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@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 1
Leveraging Kafka for Big Data in Real Time Bidding,
Analytics, ML & Campaign Management
for Globally Distributed
Data Flows
Helena Edelson @helenaedelson Kafka Summit 2016
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
VP of Engineering, Tuplejump
Previously: Sr Cloud / Big Data / Analytics
Engineer: DataStax, CrowdStrike, VMware,
Event-Driven systems, Analytics, Machine
Learning, Scala
Committer: Kafka Connect Cassandra,
Spark Cassandra Connector
Contributor: Akka, previously: Spring
Speaker: Kafka Summit, Spark Summit, Strata,
QCon, Scala Days, Scala World, Philly ETE
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
The Real Topic
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Chaos Of
One of the more
fascinating problems is
that of solving the chaos
of distributed systems.
Regardless of the
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Aproaching this
within the use case of:
Platform &
Strategies and Patterns
Four-Letter Acronyms
Can't Touch This
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 6
The Landscape
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 7
The Digital Ad Industry
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
An RTB Drive-By
Real time auction for ad
spaces, all devices
High throughput, low-Latency
(similar to FIN Tech but not
OpenRTB API Spec - but not
everyone uses it
Open protocol for
automated trading of
digital media across
platforms, devices, and
advertising solutions
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 9
to User
In A Nutshell
hits a
send Bid
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 10
Ad supported
Real Time Exchange &
Auction (SSP):
OpenRTB Server used to
Bidder Service
OpenRTB client
wants ad
impressions. Uses
bidders to bid on
has ad spaces to
sell to highest
User Devices
win notice &
settlement price
insert orders
RTB Auction for Impressions
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 11
Time Is Money
Maximum response latency of 100 ms
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 12
Time Is Money
Assume some network latency!
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Sampling of RTB
Ad Request
Bid Request - JSON 100 bytes
Compute optimal bid for advertiser
Bid Response - JSON 1000 bytes (may include ad metadata)
Win Notification (may or may not exist) with settlement price
Ad Impression - when the ad is viewed
Ad Click
Ad Conversion
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Event Streams
Auctions: auction data + bid requests
Ad Impressions: which ad ids were shown
Ad Clicks: which auction ids resulted in a
Ad Conversions: streams joined on auction id
Analytics Aggregations & ML to derive
hundreds of metrics and dimensions
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 15
Real Time
Just means Event-Driven or processing events as they arrive.
Does not automatically equal sub-second latency
Seen / Ingestion Time
When an event is ingested into the system
Event Time
When an event is created, e.g. on a device.
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 16
The Platform
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Platform Requirements
24 / 7 Uptime
Brokerage model: DSPs only make $ on
successful ad deliveries, so uptime is critical
Enable service across the globe
Handle thousands of concurrent requests per second
Scale to traffic of 700TB per day
Manage 700TB per day of data
Derive Metrics
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Business Requirements
Support SLAs for bid transactions
Legal constraints - user data crossing borders
The critical path must be fast to win
No data loss on ingestion path
Bid & Campaign Optimization
Frequency Capping
Management UI for Publishers & Advertisers
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Questions To Answer
% Writes on ingestion, analytics pre-aggregation, etc.
% Reads of raw data by analytics, aggregated views by customer
management UI
How much in memory on RTB app nodes?
Dimensions of data in analytics queries
Optimization Algos
What needs real time feedback loops, what does not
Which data flows are low-lateny/high frequency, which not
Where are potential bottlenecks
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Resources - I need to build highly
functioning teams that are psyched
about the work and working together
Cloud Resources
JDK Version (What?!)
Existing infrastructure & technologies
that will be replaced later but you have to
deal with now :(
Pro Tip:
Pay well,
Allow people
to grow & be
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 21
To Avoid
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Beware of the C word
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 23
he went
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 25
Occam's razor:
Simpler theories are preferable to more complex
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 26
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Eventual/Tunable consistency
Time & Clocks in globally-distributed
Location Transparency
Design for scale
Design for Failure
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Kafka as Platform Fabric
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
From MVP to Scalable with Kafka
Does One Thing, Knows One Thing
Separate low-latency hot path
Separate deploy artifacts
Separate data mgmt clusters by
analytics, timeseries, etc.
CQRS: Separate Read Write paths
Separate The Monolith
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Immutable events stream to Kafka, partitioned
by event type, time, etc.
Subscribers & Publishers
RTB microservices - receives raw, receives
Analytics cluster - receives raw, publishes
Management / Reporting nodes
Services communicate
indirectly via Kafka
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
CQRS: Command Query
Responsibility Segregation
Decouple Write streams from Read streams
Different schemas / data structures
Writers (Publishers) publish without having
awareness who needs to receive it or how
to reach them (location, protocol...)
Readers (Subscribers) should be able to
subscribe and asynchronously receive
from topics of interest
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 32
Eventually Consistent Across DCs
Kafka Cluster Per Region
Query Layer
Analytics & ML Cluster
Timeseries Cluster
& ML
Cross DC
& ML
& ML
Cross DC
& ML
Compute Layer
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 33
Eventually Consistent Across DCs
Kafka Cluster Per Region
Analytics & ML Cluster
Timeseries Cluster
& ML
Cross DC
& ML
& ML
Cross DC
& ML
Compute Layer
Query Layer
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Kafka Cross Datacenter
bin/ --consumer.config config/ --producer.config config/ --whitelist bidrequests --num.producers 2 --
num.streams 4
Publish messages from various datacenters
around the world
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Users in the US and UK connect DCs in their geo region for
lower latency
Both DCs are part of the same cluster for X-DC Replication
Configure LB policies to prefer local DC
Data is available cluster-wide for backup, analytics, and to
account for user travel across regions
Cassandra Cross DC Replication
It's out of the box. Multi-region live backups for free:
[ NetworkTopologyStrategy ]
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 36
Cassandra Cross DC Replication
Keep EU User Data in the EU
‘class’: ‘NetworkTopologyStrategy’,
‘eu-east-dc’: ‘3’,‘eu-west-dc’: ‘3’
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 37
Cassandra Time Windowed Buckets with TTL
CREATE TABLE rtb.fu_events (
id int,
seen_time timeuuid,
event_time timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (id,date)
AND compaction = {
'compaction_window_unit': 'DAY',
'compaction_window_size': '3',
AND compression = {
'crc_check_chance': '0.5',
'sstable_compression': ''
AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"100"}'
AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND default_time_to_live = 60
AND gc_grace_seconds = 0
AND max_index_interval = 2048
AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0
AND min_index_interval = 128
AND read_repair_chance = 0.0
AND speculative_retry = '99.0PERCENTILE';
3 DAY buckets -
larger SSTables on
disk minimizes
bootstrapping issues
when adding nodes
to a cluster
3 MINUTE buckets
1 HOUR buckets
1 DAY buckets
MICROSECOND resolution:
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 38
Want Can Or Currently Use Status But
Kafka Security Kafka Security TLS, Kerberos, SASL, Auth,
Encryption, Authentication
Thanks Jun!
Integrated Streaming Kafka Streams processing inside Kafka, no alternate
cluster setup or ops.
Thanks Guozhang!
It's java :( Iw
Cassandra CDC Cassandra CDC.
Triggers? Tiggers are a pre-commit
hook :(
The Epic JIRA:
no comment
And... Kafka Streams &
Kafka Connect Integration
..wait for it..
no comment
Always on, X-DC
Replication, Flexible
Kafka, Cassandra
Fault Tolerance Kafka, Spark, Mesos, Cassandra,
Baked In
Location Transparency Kafka, Cassandra, Akka Check!
Asynchrony Kafka, Cassandra, Akka Check!
Decoupling Kafka, Akka Check!
Pub-Sub Kafka, Cassandra, Akka Check!
Immutability Kafka, Akka, Scala Check!
My Nerdy Chart v2.0
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Kafka Streams
in v 0.10
val builder = new KStreamBuilder()

val stream: KStream[K,V] =, des, "")
.flatMapValues(value -> Arrays.asList(value.toLowerCase.split(" ")
.map((k,v) -> new KeyValue(k,v))
.countByKey(ser, ser, des, des, "kTable")
.toStream"results.topic", ...)
val streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, props)
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Kafka Streams &
Kafka Connect?
val builder = new KStreamBuilder()
val stream1: KStream[K,V] = CassandraConnect(configs))
.map((k,v) -> new KeyValue(k,v))
.countByKey(ser, ser, des, des, "kTable")
.toStream"results.topic", ...)
val streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, props)
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 41
/** Writes records from Kafka to Cassandra asynchronously and non-blocking. */
override def put(records: JCollection[SinkRecord]): Unit
/** Returns a list of records when available by polling for new records. */
override def poll: JList[SourceRecord])
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Frequency Capping
1. Count the number of times user X has seen ad Y from
Advertiser A's Campaign C
2. Limit the max number of impressions of an ad within
Use Case:
Continuously count impressions grouped by campaign across DCs
low-latency reads & writes
Must scale
Cross DC Counters
Translation: Distributed Counters
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Redis? Broke under the load
Aerospike? Great candidate
Eventuate? Interesting, much lighter
Kafka streams when it's out? Interesting, already in the
Flink? Very interesting but...
Cassandra Counters - not applicable for this
Frequency Capping
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
As a distributed counting microservice
As a key-value store for in-memory caching
Fast reads - Very read heavy
99% reads are < 1 ms latency (sweet)
30,000 writes per second
350,000 reads per second on 7 nodes
Replication factor 2:
Cross datacenter replication (XDC), SSD-backed
Excellent few posts by Dag, Tapads CTO on in-memory
infrastructure + Ad Tech: (see resources slide)
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
CRDT: Conflict Free
Replicated Data Type
State-based: objects require only eventual communication
between pairs of replicas
Operation-based: replication requires reliable broadcast
communication with delivery in a well-defined delivery
Both guaranteed to converge towards common, correct state
Keep replicas available for writes during a network partition
requires resolution of conflicting writes when the partition
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
A toolkit for building distributed, HA & partition-tolerant event-sourced applications.
Developed by Martin Krasser (@mrt1nz) for Red Bull Media (open source)
Interactive, automated conflict resolution (via op-based CRDTs)
Separates command side of an app from its query side (CQRS)
Primary Goals: preserving causality, idempotency & event ordering guarantees even under
chaotic conditions
AP of CAP - conflicts cannot be prevented & must be resolved.
Causality - tracked with Vector Clocks
Adapters provide connectivity to other stream processing solutions
Can currently chose Cassandra if desired
Kafka coming soon!
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Replication of application state through
async event replication across locations
Locations consume replicated events to re-
construct application state locally
Multiple locations concurrently update as
Eventuate as
Distributed CRDT Microservice
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 48
Applications can continue
writing to a local replica during
a network partition
-> To Cassandra
-> To Kafka
Pass To Pipeline:
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 49
import scala.concurrent.Future

import{ActorRef, ActorSystem}

import com.rbmhtechnology.eventuate.crdt.{CRDTServiceOps, Counter, CounterService}
class CappingService(val id: String, override val log: ActorRef)

(implicit val system: ActorSystem,

val integral: Integral[Int],

override val ops: CRDTServiceOps[Counter[Int], Int])

extends CounterService[Int](id, log) {

/** Increment only op: adds `delta` to the counter identified by `id`
* and returns the updated counter value.

def increment(id: String, delta: Int): Future[Int] =

value(id) flatMap {

case v if v >= 0 && (delta > 0 || delta > v) =>

update(id, delta)

case v =>




import scala.concurrent.Future
val a = new CappingService(id1, eventLog)

a.increment(id1, 3) // Future(3) 3 impressions

a.value(id1) // Future(3) 3 impressions

a.increment(id1, -2) // increments only, idempotent.
val b = new CappingService(id2, eventLog)
b.value(id1) // Future(a.value(id1))
Knows the same count over n-instances,
all geo-locations, for the same id
class CounterService[A : Integral](val replicaId: String, val log: ActorRef) {
def value(id: String): Future[A] = { ... }
def update(id: String, delta: A): Future[A] = { ... }
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 50
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Eventuate Takeaway
It's just a jar!
OOTB async internal component messaging
and fault tolerance
Integrate with relevant microservices
No store/cache cluster to deploy, just keep
monitoring your apps
Written in Scala
Built on Akka - a toolkit for building highly
concurrent, distributed, and resilient event-
driven applications on the JVM
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 52
Analytics & ML
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Refresher: Sampling of
RTB Events
Ad Request
Bid Request - JSON 100 bytes
Compute optimal bid for advertiser
Bid Response - JSON 1000 bytes (may include ad metadata)
Win Notification (may or may not exist) with settlement price
Ad Impression - when the ad is viewed
Ad Click
Ad Conversion
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 54
OpenRTB: objects in the Bid Request model
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
TopK most high performing
Number of views served in the last 7
days, by country, by city
What determined successful ad
Age distribution per campaign
Streaming Analytics
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Spark Streaming Kafka
class KafkaStreamingActor(ssc: StreamingContext) extends MyAggregationActor {
val stream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(...).map(RawData(_))
.option("dataset", "rawdata")

/* Pre-Aggregate data in the stream for fast querying and aggregation later =>

(hour.wsid, hour.year, hour.month,, hour.oneHourPrecip)
).saveToCassandra(timeseriesKeyspace, dailyPrecipTable)
Can write to
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Machine Learning
Train on 1+ week of data for
Bid Optimization
Campaign Optimization
Consumer Profiling
...and much more
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Machine Learning
The probability of an ad, from a specific
ISP, OS, website, demographic, etc.
resulting in a conversion
Which attributes of impressions are good
predictors of better ad performance?
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Bid Optimization &
Predictive Models
Which impressions should an Advertiser bid for?
Per campaign, per country it may run in..?
What is the best bid for each impression
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 60
optimal bid
Train the
bid requests
value of
bid reqest
Train on every
bid req attribute
Based on Campaign
Against Budget Send bid decision
to bidder
Machine Learning
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Spark Streaming, MLLib & FiloDB
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(5))

val kafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[..](..)
.option("dataset", "training").save())

val model = new StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD()

model.predictOnValues( => (lp.label, lp.features)))
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
700 Queries Per Second:
Spark Streaming & FiloDB
Even for datasets with 15 million rows! Using FiloDB's
Single host / MBP
SQL to DataFrame caching
Evan Chan's (@velvia) blog post
NoLambda: A new architecture combining streaming, ad hoc,
machine-learning, and batch analytics
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit 63
Eventually Consistent Across DCs
Kafka Cluster Per Region
Query Layer
Analytics & ML Cluster
Timeseries Cluster
& ML
Cross DC
& ML
& ML
Cross DC
& ML
Compute Layer
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Self-Healing Systems
Massive event spikes & bursty traffic
Fast producers / slow consumers
Network partitioning & out of sync
DC down
Not DDOS'ing ourselves from fast
streams No data loss when auto-
scaling down
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Byzantine Fault Tolerance?
Looks like I'll
miss standup
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Everything fails, all the time
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit
Non-Monotonic Snapshot Isolation: scalable and strong consistency
for geo-replicated transactional systems
Conflict-free Replicated Data Types
Implementing operation-based CRDTs
@helenaedelson #kafkasummit

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Big Data Analytics : A Social Network Approach
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En vedette (20)

Disorder And Tolerance In Distributed Systems At Scale
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Social Network Analysis for Telecoms
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How to use your CRM for upselling and cross-selling
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Big Data Analytics : A Social Network Approach
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Similaire à Leveraging Kafka for Big Data in Real Time Bidding, Analytics, ML & Campaign Management for Globally Distributed Data Flows

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Streaming Analytics with Spark, Kafka, Cassandra and Akka
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Similaire à Leveraging Kafka for Big Data in Real Time Bidding, Analytics, ML & Campaign Management for Globally Distributed Data Flows (20)

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Plus de Helena Edelson

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Leveraging Kafka for Big Data in Real Time Bidding, Analytics, ML & Campaign Management for Globally Distributed Data Flows

  • 1. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 1 Leveraging Kafka for Big Data in Real Time Bidding, Analytics, ML & Campaign Management for Globally Distributed Data Flows Helena Edelson @helenaedelson Kafka Summit 2016
  • 2. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit VP of Engineering, Tuplejump Previously: Sr Cloud / Big Data / Analytics Engineer: DataStax, CrowdStrike, VMware, SpringSource... Event-Driven systems, Analytics, Machine Learning, Scala Committer: Kafka Connect Cassandra, Spark Cassandra Connector Contributor: Akka, previously: Spring Integration Speaker: Kafka Summit, Spark Summit, Strata, QCon, Scala Days, Scala World, Philly ETE 2
  • 3. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit The Real Topic 3
  • 4. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Chaos Of Distribution One of the more fascinating problems is that of solving the chaos of distributed systems. Regardless of the domain. 4
  • 5. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Aproaching this within the use case of: High-Level Landscape Platform & Infrastructure Strategies and Patterns Four-Letter Acronyms Can't Touch This Architecture 5
  • 7. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 7 The Digital Ad Industry
  • 8. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit An RTB Drive-By Real time auction for ad spaces, all devices High throughput, low-Latency (similar to FIN Tech but not quite) OpenRTB API Spec - but not everyone uses it 8 Open protocol for automated trading of digital media across platforms, devices, and advertising solutions
  • 9. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 9 Ad Delivered to User In A Nutshell User hits a Publisher's page Advertiser Advertiser Advertisers send Bid Requests Highest Bid Accepted
  • 10. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 10 Site: Ad supported content Real Time Exchange & Auction (SSP): OpenRTB Server used to bid Bidder Service (DSP): OpenRTB client Advertiser:Buyer wants ad impressions. Uses bidders to bid on behalf Publisher:Seller has ad spaces to sell to highest bidders User Devices ad request winning ad bid request win notice & settlement price insert orders bid response winning ad RTB Auction for Impressions
  • 11. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 11 Time Is Money RTB: Maximum response latency of 100 ms
  • 12. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 12 Time Is Money Assume some network latency!
  • 13. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Sampling of RTB Events Ad Request Bid Request - JSON 100 bytes Compute optimal bid for advertiser Bid Response - JSON 1000 bytes (may include ad metadata) Win Notification (may or may not exist) with settlement price Ad Impression - when the ad is viewed Ad Click Ad Conversion 13
  • 14. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Event Streams Auctions: auction data + bid requests Ad Impressions: which ad ids were shown Ad Clicks: which auction ids resulted in a click Ad Conversions: streams joined on auction id Analytics Aggregations & ML to derive hundreds of metrics and dimensions 14
  • 15. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 15 Real Time Just means Event-Driven or processing events as they arrive. Does not automatically equal sub-second latency requirements. Seen / Ingestion Time When an event is ingested into the system Event Time When an event is created, e.g. on a device.
  • 17. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Platform Requirements 24 / 7 Uptime Brokerage model: DSPs only make $ on successful ad deliveries, so uptime is critical Security Enable service across the globe Handle thousands of concurrent requests per second Scale to traffic of 700TB per day Manage 700TB per day of data Derive Metrics 17
  • 18. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Business Requirements Support SLAs for bid transactions Legal constraints - user data crossing borders The critical path must be fast to win No data loss on ingestion path Bid & Campaign Optimization Frequency Capping Management UI for Publishers & Advertisers 18
  • 19. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Questions To Answer % Writes on ingestion, analytics pre-aggregation, etc. % Reads of raw data by analytics, aggregated views by customer management UI How much in memory on RTB app nodes? Dimensions of data in analytics queries Optimization Algos What needs real time feedback loops, what does not Which data flows are low-lateny/high frequency, which not Where are potential bottlenecks 19
  • 20. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Constraints Resources - I need to build highly functioning teams that are psyched about the work and working together Budget Cloud Resources JDK Version (What?!) Existing infrastructure & technologies that will be replaced later but you have to deal with now :( 20 Pro Tip: Pay well, Allow people to grow & be creative
  • 22. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Beware of the C word Consistency? 22 Convergence?
  • 25. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 25 Occam's razor: Simpler theories are preferable to more complex
  • 27. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Approaches Eventual/Tunable consistency Time & Clocks in globally-distributed systems Location Transparency Asynchrony Pub-Sub Design for scale Design for Failure 27
  • 29. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit From MVP to Scalable with Kafka Microservices Does One Thing, Knows One Thing Separate low-latency hot path Separate deploy artifacts Separate data mgmt clusters by concern analytics, timeseries, etc. CQRS: Separate Read Write paths 29 Scalpel... Separate The Monolith
  • 30. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Immutable events stream to Kafka, partitioned by event type, time, etc. Subscribers & Publishers RTB microservices - receives raw, receives Analytics cluster - receives raw, publishes aggregates Management / Reporting nodes 30 Services communicate indirectly via Kafka
  • 31. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit CQRS: Command Query Responsibility Segregation Decouple Write streams from Read streams Different schemas / data structures Writers (Publishers) publish without having awareness who needs to receive it or how to reach them (location, protocol...) Readers (Subscribers) should be able to subscribe and asynchronously receive from topics of interest 31
  • 32. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 32 Eventually Consistent Across DCs US-East-1 MirrorMaker EU-west-1 RTB micro services RTB micro services RTB micro services Publishers Subscribers Subscribers Publishers Kafka Cluster Per Region ZK ZK Mgmt micro services Mgmt micro services Mgmt micro services Query Layer Analytics & ML Cluster Timeseries Cluster Spark Streaming & ML Cassandra Cross DC Replication Topology Aware Spark Streaming & ML Cassandra Spark Streaming & ML Cassandra Cross DC Replication Topology Aware Spark Streaming & ML Cassandra Compute Layer
  • 33. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 33 MirrorMaker RTB micro services RTB micro services RTB micro services Publishers Subscribers Subscribers Publishers C* C* Eventually Consistent Across DCs Mgmt micro services Mgmt micro services Mgmt micro services US-East-1 EU-west-1 Kafka Cluster Per Region Analytics & ML Cluster Timeseries Cluster Spark Streaming & ML Cassandra Cross DC Replication Topology Aware Spark Streaming & ML Cassandra Spark Streaming & ML Cassandra Cross DC Replication Topology Aware Spark Streaming & ML Cassandra Compute Layer Query Layer
  • 34. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Kafka Cross Datacenter Mirroring bin/ --consumer.config config/ --producer.config config/ --whitelist bidrequests --num.producers 2 -- num.streams 4 34 Publish messages from various datacenters around the world
  • 35. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Users in the US and UK connect DCs in their geo region for lower latency Both DCs are part of the same cluster for X-DC Replication Configure LB policies to prefer local DC LOCAL_QUORUM reads Data is available cluster-wide for backup, analytics, and to account for user travel across regions 35 Cassandra Cross DC Replication It's out of the box. Multi-region live backups for free: [ NetworkTopologyStrategy ]
  • 36. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 36 Cassandra Cross DC Replication Keep EU User Data in the EU CREATE KEYSPACE rtb WITH REPLICATION = { ‘class’: ‘NetworkTopologyStrategy’, ‘eu-east-dc’: ‘3’,‘eu-west-dc’: ‘3’ };
  • 37. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 37 Cassandra Time Windowed Buckets with TTL CREATE TABLE rtb.fu_events ( id int, seen_time timeuuid, event_time timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (id,date) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (event_time DESC) AND compaction = { 'compaction_window_unit': 'DAY', 'compaction_window_size': '3', 'class':'com.jeffjirsa.cassandra.db.compaction.TimeWindowCompactionStrategy' } AND compression = { 'crc_check_chance': '0.5', 'sstable_compression': '' } AND bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01 AND caching = '{"keys":"ALL", "rows_per_partition":"100"}' AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.0 AND default_time_to_live = 60 AND gc_grace_seconds = 0 AND max_index_interval = 2048 AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0 AND min_index_interval = 128 AND read_repair_chance = 0.0 AND speculative_retry = '99.0PERCENTILE'; 3 DAY buckets - larger SSTables on disk minimizes bootstrapping issues when adding nodes to a cluster 3 MINUTE buckets 1 HOUR buckets 1 DAY buckets MICROSECOND resolution:
  • 38. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 38 Want Can Or Currently Use Status But Kafka Security Kafka Security TLS, Kerberos, SASL, Auth, Encryption, Authentication v0.9.0 Thanks Jun! Integrated Streaming Kafka Streams processing inside Kafka, no alternate cluster setup or ops. v0.10 Thanks Guozhang! It's java :( Iw Cassandra CDC Cassandra CDC. Triggers? Tiggers are a pre-commit hook :( The Epic JIRA: CASSANDRA-8844 no comment And... Kafka Streams & Kafka Connect Integration ..wait for it.. no comment Always on, X-DC Replication, Flexible Topologies Kafka, Cassandra OOTB Fault Tolerance Kafka, Spark, Mesos, Cassandra, Akka Baked In Location Transparency Kafka, Cassandra, Akka Check! Asynchrony Kafka, Cassandra, Akka Check! Decoupling Kafka, Akka Check! Pub-Sub Kafka, Cassandra, Akka Check! Immutability Kafka, Akka, Scala Check! My Nerdy Chart v2.0
  • 39. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Kafka Streams in v 0.10 39 val builder = new KStreamBuilder()
 val stream: KStream[K,V] =, des, "") .flatMapValues(value -> Arrays.asList(value.toLowerCase.split(" ") .map((k,v) -> new KeyValue(k,v)) .countByKey(ser, ser, des, des, "kTable") .toStream"results.topic", ...) val streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, props) streams.start()
  • 40. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Kafka Streams & Kafka Connect? 40 val builder = new KStreamBuilder() val stream1: KStream[K,V] = CassandraConnect(configs)) .flatMapValues(..) .map((k,v) -> new KeyValue(k,v)) .countByKey(ser, ser, des, des, "kTable") .toStream"results.topic", ...) val streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, props) streams.start() YES
  • 41. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 41 /** Writes records from Kafka to Cassandra asynchronously and non-blocking. */ override def put(records: JCollection[SinkRecord]): Unit /** Returns a list of records when available by polling for new records. */ override def poll: JList[SourceRecord])
  • 42. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Frequency Capping 1. Count the number of times user X has seen ad Y from Advertiser A's Campaign C 2. Limit the max number of impressions of an ad within T1...T2 42 Use Case: Continuously count impressions grouped by campaign across DCs low-latency reads & writes Must scale Cross DC Counters Translation: Distributed Counters
  • 43. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Redis? Broke under the load Aerospike? Great candidate Eventuate? Interesting, much lighter Kafka streams when it's out? Interesting, already in the infra Flink? Very interesting but... Cassandra Counters - not applicable for this 43 Frequency Capping
  • 44. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit As a distributed counting microservice As a key-value store for in-memory caching Fast reads - Very read heavy 99% reads are < 1 ms latency (sweet) 30,000 writes per second 350,000 reads per second on 7 nodes Replication factor 2: Cross datacenter replication (XDC), SSD-backed Excellent few posts by Dag, Tapads CTO on in-memory infrastructure + Ad Tech: (see resources slide) 44 Aerospike
  • 45. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit CRDT: Conflict Free Replicated Data Type State-based: objects require only eventual communication between pairs of replicas Operation-based: replication requires reliable broadcast communication with delivery in a well-defined delivery order Both guaranteed to converge towards common, correct state Keep replicas available for writes during a network partition requires resolution of conflicting writes when the partition heals 45
  • 46. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Eventuate A toolkit for building distributed, HA & partition-tolerant event-sourced applications. Developed by Martin Krasser (@mrt1nz) for Red Bull Media (open source) Interactive, automated conflict resolution (via op-based CRDTs) Separates command side of an app from its query side (CQRS) Primary Goals: preserving causality, idempotency & event ordering guarantees even under chaotic conditions AP of CAP - conflicts cannot be prevented & must be resolved. Causality - tracked with Vector Clocks Adapters provide connectivity to other stream processing solutions Can currently chose Cassandra if desired Kafka coming soon! 46
  • 47. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Replication of application state through async event replication across locations Locations consume replicated events to re- construct application state locally Multiple locations concurrently update as multi-master 47 Eventuate as Distributed CRDT Microservice
  • 48. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 48 Applications can continue writing to a local replica during a network partition -> To Cassandra -> To Kafka (soon) Pass To Pipeline:
  • 49. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 49 import scala.concurrent.Future
 import{ActorRef, ActorSystem}
 import com.rbmhtechnology.eventuate.crdt.{CRDTServiceOps, Counter, CounterService} class CappingService(val id: String, override val log: ActorRef)
 (implicit val system: ActorSystem,
 val integral: Integral[Int],
 override val ops: CRDTServiceOps[Counter[Int], Int])
 extends CounterService[Int](id, log) {
 /** Increment only op: adds `delta` to the counter identified by `id` * and returns the updated counter value. */
 def increment(id: String, delta: Int): Future[Int] =
 value(id) flatMap {
 case v if v >= 0 && (delta > 0 || delta > v) =>
 update(id, delta)
 case v =>
 } import scala.concurrent.Future import val a = new CappingService(id1, eventLog)
 a.increment(id1, 3) // Future(3) 3 impressions
 a.value(id1) // Future(3) 3 impressions
 a.increment(id1, -2) // increments only, idempotent. val b = new CappingService(id2, eventLog) b.value(id1) // Future(a.value(id1)) Knows the same count over n-instances, all geo-locations, for the same id class CounterService[A : Integral](val replicaId: String, val log: ActorRef) { def value(id: String): Future[A] = { ... } def update(id: String, delta: A): Future[A] = { ... } }
  • 51. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Eventuate Takeaway It's just a jar! OOTB async internal component messaging and fault tolerance Integrate with relevant microservices No store/cache cluster to deploy, just keep monitoring your apps Written in Scala Built on Akka - a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient event- driven applications on the JVM 51
  • 53. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Refresher: Sampling of RTB Events Ad Request Bid Request - JSON 100 bytes Compute optimal bid for advertiser Bid Response - JSON 1000 bytes (may include ad metadata) Win Notification (may or may not exist) with settlement price Ad Impression - when the ad is viewed Ad Click Ad Conversion 53
  • 54. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 54 OpenRTB: objects in the Bid Request model
  • 55. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit TopK most high performing campaigns Number of views served in the last 7 days, by country, by city What determined successful ad conversions Age distribution per campaign 55 Streaming Analytics
  • 56. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Spark Streaming Kafka class KafkaStreamingActor(ssc: StreamingContext) extends MyAggregationActor { val stream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(...).map(RawData(_)) stream .foreachRDD(_.toDF.write.format("filodb.spark") .option("dataset", "rawdata") .save())
 /* Pre-Aggregate data in the stream for fast querying and aggregation later =>
 (hour.wsid, hour.year, hour.month,, hour.oneHourPrecip) ).saveToCassandra(timeseriesKeyspace, dailyPrecipTable) } 56 Can write to Cassandra, FiloDB...
  • 57. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Machine Learning Train on 1+ week of data for Recommendations Bid Optimization Campaign Optimization Consumer Profiling ...and much more 57
  • 58. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Machine Learning The probability of an ad, from a specific ISP, OS, website, demographic, etc. resulting in a conversion Which attributes of impressions are good predictors of better ad performance? 58
  • 59. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Bid Optimization & Predictive Models Which impressions should an Advertiser bid for? Per campaign, per country it may run in..? What is the best bid for each impression 59
  • 60. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 60 Compute optimal bid price Train the model Score bid requests Determine value of bid reqest Train on every bid req attribute Based on Campaign Objectives Against Budget Send bid decision to bidder Machine Learning
  • 61. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Spark Streaming, MLLib & FiloDB 61 val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(5))
 val kafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[..](..) .map(transformFunc) .map(LabeledPoint.parse) kafkaStream.foreachRDD(_.toDF.write.format("filodb.spark") .option("dataset", "training").save()) 
 val model = new StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD()
 .setInitialWeights(Vectors.dense(weights)) .trainOn(dataStream.join(historicalEvents)) model.predictOnValues( => (lp.label, lp.features))) .insertIntoFilo("predictions")
  • 62. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 700 Queries Per Second: Spark Streaming & FiloDB Even for datasets with 15 million rows! Using FiloDB's InMemoryColumnStore Single host / MBP 5GB RAM SQL to DataFrame caching Evan Chan's (@velvia) blog post NoLambda: A new architecture combining streaming, ad hoc, machine-learning, and batch analytics 62
  • 63. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit 63 Eventually Consistent Across DCs US-East-1 MirrorMaker EU-west-1 RTB micro services RTB micro services RTB micro services Publishers Subscribers Subscribers Publishers Kafka Cluster Per Region ZK ZK Mgmt micro services Mgmt micro services Mgmt micro services Query Layer Analytics & ML Cluster Timeseries Cluster Spark Streaming & ML Cassandra Cross DC Replication Topology Aware Spark Streaming & ML Cassandra Spark Streaming & ML Cassandra Cross DC Replication Topology Aware Spark Streaming & ML Cassandra Compute Layer
  • 64. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Self-Healing Systems Massive event spikes & bursty traffic Fast producers / slow consumers Network partitioning & out of sync systems DC down Not DDOS'ing ourselves from fast streams No data loss when auto- scaling down 64
  • 65. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Byzantine Fault Tolerance? 65 Looks like I'll miss standup
  • 66. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Everything fails, all the time Monitor Everything 66
  • 67. @helenaedelson #kafkasummit Non-Monotonic Snapshot Isolation: scalable and strong consistency for geo-replicated transactional systems Conflict-free Replicated Data Types Implementing operation-based CRDTs Resources 67