personality brand planning brand potential brand management process brand evolution brand equity brand relationship brand loyalty corporate branding co - branding brand name and brand extensions building successful brands brand and branding basics business sponsorship public relations direct marketing and packaging impact of it on advertisement design creative briefs design and testing copy writing visuals creative message appeals scheduling message media planning media ethics in advertising types of agency advertising agency communication process and its models communication process advantages and disadvantages of advertising purpose and objective of advertising types of advertising advertisement compensation meaning objectives training training and development development potential appraisal methods of performance appraisal hu succession planning career planning selection recruitment job specification job description human resource nature human resource management evolution human resource objective philosophy planning hrd concept and environmental factors of hrm hrm function online course manpower forecasting
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