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World History Summary
for Zoey and Kaya
Created by GrandBob
Summary Slides
from World History
including Patterns, Lessons, Trends, Questions
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This is a summary of World History for Zoey and Kaya
World Regions Map
Migration Out of Africa
<- Origin
Patterns, Lessons, Trends, Questions
Valuable References: Captivating History (188 Books) free with Kindle Unlimited
Many Valuable Videos from modern “Epimetheus” Greek Titan Epimetheus
with examples from Plagues, Civil Rights, and Pirates
Patterns and Lessons in History
One reason for studying history is to discover patterns that can be used to
understand currents events. A famous quote from philosopher George Santayana:
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
Pattern 3 Empires Collapse -> Smaller States
Western Roman Empire -> German States
Zhou Dynasty -> Warring States
Han Dynasty -> Three Kingdoms
Mongol Empire -> 4 Independent Khanat
Russian Empire -> Many Independent Countries
British India -> India, Pakistan, Bangladesh
Lesson 3: The collapse of empires doesn’t necessarily improve peoples lives
Pattern 1: Empires Rise, Grow Strong, Weaken, Collapse
Persian Empire

Roman Empire
Chinese Dynastie
Ottoman Empires
European Empires
Lesson 1 : Even the mightiest empires eventually fall
Pattern 2: Civil Wars are Common Bloody Conflicts
Roman Civil Wars
Many Rebellion in China
US Civil War (Confederate Rebellion)
Mexican Revolution
Communist Revolution in Russia
Communist Revolution in China
Lesson 2: Don’t rebel unless theris no alternative
Rebellion = Lost
Revolution = Won
Patterns in History (continued
One reason for studying history is to discover patterns that can be used to
understand currents events. A famous quote from American author
MarTwain:”History doesn’t repeat but it often rhymes”
Pattern 6: Religions go from many Gods -> One Holy Figure with demons, angels, saints, etc.
Roman Gods -> Christianity
Hinduism -> Buddhis
Chinese Traditional Gods -> Buddhism
Arabian Gods -> Islam
Lesson 6: Provides a sharper focus and simplifies messaging to believers
Pattern 5: Religions Split into Divergent Sects
Catholic vrs. Protestants
Sunni Muslims vs Shiite Muslims
Orthodox Jews vs Reform Jews
Shiva vs Vishnu Hindu Followers
Hinayana vs Mahayana Buddhists
Lesson 5: Religions are human creations
Pattern 4: Religions often are allied with Rulers
Roman Religions and Emperors
Islam and Caliphs
Buddhist Priest and Chinese Emperors
Shinto and Japanese Emperors
Catholic Priests and Kings
Lesson 4: Separation of church and state is a good idea
Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire
Patterns in History (continued)
One reason for studying history is to discover patterns that can be used to
understand currents events. A famous quote from philosopher Karl Marx: “History
repeats itself first as tragedy then as farce”
Pattern 7: Culture developers -> Successor Military Powers
Athens _> Macedonia
Greece -> Rome
Arabs -> Turks
China -> Japan
Europe -> US
Lesson 7: Cultural leadership doesn’t guarantee military success
Pattern 8: Philosophers influence Governments
Stoics and Rome
Confucius and China
Locke and US
Enlightenment and French Revolution
Marx and Russian Revolution
Lesson 8: Ideas are often powerful guidance or justifications for rulers
Pattern 9: Scientific Discoveries Change the World
Agriculture and Population Size
Compass and Navigation
Bronze/Gunpowder/Airplanes and Warfare
Printing Press and Literacy
Steam/Gasoline Engines and Industry/Transportation
Electricity and Lighting/Appliances
Telegraph/Telephone/Radio/TV/Internet and Communication
Computers/Robotics and Automation/Productivity
Genetics and Medicine/Biology
Lesson 9:It is important science and technology to predict future directions in society
Economic Depression
One reason for studying history is to discover patterns that can be used to
understand currents events. A famous quote from President Theodore Roosevelt:
"The more that you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future”
Pattern 10: Individuals from ordinary backgrounds with amazing accomplishments
Harry Potter and Luke Skywalker
Wu Zetian
Joan of Arc
Mahatma Gandi
Martin Luther
Martin Luther King
Thomas Edison
Lesson 10: Let individuals rise as high as their abilities take them
Patterns in History (continued)
Pattern 11: Individuals from ordinary backgrounds with bloody accomplishments
Attila the Hun
Genghis Khan
Mao Zedong
Lesson 12: Leaders need to be subject to constraints
Social Reactors Project in Boulder
We are developing a framework that:
• Frames all human settlements, from hunter-gatherer camps to
modern megacities, as concentrations of people, things,
energy and information in space and time, and subject to a
variety of constraints;
• Leads to quantitative predictions regarding relationships
between proxy measures of settlement population and a
variety of social, economic and infrastructural quantities;
• Dissolves the boundary between past and present by viewing
all human societies as evolving social and material networks;
• Accounts for the differences between settlements in terms of
a set of basic energetic, cultural and technological processes;
• Charts a course for expanding the comparative study of
settlements through history.
“”What lessons can people living today take from the successes and
failures of civilizations hundreds or thousands of years ago?”
Modern History
Another reason for studying history is to discover the roots of the
modern world we live in. Emma Watson said: “ I'm really interested
in modern history but in order to get a History degree, you need to
do modern and pre-modern”.
Key areas to understand include:
• The conflicts between Christian and Muslim civilizations
• The Early Scientific Revolution up to 1900
• The Industrial Revolution
• The Movement towards Democracy
• Rise and Fall of European Colonial Empires
• World War 1 and 2
• American History
• Asian History especially China
• History and Impact of Communism
• Human Impact on Earth bio and geo-systems
History Students
Questions on History
Albert Einstein said: “The important thing is never to stop questioning”.There
are many questions that arise when studying history outside patterns
Why do common people fight for their rulers in wars that kill many thousands ?
How does civilization progress while fighting constant wars?
Why are people so cruel to each other so often (slavery, slaughters, torture)?
Why do people believe in religions with many gods, angels, demons, and miracles?
Why do cultural customs get propagated so strongly across generations?
Why did the Mediterranean Bronze Age civilizations collapse?
Why has Muslim civilization not kept up with Europe?
Why did China give up its world leadership after 1500?
How did Britain create the leading world empire?
How have East Asian contries been able to modernize so quickly?
Some Examples of Trends in Modern History
Climate Change
Asian Rising Powers
Scientific Progress
Increasing Life Expectancy
Gene Editing
Cyber Society
Winston Churchill said ““The longer you look back, the farther you can look forward.”
Why Knowing History is Valuable (“Deja vu”)
Pattern: When a new situations occurs, was there a similar situation in the past?
Lessons: What can be learned from the previous situation?
Questions: Can these lessons be applied to the present situation?
Have there been changes requiring new actions?
Trends: What can be expected in the future given the current situation?
Knowing history helps you to understand the current world by seeing what
happened in the past. Specifically you can answer the following questions.
Patterns, Lessons, Trends, Questions
Valuable References: Captivating History (188 Books) free with Kindle Unlimited
Many Valuable Videos from modern “Epimetheus” Greek Titan Epimetheus
with examples from Plagues, Civil Rights, and Pirates
Plagues in History (Patterns, Lessons, Questions, Trends)
Major Plagues in the past have weakened empires (Antonine and Justinian Plagues for Roman
Empire), social structures (Black Death, Spanish Flu) and entire populations (Native Americans)
Bacterial epidemics have been reduced by antibiotics (Penicillin, Aureomycin). Viral
epidemics have been harder to control requiring vaccinations. Deaths from parasitic diseases
like Malaria have been reduced but not eliminated.
There will be more viral epidemics in the future as viruses migrate from animals. Bacteria
are developing resistance to antibiotics which could also produce future pandemics. Innovative
methods for reducing parasitic infections (genetic editing of mosquitoes) are being explored.
What can be done to prevent the start or reduce the spread of viral epidemics?
Predicting the Future Structural Demographic Forecast

History as a Science Hari Seldon Psychohistory
Simplistic Patterns in History
Farmers want good soil (river valleys, volcanic soil)
Hunter-Gatherers want naturally rich environments (woods, jungle)
Nomads want open environments (grass lands, tundra)
Developed Countries want resources (timber, coal, oil)
Nomads and Hunter-Gatherers don’t conflict
Nomads invade Farmers but don’t displace
Developed Countries isolate Hunter-Gatherers
Developed Countries colonize Farmers
Developed Countries conquer Nomads
Farmers displace Hunter-Gatherers
Developed Countries often fight each other over territories
Human society began as Hunter-Gatherers (deer, fruits)
Animal domestication (horses, cows) created Nomads
Plant domestication (wheat, rice, corn, potatoes) led to Farmers
Technology improvements led to Developed Countries
Population increase at each stage enabling stronger forces
Alternate Histories
One of the fun ways to study history is to speculate on alternate outcomes
and their possible impacts.
For example, what if the Caribbean Indians had killed Columbus and his crew in 1492?
Europeans probably would have decided that he perished at sea and not launched
cross Atlantic voyages for many years. This would have given the Aztecs and Incas time
to strengthen they empires and better resist invasions.
Some other alternate history questions include:
• What if Alexander the Great had not died young at 33?
• What if China had kept its large maritime fleet from the early 1400’s?
• What if England had defeated the American Revolution?
• What if Voldemort had killed Harry Potter?
• What if Hillary Clinton had won the presidential election?
• What if Archduke Ferdinand had not been assassinated in 1914?
• What if the dinosaur-destroying meteor had missed the Earth?
Alternate Histories of Germany (1848 - 2018)
Alternative Views about History
The current situation is stable and getting gradually better.
Past history never changes and should not be rewritten
The future is predictable. Advance preparation is possible
The current situation is unstable. Rapid change is necessary
History must be constantly rewritten based on changing times
The future is unpredictable. Advance preparation is limited
Parmenides (stability) and Heraclitus (change) had different perspectives on reality .
The statements below are not quotes but reflect these different perspective.
Wisdom: All of the above statements are partially false at
different times. The truth lies in between them. History is cyclic
and progressive?
Progressive Revolutionary Populist
Liberal Libertarian Skeptical
In My Life Events
1950’s US was prosperous
1961 Kennedy elected
1963 Kennedy assassinated
1960’s Civil Rights Movement
1965 -1972 Vietnam War Escalates
1960’s Antiwar and Counter-Cultural Movements
1974 Watergate. Nixon Resigns
1980 Reagan Elected. Inequality Increases
1989-1991 Soviet Union and East Germany collapse
1993 World Wide Web
2001 World Trade Center attack
2002-2003 Afghanistan and Iraq Wars
2008 Financial System Crashes
2008 Obama Elected
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
2016 Trump Elected
2020 Coronavirus
+1940’s Cold War. US vs Soviet Union
All + and - are subjective opinions
Pirates, Civil Rights, Plagues
Pirates: Patterns, Lessons, Questions, and Trends
History of Piracy
Piracy thrive when there are several states competing on trade routes and
no state strong enough to drive the pirates from the sea
Pirates are often poorer people who can't prosper on land
Preventing piracy requires a strong ruling power or better lives for poor people
Piracy is disappearing from Somalia where it was strongest for many years
East Asian
Modern Somalia
AmericanBarbaryHistoric Indian Ocean
Disney Pirate
Why and how does someone become a pirate?
Freedom Riders 1961
Martin Luther King 1963
In 1947, African-Americans were segregated from whites in sports, the Army, television,
schools, and housing. This was especially bad in the southern states (Confederacy) where
all public facilities were segregated.
Desegregation 1957
Civil Rights in US (Current Black Lives Matter)
Selma Voting Rights 1965 Riots after King's murder 1968
Birmingham 1963
Bus Boycott 1955
History of Civil Rights
Joan Baez
in 1963
Civil Rights in US (Patterns, Lessons, Questions, Trends)
In 1947, African-Americans were segregated from whites in sports, the Army, television,
schools, and housing. This was especially bad in the southern states (ex-slavery
Confederacy) where all public facilities were segregated.
1. An incident occurs that triggers anger and possibly rioting producing some change
The incident could be excessive force, assassination, or repressing peaceful demonstrations
2. Peaceful demonstrations occur without repression but not much change
Things change for the better slowly but the process is painful
There is a possibility for rapid change now since there seems to be a majority in favor of it.
If most people believe in equal treatment for all, why is it so hard to achieve ?
Science of Plagues in History: Current Covid-19
Partial Tree of Life
Viruses are not alive but
make other cells
reproduce them (pirates).
Viruses are the basis of
many epidemics and
hard to fight since they
are not alive (zombies)
Archaea are single cells that
don’t cause disease. Single
cells with nuclei came from the
merging of an Archaea and a
Bacteria cause many diseases
and are responsible for major
epidemics. In the 20th century
bacterial diseases were cured
by antibiotics
Malaria is caused by large
single cell parasites with a
Funghi have multiple cells but
are neither plant nor animal.
They cause less serious
problems such as athletes foot
Worms are multi-cell animals
that can invade the body and
can cause lingering problems
Amazingly human bodies have more
bacterial and virus cells than human
cells! These cells perform useful
functions in bodily processes
Scientists are studying all of the
microbes in the human body
called the Microbiome
Plagues in History (Current: Covid-19)
List of Plagues
Bubonic Plague
Bacteria Parasites
Malaria in AfricaBlack Plague (Bubonic)
Plague of Justinian
Antonine Plague
Native American
AfricaMultiple European epidemics
Multiple Global Pandemics
Sleeping Sickness
Chronic global pandemics
Chronic African pandemics
Russian Pandemic
Spanish Flu
Joan Baez
in 2020
Summary Overview Slides
The Fate of Empires
Stages of Human Societies
Gatherers Nomads Farmers Feudalism Capitalism
Power to
the best hunter.
Chief is leader
but not much
wealth available.
Power to the
best fighter.
Wealth comes
from raids.
Power to the
best farmer.
No extreme
Power to
No rights for
Power to
Some rights
for all.
Power shared
with all. Basic
services for all.
German philosopher Karl Marx’s
theory of society development.
Communism failed in the 20th Century.
Timeline of the Ancient World
Summary of World History (Early)
Civilization began in Southwest Asia (Sumeria, Babylon) around 3000 BC
Key was the invention of farming (wheat, cows) in river valleys (Tigris, Euphrates)
Egypt followed soon after with farming based on Nile river flooding
There were some Greek civilizations (Crete, Mycenae)
India (Indus river) and China (Yellow river) also developed agriculture very early
Indians adopted Hindu religion with many gods and Veda epics
Jewish religion introduced (one God)
These early civilizations were based on bronze
Nomads from central Asia invaded southwest Asia around 1200 BC
Civilization went through a long dark age followed a revival based on iron
Timeline of the Medieval World
Summary of World History (Middle)
Buddhist religion began in India and spread to China, Southeast Asia and Japan
The Persians established an empire in Southwest Asia
The Persians tried to conquer Greece and were defeated (crucial event) in 490 BC
The Greek cities (Athens, Miletus) became center of culture)
Macedonia conquered Greece and then Persia (Alexander) in 334 BC
India had a Maurya empire heavily influenced by the Greeks
Carthage (North Africa) and Rome (Europe) became the leading powers
Rome conquered Carthage (200 BC) and established the Roman Empire in Europe
Rome also controlled North Africa and Egypt
Persia and Germany remained independent. India traded with Rome by sea
China had a unified empire under the Han dynasty (200 BC - 200 AD)
China traded with Rome through the “Silk Road” through Central Asia
In North America, there was an Olmec civilization based on corn
Summary of World History (Middle) continued
The Roman Empire split into two parts, Eastern and Western
Romans adopted Christian religion
The Western Empire was overrun by the Germans (476 AD)
The Eastern Byzantine Empire (capital Constantinople) survived until 1453
Arabs inspired by the Muslim religion conquered Southwest Asia and North Africa (650 AD)
The Muslim religion spread as far as Indonesia, Spain, and sub-Saharan Africa
China had a new powerful Tang dynasty (600 - 900 AD)
Europe went through a dark age, dominated by feudal lords and the Holy Roman Empire
North America (Mexico) had two strong civilizations, Mayan and Teotihuacan
South America (Peru) had several small civilizations
The American civilizations had no contact with Eurasia groups (lacked iron and horses)
The richest areas in the world were China, India, and the Muslim areas
Summary of World History (Middle) continued
The Viking from Scandinavia raid European cities
The Mongols from East Asia conquered Central Asia, China, Persia, Baghdad, and Russia
The Mongols invaded Eastern Europe, Syria, Japan, Indonesia, and Vietnam
The Mongols brought Chinese inventions to the West (gun powder, compass, paper)
The Turks took over when the Mongols got weaker because of the Black Death and in-fighting
The Turks formed an Ottoman Empire in Turkey
India had several empires, The strongest was the Gupta empire (319 -543 AD)
India was divided by many languages and castes. Northern India was invaded by Muslims
In Southeast Asia, the Khmers (Cambodian) formed an empire (802 -1431 AD)
North America (Mexico) had a new strong group called the Toltecs who traded with the Mayans
Western Europe began to emerge from the Dark Ages
Timeline of the Modern World
Summary of World History (Modern)
The Ottoman Empire conquers Constantinope
The Mughal conquer India
The Chinese throw out the Mongols and form the Ming Dynasty
The Aztecs become the dominant power in Mexico
The Incas become the dominant power in South America
The Italians (Venice, Florence, Genoa, Rome) lead a Renaissance of culture
The Western Europeans discover the Americas and sail around Africa to India
The Spanish conquer Mexico and Peru. The Portuguese settle Brazil.
Europe has Protestant countries (English, Dutch) revolt against Catholicism
France and Germany have bloody wars between Catholics and Protestants
England, France, and Holland become dominant powers as Spain slips
England and France fight major wars won by England (India, North America)
China is conquered by Manchu dynasty from Manchuria
Summary of World History (Modern) continued
European powers bring Sub-Saharan Africans as slaves to harvest sugar to the Americas
United States revolt against England to become independent in 1776
The Southern states use slave to pick cotton and become very wealthy
The French Revolution results in the death of the king and war in Europe
Napoleon leads France to victory over kings before being defeated in Russia
The United States has a major civil war between North and South
Germany and Italy become unified nations in 1870
Japan starts to industrialize and become an Asian power
China has a revolution and overthrows emperor
World War 1 is fought between Allies and Central Powers (1914-1918)
Allies are England, France, US, and Italy. The Central Powers are Germany, Austria, and Turkey
Russia has a Communist revolution against Tsar because of terrible losses in the war (1917)
The Allies win the War. The Austrian-Hungarian Empire is split.
Italy’s government is seized by Fascists led by the dictator Mussolini
Summary of World History (Modern) continued
Germany has serious economic problems after the war (hyper-inflation, depression)
The World has a major depression starting in 1929
Germany’s government is given to Hitler due to fear of Communists
Japan invades Manchuria(1931) and then China (1937)
World War 2 starts when Hitler invades Poland
Hitler conquers France and then the rest of Europe except for England and Russia
Hitler invades Russia. Japans attacks US base at Pearl Harbor
Allies (US, England, Russia) win World War 2. US and Russia begin Cold War
Communist Chinese Revolution led by Mao Zedong conquers China
US fights a long losing war in Vietnam against local Communists
Communist government collapse in Eastern Europe and Russia (1989-1991)
US is attacked by Arab terrorists on Sept 9, 2001
US invades Afghanistan and Iraq (2002)
Corona Virus temporarily destroys world economy

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World History Summary for Zoey and Kaya

  • 1. World History Summary for Zoey and Kaya Created by GrandBob Muse Grandma
  • 2. Summary Slides from World History including Patterns, Lessons, Trends, Questions
  • 3. Many pictures and text have embedded links for more information Clickable links begin on next slide. This is a summary of World History for Zoey and Kaya
  • 5. Migration Out of Africa <- Origin
  • 6. Patterns, Lessons, Trends, Questions Valuable References: Captivating History (188 Books) free with Kindle Unlimited Many Valuable Videos from modern “Epimetheus” Greek Titan Epimetheus with examples from Plagues, Civil Rights, and Pirates
  • 7. Patterns and Lessons in History One reason for studying history is to discover patterns that can be used to understand currents events. A famous quote from philosopher George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" Pattern 3 Empires Collapse -> Smaller States Western Roman Empire -> German States Zhou Dynasty -> Warring States Han Dynasty -> Three Kingdoms Mongol Empire -> 4 Independent Khanat Russian Empire -> Many Independent Countries British India -> India, Pakistan, Bangladesh Lesson 3: The collapse of empires doesn’t necessarily improve peoples lives Pattern 1: Empires Rise, Grow Strong, Weaken, Collapse Persian Empire
 Roman Empire Chinese Dynastie Ottoman Empires European Empires Lesson 1 : Even the mightiest empires eventually fall Pattern 2: Civil Wars are Common Bloody Conflicts Roman Civil Wars Many Rebellion in China US Civil War (Confederate Rebellion) Mexican Revolution Communist Revolution in Russia Communist Revolution in China Lesson 2: Don’t rebel unless theris no alternative Rebellion = Lost Revolution = Won RUSSIA RUSSIA Invade? Napoleon Hitler
  • 8. Patterns in History (continued One reason for studying history is to discover patterns that can be used to understand currents events. A famous quote from American author MarTwain:”History doesn’t repeat but it often rhymes” Pattern 6: Religions go from many Gods -> One Holy Figure with demons, angels, saints, etc. Roman Gods -> Christianity Hinduism -> Buddhis Chinese Traditional Gods -> Buddhism Arabian Gods -> Islam Lesson 6: Provides a sharper focus and simplifies messaging to believers Pattern 5: Religions Split into Divergent Sects Catholic vrs. Protestants Sunni Muslims vs Shiite Muslims Orthodox Jews vs Reform Jews Shiva vs Vishnu Hindu Followers Hinayana vs Mahayana Buddhists Lesson 5: Religions are human creations Pattern 4: Religions often are allied with Rulers Roman Religions and Emperors Islam and Caliphs Buddhist Priest and Chinese Emperors Shinto and Japanese Emperors Catholic Priests and Kings Lesson 4: Separation of church and state is a good idea Augustus Charlemagne Roman Empire Holy Roman Empire
  • 9. Patterns in History (continued) One reason for studying history is to discover patterns that can be used to understand currents events. A famous quote from philosopher Karl Marx: “History repeats itself first as tragedy then as farce” Pattern 7: Culture developers -> Successor Military Powers Athens _> Macedonia Greece -> Rome Arabs -> Turks China -> Japan Europe -> US Lesson 7: Cultural leadership doesn’t guarantee military success Pattern 8: Philosophers influence Governments Stoics and Rome Confucius and China Locke and US Enlightenment and French Revolution Marx and Russian Revolution Lesson 8: Ideas are often powerful guidance or justifications for rulers Pattern 9: Scientific Discoveries Change the World Agriculture and Population Size Compass and Navigation Bronze/Gunpowder/Airplanes and Warfare Printing Press and Literacy Steam/Gasoline Engines and Industry/Transportation Electricity and Lighting/Appliances Telegraph/Telephone/Radio/TV/Internet and Communication Computers/Robotics and Automation/Productivity Genetics and Medicine/Biology Lesson 9:It is important science and technology to predict future directions in society Hoover Trump Economic Depression Tragedy Farce
  • 10. One reason for studying history is to discover patterns that can be used to understand currents events. A famous quote from President Theodore Roosevelt: "The more that you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future” Pattern 10: Individuals from ordinary backgrounds with amazing accomplishments Harry Potter and Luke Skywalker Homer Confucius Spartacus Wu Zetian Joan of Arc Mahatma Gandi Martin Luther Martin Luther King Thomas Edison Lesson 10: Let individuals rise as high as their abilities take them Patterns in History (continued) Pattern 11: Individuals from ordinary backgrounds with bloody accomplishments Attila the Hun Genghis Khan Tamerlane Napoleon Stalin Hitler Mao Zedong Lesson 12: Leaders need to be subject to constraints Roosevelt Statue
  • 11. Social Reactors Project in Boulder We are developing a framework that: • Frames all human settlements, from hunter-gatherer camps to modern megacities, as concentrations of people, things, energy and information in space and time, and subject to a variety of constraints; • Leads to quantitative predictions regarding relationships between proxy measures of settlement population and a variety of social, economic and infrastructural quantities; • Dissolves the boundary between past and present by viewing all human societies as evolving social and material networks; • Accounts for the differences between settlements in terms of a set of basic energetic, cultural and technological processes; • Charts a course for expanding the comparative study of settlements through history. “”What lessons can people living today take from the successes and failures of civilizations hundreds or thousands of years ago?”
  • 12. Modern History Another reason for studying history is to discover the roots of the modern world we live in. Emma Watson said: “ I'm really interested in modern history but in order to get a History degree, you need to do modern and pre-modern”. Key areas to understand include: • The conflicts between Christian and Muslim civilizations • The Early Scientific Revolution up to 1900 • The Industrial Revolution • The Movement towards Democracy • Rise and Fall of European Colonial Empires • World War 1 and 2 • American History • Asian History especially China • History and Impact of Communism • Human Impact on Earth bio and geo-systems History Students
  • 13. Questions on History Albert Einstein said: “The important thing is never to stop questioning”.There are many questions that arise when studying history outside patterns General: Why do common people fight for their rulers in wars that kill many thousands ? How does civilization progress while fighting constant wars? Why are people so cruel to each other so often (slavery, slaughters, torture)? Why do people believe in religions with many gods, angels, demons, and miracles? Why do cultural customs get propagated so strongly across generations? Questions? Specific: Why did the Mediterranean Bronze Age civilizations collapse? Why has Muslim civilization not kept up with Europe? Why did China give up its world leadership after 1500? How did Britain create the leading world empire? How have East Asian contries been able to modernize so quickly?
  • 14. Some Examples of Trends in Modern History Climate Change Overpopulation Pandemics Asian Rising Powers Scientific Progress Increasing Life Expectancy Robotics Gene Editing Cyber Society Winston Churchill said ““The longer you look back, the farther you can look forward.”
  • 15. Why Knowing History is Valuable (“Deja vu”) Pattern: When a new situations occurs, was there a similar situation in the past? Lessons: What can be learned from the previous situation? Questions: Can these lessons be applied to the present situation? Have there been changes requiring new actions? Trends: What can be expected in the future given the current situation? Knowing history helps you to understand the current world by seeing what happened in the past. Specifically you can answer the following questions.
  • 16. Patterns, Lessons, Trends, Questions Valuable References: Captivating History (188 Books) free with Kindle Unlimited Many Valuable Videos from modern “Epimetheus” Greek Titan Epimetheus with examples from Plagues, Civil Rights, and Pirates
  • 17. Plagues in History (Patterns, Lessons, Questions, Trends) Patterns: Major Plagues in the past have weakened empires (Antonine and Justinian Plagues for Roman Empire), social structures (Black Death, Spanish Flu) and entire populations (Native Americans) Lessons: Bacterial epidemics have been reduced by antibiotics (Penicillin, Aureomycin). Viral epidemics have been harder to control requiring vaccinations. Deaths from parasitic diseases like Malaria have been reduced but not eliminated. Trends: There will be more viral epidemics in the future as viruses migrate from animals. Bacteria are developing resistance to antibiotics which could also produce future pandemics. Innovative methods for reducing parasitic infections (genetic editing of mosquitoes) are being explored. Questions: What can be done to prevent the start or reduce the spread of viral epidemics? Predicting the Future Structural Demographic Forecast 
 History as a Science Hari Seldon Psychohistory
  • 18. Simplistic Patterns in History Farmers want good soil (river valleys, volcanic soil) Hunter-Gatherers want naturally rich environments (woods, jungle) Nomads want open environments (grass lands, tundra) Developed Countries want resources (timber, coal, oil) Nomads and Hunter-Gatherers don’t conflict Nomads invade Farmers but don’t displace Developed Countries isolate Hunter-Gatherers Developed Countries colonize Farmers Developed Countries conquer Nomads Farmers displace Hunter-Gatherers Developed Countries often fight each other over territories Human society began as Hunter-Gatherers (deer, fruits) Animal domestication (horses, cows) created Nomads Plant domestication (wheat, rice, corn, potatoes) led to Farmers Technology improvements led to Developed Countries Population increase at each stage enabling stronger forces
  • 19. Alternate Histories 255 One of the fun ways to study history is to speculate on alternate outcomes and their possible impacts. For example, what if the Caribbean Indians had killed Columbus and his crew in 1492? Europeans probably would have decided that he perished at sea and not launched cross Atlantic voyages for many years. This would have given the Aztecs and Incas time to strengthen they empires and better resist invasions. Some other alternate history questions include: • What if Alexander the Great had not died young at 33? • What if China had kept its large maritime fleet from the early 1400’s? • What if England had defeated the American Revolution? • What if Voldemort had killed Harry Potter? • What if Hillary Clinton had won the presidential election? • What if Archduke Ferdinand had not been assassinated in 1914? • What if the dinosaur-destroying meteor had missed the Earth? 289 Alternate Histories of Germany (1848 - 2018)
  • 20. Alternative Views about History The current situation is stable and getting gradually better. Past history never changes and should not be rewritten The future is predictable. Advance preparation is possible Parmenides Heraclitus The current situation is unstable. Rapid change is necessary History must be constantly rewritten based on changing times The future is unpredictable. Advance preparation is limited Parmenides (stability) and Heraclitus (change) had different perspectives on reality . The statements below are not quotes but reflect these different perspective. Conservative Reactionary Wisdom: All of the above statements are partially false at different times. The truth lies in between them. History is cyclic and progressive? Moderate Progressive Revolutionary Populist Liberal Libertarian Skeptical Zealot
  • 21. In My Life Events 1950’s US was prosperous 1961 Kennedy elected 1963 Kennedy assassinated 1960’s Civil Rights Movement 1965 -1972 Vietnam War Escalates 1960’s Antiwar and Counter-Cultural Movements 1974 Watergate. Nixon Resigns 1980 Reagan Elected. Inequality Increases 1989-1991 Soviet Union and East Germany collapse 1993 World Wide Web 2001 World Trade Center attack 2002-2003 Afghanistan and Iraq Wars 2008 Financial System Crashes 2008 Obama Elected 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis 2016 Trump Elected 2020 Coronavirus + +1940’s Cold War. US vs Soviet Union + + + + + + + - - - - - - - - - - All + and - are subjective opinions + - - - - - + - 178 -
  • 23. Pirates: Patterns, Lessons, Questions, and Trends History of Piracy Patterns: Piracy thrive when there are several states competing on trade routes and no state strong enough to drive the pirates from the sea Pirates are often poorer people who can't prosper on land Lesson: Preventing piracy requires a strong ruling power or better lives for poor people Trends Piracy is disappearing from Somalia where it was strongest for many years East Asian Caribbean Modern Somalia Mediterranean Canadian English AmericanBarbaryHistoric Indian Ocean Moon German Disney Pirate Japanese Chinese Questions: Why and how does someone become a pirate?
  • 24. Freedom Riders 1961 Martin Luther King 1963 In 1947, African-Americans were segregated from whites in sports, the Army, television, schools, and housing. This was especially bad in the southern states (Confederacy) where all public facilities were segregated. Desegregation 1957 Civil Rights in US (Current Black Lives Matter) Selma Voting Rights 1965 Riots after King's murder 1968 Birmingham 1963 Bus Boycott 1955 History of Civil Rights Joan Baez in 1963
  • 25. Civil Rights in US (Patterns, Lessons, Questions, Trends) In 1947, African-Americans were segregated from whites in sports, the Army, television, schools, and housing. This was especially bad in the southern states (ex-slavery Confederacy) where all public facilities were segregated. Patterns: 1. An incident occurs that triggers anger and possibly rioting producing some change The incident could be excessive force, assassination, or repressing peaceful demonstrations 2. Peaceful demonstrations occur without repression but not much change Lessons: Things change for the better slowly but the process is painful Trends: There is a possibility for rapid change now since there seems to be a majority in favor of it. Questions: If most people believe in equal treatment for all, why is it so hard to achieve ?
  • 26. Science of Plagues in History: Current Covid-19 Partial Tree of Life Parasite Cell Archaea Early Life Bacteria Funghi Worms Humans Virus Viruses are not alive but make other cells reproduce them (pirates). Viruses are the basis of many epidemics and hard to fight since they are not alive (zombies) Archaea are single cells that don’t cause disease. Single cells with nuclei came from the merging of an Archaea and a Bacteria Bacteria cause many diseases and are responsible for major epidemics. In the 20th century bacterial diseases were cured by antibiotics Malaria is caused by large single cell parasites with a nucleus Funghi have multiple cells but are neither plant nor animal. They cause less serious problems such as athletes foot Worms are multi-cell animals that can invade the body and can cause lingering problems Amazingly human bodies have more bacterial and virus cells than human cells! These cells perform useful functions in bodily processes Scientists are studying all of the microbes in the human body called the Microbiome
  • 27. Plagues in History (Current: Covid-19) List of Plagues HIV/AIDS Virus Smallpox Covid-19 Bubonic Plague Bacteria Parasites Malaria in AfricaBlack Plague (Bubonic) Virus Plague of Justinian Cholera Antonine Plague Native American US AfricaMultiple European epidemics Multiple Global Pandemics Malaria Sleeping Sickness Chronic global pandemics Chronic African pandemics Typhus Russian Pandemic Spanish Flu Joan Baez in 2020
  • 28. Summary Overview Slides The Fate of Empires
  • 29. Stages of Human Societies Hunters Gatherers Nomads Farmers Feudalism Capitalism Democratic Socialism Power to the best hunter. Chief is leader but not much wealth available. Power to the best fighter. Wealth comes from raids. Power to the best farmer. No extreme wealth. Power to aristocrats. No rights for peasants. Power to wealthiest. Some rights for all. Power shared with all. Basic services for all. German philosopher Karl Marx’s theory of society development. Communism failed in the 20th Century.
  • 31. Summary of World History (Early) From Civilization began in Southwest Asia (Sumeria, Babylon) around 3000 BC Key was the invention of farming (wheat, cows) in river valleys (Tigris, Euphrates) Egypt followed soon after with farming based on Nile river flooding There were some Greek civilizations (Crete, Mycenae) India (Indus river) and China (Yellow river) also developed agriculture very early Indians adopted Hindu religion with many gods and Veda epics Jewish religion introduced (one God) Bible These early civilizations were based on bronze Nomads from central Asia invaded southwest Asia around 1200 BC Civilization went through a long dark age followed a revival based on iron
  • 33. Summary of World History (Middle) From Buddhist religion began in India and spread to China, Southeast Asia and Japan The Persians established an empire in Southwest Asia The Persians tried to conquer Greece and were defeated (crucial event) in 490 BC The Greek cities (Athens, Miletus) became center of culture) Macedonia conquered Greece and then Persia (Alexander) in 334 BC India had a Maurya empire heavily influenced by the Greeks Carthage (North Africa) and Rome (Europe) became the leading powers Rome conquered Carthage (200 BC) and established the Roman Empire in Europe Rome also controlled North Africa and Egypt Persia and Germany remained independent. India traded with Rome by sea China had a unified empire under the Han dynasty (200 BC - 200 AD) China traded with Rome through the “Silk Road” through Central Asia In North America, there was an Olmec civilization based on corn
  • 34. Summary of World History (Middle) continued From The Roman Empire split into two parts, Eastern and Western Romans adopted Christian religion The Western Empire was overrun by the Germans (476 AD) The Eastern Byzantine Empire (capital Constantinople) survived until 1453 Arabs inspired by the Muslim religion conquered Southwest Asia and North Africa (650 AD) The Muslim religion spread as far as Indonesia, Spain, and sub-Saharan Africa China had a new powerful Tang dynasty (600 - 900 AD) Europe went through a dark age, dominated by feudal lords and the Holy Roman Empire North America (Mexico) had two strong civilizations, Mayan and Teotihuacan South America (Peru) had several small civilizations The American civilizations had no contact with Eurasia groups (lacked iron and horses) The richest areas in the world were China, India, and the Muslim areas
  • 35. Summary of World History (Middle) continued From The Viking from Scandinavia raid European cities The Mongols from East Asia conquered Central Asia, China, Persia, Baghdad, and Russia The Mongols invaded Eastern Europe, Syria, Japan, Indonesia, and Vietnam The Mongols brought Chinese inventions to the West (gun powder, compass, paper) The Turks took over when the Mongols got weaker because of the Black Death and in-fighting The Turks formed an Ottoman Empire in Turkey India had several empires, The strongest was the Gupta empire (319 -543 AD) India was divided by many languages and castes. Northern India was invaded by Muslims In Southeast Asia, the Khmers (Cambodian) formed an empire (802 -1431 AD) North America (Mexico) had a new strong group called the Toltecs who traded with the Mayans Western Europe began to emerge from the Dark Ages
  • 37. Summary of World History (Modern) From The Ottoman Empire conquers Constantinope The Mughal conquer India The Chinese throw out the Mongols and form the Ming Dynasty The Aztecs become the dominant power in Mexico The Incas become the dominant power in South America The Italians (Venice, Florence, Genoa, Rome) lead a Renaissance of culture The Western Europeans discover the Americas and sail around Africa to India The Spanish conquer Mexico and Peru. The Portuguese settle Brazil. Europe has Protestant countries (English, Dutch) revolt against Catholicism France and Germany have bloody wars between Catholics and Protestants England, France, and Holland become dominant powers as Spain slips England and France fight major wars won by England (India, North America) China is conquered by Manchu dynasty from Manchuria
  • 38. Summary of World History (Modern) continued From European powers bring Sub-Saharan Africans as slaves to harvest sugar to the Americas United States revolt against England to become independent in 1776 The Southern states use slave to pick cotton and become very wealthy The French Revolution results in the death of the king and war in Europe Napoleon leads France to victory over kings before being defeated in Russia The United States has a major civil war between North and South Germany and Italy become unified nations in 1870 Japan starts to industrialize and become an Asian power China has a revolution and overthrows emperor World War 1 is fought between Allies and Central Powers (1914-1918) Allies are England, France, US, and Italy. The Central Powers are Germany, Austria, and Turkey Russia has a Communist revolution against Tsar because of terrible losses in the war (1917) The Allies win the War. The Austrian-Hungarian Empire is split. Italy’s government is seized by Fascists led by the dictator Mussolini
  • 39. Summary of World History (Modern) continued From Germany has serious economic problems after the war (hyper-inflation, depression) The World has a major depression starting in 1929 Germany’s government is given to Hitler due to fear of Communists Japan invades Manchuria(1931) and then China (1937) World War 2 starts when Hitler invades Poland Hitler conquers France and then the rest of Europe except for England and Russia Hitler invades Russia. Japans attacks US base at Pearl Harbor Allies (US, England, Russia) win World War 2. US and Russia begin Cold War Communist Chinese Revolution led by Mao Zedong conquers China US fights a long losing war in Vietnam against local Communists Communist government collapse in Eastern Europe and Russia (1989-1991) US is attacked by Arab terrorists on Sept 9, 2001 US invades Afghanistan and Iraq (2002) Corona Virus temporarily destroys world economy