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Learned From 
Dealing with failure 
Success isn't necessarily found by being an employee. 
Leo Widrich co-founder & COO, Buffer.
Success isn't necessarily found by being an employee. 
	*)5ü./0/1))!.0!.)5ü./05!.%*+((!#!Č	 !/,!.0!(50.%! 0+ 
#!0+0+!.*/+)!)+*!5/,++./01 !*0ċ+)00!.3$0	 
 % +.3$%$,(!	3.+0!0+Č	#+0/+(10!(5*+.!/,+*/!/'ċ 
Ƶ0!.!3 5/+!!(%*# +3*Č	.!(%6! 0$0	+1( (35/#+*  
3+.'+.)5/!(ċ+	/0.0! /)((/+%()! %+*/1(0*50$0 
$!(,! )!!.*)5ü./0!30$+1/*  +((./%*0$0/1))!.ċ 
The key lesson for me, was that you might not get a job, but that 
doesn't mean there aren't some great things you can still go out 
and do. 
$!)+.!	0$%*''+100$0+*!/1))!.Č0$!)+.!%0!)! 
/)((+),*5'0$!*3/Č0+$!(,)!#!00+3$!.!	)0+ 5ċ 
Leo Widrich co-founder  COO, Buffer.
Success isn't necessarily found by being an employee. 
ćĆŌ+Ƶ)!.%*//1.2!5! /% 0$!5.!!%2! *+ 
.!+#*%0%+*+.#++ 3+.'ċ	03/(/+0$!)+/0 
Gallup, Tom Rath and Donald Clifton, How Full Is Your Bucket? Positive Strategies for Work and Life, 2001
Think simple from the start. 
Neil Patel Investor, advisor, blogger. Started CrazyEgg and KISSmetrics
Think simple from the start. 
$!/%*#(!%##!/0(!//+*	(!.*! %/0$05+1*!!  
0+)'!5+1./+(10%+*/%),(!ċ	ŏ2!$ (+0+ 
1/%*!//!/%(* 05,%((50$!%(1.!3/*ŏ0 1! 
0+0$!% !ċ	*/0! 0$!/+(10%+*3/+),(%0!  
* $. 0+1/!ċ 
By making your product really easy to use you are 
more likely to succeed. 
Neil Patel Investor, advisor, blogger. Started CrazyEgg and KISSmetrics
The stability of your career is under your control. 
Kristi Hines freelance writer, ghostwriter and professional blogger, Kristi Hines Media.
The stability of your career is under your control. 
+)!,!+,(!.!.% +#+%*#0$!!*0.!,.!*!1.ĥ.!!(*!.+10!!1/!+ 
0$!('+/0%(%05ċ	3/+*!+0$+/!,!+,(!3$+,,(%! +.+/0$0 % *+0 
ü0)5%*0!.!/0/!1/!	!(%!2! 1((ġ0%)!+ 
!-1(! /!1.%05ċ 
$%(!!%*#(% ġ+û%/*+005,%((5+*/% !.! %(1.!Č	!(0%03/!1/!%0 
$,,!*! 03%!0+/	3/*ŏ00.1(5,//%+*0!+10ċ	!(00$!('+,//%+* 
3/3$0) !)!*!/50.#!0+.0$!ü./0.+1* +(5+û/%*+0$/!/ċ 
.+)0$!/!!4,!.%!*!/ČI learned that doing something you are passionate 
about outside the bounds of a traditional job can lead to more stability. $%/%/ 
).'!0%*#* (%!*0-1%/%0%+*ċ+1* 1/05+1.,.%%*#* +û!.%*#/0+ 
)0$0$!/1,,(5*  !)* 3%0$%*5+1.%* 1/0.5ċ+13%((!0$!+*!0+!*/1.! 
Kristi Hines freelance writer, ghostwriter and professional blogger, Kristi Hines Media.
The stability of your career is under your control. 
/%*!0$!ĂĀĀĊ +3*01.*ċ
Tune out the noise and find your instinct. 
Caroline Ghosn co-founder  CEO, Levo League
Tune out the noise and find your instinct. 
Trust your instinct. And if you can't tell what your instinct is 
telling you, learn how to peel back the noise in your life that is 
keeping you from hearing it. 
5+1!4,!.%!*! 3.*%*#/%#*/* *+**!00$! +0/ 
'3. /0!.0$!0ċ 
Ƶ/*!*0.!,.!*!1.Č0$!(0%01 !+%(1.!* +/1!//%/ 
 %.!0(5+..!(0! 0+,!+,(!ċ	)#.+3%*#)+.!* )+.! 
00!*0%2!0+)5ü./0%*/0%*0/Č!2!*%	*ŏ01/0%50$!)Č/0$!5 
Caroline Ghosn co-founder  CEO, Levo League
A successful business requires 100% attention, 
everything else is a distraction. 
Jayson DeMers Founder  CEO, Audiencebloom
A successful business requires 100% attention, 
everything else is a distraction. 
Ƶ+1003+5!./#+Č	3/.1**%*#)5+),*5/)++0$(5*  
/1!//1((5ċ$%*#/3!.!#+%*#/+/3%))%*#(5Č%*0Č0$0	 !% ! 	 
+1(  ! %0!(!//0%)!0+.1**%*#)5+),*5* %*/0! /,!* )+.! 
0%)!3+.'%*#+**!3/0.01,+.3$%$	3/.!((5!4%0! ċ	/0.0!  
/,!* %*#)+.!0%)!+*0$!*!3/0.01,Č/%03/*!3* %*0!.!/0%*#ċ 


!*3$%(!Č)5+.%#%*(+),*5+*0%*1! 0+ +1/0ü*!Č100$0ŏ/3$0 
(%* ! )!ċ1**%*#+),*5Ŏ1/0ü*!Ŏ%/*+03$0*!*0.!,.!*!1.ŏ/ 
+%/ċ1!//1(!*0.!,.!*!1./ +*ŏ0 +0$!)%*%)1)+.0$!%.+),*5Ď 
0$!5+*/0*0(53+.'0+#.+3%0Č!2+(2!%0Č* ,.!,.!%0+.0$!101.!ċ 
Jayson DeMers Founder  CEO, Audiencebloom 
A successful business requires 100% attention, 
everything else is a distraction. 
Because I was splitting my team between the two startups, growth 
/0((! 0)5ü./0+),*5Č* 	 % *ŏ0$2!!*+1#$0%)!0+ ! %0!0+ 
the new startup to make it successful. 
$!/!+* 2!*01.!!2!*01((5%(! Č* 	/0+,,! 3+.'+*%0ċ$!+.%#%*( 
2!*01.!ČƵ1 %!*!ǫ(++)Ĩ3$%$	/0%((3+.'+*1((ġ0%)!0+ 5ĩ%/*+3 
/0.+*#!.0$*!2!.Č* #.+3%*#-1%'(53%0$)51((00!*0%+*0+3. ċ 
	(!.*! 0$0/1!//1(2!*01.!.!-1%.!/āĀĀŌ00!*0%+*Č+1/Č*  
!û+.0ċ!+* .52!*01.!/*!! 1((ġ0%)!)*#!.+.!(/!0$!5ŏ((1/0 
 %/0.05+1*  !.%(5+1.!4%/0%*#!û+.0/%5+1.!*ŏ0.!1(ċ 
Jayson DeMers Founder  CEO, Audiencebloom
Finding success is much easier as a team. 
Shane Snow Co-Founder, Contently
Finding success is much easier as a team. 
$!%##!/0(!//+*	ŏ2!(!.*! 0$!$. 35%/!*0.!,.!*!1./$%,%/)1$ 
!/%!.3$!*5+1ŏ.!*+0 +%*#%0(+*!ċPartners whose skills complement 
5+1./* 3$+)5+10.1/0+),(!0!(5)'!0$! %û!.!*!!03!!*%# 
success and small, or between success and failure. 
Ƶ* 0).+(!2!(Č/1,,+.0!./ġġ3$!0$!.%*2!/0+./Č 2+0!/Č 
communities--make it easier to do huge things than small. +#!00$0 
'%* +/1,,+.05+1*!! 0+0!((%#/0+.50$0,!+,(!*!(%!2!%*ċ 

5ü./0/!2!.(/0.01,,.+!0/+)! +./,100!.! +10!1/!	0('!  
/)((*  % *ŏ0#0$!./1,,+.0ċ	*(1 ! %*)5(%/0+ý+,/3$03/ 
*Č % 	(+30$0+*!ē 
Shane Snow Co-Founder, Contently
The quality of your team will make or break you. 
Kiran Bellubbi Founder  CEO, Applauze
The quality of your team will make or break you. 
$!*5+1%(0/+)!0$%*#ġ/55+1.,.+ 10 +!/*ŏ0/(!0+0$! 
(!2!(5+1!4,!0! Č.!2!*1!//(1),Č+.5+1..0!+#.+30$/0((/ġ 
#.!00!)/1/!0$!%./$.! !4,!.%!*!0+ü#1.!+103$03!*0 
3.+*#*  !2!(+,/+(10%+*0$0#!*!.0!/.!/1(0/!2!*!00!.0$* 
Success is contingent on teams that are persistent, trust each other 
and learn from their failures. 
Kiran Bellubbi Founder  CEO, Applauze
The quality of your team will make or break you. 
+0!*0%()!)!./3$+.!.!+))!* ! +. 
-1(%ü! 0$*/!(ġ,,(%*0/ċ 
Kiran Bellubbi Founder  CEO, Applauze
Iterate for different learning styles 
across your company. 
Jonathan Franchell Founder  Principal, ironpaper
Iterate for different learning styles 
across your company. 
	%*%0%((5%(! 0.!0%*#*! 10%+*,.+#.)+.0.%*%*#)5 
	.+*,,!.+.0!))!)!./0+#%**!3/'%((/0$0+1( !,,(%!  
0+(%!*0,.+!0/ċ	.!0! .+//0.%*%*# +1)!*0+10(%*%*#/'%((/ 
*!!//.5+.).'!0%*#Č3! !2!(+,)!*0*  !/%#*ċ 
$!!4,!00%+*3/0$0!2!.50!))!)!.3+1( $2!%*ġ !,0$ 
0.%*%*#%*0$!%..!/,!0%2!ü!( +,.0%!Č3$%(!$2%*#/% 
0.%*%*#%*!2!.5+0$!. %/%,(%*!.!(!2*00+0$!+),*5ċ 
Jonathan Franchell Founder  Principal, ironpaper 
Iterate for different learning styles 
across your company. 
#%2!*0+!),(+5!!/0+#+35* /01 5+*0$!%.+3** //1$ 
3/*+0%*0!#.0! %*0+0$!(%!* 1(01.!+0$!+),*5#.!1((5ċ 
2!.5+*!%*0$!+),*5+),(!0! 0$!)%*%)1).!-1%.!)!*0/+ 
0$!+),*5Č10)*5 % *+0.!0%*+.+),.!$!* 0$!)0!.%(/ċ 
	3/%*%0%((5 %/+1.#! 3%0$0$!%(1.!+0$!ü./0! 10%+* 
,.+#.)3%0$%*0$!+),*5ċWhat I learned after was just how 
%),+.0*0!%*#%0!.0%2!* %*0!.0%2!3%0$)5,,.+$3+1(  
be to the education program's success. 	*!! ! 0+1%( )+.! 
%*0!.0%2!,.+#.)Č3%0$+0$,//%2!* 0%2!(!.*%*# 
,,.+$!/Č0'%*#%*0++1*0 %û!.!*0(!.*%*#/05(!/ċ 
Jonathan Franchell Founder  Principal, ironpaper
Disagreement and conflict are healthy. 
Rand Fishkin Co-Founder, Moz
Disagreement and conflict are healthy. 
+)* 	.*%(%*#+*/1(0*5ċ!3!*0()+/0ĸĆĀĀČĀĀĀ%*0+ !0Č 
1%( %*#1/%*!//0$0ŏ//1,,+/! 0+.!-1%.!2!.5(%00(!1,.+*0%*2!/0)!*0ċ	03/ 
/!+#.+1,0$%*'ġ3!Ĩ* 0$!!3,!+,(!3!$%.! ĩ0$+1#$0(%'!*  % *ŏ0-1!/0%+* 
%(1.!ġ2!.5$./$%(1.!ġ01#$0)!0$0you cannot surround yourself with yes 
)!*ŎĨ+.Ŏ5!/3+)!*Ŏĩċ%/#.!!)!*0* +*ý%0.!$!(0$5ċ$!5.!0!/0.+*#!.Č 
better decisions, and more exploration of the risks and opportunities. 
+60+ 5Č0$!.!ŏ//)(((! !./$%,#.+1,0$0$/(+0+$!(0$5 %/#.!!)!*0 
* +*ý%0ċ$!*Č3!((#!0+*0$!/)!,#!+103$0ŏ/#+%*#0+$,,!*Č* 3! 
,1./1!%0/1*%ü! 0!)ċ
* 3!+2!.ĂāČĀĀĀ1/0+)!./ċ	0ŏ/!!*(+*#Č,%*1(+1.*!5Č100$+/!!.(5%(1.!/ 
Ĩ* !2!*0$!%(1.!/3!)'!!2!.53!!'0$!/! 5/ĩ$2!$!(,! 1/+*0%*1! 
Rand Fishkin Co-Founder, Moz
Disagreement and conflict are healthy. 
ĉĆŌ+!4!10%2!/$ +*!.*/3%0$0$!%.+),*5 
0$00$!53!.!.% 0+.%/!Č+10+!.+0$! 
+*ý%00$03+1( !*/1!ċ
Don't fail alone, find talented rockstars. 
Sandi Krakowski PresidenT  Founder, A real Change international inc  sandpaper tablet INC
Don't fail alone, find talented rockstars. 
%*#(!%##!/0(!//+*.+)%(1.!%*)5.!!.čI didn't ask for help 
3$!*	3//01'* 1/0/0.1##(! (+*#0.5%*#0+ü#1.!0$%*#/+10ċ 
2%*#,+3!.1(,!+,(!(+*#/% !+)!* 0!)+!40.!)!(5 
0(!*0! .+'/0./$/*+0+*(5$*#! )5(%!10(/+)51/%*!//ċ 
+*ŏ0#+%0(+*!ē%* .+'/0./* 1(ü((5+1. !/0%*5ċ 
Sandi Krakowski PresidenT  Founder, A real Change international inc  sandpaper tablet INC
Agree upon the direction of your company 
from the beginning with key stakeholders. 
Evan White PresidenT, Evan White PR
Agree upon the direction of your company 
from the beginning with key stakeholders. 
ǫ!/1.!5+1ŏ.!(%*! 1,3%0$((0$!+0$!.+ġ+1* !./!+.!5+1 
1),%*0+0$! !!,!* ċ 
	*,/0.+(!/+)%*!Č0+++0!* % ,!+,(!$2! %û!.!*0% !/ 
on where they saw the trajectory of the company going, and if 
you're not on the same page it might not end as well as you 
had hoped for. 
Evan White PresidenT, Evan White PR
Avoid a Field of Dreams mentality. 
Melisa Singh Founder, Storyshelter
Avoid a Field of Dreams mentality. 
$!*3!!(%!2!3$+(!$!.0! (50$0+1.,.+ 10%/#+%*#0+)!!0)+. 
*!! Č/! +*,!./+*(!4,!.%!*!Č3!2+% 0'%*#0$!*!!//.5/0!,/0+ 
 +0$+.+1#$).'!0.!/!.$0+*(56!3$!0$!.+.*+0+1. .!)/$+1(  
+/ %/)%//%*#).'!0.!/!.$* 0$!*+0%+*0$0 
1/0+)!./'*+33$00$!53*0ċ	3+1( .#1!0$00$%/%/*%//1!+ 
+/10%(%6! 3$0ŏ/)+/0%),+.0*0+100$!$!.0+).'!0 
Melisa Singh Founder, Storyshelter 
Avoid a Field of Dreams mentality. 
!'*!3,!+,(!3*0! +),10!./103!.!.1/0.0! 5$+3 %þ1(00$!5 
3!.!0+1/!ċ!)!0+0$%/1* !./0* %*#5,5%*#00!*0%+*0++*/1)!. 
!$2%+..0$!.0$*/'%*#0$!Ŏ3$0 +5+13*0Ŏ-1!/0%+*ċ 
$!.!%/%# %û!.!*!!03!!*1%( %*#,.+ 103!//1)!,!+,(!*!!  
and being in tune with what our customers may actually desireČ!2!*%0$!5 
Melisa Singh Founder, Storyshelter
Your company's focus comes with trial and error. 
Dan Greenberg Co-founder  CEO, Sharethrough
Your company's focus comes with trial and error. 
*!+)5%##!/0(!//+*/%*1%( %*#1/%*!//)!%*0$!ü./05!.+ 
$.!0$.+1#$ġġ	(!.*! 0$05+1*ŏ01%( 1/%*!//3%0$03+!*0!./+#.2%05ċ 
+1.!*0!.+#.2%05%/*ŏ05+1.,.+ 10Č+.5+1.1/0+)!./Č+.5+1.).'!0ċ0$!.Č 
+.$.!0$.+1#$0+ 5Č+1.!*0!.+#.2%05%/0+)+*!0%6!0$!)+ !.*%*0!.*!0 
3%0$)!*%*#1(+*0!*0Č!5+* +*+4%+1/ /ċ!!(%!2!0$0 2!.0%/%*#*! 
$%#$-1(%05* 2(1(!0+0$!1/!.3$+/!!/%0Č0$0 /*!(!*Č*  
3!((ġ%*0!#.0! 0+0$!/%0!0$!5(%2!+*ċ 
	*0$!!.(5 5/+$.!0$.+1#$Č3! % *ŏ0$2!0$0(.%05++1/Č* %00++'1/ 
Dan Greenberg Co-founder  CEO, Sharethrough
Pay attention to your customers first. 
Jon Beekman founder  CEO, Man Crates
Pay attention to your customers first. 
(!//+*č!)*%((5+1/! +*5+1.1/0+)!./ċ 
!$ #.!0% !* 0$!/).0!/00!$0!)Č103!!((%*(+2!3%0$+1. 
0!$*+(+#5* +1.+*!,0+3$00$!1/0+)!.3*0! Č.0$!.0$*01((5 
0('%*#0++*/1)!./0+$!.0$!%.!! ' %.!0(5ċ 
$!*3! % ü*((5$!.1/0+)!.!! 'Č3!3!.!0++. +3*0$!.+ 0+ 
$*#!+1.% !* 0$!+),*5%(! ċ 
*ƫ.0!/ČI treat customers as co-creators helping to direct the company. 
$%/1/0+)!.!! '(++,%/+.!,.0++1.Ƶġġ%0ŏ/,.0+3$+3!.!/ 
+),*5ċ	03/*!4,!*/%2!(!//+*Č10,.%!(!//+*!%*)5!4,!.%!*!ċ 
Jon Beekman founder  CEO, Man Crates
Pay attention to your customers first. 
White House Office of Consumer Affairs
Try to be incredible at one thing. 
Brian Wallace President, NowSourcing.
Try to be incredible at one thing. 
+1ŏ.!#+%*#0+!,.!005#++ 0(+0+0$%*#/ċ*!5+1ü*  
/+)!0$%*#5+1(+2!* */(!5+1.1/%*!//0+Č5+1ŏ2!+1* %0ċ 
+.1/Č%03/%*+#.,$%/ċ! % *ŏ0#!00$!.!+2!.*%#$0* %03/ 
 !0!.)%*0%+*0!.+( %*#%*!3/,!%(0%!/%*0+/+)!0$%*##.!0ċ 
Brian Wallace President, NowSourcing.
Push new ideas and projects forward. 
Neal Schaffer Social business coach, consultant, trainer, speaker, author of “Maximize your social”
Push new ideas and projects forward. 
!1/!+0$!+*/0*0*!! 0+!4,!.%)!*0*  +*!30$%*#/3%0$+10 

5%(1.!$/!!*Č* %*/+)!35/+*0%*1!/0+!Č0$!%(1.!0++1/ċ
!((+)!1,3%0$% !/+**!31/%*!//+.*!3,.+ 10* *!! 0+ 
35.+)+1/%*#+* +%*#0$!.%#$00$%*#/0+,1/$*!3% !/*  
,.+!0/+.3. ċ 
Neal Schaffer Social business coach, consultant, trainer, speaker, author of “Maximize your social”
Push new ideas and projects forward. 
+)!0%)!/%0)!*//%),(501.*%*# +3*0$%*#/0$03!1/! 0+!,0+. 
 !% %*#0+/%),(51*,(1#.+)+0$!.0%2%0%!/ċǫ100$!)!//#!%/(!.č 
%0$+10(!.*  ! %0! +1/Č3$0!2!.5+13*00+ +/* 
entrepreneur will either not be acted upon in the right timing or not 
%),(!)!*0! /!û!0%2!(5/%0+1( $2!!!*/$+1( 5+1$2!$  
the focus. 	0ŏ/,.!005/%),(!+*!,0Č10/+)!0%)!/0$!/%),(!/00$%*#/ 
.!0$!$. !/00+%),(!)!*0+* 5%* 5+10,,.+$ċ 
Neal Schaffer Social business coach, consultant, trainer, speaker, author of “Maximize your social”
The worst decision is indecision. 
The worst decision is indecision. 
*!+0$!%##!/0(!//+*/	ŏ2!(!.*! %/*ŏ0.+),.0%1(.%(1.!10.+))%//!  
+,,+.01*%05č0$!3+./0 !%/%+*%/%* !%/%+*ċ$!*5+1ŏ.!*!*0.!,.!*!1.Č5+1$2!0+ 
)+2!-1%'(5* #+3%0$5+1.#10ċ	5+1 +*ŏ0Č5+1+1( )%//+10+*0$%*#/0$0* 
help your business immensely. 
	0*!*!.2!ġ3.'%*#10%0ŏ/%),+.0*00+#!0,.+ 10/+100$!.!* 1/! 00+/!! 
3$!0$!.%0ŏ/3+.'%*#ċ	0$%*'0$!!/0,.+!//%/0$%/č!(!/!Č!2%!3Č,0%)%6!Č	0!.0!Č 
Ƶ(/+Č00$!!* +0$! 50$!.!%/*+.%#$035+.+*!350+.1*1/%*!//ċ$!*5+1 
/0.0+),*5Č5+10$%*'0$!.!%/.+ ),+.$+(5#.%(0+/1!//ċ$!.!%/*ŏ0ċ	1/!  
0+!/++1/! +* +%*#0$%*#/,.!%/!(5(%'!+0$!./3$+$ /1!//!+.!)!0+ 
2+% $%00%*#/*#/Č100$0*1(0%)0!(5$+( 5+1'ċƵ/'-1!/0%+*/Č-1%.! 
)!*0+./Č#0$!.'*+3(! #!* 0$!*)'!*! 10!  !%/%+**  +3$0ŏ/!/0+. 
Start now! 
Wade Foster CEO  Co-founder, Zapier
Start now! 
$!%##!/0(!//+*(!.*! %/Ŏ/0.0*+3ŎċƵ()+/0!2!.5 !%/%+*	ŏ2!) ! 
0$0ŏ/(! 0+/+)!0$%*#3!/+)!3+1( $2!!!*35)+.!3!/+)! 
had I simply decided to start sooner. 
ǫ5/0.0%*#*+3Č5+1(/+.!(!0+ü#1.!+103$03+.'/* 3$0 
0$%*#/0$0 +*ŏ03+.'*  +)+.!+3$0 +!/3+.'ċ 
Wade Foster CEO  Co-founder, Zapier
Being adaptable is the real test. 
Cerrie Kerpen CEO  Co-founder, Likeable Media
Being adaptable is the real test. 
*!+0$!%##!/0(!//+*/	ŏ2!(!.*! %/*ŏ0.+),.0%1(.%(1.!10.+))%//!  
+,,+.01*%05č0$!3+./0 !%/%+*%/%* !%/%+*ċ$!*5+1ŏ.!*!*0.!,.!*!1.Č5+1$2!0+ 
)+2!-1%'(5* #+3%0$5+1.#10ċ	5+1 +*ŏ0Č5+1+1( )%//+10+*0$%*#/0$0* 
help your business immensely. 
	0*!*!.2!ġ3.'%*#10%0ŏ/%),+.0*00+#!0,.+ 10/+100$!.!* 1/! 00+/!! 
3$!0$!.%0ŏ/3+.'%*#ċ	0$%*'0$!!/0,.+!//%/0$%/č!(!/!Č!2%!3Č,0%)%6!Č	0!.0!Č 
Ƶ(/+Č00$!!* +0$! 50$!.!%/*+.%#$035+.+*!350+.1*1/%*!//ċ$!*5+1 
/0.0+),*5Č5+10$%*'0$!.!%/.+ ),+.$+(5#.%(0+/1!//ċ$!.!%/*ŏ0ċ	1/!  
0+!/++1/! +* +%*#0$%*#/,.!%/!(5(%'!+0$!./3$+$ /1!//!+.!)!0+ 
2+% $%00%*#/*#/Č100$0*1(0%)0!(5$+( 5+1'ċƵ/'-1!/0%+*/Č-1%.! 
)!*0+./Č#0$!.'*+3(! #!* 0$!*)'!*! 10!  !%/%+**  +3$0ŏ/!/0+. 
Cerrie Kerpen CEO  Co-founder, PureWow
Be patient and adjust on the fly. 
Joe Pulizzi Founder, Content Marketing Institute  Author, Epic content marketing
Be patient and adjust on the fly. 
%./0Č,0%!*!Č,0%!*!Č,0%!*!ċ	3/3%0$%*ć)+*0$,!.%+ +#%2%*# 
1,* #+%*#'0++.,+.0!(%!* 0$!*/!!%*#0$!1/%*!//0'!+ûċ 
!+* Č0$!,(*5+1/0.0+103%0$%/*!2!.0$!,(*0$001((53+.'/ċ	 
!(%!2!%)+.!!*0.!,.!*!1./3!*0%*3%0$0$000%01 !0$!53+1( ! 
)+.!/1!//1(ċ0.01,/0!* 0+((%*(+2!3%0$0$!%.,.+ 10Č3$!*0$!5 
/$+1( !)+.!+1/! +*1%( %*#(+5(1 %!*!Č(%/0!*%*#Č*  
Joe Pulizzi Founder, Content Marketing Institute  Author, Epic content marketing
Letting go of the need to look perfect. 
Lewis Howes Creator, The School of greatness  athelte extrodinaire
Letting go of the need to look perfect. 
	1/! 0+!/+worried about how things looked0$0	3/.!0%*#*  
$+3	0$+1#$0,!+,(!3+1( ,!.!%2!)!%	Ŏ)!//! 1,Ŏ3%0$/+)!0$%*#ċ 
.10$%/Č0$0!*!.#50++')!35.+)(%2%*#)52%/%+** .!0%*# 
something that people were inspired by. 
Joe Pulizzi Founder, Content Marketing Institute  Author, Epic content marketing
Success is not the natural state of things. 
TED RUBIN ACTING CMO, Brand Innovators
Success is not the natural state of things. 
The most important lesson I learned about failure is that without it, you do not 
truly understand success. $!*/1!//+)!/0++!/%(5+.0++!.(5%*0$! 
,.+!//Č3!+)!0+!(%!2!%0%/0$!*01.(/00!+0$%*#/Č* 3$!*%(1.! 
+)!/0(0!. 0!%*/+)!+.)+.*+0$!.3!.!)+/0+0!*100!.(5 
1*,.!,.! ċ 

5%(1.!/$2!+,!*! )5!5!/0+%*0.+/,!0%+** (!.*%*#0$0$/) !)! 
!00!.0$!.Č.+0$!.Č.%!* Č)!*0+.ċċċ!00!.,!./+*ċ 
$%/%/*+00+/55+1/$+1( /!!'+10%(1.!Č)+.!+10$+3%),+.0*0%0%/0+ 
/0.!0$5+1./!(* *+0!.% +)'%*#)%/0'!/ċ!*!! 0+!),+3!.+1. 
!),(+5!!/Č//+%0!/Č.%!* /* $%( .!*0+1* !./0* 0$0%(1.!%/ 
%*.! %(52(1(!3$!*5+1)'!(!.*%*#,.0+0$!,.+!//ċ 
TED RUBIN ACTING CMO, Brand Innovators
Success is not the natural state of things. 
!+.!(+/%*#0$!%. ++./
Look at failures as merely mistakes. 
Look at failures as merely mistakes. 
	Ŏ%(Ŏ,.+(5+*!3!!'Č)5!!2!*+*! 5Č	1/00$%*'+ 
0$!)/)%/0'!/Č*+0%(1.!/ċ	ŏ(()'!0$!3.+*# !%/%+*+.#+ 
 +3*,0$0$0+1.1/0+)!./ +*ŏ03*0!1/!	3/*ŏ0 
(%/0!*%*#Č* 0$!*	$2!0+'0.'ċ 

+/0,!+,(!/!!0$!3+. %(1.!* 0$%*'Ŏ1*.!+2!.(!ċŎ	*/0! ČI 
see failures as mini test results. I tried something, it didn't work, so 
let's gather up what we learned and try again.	ŏ2!*!2!.(!0)5 
1/%*!//#!00+,+%*0+%(1.!Č	ŏ2!/!0)5#1% !(%*!/* ,%2+0% 
3!/0.0$! %*#0+3. //+)!0$%*#0$0ŏ/%(%*#ċ 
1/!+100$!% !0$0 
5+1$2!0+%(0+/1!! Č3$%$	 +*ŏ0#.!!3%0$ċ 
Use data to help fail less often. 
Larry Kim Founder wordstream
Use data to help fail less often. 
%(1.!/.!1*2+% (!* .% %1(+1/(5+/0(5+./0.0ġ1,/3%0$ 
(%00(!0%)!* )+*!5ċ++0!*/0.0ġ1,/%*2!/0$1#!.!/+1.!/ 
%*0+%#,.+ 10+.).'!0%*#%*%0%0%2!/ċ 
01.((5Č3!3*00+!(%!2!0$0+1.$. 3+.'$/,% +ûČ5!0 
01((5,.+ 1!(.#!/(!Č(/0%*#!*!ü0/ġ)+/03%(($2!*+ 
%),00((+*5+1.1/%*!//Č* /+)!3%((!2!*)'!0$%*#/ 
The key to success therefore is in trying to fail slightly less often 
by using more data rather than gut feel in the project planning 
phases, and not let projects that fail to meet their success 
criteria linger around for too long. 
Larry Kim Founder wordstream
Use data to help fail less often. 
/%*# 00+ .%2!1/%*!// !%/%+*/*.!/1(0%** 
Use your negative experiences to regroup. 
Michael A. Stelzner CEO  Founder, Social Media Examiner
Use your negative experiences to regroup. 
$!%##!/0%(1.!	!2!.$ 3/3$!*	%*2!/0! %*ĸĂĀĀĀ,.+#.)0$0 
,.+)%/! %	/%),(5+((+3! 0$!%./1##!/0%+*/	3+1( )'!0+*+)+*!5ċ	 
 % ,.!%/!(53$00$!5/1##!/0! * %03/$1#!%(1.!ċƵ* !0$%((5	!(0 
 %/#1/0%*#ċ$!.!01.*.0!3/+û0$!$.0/* %03/ %/)(!4,!.%!*!ċ 
	1/! ((0$+/!*!#0%2!!4,!.%!*!/0+.!#.+1,* ü#1.! +10350+(1*$ 
!2!*0/0$0ü03%0$%*)5+)+.06+*!ċ$0!* ! 1,$,,!*%*#3/0$!%.0$ 
! %1!//1))%03/+.*ċ 
	03//1$$1#!/1!//0$0	(1*$! *!3!4,!.%)!*0(3!/%0!((!  
! %4)%*!.ċ+)'%*ĂĀĀĊċ1.*! +10	3/+*0+/+)!0$%*#ċ+ 5 
)%((%+*/+,!+,(!2%/%0+1./%0!* %0%/+*!+0$!(.#!/01/%*!//(+#/+*0$! 
,(*!0ċ+)+.(+0$!/0+.5člet your failures clear your deck, much like a forest 
ü.!Č/+*!3% !/*!+.*ċ+1*!2!.'*+3Č+*!+0$+/!% !/)%#$001.* 
out to be a mighty oak! 
Michael A. Stelzner CEO  Founder, Social Media Examiner
Mistakes will surface new opportunities. 
Meridith Valiando Rojas CEO  Founder, Digitour media
Mistakes will surface new opportunities. 
$!#.!0!/0(!//+*	(!.*! 3/0$0)%/0'!/3%((*+0!* 5+1.1/%*!//ċIf you are 
*%)(!* 3%((%*#0+(%/0!*0++*/0.10%2!.%0%%/)5+1*!4!(5(!.*%*#*  
!2+(2%*#ċ	*)5!4,!.%!*!/*!*0.!,.!*!1.Č0$!.!$2!!!*0%)!/Č!/,!%((5!.(5 
+*Č3$!*	!*+1*0!.! %//1!/0$0,,!.! 0+!%*/1.)+1*0(!ċ 
+.!4),(!Č3$!*	)*#! *.0%/0+*ƫ,%0(!+. /0$0#+0 .+,,! Č	!(0(%'! 
 !2/00%*#%(1.!ċǫ10%*0.10$Č%0/$+3! )!$+32%0(/+%()! %%/0+.!'%*#0(!*0 
%*0$%/*!33+.( +. !.ċ		*!2!.%(! 3%0$0$0,.+!0Č	3+1( *+0$2!.!(%6! 0$! 
%),+.0*!+/+%()! %* %0/%),0+*0. %0%+*()! %ċ 
.+)0$0	 !2!(+,! *!3/!0+/'%((/Č3$%$(! )!0++ġ+1* %*#%#%+1.ċ%0$ 
(+0+,!./%/0!*!* 3%((%*#*!//0+!ý!4%(!Č3!3!.!(!0++2!.+)!+/0(!/ 
* ,.+2!3!.!.* 3%0$/05%*#,+3!.ċ	$2!(!.*! *+00+#!00++!4%0! +. 
0++ !!0! /	1%( )51/%*!//ċ$ 5%/(%'!.+((!.+/0!.ü((! 3%0$1,/Č 
 +3*/Č0$.%((/Č* 1*!4,!0! 01.*/ċ 
Meridith Valiando Rojas CEO  Founder, Digitour media
Mistakes will surface new opportunities. 
Ƶ0!.%(! .!2),//#5!++'Č#5!(,* #5.+1,+*Č 
+1* !./
/+*+( !.#* ǫ. +. $!(($))!.01.*!  
1(%/%*0+ċ+)Čý/$/(!/%0!/,!%(%/%*#%* !/%#*!.*  
Welcome detours and failures with open arms. 
Ekaterina Walter CMO, Househappy, Author of NYT bestseller “think like zuck”
Welcome detours and failures with open arms. 
	(!.*! 0$03$05+1)%#$00$%*'%/0$!3+./00$%*#0$0!2!.$,,!*! 0+5+1%*0$0 
)+)!*0)%#$001((501.*+100+!0$!!/00$%*#0$0!2!.$,,!*! 0+5+1ċ	* 
.!+1*0*1)!.+0$!%*/0*!/3$!*	0$+1#$00$!3+.( 3/!* %*#0++*(5(1#$+10%0 
/!2!.(5!./(0!.* 0$*')5(1'5/0./0$00$0ŏ/$+30$%*#/01.*! +10ċ 
/0.!'Č%/0$00$!5welcome detours and failures as a natural part of the journey 0$!5.!+*ċ 
	ŏ2!0('! +100$%/%*)+.! !0%(%*)5ġ(%'!0('$!.!ċ 
+3$!*	)!*0+.5+1*#,!+,(!	0!((0$!)ü./0* +.!)+/00+*!2!.-1!/0%+*0$!%.,//%+* 
* 0$!%.%(%050+#!00$%*#/ +*!ċ	5+1$2!0$!+*ü !*!%*5+1./!(Č%*3$!.!5+1.! 
#+%*#Č* 3$05+1.!0.5%*#0+1%( Č0$%/%/3$03%((#!05+10$.+1#$0+1#$0%)!/ċƵ* 0$0 
%/((%0ŏ((!ġ0+1#$0%)!/0$05+1*+2!.+)!Č*+0Ƶ.)#!  +*ċ 
+%001.*/+100$00$!(%$hŎ$!*+*! ++.(+/!/Č*+0$!. ++.+,!*/Ŏ%/)+.!0$* 
(%$h0!.((ċ+11/0*!! 0+!+*ü !*0!*+1#$0+/!!0$0+0$!.+,!* ++.ċƵ* 0$0 
.!-1%.!/0$05+1*+0/0.!00$!(+/!  ++.0++(+*#ċ 
Ekaterina Walter CMO, Househappy, Author of NYT bestseller “think like zuck”
Get told no on a daily basis. 
Shafqat Islam CEO, NEWScred
Get told no on a daily basis. 
$!/%*#(!%##!/0(!.*%*#+.)!3/0+*+0!.% +%(1.! 
* 0+01((5!).!%0ċ
+.!%),+.0*0(5Č	(!.*! 0$05+1 
*!! 0+%(Č* +0!*%(+0!*ċ 
If you aren't being told no on a daily basis, you aren't pushing 
yourself hard enough or taking enough risks.Ƶ/0!$ 
Shafqat Islam CEO, NEWScred
Nothing is as bad as it seems. 
Gene Marks President, Marks group
Nothing is as bad as it seems. 

5/%*#(!%##!/0(!//+*%//+)!0$%*#)5  01#$0)!č*+0$%*#%// 
 /%0/!!)/Ĩ100$!*#%**+0$%*#%//#++ /%0/!!)/!%0$!.ĩċ 
	*+0$!.3+. /Č%(1.!%/1/0.!(0%2!ċ 
$!.!%/%((%+*,!+,(!%*	* %Ĩ* ăĂĊČĊĊĊČĊĊĊ,!+,(!%*0$!ċċĩ 
3$++1( .!(!//+105+1.%(1.!* %0ŏ/1/0*+0/Ŏ%),+.0*0Ŏ 
/5+1,.+(50$%*'%0%/ċƵ* *!%0$!..!5+1Ĩ+.	ĩċ+.+((3%0$0$! 
!)+0%+*/Č0$!*#!0'0+3+.'ċƵ* (/+.!)!)!.0$%//)!(!//+* 
0$!*!400%)!5+1/1!! * 5+10$%*'((ŏ/#.!0ġ!1/!*+0$%*#ŏ/ 
/#++ /%0/!!)/!%0$!.ē 
Gene Marks President, Marks group
Tomorrow is always another day. 
Scott gerber Founder, Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC)  Author of Never get a ‘Real Job’
Tomorrow is always another day. 
$!)+/0%),+.0*0,.0+%(%*#%/.!(%6%*#0+)+..+33%((+û!.*+0$!. 5 
to get it right. .(%!.%*)5!*0.!,.!*!1.%(.!!.Č	0++'%(1.!/2!.5,!./+*((5ċ 
*!Ŏ%#%(1.!Ŏ3+1( #!0)! +3*+. 5/Č* %*/+)!%*/0*!/ %)%*%/$!  
)5+*ü !*!* ,.+ 10%2%05+.3!!'/ċ 
	03/*ŏ01*0%(0!.)5ü./01/%*!//3!*01* !.* 	/0.0! )5/!+* ġġ* Č 
1(0%)0!(5)5ü./0/1!//1(+),*5ġġ0$0	.!(%6! $+3%),+.0*0%0%/0+0'! 
%(1.!//(!//+*/(!.*! .0$!.0$*$. '*+'/ċ 

5/!+* 1/%*!//3//0.+*#!./.!/1(0+0$!(!//+*/(!.*! +*)5ü./0#+ 
.+1* ċ+3Č)5+),*%!/minimize the potential for failures by shrinking our 
downside on any single decision. Ƶ/.!/1(0Č3!#!0'1,/0.+*#!.* /0!. 
3$!*3! +!/!0'Č* 0$!/1*1/1((5!* /1,/$%*%*#.%#$0!.%*0$! 
Scott gerber Founder, Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC)  Author of Never get a ‘Real Job’
Gosh... I’m gonna miss you 
guys back on Earth 
If only there was some 
way to stay in touch 

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What 33 Successful Entrepreneurs Learned From Failure

  • 1. Successful Entrepreneurs Learned From Dealing with failure WHAT PRE SEN T S
  • 2. PART I: Getting started
  • 3. Success isn't necessarily found by being an employee. Leo Widrich co-founder & COO, Buffer.
  • 4. Success isn't necessarily found by being an employee. *)5ü./0/1))!.0!.)5ü./05!.%*+((!#!Č !/,!.0!(50.%! 0+ #!0+0+!.*/+)!)+*!5/,++./01 !*0ċ+)00!.3$0 % +.3$%$,(! 3.+0!0+Č #+0/+(10!(5*+.!/,+*/!/'ċ Ƶ0!.!3 5/+!!(%*# +3*Č .!(%6! 0$0 +1( (35/#+* 3+.'+.)5/!(ċ+ /0.0! /)((/+%()! %+*/1(0*50$0 $!(,! )!!.*)5ü./0!30$+1/* +((./%*0$0/1))!.ċ The key lesson for me, was that you might not get a job, but that doesn't mean there aren't some great things you can still go out and do. $!)+.! 0$%*''+100$0+*!/1))!.Č0$!)+.!%0!)! (!.+$+32%0((5%),+.0*00$0!4,!.%!*!+/0.0%*#)5+3* /)((+),*5'0$!*3/Č0+$!(,)!#!00+3$!.! )0+ 5ċ $!+/0(!%/0$!35Č//+)!+*!!10%1((5,10%0%*#.!0++'ċ Leo Widrich co-founder COO, Buffer.
  • 5. Success isn't necessarily found by being an employee. ćĆŌ+Ƶ)!.%*//1.2!5! /% 0$!5.!!%2! *+ .!+#*%0%+*+.#++ 3+.'ċ 03/(/+0$!)+/0 +))+*.!/+*Ƶ)!.%*/(!00$!%.+/ċ Gallup, Tom Rath and Donald Clifton, How Full Is Your Bucket? Positive Strategies for Work and Life, 2001
  • 6. Think simple from the start. Neil Patel Investor, advisor, blogger. Started CrazyEgg and KISSmetrics
  • 7. Think simple from the start. $!/%*#(!%##!/0(!//+* (!.*! %/0$05+1*!! 0+)'!5+1./+(10%+*/%),(!ċ ŏ2!$ (+0+ 1/%*!//!/%(* 05,%((50$!%(1.!3/*ŏ0 1! 0+0$!% !ċ */0! 0$!/+(10%+*3/+),(%0! * $. 0+1/!ċ By making your product really easy to use you are more likely to succeed. Neil Patel Investor, advisor, blogger. Started CrazyEgg and KISSmetrics
  • 8. The stability of your career is under your control. Kristi Hines freelance writer, ghostwriter and professional blogger, Kristi Hines Media.
  • 9. The stability of your career is under your control. +)!,!+,(!.!.% +#+%*#0$!!*0.!,.!*!1.ĥ.!!(*!.+10!!1/!+ 0$!('+/0%(%05ċ 3/+*!+0$+/!,!+,(!3$+,,(%! +.+/0$0 % *+0 ü0)5%*0!.!/0/!1/! !(%!2! 1((ġ0%)!+ !-1(! /!1.%05ċ $%(!!%*#(% ġ+û%/*+005,%((5+*/% !.! %(1.!Č !(0%03/!1/!%0 $,,!*! 03%!0+/ 3/*ŏ00.1(5,//%+*0!+10ċ !(00$!('+,//%+* 3/3$0) !)!*!/50.#!0+.0$!ü./0.+1* +(5+û/%*+0$/!/ċ .+)0$!/!!4,!.%!*!/ČI learned that doing something you are passionate about outside the bounds of a traditional job can lead to more stability. $%/%/ !1/!5+1$2!0$!,+3!.0+#!0)+.!3+.'ċ+1.!%*+*0.+(+5+1. ).'!0%*#* (%!*0-1%/%0%+*ċ+1* 1/05+1.,.%%*#* +û!.%*#/0+ )0$0$!/1,,(5* !)* 3%0$%*5+1.%* 1/0.5ċ+13%((!0$!+*!0+!*/1.! 5+1.+3*/1!//ċ 2662 Kristi Hines freelance writer, ghostwriter and professional blogger, Kristi Hines Media.
  • 10. The stability of your career is under your control. *Ƶ,.%(ĂĀāąČĂċăą)%((%+*Ƶ)!.%*/(!00$!%. +/2+(1*0.%(5ġ0$0Ě/0$!$%#$!/0 /%*!0$!ĂĀĀĊ +3*01.*ċ
  • 11. Tune out the noise and find your instinct. Caroline Ghosn co-founder CEO, Levo League
  • 12. Tune out the noise and find your instinct. Trust your instinct. And if you can't tell what your instinct is telling you, learn how to peel back the noise in your life that is keeping you from hearing it. $!%(1.!/0$05+1!05+1./!(1,+2!..!0$!+*!/3$!.! 5+1!4,!.%!*! 3.*%*#/%#*/* *+**!00$! +0/ '3. /0!.0$!0ċ Ƶ/*!*0.!,.!*!1.Č0$!(0%01 !+%(1.!* +/1!//%/ %.!0(5+..!(0! 0+,!+,(!ċ )#.+3%*#)+.!* )+.! 00!*0%2!0+)5ü./0%*/0%*0/Č!2!*% *ŏ01/0%50$!)Č/0$!5 ,,(50+,!+,(!ċ Caroline Ghosn co-founder CEO, Levo League
  • 13. A successful business requires 100% attention, everything else is a distraction. Jayson DeMers Founder CEO, Audiencebloom
  • 14. A successful business requires 100% attention, everything else is a distraction. Ƶ+1003+5!./#+Č 3/.1**%*#)5+),*5/)++0$(5* /1!//1((5ċ$%*#/3!.!#+%*#/+/3%))%*#(5Č%*0Č0$0 !% ! +1( ! %0!(!//0%)!0+.1**%*#)5+),*5* %*/0! /,!* )+.! 0%)!3+.'%*#+**!3/0.01,+.3$%$ 3/.!((5!4%0! ċ /0.0! /,!* %*#)+.!0%)!+*0$!*!3/0.01,Č/%03/*!3* %*0!.!/0%*#ċ +/0+((Č%03/1*3+.'%*#+**!32!*01.!ċ !*3$%(!Č)5+.%#%*(+),*5+*0%*1! 0+ +1/0ü*!Č100$0ŏ/3$0 (%* ! )!ċ1**%*#+),*5Ŏ1/0ü*!Ŏ%/*+03$0*!*0.!,.!*!1.ŏ/ +%/ċ1!//1(!*0.!,.!*!1./ +*ŏ0 +0$!)%*%)1)+.0$!%.+),*5Ď 0$!5+*/0*0(53+.'0+#.+3%0Č!2+(2!%0Č* ,.!,.!%0+.0$!101.!ċ Jayson DeMers Founder CEO, Audiencebloom CONTINUeD -
  • 15. A successful business requires 100% attention, everything else is a distraction. Because I was splitting my team between the two startups, growth /0((! 0)5ü./0+),*5Č* % *ŏ0$2!!*+1#$0%)!0+ ! %0!0+ the new startup to make it successful. $!/!+* 2!*01.!!2!*01((5%(! Č* /0+,,! 3+.'+*%0ċ$!+.%#%*( 2!*01.!ČƵ1 %!*!ǫ(++)Ĩ3$%$ /0%((3+.'+*1((ġ0%)!0+ 5ĩ%/*+3 /0.+*#!.0$*!2!.Č* #.+3%*#-1%'(53%0$)51((00!*0%+*0+3. ċ (!.*! 0$0/1!//1(2!*01.!.!-1%.!/āĀĀŌ00!*0%+*Č+1/Č* !û+.0ċ!+* .52!*01.!/*!! 1((ġ0%)!)*#!.+.!(/!0$!5ŏ((1/0 %/0.05+1* !.%(5+1.!4%/0%*#!û+.0/%5+1.!*ŏ0.!1(ċ Jayson DeMers Founder CEO, Audiencebloom
  • 17. Finding success is much easier as a team. Shane Snow Co-Founder, Contently
  • 18. Finding success is much easier as a team. $!%##!/0(!//+* ŏ2!(!.*! 0$!$. 35%/!*0.!,.!*!1./$%,%/)1$ !/%!.3$!*5+1ŏ.!*+0 +%*#%0(+*!ċPartners whose skills complement 5+1./* 3$+)5+10.1/0+),(!0!(5)'!0$! %û!.!*!!03!!*%# success and small, or between success and failure. Ƶ* 0).+(!2!(Č/1,,+.0!./ġġ3$!0$!.%*2!/0+./Č 2+0!/Č communities--make it easier to do huge things than small. +#!00$0 '%* +/1,,+.05+1*!! 0+0!((%#/0+.50$0,!+,(!*!(%!2!%*ċ 5ü./0/!2!.(/0.01,,.+!0/+)! +./,100!.! +10!1/! 0('! /)((* % *ŏ0#0$!./1,,+.0ċ *(1 ! %*)5(%/0+ý+,/3$03/ !//!*0%((5,.+0+ġ%*0!.!/0ċ *Č % (+30$0+*!ē Shane Snow Co-Founder, Contently
  • 19. The quality of your team will make or break you. Kiran Bellubbi Founder CEO, Applauze
  • 20. The quality of your team will make or break you. $!*5+1%(0/+)!0$%*#ġ/55+1.,.+ 10 +!/*ŏ0/(!0+0$! (!2!(5+1!4,!0! Č.!2!*1!//(1),Č+.5+1..0!+#.+30$/0((/ġ #.!00!)/1/!0$!%./$.! !4,!.%!*!0+ü#1.!+103$03!*0 3.+*#* !2!(+,/+(10%+*0$0#!*!.0!/.!/1(0/!2!*!00!.0$* ,.!2%+1/(50$+1#$0,+//%(!ċ Success is contingent on teams that are persistent, trust each other and learn from their failures. Kiran Bellubbi Founder CEO, Applauze
  • 21. The quality of your team will make or break you. +0!*0%()!)!./3$+.!.!+))!* ! +. ,+/%0%+*.!ĂċĆ0%)!/)+.!(%'!(50+!01((5 -1(%ü! 0$*/!(ġ,,(%*0/ċ Kiran Bellubbi Founder CEO, Applauze
  • 22. Iterate for different learning styles across your company. Jonathan Franchell Founder Principal, ironpaper
  • 23. Iterate for different learning styles across your company. %*%0%((5%(! 0.!0%*#*! 10%+*,.+#.)+.0.%*%*#)5 !),(+5!!/ċ 5#+(3/0+.!0!*+*#+%*#0.%*%*#,.+#.)0 .+*,,!.+.0!))!)!./0+#%**!3/'%((/0$0+1( !,,(%! 0+(%!*0,.+!0/ċ .!0! .+//0.%*%*# +1)!*0+10(%*%*#/'%((/ *!!//.5+.).'!0%*#Č3! !2!(+,)!*0* !/%#*ċ $!!4,!00%+*3/0$0!2!.50!))!)!.3+1( $2!%*ġ !,0$ 0.%*%*#%*0$!%..!/,!0%2!ü!( +,.0%!Č3$%(!$2%*#/% 0.%*%*#%*!2!.5+0$!. %/%,(%*!.!(!2*00+0$!+),*5ċ Jonathan Franchell Founder Principal, ironpaper CONTINUeD -
  • 24. Iterate for different learning styles across your company. $!,.+#.)!((/$+.0+%0ŏ/+!0%2!$+3!2!./%03//+)!0$%*# #%2!*0+!),(+5!!/0+#+35* /01 5+*0$!%.+3** //1$ 3/*+0%*0!#.0! %*0+0$!(%!* 1(01.!+0$!+),*5#.!1((5ċ 2!.5+*!%*0$!+),*5+),(!0! 0$!)%*%)1).!-1%.!)!*0/+ 0$!+),*5Č10)*5 % *+0.!0%*+.+),.!$!* 0$!)0!.%(/ċ 3/%*%0%((5 %/+1.#! 3%0$0$!%(1.!+0$!ü./0! 10%+* ,.+#.)3%0$%*0$!+),*5ċWhat I learned after was just how %),+.0*0!%*#%0!.0%2!* %*0!.0%2!3%0$)5,,.+$3+1( be to the education program's success. *!! ! 0+1%( )+.! %*0!.0%2!,.+#.)Č3%0$+0$,//%2!* 0%2!(!.*%*# ,,.+$!/Č0'%*#%*0++1*0 %û!.!*0(!.*%*#/05(!/ċ Jonathan Franchell Founder Principal, ironpaper
  • 25. Disagreement and conflict are healthy. Rand Fishkin Co-Founder, Moz
  • 26. Disagreement and conflict are healthy. +.5!./Č)5 +)* .*%(%*#+*/1(0*5ċ!3!*0()+/0ĸĆĀĀČĀĀĀ%*0+ !0Č 1%( %*#1/%*!//0$0ŏ//1,,+/! 0+.!-1%.!2!.5(%00(!1,.+*0%*2!/0)!*0ċ 03/ /!+#.+1,0$%*'ġ3!Ĩ* 0$!!3,!+,(!3!$%.! ĩ0$+1#$0(%'!* % *ŏ0-1!/0%+* !$+0$!.ċ %(1.!ġ2!.5$./$%(1.!ġ01#$0)!0$0you cannot surround yourself with yes )!*ŎĨ+.Ŏ5!/3+)!*Ŏĩċ%/#.!!)!*0* +*ý%0.!$!(0$5ċ$!5.!0!/0.+*#!.Č better decisions, and more exploration of the risks and opportunities. Ƶ0 +60+ 5Č0$!.!ŏ//)(((! !./$%,#.+1,0$0$/(+0+$!(0$5 %/#.!!)!*0 * +*ý%0ċ$!*Č3!((#!0+*0$!/)!,#!+103$0ŏ/#+%*#0+$,,!*Č* 3! ,1./1!%0/1*%ü! 0!)ċ
  • 27. /05!.Č +6ŏ/.!2!*1!Ĩ((.+).!1..%*#/+03.!/1/.%,0%+*/ĩ3/*!.(5ĸăĀ))Č * 3!+2!.ĂāČĀĀĀ1/0+)!./ċ 0ŏ/!!*(+*#Č,%*1(+1.*!5Č100$+/!!.(5%(1.!/ Ĩ* !2!*0$!%(1.!/3!)'!!2!.53!!'0$!/! 5/ĩ$2!$!(,! 1/+*0%*1! 0+#!0!00!.ċ Rand Fishkin Co-Founder, Moz
  • 28. Disagreement and conflict are healthy. ĉĆŌ+!4!10%2!/$ +*!.*/3%0$0$!%.+),*5 0$00$!53!.!.% 0+.%/!Č+10+!.+0$! +*ý%00$03+1( !*/1!ċ
  • 29. Don't fail alone, find talented rockstars. Sandi Krakowski PresidenT Founder, A real Change international inc sandpaper tablet INC
  • 30. Don't fail alone, find talented rockstars. %*#(!%##!/0(!//+*.+)%(1.!%*)5.!!.čI didn't ask for help 3$!* 3//01'* 1/0/0.1##(! (+*#0.5%*#0+ü#1.!0$%*#/+10ċ 2%*#,+3!.1(,!+,(!(+*#/% !+)!* 0!)+!40.!)!(5 0(!*0! .+'/0./$/*+0+*(5$*#! )5(%!10(/+)51/%*!//ċ +*ŏ0#+%0(+*!ē%* .+'/0./* 1(ü((5+1. !/0%*5ċ Sandi Krakowski PresidenT Founder, A real Change international inc sandpaper tablet INC
  • 32. Agree upon the direction of your company from the beginning with key stakeholders. Evan White PresidenT, Evan White PR
  • 33. Agree upon the direction of your company from the beginning with key stakeholders. ǫ!/1.!5+1ŏ.!(%*! 1,3%0$((0$!+0$!.+ġ+1* !./!+.!5+1 1),%*0+0$! !!,!* ċ *,/0.+(!/+)%*!Č0+++0!* % ,!+,(!$2! %û!.!*0% !/ on where they saw the trajectory of the company going, and if you're not on the same page it might not end as well as you had hoped for. Evan White PresidenT, Evan White PR
  • 34. Avoid a Field of Dreams mentality. Melisa Singh Founder, Storyshelter
  • 35. Avoid a Field of Dreams mentality. $!*3!!(%!2!3$+(!$!.0! (50$0+1.,.+ 10%/#+%*#0+)!!0)+. *!! Č/! +*,!./+*(!4,!.%!*!Č3!2+% 0'%*#0$!*!!//.5/0!,/0+ +0$+.+1#$).'!0.!/!.$0+*(56!3$!0$!.+.*+0+1. .!)/$+1( !+)!.!(%05ċ !(($!.+100!2! +/ %/)%//%*#).'!0.!/!.$* 0$!*+0%+*0$0 1/0+)!./'*+33$00$!53*0ċ 3+1( .#1!0$00$%/%/*%//1!+ /!)*0%/ċ +/10%(%6! 3$0ŏ/)+/0%),+.0*0+100$!$!.0+).'!0 .!/!.$č+*/1)!.%*/%#$0ċ Melisa Singh Founder, Storyshelter CONTINUeD -
  • 36. Avoid a Field of Dreams mentality. !'*!3,!+,(!3*0! +),10!./103!.!.1/0.0! 5$+3 %þ1(00$!5 3!.!0+1/!ċ!)!0+0$%/1* !./0* %*#5,5%*#00!*0%+*0++*/1)!. !$2%+..0$!.0$*/'%*#0$!Ŏ3$0 +5+13*0Ŏ-1!/0%+*ċ $!.!%/%# %û!.!*!!03!!*1%( %*#,.+ 103!//1)!,!+,(!*!! and being in tune with what our customers may actually desireČ!2!*%0$!5 +*ŏ0'*+3%0ċ Melisa Singh Founder, Storyshelter
  • 37. Your company's focus comes with trial and error. Dan Greenberg Co-founder CEO, Sharethrough
  • 38. Your company's focus comes with trial and error. *!+)5%##!/0(!//+*/%*1%( %*#1/%*!//)!%*0$!ü./05!.+ $.!0$.+1#$ġġ (!.*! 0$05+1*ŏ01%( 1/%*!//3%0$03+!*0!./+#.2%05ċ +1.!*0!.+#.2%05%/*ŏ05+1.,.+ 10Č+.5+1.1/0+)!./Č+.5+1.).'!0ċ0$!.Č 5+1.0.1!!*0!.+#.2%05%//+)!3$!.!00$!%*0!./!0%+*+3$05+1ŏ.! ,//%+*0!+10Ő3$0,.+(!)5+13*00+/+(2!Ő3$50$0,.+(!))00!./ċ +.$.!0$.+1#$0+ 5Č+1.!*0!.+#.2%05%/0+)+*!0%6!0$!)+ !.*%*0!.*!0 3%0$)!*%*#1(+*0!*0Č!5+* +*+4%+1/ /ċ!!(%!2!0$0 2!.0%/%*#*! $%#$-1(%05* 2(1(!0+0$!1/!.3$+/!!/%0Č0$0 /*!(!*Č* 3!((ġ%*0!#.0! 0+0$!/%0!0$!5(%2!+*ċ *0$!!.(5 5/+$.!0$.+1#$Č3! % *ŏ0$2!0$0(.%05++1/Č* %00++'1/ !35!./0+(!.*0$0(!//+*ċ Dan Greenberg Co-founder CEO, Sharethrough
  • 39. Pay attention to your customers first. Jon Beekman founder CEO, Man Crates
  • 40. Pay attention to your customers first. $+1#$)5,.!2%+1/+),*53/1(0%)0!(5%(1.!Č%001#$0)!2!.52(1(! (!//+*č!)*%((5+1/! +*5+1.1/0+)!./ċ !$ #.!0% !* 0$!/).0!/00!$0!)Č103!!((%*(+2!3%0$+1. 0!$*+(+#5* +1.+*!,0+3$00$!1/0+)!.3*0! Č.0$!.0$*01((5 0('%*#0++*/1)!./0+$!.0$!%.!! ' %.!0(5ċ $!*3! % ü*((5$!.1/0+)!.!! 'Č3!3!.!0++. +3*0$!.+ 0+ $*#!+1.% !* 0$!+),*5%(! ċ %0$ *ƫ.0!/ČI treat customers as co-creators helping to direct the company. $%/1/0+)!.!! '(++,%/+.!,.0++1.Ƶġġ%0ŏ/,.0+3$+3!.!/ +),*5ċ 03/*!4,!*/%2!(!//+*Č10,.%!(!//+*!%*)5!4,!.%!*!ċ Jon Beekman founder CEO, Man Crates
  • 41. Pay attention to your customers first. 0%/ćġĈ0%)!/)+.!+/0(50+00.0*!3 1/0+)!.0$*%0%/0+.!0%**!4%/0%*#1/0+)!. White House Office of Consumer Affairs
  • 42. Try to be incredible at one thing. Brian Wallace President, NowSourcing.
  • 43. Try to be incredible at one thing. +1ŏ.!#+%*#0+!,.!005#++ 0(+0+0$%*#/ċ*!5+1ü* /+)!0$%*#5+1(+2!* */(!5+1.1/%*!//0+Č5+1ŏ2!+1* %0ċ +.1/Č%03/%*+#.,$%/ċ! % *ŏ0#!00$!.!+2!.*%#$0* %03/ !0!.)%*0%+*0!.+( %*#%*!3/,!%(0%!/%*0+/+)!0$%*##.!0ċ Brian Wallace President, NowSourcing.
  • 45. Push new ideas and projects forward. Neal Schaffer Social business coach, consultant, trainer, speaker, author of “Maximize your social”
  • 46. Push new ideas and projects forward. Ƶ/!*0.!,.!*!1./Č+1.(%!*/+)!0%)!//!!)(%'!%0%/1((+%(1.!/ !1/!+0$!+*/0*0*!! 0+!4,!.%)!*0* +*!30$%*#/3%0$+10 !.+%(%*#ċ$0%/%),+.0*0Č0$+1#$Č%/0$03!(!.*.+)+1.%(1.!/ċ 5%(1.!$/!!*Č* %*/+)!35/+*0%*1!/0+!Č0$!%(1.!0++1/ċ
  • 47. !0)!!4,(%*ċ !((+)!1,3%0$% !/+**!31/%*!//+.*!3,.+ 10* *!! 0+ !4!10!%*0$!.%#$00%)!%*0$!.%#$035ċ$!,.+(!)%/0$03!(/+$2! Ŏ(!#5Ŏ1/%*!//Č.!(0%+*/$%,/Č+.%*0!.0%+*/0$0/+)!0%)!/'!!,1/ 35.+)+1/%*#+* +%*#0$!.%#$00$%*#/0+,1/$*!3% !/* ,.+!0/+.3. ċ CONTINUeD - Neal Schaffer Social business coach, consultant, trainer, speaker, author of “Maximize your social”
  • 48. Push new ideas and projects forward. +)!0%)!/%0)!*//%),(501.*%*# +3*0$%*#/0$03!1/! 0+!,0+. !% %*#0+/%),(51*,(1#.+)+0$!.0%2%0%!/ċǫ100$!)!//#!%/(!.č %0$+10(!.* ! %0! +1/Č3$0!2!.5+13*00+ +/* entrepreneur will either not be acted upon in the right timing or not %),(!)!*0! /!û!0%2!(5/%0+1( $2!!!*/$+1( 5+1$2!$ the focus. 0ŏ/,.!005/%),(!+*!,0Č10/+)!0%)!/0$!/%),(!/00$%*#/ .!0$!$. !/00+%),(!)!*0+* 5%* 5+10,,.+$ċ CONTINUeD - Neal Schaffer Social business coach, consultant, trainer, speaker, author of “Maximize your social”
  • 49. The worst decision is indecision. RYAN HARWOOD CEO, PureWow
  • 50. The worst decision is indecision. *!+0$!%##!/0(!//+*/ ŏ2!(!.*! %/*ŏ0.+),.0%1(.%(1.!10.+))%//! +,,+.01*%05č0$!3+./0 !%/%+*%/%* !%/%+*ċ$!*5+1ŏ.!*!*0.!,.!*!1.Č5+1$2!0+ )+2!-1%'(5* #+3%0$5+1.#10ċ 5+1 +*ŏ0Č5+1+1( )%//+10+*0$%*#/0$0* help your business immensely. 0*!*!.2!ġ3.'%*#10%0ŏ/%),+.0*00+#!0,.+ 10/+100$!.!* 1/! 00+/!! 3$!0$!.%0ŏ/3+.'%*#ċ 0$%*'0$!!/0,.+!//%/0$%/č!(!/!Č!2%!3Č,0%)%6!Č 0!.0!Č !,!0ċ Ƶ(/+Č00$!!* +0$! 50$!.!%/*+.%#$035+.+*!350+.1*1/%*!//ċ$!*5+1 /0.0+),*5Č5+10$%*'0$!.!%/.+ ),+.$+(5#.%(0+/1!//ċ$!.!%/*ŏ0ċ 1/! 0+!/++1/! +* +%*#0$%*#/,.!%/!(5(%'!+0$!./3$+$ /1!//!+.!)!0+ 2+% $%00%*#/*#/Č100$0*1(0%)0!(5$+( 5+1'ċƵ/'-1!/0%+*/Č-1%.! )!*0+./Č#0$!.'*+3(! #!* 0$!*)'!*! 10! !%/%+** +3$0ŏ/!/0+. 5+1.1/%*!//ċ RYAN HARWOOD CEO, PureWow
  • 51. Start now! Wade Foster CEO Co-founder, Zapier
  • 52. Start now! $!%##!/0(!//+*(!.*! %/Ŏ/0.0*+3ŎċƵ()+/0!2!.5 !%/%+* ŏ2!) ! 0$0ŏ/(! 0+/+)!0$%*#3!/+)!3+1( $2!!!*35)+.!3!/+)! had I simply decided to start sooner. ǫ5/0.0%*#*+3Č5+1(/+.!(!0+ü#1.!+103$03+.'/* 3$0 +!/*ŏ03+.'0$0)1$)+.!-1%'(5ċ+%0!+)!/!/%!.0+10+10 0$%*#/0$0 +*ŏ03+.'* +)+.!+3$0 +!/3+.'ċ Wade Foster CEO Co-founder, Zapier
  • 53. Being adaptable is the real test. Cerrie Kerpen CEO Co-founder, Likeable Media
  • 54. Being adaptable is the real test. *!+0$!%##!/0(!//+*/ ŏ2!(!.*! %/*ŏ0.+),.0%1(.%(1.!10.+))%//! +,,+.01*%05č0$!3+./0 !%/%+*%/%* !%/%+*ċ$!*5+1ŏ.!*!*0.!,.!*!1.Č5+1$2!0+ )+2!-1%'(5* #+3%0$5+1.#10ċ 5+1 +*ŏ0Č5+1+1( )%//+10+*0$%*#/0$0* help your business immensely. 0*!*!.2!ġ3.'%*#10%0ŏ/%),+.0*00+#!0,.+ 10/+100$!.!* 1/! 00+/!! 3$!0$!.%0ŏ/3+.'%*#ċ 0$%*'0$!!/0,.+!//%/0$%/č!(!/!Č!2%!3Č,0%)%6!Č 0!.0!Č !,!0ċ Ƶ(/+Č00$!!* +0$! 50$!.!%/*+.%#$035+.+*!350+.1*1/%*!//ċ$!*5+1 /0.0+),*5Č5+10$%*'0$!.!%/.+ ),+.$+(5#.%(0+/1!//ċ$!.!%/*ŏ0ċ 1/! 0+!/++1/! +* +%*#0$%*#/,.!%/!(5(%'!+0$!./3$+$ /1!//!+.!)!0+ 2+% $%00%*#/*#/Č100$0*1(0%)0!(5$+( 5+1'ċƵ/'-1!/0%+*/Č-1%.! )!*0+./Č#0$!.'*+3(! #!* 0$!*)'!*! 10! !%/%+** +3$0ŏ/!/0+. 5+1.1/%*!//ċ Cerrie Kerpen CEO Co-founder, PureWow
  • 55. Be patient and adjust on the fly. Joe Pulizzi Founder, Content Marketing Institute Author, Epic content marketing
  • 56. Be patient and adjust on the fly. %./0Č,0%!*!Č,0%!*!Č,0%!*!ċ 3/3%0$%*ć)+*0$,!.%+ +#%2%*# 1,* #+%*#'0++.,+.0!(%!* 0$!*/!!%*#0$!1/%*!//0'!+ûċ !+* Č0$!,(*5+1/0.0+103%0$%/*!2!.0$!,(*0$001((53+.'/ċ !(%!2!%)+.!!*0.!,.!*!1./3!*0%*3%0$0$000%01 !0$!53+1( ! )+.!/1!//1(ċ0.01,/0!* 0+((%*(+2!3%0$0$!%.,.+ 10Č3$!*0$!5 /$+1( !)+.!+1/! +*1%( %*#(+5(1 %!*!Č(%/0!*%*#Č* 1/0%*#0$!+û!.%*#+*0$!ý51*0%(%00'!/ċ Joe Pulizzi Founder, Content Marketing Institute Author, Epic content marketing
  • 57. Letting go of the need to look perfect. Lewis Howes Creator, The School of greatness athelte extrodinaire
  • 58. Letting go of the need to look perfect. 1/! 0+!/+worried about how things looked0$0 3/.!0%*#* $+3 0$+1#$0,!+,(!3+1( ,!.!%2!)!% Ŏ)!//! 1,Ŏ3%0$/+)!0$%*#ċ .10$%/Č0$0!*!.#50++')!35.+)(%2%*#)52%/%+** .!0%*# something that people were inspired by. Joe Pulizzi Founder, Content Marketing Institute Author, Epic content marketing
  • 60. Success is not the natural state of things. TED RUBIN ACTING CMO, Brand Innovators
  • 61. Success is not the natural state of things. The most important lesson I learned about failure is that without it, you do not truly understand success. $!*/1!//+)!/0++!/%(5+.0++!.(5%*0$! ,.+!//Č3!+)!0+!(%!2!%0%/0$!*01.(/00!+0$%*#/Č* 3$!*%(1.! +)!/0(0!. 0!%*/+)!+.)+.*+0$!.3!.!)+/0+0!*100!.(5 1*,.!,.! ċ 5%(1.!/$2!+,!*! )5!5!/0+%*0.+/,!0%+** (!.*%*#0$0$/) !)! !00!.0$!.Č.+0$!.Č.%!* Č)!*0+.ċċċ!00!.,!./+*ċ $%/%/*+00+/55+1/$+1( /!!'+10%(1.!Č)+.!+10$+3%),+.0*0%0%/0+ /0.!0$5+1./!(* *+0!.% +)'%*#)%/0'!/ċ!*!! 0+!),+3!.+1. !),(+5!!/Č//+%0!/Č.%!* /* $%( .!*0+1* !./0* 0$0%(1.!%/ %*.! %(52(1(!3$!*5+1)'!(!.*%*#,.0+0$!,.+!//ċ TED RUBIN ACTING CMO, Brand Innovators
  • 62. Success is not the natural state of things. ąĆŌ+/0.01,/(/01/0ć)+*0$/ !+.!(+/%*#0$!%. ++./
  • 63. Look at failures as merely mistakes. Jim Belosic CEO, SHORTSTACK
  • 64. Look at failures as merely mistakes. Ŏ%(Ŏ,.+(5+*!3!!'Č)5!!2!*+*! 5Č 1/00$%*'+ 0$!)/)%/0'!/Č*+0%(1.!/ċ ŏ(()'!0$!3.+*# !%/%+*+.#+ +3*,0$0$0+1.1/0+)!./ +*ŏ03*0!1/! 3/*ŏ0 (%/0!*%*#Č* 0$!* $2!0+'0.'ċ +/0,!+,(!/!!0$!3+. %(1.!* 0$%*'Ŏ1*.!+2!.(!ċŎ */0! ČI see failures as mini test results. I tried something, it didn't work, so let's gather up what we learned and try again. ŏ2!*!2!.(!0)5 1/%*!//#!00+,+%*0+%(1.!Č ŏ2!/!0)5#1% !(%*!/* ,%2+0% 3!/0.0$! %*#0+3. //+)!0$%*#0$0ŏ/%(%*#ċ 01((51/03.+0!#1!/0.0%(!+.$! 1/!+100$!% !0$0 5+1$2!0+%(0+/1!! Č3$%$ +*ŏ0#.!!3%0$ċ Jim Belosic CEO, SHORTSTACK
  • 65. Use data to help fail less often. Larry Kim Founder wordstream
  • 66. Use data to help fail less often. %(1.!/.!1*2+% (!* .% %1(+1/(5+/0(5+./0.0ġ1,/3%0$ (%00(!0%)!* )+*!5ċ++0!*/0.0ġ1,/%*2!/0$1#!.!/+1.!/ %*0+%#,.+ 10+.).'!0%*#%*%0%0%2!/ċ 01.((5Č3!3*00+!(%!2!0$0+1.$. 3+.'$/,% +ûČ5!0 0$!.!(%05%/0$02!.5/)((*1)!.+0$+/!,.+!0/3%(( 01((5,.+ 1!(.#!/(!Č(/0%*#!*!ü0/ġ)+/03%(($2!*+ %),00((+*5+1.1/%*!//Č* /+)!3%((!2!*)'!0$%*#/ 3+./!ċ The key to success therefore is in trying to fail slightly less often by using more data rather than gut feel in the project planning phases, and not let projects that fail to meet their success criteria linger around for too long. Larry Kim Founder wordstream
  • 67. Use data to help fail less often. /%*# 00+ .%2!1/%*!// !%/%+*/*.!/1(0%** %*.!)!*0(ĂąāŌ.!01.*+*%*2!/0)!*0ċ
  • 68. Use your negative experiences to regroup. Michael A. Stelzner CEO Founder, Social Media Examiner
  • 69. Use your negative experiences to regroup. $!%##!/0%(1.! !2!.$ 3/3$!* %*2!/0! %*ĸĂĀĀĀ,.+#.)0$0 ,.+)%/! % /%),(5+((+3! 0$!%./1##!/0%+*/ 3+1( )'!0+*+)+*!5ċ % ,.!%/!(53$00$!5/1##!/0! * %03/$1#!%(1.!ċƵ* !0$%((5 !(0 %/#1/0%*#ċ$!.!01.*.0!3/+û0$!$.0/* %03/ %/)(!4,!.%!*!ċ 1/! ((0$+/!*!#0%2!!4,!.%!*!/0+.!#.+1,* ü#1.! +10350+(1*$ !2!*0/0$0ü03%0$%*)5+)+.06+*!ċ$0!* ! 1,$,,!*%*#3/0$!%.0$ +)5+*(%*!/1))%0/ċ2!*01((5+%( ! %1!//1))%03/+.*ċ 03//1$$1#!/1!//0$0 (1*$! *!3!4,!.%)!*0(3!/%0!((! +%( ! %4)%*!.ċ+)'%*ĂĀĀĊċ1.*! +10 3/+*0+/+)!0$%*#ċ+ 5 )%((%+*/+,!+,(!2%/%0+1./%0!* %0%/+*!+0$!(.#!/01/%*!//(+#/+*0$! ,(*!0ċ+)+.(+0$!/0+.5člet your failures clear your deck, much like a forest ü.!Č/+*!3% !/*!+.*ċ+1*!2!.'*+3Č+*!+0$+/!% !/)%#$001.* out to be a mighty oak! Michael A. Stelzner CEO Founder, Social Media Examiner
  • 70. Mistakes will surface new opportunities. Meridith Valiando Rojas CEO Founder, Digitour media
  • 71. Mistakes will surface new opportunities. $!#.!0!/0(!//+* (!.*! 3/0$0)%/0'!/3%((*+0!* 5+1.1/%*!//ċIf you are *%)(!* 3%((%*#0+(%/0!*0++*/0.10%2!.%0%%/)5+1*!4!(5(!.*%*#* !2+(2%*#ċ *)5!4,!.%!*!/*!*0.!,.!*!1.Č0$!.!$2!!!*0%)!/Č!/,!%((5!.(5 +*Č3$!* !*+1*0!.! %//1!/0$0,,!.! 0+!%*/1.)+1*0(!ċ +.!4),(!Č3$!* )*#! *.0%/0+*ƫ,%0(!+. /0$0#+0 .+,,! Č !(0(%'! !2/00%*#%(1.!ċǫ10%*0.10$Č%0/$+3! )!$+32%0(/+%()! %%/0+.!'%*#0(!*0 %*0$%/*!33+.( +. !.ċ *!2!.%(! 3%0$0$0,.+!0Č 3+1( *+0$2!.!(%6! 0$! %),+.0*!+/+%()! %* %0/%),0+*0. %0%+*()! %ċ .+)0$0 !2!(+,! *!3/!0+/'%((/Č3$%$(! )!0++ġ+1* %*#%#%+1.ċ%0$ (+0+,!./%/0!*!* 3%((%*#*!//0+!ý!4%(!Č3!3!.!(!0++2!.+)!+/0(!/ * ,.+2!3!.!.* 3%0$/05%*#,+3!.ċ $2!(!.*! *+00+#!00++!4%0! +. 0++ !!0! / 1%( )51/%*!//ċ$ 5%/(%'!.+((!.+/0!.ü((! 3%0$1,/Č +3*/Č0$.%((/Č* 1*!4,!0! 01.*/ċ Meridith Valiando Rojas CEO Founder, Digitour media
  • 72. Mistakes will surface new opportunities. 1(%/3/%(%*#/+%(*!03+.'%*#/%0!+.0$!#5+))1*%05ċ Ƶ0!.%(! .!2),//#5!++'Č#5!(,* #5.+1,+*Č +1* !./ /+*+( !.#* ǫ. +. $!(($))!.01.*! 1(%/%*0+ċ+)Čý/$/(!/%0!/,!%(%/%*#%* !/%#*!.* 2%*0#!%0!)/3%0$+2!.Ć)%((%+*)!)!./ċ
  • 73. Welcome detours and failures with open arms. Ekaterina Walter CMO, Househappy, Author of NYT bestseller “think like zuck”
  • 74. Welcome detours and failures with open arms. (!.*! 0$03$05+1)%#$00$%*'%/0$!3+./00$%*#0$0!2!.$,,!*! 0+5+1%*0$0 )+)!*0)%#$001((501.*+100+!0$!!/00$%*#0$0!2!.$,,!*! 0+5+1ċ * .!+1*0*1)!.+0$!%*/0*!/3$!* 0$+1#$00$!3+.( 3/!* %*#0++*(5(1#$+10%0 /!2!.(5!./(0!.* 0$*')5(1'5/0./0$00$0ŏ/$+30$%*#/01.*! +10ċ *!0$%*#5+13%((*+0%!+10/1!//1(,!+,(!Č!/,!%((5,!+,(!3%0$*!*0.!,.!*!1.%( /0.!'Č%/0$00$!5welcome detours and failures as a natural part of the journey 0$!5.!+*ċ ŏ2!0('! +100$%/%*)+.! !0%(%*)5ġ(%'!0('$!.!ċ +3$!* )!*0+.5+1*#,!+,(! 0!((0$!)ü./0* +.!)+/00+*!2!.-1!/0%+*0$!%.,//%+* * 0$!%.%(%050+#!00$%*#/ +*!ċ 5+1$2!0$!+*ü !*!%*5+1./!(Č%*3$!.!5+1.! #+%*#Č* 3$05+1.!0.5%*#0+1%( Č0$%/%/3$03%((#!05+10$.+1#$0+1#$0%)!/ċƵ* 0$0 %/((%0ŏ((!ġ0+1#$0%)!/0$05+1*+2!.+)!Č*+0Ƶ.)#! +*ċ +%001.*/+100$00$!(%$hŎ$!*+*! ++.(+/!/Č*+0$!. ++.+,!*/Ŏ%/)+.!0$* (%$h0!.((ċ+11/0*!! 0+!+*ü !*0!*+1#$0+/!!0$0+0$!.+,!* ++.ċƵ* 0$0 .!-1%.!/0$05+1*+0/0.!00$!(+/! ++.0++(+*#ċ Ekaterina Walter CMO, Househappy, Author of NYT bestseller “think like zuck”
  • 75. Get told no on a daily basis. Shafqat Islam CEO, NEWScred
  • 76. Get told no on a daily basis. $!/%*#(!%##!/0(!.*%*#+.)!3/0+*+0!.% +%(1.! * 0+01((5!).!%0ċ +.!%),+.0*0(5Č (!.*! 0$05+1 *!! 0+%(Č* +0!*%(+0!*ċ If you aren't being told no on a daily basis, you aren't pushing yourself hard enough or taking enough risks.Ƶ/0!$ !*0.!,.!*!1./Č3!ŏ.!%*0$!1/%*!//+%**+20%+*Č/+%(1.!%/ ,.0+0$!+1.*!5ċ Shafqat Islam CEO, NEWScred
  • 77. Nothing is as bad as it seems. Gene Marks President, Marks group
  • 78. Nothing is as bad as it seems. 5/%*#(!%##!/0(!//+*%//+)!0$%*#)5 01#$0)!č*+0$%*#%// /%0/!!)/Ĩ100$!*#%**+0$%*#%//#++ /%0/!!)/!%0$!.ĩċ *+0$!.3+. /Č%(1.!%/1/0.!(0%2!ċ $!.!%/%((%+*,!+,(!%* * %Ĩ* ăĂĊČĊĊĊČĊĊĊ,!+,(!%*0$!ċċĩ 3$++1( .!(!//+105+1.%(1.!* %0ŏ/1/0*+0/Ŏ%),+.0*0Ŏ /5+1,.+(50$%*'%0%/ċƵ* *!%0$!..!5+1Ĩ+. ĩċ+.+((3%0$0$! !)+0%+*/Č0$!*#!0'0+3+.'ċƵ* (/+.!)!)!.0$%//)!(!//+* 0$!*!400%)!5+1/1!! * 5+10$%*'((ŏ/#.!0ġ!1/!*+0$%*#ŏ/ /#++ /%0/!!)/!%0$!.ē Gene Marks President, Marks group
  • 79. Tomorrow is always another day. Scott gerber Founder, Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) Author of Never get a ‘Real Job’
  • 80. Tomorrow is always another day. $!)+/0%),+.0*0,.0+%(%*#%/.!(%6%*#0+)+..+33%((+û!.*+0$!. 5 to get it right. .(%!.%*)5!*0.!,.!*!1.%(.!!.Č 0++'%(1.!/2!.5,!./+*((5ċ *!Ŏ%#%(1.!Ŏ3+1( #!0)! +3*+. 5/Č* %*/+)!%*/0*!/ %)%*%/$! )5+*ü !*!* ,.+ 10%2%05+.3!!'/ċ 03/*ŏ01*0%(0!.)5ü./01/%*!//3!*01* !.* /0.0! )5/!+* ġġ* Č 1(0%)0!(5)5ü./0/1!//1(+),*5ġġ0$0 .!(%6! $+3%),+.0*0%0%/0+0'! %(1.!//(!//+*/(!.*! .0$!.0$*$. '*+'/ċ 5/!+* 1/%*!//3//0.+*#!./.!/1(0+0$!(!//+*/(!.*! +*)5ü./0#+ .+1* ċ+3Č)5+),*%!/minimize the potential for failures by shrinking our downside on any single decision. Ƶ/.!/1(0Č3!#!0'1,/0.+*#!.* /0!. 3$!*3! +!/!0'Č* 0$!/1*1/1((5!* /1,/$%*%*#.%#$0!.%*0$! 5/0++)!/.!/1(0ċ Scott gerber Founder, Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) Author of Never get a ‘Real Job’
  • 81. Gosh... I’m gonna miss you guys back on Earth EPILOGUE
  • 82. EPILOGUE If only there was some way to stay in touch intergalactically...
  • 85. successful entrepreneurs master the art of customer acquisition. Visit Visit Blog.RReeffeerrrraallCaannddyy..ccoom for more stories about entrepreneurs Adapted from: CRaf TED BY