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Dr / Hany Atef
Dr/ HanyAtef 1
What are the online etiquette rules?
1. You should know the person. ...
2. Start with a short greeting. ...
3. Be mindful of the receiver's preferred style of
communication. ...
4. Keep the conversation short. ...
Dr/ HanyAtef 2
What are the online etiquette rules?
1. Be careful with abbreviations. ...
2. Never send bad news via IM. ...
3. Don't change meeting times or venues in an
4. Be aware of a status message.
5. End conversations with a short closing.
Dr/ HanyAtef 3
How to Have Proper Etiquette in the
Office Cubicle
• Do you work in an office with a partially enclosed
space, commonly known as a cubicle, also called
an office cube? Although the open-office concept
is gaining favor among businesses, many
companies still provide cubicles for employees,
giving them the feeling of having their own office
without the company having the expense and
design constrictions of permanent walls.
• There are some drawbacks, creating the need for
a list of more specific office etiquette rules. Most
of the rules are tied into the Golden Rule—
treating others as you would want to be treated.
Dr/ HanyAtef 4
How to Have Proper Etiquette in the
Office Cubicle
• Privacy
• Although the cubicle wall is typically somewhere between four and
six feet tall, privacy can be an issue for those who want to hold
conversations that they don't want others to overhear. Remember
that people on all sides of the space can hear whatever you’re
saying in a normal tone of voice. The quickest way for word to
spread about some office secret is for someone to hear you
discussing it in your cubicle.
• Follow some simple rules for discussions. If you need to conduct a
private business related conversation, borrow a vacant office or
conference room. Personal conversations need to be taken outside
or to the break room during your lunch hour or during your coffee
break. Remember that there’s no such thing as a confidential
conversation in an office cubicle.
Dr/ HanyAtef 5
How to Have Proper Etiquette in the
Office Cubicle
• Follow some simple rules for discussions. If you need to
conduct a private business related conversation, borrow a
vacant office or conference room. Personal conversations
need to be taken outside or to the break room during your
lunch hour or during your coffee break. Remember that
there’s no such thing as a confidential conversation in an
office cubicle.
• With short walls and no door, everyone who walks by can
see what you’re doing, so don’t conduct too much personal
grooming in your cubicle. This includes anything you
wouldn’t do while standing in front of a group of people,
such as flossing your teeth or plucking your eyebrows. Take
care of personal hygiene before you leave home, or if you
must handle a personal issue, go to the restroom.
Dr/ HanyAtef 6
How to Have Proper Etiquette in the
Office Cubicle• Interruptions
• Seeing someone jumping around at the entrance to
your cubicle, making gestures and trying to get your
attention can be distracting when you’re deep in
thought about your current project.
• Conversely, if you need to speak to someone else in
your office, but you see that she’s busy, either drop a
note on her desk and leave or go back to your own
cubicle and send her an email. This shows respect for
her time. The only time a coworker should be
interrupted is for emergency situations.
Dr/ HanyAtef 7
How to Have Proper Etiquette in the
Office Cubicle
• Openness
• Although the cubicle has “walls,” it is still open to anyone who
walks by. Remember this when you decorate your
space. Coworkers, bosses, and the cleaning crew will all be able to
see what you have on display. Yes, it’s your personal office space,
but that doesn’t mean you can treat it like a dorm room. Keep your
workspace neat and tidy. A messy area is a reflection of you and
may likely become an issue when it’s time for a review or job
• Avoid trespassing on other people’s space inside their cubicles.
Never borrow supplies or personal items from a coworker without
asking first. Don’t read office correspondence intended for another
person. This includes printed messages lying on your cubicle
neighbor’s desk and open emails on his computer.
Dr/ HanyAtef 8
How to Have Proper Etiquette in the
Office Cubicle
• Smells
• Most cubicle workers can remember a time when someone next to
them waltzed in wearing too much perfume or not enough
deodorant. Be mindful of what those around you can smell; your
cubicle neighbors might not think it’s so wonderful if you decide to
eat leftovers at your desk.
• Cubicle dwellers need to be mindful of other people’s smell
sensibilities and possible allergies. Use fragrance sparingly, if at all.
You don't want to cause someone to have a coughing or sneezing
attack, or worse, go into respiratory distress. Don’t put scented
candles or air fresheners in your cubicle. If you must eat at your
desk, make sure the food doesn’t have strong smells that can
bother those around you.
Dr/ HanyAtef 9
How to Have Proper Etiquette in the
Office Cubicle
• Noise
• Be aware of how noise travels in an office space
with cubicles. Even the softest music can be
heard in surrounding areas. If you like to listen to
music while you work, use headphones or
earbuds. Resist the urge to hum, or you may have
coworkers gritting their teeth. Telephone
conversations should be kept short and business
related. Don’t use the speakerphone unless
others need to be in on the conversation.
Dr/ HanyAtef 10
Business and Professional Gift
• Do you ever wonder if it's appropriate to give a client or someone
at the office a gift, and if so, what should you give? There are some
things you need to consider before you make your decision,
including your company's policy on this. Whether this is a
professional thank you gift to a client or a group gift to the boss, it's
essential to maintain business etiquette at all times.
• Use Caution in Professional Gift Giving
• Whether you want to celebrate a birthday or show your
generosity during the holidays, giving gifts to business connections
can be very sensitive, so it is imperative to follow proper etiquette.
You need to make sure the gift is appropriate and follow the
customs and norms of your industry. They're there for a reason. You
should never expect a gift in return.
Dr/ HanyAtef 11
Business and Professional Gift
• In some countries, business gifts are
inappropriate, regardless of the reason. In
other countries, there are certain ways a gift
must be wrapped. If you are unsure of what is
acceptable, do some research on the culture
to find out. The best intentions can backfire if
you don't, and it can take you to an awkward
place with that person in the future.
• Some of the most common times
Dr/ HanyAtef 12
• Some of the most common times to give gifts in
the business world include the following:
• After the completion of a project
• To celebrate a promotion
• Wedding, birthday, or birth of a child
• To show appreciation after someone has gone
above the call of duty
• To celebrate something business-related such as
acquiring a new client, a promotion, or a
profitable year
• During the holidays
Dr/ HanyAtef 13
How to Choose an Appropriate Gift
• Gifts chosen for a business associate or client
should be creative and relevant to the occasion.
However, always avoid anything too personal that
may be misinterpreted as a bribe or something
that may be insulting or embarrass the recipient.
Don’t give a business associate intimate apparel,
expensive perfume, or jewelry that is not related
to the business.
• Examples of appropriate business gifts include:
• Fruit basket
• Box of candy
Dr/ HanyAtef 14
How to Choose an Appropriate Gift
• Bouquet of flowers
• Scarf or tie
• Briefcase or leather portfolio
• Book by the recipient’s favorite author
• Item manufactured by your company
• Tickets to events and performances
Dr/ HanyAtef 15
Weekend Phone Call and Email
Etiquette for Professionals
• Some people expect business calls and emails during
their time off, but if you're not one of them, you may
become frustrated when you start hearing from your
boss or coworkers when you're supposed to be
relaxing. This is a common problem that can create
frustration and eventually make you dread picking up
the phone.
• If you work 40-plus hours during the week, you
probably feel that you're entitled to weekends off, so
what do you do when you consistently get
business emails and calls on the days you're not
scheduled to work? Do you ignore them, answer them
right away, or wait until you get back to the office on
Dr/ HanyAtef 16
Weekend Phone Call and Email
Etiquette for Professionals
• When it's a coworker in an equal position to your
position calling or emailing feel free to speak up
about how important it is to take time away from
work. Let them know you'll get back with them
on Monday. Be gracious in order to maintain a
positive business relationship with this person.
However, when it's your boss, you'll need to be
extremely cautious if you don't want to miss out
next time promotions or raises are being handed
Dr/ HanyAtef
Habits of Most Polite People
• Some people think that all well liked people are
born with natural tendencies that attract others.
While an inborn personality might play a part in
popularity, just as much of it has to do with
learned behaviors.
• Those who are surrounded by people
are typically gracious and genuinely interested in
others. They share other traits as well that make
other people comfortable around them. In other
words, they become "people magnets."
Dr/ HanyAtef 18
Habits of Most Polite People
• If you want to be considered polite, you need
to establish good manners habits. Otherwise,
you'll constantly make embarrassing social
faux pas.
• Scientific Study of Habits
• Some scientists believe that it takes 21 days of
doing the same thing to form a
Dr/ HanyAtef
Here are etiquette habits you need to
• Be friendly and approachable. When you
approach someone in business or at a party,
smile, extend your hand, and offer a warm and
pleasant greeting. Be armed with a couple
of conversation starters and don't be afraid to
use them. Use the other person's name several
times to help you remember it. Doing all of this
will help put the other person at ease.
Dr/ HanyAtef
Good Manners Habits
• Give other people enough personal space. Most folks are
uncomfortable with people they don't know very
well getting too close. If you sense that this is the case, take
a step back. You'll know you did the right thing when you
see the other person relax once you put a little space
between you.
• Don't tell everything you know. Giving too much
information (or TMI) too soon is rude and makes others
squirm. Most people you don't know very well prefer not to
hear every detail of your health or love life. They also don't
need to know how much money you make or how much
you paid for what you're wearing. Learn to make small talk
with new acquaintances and save the heartfelt
conversations for close friends.
Dr/ HanyAtef 21
Good Manners Habits
• Avoid gossip. Yes, I know that people are drawn to the trash-talker
in the office, but it's not a good way to get respect. They'll never
trust you or consider you a confidante. Keep what you think you
know to yourself. You might discover that the gossip is untrue, and
that will only make you look worse in the long run. However, even if
it is true, sharing this information doesn't do anyone any good. By
the same token, turn around and go the other way when others
start gossiping.
• Give people credit and acknowledge their accomplishments. When
a team member provides the perfect solution to accomplish your
goals, make sure the boss knows. When someone who works for
you has a fabulous idea, tell your supervisor where it came from.
Taking credit for other people's ideas or knowledge might give you
a bonus point with the boss for a short while, but eventually, you'll
alienate everyone in the office. Plus the boss will eventually find
out, and you risk losing out on future promotions.
Dr/ HanyAtef 22
Good Manners Habits
• Use polite language. I know that people are becoming
desensitized to foul language and harsh comments, but
that is still no excuse to resort to it. Being polite might
not have the shock effect you want, but it won't have
people covering their children's ears when they see
you coming.
• Be in the moment. Put your cell phone in your pocket
or handbag and pay attention to the person you are
with. Ideally, you should turn off your phone and put it
on silent. However, if you need to have it on in the case
of an emergency, let the person you are with know so
you won't come across as rude when you glance at it.
Dr/ HanyAtef 23
More Tips on Establishing Good Habits
• Here are some other things you need to do:
• Be on time. People who are habitually tardy show
a lack of respect for other people's time.
• Be generous. This includes giving good tips,
putting what you can afford into the office
birthday fund, and giving to charities.
• Have open body language. In other words, don't
cross your legs, fold your arms, and look down
when you are talking with someone. Make eye
contact and be engaged in all conversations.
Dr/ HanyAtef 24
More Tips on Establishing Good Habits
• Here are some other things you need to do:
• Use good table manners. Doing otherwise might have
you left behind while your coworkers head out to
• Dress appropriately. Before you go anywhere, find out
what the dress code is. It's embarrassing to arrive
somewhere, only to find out that you don't have the
correct attire.
• Don't forget to RSVP. This is a courtesy that shows your
respect for the host of whatever you've received an
invitation to—whether it's a wedding or dinner party.
Dr/ HanyAtef 25
More Tips on Establishing Good Habits
• Here are some other things you need to do:
• Send a thank you note. If someone gives you a
gift or hosts you at a dinner party, send a
thank you note right away.
• Show appropriate sympathy. If you attend a
funeral or know someone who has lost a loved
one, be sympathetic and offer your
• Work in Progress
Dr/ HanyAtef 26
Most Common Etiquette Mistakes
• Etiquette is something that is easy to let slide.
Be mindful of your manners and do your best to always
do the right thing. You and everyone around you will
ultimately benefit, and you'll have fewer regrets over
your behavior.
• It's easy to call out other people when you see them
commit manners mistakes. Remember that everyone
makes etiquette faux pas every now and then ... even
etiquette experts. The key to making things right is
to apologize for whatever it is and move on. Learn from
your mistakes and try not to keep making the same
ones over and over.
Dr/ HanyAtef
Most Common Etiquette Mistakes
• Following certain rules of etiquette is essential
in both social and professional situations, so
it’s a good idea to learn them. It can mean the
difference between keeping or losing friends
and getting ahead in business. Just as
important is to learn what not to do.
Dr/ HanyAtef
Etiquette at the Table
• Most people don't want to be without their
phones. Others need their phone because
their employer calls at odd times. Or perhaps
you're concerned about your children who are
with a babysitter.
• Remember that there is a time and a place for
cell phone conversations. The dinner table isn't
the place for your cell phone. If you are dining,
whether it's at home, at a friend's home, or at a
restaurant, you should definitely silence your cell
Dr/ HanyAtef 29
Etiquette at the Table
• Acceptable Phone Use
• There may be certain times that it's acceptable to have
your cell phone on at the table, but you need to always put
your companions first. If you are eating alone and at home,
enjoy your phone as much as you want to as long as you
don't sound gross to the person you're chatting with. Don't
smack or make slurping sounds.
• If you are alone in a restaurant, don't talk on your phone.
It's rude to those around you. If you are out without your
children, feel free to look at your phone for any calls or
texts from a babysitter. If a babysitter does call, answer the
phone, but excuse yourself from the table to take the call.
Dr/ HanyAtef 30
Etiquette at the Table
• Talking on the Phone
• When you talk on your cell phone in front of others,
they only hear one side of the conversation and this
can come across as rude as whispering. It creates
discomfort and confusion in the people who are
physically in your presence. If you must answer it, let
the person know you are busy and you'll call them
• However, if it's an emergency call, get up and leave the
room. When you return to the dining table, apologize
for leaving, and if necessary, offer a brief explanation
of the call.
Dr/ HanyAtef 31
32Dr/ HanyAtef

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Dr hany اقسام السياحة العلاجية والعلاقة بين السياحة العلاجية والفندقة العلاجي...Hany Atef
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Dr hany تعريف السياحة Dr hany تعريف السياحة
Dr hany تعريف السياحة Hany Atef
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01  أنواع الفنادق ومواصفاتها01  أنواع الفنادق ومواصفاتها
01 أنواع الفنادق ومواصفاتهاHany Atef

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Dr hany اقسام السياحة العلاجية والعلاقة بين السياحة العلاجية والفندقة العلاجي...
Dr hany اقسام السياحة العلاجية والعلاقة بين السياحة العلاجية والفندقة العلاجي...Dr hany اقسام السياحة العلاجية والعلاقة بين السياحة العلاجية والفندقة العلاجي...
Dr hany اقسام السياحة العلاجية والعلاقة بين السياحة العلاجية والفندقة العلاجي...
Dr hany تعريف السياحة
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Dr hany تعريف السياحة
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Etiquette ch 2 p1

  • 1. Dr / Hany Atef Dr/ HanyAtef 1
  • 2. What are the online etiquette rules? 1. You should know the person. ... 2. Start with a short greeting. ... 3. Be mindful of the receiver's preferred style of communication. ... 4. Keep the conversation short. ... Dr/ HanyAtef 2
  • 3. What are the online etiquette rules? 1. Be careful with abbreviations. ... 2. Never send bad news via IM. ... 3. Don't change meeting times or venues in an IM 4. Be aware of a status message. 5. End conversations with a short closing. Dr/ HanyAtef 3
  • 4. How to Have Proper Etiquette in the Office Cubicle • Do you work in an office with a partially enclosed space, commonly known as a cubicle, also called an office cube? Although the open-office concept is gaining favor among businesses, many companies still provide cubicles for employees, giving them the feeling of having their own office without the company having the expense and design constrictions of permanent walls. • There are some drawbacks, creating the need for a list of more specific office etiquette rules. Most of the rules are tied into the Golden Rule— treating others as you would want to be treated. Dr/ HanyAtef 4
  • 5. How to Have Proper Etiquette in the Office Cubicle • Privacy • Although the cubicle wall is typically somewhere between four and six feet tall, privacy can be an issue for those who want to hold conversations that they don't want others to overhear. Remember that people on all sides of the space can hear whatever you’re saying in a normal tone of voice. The quickest way for word to spread about some office secret is for someone to hear you discussing it in your cubicle. • Follow some simple rules for discussions. If you need to conduct a private business related conversation, borrow a vacant office or conference room. Personal conversations need to be taken outside or to the break room during your lunch hour or during your coffee break. Remember that there’s no such thing as a confidential conversation in an office cubicle. Dr/ HanyAtef 5
  • 6. How to Have Proper Etiquette in the Office Cubicle • Follow some simple rules for discussions. If you need to conduct a private business related conversation, borrow a vacant office or conference room. Personal conversations need to be taken outside or to the break room during your lunch hour or during your coffee break. Remember that there’s no such thing as a confidential conversation in an office cubicle. • With short walls and no door, everyone who walks by can see what you’re doing, so don’t conduct too much personal grooming in your cubicle. This includes anything you wouldn’t do while standing in front of a group of people, such as flossing your teeth or plucking your eyebrows. Take care of personal hygiene before you leave home, or if you must handle a personal issue, go to the restroom. Dr/ HanyAtef 6
  • 7. How to Have Proper Etiquette in the Office Cubicle• Interruptions • Seeing someone jumping around at the entrance to your cubicle, making gestures and trying to get your attention can be distracting when you’re deep in thought about your current project. • Conversely, if you need to speak to someone else in your office, but you see that she’s busy, either drop a note on her desk and leave or go back to your own cubicle and send her an email. This shows respect for her time. The only time a coworker should be interrupted is for emergency situations. Dr/ HanyAtef 7
  • 8. How to Have Proper Etiquette in the Office Cubicle • Openness • Although the cubicle has “walls,” it is still open to anyone who walks by. Remember this when you decorate your space. Coworkers, bosses, and the cleaning crew will all be able to see what you have on display. Yes, it’s your personal office space, but that doesn’t mean you can treat it like a dorm room. Keep your workspace neat and tidy. A messy area is a reflection of you and may likely become an issue when it’s time for a review or job promotion. • Avoid trespassing on other people’s space inside their cubicles. Never borrow supplies or personal items from a coworker without asking first. Don’t read office correspondence intended for another person. This includes printed messages lying on your cubicle neighbor’s desk and open emails on his computer. Dr/ HanyAtef 8
  • 9. How to Have Proper Etiquette in the Office Cubicle • Smells • Most cubicle workers can remember a time when someone next to them waltzed in wearing too much perfume or not enough deodorant. Be mindful of what those around you can smell; your cubicle neighbors might not think it’s so wonderful if you decide to eat leftovers at your desk. • Cubicle dwellers need to be mindful of other people’s smell sensibilities and possible allergies. Use fragrance sparingly, if at all. You don't want to cause someone to have a coughing or sneezing attack, or worse, go into respiratory distress. Don’t put scented candles or air fresheners in your cubicle. If you must eat at your desk, make sure the food doesn’t have strong smells that can bother those around you. Dr/ HanyAtef 9
  • 10. How to Have Proper Etiquette in the Office Cubicle • Noise • Be aware of how noise travels in an office space with cubicles. Even the softest music can be heard in surrounding areas. If you like to listen to music while you work, use headphones or earbuds. Resist the urge to hum, or you may have coworkers gritting their teeth. Telephone conversations should be kept short and business related. Don’t use the speakerphone unless others need to be in on the conversation. Dr/ HanyAtef 10
  • 11. Business and Professional Gift Etiquette Relationships • Do you ever wonder if it's appropriate to give a client or someone at the office a gift, and if so, what should you give? There are some things you need to consider before you make your decision, including your company's policy on this. Whether this is a professional thank you gift to a client or a group gift to the boss, it's essential to maintain business etiquette at all times. • Use Caution in Professional Gift Giving • Whether you want to celebrate a birthday or show your generosity during the holidays, giving gifts to business connections can be very sensitive, so it is imperative to follow proper etiquette. You need to make sure the gift is appropriate and follow the customs and norms of your industry. They're there for a reason. You should never expect a gift in return. Dr/ HanyAtef 11
  • 12. Business and Professional Gift Etiquette • In some countries, business gifts are inappropriate, regardless of the reason. In other countries, there are certain ways a gift must be wrapped. If you are unsure of what is acceptable, do some research on the culture to find out. The best intentions can backfire if you don't, and it can take you to an awkward place with that person in the future. • Some of the most common times Dr/ HanyAtef 12
  • 13. • Some of the most common times to give gifts in the business world include the following: • After the completion of a project • To celebrate a promotion • Wedding, birthday, or birth of a child • To show appreciation after someone has gone above the call of duty • To celebrate something business-related such as acquiring a new client, a promotion, or a profitable year • During the holidays Dr/ HanyAtef 13
  • 14. How to Choose an Appropriate Gift • Gifts chosen for a business associate or client should be creative and relevant to the occasion. However, always avoid anything too personal that may be misinterpreted as a bribe or something that may be insulting or embarrass the recipient. Don’t give a business associate intimate apparel, expensive perfume, or jewelry that is not related to the business. • Examples of appropriate business gifts include: • Fruit basket • Box of candy Dr/ HanyAtef 14
  • 15. How to Choose an Appropriate Gift • Bouquet of flowers • Scarf or tie • Briefcase or leather portfolio • Book by the recipient’s favorite author • Item manufactured by your company • Tickets to events and performances Dr/ HanyAtef 15
  • 16. Weekend Phone Call and Email Etiquette for Professionals • Some people expect business calls and emails during their time off, but if you're not one of them, you may become frustrated when you start hearing from your boss or coworkers when you're supposed to be relaxing. This is a common problem that can create frustration and eventually make you dread picking up the phone. • If you work 40-plus hours during the week, you probably feel that you're entitled to weekends off, so what do you do when you consistently get business emails and calls on the days you're not scheduled to work? Do you ignore them, answer them right away, or wait until you get back to the office on Monday? Dr/ HanyAtef 16
  • 17. Weekend Phone Call and Email Etiquette for Professionals • When it's a coworker in an equal position to your position calling or emailing feel free to speak up about how important it is to take time away from work. Let them know you'll get back with them on Monday. Be gracious in order to maintain a positive business relationship with this person. However, when it's your boss, you'll need to be extremely cautious if you don't want to miss out next time promotions or raises are being handed out. Dr/ HanyAtef 17
  • 18. Habits of Most Polite People • Some people think that all well liked people are born with natural tendencies that attract others. While an inborn personality might play a part in popularity, just as much of it has to do with learned behaviors. • Those who are surrounded by people are typically gracious and genuinely interested in others. They share other traits as well that make other people comfortable around them. In other words, they become "people magnets." Dr/ HanyAtef 18
  • 19. Habits of Most Polite People • If you want to be considered polite, you need to establish good manners habits. Otherwise, you'll constantly make embarrassing social faux pas. • Scientific Study of Habits • Some scientists believe that it takes 21 days of doing the same thing to form a Dr/ HanyAtef 19
  • 20. Here are etiquette habits you need to establish: • Be friendly and approachable. When you approach someone in business or at a party, smile, extend your hand, and offer a warm and pleasant greeting. Be armed with a couple of conversation starters and don't be afraid to use them. Use the other person's name several times to help you remember it. Doing all of this will help put the other person at ease. Dr/ HanyAtef 20
  • 21. Good Manners Habits • Give other people enough personal space. Most folks are uncomfortable with people they don't know very well getting too close. If you sense that this is the case, take a step back. You'll know you did the right thing when you see the other person relax once you put a little space between you. • Don't tell everything you know. Giving too much information (or TMI) too soon is rude and makes others squirm. Most people you don't know very well prefer not to hear every detail of your health or love life. They also don't need to know how much money you make or how much you paid for what you're wearing. Learn to make small talk with new acquaintances and save the heartfelt conversations for close friends. Dr/ HanyAtef 21
  • 22. Good Manners Habits • Avoid gossip. Yes, I know that people are drawn to the trash-talker in the office, but it's not a good way to get respect. They'll never trust you or consider you a confidante. Keep what you think you know to yourself. You might discover that the gossip is untrue, and that will only make you look worse in the long run. However, even if it is true, sharing this information doesn't do anyone any good. By the same token, turn around and go the other way when others start gossiping. • Give people credit and acknowledge their accomplishments. When a team member provides the perfect solution to accomplish your goals, make sure the boss knows. When someone who works for you has a fabulous idea, tell your supervisor where it came from. Taking credit for other people's ideas or knowledge might give you a bonus point with the boss for a short while, but eventually, you'll alienate everyone in the office. Plus the boss will eventually find out, and you risk losing out on future promotions. Dr/ HanyAtef 22
  • 23. Good Manners Habits • Use polite language. I know that people are becoming desensitized to foul language and harsh comments, but that is still no excuse to resort to it. Being polite might not have the shock effect you want, but it won't have people covering their children's ears when they see you coming. • Be in the moment. Put your cell phone in your pocket or handbag and pay attention to the person you are with. Ideally, you should turn off your phone and put it on silent. However, if you need to have it on in the case of an emergency, let the person you are with know so you won't come across as rude when you glance at it. Dr/ HanyAtef 23
  • 24. More Tips on Establishing Good Habits • Here are some other things you need to do: • Be on time. People who are habitually tardy show a lack of respect for other people's time. • Be generous. This includes giving good tips, putting what you can afford into the office birthday fund, and giving to charities. • Have open body language. In other words, don't cross your legs, fold your arms, and look down when you are talking with someone. Make eye contact and be engaged in all conversations. Dr/ HanyAtef 24
  • 25. More Tips on Establishing Good Habits • Here are some other things you need to do: • Use good table manners. Doing otherwise might have you left behind while your coworkers head out to lunch. • Dress appropriately. Before you go anywhere, find out what the dress code is. It's embarrassing to arrive somewhere, only to find out that you don't have the correct attire. • Don't forget to RSVP. This is a courtesy that shows your respect for the host of whatever you've received an invitation to—whether it's a wedding or dinner party. Dr/ HanyAtef 25
  • 26. More Tips on Establishing Good Habits • Here are some other things you need to do: • Send a thank you note. If someone gives you a gift or hosts you at a dinner party, send a thank you note right away. • Show appropriate sympathy. If you attend a funeral or know someone who has lost a loved one, be sympathetic and offer your condolences. • Work in Progress Dr/ HanyAtef 26
  • 27. Most Common Etiquette Mistakes • Etiquette is something that is easy to let slide. Be mindful of your manners and do your best to always do the right thing. You and everyone around you will ultimately benefit, and you'll have fewer regrets over your behavior. • It's easy to call out other people when you see them commit manners mistakes. Remember that everyone makes etiquette faux pas every now and then ... even etiquette experts. The key to making things right is to apologize for whatever it is and move on. Learn from your mistakes and try not to keep making the same ones over and over. Dr/ HanyAtef 27
  • 28. Most Common Etiquette Mistakes • Following certain rules of etiquette is essential in both social and professional situations, so it’s a good idea to learn them. It can mean the difference between keeping or losing friends and getting ahead in business. Just as important is to learn what not to do. Dr/ HanyAtef 28
  • 29. Etiquette at the Table • Most people don't want to be without their phones. Others need their phone because their employer calls at odd times. Or perhaps you're concerned about your children who are with a babysitter. • Remember that there is a time and a place for cell phone conversations. The dinner table isn't the place for your cell phone. If you are dining, whether it's at home, at a friend's home, or at a restaurant, you should definitely silence your cell phone. Dr/ HanyAtef 29
  • 30. Etiquette at the Table • Acceptable Phone Use • There may be certain times that it's acceptable to have your cell phone on at the table, but you need to always put your companions first. If you are eating alone and at home, enjoy your phone as much as you want to as long as you don't sound gross to the person you're chatting with. Don't smack or make slurping sounds. • If you are alone in a restaurant, don't talk on your phone. It's rude to those around you. If you are out without your children, feel free to look at your phone for any calls or texts from a babysitter. If a babysitter does call, answer the phone, but excuse yourself from the table to take the call. Dr/ HanyAtef 30
  • 31. Etiquette at the Table • Talking on the Phone • When you talk on your cell phone in front of others, they only hear one side of the conversation and this can come across as rude as whispering. It creates discomfort and confusion in the people who are physically in your presence. If you must answer it, let the person know you are busy and you'll call them back. • However, if it's an emergency call, get up and leave the room. When you return to the dining table, apologize for leaving, and if necessary, offer a brief explanation of the call. Dr/ HanyAtef 31