Higher-order organization of complex networks

il y a 7 ans 4472 Vues

Spacey random walks and higher-order data analysis

il y a 7 ans 979 Vues

Non-exhaustive, Overlapping K-means

il y a 8 ans 3558 Vues

Spacey random walks and higher order Markov chains

il y a 8 ans 2412 Vues

Localized methods in graph mining

il y a 9 ans 1676 Vues

PageRank Centrality of dynamic graph structures

il y a 9 ans 1891 Vues

Iterative methods with special structures

il y a 9 ans 1082 Vues

Localized methods for diffusions in large graphs

il y a 9 ans 1420 Vues

Fast relaxation methods for the matrix exponential

il y a 10 ans 1565 Vues

Fast matrix primitives for ranking, link-prediction and more

il y a 10 ans 1311 Vues

MapReduce Tall-and-skinny QR and applications

il y a 10 ans 1198 Vues

Recommendation and graph algorithms in Hadoop and SQL

il y a 10 ans 1949 Vues