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Akka Typed
Johan Andrén, Akka Team
Scala Italy, 2018-09-14
Next generation
actors with Akka
Johan Andrén
Akka Team
Stockholm Scala User
Build powerful reactive, concurrent,
and distributed applications more
What are the tools?
Actors – simple & high performance concurrency
Cluster, Cluster tools – tools for building distributed
Streams – reactive streams implementation
Persistence – CQRS + Event Sourcing for Actors
HTTP – fully async streaming HTTP Server
Alpakka – Reactive Streams Integrations a’la Camel
Complete Java & Scala APIs for all features
What are the tools?
Actors – simple & high performance concurrency
Cluster, Cluster tools – tools for building distributed
Streams – reactive streams implementation
Persistence – CQRS + Event Sourcing for Actors
HTTP – fully async streaming HTTP Server
Alpakka – Reactive Streams Integrations a’la Camel
Complete Java & Scala APIs for all features
(already type-safe)
(already type-safe)
(already type-safe)
What problem are we solving?
actorRef ! message
Akka Actor fundamentals
• mutate state (including spawning a child actor)
• send messages to other actors
• change its behavior
An Actor can…
(Minimum Viable Sample)
Na-na na-na na-na na-naSample-time!
Also known as “hello world”
At the core of Akka “untyped”
Any => Unit
MyActor extends Actor
On the inside
From the outside
import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}
object UntypedSample1 extends App {
case class Hello(who: String)
class GreetingActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!")
val props = Props(new GreetingActor)
val system = ActorSystem("my-system")
val ref = system.actorOf(props, "greeter")
ref ! Hello("Johan")
ref ! Hello("Scala Italy")
ref ! "ups"
import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}
object UntypedSample1 extends App {
case class Hello(who: String)
class GreetingActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!")
val props = Props(new GreetingActor)
val system = ActorSystem("my-system")
val ref = system.actorOf(props, "greeter")
ref ! Hello("Johan")
ref ! Hello("Scala Italy")
ref ! "ups"
import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}
object UntypedSample1 extends App {
case class Hello(who: String)
class GreetingActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!")
val props = Props(new GreetingActor)
val system = ActorSystem("my-system")
val ref = system.actorOf(props, "greeter")
ref ! Hello("Johan")
ref ! Hello("Scala Italy")
ref ! "ups"
import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}
object UntypedSample1 extends App {
case class Hello(who: String)
class GreetingActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!")
val props = Props(new GreetingActor)
val system = ActorSystem("my-system")
val ref = system.actorOf(props, "greeter")
ref ! Hello("Johan")
ref ! Hello("Scala Italy")
ref ! "ups"
case class Hello(who: String)
class GreetingActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!")
val props = Props(new GreetingActor)
val system = ActorSystem("my-system")
val ref = system.actorOf(props, "greeter")
ref ! Hello("Johan")
ref ! Hello("Scala Italy")
ref ! "ups"
[info] Running UntypedSample1
Hello Johan!
Hello Scala Italy!
case class Hello(who: String)
class GreetingActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!")
val props = Props(new GreetingActor)
val system = ActorSystem("my-system")
val ref = system.actorOf(props, "greeter")
ref ! Hello("Johan")
ref ! Hello("Scala Italy")
ref ! "ups"
[info] Running UntypedSample1
Hello Johan!
Hello Scala Italy!
At the core of Akka Typed
Msg => Behavior[Msg]
On the inside
From the outside
case class Hello(who: String)
val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"Hello $who!")
val system =
ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system")
system ! Hello("Johan")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
case class Hello(who: String)
val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"Hello $who!")
val system =
ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system")
system ! Hello("Johan")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
case class Hello(who: String)
val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"Hello $who!")
val system =
ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system")
system ! Hello("Johan")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
case class Hello(who: String)
val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"Hello $who!")
val system =
ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system")
system ! Hello("Johan")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
user (greeter)
case class Hello(who: String)
val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"Hello $who!")
val system =
ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system")
system ! Hello("Johan")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
case class Hello(who: String)
val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"Hello $who!")
val system =
ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system")
system ! Hello("Johan")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
== ActorRef[Hello]
case class Hello(who: String)
val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"Hello $who!")
val system =
ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system")
system ! Hello("Johan")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
case class Hello(who: String)
val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"Hello $who!")
val system =
ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system")
system ! Hello("Johan")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
[info] Running TypedSample1
Hello Johan!
Hello Scala Italy!
case class Hello(who: String)
val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"Hello $who!")
val system =
ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system")
system ! Hello("Johan")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
Let’s do another
one right away
The mystery of the changing state
sealed trait Command
case class Hello(who: String) extends Command
case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String)
extends Command
def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"$greeting $who!")
case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) =>
val system = ActorSystem(
system ! Hello("World")
system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
sealed trait Command
case class Hello(who: String) extends Command
case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String)
extends Command
def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"$greeting $who!")
case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) =>
val system = ActorSystem(
system ! Hello("World")
system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
sealed trait Command
case class Hello(who: String) extends Command
case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String)
extends Command
def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"$greeting $who!")
case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) =>
val system = ActorSystem(
system ! Hello("World")
system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
sealed trait Command
case class Hello(who: String) extends Command
case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String)
extends Command
def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"$greeting $who!")
case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) =>
val system = ActorSystem(
system ! Hello("World")
system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
sealed trait Command
case class Hello(who: String) extends Command
case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String)
extends Command
def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"$greeting $who!")
case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) =>
val system = ActorSystem(
system ! Hello("World")
system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
sealed trait Command
case class Hello(who: String) extends Command
case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String)
extends Command
def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"$greeting $who!")
case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) =>
val system = ActorSystem(
system ! Hello("World")
system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
sealed trait Command
case class Hello(who: String) extends Command
case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String)
extends Command
def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"$greeting $who!")
case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) =>
val system = ActorSystem(
system ! Hello("World")
system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
sealed trait Command
case class Hello(who: String) extends Command
case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String)
extends Command
def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] =
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"$greeting $who!")
case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) =>
val system = ActorSystem(
system ! Hello("World")
system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio")
system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
[info] Running TypedSample2
Hello World!
Buon Pomeriggio Scala Italy!
But I don’t like it
(the FP style, that is)
class GreetingBehavior(private var greeting: String)
extends ExtensibleBehavior[Command] {
def receive(
ctx: ActorContext[Command],
msg: Command
): Behavior[Command] = {
msg match {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"$greeting $who!")
case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) =>
greeting = newGreeting
def receiveSignal(
ctx: ActorContext[Command],
msg: Signal
): Behavior[Command] = {
class GreetingBehavior(private var greeting: String)
extends ExtensibleBehavior[Command] {
def receive(
ctx: ActorContext[Command],
msg: Command
): Behavior[Command] = {
msg match {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"$greeting $who!")
case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) =>
greeting = newGreeting
def receiveSignal(
ctx: ActorContext[Command],
msg: Signal
): Behavior[Command] = {
class GreetingBehavior(private var greeting: String)
extends ExtensibleBehavior[Command] {
def receive(
ctx: ActorContext[Command],
msg: Command
): Behavior[Command] = {
msg match {
case Hello(who) =>
println(s"$greeting $who!")
case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) =>
greeting = newGreeting
def receiveSignal(
ctx: ActorContext[Command],
msg: Signal
): Behavior[Command] = {
More behavior factories
val behaviorWithSetup: Behavior[Unit] =
Behaviors.setup { ctx =>"Starting up")
// other startup logic, for example
// spawn children, subscribe, open resources
// then return the actual behavior used
More behavior factories
case class Message(text: String)
val behaviorWithTimer: Behavior[Message] =
Behaviors.withTimers { timers =>
Behaviors.receive { (ctx, msg) =>"Got msg: {}", msg)
More behavior factories
•Behaviors.empty, Behaviors.ignore
•Behaviors.monitor, Behaviors.intercept 

(intercept not in there yet, in progress, so likely)
•Behaviors.receiveSignal - 

PreRestart, PostStop, Terminated
Burglar Alarm
• enabled/disabled with a
pin code
• accepts notifications
about “activity”
• if enabled, on activity,
sound the alarm
“Realistic” Example
sealed trait AlarmMessage
case object EnableAlarm extends AlarmMessage
case class DisableAlarm(pinCode: String) extends AlarmMessage
case class ActivitySeen(what: String) extends AlarmMessage
def disabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] =
Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) =>
msg match {
case EnableAlarm =>
case _ =>
def disabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] =
Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) =>
msg match {
case EnableAlarm =>
case _ =>
def disabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] =
Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) =>
msg match {
case EnableAlarm =>
case _ =>
def enabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] =
Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) =>
msg match {
case ActivitySeen(what) =>
"EOEOEOE, activity detected: {}", what)
case DisableAlarm(`pinCode`) =>"Alarm disabled")
case DisableAlarm(_) =>
"OEOEOE, unauthorized disable of alarm!")
case EnableAlarm =>
def enabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] =
Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) =>
msg match {
case ActivitySeen(what) =>
"EOEOEOE, activity detected: {}", what)
case DisableAlarm(`pinCode`) =>"Alarm disabled")
case DisableAlarm(_) =>
"OEOEOE, unauthorized disable of alarm!")
case EnableAlarm =>
def enabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] =
Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) =>
msg match {
case ActivitySeen(what) =>
"EOEOEOE, activity detected: {}", what)
case DisableAlarm(`pinCode`) =>"Alarm disabled")
case DisableAlarm(_) =>
"OEOEOE, unauthorized disable of alarm!")
case EnableAlarm =>
def enabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] =
Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) =>
msg match {
case ActivitySeen(what) =>
"EOEOEOE, activity detected: {}", what)
case DisableAlarm(`pinCode`) =>"Alarm disabled")
case DisableAlarm(_) =>
"OEOEOE, unauthorized disable of alarm!")
case EnableAlarm =>
def enabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] =
Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) =>
msg match {
case ActivitySeen(what) =>
"EOEOEOE, activity detected: {}", what)
case DisableAlarm(`pinCode`) =>"Alarm disabled")
case DisableAlarm(_) =>
"OEOEOE, unauthorized disable of alarm!")
case EnableAlarm =>
def enabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] =
Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) =>
msg match {
case ActivitySeen(what) =>
"EOEOEOE, activity detected: {}", what)
case DisableAlarm(`pinCode`) =>"Alarm disabled")
case DisableAlarm(_) =>
"OEOEOE, unauthorized disable of alarm!")
case EnableAlarm =>
val system = ActorSystem(enabledAlarm("0000"), "alarm")
system ! ActivitySeen("door opened")
system ! DisableAlarm("1234")
system ! DisableAlarm("0000")
system ! ActivitySeen("window opened")
system ! EnableAlarm
[WARN] [19:08:45.332] EOEOEOE, activity detected:
door opened
[WARN] [09/13/2018 19:08:45.332] OEOEOE, unauthorized
disable of alarm!
[INFO] [09/13/2018 19:08:45.333] Alarm disabled
• Discoverability, how are things related
• More compile time type-safety, less runtime

Types helps productivity!
(and results in more reliable systems in
The need for strong/strict typing
“Sending the wrong message to an
actor is actually quite uncommon”
– Myself
• In untyped actors the sender was
auto-magically available - sender()
• In Akka Typed the recipient of
response has to be encoded in
message (why?)
A consequence
Request-response with other actors
Actor[ProtocolA] Actor[ProtocolB]
A sender() couldn’t
know the type!
Request-response with other actors
Response From B is not
part of As protocol
So we can’t use “self”
Actor[ProtocolA] Actor[ProtocolB]
Request-response with other actors
ResponseFromB => ProtocolA
Request-response with other actors
Actor[ProtocolA] Actor[ProtocolB]
Request-response with other actors
• One off request-response with a
timeout - ask
• Fire-and-forget with (or “subscribe”)
- adapter
Two flavours:
One off with Ask
sealed trait ProtocolA
case class GotResult(result: String) extends ProtocolA
case class GotNoResult(why: String) extends ProtocolA
// in the actor
implicit val timeout: Timeout = 3.seconds
ctx.ask(actorB)(RequestForB.apply) {
case Success(ResponseFromB(result)) =>
case Failure(error) =>
Long live the adapter
val adapter: ActorRef[ResponseFromB] =
ctx.messageAdapter {
case ResponseFromB(result) =>
Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case TriggerRequest =>
actorB ! RequestForB(adapter)
Distributed Systems
–Leslie Lamport
”A distributed system is one in which
the failure of a computer you didn't
even know existed can render your
own computer unusable”
Why is it so hard?
Reliability: power failure, old network 

equipment, network congestion, coffee in

rodents, that guy in the IT dept., DDOS attacks…
Latency: loopback vs local net vs shared
congested local net vs internet
Bandwidth: again loopback vs local vs shared
local vs internet
The Joys of Computer Networks:
Partial Failure
✂Node 1 Node 2
Partial Failure
✂Node 1 Node 2
Partial Failure
✂Node 1 Node 2
Partial Failure
✂Node 1 Node 2
Why do it, if it is so hard?
Data or processing doesn’t fit a
single machine

Many objects, that should be kept in memory.
Many not so powerful servers can be cheaper
than a supercomputer.

Being able to scale in (less servers) and out (more
servers) depending on load. Not paying for
servers unless you need them.

Building systems that will keep working in the
face of failures or degrade gracefully.
Actor Model vs Network
Interaction already modelled as immutable messages

Data travels over the network in packages, changes has to be explicitly
sent back.
At most once

Data reaches a node on the other side at most once, but can be lost,
already part of model!
A recipient of a message can reply directly to sender

Regardless if there were intermediate recipients of the message:
A > B > C – C can reply directly to A
Messages not limited to request response

Messages can flow in either direction when two systems are connected.
Akka Cluster + Akka Typed
ActorSystem ActorSystem
Typed Receptionist
Subscribe(key, actorRef)
Typed Receptionist
Typed Receptionist
Listing(key, actorRefs)
Typed Receptionist
Listing(key, actorRefs)
Distributed Burglar Alarm
• we can have any number of
• a sensor on any node can
report activity to the alarm
• The node which the alarm
runs on can change
sealed trait AlarmMessage
case object EnableAlarm extends AlarmMessage
case class DisableAlarm(pinCode: String) extends AlarmMessage
case class ActivitySeen(what: String) extends AlarmMessage
val serviceKey = ServiceKey[ActivitySeen]("alarm")
def distributedAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] =
Behaviors.setup { ctx =>"Starting up alarm")
ctx.system.receptionist ! Register(serviceKey, ctx.self)
Registering an actor providing a service
sealed trait AlarmMessage
case object EnableAlarm extends AlarmMessage
case class DisableAlarm(pinCode: String) extends AlarmMessage
case class ActivitySeen(what: String) extends AlarmMessage
val serviceKey = ServiceKey[ActivitySeen]("alarm")
def distributedAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] =
Behaviors.setup { ctx =>"Starting up alarm")
ctx.system.receptionist ! Register(serviceKey, ctx.self)
Registering an actor providing a service
sealed trait AlarmMessage
case object EnableAlarm extends AlarmMessage
case class DisableAlarm(pinCode: String) extends AlarmMessage
case class ActivitySeen(what: String) extends AlarmMessage
val serviceKey = ServiceKey[ActivitySeen]("alarm")
def distributedAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] =
Behaviors.setup { ctx =>"Starting up alarm")
ctx.system.receptionist ! Register(serviceKey, ctx.self)
Registering an actor providing a service
sealed trait SensorMessage
case object Trigger extends SensorMessage
case class AlarmsChanged(
alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]]
) extends SensorMessage
def sensor(where: String): Behavior[SensorMessage] =
Behaviors.setup { ctx =>
val adapter = ctx.messageAdapter[Listing] {
case Alarm.serviceKey.Listing(alarms) =>
val subscribe = Subscribe(Alarm.serviceKey, adapter)
ctx.system.receptionist ! subscribe
sensorWithAlarms(where, Set.empty)
Sensor, subscribing to alarms
sealed trait SensorMessage
case object Trigger extends SensorMessage
case class AlarmsChanged(
alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]]
) extends SensorMessage
def sensor(where: String): Behavior[SensorMessage] =
Behaviors.setup { ctx =>
val adapter = ctx.messageAdapter[Listing] {
case Alarm.serviceKey.Listing(alarms) =>
val subscribe = Subscribe(Alarm.serviceKey, adapter)
ctx.system.receptionist ! subscribe
sensorWithAlarms(where, Set.empty)
Sensor, subscribing to alarms
sealed trait SensorMessage
case object Trigger extends SensorMessage
case class AlarmsChanged(
alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]]
) extends SensorMessage
def sensor(where: String): Behavior[SensorMessage] =
Behaviors.setup { ctx =>
val adapter = ctx.messageAdapter[Listing] {
case Alarm.serviceKey.Listing(alarms) =>
val subscribe = Subscribe(Alarm.serviceKey, adapter)
ctx.system.receptionist ! subscribe
sensorWithAlarms(where, Set.empty)
Sensor, subscribing to alarms
sealed trait SensorMessage
case object Trigger extends SensorMessage
case class AlarmsChanged(
alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]]
) extends SensorMessage
def sensor(where: String): Behavior[SensorMessage] =
Behaviors.setup { ctx =>
val adapter = ctx.messageAdapter[Listing] {
case Alarm.serviceKey.Listing(alarms) =>
val subscribe = Subscribe(Alarm.serviceKey, adapter)
ctx.system.receptionist ! subscribe
sensorWithAlarms(where, Set.empty)
Sensor, subscribing to alarms
sealed trait SensorMessage
case object Trigger extends SensorMessage
case class AlarmsChanged(
alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]]
) extends SensorMessage
def sensor(where: String): Behavior[SensorMessage] =
Behaviors.setup { ctx =>
val adapter = ctx.messageAdapter[Listing] {
case Alarm.serviceKey.Listing(alarms) =>
val subscribe = Subscribe(Alarm.serviceKey, adapter)
ctx.system.receptionist ! subscribe
sensorWithAlarms(where, Set.empty)
Sensor, subscribing to alarms
def sensorWithAlarms(
where: String,
alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]]
): Behavior[SensorMessage] =
Behaviors.receive { (ctx, msg) =>
msg match {
case Trigger =>
val event = Alarm.ActivitySeen(where)
alarms.foreach(_ ! event)
case Sensor.AlarmsChanged(newSetOfAlarms) =>"New set of alarms: {}",
sensorWithAlarms(where, newSetOfAlarms)
Sensor, react to alarm changes
def sensorWithAlarms(
where: String,
alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]]
): Behavior[SensorMessage] =
Behaviors.receive { (ctx, msg) =>
msg match {
case Trigger =>
val event = Alarm.ActivitySeen(where)
alarms.foreach(_ ! event)
case Sensor.AlarmsChanged(newSetOfAlarms) =>"New set of alarms: {}",
sensorWithAlarms(where, newSetOfAlarms)
Sensor, react to alarm changes
def sensorWithAlarms(
where: String,
alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]]
): Behavior[SensorMessage] =
Behaviors.receive { (ctx, msg) =>
msg match {
case Trigger =>
val event = Alarm.ActivitySeen(where)
alarms.foreach(_ ! event)
case Sensor.AlarmsChanged(newSetOfAlarms) =>"New set of alarms: {}",
sensorWithAlarms(where, newSetOfAlarms)
Sensor, react to alarm changes
def sensorWithAlarms(
where: String,
alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]]
): Behavior[SensorMessage] =
Behaviors.receive { (ctx, msg) =>
msg match {
case Trigger =>
val event = Alarm.ActivitySeen(where)
alarms.foreach(_ ! event)
case Sensor.AlarmsChanged(newSetOfAlarms) =>"New set of alarms: {}",
sensorWithAlarms(where, newSetOfAlarms)
Sensor, react to alarm changes
Cluster config
val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(
# get a port from the OS
# these are ok just because this is a sample
Programmatic cluster startup
val system1 = ActorSystem(
distributedAlarm(pinCode = "0000"), "alarm", config)
val system2 = ActorSystem(sensor("window"), "alarm", config)
val system3 = ActorSystem(sensor("door"), "alarm", config)
// Note: in a real system you would not likely
// run multiple nodes in the same JVM
val node1 = Cluster(system1)
val node2 = Cluster(system2)
val node3 = Cluster(system3)
// node 1 joins itself to form cluster
node1.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address)
// the other two joins that cluster
node2.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address)
node3.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address)
Programmatic cluster startup
val system1 = ActorSystem(
distributedAlarm(pinCode = "0000"), "alarm", config)
val system2 = ActorSystem(sensor("window"), "alarm", config)
val system3 = ActorSystem(sensor("door"), "alarm", config)
// Note: in a real system you would not likely
// run multiple nodes in the same JVM
val node1 = Cluster(system1)
val node2 = Cluster(system2)
val node3 = Cluster(system3)
// node 1 joins itself to form cluster
node1.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address)
// the other two joins that cluster
node2.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address)
node3.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address)
Programmatic cluster startup
val system1 = ActorSystem(
distributedAlarm(pinCode = "0000"), "alarm", config)
val system2 = ActorSystem(sensor("window"), "alarm", config)
val system3 = ActorSystem(sensor("door"), "alarm", config)
// Note: in a real system you would not likely
// run multiple nodes in the same JVM
val node1 = Cluster(system1)
val node2 = Cluster(system2)
val node3 = Cluster(system3)
// node 1 joins itself to form cluster
node1.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address)
// the other two joins that cluster
node2.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address)
node3.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address)
Simulate some activity
// at some point in time
system2 ! Sensor.Trigger
system3 ! Sensor.Trigger
[INFO] [17:48:27.456] New set of alarms: Set(Actor[akka://
[INFO] [17:48:27.511] New set of alarms: Set(Actor[akka://
[WARN] [17:48:29.021] EOEOEOE, activity detected: window
[WARN] [17:48:31.011] EOEOEOE, activity detected: door
• On message - message another actor,
change state or behavior
• Types gives better guardrails and makes
understanding the system easier
• We can use the same abstraction for
local and distributed
How ready is it?
• APIs not frozen (normally we keep binary
compatibility in minor releases) - we expect
only minor changes though
• Pretty much the same since mid spring 2018
• Most likely to change - Typed Persistence
• All cluster APIs and Cluster tools covered
• Working towards a GA, hopefully this fall
GitHub repo with all samples in this talk
Akka typed docs
More resources - news and articles - forums - samples
Further reading
GitHub repo with all samples in this talk
Thanks for listening!

Contenu connexe


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Similaire à Akka Typed Actors with Behavior and State Changes

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Akka Typed Actors with Behavior and State Changes

  • 1. Akka Typed Johan Andrén, Akka Team Scala Italy, 2018-09-14 Next generation actors with Akka
  • 2. Johan Andrén Akka Team Stockholm Scala User Group @apnylle
  • 3. Build powerful reactive, concurrent, and distributed applications more easily Akka
  • 4. What are the tools? Actors – simple & high performance concurrency Cluster, Cluster tools – tools for building distributed systems Streams – reactive streams implementation Persistence – CQRS + Event Sourcing for Actors HTTP – fully async streaming HTTP Server Alpakka – Reactive Streams Integrations a’la Camel Complete Java & Scala APIs for all features
  • 5. What are the tools? Actors – simple & high performance concurrency Cluster, Cluster tools – tools for building distributed systems Streams – reactive streams implementation Persistence – CQRS + Event Sourcing for Actors HTTP – fully async streaming HTTP Server Alpakka – Reactive Streams Integrations a’la Camel Complete Java & Scala APIs for all features (already type-safe) (already type-safe) (already type-safe) Typed Typed Typed
  • 6. What problem are we solving?
  • 8. • mutate state (including spawning a child actor) • send messages to other actors • change its behavior Actor Message Inbox MessageMessage An Actor can…
  • 9. MVS (Minimum Viable Sample) Na-na na-na na-na na-naSample-time! Also known as “hello world”
  • 10. At the core of Akka “untyped” Any => Unit MyActor extends Actor On the inside From the outside ActorRef
  • 11. import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props} object UntypedSample1 extends App { case class Hello(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor { def receive = { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") } } val props = Props(new GreetingActor) val system = ActorSystem("my-system") val ref = system.actorOf(props, "greeter") ref ! Hello("Johan") ref ! Hello("Scala Italy") ref ! "ups" }
  • 12. import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props} object UntypedSample1 extends App { case class Hello(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor { def receive = { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") } } val props = Props(new GreetingActor) val system = ActorSystem("my-system") val ref = system.actorOf(props, "greeter") ref ! Hello("Johan") ref ! Hello("Scala Italy") ref ! "ups" }
  • 13. import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props} object UntypedSample1 extends App { case class Hello(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor { def receive = { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") } } val props = Props(new GreetingActor) val system = ActorSystem("my-system") val ref = system.actorOf(props, "greeter") ref ! Hello("Johan") ref ! Hello("Scala Italy") ref ! "ups" } user my-system greeter
  • 14. import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props} object UntypedSample1 extends App { case class Hello(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor { def receive = { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") } } val props = Props(new GreetingActor) val system = ActorSystem("my-system") val ref = system.actorOf(props, "greeter") ref ! Hello("Johan") ref ! Hello("Scala Italy") ref ! "ups" } user my-system greeter
  • 15. case class Hello(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor { def receive = { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") } } val props = Props(new GreetingActor) val system = ActorSystem("my-system") val ref = system.actorOf(props, "greeter") ref ! Hello("Johan") ref ! Hello("Scala Italy") ref ! "ups" } [info] Running UntypedSample1 Hello Johan! Hello Scala Italy! user greeter
  • 16. case class Hello(who: String) class GreetingActor extends Actor { def receive = { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") } } val props = Props(new GreetingActor) val system = ActorSystem("my-system") val ref = system.actorOf(props, "greeter") ref ! Hello("Johan") ref ! Hello("Scala Italy") ref ! "ups" } [info] Running UntypedSample1 Hello Johan! Hello Scala Italy! user greeter
  • 17. At the core of Akka Typed Msg => Behavior[Msg] Behavior[Msg] On the inside ActorRef[Msg] From the outside
  • 18. case class Hello(who: String) val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") Behaviors.same } val system = ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system") system ! Hello("Johan") system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
  • 19. case class Hello(who: String) val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") Behaviors.same } val system = ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system") system ! Hello("Johan") system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
  • 20. case class Hello(who: String) val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") Behaviors.same } val system = ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system") system ! Hello("Johan") system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
  • 21. case class Hello(who: String) val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") Behaviors.same } val system = ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system") system ! Hello("Johan") system ! Hello("Scala Italy") my-system user (greeter)
  • 22. case class Hello(who: String) val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") Behaviors.same } val system = ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system") system ! Hello("Johan") system ! Hello("Scala Italy") Behavior[Hello] ActorSystem[Hello]
  • 23. case class Hello(who: String) val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") Behaviors.same } val system = ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system") system ! Hello("Johan") system ! Hello("Scala Italy") ActorSystem[Hello] ActorSystem[Hello] == ActorRef[Hello]
  • 24. case class Hello(who: String) val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") Behaviors.same } val system = ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system") system ! Hello("Johan") system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
  • 25. case class Hello(who: String) val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") Behaviors.same } val system = ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system") system ! Hello("Johan") system ! Hello("Scala Italy") [info] Running TypedSample1 Hello Johan! Hello Scala Italy!
  • 26. case class Hello(who: String) val greetingBehavior: Behavior[Hello] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"Hello $who!") Behaviors.same } val system = ActorSystem(greetingBehavior, "my-system") system ! Hello("Johan") system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
  • 27. Let’s do another one right away The mystery of the changing state 🔎
  • 28. sealed trait Command case class Hello(who: String) extends Command case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String) extends Command def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"$greeting $who!") Behaviors.same case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) => greeter(newGreeting) } val system = ActorSystem( greeter("Hello"), "my-system") system ! Hello("World") system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio") system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
  • 29. sealed trait Command case class Hello(who: String) extends Command case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String) extends Command def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"$greeting $who!") Behaviors.same case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) => greeter(newGreeting) } val system = ActorSystem( greeter("Hello"), "my-system") system ! Hello("World") system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio") system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
  • 30. sealed trait Command case class Hello(who: String) extends Command case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String) extends Command def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"$greeting $who!") Behaviors.same case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) => greeter(newGreeting) } val system = ActorSystem( greeter("Hello"), "my-system") system ! Hello("World") system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio") system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
  • 31. sealed trait Command case class Hello(who: String) extends Command case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String) extends Command def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"$greeting $who!") Behaviors.same case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) => greeter(newGreeting) } val system = ActorSystem( greeter("Hello"), "my-system") system ! Hello("World") system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio") system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
  • 32. sealed trait Command case class Hello(who: String) extends Command case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String) extends Command def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"$greeting $who!") Behaviors.same case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) => greeter(newGreeting) } val system = ActorSystem( greeter("Hello"), "my-system") system ! Hello("World") system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio") system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
  • 33. sealed trait Command case class Hello(who: String) extends Command case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String) extends Command def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"$greeting $who!") Behaviors.same case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) => greeter(newGreeting) } val system = ActorSystem( greeter("Hello"), "my-system") system ! Hello("World") system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio") system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
  • 34. sealed trait Command case class Hello(who: String) extends Command case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String) extends Command def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"$greeting $who!") Behaviors.same case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) => greeter(newGreeting) } val system = ActorSystem( greeter("Hello"), "my-system") system ! Hello("World") system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio") system ! Hello("Scala Italy")
  • 35. sealed trait Command case class Hello(who: String) extends Command case class ChangeGreeting(newGreeting: String) extends Command def greeter(greeting: String): Behavior[Command] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Hello(who) => println(s"$greeting $who!") Behaviors.same case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) => greeter(newGreeting) } val system = ActorSystem( greeter("Hello"), "my-system") system ! Hello("World") system ! ChangeGreeting("Buon Pomeriggio") system ! Hello("Scala Italy") [info] Running TypedSample2 Hello World! Buon Pomeriggio Scala Italy!
  • 36. But I don’t like it (the FP style, that is)
  • 37. class GreetingBehavior(private var greeting: String) extends ExtensibleBehavior[Command] { def receive( ctx: ActorContext[Command], msg: Command ): Behavior[Command] = { msg match { case Hello(who) => println(s"$greeting $who!") Behaviors.same case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) => greeting = newGreeting Behaviors.same } } def receiveSignal( ctx: ActorContext[Command], msg: Signal ): Behavior[Command] = { Behaviors.same } }
  • 38. class GreetingBehavior(private var greeting: String) extends ExtensibleBehavior[Command] { def receive( ctx: ActorContext[Command], msg: Command ): Behavior[Command] = { msg match { case Hello(who) => println(s"$greeting $who!") Behaviors.same case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) => greeting = newGreeting Behaviors.same } } def receiveSignal( ctx: ActorContext[Command], msg: Signal ): Behavior[Command] = { Behaviors.same } }
  • 39. class GreetingBehavior(private var greeting: String) extends ExtensibleBehavior[Command] { def receive( ctx: ActorContext[Command], msg: Command ): Behavior[Command] = { msg match { case Hello(who) => println(s"$greeting $who!") Behaviors.same case ChangeGreeting(newGreeting) => greeting = newGreeting Behaviors.same } } def receiveSignal( ctx: ActorContext[Command], msg: Signal ): Behavior[Command] = { Behaviors.same } }
  • 40. More behavior factories val behaviorWithSetup: Behavior[Unit] = Behaviors.setup { ctx =>"Starting up") // other startup logic, for example // spawn children, subscribe, open resources // then return the actual behavior used Behaviors.empty }
  • 41. More behavior factories case class Message(text: String) val behaviorWithTimer: Behavior[Message] = Behaviors.withTimers { timers => timers.startSingleTimer( "single", Message("single"), 1.second) timers.startPeriodicTimer( "repeated", Message("repeated"), 5.seconds) Behaviors.receive { (ctx, msg) =>"Got msg: {}", msg) Behaviors.same } }
  • 42. More behavior factories •Behaviors.empty, Behaviors.ignore •Behaviors.withMDC •Behaviors.monitor, Behaviors.intercept 
 (intercept not in there yet, in progress, so likely) •Behaviors.receivePartial •Behaviors.receiveSignal - 
 PreRestart, PostStop, Terminated •Behaviors.supervise
  • 43. Burglar Alarm • enabled/disabled with a pin code • accepts notifications about “activity” • if enabled, on activity, sound the alarm “Realistic” Example DIY
  • 44. sealed trait AlarmMessage case object EnableAlarm extends AlarmMessage case class DisableAlarm(pinCode: String) extends AlarmMessage case class ActivitySeen(what: String) extends AlarmMessage
  • 45. def disabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] = Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) => msg match { case EnableAlarm => enabledAlarm(pinCode) case _ => Behaviors.unhandled } }
  • 46. def disabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] = Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) => msg match { case EnableAlarm => enabledAlarm(pinCode) case _ => Behaviors.unhandled } }
  • 47. def disabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] = Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) => msg match { case EnableAlarm => enabledAlarm(pinCode) case _ => Behaviors.unhandled } }
  • 48. def enabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] = Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) => msg match { case ActivitySeen(what) => actorCtx.log.warning( "EOEOEOE, activity detected: {}", what) Behaviors.same case DisableAlarm(`pinCode`) =>"Alarm disabled") disabledAlarm(pinCode) case DisableAlarm(_) => actorCtx.log.warning( "OEOEOE, unauthorized disable of alarm!") Behaviors.same case EnableAlarm => Behaviors.unhandled } }
  • 49. def enabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] = Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) => msg match { case ActivitySeen(what) => actorCtx.log.warning( "EOEOEOE, activity detected: {}", what) Behaviors.same case DisableAlarm(`pinCode`) =>"Alarm disabled") disabledAlarm(pinCode) case DisableAlarm(_) => actorCtx.log.warning( "OEOEOE, unauthorized disable of alarm!") Behaviors.same case EnableAlarm => Behaviors.unhandled } }
  • 50. def enabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] = Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) => msg match { case ActivitySeen(what) => actorCtx.log.warning( "EOEOEOE, activity detected: {}", what) Behaviors.same case DisableAlarm(`pinCode`) =>"Alarm disabled") disabledAlarm(pinCode) case DisableAlarm(_) => actorCtx.log.warning( "OEOEOE, unauthorized disable of alarm!") Behaviors.same case EnableAlarm => Behaviors.unhandled } }
  • 51. def enabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] = Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) => msg match { case ActivitySeen(what) => actorCtx.log.warning( "EOEOEOE, activity detected: {}", what) Behaviors.same case DisableAlarm(`pinCode`) =>"Alarm disabled") disabledAlarm(pinCode) case DisableAlarm(_) => actorCtx.log.warning( "OEOEOE, unauthorized disable of alarm!") Behaviors.same case EnableAlarm => Behaviors.unhandled } }
  • 52. def enabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] = Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) => msg match { case ActivitySeen(what) => actorCtx.log.warning( "EOEOEOE, activity detected: {}", what) Behaviors.same case DisableAlarm(`pinCode`) =>"Alarm disabled") disabledAlarm(pinCode) case DisableAlarm(_) => actorCtx.log.warning( "OEOEOE, unauthorized disable of alarm!") Behaviors.same case EnableAlarm => Behaviors.unhandled } }
  • 53. def enabledAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] = Behaviors.receive { (actorCtx, msg) => msg match { case ActivitySeen(what) => actorCtx.log.warning( "EOEOEOE, activity detected: {}", what) Behaviors.same case DisableAlarm(`pinCode`) =>"Alarm disabled") disabledAlarm(pinCode) case DisableAlarm(_) => actorCtx.log.warning( "OEOEOE, unauthorized disable of alarm!") Behaviors.same case EnableAlarm => Behaviors.unhandled } }
  • 54. val system = ActorSystem(enabledAlarm("0000"), "alarm") system ! ActivitySeen("door opened") system ! DisableAlarm("1234") system ! DisableAlarm("0000") system ! ActivitySeen("window opened") system ! EnableAlarm [WARN] [19:08:45.332] EOEOEOE, activity detected: door opened [WARN] [09/13/2018 19:08:45.332] OEOEOE, unauthorized disable of alarm! [INFO] [09/13/2018 19:08:45.333] Alarm disabled
  • 55. • Discoverability, how are things related • More compile time type-safety, less runtime debugging
 Types helps productivity! (and results in more reliable systems in production) The need for strong/strict typing “Sending the wrong message to an actor is actually quite uncommon” – Myself
  • 56. • In untyped actors the sender was auto-magically available - sender() • In Akka Typed the recipient of response has to be encoded in message (why?) A consequence
  • 58. Actor[ProtocolA] Actor[ProtocolB] RequestForB ResponseFromB A sender() couldn’t know the type! Request-response with other actors
  • 59. ResponseFromB Response From B is not part of As protocol So we can’t use “self” Actor[ProtocolA] Actor[ProtocolB] Request-response with other actors RequestForB(replyTo: ActorRef[ResponseFromB])
  • 61. Request-response with other actors • One off request-response with a timeout - ask • Fire-and-forget with (or “subscribe”) - adapter Two flavours:
  • 62. One off with Ask sealed trait ProtocolA case class GotResult(result: String) extends ProtocolA case class GotNoResult(why: String) extends ProtocolA // in the actor implicit val timeout: Timeout = 3.seconds ctx.ask(actorB)(RequestForB.apply) { case Success(ResponseFromB(result)) => GotResult(result) case Failure(error) => GotNoResult(error.getMessage) }
  • 63. Long live the adapter val adapter: ActorRef[ResponseFromB] = ctx.messageAdapter { case ResponseFromB(result) => GotResult(result) } Behaviors.receiveMessage { case TriggerRequest => actorB ! RequestForB(adapter) Behaviors.same }
  • 64. Distributed Systems –Leslie Lamport ”A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn't even know existed can render your own computer unusable”
  • 65. Why is it so hard? Reliability: power failure, old network 
 equipment, network congestion, coffee in router, 
 rodents, that guy in the IT dept., DDOS attacks… Latency: loopback vs local net vs shared congested local net vs internet Bandwidth: again loopback vs local vs shared local vs internet The Joys of Computer Networks:
  • 66. Partial Failure ✂Node 1 Node 2 request response
  • 67. Partial Failure ✂Node 1 Node 2 request💥
  • 68. Partial Failure ✂Node 1 Node 2 request 💥
  • 69. Partial Failure ✂Node 1 Node 2 request respons 💥
  • 70. Why do it, if it is so hard? Data or processing doesn’t fit a single machine
 Many objects, that should be kept in memory. Many not so powerful servers can be cheaper than a supercomputer. Elasticity
 Being able to scale in (less servers) and out (more servers) depending on load. Not paying for servers unless you need them. Resilience
 Building systems that will keep working in the face of failures or degrade gracefully.
  • 71. Actor Model vs Network Interaction already modelled as immutable messages
 Data travels over the network in packages, changes has to be explicitly sent back. At most once
 Data reaches a node on the other side at most once, but can be lost, already part of model! A recipient of a message can reply directly to sender
 Regardless if there were intermediate recipients of the message: A > B > C – C can reply directly to A Messages not limited to request response
 Messages can flow in either direction when two systems are connected.
  • 74. Akka Cluster + Akka Typed ActorSystem ActorSystem ActorSystem
  • 79. Distributed Burglar Alarm • we can have any number of nodes • a sensor on any node can report activity to the alarm • The node which the alarm runs on can change Example DYI Distributed
  • 81. sealed trait AlarmMessage case object EnableAlarm extends AlarmMessage case class DisableAlarm(pinCode: String) extends AlarmMessage case class ActivitySeen(what: String) extends AlarmMessage val serviceKey = ServiceKey[ActivitySeen]("alarm") def distributedAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] = Behaviors.setup { ctx =>"Starting up alarm") ctx.system.receptionist ! Register(serviceKey, ctx.self) enabledAlarm(pinCode) } Registering an actor providing a service
  • 82. sealed trait AlarmMessage case object EnableAlarm extends AlarmMessage case class DisableAlarm(pinCode: String) extends AlarmMessage case class ActivitySeen(what: String) extends AlarmMessage val serviceKey = ServiceKey[ActivitySeen]("alarm") def distributedAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] = Behaviors.setup { ctx =>"Starting up alarm") ctx.system.receptionist ! Register(serviceKey, ctx.self) enabledAlarm(pinCode) } Registering an actor providing a service
  • 83. sealed trait AlarmMessage case object EnableAlarm extends AlarmMessage case class DisableAlarm(pinCode: String) extends AlarmMessage case class ActivitySeen(what: String) extends AlarmMessage val serviceKey = ServiceKey[ActivitySeen]("alarm") def distributedAlarm(pinCode: String): Behavior[AlarmMessage] = Behaviors.setup { ctx =>"Starting up alarm") ctx.system.receptionist ! Register(serviceKey, ctx.self) enabledAlarm(pinCode) } Registering an actor providing a service
  • 84. sealed trait SensorMessage case object Trigger extends SensorMessage case class AlarmsChanged( alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]] ) extends SensorMessage def sensor(where: String): Behavior[SensorMessage] = Behaviors.setup { ctx => val adapter = ctx.messageAdapter[Listing] { case Alarm.serviceKey.Listing(alarms) => AlarmsChanged(alarms) } val subscribe = Subscribe(Alarm.serviceKey, adapter) ctx.system.receptionist ! subscribe sensorWithAlarms(where, Set.empty) } Sensor, subscribing to alarms
  • 85. sealed trait SensorMessage case object Trigger extends SensorMessage case class AlarmsChanged( alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]] ) extends SensorMessage def sensor(where: String): Behavior[SensorMessage] = Behaviors.setup { ctx => val adapter = ctx.messageAdapter[Listing] { case Alarm.serviceKey.Listing(alarms) => AlarmsChanged(alarms) } val subscribe = Subscribe(Alarm.serviceKey, adapter) ctx.system.receptionist ! subscribe sensorWithAlarms(where, Set.empty) } Sensor, subscribing to alarms
  • 86. sealed trait SensorMessage case object Trigger extends SensorMessage case class AlarmsChanged( alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]] ) extends SensorMessage def sensor(where: String): Behavior[SensorMessage] = Behaviors.setup { ctx => val adapter = ctx.messageAdapter[Listing] { case Alarm.serviceKey.Listing(alarms) => AlarmsChanged(alarms) } val subscribe = Subscribe(Alarm.serviceKey, adapter) ctx.system.receptionist ! subscribe sensorWithAlarms(where, Set.empty) } Sensor, subscribing to alarms
  • 87. sealed trait SensorMessage case object Trigger extends SensorMessage case class AlarmsChanged( alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]] ) extends SensorMessage def sensor(where: String): Behavior[SensorMessage] = Behaviors.setup { ctx => val adapter = ctx.messageAdapter[Listing] { case Alarm.serviceKey.Listing(alarms) => AlarmsChanged(alarms) } val subscribe = Subscribe(Alarm.serviceKey, adapter) ctx.system.receptionist ! subscribe sensorWithAlarms(where, Set.empty) } Sensor, subscribing to alarms
  • 88. sealed trait SensorMessage case object Trigger extends SensorMessage case class AlarmsChanged( alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]] ) extends SensorMessage def sensor(where: String): Behavior[SensorMessage] = Behaviors.setup { ctx => val adapter = ctx.messageAdapter[Listing] { case Alarm.serviceKey.Listing(alarms) => AlarmsChanged(alarms) } val subscribe = Subscribe(Alarm.serviceKey, adapter) ctx.system.receptionist ! subscribe sensorWithAlarms(where, Set.empty) } Sensor, subscribing to alarms
  • 89. def sensorWithAlarms( where: String, alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]] ): Behavior[SensorMessage] = Behaviors.receive { (ctx, msg) => msg match { case Trigger => val event = Alarm.ActivitySeen(where) alarms.foreach(_ ! event) Behaviors.same case Sensor.AlarmsChanged(newSetOfAlarms) =>"New set of alarms: {}", newSetOfAlarms) sensorWithAlarms(where, newSetOfAlarms) } } Sensor, react to alarm changes
  • 90. def sensorWithAlarms( where: String, alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]] ): Behavior[SensorMessage] = Behaviors.receive { (ctx, msg) => msg match { case Trigger => val event = Alarm.ActivitySeen(where) alarms.foreach(_ ! event) Behaviors.same case Sensor.AlarmsChanged(newSetOfAlarms) =>"New set of alarms: {}", newSetOfAlarms) sensorWithAlarms(where, newSetOfAlarms) } } Sensor, react to alarm changes
  • 91. def sensorWithAlarms( where: String, alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]] ): Behavior[SensorMessage] = Behaviors.receive { (ctx, msg) => msg match { case Trigger => val event = Alarm.ActivitySeen(where) alarms.foreach(_ ! event) Behaviors.same case Sensor.AlarmsChanged(newSetOfAlarms) =>"New set of alarms: {}", newSetOfAlarms) sensorWithAlarms(where, newSetOfAlarms) } } Sensor, react to alarm changes
  • 92. def sensorWithAlarms( where: String, alarms: Set[ActorRef[Alarm.ActivitySeen]] ): Behavior[SensorMessage] = Behaviors.receive { (ctx, msg) => msg match { case Trigger => val event = Alarm.ActivitySeen(where) alarms.foreach(_ ! event) Behaviors.same case Sensor.AlarmsChanged(newSetOfAlarms) =>"New set of alarms: {}", newSetOfAlarms) sensorWithAlarms(where, newSetOfAlarms) } } Sensor, react to alarm changes
  • 93. Cluster config val config = ConfigFactory.parseString( """ akka.remote.artery.enabled=true akka.remote.artery.transport=tcp # get a port from the OS akka.remote.artery.canonical.port=0 # these are ok just because this is a sample akka.cluster.jmx.multi-mbeans-in-same-jvm=on """)
  • 94. Programmatic cluster startup val system1 = ActorSystem( distributedAlarm(pinCode = "0000"), "alarm", config) val system2 = ActorSystem(sensor("window"), "alarm", config) val system3 = ActorSystem(sensor("door"), "alarm", config) // Note: in a real system you would not likely // run multiple nodes in the same JVM val node1 = Cluster(system1) val node2 = Cluster(system2) val node3 = Cluster(system3) // node 1 joins itself to form cluster node1.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address) // the other two joins that cluster node2.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address) node3.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address)
  • 95. Programmatic cluster startup val system1 = ActorSystem( distributedAlarm(pinCode = "0000"), "alarm", config) val system2 = ActorSystem(sensor("window"), "alarm", config) val system3 = ActorSystem(sensor("door"), "alarm", config) // Note: in a real system you would not likely // run multiple nodes in the same JVM val node1 = Cluster(system1) val node2 = Cluster(system2) val node3 = Cluster(system3) // node 1 joins itself to form cluster node1.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address) // the other two joins that cluster node2.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address) node3.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address)
  • 96. Programmatic cluster startup val system1 = ActorSystem( distributedAlarm(pinCode = "0000"), "alarm", config) val system2 = ActorSystem(sensor("window"), "alarm", config) val system3 = ActorSystem(sensor("door"), "alarm", config) // Note: in a real system you would not likely // run multiple nodes in the same JVM val node1 = Cluster(system1) val node2 = Cluster(system2) val node3 = Cluster(system3) // node 1 joins itself to form cluster node1.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address) // the other two joins that cluster node2.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address) node3.manager ! Join(node1.selfMember.address)
  • 97. Simulate some activity // at some point in time system2 ! Sensor.Trigger system3 ! Sensor.Trigger … [INFO] [17:48:27.456] New set of alarms: Set(Actor[akka:// alarm-system@]) [INFO] [17:48:27.511] New set of alarms: Set(Actor[akka:// alarm-system@]) [WARN] [17:48:29.021] EOEOEOE, activity detected: window [WARN] [17:48:31.011] EOEOEOE, activity detected: door
  • 98. Summary • On message - message another actor, change state or behavior • Types gives better guardrails and makes understanding the system easier • We can use the same abstraction for local and distributed
  • 99. How ready is it? • APIs not frozen (normally we keep binary compatibility in minor releases) - we expect only minor changes though • Pretty much the same since mid spring 2018 • Most likely to change - Typed Persistence • All cluster APIs and Cluster tools covered • Working towards a GA, hopefully this fall
  • 100. GitHub repo with all samples in this talk Akka typed docs More resources - news and articles - forums - samples Further reading
  • 101. Questions? GitHub repo with all samples in this talk