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Digital Enterprise Research Institute                                          

                                          The Social Semantic Web
                                                                        Linked Data
                                   Alexandre Passant <>
                                         Digital Enterprise Research Institute,
                                        National University of Ireland, Galway

 DM110 Emerging Web Media
 10th November 2008

 Copyright 2008 Digital Enterprise Research Institute. All rights reserved.
Digital Enterprise Research Institute             

           Issues of Web 2.0 websites
                 Data portability, lack of semantics ...
                 Social network fatigue
           The Social Semantic Web
                 FOAF, SIOC
                 Exporting Data, unifying identities ...
           Linked Data
                 The Linking Open Data initiative
                 DBpedia
                 Queries examples (hands on)
           Conclusion
                 And references
Web 2.0: What if I want to ...
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                        

           Move my content from one place to another ?
                 RSS ? Not enough
           Aggregate my data
                 An open FriendFeed ?
           Re-use my Flickr friends on Twitter ?
                 Invite. Again and again ...

           The Semantic Web can help !
                 By providing a common framework to interlink data from
                  various providers in an open way
                 But what about Web economy ?
So may social media sites ...
Digital Enterprise Research Institute    

* Source: Smashcut Media,
So may social media sites ...
Digital Enterprise Research Institute    

* Source: Smashcut Media,
Even more services…
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Even more services…
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
It takes a lot of time…
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
It takes a lot of time…
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Filling out profiles, re-adding your
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Filling out profiles, re-adding your
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Uploading content to “stovepipes”!
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Uploading content to “stovepipes”!
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Social media sites are like data silos
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                   

              * Source: Pidgin Technologies,
Many isolated communities of
       users and their data
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                   

              * Source: Pidgin Technologies,
Need ways to connect these islands
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                   

              * Source: Pidgin Technologies,
Allowing users to easily move from
       one to another
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                   

              * Source: Pidgin Technologies,
Enabling users to easily bring
       their data with them
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                   

              * Source: Pidgin Technologies,
Solving the issues
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                                    

           Social Network Fatigue
                 “People are getting sick of registering and re-declaring their friends
                  on every site” Brad Fitzpatrick (Aug. 2007)
           The Social Semantic Web
                 Combining Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web
                 Enabling a distributed graph of people, networks and content
                 “I think we could have both Semantic Web technology
                  supporting online communities, but at the same time also online
                  communities can support Semantic Web data by being the
                  sources of people voluntarily connecting things together.” Tim
                  Berners-Lee (ISWC2005 podcast)
Social Semantic Information Spaces
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Introducing FOAF and SIOC
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                            

           Describing people and their relationships
                 FOAF - Friend Of A FRiend
           Describing Social Media Contributions (CMS)
                 SIOC - Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities
           FOAF and SIOC are strongly related
                 Interlinking both to represent the complete online activity of
                  one person
                 More details later
Modeling people with FOAF
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                          

           FOAF is the main vocabulary used to represent people
                 Friend Of A Friend -
           foaf:Person class:
                 “The foaf:Person class represents people. Something is a
                  foaf:Person if it is a person.”
           Give yourself a URI
           Various properties to model your identity
                 :Alex rdf:type foaf:Person ;
                        foaf:name “Alexandre Passant” ;
                        foaf:mbox “” .
           Relationships using the foaf:knows property:
                 :John foaf:knows :Alex
Extending relationships
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                           

           foaf:knows is voluntary broad
                 No difference between friends, collegues, family members ...
           The RELATIONSHIP vocabulary
           More than 30 different kinds of relationships
                 :John rel:worksWith :Alex .
                 :Alice rel:engagedTo :Bob .
           All rel:* properties are subproperties of foaf:knows
                 RDFS inferencing allows tools to answer queries using
                  foaf:knows when people use rel:* alternatives
Integrating social networks w/ FOAF
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                         

Source: Sheila Kinsella, Applications of Social Network Analysis 2007
Integrating social networks w/ FOAF
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                         

Source: Sheila Kinsella, Applications of Social Network Analysis 2007
Integrating social networks w/ FOAF
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                         

Source: Sheila Kinsella, Applications of Social Network Analysis 2007
Integrating social networks w/ FOAF
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                         

Source: Sheila Kinsella, Applications of Social Network Analysis 2007
Integrating social networks w/ FOAF
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                                           

                                                                        Common formats,
Source: Sheila Kinsella, Applications of Social Network Analysis 2007     unique URIs
FOAF from existing data
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                              

           Existing FOAF exporters for major Web 2.0 services
                 Flickr, Facebook, Twitter ...
Unifying Web 2.0 networks
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Unifying Web 2.0 networks
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Unified queries
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                            

           Using SPARQL
                 No matter where the data comes from, as soon as it is
                  exported via FOAF in RDF
                 SELECT ?f1 ?f2                        foaf:name

                  WHERE {                      :Alice

                       ?f1 foaf:knows ?f2 .               foaf:knows

                  }                                                      :Bob
                 {Alice, Bob}
                                              :Bill         foaf:knows
                 {Bob, Alex}
                 {Alex, Bob}                                            foaf:knows

Distributed identity management
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                          

           A need to unify URIs from different services so as
            to represent one's unified identity
                 Unifying aspects of a foaf:Person across networks:
           Linked-data principles : owl:sameAs + rdfs:seeAlso:
                 owl:sameAs: Used to identify two resources with different
                  URIs as being the same resource
                     – :alex owlSameAs flickr:33669349@N00 .
                 rdfs:seeAlso: “More information about this resource can be
                  found here”, can be used by Semantic Web browsers
           Inference using owl:InverseFunctionalProperty:
                 foaf:mbox, foaf:openid, etc. can be used to identify
                  uniqueness for a foaf:Person
Unifying networks
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Browsing FOAF data
Digital Enterprise Research Institute           

           FOAFnaut, FOAF Explorer, FOAFmap, etc ...
           FOAFGear: thanks to common semantics, only 100
            lines of code:
More tools and services
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                        

           Browse / re-use your social graph in personal
           Tools:
                 Beatnik -
                 Knowee -
                 SPARQLpress -
                 Nepomuk -

Social Media Contributions
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                          

           Lots of user-created content posted on the Web:
                 Blog posts, wiki pages, bulletin board threads
                 Called « Social Media Contributions » or SMC
           Distributed content
                 Blogging platform, photos-sharing website, social
                  bookmarking service ….
           A need for common semantics to
                 Provide a single model for any SMC, wherever it comes
                 Enables the use of SPARQL queries instead of proprietary
                 Interlink data and find relationships between content
                 From documents to resources, from WWW to GGG
Modeling SMC on the Semantic Web
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                   

           SIOC - Semantically Interlinked Online Communities
           A ontology to represent the activities of online
            communities on the Web
                 More than 40 applications, mainly open-source
           W3C Member Submission, June 2007
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
The SIOC food chain
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
The SIOC Ontology
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                                   

           Namespace -
                 Five top-level classes: User / Role / Space / Container /
           A “SIOC Types” module for Social Web content
           Actions: A user posts an item in a container
                 :Alex sioc:creator_of <> .
           A Semantic Web citizen:
                 Reusing and interlinking existing ontologies
                 Not reinventing the wheel (connects to DC, FOAF, etc.):
The SIOC Ontology
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Sample export of SIOC data from
Sample export of SIOC data from
Connecting people and accounts
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                           

           The sioc:User class:
                 Can be thought of as a virtual representation of any
                  person online, within the context of a given social media
                  website or community
                 A subclass of foaf:OnlineAccount
           foaf:holdsAccount property:
                 “The foaf:holdsAccount property relates a foaf:Agent to a
                  foaf:OnlineAccount for which they are the sole account
                 Links a foaf:Person to various sioc:User(s)
                 As many sioc:User(s) as required can be linked to a single
                 One people, various identities
A person and their user accounts
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
FOAF + SIOC = Data Portability
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Querying SMC
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                           

           Find all content created by someone with a given
            OpenID URL:
                 Browse someone’s social media contributions posted on
                  various websites using different account names, but for
                  the same person
                 A single SPARQL query, no need to play with different APIs

       SELECT ?item
       WHERE {
         ?person foaf:openid <$openid> ;
           foaf:holdsAccount ?user .
         ?user sioc:creator_of ?item .
Moving data using SIOC
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                         

           WordPress SIOC import plug-in
                 Can read any SIOC RDF data and imports it into WordPress
                  as a native blog post
Microblogging with SIOC
Digital Enterprise Research Institute       

           SMOB - Semantic Microblogging service
                 Publishing and browsing SIOC data
SIOC : More than Web 2.0
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                

           SWAN
                 Semantic Web Applications in Neuromedicine
           Recent efforts to align SIOC and SWAN
                 Scientific Discourse representation
                 W3C HCLS Interest Group
           Ontologies alignment to provide a complete
            framework to model activities of scientific
                 SIOC to model the online content
                 SWAN to model the discourse
SIOC Adoption
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
SIOC Adoption
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
SIOC Adoption
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
SIOC Adoption
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
SIOC Adoption
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Linked Data
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                    

           The Linking Open Data initiative
                 Community effort
           Lots of information available on the Web
                 Closed world, proprietary data silos
           Provide it in RDF and interlink it !
                 The Web as a giant database
                 From documents to machine-understandable data
                 Use links to discover data by browsing the GGG
                 Open licensing policy
           ISWC2008 tutorial on Linked Data
The 4 principles of Linked Data
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                    

           Tim Berners-Lee, 2006

           Use URIs as names for things
           Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those
           When someone looks up a URI, provide useful
           Include links to other URIs. so that they can
            discover more things.
                 Using the rdfs:seeAlso property
URIs and Linked Data
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                           

           Cool URIs for the Semantic Web
           A person is not a webpage !
               !=
Browsing Linked Data
Digital Enterprise Research Institute

           Client-side
                 Tabulator (FF plug-in)
           Server-side
                 Disco, Marbles ...
The LOD cloud
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                                   


LOD example: music-related data
Digital Enterprise Research Institute           

                 Music-related RDF platform
           LOD-exporters for major music databases and
            social services
                 MusicBrainz, Jamendo
              , MySpace
           Interlinked with references datasets
                 Geonames, DBPedia, riese, FOAF
           Advanced querying and browsing features
LOD: Semantic Mash-ups
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                          

           Bands + locations = dbtune + geonames
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                          

           Provide RDF representation of data extracted from
                 More that 2 million concepts (people, places, ...)
                 Internationalization
           Interlinking from and to DBpedia
                 Interlinked with other datasets (Geonames, DBLP ...)
                 Can be used in FOAF profiles
                     – :Alex foaf:topic_interest dbpedia:Semantic_Web
DBpedia URI scheme
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                         

           Resource URI
                 Redirects to its HTML or RDF representation depending on
                  the user-agent
           HTML Document
           RDF Data
DBPedia example
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
Querying DBpedia
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                   

           Hands-on session !
                 Different kind of queries
                 Going deeper in SPARQL (FILTER, OPTIONAL ...)
                 Will be useful for next assignment
           DBpedia provides a SPARQL endpoint
           User interface using SNORQL
                 Pre-defined prefixes, AJAX-rendering ...
People born in Galway
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                                                  

           Simple triple pattern
                 <>



People born in Galway
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                                                  

           Simple triple pattern
                 <>


           Answer
                 SELECT ?who                                                                :Galway

                  WHERE {
                      ?who <
                  Person#birthPlace> :Galway .
Japanese name of Galway
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                                  

           Using the FILTER by LANG clause
                 FILTER(lang(?x) = “ja”)


                                                                   quot;        quot;@ja
Japanese name of Galway
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                                  

           Using the FILTER by LANG clause
                 FILTER(lang(?x) = “ja”)


           Answer                                    rdfs:label
                                                                   quot;        quot;@ja
                 SELECT ?name
                  WHERE {
                      :Galway rdfs:label ?name .
                            FILTER (lang(?name) = “ja”) .
10 first cities in the same county
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                                

           Combining triples patterns                                  quot;Galwayquot;@e
           ORDER BY and LIMIT       :Galway
                 ORDER BY ASC(?x)                    dbpedia2:county
                 LIMIT X
                                        ?city   dbpedia2:county            ?county
10 first cities in the same county
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                                  

           Combining triples patterns                                    quot;Galwayquot;@e
           ORDER BY and LIMIT       :Galway
                 ORDER BY ASC(?x)                      dbpedia2:county
                 LIMIT X
                                        ?city     dbpedia2:county            ?county
           Answer
                 SELECT ?city ?name
                  WHERE {
                            :Galway dbpedia2:county ?county .
                            ?city dbpedia2:county ?county ;
                                  rdfs:label ?name .
                            FILTER(lang(?name) = “en”) .
                  } ORDER BY ASC (?name) LIMIT 10
Irish cities on the East of Galway
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                                                            

           FILTER by type and comparison of coordinates



                                        rdf:type                                               -6.266111

Irish cities on the East of Galway
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                       

           FILTER by type and comparison of coordinates
           Answer
                 PREFIX geo: <
                  PREFIX yago: <>
                  SELECT DISTINCT ?place ?long WHERE {
                       :Galway geo:long ?glong .
                       ?place rdf:type
                                yago:CitiesInTheRepublicOfIreland ;
                                        geo:long ?long ;
                       FILTER (?long > ?glong)
Score of games played in Galway
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                                                            

           With OPTIONAL current team of scorers !
                  OPTIONAL {?s ?p ?o}

         1-1         dbpedia2:score          ?game              dbpedia2:goals            ?scorer





                                                                              This one has no score !!
Score of games played in Galway
Digital Enterprise Research Institute              

           With OPTIONAL current team of scorers !
                 OPTIONAL {?s ?p ?o}
           ANSWER
                 SELECT ?game ?score ?scorer ?currentclub
                  WHERE {
                    ?game dbpedia2:stadium :Galway .
                           dbpedia2:score ?score .
                    OPTIONAL {
                      ?game dbpedia2:goals ?scorer .
                      ?scorer dbpedia2:currentclub ?club
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                                 

           Social Semantic Web and Linked Data provides lots
            of RDF data on the Web
                 It’s time to use it !
                 Web 3.0 ... or Web 0.1 ?
                     – Berners-Lee, 1989 !

Upcoming challenges
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                            

           Distributed querying
                 In order to query different endpoints at the same time
           Privacy and Trust
                 What should I deliver ?
                 Who should I trust ?
           Temporal querying
                 Data evolution
           Reasoning
                 Derive new facts from existing ones
Digital Enterprise Research Institute                      

           Some slides based on material from:
                 SAW2008 - Social Network and Data Portability using
                  Semantic Web Technologies (pdf - slides)
                 SDoW2008 - Combining Social Music and Semantic Web for
                  music-related recommender systems (pdf - slides)
           Additional references
                 Social Data on the Web 2008 workshop
                 Linked Data on the Web 2008 workshop
                 W3C SPARQL Tutorial
                 + Tutorials referenced on the previous lecture

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Enabling reuse of arguments and opinions in open collaboration systems PhD vi...
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Similaire à DERI Social Semantic Web and Linked Data

Federating Distributed Social Data to Build an Interlinked Online Information...
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How to Build Linked Data Sites with Drupal 7 and RDFa
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Using Semantics to Improve Corporate Online Communities
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VoID: Metadata for RDF Datasets
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Enhancing the Web Experience
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Similaire à DERI Social Semantic Web and Linked Data (20)

Federating Distributed Social Data to Build an Interlinked Online Information...
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Enhancing the Web Experience
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Plus de Alexandre Passant

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DERI Social Semantic Web and Linked Data

  • 1. Digital Enterprise Research Institute The Social Semantic Web and Linked Data Alexandre Passant <> Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway DM110 Emerging Web Media 10th November 2008  Copyright 2008 Digital Enterprise Research Institute. All rights reserved. Chapter
  • 2. Agenda Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Issues of Web 2.0 websites  Data portability, lack of semantics ...  Social network fatigue  The Social Semantic Web  FOAF, SIOC  Exporting Data, unifying identities ...  Linked Data  The Linking Open Data initiative  DBpedia  Queries examples (hands on)  Conclusion  And references
  • 3. Web 2.0: What if I want to ... Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Move my content from one place to another ?  RSS ? Not enough  Aggregate my data  An open FriendFeed ?  Re-use my Flickr friends on Twitter ?  Invite. Again and again ...  The Semantic Web can help !  By providing a common framework to interlink data from various providers in an open way  But what about Web economy ?
  • 4. So may social media sites ... Digital Enterprise Research Institute * Source: Smashcut Media,
  • 5. So may social media sites ... Digital Enterprise Research Institute * Source: Smashcut Media,
  • 6. Even more services… Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 7. Even more services… Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 8. It takes a lot of time… Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 9. It takes a lot of time… Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 10. Filling out profiles, re-adding your friends… Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 11. Filling out profiles, re-adding your friends… Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 12. Uploading content to “stovepipes”! Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 13. Uploading content to “stovepipes”! Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 14. Social media sites are like data silos Digital Enterprise Research Institute * Source: Pidgin Technologies,
  • 15. Many isolated communities of users and their data Digital Enterprise Research Institute * Source: Pidgin Technologies,
  • 16. Need ways to connect these islands Digital Enterprise Research Institute * Source: Pidgin Technologies,
  • 17. Allowing users to easily move from one to another Digital Enterprise Research Institute * Source: Pidgin Technologies,
  • 18. Enabling users to easily bring their data with them Digital Enterprise Research Institute * Source: Pidgin Technologies,
  • 19. Solving the issues Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Social Network Fatigue  “People are getting sick of registering and re-declaring their friends on every site” Brad Fitzpatrick (Aug. 2007)  The Social Semantic Web  Combining Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web  Enabling a distributed graph of people, networks and content  “I think we could have both Semantic Web technology supporting online communities, but at the same time also online communities can support Semantic Web data by being the sources of people voluntarily connecting things together.” Tim Berners-Lee (ISWC2005 podcast)
  • 20. Social Semantic Information Spaces Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 21. Introducing FOAF and SIOC Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Describing people and their relationships  FOAF - Friend Of A FRiend   Describing Social Media Contributions (CMS)  SIOC - Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities   FOAF and SIOC are strongly related  Interlinking both to represent the complete online activity of one person  More details later
  • 22. Modeling people with FOAF Digital Enterprise Research Institute  FOAF is the main vocabulary used to represent people  Friend Of A Friend -  foaf:Person class:  “The foaf:Person class represents people. Something is a foaf:Person if it is a person.”  Give yourself a URI   Various properties to model your identity  :Alex rdf:type foaf:Person ; foaf:name “Alexandre Passant” ; foaf:mbox “” .  Relationships using the foaf:knows property:  :John foaf:knows :Alex
  • 23. Extending relationships Digital Enterprise Research Institute  foaf:knows is voluntary broad  No difference between friends, collegues, family members ...  The RELATIONSHIP vocabulary   More than 30 different kinds of relationships  :John rel:worksWith :Alex .  :Alice rel:engagedTo :Bob .  All rel:* properties are subproperties of foaf:knows  RDFS inferencing allows tools to answer queries using foaf:knows when people use rel:* alternatives
  • 24. Integrating social networks w/ FOAF Digital Enterprise Research Institute Source: Sheila Kinsella, Applications of Social Network Analysis 2007
  • 25. Integrating social networks w/ FOAF Digital Enterprise Research Institute Source: Sheila Kinsella, Applications of Social Network Analysis 2007
  • 26. Integrating social networks w/ FOAF Digital Enterprise Research Institute Source: Sheila Kinsella, Applications of Social Network Analysis 2007
  • 27. Integrating social networks w/ FOAF Digital Enterprise Research Institute Source: Sheila Kinsella, Applications of Social Network Analysis 2007
  • 28. Integrating social networks w/ FOAF Digital Enterprise Research Institute Common formats, Source: Sheila Kinsella, Applications of Social Network Analysis 2007 unique URIs
  • 29. FOAF from existing data Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Existing FOAF exporters for major Web 2.0 services  Flickr, Facebook, Twitter ... – – – –
  • 30. Unifying Web 2.0 networks Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 31. Unifying Web 2.0 networks Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 32. Unified queries Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Using SPARQL  No matter where the data comes from, as soon as it is exported via FOAF in RDF Alice  SELECT ?f1 ?f2 foaf:name WHERE { :Alice ?f1 foaf:knows ?f2 . foaf:knows } :Bob  {Alice, Bob} :Bill foaf:knows  {Bob, Alex}  {Alex, Bob} foaf:knows :Alex
  • 33. Distributed identity management Digital Enterprise Research Institute  A need to unify URIs from different services so as to represent one's unified identity  Unifying aspects of a foaf:Person across networks:  Linked-data principles : owl:sameAs + rdfs:seeAlso:  owl:sameAs: Used to identify two resources with different URIs as being the same resource – :alex owlSameAs flickr:33669349@N00 .  rdfs:seeAlso: “More information about this resource can be found here”, can be used by Semantic Web browsers  Inference using owl:InverseFunctionalProperty:  foaf:mbox, foaf:openid, etc. can be used to identify uniqueness for a foaf:Person
  • 34. Unifying networks Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 35. Browsing FOAF data Digital Enterprise Research Institute  FOAFnaut, FOAF Explorer, FOAFmap, etc ...  FOAFGear: thanks to common semantics, only 100 lines of code: foafgear/
  • 36. More tools and services Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Browse / re-use your social graph in personal applications  Tools:  Beatnik -  Knowee -  SPARQLpress -  Nepomuk - 
  • 37. Social Media Contributions Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Lots of user-created content posted on the Web:  Blog posts, wiki pages, bulletin board threads  Called « Social Media Contributions » or SMC  Distributed content  Blogging platform, photos-sharing website, social bookmarking service ….  A need for common semantics to  Provide a single model for any SMC, wherever it comes from  Enables the use of SPARQL queries instead of proprietary APIs  Interlink data and find relationships between content  From documents to resources, from WWW to GGG
  • 38. Modeling SMC on the Semantic Web Digital Enterprise Research Institute  SIOC - Semantically Interlinked Online Communities   A ontology to represent the activities of online communities on the Web  More than 40 applications, mainly open-source  W3C Member Submission, June 2007 
  • 39. Digital Enterprise Research Institute
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  • 45. The SIOC food chain Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 46. The SIOC Ontology Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Namespace -  Five top-level classes: User / Role / Space / Container / Item  A “SIOC Types” module for Social Web content   Actions: A user posts an item in a container  :Alex sioc:creator_of <> .  A Semantic Web citizen:  Reusing and interlinking existing ontologies  Not reinventing the wheel (connects to DC, FOAF, etc.): 
  • 47. The SIOC Ontology Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 48. Sample export of SIOC data from vBulletin
  • 49. Sample export of SIOC data from vBulletin
  • 50. Connecting people and accounts Digital Enterprise Research Institute  The sioc:User class:  Can be thought of as a virtual representation of any person online, within the context of a given social media website or community  A subclass of foaf:OnlineAccount  foaf:holdsAccount property:  “The foaf:holdsAccount property relates a foaf:Agent to a foaf:OnlineAccount for which they are the sole account holder.”  Links a foaf:Person to various sioc:User(s)  As many sioc:User(s) as required can be linked to a single person  One people, various identities
  • 51. A person and their user accounts Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 52. FOAF + SIOC = Data Portability Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 53. Querying SMC Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Find all content created by someone with a given OpenID URL:  Browse someone’s social media contributions posted on various websites using different account names, but for the same person  A single SPARQL query, no need to play with different APIs SELECT ?item WHERE { ?person foaf:openid <$openid> ; foaf:holdsAccount ?user . ?user sioc:creator_of ?item . } 
  • 54. Moving data using SIOC Digital Enterprise Research Institute  WordPress SIOC import plug-in   Can read any SIOC RDF data and imports it into WordPress as a native blog post
  • 55. Microblogging with SIOC Digital Enterprise Research Institute  SMOB - Semantic Microblogging service   Publishing and browsing SIOC data
  • 56. SIOC : More than Web 2.0 Digital Enterprise Research Institute  SWAN  Semantic Web Applications in Neuromedicine   Recent efforts to align SIOC and SWAN  Scientific Discourse representation  W3C HCLS Interest Group   Ontologies alignment to provide a complete framework to model activities of scientific communities  SIOC to model the online content  SWAN to model the discourse
  • 57. SIOC Adoption Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 58. SIOC Adoption Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 59. SIOC Adoption Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 60. SIOC Adoption Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 61. SIOC Adoption Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 62. Linked Data Digital Enterprise Research Institute  The Linking Open Data initiative  Community effort   Lots of information available on the Web  Closed world, proprietary data silos  Provide it in RDF and interlink it !  The Web as a giant database  From documents to machine-understandable data  Use links to discover data by browsing the GGG  Open licensing policy  ISWC2008 tutorial on Linked Data
  • 63. The 4 principles of Linked Data Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Tim Berners-Lee, 2006   Use URIs as names for things  Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names.  When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information.  Include links to other URIs. so that they can discover more things.  Using the rdfs:seeAlso property
  • 64. URIs and Linked Data Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Cool URIs for the Semantic Web   A person is not a webpage !  !=
  • 65. Browsing Linked Data Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Client-side  Tabulator (FF plug-in)  Server-side  Disco, Marbles ...
  • 66. The LOD cloud Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 67. LOD example: music-related data Digital Enterprise Research Institute   Music-related RDF platform  LOD-exporters for major music databases and social services  MusicBrainz, Jamendo , MySpace  Interlinked with references datasets  Geonames, DBPedia, riese, FOAF  Advanced querying and browsing features
  • 68. LOD: Semantic Mash-ups Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Bands + locations = dbtune + geonames  Linked-Data-Jamendo-Geonames-Mazzle-and-Songbird
  • 69. DBpedia Digital Enterprise Research Institute   Provide RDF representation of data extracted from DBpedia  More that 2 million concepts (people, places, ...)  Internationalization  Interlinking from and to DBpedia  Interlinked with other datasets (Geonames, DBLP ...)  Can be used in FOAF profiles – :Alex foaf:topic_interest dbpedia:Semantic_Web
  • 70. DBpedia URI scheme Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Resource URI   Redirects to its HTML or RDF representation depending on the user-agent  HTML Document   RDF Data 
  • 71. DBPedia example Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • 72. Querying DBpedia Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Hands-on session !  Different kind of queries  Going deeper in SPARQL (FILTER, OPTIONAL ...)  Will be useful for next assignment  DBpedia provides a SPARQL endpoint   User interface using SNORQL  Pre-defined prefixes, AJAX-rendering ... 
  • 73. People born in Galway Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Simple triple pattern  <> ?who <> :Galway
  • 74. People born in Galway Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Simple triple pattern  <> ?who <>  Answer  SELECT ?who :Galway WHERE { ?who < Person#birthPlace> :Galway . }
  • 75. Japanese name of Galway Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Using the FILTER by LANG clause  FILTER(lang(?x) = “ja”) quot;Galwayquot;@en rdfs:label :Galway rdfs:label quot; quot;@ja
  • 76. Japanese name of Galway Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Using the FILTER by LANG clause  FILTER(lang(?x) = “ja”) quot;Galwayquot;@en rdfs:label :Galway  Answer rdfs:label quot; quot;@ja  SELECT ?name WHERE { :Galway rdfs:label ?name . FILTER (lang(?name) = “ja”) . }
  • 77. 10 first cities in the same county Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Combining triples patterns quot;Galwayquot;@e foaf:name  ORDER BY and LIMIT :Galway  ORDER BY ASC(?x) dbpedia2:county  LIMIT X ?city dbpedia2:county ?county
  • 78. 10 first cities in the same county Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Combining triples patterns quot;Galwayquot;@e foaf:name  ORDER BY and LIMIT :Galway  ORDER BY ASC(?x) dbpedia2:county  LIMIT X ?city dbpedia2:county ?county  Answer  SELECT ?city ?name WHERE { :Galway dbpedia2:county ?county . ?city dbpedia2:county ?county ; rdfs:label ?name . FILTER(lang(?name) = “en”) . } ORDER BY ASC (?name) LIMIT 10
  • 79. Irish cities on the East of Galway Digital Enterprise Research Institute  FILTER by type and comparison of coordinates ?city -9.041800 geo:long geo:long :Galway rdf:type rdf:type -6.266111 yago:CitiesInTheRepublicOfIreland
  • 80. Irish cities on the East of Galway Digital Enterprise Research Institute  FILTER by type and comparison of coordinates  Answer  PREFIX geo: < wgs84_pos#> PREFIX yago: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?place ?long WHERE { :Galway geo:long ?glong . ?place rdf:type yago:CitiesInTheRepublicOfIreland ; geo:long ?long ; FILTER (?long > ?glong) }
  • 81. Score of games played in Galway Digital Enterprise Research Institute  With OPTIONAL current team of scorers !  OPTIONAL {?s ?p ?o} 1-1 dbpedia2:score ?game dbpedia2:goals ?scorer dbpedia2:stadium dbpedia2:currentclub :Galway 2-1 dbpedia2:stadium ?currentclub dbpedia2:score dbpedia2:stadium ?game ?game This one has no score !!
  • 82. Score of games played in Galway Digital Enterprise Research Institute  With OPTIONAL current team of scorers !  OPTIONAL {?s ?p ?o}  ANSWER  SELECT ?game ?score ?scorer ?currentclub WHERE { ?game dbpedia2:stadium :Galway . dbpedia2:score ?score . OPTIONAL { ?game dbpedia2:goals ?scorer . ?scorer dbpedia2:currentclub ?club } }
  • 83. Conclusion Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Social Semantic Web and Linked Data provides lots of RDF data on the Web  It’s time to use it !  Web 3.0 ... or Web 0.1 ? – Berners-Lee, 1989 ! –
  • 84. Upcoming challenges Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Distributed querying  In order to query different endpoints at the same time  Privacy and Trust  What should I deliver ?  Who should I trust ?  Temporal querying  Data evolution  Reasoning  Derive new facts from existing ones
  • 85. References Digital Enterprise Research Institute  Some slides based on material from:  SAW2008 - Social Network and Data Portability using Semantic Web Technologies (pdf - slides)  SDoW2008 - Combining Social Music and Semantic Web for music-related recommender systems (pdf - slides)  Additional references  Social Data on the Web 2008 workshop –  Linked Data on the Web 2008 workshop –  W3C SPARQL Tutorial –  + Tutorials referenced on the previous lecture