Berlin 2017 Podojo Talk

Dave Gray il y a 7 ans

The Sketchnote Mini-Workshop

Mike Rohde il y a 8 ans

Flexible Meetings

Kirill Romanov il y a 6 ans

Wissen teilen in einer Lernenden Organisation

Cogneon Akademie il y a 4 ans

lernOS Sketchnoting Leitfaden Version 0.4

Cogneon Akademie il y a 4 ans

17 Key Traits of Data Literacy

Ben Jones il y a 5 ans

5 Tips for Interactive Webinars

Sharon Bowman il y a 11 ans

Visual Note Taking / Sketchnotes

Eva-Lotta Lamm il y a 14 ans

Sketch Thinking

Jose Berengueres il y a 8 ans

Erklaeren auf der Serviette - Workshop

Berlin Office il y a 12 ans

Workshop: Einfach besser schreiben

Roger Hausmann il y a 8 ans

[Webinar] BYOL: Bring Your Own Learning

David Blake il y a 9 ans

Inbox Zero: How to Become an Email Ninja

Michael Reynolds il y a 14 ans

The connected company

Dave Gray il y a 12 ans

26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known at 20

Étienne Garbugli il y a 11 ans

Checklist for the Agile Manager

Jurgen Appelo il y a 14 ans