PowerPoint Karaoke (Sample Presentation)

il y a 15 ans 29146 Vues

Webvisions 2009 - A Short Introduction to Cyborg Anthropology

il y a 14 ans 25861 Vues

Le Web - Future of the Interface and The Internet of Things

il y a 11 ans 24535 Vues

O'Reilly Webinar - Cyborg Anthropology: A Short Introduction

il y a 13 ans 18041 Vues

Gnomedex 09 Cyborg Anthropology Caseorganic

il y a 14 ans 10668 Vues

Google Glass and the Future of Wearable Computing

il y a 11 ans 7187 Vues

Inverge 08 From Telephone To Tweetup

il y a 15 ans 6966 Vues

Real Disruption: Stepping Back and Solving the Hard Problems

il y a 11 ans 6776 Vues

Calm Technology | Inbound 2015 Bold Talk

il y a 8 ans 4246 Vues

Designing Calm Technology

il y a 9 ans 2132 Vues

Future of Location - Street Fight Summit 2012

il y a 11 ans 2221 Vues

Power Point Karaoke for 6

il y a 14 ans 1812 Vues

Designing Calm Technology

il y a 9 ans 1717 Vues

Brand Engagement and the Future of the Interface

il y a 11 ans 1493 Vues