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the bytecode
This presentation contains
Content is my own experimentation and
might differ on other environments
2015 Local winner
2016+ Ambassador
2016 Runner up
2018 Honorable mention
Author Entrepreneurship
Everything starts with our
friend the java compiler.
*.java → [javac] → *.class
Or on Android
*.java → [javac] → *.class
*.class → [dx] → dex file
*.java → [javac] → *.class
*.class → [dx] → dex
dex → [dexopt] → opt. dex
dex → [dex2oat] → native
but change is coming!
Jack & Jill
but change is coming!
Jack & Jill
*.java → [jack] → dex file
but change is still coming!
D8 & R8
*.java → [javac] → *.class
*.class → [d8/r8] → dex file
Let’s focus first on javac
Javac vs other compilers
Produces optimized code
for the target platform
Does not produce
optimized code*
Does not know on which
architecture the code will
be executed
Source: Oracle
For this reason
Java bytecode &
operations are stack
Easy to interpret
But not the most
performant solution
Quick example
Stack based integer
j = j + i
Java bytecode
Register based approach
add r01, r02, r01
add eax, ebx
Let’s make things
j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p;
Java bytecode
0: iload_2
1: iload_1
2: iadd
3: iload_3
4: iadd
5: iload 4
7: iadd
8: iload 5
10: iconst_2
11: imul
12: iadd
13: iload 6
15: iload 6
17: imul
18: iadd
19: istore_2
j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p;
Local vars
1: i
2: j
3: k
4: w
5: h
6: p
0: iload_2
1: iload_1
2: iadd
3: iload_3
4: iadd
5: iload 4
7: iadd
8: iload 5
10: iconst_2
11: imul
12: iadd
13: iload 6
15: iload 6
17: imul
18: iadd
19: istore_2
j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p;
Local vars
1: i
2: j
3: k
4: w
5: h
6: p
0: iload_2
1: iload_1
2: iadd
3: iload_3
4: iadd
5: iload 4
7: iadd
8: iload 5
10: iconst_2
11: imul
12: iadd
13: iload 6
15: iload 6
17: imul
18: iadd
19: istore_2
j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p;
Local vars
1: i
2: j
3: k
4: w
5: h
6: p
0: iload_2
1: iload_1
2: iadd
3: iload_3
4: iadd
5: iload 4
7: iadd
8: iload 5
10: iconst_2
11: imul
12: iadd
13: iload 6
15: iload 6
17: imul
18: iadd
19: istore_2
j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p;
Local vars
1: i
2: j
3: k
4: w
5: h
6: p
0: iload_2
1: iload_1
2: iadd
3: iload_3
4: iadd
5: iload 4
7: iadd
8: iload 5
10: iconst_2
11: imul
12: iadd
13: iload 6
15: iload 6
17: imul
18: iadd
19: istore_2
j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p;
Local vars
1: i
2: j
3: k
4: w
5: h
6: p
0: iload_2
1: iload_1
2: iadd
3: iload_3
4: iadd
5: iload 4
7: iadd
8: iload 5
10: iconst_2
11: imul
12: iadd
13: iload 6
15: iload 6
17: imul
18: iadd
19: istore_2
j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p;
Local vars
1: i
2: j
3: k
4: w
5: h
6: p
0: iload_2
1: iload_1
2: iadd
3: iload_3
4: iadd
5: iload 4
7: iadd
8: iload 5
10: iconst_2
11: imul
12: iadd
13: iload 6
15: iload 6
17: imul
18: iadd
19: istore_2
j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p;
Local vars
1: i
2: j
3: k
4: w
5: h
6: p
Register based approach
add r01, r02, r01
add r01, r03, r01
add r01, r04, r01
mul r07, r05, #2
add r01, r07, r01
mul r08, r06, r06
add r02, r08, r01
j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p;
r01: i
r02: j
r03: k
r04: w
r05: h
r06: p
Java VM (JVM)
Only the JVM knows the
architecture where is running.
In our previous example, we used up to
8 registers, but some CPUs might have
less than 8 registers…
Java VM (JVM)
All optimizations are left to
be done by the JVM
Maybe takes this concept
a bit too far...
Imagine this simple C code
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a = 10;
int b = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + a;
printf("%dn", b);
GCC compiler
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a = 10;
int b = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + a;
printf("%dn", b);
movl $31, %esi
call _printf
* Using gcc & -O2 compiler option
public static void main(String
args[]) {
int a = 10;
int b = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + a;
0: bipush 10
2: istore_1
3: bipush 21
5: iload_1
6: iadd
7: istore_2
Let's do a small change
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a = 10;
int b = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + a + 6;
printf("%dn", b);
GCC compiler
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a = 10;
int b = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + a + 6;
printf("%dn", b);
movl $31, %esi
call _printf
* Using gcc & -O2 compiler option
public static void main(String
args[]) {
int a = 10;
int b = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + a + 6;
0: bipush 10
2: istore_1
3: bipush 15
5: iload_1
6: iadd
7: bipush 6
9: iadd
10: istore_2
Let's do another quick
public static void main(String args[]) {
int a = 10;
int b = a + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6;
00: bipush 10
02: istore_1
03: iload_1
04: iconst_1
05: iadd
06: iconst_2
07: iadd
08: iconst_3
09: iadd
10: iconst_4
11: iadd
12: iconst_5
13: iadd
14: bipush 6
16: iadd
17: istore_2
public static void main(String args[]) {
int a = 10;
int b = a + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6;
On Android there was
jack to the rescue...
public static void main(String args[]) {
int a = 10;
int b = a + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6;
0: const/16 v0, #int 31
2: sget-object v1,
4: invoke-virtual {v1, v0}
7: return-void
but d8 does the
job as well...
public static void main(String args[]) {
int a = 10;
int b = a + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6;
0: sget-object v1,
2: const/16 v0, #int 31
4: invoke-virtual {v1, v0}
7: return-void
And on Java there is the
JIT compiler to the rescue
JIT assembly output
public static void main(String args[]) {
int a = 10;
int b = a + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6;
0x00000001104b2bff: mov eax, 0x0001f
0: bipush 10
2: istore_1
3: iload_1
4: iconst_1
5: iadd
6: iconst_2
7: iadd
8: iconst_3
9: iadd
10: iconst_4
11: iadd
12: iconst_5
13: iadd
14: bipush 6
16: iadd
17: istore_2
Language additions
Thinks to consider
Transparent to the developer
but compiler adds some
'extra' code
long total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
0: lconst_0
1: lstore_1
2: iconst_0
3: istore_3
4: iload_3
5: ldc #8 // N
7: if_icmpge 21
10: lload_1
11: iload_3
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: lstore_1
15: iinc 3, 1
18: goto 4
long total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
0: lconst_0
1: lstore_1
2: iconst_0
3: istore_3
4: iload_3
5: ldc #8 // N
7: if_icmpge 21
10: lload_1
11: iload_3
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: lstore_1
15: iinc 3, 1
18: goto 4
long total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
0: lconst_0
1: lstore_1
2: iconst_0
3: istore_3
4: iload_3
5: ldc #8 // N
7: if_icmpge 21
10: lload_1
11: iload_3
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: lstore_1
15: iinc 3, 1
18: goto 4
long total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
0: lconst_0
1: lstore_1
2: iconst_0
3: istore_3
4: iload_3
5: ldc #8 // N
7: if_icmpge 21
10: lload_1
11: iload_3
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: lstore_1
15: iinc 3, 1
18: goto 4
long total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
0: lconst_0
1: lstore_1
2: iconst_0
3: istore_3
4: iload_3
5: ldc #8 // N
7: if_icmpge 21
10: lload_1
11: iload_3
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: lstore_1
15: iinc 3, 1
18: goto 4
long total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
0: lconst_0
1: lstore_1
2: iconst_0
3: istore_3
4: iload_3
5: ldc #8 // N
7: if_icmpge 21
10: lload_1
11: iload_3
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: lstore_1
15: iinc 3, 1
18: goto 4
long total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
0: lconst_0
1: lstore_1
2: iconst_0
3: istore_3
4: iload_3
5: ldc #8 // N
7: if_icmpge 21
10: lload_1
11: iload_3
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: lstore_1
15: iinc 3, 1
18: goto 4
Long total = 0;
for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
Long total = 0;
for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
00: lconst_0
01: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la
04: astore_1
05: iconst_0
06: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/
09: astore_2
10: aload_2
11: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
14: sipush N
17: if_icmpge 54
20: aload_1
21: invokevirtual #10 // java/lang/Long.longValue:()J
24: aload_2
25: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
28: i2l
29: ladd
30: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la
33: astore_1
34: aload_2
35: astore_3
36: aload_2
37: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
40: iconst_1
41: iadd
42: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/
45: dup
46: astore_2
47: astore 4
49: aload_3
50: pop
51: goto 10
Long total = 0;
for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
00: lconst_0
01: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la
04: astore_1
05: iconst_0
06: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/
09: astore_2
10: aload_2
11: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
14: sipush N
17: if_icmpge 54
20: aload_1
21: invokevirtual #10 // java/lang/Long.longValue:()J
24: aload_2
25: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
28: i2l
29: ladd
30: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la
33: astore_1
34: aload_2
35: astore_3
36: aload_2
37: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
40: iconst_1
41: iadd
42: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/
45: dup
46: astore_2
47: astore 4
49: aload_3
50: pop
51: goto 10
Long total = 0;
for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
00: lconst_0
01: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la
04: astore_1
05: iconst_0
06: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/
09: astore_2
10: aload_2
11: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
14: sipush N
17: if_icmpge 54
20: aload_1
21: invokevirtual #10 // java/lang/Long.longValue:()J
24: aload_2
25: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
28: i2l
29: ladd
30: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la
33: astore_1
34: aload_2
35: astore_3
36: aload_2
37: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
40: iconst_1
41: iadd
42: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/
45: dup
46: astore_2
47: astore 4
49: aload_3
50: pop
51: goto 10
Long total = 0;
for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
00: lconst_0
01: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la
04: astore_1
05: iconst_0
06: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/
09: astore_2
10: aload_2
11: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
14: sipush N
17: if_icmpge 54
20: aload_1
21: invokevirtual #10 // java/lang/Long.longValue:()J
24: aload_2
25: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
28: i2l
29: ladd
30: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la
33: astore_1
34: aload_2
35: astore_3
36: aload_2
37: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
40: iconst_1
41: iadd
42: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/
45: dup
46: astore_2
47: astore 4
49: aload_3
50: pop
51: goto 10
Long total = 0;
for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
00: lconst_0
01: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la
04: astore_1
05: iconst_0
06: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/
09: astore_2
10: aload_2
11: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
14: sipush N
17: if_icmpge 54
20: aload_1
21: invokevirtual #10 // java/lang/Long.longValue:()J
24: aload_2
25: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
28: i2l
29: ladd
30: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la
33: astore_1
34: aload_2
35: astore_3
36: aload_2
37: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
40: iconst_1
41: iadd
42: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/
45: dup
46: astore_2
47: astore 4
49: aload_3
50: pop
51: goto 10
Long total = 0;
for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
00: lconst_0
01: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la
04: astore_1
05: iconst_0
06: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/
09: astore_2
10: aload_2
11: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
14: sipush N
17: if_icmpge 54
20: aload_1
21: invokevirtual #10 // java/lang/Long.longValue:()J
24: aload_2
25: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
28: i2l
29: ladd
30: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la
33: astore_1
34: aload_2
35: astore_3
36: aload_2
37: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
40: iconst_1
41: iadd
42: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/
45: dup
46: astore_2
47: astore 4
49: aload_3
50: pop
51: goto 10
Long total = 0;
for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
00: lconst_0
01: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la
04: astore_1
05: iconst_0
06: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/
09: astore_2
10: aload_2
11: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
14: sipush N
17: if_icmpge 54
20: aload_1
21: invokevirtual #10 // java/lang/Long.longValue:()J
24: aload_2
25: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
28: i2l
29: ladd
30: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la
33: astore_1
34: aload_2
35: astore_3
36: aload_2
37: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
40: iconst_1
41: iadd
42: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/
45: dup
46: astore_2
47: astore 4
49: aload_3
50: pop
51: goto 10
Long total = 0;
for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) {
total += i;
// ?
00: lconst_0
01: invokestatic #7 // Method java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)L
04: astore_1
05: iconst_0
06: invokestatic #8 // Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I
09: astore_2
10: aload_2
11: invokevirtual #9 // Method java/lang/Integer.intValue:
14: sipush N
17: if_icmpge 54
20: aload_1
21: invokevirtual #10 // Method java/lang/Long.longValue:(
24: aload_2
25: invokevirtual #9 // Method java/lang/Integer.intValue:
28: i2l
29: ladd
30: invokestatic #7 // Method java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)L
33: astore_1
34: aload_2
35: astore_3
36: aload_2
37: invokevirtual #9 // Method java/lang/Integer.intValue:
40: iconst_1
41: iadd
42: invokestatic #8 // Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I
45: dup
46: astore_2
47: astore 4
49: aload_3
50: pop
51: goto 10
This is what that code is actually doing:
Long total = Long.valueOf(0);
for(Integer i = Integer.valueOf(0);
i.intValue() < N;
i = Integer.valueOf(i.intValue() + 1)) {
total = Long.valueOf(total.longValue() + (long)i.intValue())
Object creation
Long total = Long.valueOf(0);
for(Integer i = Integer.valueOf(0);
i.intValue() < N;
i = Integer.valueOf(i.intValue() + 1)) {
total = Long.valueOf(total.longValue() + (long)i.intValue())
What about dex bytecode?
D8 does not help in this situation
(neither Jack)
What about the JIT compiler on
plain java?
Let's run that loop
N times
(on my desktop computer)
N =
Let’s try it on Android
Dalvik VM & ART
Language Additions
Use them wisely!
No bytecode mumbo-jumbo
Let's sort some numbers…
Difference between sorting
primitive types (int) &
objects (Integer)
Using int & Integer
When sorting objects java
uses a stable sort
Default java algorithm:
TimSort adaptation
Sorting primitives does not
require to be stable sort
Default java algorithm:
Dual-Pivot quicksort
Use primitive types as much
as possible
What is going on behind the
Loops - List
ArrayList<Integer> list = new …
static long loopStandardList() {
long result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
result += list.get(i);
return result;
ArrayList<Integer> list = new …
static long loopStandardList() {
long result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
result += list.get(i);
return result;
07: lload_0
08: getstatic list
11: iload_2
12: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.get
15: checkcast java/lang/Integer
18: invokevirtual java/lang/Integer.intValue
21: i2l
22: ladd
23: lstore_0
24: iinc 2, 1
27: iload_2
28: getstatic list
31: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.size
34: if_icmplt 7
Loops - List
ArrayList<Integer> list = new …
static long loopStandardList() {
long result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
result += list.get(i);
return result;
Loops - List 07: lload_0
08: getstatic list
11: iload_2
12: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.get
15: checkcast java/lang/Integer
18: invokevirtual java/lang/Integer.intValue
21: i2l
22: ladd
23: lstore_0
24: iinc 2, 1
27: iload_2
28: getstatic list
31: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.size
34: if_icmplt 7
ArrayList<Integer> list = new …
static long loopStandardList() {
long result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
result += list.get(i);
return result;
Loops - List 07: lload_0
08: getstatic list
11: iload_2
12: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.get
15: checkcast java/lang/Integer
18: invokevirtual java/lang/Integer.intValue
21: i2l
22: ladd
23: lstore_0
24: iinc 2, 1
27: iload_2
28: getstatic list
31: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.size
34: if_icmplt 7
ArrayList<Integer> list = new …
static long loopStandardList() {
long result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
result += list.get(i);
return result;
Loops - List 07: lload_0
08: getstatic list
11: iload_2
12: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.get
15: checkcast java/lang/Integer
18: invokevirtual java/lang/Integer.intValue
21: i2l
22: ladd
23: lstore_0
24: iinc 2, 1
27: iload_2
28: getstatic list
31: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.size
34: if_icmplt 7
Loops - foreach
ArrayList<Integer> list = new …
static long loopForeachList() {
long result = 0;
for(int v : list) {
result += v;
return result;
ArrayList<Integer> list = new …
static long loopForeachList() {
long result = 0;
for(int v : list) {
result += v;
return result;
12: aload_3
13: invokeinterface java/util/
18: checkcast java/lang/Integer
21: invokevirtual java/lang/Integer.intValue
24: istore_2
25: lload_0
26: iload_2
27: i2l
28: ladd
29: lstore_0
30: aload_3
31: invokeinterface java/util/Iterator.hasNext
36: ifne 12
Loops - foreach
ArrayList<Integer> list = new …
static long loopForeachList() {
long result = 0;
for(int v : list) {
result += v;
return result;
Loops - foreach
12: aload_3
13: invokeinterface java/util/
18: checkcast java/lang/Integer
21: invokevirtual java/lang/Integer.intValue
24: istore_2
25: lload_0
26: iload_2
27: i2l
28: ladd
29: lstore_0
30: aload_3
31: invokeinterface java/util/Iterator.hasNext
36: ifne 12
ArrayList<Integer> list = new …
static long loopForeachList() {
long result = 0;
for(int v : list) {
result += v;
return result;
Loops - foreach
12: aload_3
13: invokeinterface java/util/
18: checkcast java/lang/Integer
21: invokevirtual java/lang/Integer.intValue
24: istore_2
25: lload_0
26: iload_2
27: i2l
28: ladd
29: lstore_0
30: aload_3
31: invokeinterface java/util/Iterator.hasNext
36: ifne 12
Loops - Array
static int[] array = new ...
static long loopStandardArray() {
long result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
result += array[i];
return result;
static int[] array = new ...
static long loopStandardArray() {
long result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
result += array[i];
return result;
07: lload_0
08: getstatic array
11: iload_2
12: iaload
13: i2l
14: ladd
15: lstore_0
16: iinc 2, 1
19: iload_2
20: getstatic array
23: arraylength
24: if_icmplt 7
Loops - Array
static int[] array = new ...
static long loopStandardArray() {
long result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
result += array[i];
return result;
Loops - Array
07: lload_0
08: getstatic array
11: iload_2
12: iaload
13: i2l
14: ladd
15: lstore_0
16: iinc 2, 1
19: iload_2
20: getstatic array
23: arraylength
24: if_icmplt 7
static int[] array = new ...
static long loopStandardArray() {
long result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
result += array[i];
return result;
Loops - Array
07: lload_0
08: getstatic array
11: iload_2
12: iaload
13: i2l
14: ladd
15: lstore_0
16: iinc 2, 1
19: iload_2
20: getstatic array
23: arraylength
24: if_icmplt 7
Loops - size cached
static int[] array = new ...
static long loopStandardArray () {
long result = 0;
int length = array.length;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += array[i];
return result;
static int[] array = new ...
static long loopStandardArray () {
long result = 0;
int length = array.length;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += array[i];
return result;
12: lload_0
13: getstatic array
16: iload_3
17: iaload
18: i2l
19: ladd
20: lstore_0
21: iinc 3, 1
24: iload_3
25: iload_2
26: if_icmplt 12
Loops - size cached
static int[] array = new ...
static long loopStandardArray () {
long result = 0;
int length = array.length;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += array[i];
return result;
Loops - size cached
12: lload_0
13: getstatic array
16: iload_3
17: iaload
18: i2l
19: ladd
20: lstore_0
21: iinc 3, 1
24: iload_3
25: iload_2
26: if_icmplt 12
Loops - backwards
static int[] array = new ...
static long loopStandardArray () {
long result = 0;
for(int i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
result += array[i];
return result;
static int[] array = new ...
static long loopStandardArray () {
long result = 0;
for(int i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
result += array[i];
return result;
12: lload_0
13: getstatic array
16: iload_2
17: iaload
18: i2l
19: ladd
20: lstore_0
21: iinc 2, -1
24: iload_2
25: ifge 12
Loops - backwards
static int[] array = new ...
static long loopStandardArray () {
long result = 0;
for(int i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
result += array[i];
return result;
Loops - backwards
12: lload_0
13: getstatic array
16: iload_2
17: iaload
18: i2l
19: ladd
20: lstore_0
21: iinc 2, -1
24: iload_2
25: ifge 12
Let’s check step by step…
Loops – foreach II
static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) {
long result = 0;
for(int v : array) {
result += v;
return result;
Loops – foreach II
static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) {
long result = 0;
for(int v : array) {
result += v;
return result;
00: lconst_0
01: lstore_1
02: aload_0
03: dup
04: astore 6
06: arraylength
07: istore 5
09: iconst_0
10: istore 4
12: goto 29
15: aload 6
17: iload 4
19: iaload
20: istore_3
21: lload_1
22: iload_3
23: i2l
24: ladd
25: lstore_1
26: iinc 4, 1
29: iload 4
31: iload 5
33: if_icmplt 15
0 array 4 -
1 - 5 -
2 - 6 -
3 - 7 -
Loops – foreach II
static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) {
long result = 0;
for(int v : array) {
result += v;
return result;
00: lconst_0
01: lstore_1
02: aload_0
03: dup
04: astore 6
06: arraylength
07: istore 5
09: iconst_0
10: istore 4
12: goto 29
15: aload 6
17: iload 4
19: iaload
20: istore_3
21: lload_1
22: iload_3
23: i2l
24: ladd
25: lstore_1
26: iinc 4, 1
29: iload 4
31: iload 5
33: if_icmplt 15
0 array 4 -
1 0 (result) 5 -
2 - 6 -
3 - 7 -
Loops – foreach II
static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) {
long result = 0;
for(int v : array) {
result += v;
return result;
00: lconst_0
01: lstore_1
02: aload_0
03: dup
04: astore 6
06: arraylength
07: istore 5
09: iconst_0
10: istore 4
12: goto 29
15: aload 6
17: iload 4
19: iaload
20: istore_3
21: lload_1
22: iload_3
23: i2l
24: ladd
25: lstore_1
26: iinc 4, 1
29: iload 4
31: iload 5
33: if_icmplt 15
0 array 4 -
1 0 (result) 5 -
2 - 6 array
3 - 7 -
Loops – foreach II
static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) {
long result = 0;
for(int v : array) {
result += v;
return result;
00: lconst_0
01: lstore_1
02: aload_0
03: dup
04: astore 6
06: arraylength
07: istore 5
09: iconst_0
10: istore 4
12: goto 29
15: aload 6
17: iload 4
19: iaload
20: istore_3
21: lload_1
22: iload_3
23: i2l
24: ladd
25: lstore_1
26: iinc 4, 1
29: iload 4
31: iload 5
33: if_icmplt 15
0 array 4 -
1 0 (result) 5 array.length
2 - 6 array
3 - 7 -
Loops – foreach II
static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) {
long result = 0;
for(int v : array) {
result += v;
return result;
00: lconst_0
01: lstore_1
02: aload_0
03: dup
04: astore 6
06: arraylength
07: istore 5
09: iconst_0
10: istore 4
12: goto 29
15: aload 6
17: iload 4
19: iaload
20: istore_3
21: lload_1
22: iload_3
23: i2l
24: ladd
25: lstore_1
26: iinc 4, 1
29: iload 4
31: iload 5
33: if_icmplt 15
0 array 4 0 (loop index)
1 0 (result) 5 array.length
2 - 6 array
3 - 7 -
Loops – foreach II
static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) {
long result = 0;
for(int v : array) {
result += v;
return result;
00: lconst_0
01: lstore_1
02: aload_0
03: dup
04: astore 6
06: arraylength
07: istore 5
09: iconst_0
10: istore 4
12: goto 29
15: aload 6
17: iload 4
19: iaload
20: istore_3
21: lload_1
22: iload_3
23: i2l
24: ladd
25: lstore_1
26: iinc 4, 1
29: iload 4
31: iload 5
33: if_icmplt 15
0 array 4 0 (loop index)
1 0 (result) 5 array.length
2 - 6 array
3 - 7 -
Loops – foreach II
static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) {
long result = 0;
for(int v : array) {
result += v;
return result;
00: lconst_0
01: lstore_1
02: aload_0
03: dup
04: astore 6
06: arraylength
07: istore 5
09: iconst_0
10: istore 4
12: goto 29
15: aload 6
17: iload 4
19: iaload
20: istore_3
21: lload_1
22: iload_3
23: i2l
24: ladd
25: lstore_1
26: iinc 4, 1
29: iload 4
31: iload 5
33: if_icmplt 15
0 array 4 0 (loop index)
1 0 (result) 5 array.length
2 - 6 array
3 array[index] 7 -
Loops – foreach II
static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) {
long result = 0;
for(int v : array) {
result += v;
return result;
00: lconst_0
01: lstore_1
02: aload_0
03: dup
04: astore 6
06: arraylength
07: istore 5
09: iconst_0
10: istore 4
12: goto 29
15: aload 6
17: iload 4
19: iaload
20: istore_3
21: lload_1
22: iload_3
23: i2l
24: ladd
25: lstore_1
26: iinc 4, 1
29: iload 4
31: iload 5
33: if_icmplt 15
0 array 4 0 (loop index)
1 0 + array[index] 5 array.length
2 - 6 array
3 array[index] 7 -
Loops – foreach II
static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) {
long result = 0;
for(int v : array) {
result += v;
return result;
00: lconst_0
01: lstore_1
02: aload_0
03: dup
04: astore 6
06: arraylength
07: istore 5
09: iconst_0
10: istore 4
12: goto 29
15: aload 6
17: iload 4
19: iaload
20: istore_3
21: lload_1
22: iload_3
23: i2l
24: ladd
25: lstore_1
26: iinc 4, 1
29: iload 4
31: iload 5
33: if_icmplt 15
0 array 4 0 (loop index) + 1
1 0 + array[index] 5 array.length
2 - 6 array
3 array[index] 7 -
→ 1,26% →
→ -18,33% →
Use arrays instead of lists
Manual bytecode
Worth it?
foreach loop 0: lconst_0
1: lstore_1
2: aload_0
3: dup
4: astore 6
6: arraylength
7: istore 5
9: iconst_0
10: istore 4
12: goto 29
15: aload 6
17: iload 4
19: iaload
20: istore_3
21: lload_1
22: iload_3
23: i2l
24: ladd
25: lstore_1
26: iinc 4, 1
29: iload 4
31: iload 5
33: if_icmplt 15
0: aload_0
1: arraylength
2: istore_3
3: iconst_0
4: istore_1
5: lconst_0
6: goto 17
9: aload_0
10: iload_1
11: iaload
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: iinc 1, 1
17: iload_1
18: iload_3
19: if_icmplt 9
Manual bytecode optimization
Manual bytecode optimization
0: aload_0
1: arraylength
2: istore_3
3: iconst_0
4: istore_1
5: lconst_0
6: goto 17
9: aload_0
10: iload_1
11: iaload
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: iinc 1, 1
17: iload_1
18: iload_3
19: if_icmplt 9
Local variables
0 array 3 -
1 - 4 -
2 - 5 -
0: aload_0
1: arraylength
2: istore_3
3: iconst_0
4: istore_1
5: lconst_0
6: goto 17
9: aload_0
10: iload_1
11: iaload
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: iinc 1, 1
17: iload_1
18: iload_3
19: if_icmplt 9
Local variables
0 array 3 array.length
1 - 4 -
2 - 5 -
Manual bytecode optimization
0: aload_0
1: arraylength
2: istore_3
3: iconst_0
4: istore_1
5: lconst_0
6: goto 17
9: aload_0
10: iload_1
11: iaload
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: iinc 1, 1
17: iload_1
18: iload_3
19: if_icmplt 9
Local variables
0 array 3 array.length
1 0 (index) 4 -
2 - 5 -
Manual bytecode optimization
0: aload_0
1: arraylength
2: istore_3
3: iconst_0
4: istore_1
5: lconst_0
6: goto 17
9: aload_0
10: iload_1
11: iaload
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: iinc 1, 1
17: iload_1
18: iload_3
19: if_icmplt 9
Local variables
0 array 3 array.length
1 0 (index) 4 -
2 - 5 -
0 (result)
Manual bytecode optimization
0: aload_0
1: arraylength
2: istore_3
3: iconst_0
4: istore_1
5: lconst_0
6: goto 17
9: aload_0
10: iload_1
11: iaload
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: iinc 1, 1
17: iload_1
18: iload_3
19: if_icmplt 9
Local variables
0 array 3 array.length
1 0 (index) 4 -
2 - 5 -
0 (result)
Manual bytecode optimization
0: aload_0
1: arraylength
2: istore_3
3: iconst_0
4: istore_1
5: lconst_0
6: goto 17
9: aload_0
10: iload_1
11: iaload
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: iinc 1, 1
17: iload_1
18: iload_3
19: if_icmplt 9
Local variables
0 array 3 array.length
1 0 (index) 4 -
2 - 5 -
0 + array[0]
Manual bytecode optimization
0: aload_0
1: arraylength
2: istore_3
3: iconst_0
4: istore_1
5: lconst_0
6: goto 17
9: aload_0
10: iload_1
11: iaload
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: iinc 1, 1
17: iload_1
18: iload_3
19: if_icmplt 9
Local variables
0 array 3 array.length
1 0 (index) + 1 4 -
2 - 5 -
0 + array[0]
Manual bytecode optimization
0: aload_0
1: arraylength
2: istore_3
3: iconst_0
4: istore_1
5: lconst_0
6: goto 17
9: aload_0
10: iload_1
11: iaload
12: i2l
13: ladd
14: iinc 1, 1
17: iload_1
18: iload_3
19: if_icmplt 9
Local variables
0 array 3 array.length
1 1 (index) 4 -
2 - 5 -
0 + array[0]
Manual bytecode optimization
Worth it?
Only in very specific cases. And
then you’re probably using the
wrong language.
Too much effort involved…
But let D8/R8/Proguard do it for you!
Calling a method
Is there an overhead?
Overhead of calling a method
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
setVal(getVal() + 1);
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
val = val + 1;
String concatenation
The evil + sign
String concatenation
String str = "";
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
str += OTHER_STR;
String concatenation
String str = "";
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
str += OTHER_STR;
0: ldc String
2: astore_1
3: iconst_0
4: istore_2
5: iload_2
6: sipush N
9: if_icmpge 40
12: new class java/lang/StringBuilder
15: dup
16: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>"
19: aload_1
20: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append
23: aload_0
24: getfield OTHER_STR
27: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append
30: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.toString
33: astore_1
34: iinc 2, 1
37: goto 5
String concatenation
String str = "";
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
str += OTHER_STR;
0: ldc String
2: astore_1
3: iconst_0
4: istore_2
5: iload_2
6: sipush N
9: if_icmpge 40
12: new class java/lang/StringBuilder
15: dup
16: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>"
19: aload_1
20: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append
23: aload_0
24: getfield OTHER_STR
27: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append
30: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.toString
33: astore_1
34: iinc 2, 1
37: goto 5
String concatenation
String str = "";
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
str += OTHER_STR;
0: ldc String
2: astore_1
3: iconst_0
4: istore_2
5: iload_2
6: sipush N
9: if_icmpge 40
12: new class java/lang/StringBuilder
15: dup
16: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>"
19: aload_1
20: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append
23: aload_0
24: getfield OTHER_STR
27: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append
30: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.toString
33: astore_1
34: iinc 2, 1
37: goto 5
String concatenation
String str = "";
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
str += OTHER_STR;
0: ldc String
2: astore_1
3: iconst_0
4: istore_2
5: iload_2
6: sipush N
9: if_icmpge 40
12: new class java/lang/StringBuilder
15: dup
16: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>"
19: aload_1
20: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append
23: aload_0
24: getfield OTHER_STR
27: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append
30: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.toString
33: astore_1
34: iinc 2, 1
37: goto 5
String concatenation
String str = "";
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
str += OTHER_STR;
0: ldc String
2: astore_1
3: iconst_0
4: istore_2
5: iload_2
6: sipush N
9: if_icmpge 40
12: new class java/lang/StringBuilder
15: dup
16: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>"
19: aload_1
20: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append
23: aload_0
24: getfield OTHER_STR
27: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append
30: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.toString
33: astore_1
34: iinc 2, 1
37: goto 5
String concatenation
String str = "";
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
str += OTHER_STR;
0: ldc String
2: astore_1
3: iconst_0
4: istore_2
5: iload_2
6: sipush N
9: if_icmpge 40
12: new class java/lang/StringBuilder
15: dup
16: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>"
19: aload_1
20: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append
23: aload_0
24: getfield OTHER_STR
27: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append
30: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.toString
33: astore_1
34: iinc 2, 1
37: goto 5
String str = "";
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
str = sb.toString();
String concatenation
Object creation:
String str = "";
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
str = sb.toString();
String concatenation
String concatenation
• Concat cost is O(N) + O(M)
• Concat returns a new String Object.
String str = "";
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
str = str.concat(OTHER_STR);
Object creation:
String str = "";
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
str = str.concat(OTHER_STR);
• StringBuilder.append cost is O(M) [M being the
length of appended String]
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
str = sb.toString();
sb = new StringBuilder()
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
str = sb.toString();
0: ldc String
2: astore_1
3: new java/lang/StringBuilder
6: dup
7: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>"
10: astore_2
11: iconst_0
12: istore_3
13: iload_3
14: sipush N
17: if_icmpge 35
20: aload_2
21: aload_0
22: getfield OTHER_STR
25: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append
28: pop
29: iinc 3, 1
32: goto 13
0: ldc String
2: astore_1
3: new java/lang/StringBuilder
6: dup
7: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>"
10: astore_2
11: iconst_0
12: istore_3
13: iload_3
14: sipush N
17: if_icmpge 35
20: aload_2
21: aload_0
22: getfield OTHER_STR
25: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append
28: pop
29: iinc 3, 1
32: goto 13
sb = new StringBuilder()
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
str = sb.toString();
Object creation:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
str = sb.toString();
String concatenation
Use StringBuilder (properly) as
much as possible. StringBuffer
is the thread safe
Strings in case statements
public void taskStateMachine(String status) {
switch(status) {
case "PENDING":
System.out.println("Status pending");
System.out.println("Status executing");
Code optimization example:
yuv2rgb converter.
Always measure!
Source: Wikipedia
Slightly optimized version
precalc tables, fixed point
operations, 2 pixels per loop…
Lets compare:
Normal, minified, minified
with optimizations & jack
Minified = obfuscated using Proguard
Normal Minified Minified & optimized Jack
• javap -c <classfile>
•Dexdump -d <dexfile>
Tooling – Disassembler - ART
adb pull /data/dalvik-
1@base apk@classes.dex
adb shell oatdump --oat-file=/data/dalvik-
Tooling – PrintAssembly - JIT
Under the Hood of the JVM: From Bytecode Through the
JIT to Assembly by @alblue
Additional References
Sinking your teeth into bytecode by @jakewharton
Exploring Kotlin’s hidden costs by @BladeCoder
Performance measurements
Avoid doing multiple tests in one run
JIT might be evil!
Thank you!

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The bytecode gobbledygook

  • 2. Disclaimer: This presentation contains bytecode Content is my own experimentation and might differ on other environments
  • 3. Competitions Work 2015 Local winner 2016+ Ambassador 2016 Runner up 2018 Honorable mention Demoscene Speaker Author Entrepreneurship @rrafols
  • 4. Everything starts with our friend the java compiler.
  • 5. *.java → [javac] → *.class
  • 7. *.java → [javac] → *.class *.class → [dx] → dex file
  • 8. *.java → [javac] → *.class *.class → [dx] → dex dex → [dexopt] → opt. dex dex → [dex2oat] → native
  • 9. but change is coming! Jack & Jill
  • 10. but change is coming! Jack & Jill
  • 11. *.java → [jack] → dex file
  • 12. but change is still coming! D8 & R8
  • 13. *.java → [javac] → *.class *.class → [d8/r8] → dex file
  • 14. Let’s focus first on javac Javac vs other compilers
  • 17. javac Does not know on which architecture the code will be executed
  • 19. For this reason Java bytecode & operations are stack based
  • 20. Easy to interpret But not the most performant solution
  • 21. Quick example Stack based integer addition
  • 22. j = j + i
  • 26. add r01, r02, r01 or add eax, ebx
  • 27. Let’s make things interesting… j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p;
  • 29. 0: iload_2 1: iload_1 2: iadd 3: iload_3 4: iadd 5: iload 4 7: iadd 8: iload 5 10: iconst_2 11: imul 12: iadd 13: iload 6 15: iload 6 17: imul 18: iadd 19: istore_2 j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p; Local vars 1: i 2: j 3: k 4: w 5: h 6: p
  • 30. 0: iload_2 1: iload_1 2: iadd 3: iload_3 4: iadd 5: iload 4 7: iadd 8: iload 5 10: iconst_2 11: imul 12: iadd 13: iload 6 15: iload 6 17: imul 18: iadd 19: istore_2 j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p; Local vars 1: i 2: j 3: k 4: w 5: h 6: p
  • 31. 0: iload_2 1: iload_1 2: iadd 3: iload_3 4: iadd 5: iload 4 7: iadd 8: iload 5 10: iconst_2 11: imul 12: iadd 13: iload 6 15: iload 6 17: imul 18: iadd 19: istore_2 j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p; Local vars 1: i 2: j 3: k 4: w 5: h 6: p
  • 32. 0: iload_2 1: iload_1 2: iadd 3: iload_3 4: iadd 5: iload 4 7: iadd 8: iload 5 10: iconst_2 11: imul 12: iadd 13: iload 6 15: iload 6 17: imul 18: iadd 19: istore_2 j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p; Local vars 1: i 2: j 3: k 4: w 5: h 6: p
  • 33. 0: iload_2 1: iload_1 2: iadd 3: iload_3 4: iadd 5: iload 4 7: iadd 8: iload 5 10: iconst_2 11: imul 12: iadd 13: iload 6 15: iload 6 17: imul 18: iadd 19: istore_2 j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p; Local vars 1: i 2: j 3: k 4: w 5: h 6: p
  • 34. 0: iload_2 1: iload_1 2: iadd 3: iload_3 4: iadd 5: iload 4 7: iadd 8: iload 5 10: iconst_2 11: imul 12: iadd 13: iload 6 15: iload 6 17: imul 18: iadd 19: istore_2 j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p; Local vars 1: i 2: j 3: k 4: w 5: h 6: p
  • 35. 0: iload_2 1: iload_1 2: iadd 3: iload_3 4: iadd 5: iload 4 7: iadd 8: iload 5 10: iconst_2 11: imul 12: iadd 13: iload 6 15: iload 6 17: imul 18: iadd 19: istore_2 j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p; Local vars 1: i 2: j 3: k 4: w 5: h 6: p
  • 37. add r01, r02, r01 add r01, r03, r01 add r01, r04, r01 mul r07, r05, #2 add r01, r07, r01 mul r08, r06, r06 add r02, r08, r01 j = j + i + k + w + h * 2 + p * p; r01: i r02: j r03: k r04: w r05: h r06: p
  • 38. Java VM (JVM) Only the JVM knows the architecture where is running. In our previous example, we used up to 8 registers, but some CPUs might have less than 8 registers…
  • 39. Java VM (JVM) All optimizations are left to be done by the JVM
  • 40. Maybe takes this concept a bit too far...
  • 41. Imagine this simple C code #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a = 10; int b = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + a; printf("%dn", b); }
  • 42. GCC compiler #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a = 10; int b = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + a; printf("%dn", b); } … movl $31, %esi call _printf … * Using gcc & -O2 compiler option
  • 43. javac public static void main(String args[]) { int a = 10; int b = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + a; System.out.println(b); } 0: bipush 10 2: istore_1 3: bipush 21 5: iload_1 6: iadd 7: istore_2 ...
  • 44. Let's do a small change #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a = 10; int b = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + a + 6; printf("%dn", b); }
  • 45. GCC compiler #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a = 10; int b = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + a + 6; printf("%dn", b); } … movl $31, %esi call _printf … * Using gcc & -O2 compiler option
  • 46. javac public static void main(String args[]) { int a = 10; int b = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + a + 6; System.out.println(b); } 0: bipush 10 2: istore_1 3: bipush 15 5: iload_1 6: iadd 7: bipush 6 9: iadd 10: istore_2
  • 47. Let's do another quick change.. public static void main(String args[]) { int a = 10; int b = a + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6; System.out.println(b); }
  • 48. javac 00: bipush 10 02: istore_1 03: iload_1 04: iconst_1 05: iadd 06: iconst_2 07: iadd 08: iconst_3 09: iadd 10: iconst_4 11: iadd 12: iconst_5 13: iadd 14: bipush 6 16: iadd 17: istore_2 public static void main(String args[]) { int a = 10; int b = a + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6; System.out.println(b); }
  • 49. On Android there was jack to the rescue...
  • 50. jack public static void main(String args[]) { int a = 10; int b = a + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6; System.out.println(b); } ... 0: const/16 v0, #int 31 2: sget-object v1, Ljava/lang/System; 4: invoke-virtual {v1, v0} 7: return-void ...
  • 51. but d8 does the job as well...
  • 52. d8 public static void main(String args[]) { int a = 10; int b = a + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6; System.out.println(b); } ... 0: sget-object v1, Ljava/lang/System;… 2: const/16 v0, #int 31 4: invoke-virtual {v1, v0} 7: return-void ...
  • 53. And on Java there is the JIT compiler to the rescue
  • 54. JIT assembly output public static void main(String args[]) { int a = 10; int b = a + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6; System.out.println(b); } ... 0x00000001104b2bff: mov eax, 0x0001f ... 0: bipush 10 2: istore_1 3: iload_1 4: iconst_1 5: iadd 6: iconst_2 7: iadd 8: iconst_3 9: iadd 10: iconst_4 11: iadd 12: iconst_5 13: iadd 14: bipush 6 16: iadd 17: istore_2
  • 56. Autoboxing Transparent to the developer but compiler adds some 'extra' code
  • 57. Autoboxing long total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } 0: lconst_0 1: lstore_1 2: iconst_0 3: istore_3 4: iload_3 5: ldc #8 // N 7: if_icmpge 21 10: lload_1 11: iload_3 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: lstore_1 15: iinc 3, 1 18: goto 4
  • 58. Autoboxing long total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } 0: lconst_0 1: lstore_1 2: iconst_0 3: istore_3 4: iload_3 5: ldc #8 // N 7: if_icmpge 21 10: lload_1 11: iload_3 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: lstore_1 15: iinc 3, 1 18: goto 4
  • 59. Autoboxing long total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } 0: lconst_0 1: lstore_1 2: iconst_0 3: istore_3 4: iload_3 5: ldc #8 // N 7: if_icmpge 21 10: lload_1 11: iload_3 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: lstore_1 15: iinc 3, 1 18: goto 4
  • 60. Autoboxing long total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } 0: lconst_0 1: lstore_1 2: iconst_0 3: istore_3 4: iload_3 5: ldc #8 // N 7: if_icmpge 21 10: lload_1 11: iload_3 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: lstore_1 15: iinc 3, 1 18: goto 4 21:
  • 61. Autoboxing long total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } 0: lconst_0 1: lstore_1 2: iconst_0 3: istore_3 4: iload_3 5: ldc #8 // N 7: if_icmpge 21 10: lload_1 11: iload_3 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: lstore_1 15: iinc 3, 1 18: goto 4
  • 62. Autoboxing long total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } 0: lconst_0 1: lstore_1 2: iconst_0 3: istore_3 4: iload_3 5: ldc #8 // N 7: if_icmpge 21 10: lload_1 11: iload_3 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: lstore_1 15: iinc 3, 1 18: goto 4
  • 63. Autoboxing long total = 0; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } 0: lconst_0 1: lstore_1 2: iconst_0 3: istore_3 4: iload_3 5: ldc #8 // N 7: if_icmpge 21 10: lload_1 11: iload_3 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: lstore_1 15: iinc 3, 1 18: goto 4
  • 64. Autoboxing Long total = 0; for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; }
  • 65. Autoboxing Long total = 0; for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } 00: lconst_0 01: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la 04: astore_1 05: iconst_0 06: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/ 09: astore_2 10: aload_2 11: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 14: sipush N 17: if_icmpge 54 20: aload_1 21: invokevirtual #10 // java/lang/Long.longValue:()J 24: aload_2 25: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 28: i2l 29: ladd 30: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la 33: astore_1 34: aload_2 35: astore_3 36: aload_2 37: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 40: iconst_1 41: iadd 42: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/ 45: dup 46: astore_2 47: astore 4 49: aload_3 50: pop 51: goto 10
  • 66. Autoboxing Long total = 0; for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } 00: lconst_0 01: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la 04: astore_1 05: iconst_0 06: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/ 09: astore_2 10: aload_2 11: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 14: sipush N 17: if_icmpge 54 20: aload_1 21: invokevirtual #10 // java/lang/Long.longValue:()J 24: aload_2 25: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 28: i2l 29: ladd 30: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la 33: astore_1 34: aload_2 35: astore_3 36: aload_2 37: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 40: iconst_1 41: iadd 42: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/ 45: dup 46: astore_2 47: astore 4 49: aload_3 50: pop 51: goto 10
  • 67. Autoboxing Long total = 0; for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } 00: lconst_0 01: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la 04: astore_1 05: iconst_0 06: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/ 09: astore_2 10: aload_2 11: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 14: sipush N 17: if_icmpge 54 20: aload_1 21: invokevirtual #10 // java/lang/Long.longValue:()J 24: aload_2 25: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 28: i2l 29: ladd 30: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la 33: astore_1 34: aload_2 35: astore_3 36: aload_2 37: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 40: iconst_1 41: iadd 42: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/ 45: dup 46: astore_2 47: astore 4 49: aload_3 50: pop 51: goto 10
  • 68. Autoboxing Long total = 0; for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } 00: lconst_0 01: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la 04: astore_1 05: iconst_0 06: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/ 09: astore_2 10: aload_2 11: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 14: sipush N 17: if_icmpge 54 20: aload_1 21: invokevirtual #10 // java/lang/Long.longValue:()J 24: aload_2 25: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 28: i2l 29: ladd 30: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la 33: astore_1 34: aload_2 35: astore_3 36: aload_2 37: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 40: iconst_1 41: iadd 42: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/ 45: dup 46: astore_2 47: astore 4 49: aload_3 50: pop 51: goto 10
  • 69. Autoboxing Long total = 0; for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } 00: lconst_0 01: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la 04: astore_1 05: iconst_0 06: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/ 09: astore_2 10: aload_2 11: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 14: sipush N 17: if_icmpge 54 20: aload_1 21: invokevirtual #10 // java/lang/Long.longValue:()J 24: aload_2 25: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 28: i2l 29: ladd 30: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la 33: astore_1 34: aload_2 35: astore_3 36: aload_2 37: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 40: iconst_1 41: iadd 42: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/ 45: dup 46: astore_2 47: astore 4 49: aload_3 50: pop 51: goto 10
  • 70. Autoboxing Long total = 0; for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } 00: lconst_0 01: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la 04: astore_1 05: iconst_0 06: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/ 09: astore_2 10: aload_2 11: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 14: sipush N 17: if_icmpge 54 20: aload_1 21: invokevirtual #10 // java/lang/Long.longValue:()J 24: aload_2 25: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 28: i2l 29: ladd 30: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la 33: astore_1 34: aload_2 35: astore_3 36: aload_2 37: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 40: iconst_1 41: iadd 42: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/ 45: dup 46: astore_2 47: astore 4 49: aload_3 50: pop 51: goto 10
  • 71. Autoboxing Long total = 0; for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } 00: lconst_0 01: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la 04: astore_1 05: iconst_0 06: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/ 09: astore_2 10: aload_2 11: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 14: sipush N 17: if_icmpge 54 20: aload_1 21: invokevirtual #10 // java/lang/Long.longValue:()J 24: aload_2 25: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 28: i2l 29: ladd 30: invokestatic #7 // java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)Ljava/la 33: astore_1 34: aload_2 35: astore_3 36: aload_2 37: invokevirtual #9 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I 40: iconst_1 41: iadd 42: invokestatic #8 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/ 45: dup 46: astore_2 47: astore 4 49: aload_3 50: pop 51: goto 10
  • 72. Autoboxing Long total = 0; for(Integer i = 0; i < N; i++) { total += i; } // ? 00: lconst_0 01: invokestatic #7 // Method java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)L 04: astore_1 05: iconst_0 06: invokestatic #8 // Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I 09: astore_2 10: aload_2 11: invokevirtual #9 // Method java/lang/Integer.intValue: 14: sipush N 17: if_icmpge 54 20: aload_1 21: invokevirtual #10 // Method java/lang/Long.longValue:( 24: aload_2 25: invokevirtual #9 // Method java/lang/Integer.intValue: 28: i2l 29: ladd 30: invokestatic #7 // Method java/lang/Long.valueOf:(J)L 33: astore_1 34: aload_2 35: astore_3 36: aload_2 37: invokevirtual #9 // Method java/lang/Integer.intValue: 40: iconst_1 41: iadd 42: invokestatic #8 // Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I 45: dup 46: astore_2 47: astore 4 49: aload_3 50: pop 51: goto 10
  • 73. Autoboxing This is what that code is actually doing: Long total = Long.valueOf(0); for(Integer i = Integer.valueOf(0); i.intValue() < N; i = Integer.valueOf(i.intValue() + 1)) { total = Long.valueOf(total.longValue() + (long)i.intValue()) }
  • 74. Autoboxing Object creation Long total = Long.valueOf(0); for(Integer i = Integer.valueOf(0); i.intValue() < N; i = Integer.valueOf(i.intValue() + 1)) { total = Long.valueOf(total.longValue() + (long)i.intValue()) }
  • 76. Autoboxing D8 does not help in this situation (neither Jack)
  • 77. Autoboxing What about the JIT compiler on plain java?
  • 78. Autoboxing Let's run that loop N times (on my desktop computer) N =
  • 80. Autoboxing Let’s try it on Android Dalvik VM & ART
  • 84. Let's sort some numbers… Arrays.sort(...)
  • 85. Difference between sorting primitive types (int) & objects (Integer)
  • 86. Using int & Integer
  • 87. When sorting objects java uses a stable sort Default java algorithm: TimSort adaptation
  • 88. Sorting primitives does not require to be stable sort Default java algorithm: Dual-Pivot quicksort
  • 89. Sorting Use primitive types as much as possible
  • 90. Loops What is going on behind the scenes
  • 91. Loops - List ArrayList<Integer> list = new … static long loopStandardList() { long result = 0; for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { result += list.get(i); } return result; }
  • 92. ArrayList<Integer> list = new … static long loopStandardList() { long result = 0; for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { result += list.get(i); } return result; } 07: lload_0 08: getstatic list 11: iload_2 12: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.get 15: checkcast java/lang/Integer 18: invokevirtual java/lang/Integer.intValue 21: i2l 22: ladd 23: lstore_0 24: iinc 2, 1 27: iload_2 28: getstatic list 31: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.size 34: if_icmplt 7 Loops - List
  • 93. ArrayList<Integer> list = new … static long loopStandardList() { long result = 0; for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { result += list.get(i); } return result; } Loops - List 07: lload_0 08: getstatic list 11: iload_2 12: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.get 15: checkcast java/lang/Integer 18: invokevirtual java/lang/Integer.intValue 21: i2l 22: ladd 23: lstore_0 24: iinc 2, 1 27: iload_2 28: getstatic list 31: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.size 34: if_icmplt 7
  • 94. ArrayList<Integer> list = new … static long loopStandardList() { long result = 0; for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { result += list.get(i); } return result; } Loops - List 07: lload_0 08: getstatic list 11: iload_2 12: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.get 15: checkcast java/lang/Integer 18: invokevirtual java/lang/Integer.intValue 21: i2l 22: ladd 23: lstore_0 24: iinc 2, 1 27: iload_2 28: getstatic list 31: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.size 34: if_icmplt 7
  • 95. ArrayList<Integer> list = new … static long loopStandardList() { long result = 0; for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { result += list.get(i); } return result; } Loops - List 07: lload_0 08: getstatic list 11: iload_2 12: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.get 15: checkcast java/lang/Integer 18: invokevirtual java/lang/Integer.intValue 21: i2l 22: ladd 23: lstore_0 24: iinc 2, 1 27: iload_2 28: getstatic list 31: invokevirtual java/util/ArrayList.size 34: if_icmplt 7
  • 96. Loops - foreach ArrayList<Integer> list = new … static long loopForeachList() { long result = 0; for(int v : list) { result += v; } return result; }
  • 97. ArrayList<Integer> list = new … static long loopForeachList() { long result = 0; for(int v : list) { result += v; } return result; } 12: aload_3 13: invokeinterface java/util/ 18: checkcast java/lang/Integer 21: invokevirtual java/lang/Integer.intValue 24: istore_2 25: lload_0 26: iload_2 27: i2l 28: ladd 29: lstore_0 30: aload_3 31: invokeinterface java/util/Iterator.hasNext 36: ifne 12 Loops - foreach
  • 98. ArrayList<Integer> list = new … static long loopForeachList() { long result = 0; for(int v : list) { result += v; } return result; } Loops - foreach 12: aload_3 13: invokeinterface java/util/ 18: checkcast java/lang/Integer 21: invokevirtual java/lang/Integer.intValue 24: istore_2 25: lload_0 26: iload_2 27: i2l 28: ladd 29: lstore_0 30: aload_3 31: invokeinterface java/util/Iterator.hasNext 36: ifne 12
  • 99. ArrayList<Integer> list = new … static long loopForeachList() { long result = 0; for(int v : list) { result += v; } return result; } Loops - foreach 12: aload_3 13: invokeinterface java/util/ 18: checkcast java/lang/Integer 21: invokevirtual java/lang/Integer.intValue 24: istore_2 25: lload_0 26: iload_2 27: i2l 28: ladd 29: lstore_0 30: aload_3 31: invokeinterface java/util/Iterator.hasNext 36: ifne 12
  • 100. Loops - Array static int[] array = new ... static long loopStandardArray() { long result = 0; for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { result += array[i]; } return result; }
  • 101. static int[] array = new ... static long loopStandardArray() { long result = 0; for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { result += array[i]; } return result; } 07: lload_0 08: getstatic array 11: iload_2 12: iaload 13: i2l 14: ladd 15: lstore_0 16: iinc 2, 1 19: iload_2 20: getstatic array 23: arraylength 24: if_icmplt 7 Loops - Array
  • 102. static int[] array = new ... static long loopStandardArray() { long result = 0; for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { result += array[i]; } return result; } Loops - Array 07: lload_0 08: getstatic array 11: iload_2 12: iaload 13: i2l 14: ladd 15: lstore_0 16: iinc 2, 1 19: iload_2 20: getstatic array 23: arraylength 24: if_icmplt 7
  • 103. static int[] array = new ... static long loopStandardArray() { long result = 0; for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { result += array[i]; } return result; } Loops - Array 07: lload_0 08: getstatic array 11: iload_2 12: iaload 13: i2l 14: ladd 15: lstore_0 16: iinc 2, 1 19: iload_2 20: getstatic array 23: arraylength 24: if_icmplt 7
  • 104. Loops - size cached static int[] array = new ... static long loopStandardArray () { long result = 0; int length = array.length; for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) { result += array[i]; } return result; }
  • 105. static int[] array = new ... static long loopStandardArray () { long result = 0; int length = array.length; for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) { result += array[i]; } return result; } 12: lload_0 13: getstatic array 16: iload_3 17: iaload 18: i2l 19: ladd 20: lstore_0 21: iinc 3, 1 24: iload_3 25: iload_2 26: if_icmplt 12 Loops - size cached
  • 106. static int[] array = new ... static long loopStandardArray () { long result = 0; int length = array.length; for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) { result += array[i]; } return result; } Loops - size cached 12: lload_0 13: getstatic array 16: iload_3 17: iaload 18: i2l 19: ladd 20: lstore_0 21: iinc 3, 1 24: iload_3 25: iload_2 26: if_icmplt 12
  • 107. Loops - backwards static int[] array = new ... static long loopStandardArray () { long result = 0; for(int i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { result += array[i]; } return result; }
  • 108. static int[] array = new ... static long loopStandardArray () { long result = 0; for(int i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { result += array[i]; } return result; } 12: lload_0 13: getstatic array 16: iload_2 17: iaload 18: i2l 19: ladd 20: lstore_0 21: iinc 2, -1 24: iload_2 25: ifge 12 Loops - backwards
  • 109. static int[] array = new ... static long loopStandardArray () { long result = 0; for(int i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { result += array[i]; } return result; } Loops - backwards 12: lload_0 13: getstatic array 16: iload_2 17: iaload 18: i2l 19: ladd 20: lstore_0 21: iinc 2, -1 24: iload_2 25: ifge 12
  • 110.
  • 111.
  • 112. Let’s check step by step…
  • 113. Loops – foreach II static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) { long result = 0; for(int v : array) { result += v; } return result; }
  • 114. Loops – foreach II static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) { long result = 0; for(int v : array) { result += v; } return result; } 00: lconst_0 01: lstore_1 02: aload_0 03: dup 04: astore 6 06: arraylength 07: istore 5 09: iconst_0 10: istore 4 12: goto 29 15: aload 6 17: iload 4 19: iaload 20: istore_3 21: lload_1 22: iload_3 23: i2l 24: ladd 25: lstore_1 26: iinc 4, 1 29: iload 4 31: iload 5 33: if_icmplt 15 0 array 4 - 1 - 5 - 2 - 6 - 3 - 7 -
  • 115. Loops – foreach II static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) { long result = 0; for(int v : array) { result += v; } return result; } 00: lconst_0 01: lstore_1 02: aload_0 03: dup 04: astore 6 06: arraylength 07: istore 5 09: iconst_0 10: istore 4 12: goto 29 15: aload 6 17: iload 4 19: iaload 20: istore_3 21: lload_1 22: iload_3 23: i2l 24: ladd 25: lstore_1 26: iinc 4, 1 29: iload 4 31: iload 5 33: if_icmplt 15 0 array 4 - 1 0 (result) 5 - 2 - 6 - 3 - 7 -
  • 116. Loops – foreach II static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) { long result = 0; for(int v : array) { result += v; } return result; } 00: lconst_0 01: lstore_1 02: aload_0 03: dup 04: astore 6 06: arraylength 07: istore 5 09: iconst_0 10: istore 4 12: goto 29 15: aload 6 17: iload 4 19: iaload 20: istore_3 21: lload_1 22: iload_3 23: i2l 24: ladd 25: lstore_1 26: iinc 4, 1 29: iload 4 31: iload 5 33: if_icmplt 15 0 array 4 - 1 0 (result) 5 - 2 - 6 array 3 - 7 -
  • 117. Loops – foreach II static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) { long result = 0; for(int v : array) { result += v; } return result; } 00: lconst_0 01: lstore_1 02: aload_0 03: dup 04: astore 6 06: arraylength 07: istore 5 09: iconst_0 10: istore 4 12: goto 29 15: aload 6 17: iload 4 19: iaload 20: istore_3 21: lload_1 22: iload_3 23: i2l 24: ladd 25: lstore_1 26: iinc 4, 1 29: iload 4 31: iload 5 33: if_icmplt 15 0 array 4 - 1 0 (result) 5 array.length 2 - 6 array 3 - 7 -
  • 118. Loops – foreach II static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) { long result = 0; for(int v : array) { result += v; } return result; } 00: lconst_0 01: lstore_1 02: aload_0 03: dup 04: astore 6 06: arraylength 07: istore 5 09: iconst_0 10: istore 4 12: goto 29 15: aload 6 17: iload 4 19: iaload 20: istore_3 21: lload_1 22: iload_3 23: i2l 24: ladd 25: lstore_1 26: iinc 4, 1 29: iload 4 31: iload 5 33: if_icmplt 15 0 array 4 0 (loop index) 1 0 (result) 5 array.length 2 - 6 array 3 - 7 -
  • 119. Loops – foreach II static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) { long result = 0; for(int v : array) { result += v; } return result; } 00: lconst_0 01: lstore_1 02: aload_0 03: dup 04: astore 6 06: arraylength 07: istore 5 09: iconst_0 10: istore 4 12: goto 29 15: aload 6 17: iload 4 19: iaload 20: istore_3 21: lload_1 22: iload_3 23: i2l 24: ladd 25: lstore_1 26: iinc 4, 1 29: iload 4 31: iload 5 33: if_icmplt 15 0 array 4 0 (loop index) 1 0 (result) 5 array.length 2 - 6 array 3 - 7 -
  • 120. Loops – foreach II static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) { long result = 0; for(int v : array) { result += v; } return result; } 00: lconst_0 01: lstore_1 02: aload_0 03: dup 04: astore 6 06: arraylength 07: istore 5 09: iconst_0 10: istore 4 12: goto 29 15: aload 6 17: iload 4 19: iaload 20: istore_3 21: lload_1 22: iload_3 23: i2l 24: ladd 25: lstore_1 26: iinc 4, 1 29: iload 4 31: iload 5 33: if_icmplt 15 0 array 4 0 (loop index) 1 0 (result) 5 array.length 2 - 6 array 3 array[index] 7 -
  • 121. Loops – foreach II static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) { long result = 0; for(int v : array) { result += v; } return result; } 00: lconst_0 01: lstore_1 02: aload_0 03: dup 04: astore 6 06: arraylength 07: istore 5 09: iconst_0 10: istore 4 12: goto 29 15: aload 6 17: iload 4 19: iaload 20: istore_3 21: lload_1 22: iload_3 23: i2l 24: ladd 25: lstore_1 26: iinc 4, 1 29: iload 4 31: iload 5 33: if_icmplt 15 0 array 4 0 (loop index) 1 0 + array[index] 5 array.length 2 - 6 array 3 array[index] 7 -
  • 122. Loops – foreach II static long loopForeachArray(int[] array) { long result = 0; for(int v : array) { result += v; } return result; } 00: lconst_0 01: lstore_1 02: aload_0 03: dup 04: astore 6 06: arraylength 07: istore 5 09: iconst_0 10: istore 4 12: goto 29 15: aload 6 17: iload 4 19: iaload 20: istore_3 21: lload_1 22: iload_3 23: i2l 24: ladd 25: lstore_1 26: iinc 4, 1 29: iload 4 31: iload 5 33: if_icmplt 15 0 array 4 0 (loop index) + 1 1 0 + array[index] 5 array.length 2 - 6 array 3 array[index] 7 -
  • 127. foreach loop 0: lconst_0 1: lstore_1 2: aload_0 3: dup 4: astore 6 6: arraylength 7: istore 5 9: iconst_0 10: istore 4 12: goto 29 15: aload 6 17: iload 4 19: iaload 20: istore_3 21: lload_1 22: iload_3 23: i2l 24: ladd 25: lstore_1 26: iinc 4, 1 29: iload 4 31: iload 5 33: if_icmplt 15 0: aload_0 1: arraylength 2: istore_3 3: iconst_0 4: istore_1 5: lconst_0 6: goto 17 9: aload_0 10: iload_1 11: iaload 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: iinc 1, 1 17: iload_1 18: iload_3 19: if_icmplt 9 Manual bytecode optimization
  • 128. Manual bytecode optimization 0: aload_0 1: arraylength 2: istore_3 3: iconst_0 4: istore_1 5: lconst_0 6: goto 17 9: aload_0 10: iload_1 11: iaload 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: iinc 1, 1 17: iload_1 18: iload_3 19: if_icmplt 9 Local variables 0 array 3 - 1 - 4 - 2 - 5 - Stack - - -
  • 129. 0: aload_0 1: arraylength 2: istore_3 3: iconst_0 4: istore_1 5: lconst_0 6: goto 17 9: aload_0 10: iload_1 11: iaload 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: iinc 1, 1 17: iload_1 18: iload_3 19: if_icmplt 9 Local variables 0 array 3 array.length 1 - 4 - 2 - 5 - Stack - - - Manual bytecode optimization
  • 130. 0: aload_0 1: arraylength 2: istore_3 3: iconst_0 4: istore_1 5: lconst_0 6: goto 17 9: aload_0 10: iload_1 11: iaload 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: iinc 1, 1 17: iload_1 18: iload_3 19: if_icmplt 9 Local variables 0 array 3 array.length 1 0 (index) 4 - 2 - 5 - Stack - - - Manual bytecode optimization
  • 131. 0: aload_0 1: arraylength 2: istore_3 3: iconst_0 4: istore_1 5: lconst_0 6: goto 17 9: aload_0 10: iload_1 11: iaload 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: iinc 1, 1 17: iload_1 18: iload_3 19: if_icmplt 9 Local variables 0 array 3 array.length 1 0 (index) 4 - 2 - 5 - Stack 0 (result) - - Manual bytecode optimization
  • 132. 0: aload_0 1: arraylength 2: istore_3 3: iconst_0 4: istore_1 5: lconst_0 6: goto 17 9: aload_0 10: iload_1 11: iaload 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: iinc 1, 1 17: iload_1 18: iload_3 19: if_icmplt 9 Local variables 0 array 3 array.length 1 0 (index) 4 - 2 - 5 - Stack 0 (result) array[0] - Manual bytecode optimization
  • 133. 0: aload_0 1: arraylength 2: istore_3 3: iconst_0 4: istore_1 5: lconst_0 6: goto 17 9: aload_0 10: iload_1 11: iaload 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: iinc 1, 1 17: iload_1 18: iload_3 19: if_icmplt 9 Local variables 0 array 3 array.length 1 0 (index) 4 - 2 - 5 - Stack 0 + array[0] - - Manual bytecode optimization
  • 134. 0: aload_0 1: arraylength 2: istore_3 3: iconst_0 4: istore_1 5: lconst_0 6: goto 17 9: aload_0 10: iload_1 11: iaload 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: iinc 1, 1 17: iload_1 18: iload_3 19: if_icmplt 9 Local variables 0 array 3 array.length 1 0 (index) + 1 4 - 2 - 5 - Stack 0 + array[0] - - Manual bytecode optimization
  • 135. 0: aload_0 1: arraylength 2: istore_3 3: iconst_0 4: istore_1 5: lconst_0 6: goto 17 9: aload_0 10: iload_1 11: iaload 12: i2l 13: ladd 14: iinc 1, 1 17: iload_1 18: iload_3 19: if_icmplt 9 Local variables 0 array 3 array.length 1 1 (index) 4 - 2 - 5 - Stack 0 + array[0] - - Manual bytecode optimization
  • 136.
  • 137. Worth it? Only in very specific cases. And then you’re probably using the wrong language. Too much effort involved… But let D8/R8/Proguard do it for you!
  • 138. Calling a method Is there an overhead?
  • 139. Overhead of calling a method for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { setVal(getVal() + 1); } for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { val = val + 1; } vs
  • 140.
  • 142. String concatenation String str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { str += OTHER_STR; }
  • 143. String concatenation String str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { str += OTHER_STR; } 0: ldc String 2: astore_1 3: iconst_0 4: istore_2 5: iload_2 6: sipush N 9: if_icmpge 40 12: new class java/lang/StringBuilder 15: dup 16: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>" 19: aload_1 20: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append 23: aload_0 24: getfield OTHER_STR 27: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append 30: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.toString 33: astore_1 34: iinc 2, 1 37: goto 5
  • 144. String concatenation String str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { str += OTHER_STR; } 0: ldc String 2: astore_1 3: iconst_0 4: istore_2 5: iload_2 6: sipush N 9: if_icmpge 40 12: new class java/lang/StringBuilder 15: dup 16: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>" 19: aload_1 20: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append 23: aload_0 24: getfield OTHER_STR 27: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append 30: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.toString 33: astore_1 34: iinc 2, 1 37: goto 5
  • 145. String concatenation String str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { str += OTHER_STR; } 0: ldc String 2: astore_1 3: iconst_0 4: istore_2 5: iload_2 6: sipush N 9: if_icmpge 40 12: new class java/lang/StringBuilder 15: dup 16: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>" 19: aload_1 20: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append 23: aload_0 24: getfield OTHER_STR 27: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append 30: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.toString 33: astore_1 34: iinc 2, 1 37: goto 5
  • 146. String concatenation String str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { str += OTHER_STR; } 0: ldc String 2: astore_1 3: iconst_0 4: istore_2 5: iload_2 6: sipush N 9: if_icmpge 40 12: new class java/lang/StringBuilder 15: dup 16: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>" 19: aload_1 20: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append 23: aload_0 24: getfield OTHER_STR 27: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append 30: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.toString 33: astore_1 34: iinc 2, 1 37: goto 5
  • 147. String concatenation String str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { str += OTHER_STR; } 0: ldc String 2: astore_1 3: iconst_0 4: istore_2 5: iload_2 6: sipush N 9: if_icmpge 40 12: new class java/lang/StringBuilder 15: dup 16: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>" 19: aload_1 20: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append 23: aload_0 24: getfield OTHER_STR 27: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append 30: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.toString 33: astore_1 34: iinc 2, 1 37: goto 5
  • 148. String concatenation String str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { str += OTHER_STR; } 0: ldc String 2: astore_1 3: iconst_0 4: istore_2 5: iload_2 6: sipush N 9: if_icmpge 40 12: new class java/lang/StringBuilder 15: dup 16: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>" 19: aload_1 20: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append 23: aload_0 24: getfield OTHER_STR 27: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append 30: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.toString 33: astore_1 34: iinc 2, 1 37: goto 5
  • 149. String str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(str); sb.append(OTHER_STR); str = sb.toString(); } String concatenation
  • 150. Object creation: String str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(str); sb.append(OTHER_STR); str = sb.toString(); } String concatenation
  • 152. String.concat() • Concat cost is O(N) + O(M) • Concat returns a new String Object. String str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { str = str.concat(OTHER_STR); }
  • 153. String.concat() Object creation: String str = ""; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { str = str.concat(OTHER_STR); }
  • 154. StringBuilder • StringBuilder.append cost is O(M) [M being the length of appended String] StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { sb.append(OTHER_STR); } str = sb.toString();
  • 155. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { sb.append(OTHER_STR); } str = sb.toString(); 0: ldc String 2: astore_1 3: new java/lang/StringBuilder 6: dup 7: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>" 10: astore_2 11: iconst_0 12: istore_3 13: iload_3 14: sipush N 17: if_icmpge 35 20: aload_2 21: aload_0 22: getfield OTHER_STR 25: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append 28: pop 29: iinc 3, 1 32: goto 13
  • 156. 0: ldc String 2: astore_1 3: new java/lang/StringBuilder 6: dup 7: invokespecial java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>" 10: astore_2 11: iconst_0 12: istore_3 13: iload_3 14: sipush N 17: if_icmpge 35 20: aload_2 21: aload_0 22: getfield OTHER_STR 25: invokevirtual java/lang/StringBuilder.append 28: pop 29: iinc 3, 1 32: goto 13 sb = new StringBuilder() for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { sb.append(OTHER_STR); } str = sb.toString(); StringBuilder
  • 157. Object creation: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { sb.append(OTHER_STR); } str = sb.toString(); StringBuilder
  • 158. String concatenation Use StringBuilder (properly) as much as possible. StringBuffer is the thread safe implementation.
  • 159. Strings in case statements
  • 160. public void taskStateMachine(String status) { switch(status) { case "PENDING": System.out.println("Status pending"); break; case "EXECUTING": System.out.println("Status executing"); break; } }
  • 161.
  • 162.
  • 163. Code optimization example: yuv2rgb converter. Always measure!
  • 165.
  • 166. Slightly optimized version precalc tables, fixed point operations, 2 pixels per loop…
  • 167.
  • 168.
  • 169. Lets compare: Normal, minified, minified with optimizations & jack Minified = obfuscated using Proguard
  • 170. Normal Minified Minified & optimized Jack 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 non-optimized optimized
  • 172. Tooling Java • javap -c <classfile> Android: •Dexdump -d <dexfile>
  • 174. Tooling – Disassembler - ART adb pull /data/dalvik- cache/arm/data@app@<package>- 1@base apk@classes.dex adb shell oatdump --oat-file=/data/dalvik- cache/arm/data@app@<package>- 1@base.apk@classes.dex
  • 175. Tooling – PrintAssembly - JIT -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+PrintAssembly -XX:CompileCommand=print,com.raimon.test.Test::method Under the Hood of the JVM: From Bytecode Through the JIT to Assembly by @alblue
  • 176. Additional References Sinking your teeth into bytecode by @jakewharton Exploring Kotlin’s hidden costs by @BladeCoder hidden-costs-part-1-fbb9935d9b62
  • 177. Performance measurements Avoid doing multiple tests in one run JIT might be evil!