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defend your Single Page Application
Carlo Bonamico
Turin, 22/10/2015
About me
Speaker Bio
– passionate software developer since the C128 era
– PhD and research at the University of Genova / CNIT National TLC
Research Consortium
– exciting time at startup Eptamedia
– now a Solution Architect and Senior Trainer at NIS s.r.l.
between Italy and new London office
Current projects & interests
– training/mentoring teams on AngularJS, Web Security, Continuous
Integration & Delivery
– creating component-based Angular applications
– security reviews and assessments
Securing an html5 Single Page Application is not the same as protecting a typical
JEE/Rails/PHP/.NET webapp.
The industry-wide move towards HTML5 and Single Page Applications, motivated by the
opportunity for more sophisticated interaction and UX, is again upsetting the balance
between Hackers and Developers. A wave of new-generation front-end technologies,
including Angularjs, is attracting Developers with their combination of productivity and
innovative UX, but at the same time opens the door to new vulnerabilities and security
This talk will summarize the main principles of Secure Coding, and will discuss their
application to a typical angular HTML5 application with REST backend to prevent major
risks (including OWASP Top Ten).
A concrete example will demonstrate the use of tools and libraries, from RBAC to JWT,
from Spring Security to AngularJS directives for implementing secure HTML5/JS apps.
Evolution of Application Security
When I taught my first Web Application Security training
– most participants had never heard of SQL Injection and XSS
Thanks to many industry and community players (especially OWASP),
– not to mention many high-profile incidents,
things have started to change... Application Security
Ensuring Application
of the Information
it processes
Are we doing better?
It's 2015... we were promised flying cars... and what we got is...
See also
HTML5 Single Page Applications
Somewhat ill-defined term, but you know what I mean
– HTML templates, statically served
– client retrieves data from REST services / websockets
– views dynamically rendered on the client side
Definitely more powerful, interactive and mobile-friendly
that traditional request-response webapps
also more secure?
First problem
Spiderman's Uncle Ben version:
With great power comes great responsibility...
The Web Application Security version:
With great power come more holes and greater risks!
– increased Surface of Attack
Websockets, storage, apis...
– and once you penetrate the browser, you can do basically everything
and I mean it: calling APIs, install keyloggers, redirect user behaviour,
capture private data
“most attack were already possible...
but they are more powerful now”
Second problem
We are undergoing a wide architectural shift from
So many security assumptions do not hold true anymore!
ServerPOST params
HTML rendering
HTML templating
Business Logic
HTML rendering
HTML templating
Business Logic
The good side
The typical modern HTML5 application architecture has a single/main
it forces at the very least a basic degree of separation between UI
and business logic
– even more so with Angular, Ember, React
In our consulting/project/problem solving experience,
the single biggest cause of
– quality
– performance
– security
problems is....
The good side
The typical modern HTML5 application architecture has a single/main
it forces at the very least a basic degree of separation between UI
and business logic
– even more so with Angular, Ember, React
In our consulting/project/problem solving experience,
the single biggest cause of
– quality
– performance
– security
problems is.... the mixing & coupling of UI and business logic
There's hope...
If we properly understand the
new architectural paradigm,
we can turn it into an
Follow the principles
of secure coding
– Do not trust inputs
– Minimize attack surface area
(and window of opportunity)
– Establish secure defaults
– Principle of Least privilege
– Principle of Defense in depth
– Fail securely
– Don’t trust services
– Separation of duties (vs
– Avoid security by obscurity
– Keep security simple
– Fix security issues correctly
Top Ten Web Application Risks
– A1-Injection
– A2-Broken Authentication and Session Management
– A3-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
– A4-Insecure Direct Object References
– A5-Security Misconfiguration
– A6-Sensitive Data Exposure
– A7-Missing Function Level Access Control
– A8-Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
– A9-Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities
– A10-Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
What's different between Request/Response apps and HTML5/SPAs?
What changes with HTML5/SPAs?
RED → more critical ORANGE → different solution GREEN → easier
– A1-Injection → same problem, same solution
– A2-Broken Authentication and Session Management
– A3-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
– A4-Insecure Direct Object References
– A5-Security Misconfiguration
– A6-Sensitive Data Exposure
– A7-Missing Function Level Access Control
– A8-Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
– A9-Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities
– A10-Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
What changes with HTML5/SPAs?
RED → more critical ORANGE → different solution GREEN → easier
– A1-Injection → same problem, same solution
– A2-Broken Authentication and Session Management
– A3-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
– A4-Insecure Direct Object References
– A5-Security Misconfiguration
– A6-Sensitive Data Exposure
– A7-Missing Function Level Access Control
– A8-Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
– A9-Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities
– A10-Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
Today, we will focus on those!
A3-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
A3 - XSS
Cross-Site-Scripting means that attacker can insert custom js code
which is then displayed in the user browser
– stored (input js in a field → DB → sent back to the page)
– reflected (input js in the url, send the url to a user, js executed)
– DOM-based (input triggers js logic that manipulates the DOM and
insert custom js)
Remember: any external input is UNTRUSTED!
– so we must avoid mixing user input with js code
A3 – Preventing XSS
Looks easy: but HTML allows for multiple mixed execution contexts:
– JS within CSS within HTML within a frame of another HTML …
The proper solution is ESCAPING: encoding the data so that the
browser properly interprets it as plain text (and not js)
In a well designed SPA,
– clear inputs paths
REST service responses, user inputs, url bar, ...
– HTML generation through the framework templating engine
– so it is easier to intercept and escape outputs
A3 – Preventing XSS with Angular
Since 1.3, the HTML compiler will escape all {{}} & ng­bind by default
Be careful if you must include user-generated HTML (e.g. in rich text editors)
– take advantage of the services and directives
– ng­bind­html (from angular-sanitize)
print as is removing “script” tags (beware of img tags)
fully customizable with
–$sceProvider & $SanitizeProvider
Please note:
– escaping in the REST services is not always feasible/useful
– they can be consumed by mobile Apps and other clients
Most vulnerabilities are not so serious by themselves
– but became terrible if mixed
think Pepsi + Mentos
XSS is an enabler for
– phishing
– browser-based MITM
– session / auth token stealing
– sensitive data extraction
– img courtesy of
A5-Security Misconfiguration
A5 – Security misconfiguration
A single MITM (Man in the Middle) and your “done”
– as the attacker can put arbitrary code in your browser
– so,
Be careful with CORS
– Avoid Allow­Origin “*” unless you have very strong authentication
and authorization
Remember to tell the browser to enable stronger protection
– typically through headers such as CSP
Securing Headers
Java (Spring Security)
Test tools
– security headers online
A2-Broken Authentication & Session Management
What is Authentication
Verifying the user identity
– independently from his profile / authorizations
Several elements:
– where valid users are listed (Realm)
internal, file, DB, LDAP, Active Directory, SSO Server
– what info is used to establish user identity
one or more “factors”: username, password, OTP, certificate...
– how identity is checked the first time
login → credentials validation
– how identity is checked on subsequent requests
Traditional Request-Response Applications
e.g. JSP / ASP / PHP
– login page
– successful login creates a session
– protected pages accessed within the session
– data and access control filtered on the server side
often within views or controllers
POST Login Data
GET secured page
SESSIONID = 5 auth
5 true carlo,admi
Issues with Cookie + Session Authentication
Authentication requires
– checking credentials against a realm
– keeping auth in session state on the server
– sessionid sent in a cookie
– state replication in clustered servers vs sticky sessions
Single-Sign-On across servers?
– More complex scenarios are possible
e.g. SSO Server, like CAS
– typically cookie based →
all server must be in same domain
Cookies are sent
with ANY request
to the same domain
(including images)
Cookie-based authentication in Single Page
Can't SPA just do the same?
– login form POSTs to login service
– successful login creates a session and sets a cookie
– protected Pages & REST services accessed within the session
data and access control filtered … where ?
POST Login Data
GET secured JSON
5 true carlo,admi
nSESSIONID = 5 auth
Authentication vs Session Management
Cookie-based sessions are simple to implement
– not suited to stateless nature of REST services
Authentication vs Sessions
– They are two different things, although often used together
– REST services
tend to
be stateless
Unauthenticated Authenticated
Stateless Plain HTTP
e.g. Wikipedia
e.g. Google APIs
With Session Session cookies
e.g. Amazon
e.g. Intranet Apps
How to do stateless authentication?
Token-based Authentication
Login establishes a valid token
– each request must be presented with the token
– the server can check token validity at each request
POST Login Data
GET secured JSON
TOKEN = 5 token
no session!
Given a token
– how do you know which is the current user?
On the server
– how expensive it is to check the token at each request?
Can you share a token across services?
– can you validate it without connecting to a DB / SSO Server?
How do you create & validate Tokens?
Creating and Validating Tokens
Simplest way: checking them against a list of valid tokens
– in memory → similar to session-based auth
replication problems
– on a DB
easier clustering, must consider performance
– on an external server
SSO for free, must evaluate performance & complexity
JWT = encoded & signed Json object containing
– Access token
– Claims (custom: session, domain, username...)
– Expiration
– and Digital Signature! → verifiable with just the public key
Returned by login REST service
Sent as header at each request
–Authentication: bearer eyJhbGciO                 
Checked by REST backed at each request
– can also be used with websockets
“expiry”: ..
JWT in angular
Angular Library
Extensible hooks for
– storing and retrieving tokens on the client
Interceptors for
– retrieving tokens from server Response Headers
– optionally refresh tokens
– automatically sending tokens at each request
Robust and simple to use
bower install angular­jwt
Token-based Auth in AngularJs
REST endpoints
– /auth/login
Input parameters: credentials
Response: token
– /auth/logout
Input parameters: token
$http or $resource based Client Service
– login() logout() methods wrapping the above
– plus isAuthenticated() and possibly currentUser()
Token-based Auth in AngularJs
– Controller(s)
– LoginController
bound to Login form, calls service
– LogoutController
– AuthenticationController
IsAuthenticated, currentUser
Possibly, Directives
<menu showWhenAuthenticated=”true”>
Saving the token
In both cases, register a then() on the promise
$http(...).then(function(response) {
   currentToken.jwt = 
Store the token locally
If you need, parse it
tokenPayload = jwtHelper.decodeToken(jwt);
date = jwtHelper.getTokenExpirationDate(jwt);
bool = jwtHelper.isTokenExpired(jwt);
Sending the token at each request
Specify Token retrieval function
Config($httpProvider,jwtInterceptorProvider) {
     jwtInterceptorProvider.tokenGetter =    
['currentToken',   function(currentToken) {
return currentToken.jwt;
    //or return localStorage.getItem('id_token');
Register interceptor
Login endpoint
– validates credentials
– generates JWT
REST Service endpoints (or better interceptor)
– extract Token from Authentication: header
– validate it
– proceed with request processing
or return error 401
Full example
JWT in...
Plain Node: Auth0 library
Express: Express JWT
Passport - Modular Auth Framework for node.js
.NET - OWIN.Identity
Java - Spring Security
js/Integrating OAUTH with JWT
Were can we store / send the token?
in a cookie?
in a header?
Sending Tokens - Cookies vs Headers
– sent automatically
– no code required on the client
– sent automatically
– even when do not want
e.g. <IMG src= in email
– less control on validity
– stored on client disk
– sent only explicitely
– not stored on disk
– unless you want to
– more control
– also prevents CSRF
– require code on the client side
– but this is normal in SPAs
Token Storage vs Session Duration
In memory or sessionStorage
– works only on current tab
– automatically closed
In localStorage
– persistent
– work across multiple tabs
– requires explicit expiration
What else would we need?
what happens when the user is not logged in?
how to improve usability?
Routing support for Authentication &
Need to configure Routing for
– redirect to login if not authenticated
– redirect to login if token expired
– optionally, redirect back to original URL
– redirect to error page if route not authorized in the current profile
Difficult to do in the default ngRoute
– Possible in ui-router
Way easier in angular-new-router
A7-Missing Function Level Access Control
Typical Server side application
Authorization is verified
– in controllers
if (user.hasRole(“admin”) == true)
– through filters / interceptors
– in views
<hasRole role=”admin”> or <if (...)>
confidential info
Client Browser only receives content it has rights to
– (roughly) works even if security checks are “spaghetti code” in the
JSP/ASP/PHP templates
And in a SPA?
Would this be secure?
In users-view.html
<button ng­if=”authCtrl.isAdmin” 
or this?
<section ng­if=”authCtrl.isAdmin” >
Just press F12
and modify the HTML / JS
or even the DOM in the developer tools
or just send HTTP requests directly to the backend
Security is up to the server
Even in SPAs, Authorization is still up to the server:
Security controls
– checking authentication state
– checking profile and inferring permissions
– enabling privileged actions
– filtering confidential data
MUST be performed on the server
– in the REST / websocket endpoints
– locally in each service, or via filters/interceptors
Also, the same rule applies to input validation
Usability is up to the client
But letting the user click on the button, invoking the service, and
only then displaying an error is not user friendly
UX is up to the client
– Front-End should have enough info to disable/hide the button
if the user is not authorized to click it
retrieve the permissions list from a REST service at logon
E.g. Permission check directives for Angular
<button ng­click=”postCtrl.delete()” 
permissions for Role-Based Access Control
Server-side authorization checks
So, in each server endpoint, you should check
– valid authentication
– valid authorization profile which includes privileges for the
currently requested action / data
Example Blog application
if (subject.hasRole(“admin”))
//enable delete post
if (subject.hasRole(“editor”))
//enable modification of post
//only read data
What are
the problems
with this code?
What if the rules change?
What if an auditor asks about
what an “editor” can do?
Real-world cases tend to be more complex!
Role Based Access Control
Separating Role definition from Permission check
– In each service / action, code checks that the user has the relevant
if (subject.hasPermission(“deletePost”))
– Role Definition lists all the permissions
–Admin   detelePost, updatePost, readPost→
–anonymous   readPost→
Authorization system maps user/groups to list of roles
– and computes the “merged” set of permissions active for the valid user
user is both Admin & Editor
Permissions are
–changeSettings, deleteUser, addUser, deletePost, 
Hierarchical permission system
2-level: User → Role → Permissions
3-level: User → Groups → Roles → Permissions
Wildcard Permissions
– blog:deletePost
– blog:readPost
– blog:* means both
blog:readPost:12 → entity level permission
blog:readPost:* on all entities
see Apache Shiro
Permission check is
– focused, readable
– easy to implement
– easy to test
– rarely changes
Role definition is
– centralized
– easy to review
– easy to change
– as it tends to change often
Secure Design Principle
all parts of the system
need to perform security
security check
should be centralized and
not “spread” in the system
RBAC in a Single Page Application
Server-side Ingredients:
– Profile definition mapping Roles to Permissions
static file
db table
possibly cached
Identity server (e.g. OpenAM)
– API for checking permissions
Normally, some of this information is cached to ensure minimal
performance penalty
Usable Secure UI in AngularJS
– /authorization/profile/current REST endpoint
returns a Json
current user roles
merged list of all active permissions
On the Client
– Client Service wrapping the above
– Authorization/ProfileService storing the permission list
hasPermission(p) method
Call the service from
– Controller methods
– Routing callbacks
A9-Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities
Component Security
The code we write
The code which actually runs in our application
– libraries and components
Checking dependecies for vulns
On the client side
npm install ­g retire ; retire –path src
– also available as ZAP & mvn plugin
mvn com.h3xstream.retirejs:retirejs­maven­
On the server side
– OWASP Dependency Check
dependency­ ­­app Testing ­­out . ­­scan 
[path to jar files to be scanned]
mvn org.owasp:dependency­check­maven
@YourTwitterHandle#DVXFR14{session hashtag} @carlobonamico#angularconf15
But isn't all that unnecessary complexity
slowing down development of my critical project?
A final word
People tend to view Security as “overhead”, not adding value to the project
The reality:
– if you know what to pay attention to, minimal additional costs
– also, in most cases, adding security just means following good design principles
if you separate well concerns, adding security is easy
– favor clarity of intent and code readability
– favor composition over inheritance
– test, test, test!
incorporate security checks in your tests
This lets software adapt more easily to both requirements & security changes
– easier to evolve incrementally & validating each step → see Continuous
Owasp Secure Coding Principles
OWASP Testing Guide
SOLID Design Principles
HTML5 Security
Attack Vectors & Vulnerabilities
OWASP Guidelines
JS Frameworks Security
Thank You for your attention
– attend our Web Application Security / Angular trainings
– engage us for Design/Code Reviews, Vulnerability Assessments &
team mentoring
Follow us on twitter
– @nis_srl @carlobonamico
updates on Security, AngularJS, Continuous Delivery
Contact me
– /

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AngularJS Security: defend your Single Page Application

  • 1. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 ANGULARJS SECURITY: defend your Single Page Application Carlo Bonamico @carlobonamico Turin, 22/10/2015
  • 2. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 About me Speaker Bio – passionate software developer since the C128 era – PhD and research at the University of Genova / CNIT National TLC Research Consortium – exciting time at startup Eptamedia – now a Solution Architect and Senior Trainer at NIS s.r.l.  between Italy and new London office Current projects & interests – training/mentoring teams on AngularJS, Web Security, Continuous Integration & Delivery – creating component-based Angular applications – security reviews and assessments
  • 3. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Abstract Securing an html5 Single Page Application is not the same as protecting a typical JEE/Rails/PHP/.NET webapp. The industry-wide move towards HTML5 and Single Page Applications, motivated by the opportunity for more sophisticated interaction and UX, is again upsetting the balance between Hackers and Developers. A wave of new-generation front-end technologies, including Angularjs, is attracting Developers with their combination of productivity and innovative UX, but at the same time opens the door to new vulnerabilities and security challenges. This talk will summarize the main principles of Secure Coding, and will discuss their application to a typical angular HTML5 application with REST backend to prevent major risks (including OWASP Top Ten). A concrete example will demonstrate the use of tools and libraries, from RBAC to JWT, from Spring Security to AngularJS directives for implementing secure HTML5/JS apps.
  • 4. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Evolution of Application Security When I taught my first Web Application Security training – most participants had never heard of SQL Injection and XSS Thanks to many industry and community players (especially OWASP), – not to mention many high-profile incidents, things have started to change... Application Security Ensuring Application guarantees •Confidentiality •Integrity •Availability •Accountability of the Information it processes
  • 5. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Are we doing better? It's 2015... we were promised flying cars... and what we got is... See also – –
  • 6. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 HTML5 Single Page Applications Somewhat ill-defined term, but you know what I mean – HTML templates, statically served – client retrieves data from REST services / websockets – views dynamically rendered on the client side Definitely more powerful, interactive and mobile-friendly that traditional request-response webapps also more secure?
  • 7. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 First problem Spiderman's Uncle Ben version: With great power comes great responsibility... The Web Application Security version: With great power come more holes and greater risks! – increased Surface of Attack  Websockets, storage, apis... – – – and once you penetrate the browser, you can do basically everything  and I mean it: calling APIs, install keyloggers, redirect user behaviour, capture private data –  “most attack were already possible... but they are more powerful now”
  • 8. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Second problem We are undergoing a wide architectural shift from To So many security assumptions do not hold true anymore! ServerPOST params HTML Browser Form-based input HTML rendering HTML templating Controllers, Interaction Logic Business Logic Server POST JSON JSON Browser HTML rendering HTML templating Business Logic Interaction Logic REST endpoints
  • 9. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 The good side The typical modern HTML5 application architecture has a single/main advantage: it forces at the very least a basic degree of separation between UI and business logic – even more so with Angular, Ember, React In our consulting/project/problem solving experience, the single biggest cause of – quality – performance – security problems is....
  • 10. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 The good side The typical modern HTML5 application architecture has a single/main advantage: it forces at the very least a basic degree of separation between UI and business logic – even more so with Angular, Ember, React In our consulting/project/problem solving experience, the single biggest cause of – quality – performance – security problems is.... the mixing & coupling of UI and business logic
  • 11. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 There's hope... If we properly understand the new architectural paradigm, we can turn it into an advantage Follow the principles of secure coding – Do not trust inputs – Minimize attack surface area (and window of opportunity) – Establish secure defaults – Principle of Least privilege – Principle of Defense in depth – Fail securely – Don’t trust services – Separation of duties (vs configuration) – Avoid security by obscurity – Keep security simple – Fix security issues correctly
  • 12. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Top Ten Web Application Risks – A1-Injection – A2-Broken Authentication and Session Management – A3-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) – A4-Insecure Direct Object References – A5-Security Misconfiguration – A6-Sensitive Data Exposure – A7-Missing Function Level Access Control – A8-Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) – A9-Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities – A10-Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards What's different between Request/Response apps and HTML5/SPAs?
  • 13. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 What changes with HTML5/SPAs? RED → more critical ORANGE → different solution GREEN → easier – A1-Injection → same problem, same solution – A2-Broken Authentication and Session Management – A3-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) – A4-Insecure Direct Object References – A5-Security Misconfiguration – A6-Sensitive Data Exposure – A7-Missing Function Level Access Control – A8-Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) – A9-Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities – A10-Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
  • 14. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 What changes with HTML5/SPAs? RED → more critical ORANGE → different solution GREEN → easier – A1-Injection → same problem, same solution – A2-Broken Authentication and Session Management – A3-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) – A4-Insecure Direct Object References – A5-Security Misconfiguration – A6-Sensitive Data Exposure – A7-Missing Function Level Access Control – A8-Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) – A9-Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities – A10-Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards Today, we will focus on those!
  • 16. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 A3 - XSS Cross-Site-Scripting means that attacker can insert custom js code which is then displayed in the user browser – stored (input js in a field → DB → sent back to the page) – reflected (input js in the url, send the url to a user, js executed) – DOM-based (input triggers js logic that manipulates the DOM and insert custom js) Remember: any external input is UNTRUSTED! – so we must avoid mixing user input with js code
  • 17. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 A3 – Preventing XSS Looks easy: but HTML allows for multiple mixed execution contexts: – JS within CSS within HTML within a frame of another HTML … The proper solution is ESCAPING: encoding the data so that the browser properly interprets it as plain text (and not js) – at_Sheet In a well designed SPA, – clear inputs paths  REST service responses, user inputs, url bar, ... – HTML generation through the framework templating engine – so it is easier to intercept and escape outputs
  • 18. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 A3 – Preventing XSS with Angular Since 1.3, the HTML compiler will escape all {{}} & ng­bind by default – – Be careful if you must include user-generated HTML (e.g. in rich text editors) – take advantage of the services and directives – ng­bind­html (from angular-sanitize)  print as is removing “script” tags (beware of img tags)  fully customizable with –$sceProvider & $SanitizeProvider – Please note: – escaping in the REST services is not always feasible/useful – they can be consumed by mobile Apps and other clients
  • 19. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Remember Most vulnerabilities are not so serious by themselves – but became terrible if mixed  think Pepsi + Mentos XSS is an enabler for – phishing – browser-based MITM – session / auth token stealing – sensitive data extraction – img courtesy of
  • 21. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 A5 – Security misconfiguration A single MITM (Man in the Middle) and your “done” – as the attacker can put arbitrary code in your browser – so,  Be careful with CORS – Avoid Allow­Origin “*” unless you have very strong authentication and authorization Remember to tell the browser to enable stronger protection – typically through headers such as CSP –
  • 22. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Securing Headers Node – Java (Spring Security) – html Test tools – security headers online  – OWASP ZAP 
  • 24. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 What is Authentication Verifying the user identity – independently from his profile / authorizations Several elements: – where valid users are listed (Realm)  internal, file, DB, LDAP, Active Directory, SSO Server – what info is used to establish user identity  one or more “factors”: username, password, OTP, certificate... – how identity is checked the first time  login → credentials validation – how identity is checked on subsequent requests  validation
  • 25. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Traditional Request-Response Applications e.g. JSP / ASP / PHP – login page – successful login creates a session – protected pages accessed within the session – data and access control filtered on the server side  often within views or controllers Browser Server POST Login Data GET secured page SESSIONID = 5 SESSIONID = 5 auth = true? crede ntials valid? Realm filtered HTML page SID AUTH DATA 5 true carlo,admi n
  • 26. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Issues with Cookie + Session Authentication Authentication requires – checking credentials against a realm – keeping auth in session state on the server – sessionid sent in a cookie Issues – state replication in clustered servers vs sticky sessions  Single-Sign-On across servers? – More complex scenarios are possible  e.g. SSO Server, like CAS – typically cookie based → all server must be in same domain Remember: Cookies are sent with ANY request to the same domain (including images)
  • 27. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Cookie-based authentication in Single Page Applications Can't SPA just do the same? – login form POSTs to login service – successful login creates a session and sets a cookie – protected Pages & REST services accessed within the session  data and access control filtered … where ? Browser Server POST Login Data GET secured JSON SESSIONID = 5 SID AUTH DATA 5 true carlo,admi nSESSIONID = 5 auth = true?{ ... } crede ntials valid? Realm
  • 28. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Authentication vs Session Management Cookie-based sessions are simple to implement But – not suited to stateless nature of REST services Authentication vs Sessions – They are two different things, although often used together – REST services tend to be stateless Unauthenticated Authenticated Stateless Plain HTTP e.g. Wikipedia REST e.g. Google APIs With Session Session cookies e.g. Amazon JSP/ASP/PHP e.g. Intranet Apps
  • 29. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 How to do stateless authentication?
  • 30. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Token-based Authentication Login establishes a valid token – each request must be presented with the token – the server can check token validity at each request – cookies-vs-token/ Browser Server POST Login Data GET secured JSON TOKEN = 5 TOKEN = 5 token valid? crede ntials valid? Realm no session!
  • 31. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Issues Given a token – how do you know which is the current user? On the server – how expensive it is to check the token at each request? Can you share a token across services? – can you validate it without connecting to a DB / SSO Server?
  • 32. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 How do you create & validate Tokens?
  • 33. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Creating and Validating Tokens Simplest way: checking them against a list of valid tokens – in memory → similar to session-based auth  replication problems – on a DB  easier clustering, must consider performance – on an external server  SSO for free, must evaluate performance & complexity
  • 34. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 JWT - JWT = encoded & signed Json object containing – Access token – Claims (custom: session, domain, username...) – Expiration – and Digital Signature! → verifiable with just the public key Returned by login REST service Sent as header at each request –Authentication: bearer eyJhbGciO                   .eyJzdWIiOWV9.eoaDV Checked by REST backed at each request – can also be used with websockets { “user”:”carlo”, “domain”:”NIS”, “expiry”: .. }
  • 35. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 JWT in angular Angular Library – Extensible hooks for – storing and retrieving tokens on the client Interceptors for – retrieving tokens from server Response Headers – optionally refresh tokens – automatically sending tokens at each request Robust and simple to use bower install angular­jwt
  • 36. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Token-based Auth in AngularJs Ingredients REST endpoints – /auth/login  Input parameters: credentials  Response: token – /auth/logout  Input parameters: token $http or $resource based Client Service AuthenticationService – login() logout() methods wrapping the above – plus isAuthenticated() and possibly currentUser()
  • 37. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Token-based Auth in AngularJs Ingredients – Controller(s) – LoginController  bound to Login form, calls service – LogoutController – AuthenticationController  IsAuthenticated, currentUser Possibly, Directives <authenticated­user>  showWhenAuthenticated <menu showWhenAuthenticated=”true”>
  • 38. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Saving the token In both cases, register a then() on the promise $http(...).then(function(response) {    currentToken.jwt =  ;  } Store the token locally If you need, parse it tokenPayload = jwtHelper.decodeToken(jwt); date = jwtHelper.getTokenExpirationDate(jwt); bool = jwtHelper.isTokenExpired(jwt);     
  • 39. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Sending the token at each request Specify Token retrieval function angular.module('myApp')  .config(      function  Config($httpProvider,jwtInterceptorProvider) {      jwtInterceptorProvider.tokenGetter =     ['currentToken',   function(currentToken) { return currentToken.jwt;     //or return localStorage.getItem('id_token'); }]; Register interceptor   $httpProvider.interceptors.push('jwtInterceptor'); });
  • 40. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Back-end Login endpoint – validates credentials – generates JWT REST Service endpoints (or better interceptor) – extract Token from Authentication: header – validate it – proceed with request processing  or return error 401 Full example –
  • 41. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 JWT in... Plain Node: Auth0 library – Express: Express JWT – Passport - Modular Auth Framework for node.js – .NET - OWIN.Identity – jwt-owin-authorization-server/ Java - Spring Security – js/Integrating OAUTH with JWT
  • 42. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Were can we store / send the token? in a cookie? in a header?
  • 43. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Sending Tokens - Cookies vs Headers Cookies Pros – sent automatically – no code required on the client Cons – sent automatically – even when do not want  e.g. <IMG src= in email – less control on validity – stored on client disk Headers Pros – sent only explicitely – not stored on disk – unless you want to – more control – also prevents CSRF Cons – require code on the client side – but this is normal in SPAs ten-things-you-should-know-about- tokens-and-cookies/
  • 44. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Token Storage vs Session Duration In memory or sessionStorage – works only on current tab – automatically closed In localStorage – persistent – work across multiple tabs – requires explicit expiration html5-web-storage/
  • 45. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 What else would we need? what happens when the user is not logged in? how to improve usability?
  • 46. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Routing support for Authentication & Authorization Need to configure Routing for – redirect to login if not authenticated – redirect to login if token expired – optionally, redirect back to original URL – redirect to error page if route not authorized in the current profile Difficult to do in the default ngRoute – Possible in ui-router Way easier in angular-new-router – conf-2015-media-25dbe6250154
  • 48. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Typical Server side application Authorization is verified – in controllers if (user.hasRole(“admin”) == true) – through filters / interceptors – in views <hasRole role=”admin”> or <if (...)> confidential info </hasRole> Client Browser only receives content it has rights to – (roughly) works even if security checks are “spaghetti code” in the JSP/ASP/PHP templates
  • 49. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 And in a SPA? Would this be secure? In users-view.html <button ng­if=”authCtrl.isAdmin”          ng­click=”userCtrl.deleteUser()”> or this? <section ng­if=”authCtrl.isAdmin” > {{userCtrl.user.confidentialData}} </section>
  • 50. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 No! Just press F12 and modify the HTML / JS or even the DOM in the developer tools or just send HTTP requests directly to the backend
  • 51. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Security is up to the server Even in SPAs, Authorization is still up to the server: Security controls – checking authentication state – checking profile and inferring permissions – enabling privileged actions – filtering confidential data MUST be performed on the server – in the REST / websocket endpoints – locally in each service, or via filters/interceptors Also, the same rule applies to input validation
  • 52. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Usability is up to the client But letting the user click on the button, invoking the service, and only then displaying an error is not user friendly UX is up to the client – Front-End should have enough info to disable/hide the button  if the user is not authorized to click it  retrieve the permissions list from a REST service at logon E.g. Permission check directives for Angular <button ng­click=”postCtrl.delete()”  has­permission=”deletePost”> permissions for Role-Based Access Control
  • 53. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Server-side authorization checks So, in each server endpoint, you should check – valid authentication – valid authorization profile which includes privileges for the currently requested action / data Example Blog application if (subject.hasRole(“admin”)) //enable delete post if (subject.hasRole(“editor”)) //enable modification of post else //only read data What are the problems with this code?
  • 54. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 What if the rules change? What if an auditor asks about what an “editor” can do? Real-world cases tend to be more complex!
  • 55. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Role Based Access Control Separating Role definition from Permission check – In each service / action, code checks that the user has the relevant permission if (subject.hasPermission(“deletePost”)) – Role Definition lists all the permissions  e.g. –Admin   detelePost, updatePost, readPost→ –anonymous   readPost→ Authorization system maps user/groups to list of roles – and computes the “merged” set of permissions active for the valid user  user is both Admin & Editor  Permissions are –changeSettings, deleteUser, addUser, deletePost,  modifyPost 
  • 56. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Hierarchical permission system 2-level: User → Role → Permissions 3-level: User → Groups → Roles → Permissions Wildcard Permissions – blog:deletePost – blog:readPost – blog:* means both  blog:readPost:12 → entity level permission  blog:readPost:* on all entities see Apache Shiro
  • 57. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Advantages Permission check is – focused, readable – easy to implement – easy to test – rarely changes Role definition is – centralized – easy to review – easy to change – as it tends to change often Secure Design Principle all parts of the system need to perform security checks but security check implementation should be centralized and not “spread” in the system
  • 58. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 RBAC in a Single Page Application Server-side Ingredients: – Profile definition mapping Roles to Permissions  static file  db table  possibly cached  Identity server (e.g. OpenAM) – API for checking permissions Normally, some of this information is cached to ensure minimal performance penalty
  • 59. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Usable Secure UI in AngularJS Ingredients: – /authorization/profile/current REST endpoint  returns a Json  current user roles  merged list of all active permissions On the Client – Client Service wrapping the above – Authorization/ProfileService storing the permission list  hasPermission(p) method Call the service from – Controller methods – Routing callbacks
  • 61. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Component Security The code we write The code which actually runs in our application – libraries and components
  • 62. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Checking dependecies for vulns On the client side – npm install ­g retire ; retire –path src – also available as ZAP & mvn plugin mvn com.h3xstream.retirejs:retirejs­maven­ plugin:scan On the server side – OWASP Dependency Check  dependency­ ­­app Testing ­­out . ­­scan  [path to jar files to be scanned] mvn org.owasp:dependency­check­maven
  • 63. @YourTwitterHandle#DVXFR14{session hashtag} @carlobonamico#angularconf15 A f nal w ord ... But isn't all that unnecessary complexity slowing down development of my critical project?
  • 64. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 A final word People tend to view Security as “overhead”, not adding value to the project The reality: – if you know what to pay attention to, minimal additional costs – also, in most cases, adding security just means following good design principles if you separate well concerns, adding security is easy – favor clarity of intent and code readability – favor composition over inheritance – test, test, test!  incorporate security checks in your tests This lets software adapt more easily to both requirements & security changes – easier to evolve incrementally & validating each step → see Continuous Delivery
  • 66. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 References Owasp Secure Coding Principles – OWASP Testing Guide – of_Contents SOLID Design Principles –
  • 67. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 HTML5 Security Attack Vectors & Vulnerabilities – Top_10-WP.pdf OWASP Guidelines – JS Frameworks Security – javascript-mvc-and-templating-frameworks
  • 68. @carlobonamico#angularconf15 Thank You for your attention Interested? – attend our Web Application Security / Angular trainings – engage us for Design/Code Reviews, Vulnerability Assessments & team mentoring Read more on – – Follow us on twitter – @nis_srl @carlobonamico  updates on Security, AngularJS, Continuous Delivery Contact me – /