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Reservoir modeling and 
Sigve Hamilton Aspelund
TThhee oorriiggiinnss ooff ooiill aanndd ggaass aanndd hhooww tthheeyy aarree 
 Kerogen is the lipid-rich part of organic matter that is insoluble in 
common organic solvents (lipids are the more waxy parts of animals 
and some plants). The extractable part is known as bitumen. 
 Kerogen is converted to bitumen during the maturation process. The 
amount of extractable bitumen is a measure of the maturity of a source 
 Bitumen becomes petroleum during migration. 
 Petroleum is the liquid organic substance recovered in wells.
The origins ooff ooiill aanndd ggaass aanndd hhooww tthheeyy 
aarree ffoorrmmeedd 
 Crude oil is the naturally occurring liquid form of petroleum. 
 Petroleum generation takes place as the breakdown of kerogen occurs 
with rising temperature. 
 Temperature and time are the most important factors affecting the 
breakdown of kerogen.
TThhee oorriiggiinnss ooff ooiill aanndd ggaass aanndd hhooww tthheeyy aarree 
 As formation temperature rises on progressive burial an immature stage 
is succeeded by stages of oil generation, oil conversion to gas or 
cracking (to make a wet gas with significant amounts of liquids) and 
finally dry gas (i.e., no associated liquids) generation.
CCoonnvveennttiioonnaall OOiill aanndd GGaass 
 Conventional oil is a mixture of mainly pentanes and heavier 
hydrocarbons recoverable at a well from an underground reservoir 
and liquid at atmospheric pressure and temperature. Unlike 
bitumen, conventional oil flows through a well without stimulation and 
through a pipeline without processing or dilution. 
 Conventional oil production is now in the final stages of depletion in 
most mature oil fields. There is a need to implement advanced methods 
of oil recovery to maximize the production and to extend the economic 
life of the oil fields.
UUnnccoonnvveennttiioonnaall ooiill 
 Unconventional oil is petroleum produced or extracted using 
techniques other than the conventional (oil well) method. 
 Oil industries and governments across the globe are investing in 
unconventional oil sources due to the increasing scarcity of 
conventional oil reserves. 
 Although the depletion of such reserves is evident, unconventional oil 
production is a less efficient process and has greater environmental 
impacts than that of conventional oil production.
SSoouurrcceess ooff uunnccoonnvveennttiioonnaall ooiill 
 According to the International Energy Agency's Oil Market 
Report unconventional oil includes the following sources: 
 Oil shales 
 Oil sands-based synthetic crudes and derivative products 
 Coal-based liquid supplies 
 Biomass-based liquid supplies 
 Liquids arising from chemical processing of natural gas[1]
SSeeddiimmeennttaarryy bbaassiinnss aanndd tthhee ddyynnaammiicc nnaattuurree 
ooff EEaarrtthh’’ss ccrruusstt 
What are sedimentary basins? 
 Sedimentary basins are regions where considerable thicknesses of 
sediments have accumulated (in places up to 20 km). 
 Sedimentary basins are widespread both onshore and offshore. The way 
in which they form was a matter of considerable debate until the last 20 
 The advance in our understanding during this very short period is 
mainly due to the efforts of the oil industry.
Sedimentary basins aanndd tthhee ddyynnaammiicc nnaattuurree ooff 
EEaarrtthh’’ss ccrruusstt
Sedimentary basins aanndd tthhee ddyynnaammiicc nnaattuurree ooff 
EEaarrtthh’’ss ccrruusstt 
 Basin classification schemes 
Extensional basins, strike-slip basins, flexural basins, basins associated 
with subduction zones, mystery basins. There are many different 
classification schemes for sedimentary basins but most are unwieldy 
and use rather spurious criteria . The most useful scheme (presented 
here) is very simple and is based on basin forming mechanisms. About 
80% of the sedimentary basins on Earth have formed by extension of 
the plates (often termed lithospheric extension).
Sedimentary basins aanndd tthhee ddyynnaammiicc nnaattuurree ooff 
EEaarrtthh’’ss ccrruusstt 
 Most of the remaining 20% of basins were formed by flexure of the 
plates beneath various forms of loading (this class will be covered in 
the next lecture). Pull-apart or strike-slip basins are relatively small and 
form in association with bends in strike-slip faults, such as the San 
Andreas Fault or the North Anatolian Fault. Only a very small number 
of basins still defy explanation, although we suspect that at least some 
of these have a thermal origin.
SSeeddiimmeennttaarryy bbaassiinn 
 A depression in the crust of the Earth formed by plate tectonic activity 
in which sediments accumulate. Continued deposition can cause further 
depression or subsidence. Sedimentary basins, or simply basins, vary 
from bowl-shaped to elongated troughs. If rich hydrocarbon source 
rocks occur in combination with appropriate depth and duration of 
burial, hydrocarbon generation can occur within the basin.
 One of the three main classes of rock (igneous, metamorphic and 
sedimentary). Sedimentary rocks are formed at the Earth's surface 
through deposition of sediments derived from weathered rocks, 
biogenic activity or precipitation from solution. Clastic sedimentary 
rocks such as conglomerates, sandstones, siltstones and shales form as 
older rocks weather and erode, and their particles accumulate and 
lithify, or harden, as they are compacted and cemented. Biogenic 
sedimentary rocks form as a result of activity by organisms, including 
coral reefs that become limestone.
 Precipitates, such as the evaporite minerals halite (salt) and 
gypsum can form vast thicknesses of rock as seawater 
evaporates. Sedimentary rocks can include a wide variety of 
minerals, but quartz, feldspar, calcite, dolomite and evaporite 
group and clay group minerals are most common because of their 
greater stability at the Earth's surface than many minerals that 
comprise igneous and metamorphic rocks. Sedimentary rocks, 
unlike most igneous and metamorphic rocks, can contain fossils 
because they form at temperatures and pressures that do not 
obliterate fossil remnants.
IIlllluussttrraattiioonn ooff tthhee rroocckk ccyyccllee
Concepts of ffiinniittee rreessoouurrcceess aanndd lliimmiittaattiioonnss 
oonn rreeccoovveerryy 
 The Hubbert peak theory posits that for any given 
geographical area, from an individual oil-producing region to 
the planet as a whole, the rate of petroleum production tends 
to follow a bell-shaped curve. It is one of the primary theories 
on peak oil. 
 Choosing a particular curve determines a point of maximum 
production based on discovery rates, production rates and 
cumulative production. Early in the curve (pre-peak), the 
production rate increases because of the discovery rate and the 
addition of infrastructure. Late in the curve (post-peak), 
production declines because of resource depletion.
 The Hubbert peak theory is based on the observation 
that the amount of oil under the ground in any region 
is finite, therefore the rate of discovery which 
initially increases quickly must reach a maximum and 
decline. In the US, oil extraction followed the 
discovery curve after a time lag of 32 to 35 years.[1][2] 
The theory is named after American geophysicist 
M. King Hubbert, who created a method of modeling 
the production curve given an assumed ultimate 
recovery volume.
MM.. KKiinngg HHuubbbbeerrtt''ss oorriiggiinnaall 11995566 pprreeddiiccttiioonn 
ooff wwoorrlldd ppeettrroolleeuumm pprroodduuccttiioonn rraatteess
GGlloobbaall ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn ooff ffoossssiill ffuueellss aanndd 
OOPPEECC’’ss rreessoouurrccee eennddoowwmmeenntt 
 Reserves Around the World 
 While most of the known oil and gas reserves are held in 
the Middle East, they can be found in many places 
around the world, such as Australia, Italy, Malaysia and 
New Zealand. The leading petroleum producers include 
Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and the United Arab 
Emirates. Oil is also produced in Russia, Canada, China, 
Brazil, Norway, Mexico, Venezuela, Great Britain, 
Nigeria and the United States — chiefly Texas, 
California, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas and Alaska. 
Offshore reservoirs have been discovered in the North 
Sea, Africa, South America and the Gulf of Mexico.
•• CCoommppoonneennttss tthhaatt ccoonnssttiittuuttee nnaattuurraall ggaass 
 Natural gas is a naturally occurring gas mixture consisting primarily of 
methane, typically with 0–20% higher hydrocarbons[1] (primarily ethane). 
It is found associated with other hydrocarbon fuel, in coal beds, as 
methane clathrates, and is an important fuel source and a major 
feedstock for fertilizers. 
 Most natural gas is created by two mechanisms: biogenic and 
thermogenic. Biogenic gas is created by methanogenic organisms in 
marshes, bogs, landfills, and shallow sediments. Deeper in the earth, at 
greater temperature and pressure, thermogenic gas is created from 
buried organic material.[2] 
 Before natural gas can be used as a fuel, it must undergo processing to 
remove almost all materials other than methane. The by-products of 
that processing include ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes, and 
higher molecular weight hydrocarbons, elemental sulfur, carbon dioxide 
, water vapor, and sometimes helium and nitrogen. 
 Natural gas is often informally referred to as simply gas, especially 
when compared to other energy sources such as oil or coal.
UUsseess aanndd mmaarrkkeettss ffoorr ooiill aanndd ggaass 
 Who are the main consumers of oil? 
 Nearly two thirds of global crude oil production is 
consumed by the leading industrialised nations – i.e. the 
nations that make up the Organisation of Economic 
Cooperation and Development. But a rising share of oil 
demand is coming from the emerging market economies 
including China, Brazil, Russia and India.
BP Statistical Review of World Energy 
June 2012 
 For 61 years, the BP Statistical Review of 
World Energy has provided high-quality 
objective and globally consistent data on 
world energy markets. The review is one of 
the most widely respected and authoritative 
publications in the fi eld of energy economics, 
used for reference by the media, academia, 
world governments and energy companies. A 
new edition is published every June.
Oil: Reserves to production
Oil: Distribution of proved reserves
Production and consumption by region
Consumption per capita 2011
Crude oil prices 1861-2011
Gas: Reserves to production
Gas: Distribution of proved reserves
Gas: Production and consumption by 
Consumption per capita 2011
AAnn iinnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo ppeettrroolleeuumm ggeeoollooggyy 
 Sedimentology 
 The great majority of hydrocarbon reserves worldwide occur in 
sedimentary rocks. 
 It is therefore vitally important to understand the nature and distribution 
of sediments as potential hydrocarbon source rocks and reservoirs. 
Two main groups of sedimentary rocks are of major importance as 
reservoirs, namely siltstones and sandstones (‘clastic’ sediments) 
and limestones and dolomites (‘carbonates’). Although carbonate 
rocks form the main reservoirs in certain parts of the world (e.g. in the 
Middle East, where a high proportion of the world’s giant oilfields are 
reservoired in carbonates), clastic rocks form the most significant 
reservoirs throughout most of the world.
TTeexxttuurree iinn GGrraannuullaarr SSeeddiimmeennttss 
 The main textural components of granular rocks include: 
 grain size 
 grain sorting 
 packing 
 sediment fabric 
 grain morphology 
 grain surface texture
GGrraaiinn ssiizzee
GGrraaiinn sshhaappee
SSaanndd aanndd ssaannddssttoonnee 
 Sands are defined as sediments with a mean grain size between 
0.0625 and 2 mm which, on compaction and cementation will become 
sandstones. Sandstones form the bulk of clastic hydrocarbon 
reservoirs, as they commonly have high porosities and permeabilities. 
 Sandstones are classified on the basis of their composition 
(mineralogical content) and texture (matrix content). The most common 
grains in sandstones are quartz, feldspar and fragments of older rocks. 
These rock fragments may include fragments of igneous, metamorphic 
and older sedimentary rocks.
CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn ooff ssaannddss aanndd ssaannddssttoonneess
 Total porosity (φ) is defined as the volume of void (pore) space within a 
rock, expressed as a fraction or percentage of the total rock volume. It 
is a measure of a rock’s fluid storage capacity. 
 The effective porosity of a rock is defined as the ratio of the 
interconnected pore volume to the bulk volume 
 Microporosity (φm) consists of pores less than 0.5 microns in size, 
whereas pores greater than 0.5 microns form macroporosity (φM)
 The permeability of a rock is a measure of its capacity to transmit a fluid 
under a potential gradient (pressure drop). The unit of permeability is 
the Darcy, which is defined by Darcy’s Law. The millidarcy (1/1000th 
Darcy) is generally used in core analysis.
CCoonnttrroollss oonn PPoorroossiittyy aanndd 
 The porosity and permeability of the sedimentary rock depend on both 
the original texture of a sediment and its diagenetic history.
GGrraaiinn ssiizzee 
 In theory, porosity is independent of grain size, as it is merely a 
measure of the proportion of pore space in the rock, not the size of the 
pores. In practice, however, porosity tends to increase with 
decreasing grain size for two reasons. Finer grains, especially clays, 
tend to have less regular shapes than coarser grains, and so are often 
less efficiently packed. Also, fine sediments are commonly better 
sorted than coarser sediments. Both of these factors result in higher 
 For example, clays can have primary porosities of 50%-85% and fine 
sand can have 48% porosity whereas the primary porosity of coarse 
sand rarely exceeds 40%. 
 Permeability decreases with decreasing grain size because the size 
of pores and pore throats will also be smaller, leading to increased 
grain surface drag effects.
PPoorroossiittyy:: FFuunnccttiioonn ooff ggrraaiinn ssiizzee aanndd 
 Grain Shape 
 The more unequidimensional the grain shape, the greater the porosity 
 As permeability is a vector, rather than scalar property, grain shape will 
affect the anisotropy of the permeability. The more unequidimensional 
the grains, the more anisotropic the permeability tensor. 
 Packing 
 The closer the packing, the lower the porosity and permeability 
 Fabric 
 Rock fabric will have the greatest influence on porosity and permeability 
when the grains are non spherical (i.e. are either disc-like or rod-like). In 
these cases, the porosity and permeability of the sediment will decrease 
with increased alignment of the grains. 
 Grain Morphology and Surface Texture 
 The smoother the grain surface, the higher the permeability
DDiiaaggeenneessiiss (( CCoommppaaccttiioonn,, 
 Diagenesis is the totality of physical and chemical processes 
which occur after deposition of a sediment and during burial and 
which turn the sediment into a sedimentary rock. The majority of 
these processes, including compaction, cementation and the 
precipitation of authigenic clays, tend to reduce porosity and 
permeability, but others, such as grain or cement dissolution, 
may increase porosity and permeability. In general, porosity 
reduces exponentially with burial depth, but burial duration also 
an important criterion. Sediments that have spent a long time at 
great depths will tend to have lower porosities and permeabilities 
than those which have been rapidly buried.
CChhaannggeess ooff ppoorroossiittyy wwiitthh bbuurriiaall 
Reservoir Rock & Source Rock Types: 
 Reservoir rock: A permeable subsurface 
rock that contains petroleum. Must be both 
porous and permeable. 
 Source rock: A sedimentary rock in which 
petroleum forms.
 Reservoir rocks are dominantly sedimentary (sandstones and 
carbonates); however, highly fractured igneous and metamorphic 
rocks have been known to produce hydrocarbons, albeit on a 
much smaller scale 
 Source rocks are widely agreed to be sedimentary 
 The three sedimentary rock types most frequently encountered in 
oil fields are shales, sandstones and carbonates 
 Each of these rock types has a characteristic composition and 
texture that is a direct result of depositional environment and 
post-depositional (diagenetic) processes (i.e., cementation, etc.) 
 Understanding reservoir rock properties and their associated 
characteristics is crucial in developing a prospect
Shales: Source rocks and seals 
 Description 
 Distinctively dark-brown to black in color (occasionally a 
deep dark green), occasionally dark gray, with smooth 
lateral surfaces (normal to depositional direction) 
 Properties 
 Composed of clay and silt-sized particles 
 Clay particles are platy and orient themselves normal to 
induced stress (overburden); this contributes to shale`s 
characteristic permeability 
 Behave as excellent seals 
 Widely regarded to be the main source of hydrocarbons 
due to original composition being rich in organics 
 A weak rock highly susceptible to weathering and erosion
• History: 
• Deposited on river floodplaing, deep oceans, lakes or lagoons 
• Occurrence: 
• The most abundant sedimentary rock (about 42%)
Sandstones and Sandstone Reservoirs 
 Composed of sand-sized particles (q.v., week 2 notes) 
 Recall that sandstones may contain textural features indicative of the environment in which 
they were deposited: ripple marks (alluvial/fluvial), cross-bedding (alluvial/fluvial or eolian), 
gradedbedding (turbidity current) 
 Typically light beige to tan in color; can also be dark brown to rusty red 
Sandstones can be further classified according to the abundance of grains of a particular 
chemical composition (i.e., common source rock); for example, an arkosic sanstone 
(usually abbreviated: ark. s.s.) is a sandstone largely composed of feldspar (feldspathic) 
grains….Can you recall which continental rock contains feldspar as one of its mineral 
 Sandstones composed of nearly all quartz grains are labeled quartz sandstones (usually 
abbreviated: qtz. s.s.) 
 Sandstone porosity is on the range of 10-30% 
 Intergranular porosity is largely determined by sorting (primary porosity) 
 Poorly indurated sandstones are referred to as fissile (easily disaggregated when 
scratched), whereas highly indurated sandstones can be very resistant to weathering and 
Sandstone and sandstone reservoirs 
 History: 
 Sandstones are deposited in a number of different environments. These can include 
deserts (e.g., wind-blown sands, i.e., eolian), stream valleys (e.g., alluvial/fluvial), and 
coastal/transitional environments (e.g., beach sands, barrier islands, deltas, turbidites) 
 Because of the wide variety of depositional environments in which sandstones can be 
found, care should be taken to observe textural features (i.e., grading, cross-bedding, etc.) 
within the reservoir that may provide evidence of its original diagenetic environment 
 Knowing the depositional environment of the s.s. reservoir is especially important in 
determining reservoir geometry and in anticipating potentially underpressured (commonly 
found in channel sandstones) and overpressured reservoir conditions 
 Occurrence: 
 Are the second most abundant (about 37%) sedimentary rock type of the three 
(sanstones, shales, carbonates), the most common reservoir rock, and are the second 
highest producer (about 37%) 
 Geologic Symbol: 
 Dots or small circles randomly distributed; to include textural features, dots or circles may 
be drawn to reflect the observation (for example, cross-bedding)
Carbonate and carbonate reservoirs 
 Description 
 Grains (clasts) are laregly the skeletal or shell remains of shallow 
marine dwelling organisms, varying in size and shape, that either 
lived on the ocean bottom (benthic) or floated in water column 
 Many of these clasts can be identified by skilled paleontologists 
and micropaleontologists and can be used for correlative 
purposes or age range dating; also beneficial in establishing 
index fossils for marker beds used in regional stratigraphic 
 Dolomites are a product of solution recrystallization of limestones 
 Usually light or dark gray, abundant fossil molds and casts, 
vuggy (vugular) porositity
 Classification: 
 Divided into limestones (Calsium carbonate- 
CaCO3) and dolomites (Calcium magnesium 
carbonate – CaMg(CO3)2) 
 Limestones can be divided further into 
mudstones, wackenstones, packstones, 
grainstones and boundstones according to 
the limestones depositional texture
 Properties: 
 Porosity is largely a result of dissolution and fracturing (secondary porosity) 
 Carbonates such as coquina are nearly 100% fossil fragments (largely primary 
 Are characteristically hard rocks, especially dolomite 
 Susceptible to dissolution weathering 
 History: 
 Limestone reservoirs owe their origin exclusively to shallow marine depositional 
environments (lagoons, atolls, etc) 
 Limestone formations slowly accumulate when the remains of calcareous shelly 
marine organisms (brachiopods, bivalves, foramaniferans) and coral and algae living in 
a shallow tropical environment settle to the ocean bottom 
 Over large geologic time scales these accumulations can grow to hundreds of feet 
thick (El Capitan, a Permian reef complex, in West Texas is over 600 ft thick) 
 Occurrence: 
 Are the least geologically abundant (about 21%) of the three (shales, 
sandstones, carbonates), but the highest producer (about 61.5%) 
 Geologic Symbol: 
 Limestone – layers of uniform rectangles, each layer offset from that above it. 
 Dolomite – layers of uniform rhomboids, each layer offset from that above it.
 Geologic modelling or Geomodelling is the 
applied science of creating computerized 
representations of portions of the Earth's 
crust based on geophysical and geological 
observations made on and below the Earth 
 A Geomodel is the numerical equivalent of a 
three-dimensional geological map 
complemented by a description of physical 
quantities in the domain of interest. 
Geomodelling is related to the concept of 
Shared Earth Model which is a 
pluridisciplinary, interoperable and updatable 
knowledge base about the subsurface.
 Geologic modelling is a relatively recent 
subdiscipline of geology which integrates 
structural geology, sedimentology, 
stratigraphy, paleoclimatology and 
 In 2 dimensions a geologic formation or unit is 
represented by a polygon, which can be bounded by 
faults, unconformities or by its lateral extent, or crop. 
In geological models a geological unit is bounded by 
3-dimensional triangulated or gridded surfaces. The 
equivalent to the mapped polygon is the fully 
enclosed geological unit, using a triangulated mesh. 
For the purpose of property or fluid modelling these 
volumes can be separated further into an array of 
cells, often referred to as voxels (volumetric 
elements). These 3D grids are the equivalent to 2D 
grids used to express properties of single surfaces.
Geomodelling inputs
 Geostatistics is a branch of statistics focusing on spatial or 
spatiotemporal datasets. Developed originally to predict 
probability distributions of ore grades for mining operations, it is 
currently applied in diverse disciplines including 
petroleum geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, meteorology, 
oceanography, geochemistry, geometallurgy, geography, 
forestry, environmental control, landscape ecology, soil science, 
and agriculture (esp. in precision farming). Geostatistics is 
applied in varied branches of geography, particularly those 
involving the spread of diseases (epidemiology), the practice of 
commerce and military planning (logistics), and the development 
of efficient spatial networks. Geostatistical algorithms are 
incorporated in many places, including geographic information 
systems (GIS) and the R statistical environment.
Videos: Geostatics
Videos: Structural modelling
Stratigraphic modelling 
 Stratigraphic modelling has been long recognised as 
a method of presenting an organised picture of the 
unseen subterranean world. This has distinct 
advantages when trying to assess: 
 i. the extent of a resource (eg. oil, minerals, 
sand/aggregate, heavy minerals, groundwater); 
ii. geotechnical properties or; 
iii. environmental properties (eg. examine the 
spread of pollutants or potential pollutants).
 Stratigraphy is a branch of geology which 
studies rock layers and layering 
(stratification). It is primarily used in the study 
of sedimentary and layered volcanic rocks. 
Stratigraphy includes two related subfields: 
lithologic stratigraphy or lithostratigraphy, and 
biologic stratigraphy or biostratigraphy.
Video: Stratigraphic modelling
Property modeling 
 Property modeling is one area where seismic 
data can be combined with other data such 
as well data to generate accurate and well-constrained 
reservoir models.
Property modelling 
 2D property models are simple interpolations 
of the zone averages at the wells. This 
results in a lot of detail in the well data not 
being used, and very poor models of the 
vertical variability in the reservoir. Only by 
modelling in 3D can the use of the well data 
be maximised. 3D models also allow for the 
easier integration of other diverse data types. 
(e.g. seismic attributes).
Property & heterogeneity modelling 
 Property & heterogeneity modelling 
 The next step is to model the properties important to the 
reservoir description. 
 A full rante of deterministic & stocastic modelling techniques are 
available. The techniques used will depend on the data available 
& the project aims. 
 A simple approach would be simple 3D interpolation of reservoir 
petrophysics, conditioned to only well data. 
 A more advanced approach would be to first capture the large 
scale heterogeneity through facies modelling. After the reservoir 
architecture has been captured the smaller scale heterongeneity 
can be conditioned to this using a variety of petrophysical 
modelling techniques. 3D seismic attributes can also be used to 
guide the modelling.
Structural modelling 
 Generating a hight quality structural 
framework is an essential first step in the 3D 
modelling workflow. 
 An integral part of structural modelling in 
modeling software is the construction of a 
fault model. This fault model can then be 
used to build 3D grids which honour both 
reservoir volumes and connectivity.
Building a fault model 
Why build a fault model? 
Building a fauld model is not an essential part of the 
the modeling software 3D modelling workflow. There 
are however many reasons to consider the inclusion 
of a fault model: 
 Accurate volumes in faulted areas 
 Correct communications in 3D grid. Very important 
for any dynamic modelling. 
 Improved stratigraphic modelling 
 Generate fault segments (blocks) for further 
modelling control 
 Generate separation diagrams
Stratigraphic modelling 
 Stratigraphic modelling is the process of 
building the intermediate reservoir horizons 
based on the interpreted depth horizons and 
the thickness data. In modeling software a 
fault model can also be included in order to 
give a consistant faulted structural 
 Stratigraphic modelling is the process of 
building the intermediate reservoir horizons 
based on the interpreted depth horizons and 
thickness data. In modeling software a fault 
model can also be included in order to five a 
consistant faulted structural framework.
 Terminology 
 Interpreted horizon: 
 A horizon derived from the seismic 
interpretation. Can be time or depth. Must 
have an interpreted depth horizon for 
stratigraphic modelling. The horizons can be 
created from raw data in modeling software 
or can be imported.
 Stratigraphic modelling is the process of 
building the intermediate reservoir horizons 
based on the interpreted depth horizons and 
thickness data. In modeling software a fault 
model can also be included in order to give a 
consistant faulted structural framework.
Stochastic Simulation 
 Stochastic simulation is a means for generating multiple equiprobable 
realizations of the property in question, rather than simply estimating the mean. 
Essentially, we are adding back in some noise to undo the smoothing effect of 
kriging. This possibly gives a better representation of the natural variability of the 
property in question and gives us a means for quantifying our uncertainty 
regarding what’s really down there. The two most commonly used forms of 
simulation for reservoir modeling applications are sequential Gaussian 
simulation for continuous variables like porosity and sequential indicator 
simulation for categorical variables like facies.The basic idea of sequential 
Gaussian simulation (SGS) is very simple. Recall that kriging gives us an 
estimate of both the mean and standard deviation of the variable at each grid 
node, meaning we can represent the variable at each grid node as a random 
variable following a normal (Gaussian) distribution. Rather than chooses the 
mean as the estimate at each node, SGS chooses a random deviate from this 
normal distribution, selected according to a uniform random number 
representing the probability level.
 So, the basic steps in the SGS process are: 
 Generate a random path through the grid nodes 
 Visit the first node along the path and use kriging to estimate a mean and standard 
deviation for the variable at that node based on surrounding data values 
 Select a value at random from the corresponding normal distribution and set the 
variable value at that node to that number 
 Visit each successive node in the random path and repeat the process, including 
previously simulated nodes as data values in the kriging process 
 We use a random path to avoid artifacts induced by walking through the grid in a 
regular fashion. We include previously simulated grid nodes as “data” in order 
to preserve the proper covariance structure between the simulated values. 
 Sometimes SGS is implemented in a “multigrid” fashion, first simulating on a 
coarse grid (a subset of the fine grid – maybe every 10 th grid node) and then on 
the finer grid (maybe with an intermediate step or two) in order to reproduce 
large-scale semivariogram structures. Without this the “screening” effect of 
kriging quickly takes over as the simulation progresses and nodes get filled in, 
so that most nodes are conditioned only on nearby values, so that small-scale 
structure is reproduced better than largescale structure.
Typical Reservoir Modeling Workflow 
 Basically, work from large-scale structure to small-scale structure, and 
generally from more deterministic methods to more stochastic methods: 
 Establish large-scale geologic structure, for example, by deterministic 
interpolation of formation tops; this creates a sete of distinct zones 
 Within each zone, use SIS or some other discrete simulation technique (such 
as object-based simulation) to generate realizations of the facies distribution 
– the primary control on the porosity & permeability distributions 
 Within each facies, use SGS (or similar) to generate porosity distirubtion and 
then simulate permeability distribution conditional to porosity distribution, 
assuming there is some relationship between the two Porosity and facies 
simulations could be conditioned to other secondary data, such as seismic. 
Methods also exist for conditioning to well test and production data, but these 
are fairly elaborate and probably not in very common use as yet. More typical 
(maybe) to run flow simulations after the fact and rank realizations by 
comparison to historical production & well tests.
Simulation grid building principles 
 An optimum grid for reservoir simulation 
results from the compromise between the 
desired accuracy of fluid flow modeling and 
the available computing power. Many factors 
have to be considered.
Optimized grid size 
 The final number of grid blocks is often dictated by 
the available computing power. A few hundred 
thousand blocks for black oil and only a few then 
thousand blocks for compositional simulation are 
standard. The grid block size must, however, allow a 
minimum number of grid blocks between wells, 
remain within the correlation length of 
hereogeneities if multi-phase upscaling is to be 
avoided, as well as maintain acceptable levels of 
numerical dispersion. For the best compromise, grid 
blocks should be fine in high flow areas (near wells, 
in high permeability regions, etc) and coarse 
elsewhere (eg below OWC)
Flow-based orientation 
 Most reservoir simulators represent permeability as 
a diagonal tensor whose principal directions are 
parallel to the grid block`s median axes. Grids must 
therefore align with the main flow directions to avoid 
neglecting cross-flow. Faults, geological bodies (eg 
shale barriers), anisotropy and layering control the 
direction of flow. These should be reflected by the 
grid orientation. Ideally, layers should be parallel in 
the fine and the coarse grid. However, pinchouts 
increase simulation time.
Hierarchical fault incorporation 
 Faults are key factors to reservoir connectivity. 
Incorporating them in a grid generates many non-neighbour 
connections which slow down the 
simulation. Their inclusion must be decided upon 
their length, displacement, influence on flow as well 
as grid orientation. Major faults can define the grid 
frame, while secondary faults may be incorporated 
in such a way that the hexahedral shape required by 
corner-point geometry is preserved.
Corner point geometry 
 Grid blocks in corner point geometry can 
have their eight corners individually specified 
as long as they lie on straight (possibly 
sloping) co-ordinate lines joining the top and 
the bottom of the grid. This flexibility allows 
curvlinear grids but may result in skewed 
grids and inaccurate flow calculations as 
seen in figure 2.4. Cell distortion therefore 
needs to be carefully controlled.
Upscaling of heterogeneity 
 Upscaling is the process of assigning coarse simulation 
grid properties from the knowledge of small-scale 
geological properties. An upscaled of homogenized 
coarse grid value represents the effective property of the 
corresponding heterogenous volume.
 Flow-based methods implement the following basic 
rule: find the permeability of the homogeneous 
medium that gives the same flux as the 
heterogenous medium under the same boundary 
conditions. Figure 4.2 shows the principle of the 
numerical experiment repeated for each simulation 
grid block and each direction: 
 Apply a pressure drop and numerical boundary conditions 
 Simulate fluid flow in the heterogenous volume 
 Sum the flux accross the system 
 Apply Darcy`s law to derive the effective permeability from 
the total flux and the pressure drop 
 Assign the effective permeability to the coarse grid block
 Analytical methods like the arithmetic-harmonic 
and harmonic-arithmetic averages 
can sometimes approximate the result from 
the flow-based methods, but in the general 
case, they cannot reach the same accuracy.
Defining the re-scaling process 
 In modeling software , re-scaling designates 
the process of copying a parameter from a 
3D grid into another using appropriate 
sampling and, if necessary, homogenisation 
methods. Here, we deal with upscaling, 
where the target (output) grid is normally 
coarser than the source (input) grid, and 
averaging methods should be carefully 
 Upscaling is performed from a finely gridded 3D representation 
of the geological model into a coarser 3D grid covering roughly 
the same volume. Fine cells contributing to each coarse block 
are determined by various sampling methods which have to be 
chosen after considering the alignment between the two corner-point 
grids. Upscaling is then performed sequentially on every 
coarse grid block. 
 The upscaling process can be composed of several upscalers or 
re-scalers is defined by a fine-scale parameter, an upscaling 
method and various attributes for sampling options and method-specific 
Weight parameter 
 Simple averaging methods, summation and 
discrete methods allow using a weight 
parameter. Drop any fine grid parameter to 
use for weigthing into the drop site. Use this 
for rock or pore volume weigting. 
 For the discrete method, the weights are 
added and the rock type obtaining the highest 
sum is assigned to the coarse block.
Sampling method 
 The sampling method determines how the 
fine computation grid is built and populated 
with geological parameters. This is an 
essential pre-processing step to the 
Direct sampling 
 This is the default method. The fine grid from which 
effective properties are derived is made from the 
geological grid blocks hving their centre inside the 
simulation grid block, as pictured in figure 4.11. This 
respects the resolution and orientation of the geological 
grid. Cells are either counted all in or all out, unless `Use 
volume fractions` is toggled on (available only for simple 
 Figure 4.12 shows how volume fractions can 
produce more accurate results for volumes.
 Re-sampling. The fine grid used to derive 
effective properties is a uniform sub-division 
of the simulation grid block. This is faster to 
compute but may not match the fine grid 
resolution and orientation. Figure 4.13 shows 
the principle.
Reservoir simulation videos
DDeeffiinniinngg aanndd ccaallccuullaattiinngg rreessoouurrcceess 
aanndd rreesseerrvveess 
 The total oil and gas estimated to have originally existed in the 
earth’s crust in naturally occurring accumulations is defined as 
original resources. 
 Original resources comprise discovered and undiscovered 
resources; in each of these, some are recoverable and some are 
 The discovered recoverable resources are referred to as ultimate 
reserves — cumulative production plus future production 
 The discovered unrecoverable resources are divided into 
contingent resources, which are technically recoverable but not 
economic, and unrecoverable resources, which are neither 
technically recoverable nor economic.
 The undiscovered future recoverable resources are simply future 
production and are referred to as prospective resources, which 
are technically recoverable and economic. The undiscovered 
unrecoverable resources are neither technically recoverable nor 
DDiissccoovveerreedd && uunnddiissccoovveerreedd 
DDeeffiinniittiioonnss ooff RReessoouurrcceess
OOrriiggiinnaall RReessoouurrcceess 
 Original resources are those quantities of oil and gas estimated 
to exist originally in naturally occurring accumulations. They 
are, therefore, those quantities estimated on a given date to be 
remaining in known accumulations plus those quantities already 
produced from known accumulations plus those quantities in 
accumulations yet to be discovered. Original resources are 
divided into discovered and undiscovered resources, with 
discovered resources limited to known accumulations.
DDiissccoovveerreedd RReessoouurrcceess 
 Discovered resources are those quantities of oil and gas 
estimated on a given date to be remaining in, plus those 
quantities already produced from, known accumulations. 
 Discovered resources are divided into economic and 
uneconomic categories, with the estimated future recoverable 
portion classified as reserves and contingent resources, 
 Those quantities of oil and gas anticipated to be economically 
recoverable from discovered resources are classified as 
 Estimated recoverable quantities from known accumulations that 
are not economic are classified as contingent resources. The 
definition of economic for an accumulation will vary according to 
local conditions of prices, costs, and operating circumstances 
and is left to the discretion of the country or company concerned.
 Nevertheless, reserves must be classified according to the 
definitions. In general, quantities must not be classified as 
reserves unless there is an expectation that the accumulation will 
be developed and placed on production within a reasonable 
 In certain circumstances, reserves can be assigned to known 
accumulations even though development might not occur for 
some time. For example, fields might be dedicated to a long-term 
supply contract and will only be developed when they are 
needed to satisfy that contract.
CCoonnttiinnggeenntt RReessoouurrcceess 
 Contingent resources are defined as those quantities of oil 
and gas estimated on a given date to be potentially 
recoverable from known accumulations but are not currently 
economic. Contingent resources include, for example, 
accumulations for which there is currently no viable market.
 Undiscovered resources are defined as those quantities of oil 
and gas estimated on a given date to be contained in 
accumulations yet to be discovered. The estimated potentially 
recoverable portion of undiscovered resources is classified as 
prospective resources. 
 Prospective resources are defined as those quantities of oil 
and gas estimated on a given date to be potentially recoverable 
from undiscovered accumulations. They are technically viable 
and economic to recover.
 Discovered and Undiscovered Unrecoverable Resources 
 Unrecoverable resources, whether discovered or undiscovered, 
are neither technically possible nor economic to produce. They 
represent quantities of petroleum that are in the reservoir after 
commercial production has ceased, and in known and unknown 
accumulations that are not deemed recoverable due to lack of 
technical and economic recovery processes.
 Resources Categories 
 Due to the high uncertainty in estimating resources, evaluations 
of these assets require some type of probabilistic method. 
Expected value concepts and decision tree analyses are routine; 
however, in high-risk, high-reward projects, Monte Carlo 
simulation can be used. In any event, three success cases plus 
a failure case should be included in the evaluation of the 
 Classification of Resources 
 When evaluating resources, in particular contingent and prospective 
resources, the following mutually exclusive categories are recommended: 
 Low Estimate: This is considered to be a conservative estimate of the 
quantity that will actually be recovered from the accumulation. If probabilistic 
methods are used, this term reflects a P90 confidence level. 
 Best Estimate: This is considered to be the best estimate of the quantity 
that will actually be recovered from the accumulation. If probabilistic 
methods are used, this term is a measure of central tendency of the 
uncertainty distribution (most likely/mode, P50/median, or 
arithmetic average/mean.) 
 High Estimate: This is considered to be an optimistic estimate of the 
quantity that will actually be recovered from the accumulation. If probabilistic 
methods are used, this term reflects a P10 confidence level.
DDeeffiinniittiioonnss ooff RReesseerrvveess 
 Reserves Categories 
 Reserves are estimated remaining quantities of oil and natural gas and 
related substances anticipated to be recoverable from known 
accumulations, from a given date forward, based on 
 analysis of drilling, geological, geophysical, and engineering data; 
 the use of established technology; 
 specified economic conditions, which are generally accepted as being reasonable, and shall 
be disclosed. 
 Reserves are classified according to the degree of certainty associated with 
the estimates 
 Proved Reserves 
 Proved reserves are those reserves that can be estimated with a high 
degree of certainty to be recoverable. It is likely that the actual remaining 
quantities recovered will exceed the estimated proved reserves.
 Probable Reserves 
 Probable reserves are those additional reserves that are less certain to be 
recovered than proved reserves. It is equally likely that the actual remaining 
quantities recovered will be greater or less than the sum of the estimated 
proved + probable reserves. 
 Possible Reserve 
 Possible reserves are those additional reserves that are less certain to be 
recovered than probable reserves. It is unlikely that the actual remaining 
quantities recovered will exceed the sum of the estimated proved + 
probable + possible reserves.
DDeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd PPrroodduuccttiioonn SSttaattuuss 
 Each of the reserves categories (proved, probable, and possible) may be 
divided into developed and undeveloped categories. 
 Developed Reserves 
 Developed reserves are those reserves that are expected to be recovered 
from existing wells and installed facilities or, if facilities have not been 
installed, that would involve a low expenditure (e.g., when compared to the 
cost of drilling a well) to put the reserves on production. The developed 
category may be subdivided into producing and non-producing. 
 Developed Producing Reserves 
 Developed producing reserves are those reserves that are expected to be 
recovered from completion intervals open at the time of the estimate. These 
reserves may be currently producing or, if shut in, they must have 
previously been on production, and the date of resumption of production 
must be known with reasonable certainty.
 Developed Non-Producing Reserves 
 Developed non-producing reserves are those reserves that either have not been 
on production, or have previously been on production, but are shut in, and the 
date of resumption of production is unknown. 
 Undeveloped Reserves 
 Undeveloped reserves are those reserves expected to be recovered from 
known accumulations where a significant expenditure (e.g., when compared to 
the cost of drilling a well) is required to render them capable of production. They 
must fully meet the requirements of the reserves classification (proved, 
probable, possible) to which they are assigned. 
 In multi-well pools, it may be appropriate to allocate total pool reserves between 
the developed and undeveloped categories or to subdivide the developed 
reserves for the pool between developed producing and developed non-producing. 
This allocation should be based on the estimator’s assessment as to 
the reserves that will be recovered from specific wells, facilities, and completion 
intervals in the pool and their respective development and production status.
 Levels of Certainty for Reported Reserves 
 Reported Reserves should target the following levels of certainty under a 
 specific set of economic conditions: 
 at least a 90 percent probability that the quantities actually recovered will equal or exceed the 
estimated proved reserves; 
 at least a 50 percent probability that the quantities actually recovered will equal or exceed the sum of 
the estimated proved + probable reserves; 
 at least a 10 percent probability that the quantities actually recovered will equal or exceed the sum of 
the estimated proved + probable + possible reserves.
 A quantitative measure of the certainty levels pertaining to estimates prepared 
for the various reserves categories is desirable to provide a clearer 
understanding of the associated risks and uncertainties. However, the majority 
of reserves estimates will be prepared using deterministic methods that do not 
provide a mathematically derived quantitative measure of probability. In 
principle, there should be no difference between estimates prepared using 
probabilistic or deterministic methods.
GGeenneerraall GGuuiiddeelliinneess ffoorr EEssttiimmaattiioonn 
ooff RReesseerrvveess 
 Uncertainty in Reserves Estimation 
 Reserves estimation has characteristics that are common to any measurement 
process that uses uncertain data. An understanding of statistical concepts and 
the associated terminology is essential to understanding the confidence 
associated with reserves definitions and categories. 
 Uncertainty in a reserves estimate arises from a combination of error and bias: 
 Error is inherent in the data that are used to estimate reserves. Note that the term “error” refers to 
limitations in the input data, not to a mistake in interpretation or application of the data. The 
procedures and concepts dealing with error lie within the realm of statistics and are well established. 
 Bias, which is a predisposition of the evaluator, has various sources that are not necessarily 
conscious or intentional.
 In the absence of bias, different qualified evaluators using the same information 
at the same time should produce reserves estimates that will not be materially 
different, particularly for the aggregate of a large number of estimates. The 
range within which these estimates should reasonably fall depends on the 
quantity and quality of the basic information, and the extent of analysis of the 
 Deterministic and Probabilistic Method 
 Reserves estimates may be prepared using either deterministic or probabilistic 
 Deterministic Method 
 The deterministic approach, which is the one most commonly employed 
worldwide, involves the selection of a single value for each parameter in the 
reserves calculation. The discrete value for each parameter is selected based 
on the estimator’s determination of the value that is most appropriate for the 
corresponding reserves category.
 Probabilistic Method 
 Probabilistic analysis involves describing the full range of possible values for 
each unknown parameter. This approach typically consists of employing 
computer software to perform repetitive calculations (e.g., Monte Carlo 
simulation) to generate the full range of possible outcomes and their associated 
probability of occurrence. 
 Comparison of Deterministic and Probabilistic Estimates 
 Deterministic and probabilistic methods are not distinct and separate. A 
deterministic estimate is a single value within a range of outcomes that could be 
derived by a probabilistic analysis. There should be no material difference 
between Reported Reserves estimates prepared using deterministic and 
probabilistic methods.
 Application of Guidelines to the Probabilistic Method 
 The following guidelines include criteria that provide specific limits to 
parameters for proved reserves estimates. For example, volumetric 
estimates are restricted by the lowest known hydrocarbon (LKH). Inclusion 
of such specific limits may conflict with standard probabilistic procedures, 
which require that input parameters honour the range of potential values. 
 Nonetheless, it is required that the guidelines be met regardless of analysis 
method. Accordingly, when probabilistic methods are used, constraints on 
input parameters may be required in certain instances. Alternatively, a 
deterministic check may be made in such instances to ensure that 
aggregate estimates prepared using probabilistic methods do not exceed 
those prepared using a deterministic approach including all appropriate 
GGeenneerraall RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss ffoorr 
CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn ooff RReesseerrvveess 
 Drilling Requirements 
 Proved, probable, or possible reserves may be assigned only to known 
accumulations that have been penetrated by a wellbore. Potential 
hydrocarbon accumulations that have not been penetrated by a wellbore 
may be classified as prospective resources. 
 Testing Requirements 
 Confirmation of commercial productivity of an accumulation by production or 
a formation test is required for classification of reserves as proved. In the 
absence of production or formation testing, probable and/or possible 
reserves may be assigned to an accumulation on the basis of well logs 
and/or core analysis that indicate that the zone is hydrocarbon bearing and 
is analogous to other reservoirs in the immediate area that have 
demonstrated commercial productivity by actual production or formation 
 Economic Requirements 
 Proved, probable, or possible reserves may be assigned only to 
those volumes that are economically recoverable. The fiscal 
conditions under which reserves estimates are prepared should 
generally be those which are considered to be a reasonable outlook 
on the future. If required by securities regulators or other agencies, 
constant or other prices and costs also may be used. In any event, 
the fiscal assumptions used in the preparation of reserves estimates 
must be disclosed. 
 Undeveloped recoverable volumes must have a sufficient return on 
investment to justify the associated capital expenditure in order to 
be classified as reserves, as opposed to contingent resources.
 Regulatory Considerations 
 In general, proved, probable, or possible reserves may be assigned 
only in instances where production or development of those 
reserves is not prohibited by governmental regulation. This 
provision would, for instance, preclude the assignment of reserves 
in designated environmentally sensitive areas. Reserves may be 
assigned in instances where regulatory restraints may be removed 
subject to satisfaction of minor conditions. In such cases, the 
classification of reserves as proved, probable, or possible should be 
made with consideration given to the risk associated with project 
PPrroocceedduurreess ffoorr EEssttiimmaattiioonn aanndd 
CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn ooff RReesseerrvveess 
 The process of reserves estimation falls into three broad categories: 
volumetric material balance, and decline analysis. Selection of the 
most appropriate reserves estimation procedures depends on the 
information that is available. Generally, the range of uncertainty 
associated with an estimate decreases and confidence level 
increases as more information becomes available, and when the 
estimate is supported by more than one estimation method.
 Volumetric Methods 
 Volumetric methods involve the calculation of reservoir rock volume, 
the hydrocarbons in place in that rock volume, and the estimation of 
the portion of the hydrocarbons in place that ultimately will be 
recovered. For various reservoir types at varied stages of 
development and depletion, the key unknown in volumetric reserves 
determinations may be rock volume, effective porosity, fluid 
saturation, or recovery factor. Important considerations affecting a 
volumetric reserves estimate are outlined below:
 Rock Volume: Rock volume may simply be determined as the 
product of a single well drainage area and wellbore net pay or by 
more complex geological mapping. Estimates must take into 
account geological characteristics, reservoir fluid properties, and the 
drainage area that could be expected from the well or wells. 
Consideration must be given to any limitations indicated by 
geological, geophysical data or interpretations, as well as pressure 
depletion or boundary conditions exhibited by test data.
 Elevation of Fluid Contacts: In the absence of data that clearly 
define fluid contacts, the structural interval for volumetric 
calculations of proved reserves should be restricted by the lowest 
known structural elevation of occurrence of hydrocarbons (LKH) as 
defined by well logs, core analyses, or formation testing. 
 Effective Porosity, Fluid Saturation and Other Reservoir 
Parameters: These are determined from logs and core and well test 
 Recovery Factor: Recovery factor is based on analysis of 
production behaviour from the subject reservoir, by analogy with 
other producing reservoirs and/or by engineering analysis. In 
estimating recovery factors, the evaluator must consider factors that 
influence recoveries, such as rock and fluid properties, 
hydrocarbons in place, drilling density, future changes in operating 
conditions, depletion mechanisms, and economic factors.
 Material Balance Methods 
 Material balance methods of reserves estimation involve the 
analysis of pressure behaviour as reservoir fluids are withdrawn, 
and generally result in more reliable reserves estimates than 
volumetric estimates. Reserves may be based on material balance 
calculations when sufficient production and pressure data are 
 Confident application of material balance methods requires 
knowledge of rock and fluid properties, aquifer characteristics, and 
accurate average reservoir pressures. In complex situations, such 
as those involving water influx, multi-phase behaviour, multi-layered, 
or low permeability reservoirs, material balance estimates 
alone may provide erroneous results.
 Computer reservoir modeling can be considered a sophisticated 
form of material balance analysis. While modeling can be a reliable 
predictor of reservoir behaviour, the input rock properties, reservoir 
geometry, and fluid properties are critical. 
 Evaluators must be aware of the limitations of predictive models 
when using these results for reserves estimation. 
 The portion of reserves estimated as proved, probable, or possible 
should reflect the quantity and quality of the available data and the 
confidence in the associated estimate.
 Production Decline Method 
 Production decline analysis methods of reserves estimation involve 
the analysis of production behaviour as reservoir fluids are 
withdrawn. Confident application of decline analysis methods 
requires a sufficient period of stable operating conditions after the 
wells in a reservoir have established drainage areas. In estimating 
reserves, evaluators must take into consideration factors affecting 
production decline behaviour, such as reservoir rock and fluid 
properties, transient versus stabilized flow, changes in operating 
conditions (both past and future), and depletion mechanism.
 Reserves may be assigned based on decline analysis when 
sufficient production data are available. The decline relationship 
used in projecting production should be supported by all available 
data. The portion of reserves estimated as proved, probable, or 
possible should reflect the confidence in the associated estimate.
 Future Drilling and Planned Enhanced Recovery Projects 
 The foregoing reserves estimation methodologies are 
applicable to recoveries from existing wells and enhanced 
recovery projects that have been demonstrated to be 
economically and technically successful in the subject 
reservoir by actual performance or a successful pilot. The 
following criteria should be considered when estimating 
incremental reserves associated with development drilling or 
implementation of enhanced recovery projects. In all 
instances, the probability of recovery of the associated 
reserves must meet the certainty criteria contained in 
previous section.
 Additional Reserves Related to Future Drilling 
 Additional reserves associated with future drilling in known 
accumulations may be assigned where economics support 
and regulations do not prohibit the drilling of the location. 
 Aside from the criteria stipulated in previous section, factors 
to be considered in classifying reserves estimates associated 
with future drilling as proved, probable, or possible include 
 whether the proposed location directly offsets existing wells or acreage 
with proved or probable reserves assigned, 
 the expected degree of geological continuity within the reservoir unit 
containing the reserves, 
 the likelihood that the location will be drilled
 In addition, where infill wells will be drilled and placed on 
production, the evaluator must quantify well interference 
effects, that portion of infill well recovery that represents 
accelerated production of developed reserves, and that 
portion that represents incremental recovery beyond those 
reserves recognized for the existing reservoir development.
 Reserves Related to Planned Enhanced Recovery Projects 
 Reserves that can be economically recovered through the future 
application of an established enhanced recovery method may be 
classified as follows. 
 Proved reserves may be assigned to planned enhanced recovery 
projects when the following criteria are met: 
 Repeated commercial success of the enhanced recovery process has been 
demonstrated in reservoirs in the area with analogous rock and fluid 
 The project is highly likely to be carried out in the near future. This may be 
demonstrated by factors such as the commitment of project funding. 
 Where required, either regulatory approvals have been obtained, or no 
regulatory impediments are expected, as clearly demonstrated by the 
approval of analogous projects.
 Probable reserves may be assigned when a planned enhanced 
recovery project does not meet the requirements for classification 
as proved; however, the following criteria are met: 
 The project can be shown to be practically and technically reasonable. 
 Commercial success of the enhanced recovery process has been demonstrated in 
reservoirs with analogous rock and fluid properties. 
 It is reasonably certain that the project will be implemented.
 Possible reserves may be assigned when a planned enhanced 
recovery project does not meet the requirements for classification 
as proved or probable; however, the following criteria are met: 
 The project can be shown to be practically and technically reasonable. 
 Commercial success of the enhanced recovery process has been demonstrated in 
reservoirs with analogous rock and fluid properties, but there remains some doubt 
that the process will be successful in the subject reservoir.
 Validation of Reserves Estimate 
 A practical method of validating and confirming that reserves estimates 
meet the definitions and guidelines is through periodic reserves 
reconciliation of both entity and aggregate estimates. The tests described 
below should be applied to the same entities or groups of entities over time, 
excluding revisions due to differing economic assumptions: 
 Revisions to proved reserves estimates should generally be positive as new 
information becomes available. 
 Revisions to proved + probable reserves estimates should generally be neutral as new 
information becomes available. 
 Revisions to proved + probable + possible estimates should generally be negative as 
new information becomes available. 
 These tests can be used to monitor whether procedures and practices employed are 
achieving results consistent with certainty criteria contained in previous section. In the 
event that the above tests are not satisfied on a consistent basis, appropriate 
adjustments should be made to evaluation procedures and practices.

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Reservoir modeling and characterization

  • 1. Reservoir modeling and characterization Sigve Hamilton Aspelund
  • 2. TThhee oorriiggiinnss ooff ooiill aanndd ggaass aanndd hhooww tthheeyy aarree ffoorrmmeedd  Kerogen is the lipid-rich part of organic matter that is insoluble in common organic solvents (lipids are the more waxy parts of animals and some plants). The extractable part is known as bitumen.  Kerogen is converted to bitumen during the maturation process. The amount of extractable bitumen is a measure of the maturity of a source rock.  Bitumen becomes petroleum during migration.  Petroleum is the liquid organic substance recovered in wells.
  • 3. The origins ooff ooiill aanndd ggaass aanndd hhooww tthheeyy aarree ffoorrmmeedd  Crude oil is the naturally occurring liquid form of petroleum.  Petroleum generation takes place as the breakdown of kerogen occurs with rising temperature.  Temperature and time are the most important factors affecting the breakdown of kerogen.
  • 4. TThhee oorriiggiinnss ooff ooiill aanndd ggaass aanndd hhooww tthheeyy aarree ffoorrmmeedd  As formation temperature rises on progressive burial an immature stage is succeeded by stages of oil generation, oil conversion to gas or cracking (to make a wet gas with significant amounts of liquids) and finally dry gas (i.e., no associated liquids) generation.
  • 5. CCoonnvveennttiioonnaall OOiill aanndd GGaass  Conventional oil is a mixture of mainly pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons recoverable at a well from an underground reservoir and liquid at atmospheric pressure and temperature. Unlike bitumen, conventional oil flows through a well without stimulation and through a pipeline without processing or dilution.  Conventional oil production is now in the final stages of depletion in most mature oil fields. There is a need to implement advanced methods of oil recovery to maximize the production and to extend the economic life of the oil fields.
  • 6. UUnnccoonnvveennttiioonnaall ooiill  Unconventional oil is petroleum produced or extracted using techniques other than the conventional (oil well) method.  Oil industries and governments across the globe are investing in unconventional oil sources due to the increasing scarcity of conventional oil reserves.  Although the depletion of such reserves is evident, unconventional oil production is a less efficient process and has greater environmental impacts than that of conventional oil production.
  • 7. SSoouurrcceess ooff uunnccoonnvveennttiioonnaall ooiill  According to the International Energy Agency's Oil Market Report unconventional oil includes the following sources:  Oil shales  Oil sands-based synthetic crudes and derivative products  Coal-based liquid supplies  Biomass-based liquid supplies  Liquids arising from chemical processing of natural gas[1]
  • 8. SSeeddiimmeennttaarryy bbaassiinnss aanndd tthhee ddyynnaammiicc nnaattuurree ooff EEaarrtthh’’ss ccrruusstt What are sedimentary basins?  Sedimentary basins are regions where considerable thicknesses of sediments have accumulated (in places up to 20 km).  Sedimentary basins are widespread both onshore and offshore. The way in which they form was a matter of considerable debate until the last 20 years.  The advance in our understanding during this very short period is mainly due to the efforts of the oil industry.
  • 9. Sedimentary basins aanndd tthhee ddyynnaammiicc nnaattuurree ooff EEaarrtthh’’ss ccrruusstt
  • 10. Sedimentary basins aanndd tthhee ddyynnaammiicc nnaattuurree ooff EEaarrtthh’’ss ccrruusstt  Basin classification schemes Extensional basins, strike-slip basins, flexural basins, basins associated with subduction zones, mystery basins. There are many different classification schemes for sedimentary basins but most are unwieldy and use rather spurious criteria . The most useful scheme (presented here) is very simple and is based on basin forming mechanisms. About 80% of the sedimentary basins on Earth have formed by extension of the plates (often termed lithospheric extension).
  • 11. Sedimentary basins aanndd tthhee ddyynnaammiicc nnaattuurree ooff EEaarrtthh’’ss ccrruusstt  Most of the remaining 20% of basins were formed by flexure of the plates beneath various forms of loading (this class will be covered in the next lecture). Pull-apart or strike-slip basins are relatively small and form in association with bends in strike-slip faults, such as the San Andreas Fault or the North Anatolian Fault. Only a very small number of basins still defy explanation, although we suspect that at least some of these have a thermal origin.
  • 12. SSeeddiimmeennttaarryy bbaassiinn  A depression in the crust of the Earth formed by plate tectonic activity in which sediments accumulate. Continued deposition can cause further depression or subsidence. Sedimentary basins, or simply basins, vary from bowl-shaped to elongated troughs. If rich hydrocarbon source rocks occur in combination with appropriate depth and duration of burial, hydrocarbon generation can occur within the basin.
  • 13. SSeeddiimmeennttaarryy  One of the three main classes of rock (igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary). Sedimentary rocks are formed at the Earth's surface through deposition of sediments derived from weathered rocks, biogenic activity or precipitation from solution. Clastic sedimentary rocks such as conglomerates, sandstones, siltstones and shales form as older rocks weather and erode, and their particles accumulate and lithify, or harden, as they are compacted and cemented. Biogenic sedimentary rocks form as a result of activity by organisms, including coral reefs that become limestone.
  • 14. SSeeddiimmeennttaarryy  Precipitates, such as the evaporite minerals halite (salt) and gypsum can form vast thicknesses of rock as seawater evaporates. Sedimentary rocks can include a wide variety of minerals, but quartz, feldspar, calcite, dolomite and evaporite group and clay group minerals are most common because of their greater stability at the Earth's surface than many minerals that comprise igneous and metamorphic rocks. Sedimentary rocks, unlike most igneous and metamorphic rocks, can contain fossils because they form at temperatures and pressures that do not obliterate fossil remnants.
  • 16. Concepts of ffiinniittee rreessoouurrcceess aanndd lliimmiittaattiioonnss oonn rreeccoovveerryy  The Hubbert peak theory posits that for any given geographical area, from an individual oil-producing region to the planet as a whole, the rate of petroleum production tends to follow a bell-shaped curve. It is one of the primary theories on peak oil.  Choosing a particular curve determines a point of maximum production based on discovery rates, production rates and cumulative production. Early in the curve (pre-peak), the production rate increases because of the discovery rate and the addition of infrastructure. Late in the curve (post-peak), production declines because of resource depletion.
  • 17.  The Hubbert peak theory is based on the observation that the amount of oil under the ground in any region is finite, therefore the rate of discovery which initially increases quickly must reach a maximum and decline. In the US, oil extraction followed the discovery curve after a time lag of 32 to 35 years.[1][2] The theory is named after American geophysicist M. King Hubbert, who created a method of modeling the production curve given an assumed ultimate recovery volume.
  • 18. MM.. KKiinngg HHuubbbbeerrtt''ss oorriiggiinnaall 11995566 pprreeddiiccttiioonn ooff wwoorrlldd ppeettrroolleeuumm pprroodduuccttiioonn rraatteess
  • 19. GGlloobbaall ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn ooff ffoossssiill ffuueellss aanndd OOPPEECC’’ss rreessoouurrccee eennddoowwmmeenntt  Reserves Around the World  While most of the known oil and gas reserves are held in the Middle East, they can be found in many places around the world, such as Australia, Italy, Malaysia and New Zealand. The leading petroleum producers include Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. Oil is also produced in Russia, Canada, China, Brazil, Norway, Mexico, Venezuela, Great Britain, Nigeria and the United States — chiefly Texas, California, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas and Alaska. Offshore reservoirs have been discovered in the North Sea, Africa, South America and the Gulf of Mexico.
  • 20. •• CCoommppoonneennttss tthhaatt ccoonnssttiittuuttee nnaattuurraall ggaass  Natural gas is a naturally occurring gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, typically with 0–20% higher hydrocarbons[1] (primarily ethane). It is found associated with other hydrocarbon fuel, in coal beds, as methane clathrates, and is an important fuel source and a major feedstock for fertilizers.  Most natural gas is created by two mechanisms: biogenic and thermogenic. Biogenic gas is created by methanogenic organisms in marshes, bogs, landfills, and shallow sediments. Deeper in the earth, at greater temperature and pressure, thermogenic gas is created from buried organic material.[2]  Before natural gas can be used as a fuel, it must undergo processing to remove almost all materials other than methane. The by-products of that processing include ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes, and higher molecular weight hydrocarbons, elemental sulfur, carbon dioxide , water vapor, and sometimes helium and nitrogen.  Natural gas is often informally referred to as simply gas, especially when compared to other energy sources such as oil or coal.
  • 21. UUsseess aanndd mmaarrkkeettss ffoorr ooiill aanndd ggaass  Who are the main consumers of oil?  Nearly two thirds of global crude oil production is consumed by the leading industrialised nations – i.e. the nations that make up the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development. But a rising share of oil demand is coming from the emerging market economies including China, Brazil, Russia and India.
  • 22. BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2012  For 61 years, the BP Statistical Review of World Energy has provided high-quality objective and globally consistent data on world energy markets. The review is one of the most widely respected and authoritative publications in the fi eld of energy economics, used for reference by the media, academia, world governments and energy companies. A new edition is published every June.
  • 23.
  • 24. Oil: Reserves to production
  • 25. Oil: Distribution of proved reserves
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  • 30. Crude oil prices 1861-2011
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  • 32.
  • 33. Gas: Reserves to production
  • 34. Gas: Distribution of proved reserves
  • 35. Gas: Production and consumption by region
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  • 39. AAnn iinnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo ppeettrroolleeuumm ggeeoollooggyy  Sedimentology  The great majority of hydrocarbon reserves worldwide occur in sedimentary rocks.  It is therefore vitally important to understand the nature and distribution of sediments as potential hydrocarbon source rocks and reservoirs. Two main groups of sedimentary rocks are of major importance as reservoirs, namely siltstones and sandstones (‘clastic’ sediments) and limestones and dolomites (‘carbonates’). Although carbonate rocks form the main reservoirs in certain parts of the world (e.g. in the Middle East, where a high proportion of the world’s giant oilfields are reservoired in carbonates), clastic rocks form the most significant reservoirs throughout most of the world.
  • 41. TTeexxttuurree iinn GGrraannuullaarr SSeeddiimmeennttss  The main textural components of granular rocks include:  grain size  grain sorting  packing  sediment fabric  grain morphology  grain surface texture
  • 46. SSaanndd aanndd ssaannddssttoonnee  Sands are defined as sediments with a mean grain size between 0.0625 and 2 mm which, on compaction and cementation will become sandstones. Sandstones form the bulk of clastic hydrocarbon reservoirs, as they commonly have high porosities and permeabilities.  Sandstones are classified on the basis of their composition (mineralogical content) and texture (matrix content). The most common grains in sandstones are quartz, feldspar and fragments of older rocks. These rock fragments may include fragments of igneous, metamorphic and older sedimentary rocks.
  • 47. CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn ooff ssaannddss aanndd ssaannddssttoonneess
  • 48. PPoorroossiittyy  Total porosity (φ) is defined as the volume of void (pore) space within a rock, expressed as a fraction or percentage of the total rock volume. It is a measure of a rock’s fluid storage capacity.  The effective porosity of a rock is defined as the ratio of the interconnected pore volume to the bulk volume  Microporosity (φm) consists of pores less than 0.5 microns in size, whereas pores greater than 0.5 microns form macroporosity (φM)
  • 49. PPeerrmmeeaabbiilliittyy  The permeability of a rock is a measure of its capacity to transmit a fluid under a potential gradient (pressure drop). The unit of permeability is the Darcy, which is defined by Darcy’s Law. The millidarcy (1/1000th Darcy) is generally used in core analysis.
  • 50. CCoonnttrroollss oonn PPoorroossiittyy aanndd PPeerrmmeeaabbiilliittyy  The porosity and permeability of the sedimentary rock depend on both the original texture of a sediment and its diagenetic history.
  • 51. GGrraaiinn ssiizzee  In theory, porosity is independent of grain size, as it is merely a measure of the proportion of pore space in the rock, not the size of the pores. In practice, however, porosity tends to increase with decreasing grain size for two reasons. Finer grains, especially clays, tend to have less regular shapes than coarser grains, and so are often less efficiently packed. Also, fine sediments are commonly better sorted than coarser sediments. Both of these factors result in higher porosities.  For example, clays can have primary porosities of 50%-85% and fine sand can have 48% porosity whereas the primary porosity of coarse sand rarely exceeds 40%.  Permeability decreases with decreasing grain size because the size of pores and pore throats will also be smaller, leading to increased grain surface drag effects.
  • 52. PPoorroossiittyy:: FFuunnccttiioonn ooff ggrraaiinn ssiizzee aanndd ssoorrttiinngg
  • 53.  Grain Shape  The more unequidimensional the grain shape, the greater the porosity  As permeability is a vector, rather than scalar property, grain shape will affect the anisotropy of the permeability. The more unequidimensional the grains, the more anisotropic the permeability tensor.  Packing  The closer the packing, the lower the porosity and permeability  Fabric  Rock fabric will have the greatest influence on porosity and permeability when the grains are non spherical (i.e. are either disc-like or rod-like). In these cases, the porosity and permeability of the sediment will decrease with increased alignment of the grains.  Grain Morphology and Surface Texture  The smoother the grain surface, the higher the permeability
  • 54. DDiiaaggeenneessiiss (( CCoommppaaccttiioonn,, CCeemmeennttaattiioonn))  Diagenesis is the totality of physical and chemical processes which occur after deposition of a sediment and during burial and which turn the sediment into a sedimentary rock. The majority of these processes, including compaction, cementation and the precipitation of authigenic clays, tend to reduce porosity and permeability, but others, such as grain or cement dissolution, may increase porosity and permeability. In general, porosity reduces exponentially with burial depth, but burial duration also an important criterion. Sediments that have spent a long time at great depths will tend to have lower porosities and permeabilities than those which have been rapidly buried.
  • 55. CChhaannggeess ooff ppoorroossiittyy wwiitthh bbuurriiaall ddeepptthh
  • 56. Reservoir Rock & Source Rock Types: Classification  Reservoir rock: A permeable subsurface rock that contains petroleum. Must be both porous and permeable.  Source rock: A sedimentary rock in which petroleum forms.
  • 57.  Reservoir rocks are dominantly sedimentary (sandstones and carbonates); however, highly fractured igneous and metamorphic rocks have been known to produce hydrocarbons, albeit on a much smaller scale  Source rocks are widely agreed to be sedimentary  The three sedimentary rock types most frequently encountered in oil fields are shales, sandstones and carbonates  Each of these rock types has a characteristic composition and texture that is a direct result of depositional environment and post-depositional (diagenetic) processes (i.e., cementation, etc.)  Understanding reservoir rock properties and their associated characteristics is crucial in developing a prospect
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  • 62. Shales: Source rocks and seals  Description  Distinctively dark-brown to black in color (occasionally a deep dark green), occasionally dark gray, with smooth lateral surfaces (normal to depositional direction)  Properties  Composed of clay and silt-sized particles  Clay particles are platy and orient themselves normal to induced stress (overburden); this contributes to shale`s characteristic permeability  Behave as excellent seals  Widely regarded to be the main source of hydrocarbons due to original composition being rich in organics  A weak rock highly susceptible to weathering and erosion
  • 63. • History: • Deposited on river floodplaing, deep oceans, lakes or lagoons • Occurrence: • The most abundant sedimentary rock (about 42%)
  • 64.
  • 65. Sandstones and Sandstone Reservoirs Description:  Composed of sand-sized particles (q.v., week 2 notes)  Recall that sandstones may contain textural features indicative of the environment in which they were deposited: ripple marks (alluvial/fluvial), cross-bedding (alluvial/fluvial or eolian), gradedbedding (turbidity current)  Typically light beige to tan in color; can also be dark brown to rusty red Classification: Sandstones can be further classified according to the abundance of grains of a particular chemical composition (i.e., common source rock); for example, an arkosic sanstone (usually abbreviated: ark. s.s.) is a sandstone largely composed of feldspar (feldspathic) grains….Can you recall which continental rock contains feldspar as one of its mineral constituents???  Sandstones composed of nearly all quartz grains are labeled quartz sandstones (usually abbreviated: qtz. s.s.) Properties:  Sandstone porosity is on the range of 10-30%  Intergranular porosity is largely determined by sorting (primary porosity)  Poorly indurated sandstones are referred to as fissile (easily disaggregated when scratched), whereas highly indurated sandstones can be very resistant to weathering and erosion
  • 66. Sandstone and sandstone reservoirs  History:  Sandstones are deposited in a number of different environments. These can include deserts (e.g., wind-blown sands, i.e., eolian), stream valleys (e.g., alluvial/fluvial), and coastal/transitional environments (e.g., beach sands, barrier islands, deltas, turbidites)  Because of the wide variety of depositional environments in which sandstones can be found, care should be taken to observe textural features (i.e., grading, cross-bedding, etc.) within the reservoir that may provide evidence of its original diagenetic environment  Knowing the depositional environment of the s.s. reservoir is especially important in determining reservoir geometry and in anticipating potentially underpressured (commonly found in channel sandstones) and overpressured reservoir conditions  Occurrence:  Are the second most abundant (about 37%) sedimentary rock type of the three (sanstones, shales, carbonates), the most common reservoir rock, and are the second highest producer (about 37%)  Geologic Symbol:  Dots or small circles randomly distributed; to include textural features, dots or circles may be drawn to reflect the observation (for example, cross-bedding)
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  • 68. Carbonate and carbonate reservoirs  Description  Grains (clasts) are laregly the skeletal or shell remains of shallow marine dwelling organisms, varying in size and shape, that either lived on the ocean bottom (benthic) or floated in water column (nerithic)  Many of these clasts can be identified by skilled paleontologists and micropaleontologists and can be used for correlative purposes or age range dating; also beneficial in establishing index fossils for marker beds used in regional stratigraphic correlations  Dolomites are a product of solution recrystallization of limestones  Usually light or dark gray, abundant fossil molds and casts, vuggy (vugular) porositity
  • 69.  Classification:  Divided into limestones (Calsium carbonate- CaCO3) and dolomites (Calcium magnesium carbonate – CaMg(CO3)2)  Limestones can be divided further into mudstones, wackenstones, packstones, grainstones and boundstones according to the limestones depositional texture
  • 70.  Properties:  Porosity is largely a result of dissolution and fracturing (secondary porosity)  Carbonates such as coquina are nearly 100% fossil fragments (largely primary porosity)  Are characteristically hard rocks, especially dolomite  Susceptible to dissolution weathering  History:  Limestone reservoirs owe their origin exclusively to shallow marine depositional environments (lagoons, atolls, etc)  Limestone formations slowly accumulate when the remains of calcareous shelly marine organisms (brachiopods, bivalves, foramaniferans) and coral and algae living in a shallow tropical environment settle to the ocean bottom  Over large geologic time scales these accumulations can grow to hundreds of feet thick (El Capitan, a Permian reef complex, in West Texas is over 600 ft thick)  Occurrence:  Are the least geologically abundant (about 21%) of the three (shales, sandstones, carbonates), but the highest producer (about 61.5%)  Geologic Symbol:  Limestone – layers of uniform rectangles, each layer offset from that above it.  Dolomite – layers of uniform rhomboids, each layer offset from that above it.
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  • 78. Geomodelling  Geologic modelling or Geomodelling is the applied science of creating computerized representations of portions of the Earth's crust based on geophysical and geological observations made on and below the Earth surface.
  • 79.  A Geomodel is the numerical equivalent of a three-dimensional geological map complemented by a description of physical quantities in the domain of interest. Geomodelling is related to the concept of Shared Earth Model which is a pluridisciplinary, interoperable and updatable knowledge base about the subsurface.
  • 80.  Geologic modelling is a relatively recent subdiscipline of geology which integrates structural geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, paleoclimatology and diagenesis
  • 81.  In 2 dimensions a geologic formation or unit is represented by a polygon, which can be bounded by faults, unconformities or by its lateral extent, or crop. In geological models a geological unit is bounded by 3-dimensional triangulated or gridded surfaces. The equivalent to the mapped polygon is the fully enclosed geological unit, using a triangulated mesh. For the purpose of property or fluid modelling these volumes can be separated further into an array of cells, often referred to as voxels (volumetric elements). These 3D grids are the equivalent to 2D grids used to express properties of single surfaces.
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  • 87. Geostatistics  Geostatistics is a branch of statistics focusing on spatial or spatiotemporal datasets. Developed originally to predict probability distributions of ore grades for mining operations, it is currently applied in diverse disciplines including petroleum geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, geochemistry, geometallurgy, geography, forestry, environmental control, landscape ecology, soil science, and agriculture (esp. in precision farming). Geostatistics is applied in varied branches of geography, particularly those involving the spread of diseases (epidemiology), the practice of commerce and military planning (logistics), and the development of efficient spatial networks. Geostatistical algorithms are incorporated in many places, including geographic information systems (GIS) and the R statistical environment.
  • 90.
  • 91. Stratigraphic modelling  Stratigraphic modelling has been long recognised as a method of presenting an organised picture of the unseen subterranean world. This has distinct advantages when trying to assess:  i. the extent of a resource (eg. oil, minerals, sand/aggregate, heavy minerals, groundwater); ii. geotechnical properties or; iii. environmental properties (eg. examine the spread of pollutants or potential pollutants).
  • 92. Stratigraphy  Stratigraphy is a branch of geology which studies rock layers and layering (stratification). It is primarily used in the study of sedimentary and layered volcanic rocks. Stratigraphy includes two related subfields: lithologic stratigraphy or lithostratigraphy, and biologic stratigraphy or biostratigraphy.
  • 94. Property modeling  Property modeling is one area where seismic data can be combined with other data such as well data to generate accurate and well-constrained reservoir models.
  • 95. Property modelling  2D property models are simple interpolations of the zone averages at the wells. This results in a lot of detail in the well data not being used, and very poor models of the vertical variability in the reservoir. Only by modelling in 3D can the use of the well data be maximised. 3D models also allow for the easier integration of other diverse data types. (e.g. seismic attributes).
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  • 97. Property & heterogeneity modelling  Property & heterogeneity modelling  The next step is to model the properties important to the reservoir description.  A full rante of deterministic & stocastic modelling techniques are available. The techniques used will depend on the data available & the project aims.  A simple approach would be simple 3D interpolation of reservoir petrophysics, conditioned to only well data.  A more advanced approach would be to first capture the large scale heterogeneity through facies modelling. After the reservoir architecture has been captured the smaller scale heterongeneity can be conditioned to this using a variety of petrophysical modelling techniques. 3D seismic attributes can also be used to guide the modelling.
  • 98.
  • 99. Structural modelling  Generating a hight quality structural framework is an essential first step in the 3D modelling workflow.  An integral part of structural modelling in modeling software is the construction of a fault model. This fault model can then be used to build 3D grids which honour both reservoir volumes and connectivity.
  • 100. Building a fault model Why build a fault model? Building a fauld model is not an essential part of the the modeling software 3D modelling workflow. There are however many reasons to consider the inclusion of a fault model:  Accurate volumes in faulted areas  Correct communications in 3D grid. Very important for any dynamic modelling.  Improved stratigraphic modelling  Generate fault segments (blocks) for further modelling control  Generate separation diagrams
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  • 103. Stratigraphic modelling  Stratigraphic modelling is the process of building the intermediate reservoir horizons based on the interpreted depth horizons and the thickness data. In modeling software a fault model can also be included in order to give a consistant faulted structural framework.
  • 104. Stratigraphic  Stratigraphic modelling is the process of building the intermediate reservoir horizons based on the interpreted depth horizons and thickness data. In modeling software a fault model can also be included in order to five a consistant faulted structural framework.
  • 105.  Terminology  Interpreted horizon:  A horizon derived from the seismic interpretation. Can be time or depth. Must have an interpreted depth horizon for stratigraphic modelling. The horizons can be created from raw data in modeling software or can be imported.
  • 106.  Stratigraphic modelling is the process of building the intermediate reservoir horizons based on the interpreted depth horizons and thickness data. In modeling software a fault model can also be included in order to give a consistant faulted structural framework.
  • 107.
  • 108. Stochastic Simulation  Stochastic simulation is a means for generating multiple equiprobable realizations of the property in question, rather than simply estimating the mean. Essentially, we are adding back in some noise to undo the smoothing effect of kriging. This possibly gives a better representation of the natural variability of the property in question and gives us a means for quantifying our uncertainty regarding what’s really down there. The two most commonly used forms of simulation for reservoir modeling applications are sequential Gaussian simulation for continuous variables like porosity and sequential indicator simulation for categorical variables like facies.The basic idea of sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS) is very simple. Recall that kriging gives us an estimate of both the mean and standard deviation of the variable at each grid node, meaning we can represent the variable at each grid node as a random variable following a normal (Gaussian) distribution. Rather than chooses the mean as the estimate at each node, SGS chooses a random deviate from this normal distribution, selected according to a uniform random number representing the probability level.
  • 109.
  • 110.  So, the basic steps in the SGS process are:  Generate a random path through the grid nodes  Visit the first node along the path and use kriging to estimate a mean and standard deviation for the variable at that node based on surrounding data values  Select a value at random from the corresponding normal distribution and set the variable value at that node to that number  Visit each successive node in the random path and repeat the process, including previously simulated nodes as data values in the kriging process  We use a random path to avoid artifacts induced by walking through the grid in a regular fashion. We include previously simulated grid nodes as “data” in order to preserve the proper covariance structure between the simulated values.  Sometimes SGS is implemented in a “multigrid” fashion, first simulating on a coarse grid (a subset of the fine grid – maybe every 10 th grid node) and then on the finer grid (maybe with an intermediate step or two) in order to reproduce large-scale semivariogram structures. Without this the “screening” effect of kriging quickly takes over as the simulation progresses and nodes get filled in, so that most nodes are conditioned only on nearby values, so that small-scale structure is reproduced better than largescale structure.
  • 111.
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  • 115. Typical Reservoir Modeling Workflow  Basically, work from large-scale structure to small-scale structure, and generally from more deterministic methods to more stochastic methods:  Establish large-scale geologic structure, for example, by deterministic interpolation of formation tops; this creates a sete of distinct zones  Within each zone, use SIS or some other discrete simulation technique (such as object-based simulation) to generate realizations of the facies distribution – the primary control on the porosity & permeability distributions  Within each facies, use SGS (or similar) to generate porosity distirubtion and then simulate permeability distribution conditional to porosity distribution, assuming there is some relationship between the two Porosity and facies simulations could be conditioned to other secondary data, such as seismic. Methods also exist for conditioning to well test and production data, but these are fairly elaborate and probably not in very common use as yet. More typical (maybe) to run flow simulations after the fact and rank realizations by comparison to historical production & well tests.
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  • 127. Simulation grid building principles  An optimum grid for reservoir simulation results from the compromise between the desired accuracy of fluid flow modeling and the available computing power. Many factors have to be considered.
  • 128. Optimized grid size  The final number of grid blocks is often dictated by the available computing power. A few hundred thousand blocks for black oil and only a few then thousand blocks for compositional simulation are standard. The grid block size must, however, allow a minimum number of grid blocks between wells, remain within the correlation length of hereogeneities if multi-phase upscaling is to be avoided, as well as maintain acceptable levels of numerical dispersion. For the best compromise, grid blocks should be fine in high flow areas (near wells, in high permeability regions, etc) and coarse elsewhere (eg below OWC)
  • 129. Flow-based orientation  Most reservoir simulators represent permeability as a diagonal tensor whose principal directions are parallel to the grid block`s median axes. Grids must therefore align with the main flow directions to avoid neglecting cross-flow. Faults, geological bodies (eg shale barriers), anisotropy and layering control the direction of flow. These should be reflected by the grid orientation. Ideally, layers should be parallel in the fine and the coarse grid. However, pinchouts increase simulation time.
  • 130. Hierarchical fault incorporation  Faults are key factors to reservoir connectivity. Incorporating them in a grid generates many non-neighbour connections which slow down the simulation. Their inclusion must be decided upon their length, displacement, influence on flow as well as grid orientation. Major faults can define the grid frame, while secondary faults may be incorporated in such a way that the hexahedral shape required by corner-point geometry is preserved.
  • 131. Corner point geometry  Grid blocks in corner point geometry can have their eight corners individually specified as long as they lie on straight (possibly sloping) co-ordinate lines joining the top and the bottom of the grid. This flexibility allows curvlinear grids but may result in skewed grids and inaccurate flow calculations as seen in figure 2.4. Cell distortion therefore needs to be carefully controlled.
  • 132. Upscaling of heterogeneity  Upscaling is the process of assigning coarse simulation grid properties from the knowledge of small-scale geological properties. An upscaled of homogenized coarse grid value represents the effective property of the corresponding heterogenous volume.
  • 133.  Flow-based methods implement the following basic rule: find the permeability of the homogeneous medium that gives the same flux as the heterogenous medium under the same boundary conditions. Figure 4.2 shows the principle of the numerical experiment repeated for each simulation grid block and each direction:  Apply a pressure drop and numerical boundary conditions  Simulate fluid flow in the heterogenous volume  Sum the flux accross the system  Apply Darcy`s law to derive the effective permeability from the total flux and the pressure drop  Assign the effective permeability to the coarse grid block
  • 134.  Analytical methods like the arithmetic-harmonic and harmonic-arithmetic averages can sometimes approximate the result from the flow-based methods, but in the general case, they cannot reach the same accuracy.
  • 135. Defining the re-scaling process  In modeling software , re-scaling designates the process of copying a parameter from a 3D grid into another using appropriate sampling and, if necessary, homogenisation methods. Here, we deal with upscaling, where the target (output) grid is normally coarser than the source (input) grid, and averaging methods should be carefully selected.
  • 136.  Upscaling is performed from a finely gridded 3D representation of the geological model into a coarser 3D grid covering roughly the same volume. Fine cells contributing to each coarse block are determined by various sampling methods which have to be chosen after considering the alignment between the two corner-point grids. Upscaling is then performed sequentially on every coarse grid block.  The upscaling process can be composed of several upscalers or re-scalers is defined by a fine-scale parameter, an upscaling method and various attributes for sampling options and method-specific settings.
  • 137. Weight parameter  Simple averaging methods, summation and discrete methods allow using a weight parameter. Drop any fine grid parameter to use for weigthing into the drop site. Use this for rock or pore volume weigting.  For the discrete method, the weights are added and the rock type obtaining the highest sum is assigned to the coarse block.
  • 138. Sampling method  The sampling method determines how the fine computation grid is built and populated with geological parameters. This is an essential pre-processing step to the upscaling.
  • 139. Direct sampling  This is the default method. The fine grid from which effective properties are derived is made from the geological grid blocks hving their centre inside the simulation grid block, as pictured in figure 4.11. This respects the resolution and orientation of the geological grid. Cells are either counted all in or all out, unless `Use volume fractions` is toggled on (available only for simple methods).
  • 140.  Figure 4.12 shows how volume fractions can produce more accurate results for volumes.
  • 141.  Re-sampling. The fine grid used to derive effective properties is a uniform sub-division of the simulation grid block. This is faster to compute but may not match the fine grid resolution and orientation. Figure 4.13 shows the principle.
  • 143.
  • 144. DDeeffiinniinngg aanndd ccaallccuullaattiinngg rreessoouurrcceess aanndd rreesseerrvveess  The total oil and gas estimated to have originally existed in the earth’s crust in naturally occurring accumulations is defined as original resources.  Original resources comprise discovered and undiscovered resources; in each of these, some are recoverable and some are unrecoverable.  The discovered recoverable resources are referred to as ultimate reserves — cumulative production plus future production (reserves).  The discovered unrecoverable resources are divided into contingent resources, which are technically recoverable but not economic, and unrecoverable resources, which are neither technically recoverable nor economic.
  • 145.  The undiscovered future recoverable resources are simply future production and are referred to as prospective resources, which are technically recoverable and economic. The undiscovered unrecoverable resources are neither technically recoverable nor economic
  • 148. OOrriiggiinnaall RReessoouurrcceess  Original resources are those quantities of oil and gas estimated to exist originally in naturally occurring accumulations. They are, therefore, those quantities estimated on a given date to be remaining in known accumulations plus those quantities already produced from known accumulations plus those quantities in accumulations yet to be discovered. Original resources are divided into discovered and undiscovered resources, with discovered resources limited to known accumulations.
  • 149. DDiissccoovveerreedd RReessoouurrcceess  Discovered resources are those quantities of oil and gas estimated on a given date to be remaining in, plus those quantities already produced from, known accumulations.  Discovered resources are divided into economic and uneconomic categories, with the estimated future recoverable portion classified as reserves and contingent resources, respectively.
  • 150. RReesseerrvveess  Those quantities of oil and gas anticipated to be economically recoverable from discovered resources are classified as reserves  Estimated recoverable quantities from known accumulations that are not economic are classified as contingent resources. The definition of economic for an accumulation will vary according to local conditions of prices, costs, and operating circumstances and is left to the discretion of the country or company concerned.
  • 151.  Nevertheless, reserves must be classified according to the definitions. In general, quantities must not be classified as reserves unless there is an expectation that the accumulation will be developed and placed on production within a reasonable timeframe.  In certain circumstances, reserves can be assigned to known accumulations even though development might not occur for some time. For example, fields might be dedicated to a long-term supply contract and will only be developed when they are needed to satisfy that contract.
  • 152. CCoonnttiinnggeenntt RReessoouurrcceess  Contingent resources are defined as those quantities of oil and gas estimated on a given date to be potentially recoverable from known accumulations but are not currently economic. Contingent resources include, for example, accumulations for which there is currently no viable market.
  • 153.  Undiscovered resources are defined as those quantities of oil and gas estimated on a given date to be contained in accumulations yet to be discovered. The estimated potentially recoverable portion of undiscovered resources is classified as prospective resources.  Prospective resources are defined as those quantities of oil and gas estimated on a given date to be potentially recoverable from undiscovered accumulations. They are technically viable and economic to recover.
  • 154.  Discovered and Undiscovered Unrecoverable Resources  Unrecoverable resources, whether discovered or undiscovered, are neither technically possible nor economic to produce. They represent quantities of petroleum that are in the reservoir after commercial production has ceased, and in known and unknown accumulations that are not deemed recoverable due to lack of technical and economic recovery processes.
  • 155.  Resources Categories  Due to the high uncertainty in estimating resources, evaluations of these assets require some type of probabilistic method. Expected value concepts and decision tree analyses are routine; however, in high-risk, high-reward projects, Monte Carlo simulation can be used. In any event, three success cases plus a failure case should be included in the evaluation of the resources.
  • 156.  Classification of Resources  When evaluating resources, in particular contingent and prospective resources, the following mutually exclusive categories are recommended:  Low Estimate: This is considered to be a conservative estimate of the quantity that will actually be recovered from the accumulation. If probabilistic methods are used, this term reflects a P90 confidence level.  Best Estimate: This is considered to be the best estimate of the quantity that will actually be recovered from the accumulation. If probabilistic methods are used, this term is a measure of central tendency of the uncertainty distribution (most likely/mode, P50/median, or arithmetic average/mean.)  High Estimate: This is considered to be an optimistic estimate of the quantity that will actually be recovered from the accumulation. If probabilistic methods are used, this term reflects a P10 confidence level.
  • 157. DDeeffiinniittiioonnss ooff RReesseerrvveess  Reserves Categories  Reserves are estimated remaining quantities of oil and natural gas and related substances anticipated to be recoverable from known accumulations, from a given date forward, based on  analysis of drilling, geological, geophysical, and engineering data;  the use of established technology;  specified economic conditions, which are generally accepted as being reasonable, and shall be disclosed.  Reserves are classified according to the degree of certainty associated with the estimates  Proved Reserves  Proved reserves are those reserves that can be estimated with a high degree of certainty to be recoverable. It is likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will exceed the estimated proved reserves.
  • 158.  Probable Reserves  Probable reserves are those additional reserves that are less certain to be recovered than proved reserves. It is equally likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will be greater or less than the sum of the estimated proved + probable reserves.  Possible Reserve  Possible reserves are those additional reserves that are less certain to be recovered than probable reserves. It is unlikely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will exceed the sum of the estimated proved + probable + possible reserves.
  • 159. DDeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd PPrroodduuccttiioonn SSttaattuuss  Each of the reserves categories (proved, probable, and possible) may be divided into developed and undeveloped categories.  Developed Reserves  Developed reserves are those reserves that are expected to be recovered from existing wells and installed facilities or, if facilities have not been installed, that would involve a low expenditure (e.g., when compared to the cost of drilling a well) to put the reserves on production. The developed category may be subdivided into producing and non-producing.  Developed Producing Reserves  Developed producing reserves are those reserves that are expected to be recovered from completion intervals open at the time of the estimate. These reserves may be currently producing or, if shut in, they must have previously been on production, and the date of resumption of production must be known with reasonable certainty.
  • 160.  Developed Non-Producing Reserves  Developed non-producing reserves are those reserves that either have not been on production, or have previously been on production, but are shut in, and the date of resumption of production is unknown.  Undeveloped Reserves  Undeveloped reserves are those reserves expected to be recovered from known accumulations where a significant expenditure (e.g., when compared to the cost of drilling a well) is required to render them capable of production. They must fully meet the requirements of the reserves classification (proved, probable, possible) to which they are assigned.  In multi-well pools, it may be appropriate to allocate total pool reserves between the developed and undeveloped categories or to subdivide the developed reserves for the pool between developed producing and developed non-producing. This allocation should be based on the estimator’s assessment as to the reserves that will be recovered from specific wells, facilities, and completion intervals in the pool and their respective development and production status.
  • 161.  Levels of Certainty for Reported Reserves  Reported Reserves should target the following levels of certainty under a  specific set of economic conditions:  at least a 90 percent probability that the quantities actually recovered will equal or exceed the estimated proved reserves;  at least a 50 percent probability that the quantities actually recovered will equal or exceed the sum of the estimated proved + probable reserves;  at least a 10 percent probability that the quantities actually recovered will equal or exceed the sum of the estimated proved + probable + possible reserves.
  • 162.  A quantitative measure of the certainty levels pertaining to estimates prepared for the various reserves categories is desirable to provide a clearer understanding of the associated risks and uncertainties. However, the majority of reserves estimates will be prepared using deterministic methods that do not provide a mathematically derived quantitative measure of probability. In principle, there should be no difference between estimates prepared using probabilistic or deterministic methods.
  • 163. GGeenneerraall GGuuiiddeelliinneess ffoorr EEssttiimmaattiioonn ooff RReesseerrvveess  Uncertainty in Reserves Estimation  Reserves estimation has characteristics that are common to any measurement process that uses uncertain data. An understanding of statistical concepts and the associated terminology is essential to understanding the confidence associated with reserves definitions and categories.  Uncertainty in a reserves estimate arises from a combination of error and bias:  Error is inherent in the data that are used to estimate reserves. Note that the term “error” refers to limitations in the input data, not to a mistake in interpretation or application of the data. The procedures and concepts dealing with error lie within the realm of statistics and are well established.  Bias, which is a predisposition of the evaluator, has various sources that are not necessarily conscious or intentional.
  • 164.  In the absence of bias, different qualified evaluators using the same information at the same time should produce reserves estimates that will not be materially different, particularly for the aggregate of a large number of estimates. The range within which these estimates should reasonably fall depends on the quantity and quality of the basic information, and the extent of analysis of the data
  • 165.  Deterministic and Probabilistic Method  Reserves estimates may be prepared using either deterministic or probabilistic methods.  Deterministic Method  The deterministic approach, which is the one most commonly employed worldwide, involves the selection of a single value for each parameter in the reserves calculation. The discrete value for each parameter is selected based on the estimator’s determination of the value that is most appropriate for the corresponding reserves category.
  • 166.  Probabilistic Method  Probabilistic analysis involves describing the full range of possible values for each unknown parameter. This approach typically consists of employing computer software to perform repetitive calculations (e.g., Monte Carlo simulation) to generate the full range of possible outcomes and their associated probability of occurrence.  Comparison of Deterministic and Probabilistic Estimates  Deterministic and probabilistic methods are not distinct and separate. A deterministic estimate is a single value within a range of outcomes that could be derived by a probabilistic analysis. There should be no material difference between Reported Reserves estimates prepared using deterministic and probabilistic methods.
  • 167.  Application of Guidelines to the Probabilistic Method  The following guidelines include criteria that provide specific limits to parameters for proved reserves estimates. For example, volumetric estimates are restricted by the lowest known hydrocarbon (LKH). Inclusion of such specific limits may conflict with standard probabilistic procedures, which require that input parameters honour the range of potential values.  Nonetheless, it is required that the guidelines be met regardless of analysis method. Accordingly, when probabilistic methods are used, constraints on input parameters may be required in certain instances. Alternatively, a deterministic check may be made in such instances to ensure that aggregate estimates prepared using probabilistic methods do not exceed those prepared using a deterministic approach including all appropriate constraints.
  • 168. GGeenneerraall RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss ffoorr CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn ooff RReesseerrvveess  Drilling Requirements  Proved, probable, or possible reserves may be assigned only to known accumulations that have been penetrated by a wellbore. Potential hydrocarbon accumulations that have not been penetrated by a wellbore may be classified as prospective resources.  Testing Requirements  Confirmation of commercial productivity of an accumulation by production or a formation test is required for classification of reserves as proved. In the absence of production or formation testing, probable and/or possible reserves may be assigned to an accumulation on the basis of well logs and/or core analysis that indicate that the zone is hydrocarbon bearing and is analogous to other reservoirs in the immediate area that have demonstrated commercial productivity by actual production or formation testing.
  • 169.  Economic Requirements  Proved, probable, or possible reserves may be assigned only to those volumes that are economically recoverable. The fiscal conditions under which reserves estimates are prepared should generally be those which are considered to be a reasonable outlook on the future. If required by securities regulators or other agencies, constant or other prices and costs also may be used. In any event, the fiscal assumptions used in the preparation of reserves estimates must be disclosed.  Undeveloped recoverable volumes must have a sufficient return on investment to justify the associated capital expenditure in order to be classified as reserves, as opposed to contingent resources.
  • 170.  Regulatory Considerations  In general, proved, probable, or possible reserves may be assigned only in instances where production or development of those reserves is not prohibited by governmental regulation. This provision would, for instance, preclude the assignment of reserves in designated environmentally sensitive areas. Reserves may be assigned in instances where regulatory restraints may be removed subject to satisfaction of minor conditions. In such cases, the classification of reserves as proved, probable, or possible should be made with consideration given to the risk associated with project approval.
  • 171. PPrroocceedduurreess ffoorr EEssttiimmaattiioonn aanndd CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn ooff RReesseerrvveess  The process of reserves estimation falls into three broad categories: volumetric material balance, and decline analysis. Selection of the most appropriate reserves estimation procedures depends on the information that is available. Generally, the range of uncertainty associated with an estimate decreases and confidence level increases as more information becomes available, and when the estimate is supported by more than one estimation method.
  • 172.  Volumetric Methods  Volumetric methods involve the calculation of reservoir rock volume, the hydrocarbons in place in that rock volume, and the estimation of the portion of the hydrocarbons in place that ultimately will be recovered. For various reservoir types at varied stages of development and depletion, the key unknown in volumetric reserves determinations may be rock volume, effective porosity, fluid saturation, or recovery factor. Important considerations affecting a volumetric reserves estimate are outlined below:
  • 173.  Rock Volume: Rock volume may simply be determined as the product of a single well drainage area and wellbore net pay or by more complex geological mapping. Estimates must take into account geological characteristics, reservoir fluid properties, and the drainage area that could be expected from the well or wells. Consideration must be given to any limitations indicated by geological, geophysical data or interpretations, as well as pressure depletion or boundary conditions exhibited by test data.
  • 174.  Elevation of Fluid Contacts: In the absence of data that clearly define fluid contacts, the structural interval for volumetric calculations of proved reserves should be restricted by the lowest known structural elevation of occurrence of hydrocarbons (LKH) as defined by well logs, core analyses, or formation testing.  Effective Porosity, Fluid Saturation and Other Reservoir Parameters: These are determined from logs and core and well test data.
  • 175.  Recovery Factor: Recovery factor is based on analysis of production behaviour from the subject reservoir, by analogy with other producing reservoirs and/or by engineering analysis. In estimating recovery factors, the evaluator must consider factors that influence recoveries, such as rock and fluid properties, hydrocarbons in place, drilling density, future changes in operating conditions, depletion mechanisms, and economic factors.
  • 176.  Material Balance Methods  Material balance methods of reserves estimation involve the analysis of pressure behaviour as reservoir fluids are withdrawn, and generally result in more reliable reserves estimates than volumetric estimates. Reserves may be based on material balance calculations when sufficient production and pressure data are available.  Confident application of material balance methods requires knowledge of rock and fluid properties, aquifer characteristics, and accurate average reservoir pressures. In complex situations, such as those involving water influx, multi-phase behaviour, multi-layered, or low permeability reservoirs, material balance estimates alone may provide erroneous results.
  • 177.  Computer reservoir modeling can be considered a sophisticated form of material balance analysis. While modeling can be a reliable predictor of reservoir behaviour, the input rock properties, reservoir geometry, and fluid properties are critical.  Evaluators must be aware of the limitations of predictive models when using these results for reserves estimation.  The portion of reserves estimated as proved, probable, or possible should reflect the quantity and quality of the available data and the confidence in the associated estimate.
  • 178.  Production Decline Method  Production decline analysis methods of reserves estimation involve the analysis of production behaviour as reservoir fluids are withdrawn. Confident application of decline analysis methods requires a sufficient period of stable operating conditions after the wells in a reservoir have established drainage areas. In estimating reserves, evaluators must take into consideration factors affecting production decline behaviour, such as reservoir rock and fluid properties, transient versus stabilized flow, changes in operating conditions (both past and future), and depletion mechanism.
  • 179.  Reserves may be assigned based on decline analysis when sufficient production data are available. The decline relationship used in projecting production should be supported by all available data. The portion of reserves estimated as proved, probable, or possible should reflect the confidence in the associated estimate.
  • 180.  Future Drilling and Planned Enhanced Recovery Projects  The foregoing reserves estimation methodologies are applicable to recoveries from existing wells and enhanced recovery projects that have been demonstrated to be economically and technically successful in the subject reservoir by actual performance or a successful pilot. The following criteria should be considered when estimating incremental reserves associated with development drilling or implementation of enhanced recovery projects. In all instances, the probability of recovery of the associated reserves must meet the certainty criteria contained in previous section.
  • 181.  Additional Reserves Related to Future Drilling  Additional reserves associated with future drilling in known accumulations may be assigned where economics support and regulations do not prohibit the drilling of the location.  Aside from the criteria stipulated in previous section, factors to be considered in classifying reserves estimates associated with future drilling as proved, probable, or possible include  whether the proposed location directly offsets existing wells or acreage with proved or probable reserves assigned,  the expected degree of geological continuity within the reservoir unit containing the reserves,  the likelihood that the location will be drilled
  • 182.  In addition, where infill wells will be drilled and placed on production, the evaluator must quantify well interference effects, that portion of infill well recovery that represents accelerated production of developed reserves, and that portion that represents incremental recovery beyond those reserves recognized for the existing reservoir development.
  • 183.  Reserves Related to Planned Enhanced Recovery Projects  Reserves that can be economically recovered through the future application of an established enhanced recovery method may be classified as follows.  Proved reserves may be assigned to planned enhanced recovery projects when the following criteria are met:  Repeated commercial success of the enhanced recovery process has been demonstrated in reservoirs in the area with analogous rock and fluid properties.  The project is highly likely to be carried out in the near future. This may be demonstrated by factors such as the commitment of project funding.  Where required, either regulatory approvals have been obtained, or no regulatory impediments are expected, as clearly demonstrated by the approval of analogous projects.
  • 184.  Probable reserves may be assigned when a planned enhanced recovery project does not meet the requirements for classification as proved; however, the following criteria are met:  The project can be shown to be practically and technically reasonable.  Commercial success of the enhanced recovery process has been demonstrated in reservoirs with analogous rock and fluid properties.  It is reasonably certain that the project will be implemented.
  • 185.  Possible reserves may be assigned when a planned enhanced recovery project does not meet the requirements for classification as proved or probable; however, the following criteria are met:  The project can be shown to be practically and technically reasonable.  Commercial success of the enhanced recovery process has been demonstrated in reservoirs with analogous rock and fluid properties, but there remains some doubt that the process will be successful in the subject reservoir.
  • 186.  Validation of Reserves Estimate  A practical method of validating and confirming that reserves estimates meet the definitions and guidelines is through periodic reserves reconciliation of both entity and aggregate estimates. The tests described below should be applied to the same entities or groups of entities over time, excluding revisions due to differing economic assumptions:  Revisions to proved reserves estimates should generally be positive as new information becomes available.  Revisions to proved + probable reserves estimates should generally be neutral as new information becomes available.  Revisions to proved + probable + possible estimates should generally be negative as new information becomes available.  These tests can be used to monitor whether procedures and practices employed are achieving results consistent with certainty criteria contained in previous section. In the event that the above tests are not satisfied on a consistent basis, appropriate adjustments should be made to evaluation procedures and practices.