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atomically {
delete your actors
John A. De Goes — @jdegoes
Wiem Zine Elabidine — @wiemzin
The Bank Heist The Hero Become a Hero!
The Bank Heist
The Bank
def transfer(from: Account, to: Account,
amount: Amount): Unit = {
if (from.balance >= amount) {
from.balance -= amount
to.balance += amount
} else {
transfer(from, to, amount)
def transfer(from: Account, to: Account,
amount: Amount): Unit = {
if (from.balance >= amount) {
from.balance -= amount
to.balance += amount
} else {
transfer(from, to, amount)
def transfer(from: Account, to: Account,
amount: Amount): Unit = {
if (from.balance >= amount) {
from.balance -= amount
to.balance += amount
} else {
transfer(from, to, amount)
def transfer(from: Account, to: Account,
amount: Amount): Unit = {
if (from.balance >= amount) {
from.balance -= amount
to.balance += amount
} else {
transfer(from, to, amount)
Double-Spend Exploits
$1 M
$1 M
$1 M $2 M
def transfer(from: Account, to: Account,
amount: Amount) = {
if (from.balance >= amount) {
from.balance -= amount
to.balance += amount
} else {
transfer(from, to, amount)
def transfer(from: Account, to: Account,
amount: Amount) = {
if (from.balance >= amount) {
from.balance -= amount
to.balance += amount
} else {
transfer(from, to, amount)
Thread 1 Thread 2
Race Condition Exploit
def transfer(from: Account, to: Account,
amount: Amount) = {
if (from.balance >= amount) {
from.balance -= amount
to.balance += amount
} else {
transfer(from, to, amount)
def transfer(from: Account, to: Account,
amount: Amount) = {
if (from.balance >= amount) {
from.balance -= amount
to.balance += amount
} else {
transfer(from, to, amount)
Thread 1 Thread 2
Race Condition Exploit
class Account {
var balance : Amount
var accountID : AccountID
var name : String
val opened : Instant
val status : AccountStatus
val tpe : AccountType
balance 200,000
accountID 2816157231
... ...
Main Memory
balance 200,000
accountID 2816157231
... ...
Core 1 Cache
balance 200,000
accountID 2816157231
... ...
Core 2 Cache
def transfer(from: Account, to: Account,
amount: Amount) = {
if (from.balance >= amount) {
from.balance -= amount
to.balance += amount
} else {
transfer(from, to, amount)
def transfer(from: Account, to: Account,
amount: Amount) = {
if (from.balance >= amount) {
from.balance -= amount
to.balance += amount
} else {
transfer(from, to, amount)
Thread 1 Thread 2
Stale Cache Exploit
from.balance -= amount
4: getfield #2
7: invokevirtual #3
10: aload_2
11: invokevirtual #3
14: isub
15: invokestatic #4
18: dup_x1
19: putfield #2
def transfer(from: Account, to: Account,
amount: Amount) = {
if (from.balance >= amount) {
from.balance -= amount
to.balance += amount
} else {
transfer(from, to, amount)
def transfer(from: Account, to: Account,
amount: Amount) = {
if (from.balance >= amount) {
from.balance -= amount
to.balance += amount
} else {
transfer(from, to, amount)
Thread 1 Thread 2
Nonatomic Instruction Exploit
abstract class Account {
trait State {
@volatile var balance: BigDecimal = _
val state: State
def modify[A](f: State => A): A = this.synchronized {
val result = f(state)
def await(): Unit = this.synchronized { this.wait() }
def transfer(from: Account, to: Account,
amount: Amount): Unit = {
var loop = true
while (loop) {
from.modify { state =>
if (state.balance >= amount.value) {
state.balance -= amount.value
to.modify(state => state.balance += amount.value)
loop = false
else from.await()
transfer(from, to, amount) transfer(to, from, amount)
Thread 1 Thread 2
Deadlock Exploit
class Account extends Actor {
var balance =
var todos = List.empty[(ActorRef, Message)]
def receive = {
case Deposit(amount) =>
balance = balance + amount.value
sender ! Success(balance)
todos.foreach { case (s, m) => self ! m }
todos = Nil
case v @ Withdraw(amount) =>
if (balance >= amount.value) {
balance = balance - amount.value
sender ! Success(balance)
} else todos = (sender, v) :: todos
case Balance => sender ! Success(balance)
def transfer(from: ActorRef, to: ActorRef,
amount: Amount)(implicit garbage: Timeout): Unit =
(from ? Withdraw(amount)).flatMap { _ =>
to ? Deposit(amount)
for {
john <- johnAccount ? Balance
wiem <- wiemAccount ? Balance
} yield
if (wiem.value > john.value)
transfer(wiem, cafe, amount)
else transfer(john, cafe, amount)
for {
john <- johnAccount ? Balance
wiem <- wiemAccount ? Balance
} yield
if (wiem.value > john.value)
transfer(wiem, cafe, amount)
else transfer(john, cafe, amount)
$6,000,000 $99
for {
john <- johnAccount ? Balance
wiem <- wiemAccount ? Balance
} yield
if (wiem.value > john.value)
transfer(wiem, cafe, amount)
else transfer(john, cafe, amount)
$6,000,000 $99
for {
john <- johnAccount ? Balance
wiem <- wiemAccount ? Balance
} yield
if (wiem.value > john.value)
transfer(wiem, cafe, amount)
else transfer(john, cafe, amount)
$10 $99
for {
john <- johnAccount ? Balance
wiem <- wiemAccount ? Balance
} yield
if (wiem.value > john.value)
transfer(wiem, cafe, amount)
else transfer(john, cafe, amount)
def transfer(from : TRef[Account],
to : TRef[Account],
amount : Amount): UIO[Unit] =
atomically {
for {
balance <- from.get
_ <- check(balance >= amount)
_ <- from.update(_ - amount)
_ <- to.update(_ + amount)
} yield ()
def transfer(from : TRef[Account],
to : TRef[Account],
amount : Amount): UIO[Unit] =
atomically {
for {
balance <- from.get
_ <- check(balance >= amount)
_ <- from.update(_ - amount)
_ <- to.update(_ + amount)
} yield ()
def transfer(from : TRef[Account],
to : TRef[Account],
amount : Amount): UIO[Unit] =
atomically {
for {
balance <- from.get
_ <- check(balance >= amount)
_ <- from.update(_ - amount)
_ <- to.update(_ + amount)
} yield ()
def transfer(from : TRef[Account],
to : TRef[Account],
amount : Amount): UIO[Unit] =
atomically {
for {
balance <- from.get
_ <- check(balance >= amount)
_ <- from.update(_ - amount)
_ <- to.update(_ + amount)
} yield ()
def transfer(from : TRef[Account],
to : TRef[Account],
amount : Amount): UIO[Unit] =
atomically {
for {
balance <- from.get
_ <- check(balance >= amount)
_ <- from.update(_ - amount)
_ <- to.update(_ + amount)
} yield ()
def transfer(from : TRef[Account],
to : TRef[Account],
amount : Amount): UIO[Unit] =
atomically {
for {
balance <- from.get
_ <- check(balance >= amount)
_ <- from.update(_ - amount)
_ <- to.update(_ + amount)
} yield ()
The Hero
STM: Software Transactional Memory
Provides the ability to atomically commit a series of
reads and writes to transactional memory when a set
of conditions is satisfied.
...Op 2Op 1 Op n
failure - rollback
retry - rollback
complete complete
A transaction,
which models
reads & writes,
and can fail, retry,
or succeed.
A transactional
reference, which
is read & written
inside STM
Succeed with a
value of type A
Fail with an
error of type E
A transaction,
which models
reads & writes,
and can fail, retry,
or succeed.
A transactional
reference, which
is read & written
inside STM
An immutable value
of type A
trait TRef[A] {
val get: STM[Nothing, A]
def set(newValue: A): STM[Nothing, Unit]
def update(f: A => A): STM[Nothing, A]
def modify[B](f: A => (B, A)): STM[Nothing, B]
object TRef {
def make[A](a: A): STM[Nothing, TRef[A]]
trait TRef[A] {
val get: STM[Nothing, A]
def set(newValue: A): STM[Nothing, Unit]
def update(f: A => A): STM[Nothing, A]
def modify[B](f: A => (B, A)): STM[Nothing, B]
object TRef {
def make[A](a: A): STM[Nothing, TRef[A]]
trait TRef[A] {
val get: STM[Nothing, A]
def set(newValue: A): STM[Nothing, Unit]
def update(f: A => A): STM[Nothing, A]
def modify[B](f: A => (B, A)): STM[Nothing, B]
object TRef {
def make[A](a: A): STM[Nothing, TRef[A]]
trait TRef[A] {
val get: STM[Nothing, A]
def set(newValue: A): STM[Nothing, Unit]
def update(f: A => A): STM[Nothing, A]
def modify[B](f: A => (B, A)): STM[Nothing, B]
object TRef {
def make[A](a: A): STM[Nothing, TRef[A]]
trait TRef[A] {
val get: STM[Nothing, A]
def set(newValue: A): STM[Nothing, Unit]
def update(f: A => A): STM[Nothing, A]
def modify[B](f: A => (B, A)): STM[Nothing, B]
object TRef {
def make[A](a: A): STM[Nothing, TRef[A]]
trait STM[+E, +A] {
def commit: IO[E, A] = STM.atomically { this }
object STM {
def atomically[E, A](stm: STM[E, A]): IO[E, A]
STM - Commit
val hello: STM[Nothing, String] =
STM.succeed("Welcome to Scalar")
STM - Succeed
val sumBalances: STM[Nothing, Int] =
balance1.get.flatMap(a => => a + b))
STM - map & flatMap
val sumBalances: STM[Nothing, Int] =
for {
a <- balance1.get
b <- balance2.get
} yield a + b
STM - map & flatMap
STM - Fail
def debit(sender: TRef[Amount], amount: Amount):
STM[String, Amount] =
for {
balance <- sender.update(_ - amount)
_ <- if (balance < 0)"Insufficient funds")
else STM.succeed(())
} yield balance
def debitSuccess(sender: TRef[Amount],
amount: Amount): STM[Nothing, Boolean] =
debit(sender, amount).fold(_ => false, _ => true)
STM - Fold
def debitWithBalance(sender: TRef[Amount],
amount: Amount): STM[Nothing, Amount] =
debit(sender, amount)
_ => sender.get,
_ => sender.get)
STM - FoldM
def awaitTicket(tref: TRef[Option[Ticket]]): STM[Nothing, Ticket] =
for {
option <- tref.get
ticket <- option match {
case None => STM.retry
case Some(ticket) => STM.succeed(ticket)
} yield ticket
STM - Retry
def tripTickets: STM[Nothing, (Ticket, Ticket)] =
awaitTicket(toWarsaw) zip awaitTicket(toHome)
STM - Zip
def bid(price : Amount,
org : TRef[TravelCompany]): STM[Nothing, Ticket] =
for {
v <- org.get
_ <- STM.check(v.availTix.exists(_.price <= price))
ticket = findCheapest(v, price)
_ <- org.update(_.removeTix(ticket))
} yield ticket
STM - Check
STM - Filter
def bid(price : Amount,
org : TRef[TravelCompany]): STM[Nothing, Ticket] =
for {
v <- org.get.filter(_.availTix.exists(_.price <= price))
ticket = findCheapest(v, price)
_ <- org.update(_.removeTix(ticket))
} yield ticket
val trainOrAirplane: STM[Nothing, Ticket] =
bid(25.00, Railway) orElse bid(50.00, Airline)
STM - Choice
def checkIn(passengers: TRef[List[Person]]): STM[Nothing, Person] =
for {
head <- passengers.get.collect { case head :: tail => head }
_ <- passengers.update(_.drop(1))
} yield head
STM - Collect
Composable Easy to Reason About
def transfer(from : TRef[Account],
to : TRef[Account],
amount : Amount): UIO[Unit] =
atomically {
for {
balance <- from.get
_ <- check(balance >= amount)
_ <- from.update(_ - amount)
_ <- to.update(_ + amount)
} yield ()
Become a Hero
Thread #2 holds
1 permit
Thread #1 holds
2 permits
Thread #3 waits
for 4 permits
6 permits
7 contributors
11 months+
301 lines of code
type Semaphore = TRef[Int]
def makeSemaphore(n: Int): UIO[Semaphore] =
def acquire(semaphore: Semaphore, n: Int): UIO[Unit] =
(for {
value <- semaphore.get
_ <- STM.check(value >= n)
_ <- semaphore.set(value - n)
} yield ()).commit
def acquire(semaphore: Semaphore, n: Int): UIO[Unit] =
(for {
value <- semaphore.get
_ <- STM.check(value >= n)
_ <- semaphore.set(value - n)
} yield ()).commit
def acquire(semaphore: Semaphore, n: Int): UIO[Unit] =
(for {
value <- semaphore.get
_ <- STM.check(value >= n)
_ <- semaphore.set(value - n)
} yield ()).commit
def acquire(semaphore: Semaphore, n: Int): UIO[Unit] =
(for {
value <- semaphore.get
_ <- STM.check(value >= n)
_ <- semaphore.set(value - n)
} yield ()).commit
def release(semaphore: Semaphore, n: Int): UIO[Unit] =
semaphore.update(_ + n).commit
1 author (you!)
10 minutes
8 lines of code
Your Semaphore using ZIO!
Unset Set
Wait Wait Continue Continue
7 contributors
11 months+
274 lines of code
type Promise[A] = TRef[Option[A]]
def makePromise[A]: UIO[Promise[A]] =
def complete[A](promise: Promise[A], v: A): UIO[Boolean] =
(for {
value <- promise.get
change <- value match {
case Some(_) => STM.succeed(false)
case None => promise.set(Some(v)) *>
} yield change).commit
def complete[A](promise: Promise[A], v: A): UIO[Boolean] =
(for {
value <- promise.get
change <- value match {
case Some(_) => STM.succeed(false)
case None => promise.set(Some(v)) *>
} yield change).commit
def complete[A](promise: Promise[A], v: A): UIO[Boolean] =
(for {
value <- promise.get
change <- value match {
case Some(_) => STM.succeed(false)
case None => promise.set(Some(v)) *>
} yield change).commit
def complete[A](promise: Promise[A], v: A): UIO[Boolean] =
(for {
value <- promise.get
change <- value match {
case Some(_) => STM.succeed(false)
case None => promise.set(Some(v)) *>
} yield change).commit
def await[A](promise: Promise[A]): UIO[A] =
promise.get.collect { case Some(a) => a }.commit
1 author (you!)
10 minutes
8 lines of code
Your Promise using ZIO!
Empty Queue
Capacity: 6
Full Queue
Capacity: 6
4 contributors
9 months+
487 lines of code
case class Queue[A](
capacity : Int,
tref : TRef[ScalaQueue[A]])
def makeQueue[A](capacity: Int): UIO[Queue[A]] =
.map(Queue(capacity, _))
def offer[A](queue: Queue[A], a: A): UIO[Unit] =
(for {
q <- queue.tref.get
_ <- STM.check(q.length < queue.capacity)
_ <- queue.tref.update(_ enqueue a)
} yield ()).commit
def offer[A](queue: Queue[A], a: A): UIO[Unit] =
(for {
q <- queue.tref.get
_ <- STM.check(q.length < queue.capacity)
_ <- queue.tref.update(_ enqueue a)
} yield ()).commit
def offer[A](queue: Queue[A], a: A): UIO[Unit] =
(for {
q <- queue.tref.get
_ <- STM.check(q.length < queue.capacity)
_ <- queue.tref.update(_ enqueue a)
} yield ()).commit
def offer[A](queue: Queue[A], a: A): UIO[Unit] =
(for {
q <- queue.tref.get
_ <- STM.check(q.length < queue.capacity)
_ <- queue.tref.update(_ enqueue a)
} yield ()).commit
def take[A](queue: Queue[A]): UIO[A] =
(for {
q <- queue.tref.get
a <- q.dequeueOption match {
case Some((a, as)) =>
queue.tref.set(as) *> STM.succeed(a)
case _ => STM.retry
} yield a).commit
def take[A](queue: Queue[A]): UIO[A] =
(for {
q <- queue.tref.get
a <- q.dequeueOption match {
case Some((a, as)) =>
queue.tref.set(as) *> STM.succeed(a)
case _ => STM.retry
} yield a).commit
def take[A](queue: Queue[A]): UIO[A] =
(for {
q <- queue.tref.get
a <- q.dequeueOption match {
case Some((a, as)) =>
queue.tref.set(as) *> STM.succeed(a)
case _ => STM.retry
} yield a).commit
def take[A](queue: Queue[A]): UIO[A] =
(for {
q <- queue.tref.get
a <- q.dequeueOption match {
case Some((a, as)) =>
queue.tref.set(as) *> STM.succeed(a)
case _ => STM.retry
} yield a).commit
1 author (you)
14 minutes
13 lines of code
Your Queue using ZIO!
Wrap Up
@jdegoes @wiemzin

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Atomically { Delete Your Actors }

  • 1. atomically { delete your actors } John A. De Goes — @jdegoes Wiem Zine Elabidine — @wiemzin
  • 2. The Bank Heist The Hero Become a Hero!
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. #1
  • 11. #1
  • 12. 12 def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Amount): Unit = { if (from.balance >= amount) { from.balance -= amount to.balance += amount } else { Thread.sleep(100) transfer(from, to, amount) } }
  • 13. 13 def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Amount): Unit = { if (from.balance >= amount) { from.balance -= amount to.balance += amount } else { Thread.sleep(100) transfer(from, to, amount) } }
  • 14. 14 def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Amount): Unit = { if (from.balance >= amount) { from.balance -= amount to.balance += amount } else { Thread.sleep(100) transfer(from, to, amount) } }
  • 15. 15 def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Amount): Unit = { if (from.balance >= amount) { from.balance -= amount to.balance += amount } else { Thread.sleep(100) transfer(from, to, amount) } }
  • 17. def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Amount) = { if (from.balance >= amount) { from.balance -= amount to.balance += amount } else { Thread.sleep(100) transfer(from, to, amount) } } def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Amount) = { if (from.balance >= amount) { from.balance -= amount to.balance += amount } else { Thread.sleep(100) transfer(from, to, amount) } } Thread 1 Thread 2 Race Condition Exploit
  • 18. def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Amount) = { if (from.balance >= amount) { from.balance -= amount to.balance += amount } else { Thread.sleep(100) transfer(from, to, amount) } } def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Amount) = { if (from.balance >= amount) { from.balance -= amount to.balance += amount } else { Thread.sleep(100) transfer(from, to, amount) } } Thread 1 Thread 2 Race Condition Exploit
  • 19.
  • 20. 20 class Account { var balance : Amount var accountID : AccountID var name : String val opened : Instant val status : AccountStatus val tpe : AccountType }
  • 21. balance 200,000 accountID 2816157231 ... ... Main Memory balance 200,000 accountID 2816157231 ... ... Core 1 Cache balance 200,000 accountID 2816157231 ... ... Core 2 Cache
  • 22. def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Amount) = { if (from.balance >= amount) { from.balance -= amount to.balance += amount } else { Thread.sleep(100) transfer(from, to, amount) } } def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Amount) = { if (from.balance >= amount) { from.balance -= amount to.balance += amount } else { Thread.sleep(100) transfer(from, to, amount) } } Thread 1 Thread 2 Stale Cache Exploit
  • 23.
  • 24. from.balance -= amount 4: getfield #2 7: invokevirtual #3 10: aload_2 11: invokevirtual #3 14: isub 15: invokestatic #4 18: dup_x1 19: putfield #2
  • 25. def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Amount) = { if (from.balance >= amount) { from.balance -= amount to.balance += amount } else { Thread.sleep(100) transfer(from, to, amount) } } def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Amount) = { if (from.balance >= amount) { from.balance -= amount to.balance += amount } else { Thread.sleep(100) transfer(from, to, amount) } } Thread 1 Thread 2 Nonatomic Instruction Exploit
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. abstract class Account { trait State { @volatile var balance: BigDecimal = _ } val state: State def modify[A](f: State => A): A = this.synchronized { val result = f(state) this.notifyAll() result } def await(): Unit = this.synchronized { this.wait() } }
  • 30. def transfer(from: Account, to: Account, amount: Amount): Unit = { var loop = true while (loop) { from.modify { state => if (state.balance >= amount.value) { state.balance -= amount.value to.modify(state => state.balance += amount.value) loop = false } else from.await() } }
  • 31. transfer(from, to, amount) transfer(to, from, amount) Thread 1 Thread 2 Deadlock Exploit
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. class Account extends Actor { var balance = var todos = List.empty[(ActorRef, Message)] def receive = { case Deposit(amount) => balance = balance + amount.value sender ! Success(balance) todos.foreach { case (s, m) => self ! m } todos = Nil case v @ Withdraw(amount) => if (balance >= amount.value) { balance = balance - amount.value sender ! Success(balance) } else todos = (sender, v) :: todos case Balance => sender ! Success(balance) } }
  • 36. def transfer(from: ActorRef, to: ActorRef, amount: Amount)(implicit garbage: Timeout): Unit = (from ? Withdraw(amount)).flatMap { _ => to ? Deposit(amount) }
  • 37.
  • 38. for { john <- johnAccount ? Balance wiem <- wiemAccount ? Balance } yield if (wiem.value > john.value) transfer(wiem, cafe, amount) else transfer(john, cafe, amount) $70 $99
  • 39. for { john <- johnAccount ? Balance wiem <- wiemAccount ? Balance } yield if (wiem.value > john.value) transfer(wiem, cafe, amount) else transfer(john, cafe, amount) $70 $6,000,000 $99
  • 40. for { john <- johnAccount ? Balance wiem <- wiemAccount ? Balance } yield if (wiem.value > john.value) transfer(wiem, cafe, amount) else transfer(john, cafe, amount) $70 $6,000,000 $99
  • 41. $70 ~$6m for { john <- johnAccount ? Balance wiem <- wiemAccount ? Balance } yield if (wiem.value > john.value) transfer(wiem, cafe, amount) else transfer(john, cafe, amount) $10 $99
  • 42. $70 -$60 for { john <- johnAccount ? Balance wiem <- wiemAccount ? Balance } yield if (wiem.value > john.value) transfer(wiem, cafe, amount) else transfer(john, cafe, amount) $99
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46. 46 def transfer(from : TRef[Account], to : TRef[Account], amount : Amount): UIO[Unit] = atomically { for { balance <- from.get _ <- check(balance >= amount) _ <- from.update(_ - amount) _ <- to.update(_ + amount) } yield () }
  • 47. 47 def transfer(from : TRef[Account], to : TRef[Account], amount : Amount): UIO[Unit] = atomically { for { balance <- from.get _ <- check(balance >= amount) _ <- from.update(_ - amount) _ <- to.update(_ + amount) } yield () }
  • 48. 48 def transfer(from : TRef[Account], to : TRef[Account], amount : Amount): UIO[Unit] = atomically { for { balance <- from.get _ <- check(balance >= amount) _ <- from.update(_ - amount) _ <- to.update(_ + amount) } yield () }
  • 49. 49 def transfer(from : TRef[Account], to : TRef[Account], amount : Amount): UIO[Unit] = atomically { for { balance <- from.get _ <- check(balance >= amount) _ <- from.update(_ - amount) _ <- to.update(_ + amount) } yield () }
  • 50. 50 def transfer(from : TRef[Account], to : TRef[Account], amount : Amount): UIO[Unit] = atomically { for { balance <- from.get _ <- check(balance >= amount) _ <- from.update(_ - amount) _ <- to.update(_ + amount) } yield () }
  • 51. 51 def transfer(from : TRef[Account], to : TRef[Account], amount : Amount): UIO[Unit] = atomically { for { balance <- from.get _ <- check(balance >= amount) _ <- from.update(_ - amount) _ <- to.update(_ + amount) } yield () }
  • 52.
  • 54. STM: Software Transactional Memory Provides the ability to atomically commit a series of reads and writes to transactional memory when a set of conditions is satisfied. STM
  • 55. STM ...Op 2Op 1 Op n Final State Initial State commit failure - rollback retry - rollback complete complete
  • 56. STM STM[E, A] A transaction, which models reads & writes, and can fail, retry, or succeed. TRef[A] A transactional reference, which is read & written inside STM transactions.
  • 57. STM[E, A] Succeed with a value of type A Fail with an error of type E STM
  • 58. STM STM[E, A] A transaction, which models reads & writes, and can fail, retry, or succeed. TRef[A] A transactional reference, which is read & written inside STM transactions.
  • 61. trait TRef[A] { val get: STM[Nothing, A] def set(newValue: A): STM[Nothing, Unit] def update(f: A => A): STM[Nothing, A] def modify[B](f: A => (B, A)): STM[Nothing, B] } object TRef { def make[A](a: A): STM[Nothing, TRef[A]] } TRef
  • 62. trait TRef[A] { val get: STM[Nothing, A] def set(newValue: A): STM[Nothing, Unit] def update(f: A => A): STM[Nothing, A] def modify[B](f: A => (B, A)): STM[Nothing, B] } object TRef { def make[A](a: A): STM[Nothing, TRef[A]] } TRef
  • 63. trait TRef[A] { val get: STM[Nothing, A] def set(newValue: A): STM[Nothing, Unit] def update(f: A => A): STM[Nothing, A] def modify[B](f: A => (B, A)): STM[Nothing, B] } object TRef { def make[A](a: A): STM[Nothing, TRef[A]] } TRef
  • 64. trait TRef[A] { val get: STM[Nothing, A] def set(newValue: A): STM[Nothing, Unit] def update(f: A => A): STM[Nothing, A] def modify[B](f: A => (B, A)): STM[Nothing, B] } object TRef { def make[A](a: A): STM[Nothing, TRef[A]] } TRef
  • 65. trait TRef[A] { val get: STM[Nothing, A] def set(newValue: A): STM[Nothing, Unit] def update(f: A => A): STM[Nothing, A] def modify[B](f: A => (B, A)): STM[Nothing, B] } object TRef { def make[A](a: A): STM[Nothing, TRef[A]] } TRef
  • 66. trait STM[+E, +A] { def commit: IO[E, A] = STM.atomically { this } } object STM { def atomically[E, A](stm: STM[E, A]): IO[E, A] } STM - Commit
  • 67. val hello: STM[Nothing, String] = STM.succeed("Welcome to Scalar") STM - Succeed
  • 68. val sumBalances: STM[Nothing, Int] = balance1.get.flatMap(a => => a + b)) STM - map & flatMap
  • 69. val sumBalances: STM[Nothing, Int] = for { a <- balance1.get b <- balance2.get } yield a + b STM - map & flatMap
  • 70. STM - Fail def debit(sender: TRef[Amount], amount: Amount): STM[String, Amount] = for { balance <- sender.update(_ - amount) _ <- if (balance < 0)"Insufficient funds") else STM.succeed(()) } yield balance
  • 71. def debitSuccess(sender: TRef[Amount], amount: Amount): STM[Nothing, Boolean] = debit(sender, amount).fold(_ => false, _ => true) STM - Fold
  • 72. def debitWithBalance(sender: TRef[Amount], amount: Amount): STM[Nothing, Amount] = debit(sender, amount) .foldM( _ => sender.get, _ => sender.get) STM - FoldM
  • 73. def awaitTicket(tref: TRef[Option[Ticket]]): STM[Nothing, Ticket] = for { option <- tref.get ticket <- option match { case None => STM.retry case Some(ticket) => STM.succeed(ticket) } } yield ticket STM - Retry
  • 74. def tripTickets: STM[Nothing, (Ticket, Ticket)] = awaitTicket(toWarsaw) zip awaitTicket(toHome) STM - Zip
  • 75. def bid(price : Amount, org : TRef[TravelCompany]): STM[Nothing, Ticket] = for { v <- org.get _ <- STM.check(v.availTix.exists(_.price <= price)) ticket = findCheapest(v, price) _ <- org.update(_.removeTix(ticket)) } yield ticket STM - Check
  • 76. STM - Filter def bid(price : Amount, org : TRef[TravelCompany]): STM[Nothing, Ticket] = for { v <- org.get.filter(_.availTix.exists(_.price <= price)) ticket = findCheapest(v, price) _ <- org.update(_.removeTix(ticket)) } yield ticket
  • 77. val trainOrAirplane: STM[Nothing, Ticket] = bid(25.00, Railway) orElse bid(50.00, Airline) STM - Choice
  • 78. def checkIn(passengers: TRef[List[Person]]): STM[Nothing, Person] = for { head <- passengers.get.collect { case head :: tail => head } _ <- passengers.update(_.drop(1)) } yield head STM - Collect
  • 79. STM STM STM STM Composable Easy to Reason About def transfer(from : TRef[Account], to : TRef[Account], amount : Amount): UIO[Unit] = atomically { for { balance <- from.get _ <- check(balance >= amount) _ <- from.update(_ - amount) _ <- to.update(_ + amount) } yield () }
  • 81. Semaphore Thread #2 holds 1 permit Thread #1 holds 2 permits Thread #3 waits for 4 permits Semaphore 6 permits
  • 84. Semaphore def makeSemaphore(n: Int): UIO[Semaphore] = TRef.make(n).commit
  • 85. Semaphore def acquire(semaphore: Semaphore, n: Int): UIO[Unit] = (for { value <- semaphore.get _ <- STM.check(value >= n) _ <- semaphore.set(value - n) } yield ()).commit
  • 86. Semaphore def acquire(semaphore: Semaphore, n: Int): UIO[Unit] = (for { value <- semaphore.get _ <- STM.check(value >= n) _ <- semaphore.set(value - n) } yield ()).commit
  • 87. Semaphore def acquire(semaphore: Semaphore, n: Int): UIO[Unit] = (for { value <- semaphore.get _ <- STM.check(value >= n) _ <- semaphore.set(value - n) } yield ()).commit
  • 88. Semaphore def acquire(semaphore: Semaphore, n: Int): UIO[Unit] = (for { value <- semaphore.get _ <- STM.check(value >= n) _ <- semaphore.set(value - n) } yield ()).commit
  • 89. Semaphore def release(semaphore: Semaphore, n: Int): UIO[Unit] = semaphore.update(_ + n).commit
  • 90. Semaphore 1 author (you!) 10 minutes 8 lines of code Your Semaphore using ZIO!
  • 91. Promise Unset Set Wait Wait Continue Continue
  • 93. Promise type Promise[A] = TRef[Option[A]]
  • 95. Promise def complete[A](promise: Promise[A], v: A): UIO[Boolean] = (for { value <- promise.get change <- value match { case Some(_) => STM.succeed(false) case None => promise.set(Some(v)) *> STM.succeed(true) } } yield change).commit
  • 96. Promise def complete[A](promise: Promise[A], v: A): UIO[Boolean] = (for { value <- promise.get change <- value match { case Some(_) => STM.succeed(false) case None => promise.set(Some(v)) *> STM.succeed(true) } } yield change).commit
  • 97. Promise def complete[A](promise: Promise[A], v: A): UIO[Boolean] = (for { value <- promise.get change <- value match { case Some(_) => STM.succeed(false) case None => promise.set(Some(v)) *> STM.succeed(true) } } yield change).commit
  • 98. Promise def complete[A](promise: Promise[A], v: A): UIO[Boolean] = (for { value <- promise.get change <- value match { case Some(_) => STM.succeed(false) case None => promise.set(Some(v)) *> STM.succeed(true) } } yield change).commit
  • 99. Promise def await[A](promise: Promise[A]): UIO[A] = promise.get.collect { case Some(a) => a }.commit
  • 100. Promise 1 author (you!) 10 minutes 8 lines of code Your Promise using ZIO!
  • 101. Queue Empty Queue Capacity: 6 Full Queue Capacity: 6 Offer (Continue) Take (Wait) Offer (Wait) Take (Continue)
  • 103. Queue case class Queue[A]( capacity : Int, tref : TRef[ScalaQueue[A]])
  • 104. Queue def makeQueue[A](capacity: Int): UIO[Queue[A]] = TRef.make(ScalaQueue.empty[A]).commit .map(Queue(capacity, _))
  • 105. Queue def offer[A](queue: Queue[A], a: A): UIO[Unit] = (for { q <- queue.tref.get _ <- STM.check(q.length < queue.capacity) _ <- queue.tref.update(_ enqueue a) } yield ()).commit
  • 106. Queue def offer[A](queue: Queue[A], a: A): UIO[Unit] = (for { q <- queue.tref.get _ <- STM.check(q.length < queue.capacity) _ <- queue.tref.update(_ enqueue a) } yield ()).commit
  • 107. Queue def offer[A](queue: Queue[A], a: A): UIO[Unit] = (for { q <- queue.tref.get _ <- STM.check(q.length < queue.capacity) _ <- queue.tref.update(_ enqueue a) } yield ()).commit
  • 108. Queue def offer[A](queue: Queue[A], a: A): UIO[Unit] = (for { q <- queue.tref.get _ <- STM.check(q.length < queue.capacity) _ <- queue.tref.update(_ enqueue a) } yield ()).commit
  • 109. Queue def take[A](queue: Queue[A]): UIO[A] = (for { q <- queue.tref.get a <- q.dequeueOption match { case Some((a, as)) => queue.tref.set(as) *> STM.succeed(a) case _ => STM.retry } } yield a).commit
  • 110. Queue def take[A](queue: Queue[A]): UIO[A] = (for { q <- queue.tref.get a <- q.dequeueOption match { case Some((a, as)) => queue.tref.set(as) *> STM.succeed(a) case _ => STM.retry } } yield a).commit
  • 111. Queue def take[A](queue: Queue[A]): UIO[A] = (for { q <- queue.tref.get a <- q.dequeueOption match { case Some((a, as)) => queue.tref.set(as) *> STM.succeed(a) case _ => STM.retry } } yield a).commit
  • 112. Queue def take[A](queue: Queue[A]): UIO[A] = (for { q <- queue.tref.get a <- q.dequeueOption match { case Some((a, as)) => queue.tref.set(as) *> STM.succeed(a) case _ => STM.retry } } yield a).commit
  • 113. Queue 1 author (you) 14 minutes 13 lines of code Your Queue using ZIO!
  • 114.