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Lección 46.0
What would you say if you want to gossip in English?
Human beings sometimes like gossiping. They sometimes think it's interesting to know about other people's lives.
Gossiping is a common human behaviour.
1. Saying you know something about somebody else:
Have you heard about Rose?
¿Has escuchado lo de Rosa?
I know something you won't believe.
Sé algo que no te vas a creer.
A really funny thing happened to me at the party.
Una cosa realmente divertida me ocurrió en la fiesta.
I have the juiciest gossip ever.
Tengo el chismorreo más sabroso que nunca.
Do you want to hear some gossip?
¿Quieres escuchar un chismorreo?
You'll never guess what I saw last week.
Nunca adivinarás lo que vi la semana pasada.
Well, the thing is that I met Oscar yesterday and he said...
Bueno, la cosa es que me encontré con Oscar ayer y dijo...
2. You say something you know, but you ask the other person not to tell it:
I'll tell you something, but you have to keep it secret.
Te contaré algo, pero lo tienes que mantener en secreto.
It was a really odd experience, but promise you won't say a word. What happened was. . .
Fue una experiencia muy rara, pero promete que no dirás una palabra. Lo que pasó fue que...
Don't tell anyone, but Peter told me he is in love with Jane.
No se lo digas a nadie, pero Peter me dijo que está enamorado de Jane.
Listen, don't tell anyone else, but Ken is having an affair with Kelly.
Escucha, no se lo cuentes a nadie más, pero Ken está teniendo una aventura con Kelly.
I'll tell you, but you cannot say anything because if a word gets out of your mouth, everybody will know it was me who said it.
Te lo contaré, pero no puedes decir nada porque si una palabra sale de tu boca, todo el mundo sabrá que fui yo quien lo dijo.
3. Persuading the other person to tell you something:
Come on! I won't say anything. What's on with Jules?
¡Venga! No diré nada. ¿Qué pasa con Jule?
You know something you don't want to tell me. What is it?
Sabes algo que no quieres contarme. ¿Qué es?
I won't open my mouth. I promise, but tell me whatever you know.
No abriré mi boca. Lo prometo, pero cuéntame lo que sea que sepas.
If it has to do with me, you should tell me because you are my friend.
Si tiene que ver conmigo, deberías contármelo porque eres mi amigo.
Come on! I would tell it to you if it were really important.
¡Vamos! Yo te lo contaría si fuese realmente importante.
If you know something about Kerry, I want to know all the details.
Si sabes algo de Kerry, quiero saber todos los detalles.
Lección 46.1
False Friends X
Assist - asistir, ayudar
Attend - asistir, acudir
The nurses in that hospital assist people in a very caring way.
Las enfermeras en ese hospital asisten a la gente de una manera muy cariñosa.
I love that family because they assisted me in a difficult moment.
Aprecio a esa familia porque ellos me ayudaron en un momento difícil.
I attended some really good computer lessons when I was at the university.
Yo asistí a algunas clases de ordenador realmente buenas cuando estaba en la universidad.
Disgust - repugnancia
Irritation - disgusto
I cannot eat meat. It really disgusts me.
No puedo comer carne. Realmente me repugna (me da asco).
The movie we watched yesterday was really disgusting.
La película que vimos ayer era realmente repugnante/asquerosa.
It really irritated my mom when she knew I hadn't gone to the university for a month.
Realmente disgustó a mi mamá cuando supo que no había ido a la universidad durante un mes.
Educated - culto
Well-mannered, polite - educado, cortés
My uncle is a very educated man. He has read and travelled a lot.
Mi tío es un hombre muy culto. Ha leído y viajado mucho.
These children are fairly polite. Their parents have taught them so.
Estos niños son muy educados. Sus padres les han enseñado a serlo.
I like him because he is a well-mannered and affectionate man.
Me gusta porque es un hombre cortes y cariñoso.
Guard - guardar, proteger
Keep - guardar, conservar
Save - guardar, ahorrar
Don't worry. There's always somebody who guards the apartments at night.
No te preocupes. Siempre hay alguien que vigila los apartamentos por la noche.
I'm going to buy a new car as I have saved enough money.
Voy a comprar un carro nuevo porque he ahorrado suficiente dinero.
You can keep your belongings in a locker if you want.
Puedes guardar tus pertenencias en una taquilla si quieres.
Inhabit - habitar
Uninhabitable - inhabitable
Some nomads inhabited this valley a century ago.
Algunos nómadas habitaban este valle hace un siglo.
I left that guest house because it was uninhabitable.
Me fui de ese hostal porque era inhabitable.
Precise - preciso, exacto
Necessary - preciso, necesario
I knew everything was fine in the precise moment I saw his face.
Supe que todo estaba bien en el preciso momento en que vi su cara.
I think it's necessary to do a training course to start working for that company.
Creo que es necesario hacer un curso de entrenamiento para empezar a trabajar para esa compañía.
Prove - probar, demonstrar
Try, test - someter a una prueba
My lawyer managed to prove I wasn't guilty of theft.
Mi abogado se las arregló para probar que yo no era culpable de robo.
You can try the car before making a decision if you like.
Puedes probar el carro antes de tomar una decisión si quieres.
The firm is testing the new product. You cannot buy it yet.
La empresa está probando el nuevo producto. No lo puedes comprar todavía.
Lección 46.2
Collocations VIII
Have sympathy for - caerte alguien bien; sentir lástima por alguien
Well, I have sympathy for Jane, but we aren't close friends.
Bueno, Jane me cae bien, pero no somos amigas íntimas.
Don't lie to me! You have no sympathy for Mike.
¡No me mientas! Mike no te cae bien.
I had sympathy for the guy, so I helped him.
Sentí lástima por el tipo, así que le ayudé.
Make a mess - hacer un desastre
If you don't know how to cook this, you'll only make a mess.
Si no sabes cocinar esto, solo harás un desastre.
I want you to help me because I don't want to make a mess.
Quiero que me ayudes porque no quiero hacer un desastre.
Be careful not to make a mess! The painting is over there.
¡Ten cuidado de no hacer un desastre! La pintura está por allá.
Break the law - romper la ley
If you break the law, you'll go to prison.
Si rompes la ley, irás a prisión.
Sometimes people break the law in other countries without realizing it.
En ocasiones las personas rompen la ley en otros países sin darse cuenta de ello.
You'll break the law if you take drugs.
Romperás la ley si tomas drogas.
Pay your respects - mostrar tus respetos
Religious people pay respects to God by offering flowers and sweets.
La gente religiosa le muestra sus respetos a Dios ofreciendo flores y dulces.
I paid my respects to that wise old man.
Le mostré mis respetos a ese viejo hombre sabio.
You should pay your respects to the king.
Deberías mostrarle tus respetos al Rey.
Take a look - echar un vistazo
Take a look! The children are cooking some cakes.
¡Echa un vistazo! Los niños están cocinando pasteles.
I took a look at your essay. It's very interesting.
Le eché un vistazo a tu ensayo. Es realmente interesante.
I don't want to take a look at anything. I just want to sleep.
No quiero echarle un vistazo a nada. Solo quiero dormir.
Lección 46.3
Linkers VIII
We are studying some more linkers in this lesson. The two following linkers cannot be followed by a Subject and a Verb,
they can only be followed by a Noun or an -ing verb.
 Despite - a pesar de
Despite his effort, Hans didn't get the promotion.
A pesar de su esfuerzo, Hans no consiguió el ascenso.
Despite all her knowledge, Jane didn't know the answer.
A pesar de todo su conocimiento, Jane no sabía la respuesta.
Despite her being in a bad mood, I tried to talk to her.
A pesar de su mal humor, intenté hablar con ella.
 In spite of - a pesar de
In spite of asking many people for directions, I got lost.
A pesar de preguntarle a mucha gente la dirección, me perdí.
In spite of her sweet character, she was really angry.
A pesar de su carácter dulce, ella estaba muy enfadada.
In spite of studying hard, I failed my test.
A pesar de estudiar duro, suspendí mi examen.
If we want a normal clause to follow these linkers, we can add the fact that.
In spite of the fact that - a pesar del hecho de que
In spite of the fact that he is a great doctor, I want a second view.
A pesar del hecho de que es un gran doctor, quiero una segunda opinión.
In spite of the fact that I didn't know that man, he helped me a lot.
A pesar del hecho de que yo no conocía a ese hombre, me ayudó mucho.
In spite of the fact that I didn't have a driver's license, I could drive a car.
A pesar del hecho de que no tenía licencia de conducir, podía manejar un carro.
Despite the fact that - a pesar del hecho de que
Despite the fact that Paul is very polite, he behaved awfully last night.
A pesar del hecho de que Paul es muy educado, se comportó espantosamente anoche.
Despite the fact that Grace is a beautiful girl, she cannot find work as a model.
A pesar del hecho de que Grace es una muchacha guapa, no puede encontrar trabajo como modelo.
Despite the fact that his father is the owner of the firm, he doesn't work there.
A pesar del hecho de que su padre es el propietario de la empresa, él no trabaja allí.
For all that - a pesar de que
She kept on crying for all that her friends tried to do.
Ella siguió llorando a pesar de lo que sus amigos intentaron hacer.
For all that she teaches me, I can't learn how to cook.
A pesar de que ella me enseña, no aprendo a cocinar.
I cannot stand your friend for all that I try.
No puedo aguantar a tu amigo a pesar de que lo intento.
holly bush
Lección 46.4
Time III
Dividimos el tiempo normalmente en:
 Age - edad
The Ice Age.
La Edad de Hielo.
Animals were quite different during the Ice Age, some weird animals existed.
Los animales eran bastante diferentes durante la Edad de Hielo, algunos animales raros existían.
The Stone Age.
La Edad de Piedra.
Human beings learned to hunt and make weapons during The Stone Age.
El ser humano aprendió a cazar y hacer armas en la Edad de Piedra.
The Middle Ages.
La Edad Media.
Knights and dragons are typical of The Middle Ages' folklore.
Los caballeros y los dragones son típicos del folklore de la Edad Media.
The Age of the Computer.
La Edad de la Informática.
We are now living in the Age of the Computer. You can do everything via computer.
Estamos viviendo en la Edad de la Informática. Puedes hacerlo todo a través del ordenador.
 Period - periodo
I needed a period of relaxation, so I took a vacation and went abroad.
Necesitaba un periodo de relajación, así que me tomé unas vacaciones y me fui al extranjero.
The doctor said you need a period of rest, so please stay quiet and I'll help you.
El doctor dijo que necesitas un periodo de descanso, así que, por favor, quédate tranquilo y yo te ayudaré.
My friend said he needed a period of meditation, so he went to India to practice yoga.
Mi amigo dijo que necesitaba un periodo de meditación, así que se fue a la India a practicar yoga.
I'm having a period of hard work because I want to save money.
Estoy teniendo un periodo de trabajo duro porque quiero ahorrar dinero.
 Era - era
After the Second World War, an era of the Cold War began.
Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una era de Guerra Fría comenzó.
The Renaissance was a golden era for art.
El Renacimiento fue una época dorada para el arte.
The Sixties was an era of love, peace and freedom.
Los sesentas fue una época de amor, paz y libertad.
 Spell - temporada
Lately, we are having a spell of cold weather.
Últimamente tenemos una temporada de clima frío.
He spent some spells in the countryside last year.
Él pasó algunas temporadas en el campo el año pasado.
I had a spell by the beach last year. It was quite relaxing.
Tuve una temporada en la playa el año pasado. Fue bastante relajante.
 Time - un tiempo
Last year I travelled around Europe for a time. I needed to make up my mind.
El año pasado viajé por Europa durante un tiempo. Necesitaba tomar una decisión.
I was worried about him for a time, but then I realized he is old enough.
Estuve preocupada por él durante un tiempo, pero después me di cuenta de que él es suficientemente mayor.
I was studying at Cambridge University for a time when I was a student.
Estuve estudiando en la Universidad de Cambridge durante un tiempo cuando era estudiante.
 While - un rato
I met George at the station and we were talking for a while.
Me encontré a George en la estación y estuvimos conversando un rato.
I was reading for a while yesterday afternoon because I needed to relax.
Estuve leyendo un rato ayer por la tarde porque necesitaba relajarme.
My brother was watching TV for a while before going to bed.
Mi hermano estuvo viendo la televisión un rato antes de irse a la cama.
 Temporary - temporal
I am working as a waitress, but it's just a temporary job.
Estoy trabajando de mesera, pero solo es un trabajo temporal.
I was living in a shared apartment, but it was just a temporary situation.
Estuve viviendo en un piso compartido, pero solo era una situación temporal.
This is a temporary car while they repair mine.
Este es un carro temporal mientras ellos reparan el mío.
 Permanent - permanente
I'm looking for a permanent job, but it's not easy.
Estoy buscando un trabajo permanente, pero no es fácil.
This is my permanent housing. I bought it.
Esta es mi vivienda permanente. La compré.
Lección 46.5
The Passive Voice: The Simple Conditional Tense
Remember the verb To Be in the Simple Conditional Tense:
- I would be - Yo sería / estaría
- It would be - Lo sería / estaría
Then, the passive structure will be:
We translate it as: estaría / sería bebido / Se bebería.
Let's see some examples:
I wouldn't look into the matter if I were you.
Yo no investigaría el asunto si fuese tú.
The matter wouldn't be looked into if I were you.
no se investigaría el asunto si yo fuese tú.
Would you buy any of these dresses for Emma?
¿Comprarías alguno de estos vestidos para Emma?
Would any of these dresses be bought for Emma?
¿Sería alguno de estos vestidos comprado a Emma?
Would Emma be bought any of these dresses?
¿Sería alguno de estos vestidos comprado a Emma?
I would tell you the story, but it's a secret.
Te contaría la historia, pero es un secreto.
The story would be told to you, but it's a secret.
La historia te sería contada, pero es un secreto.
You would be told the story, but it's a secret.
La historia te sería contada, pero es un secreto.
The children would have a welcome party for their cousins.
Los niños harían una fiesta de bienvenida para sus primos.
A welcome party would be had for their cousins by the children.
Una fiesta de bienvenida sería hecha para sus primos por los niños.
Their cousins would be had a welcome party by the children.
Una fiesta de bienvenida sería hecha para sus primos por los niños.
Rose would look after the baby if you need it.
Rose cuidaría al bebé si lo necesitas.
The baby would be looked after by Rose if it is needed.
El niño sería cuidado por Rosa si es necesitado.
My friend wouldn't tell me a lie.
Mi amigo no me contaría una mentira.
A lie wouldn't be told to me by my friend.
Una mentira no me sería contada por mi amigo.
I wouldn't be told a lie by my friend.
Una mentira no me sería contada por mi amigo.
I would pick you up if my father lent me the car.
Te recogería si mi papá me prestase el carro.
You would be picked up if the car were lent to me.
Se te recogería si el carro me fuese prestado.
You would be picked up if I were lent the car.
Se te recogería si el carro me fuese prestado.
Lección 46.6
Phrasal Verbs: Point Out, Drop Out Of, Walk Out On, Keep On
Point out - call attention to
The man pointed out where the fire was and we phoned the fire station.
El hombre señaló el fuego y llamamos a los bomberos.
She pointed out that Mark was studying hard in order to make me feel guilty.
Ella señaló a Mark que estaba estudiando duro para hacerme sentir mal.
patient subject would be past participle complement
Those guys were pointing out Hans, but I don't know why.
Aquellos tipos estaban señalando a Hans, pero no sé por qué.
Drop out of - leave school
She dropped out of school and started working with her father.
Ella dejó el colegio y empezó a trabajar con su padre.
I think I'm going to drop out of school. I want to become a photographer.
Creo que voy a dejar el colegio. Quiero convertirme en fotógrafo.
My sister dropped out of school and went abroad.
Mi hermana dejó el colegio y se fue al extranjero.
Walk out on - abandon
Her father walked out on their family when she was five years old.
Su padre abandonó a su familia cuando ella tenía cinco años.
I'll never walk out on my children. I don't know how somebody can do such an awful thing.
Nunca abandonaré a mis hijos. No sé cómo alguien puede hacer una cosa tan espantosa.
Some parents walk out on their children because they are poor.
Algunos padres abandonan a sus hijos porque son pobres.
Keep on - continue
I kept on studying because I really liked my degree.
Seguí estudiando porque realmente me gustaba mi carrera.
I keep on meeting Susan because she has no friends, but I shouldn't.
Sigo quedando con Susan porque no tiene amigos, pero no debería.
They keep on calling me, but I don't want to see them.
Ellos siguen llamándome, pero yo no quiero verlos.
street light
en ruinas
Lección 46.7
Word-Formation XXI
Let's learn some more Reduplicatives:
- higgledy-piggledy - sin orden ni concierto, de cualquier manera
- hillbilly - paleto, rústico
- dippy-dampying - tonto e incompetente
- tit-bit - exquisitez /chisme
- fuddy-duddy - anticuado, carroza
- hush-hush - confidencial
- airy-fairy - poco realista
- helter-skelter - adv. atropelladamente
- itty-bitty - pequeñísimo
Ralph tries to keep up with us, but he is a fuddy-duddy.
Ralph intenta seguirnos el ritmo, pero es un carroza.
Rachel told me all the latest tit-bits last night.
Rachel me contó todos los últimos chismes anoche.
They say Edmund is a hillbilly, but I think they are a little hoity-toity.
Ellos dicen que Edmund es un paleto, pero yo creo que ellos son un poco engreídos.
Marta is such an airy-fairy girl. She's always talking about her wonderful plans.
Marta es una muchacha tan poco realista. Siempre está hablando sobre sus planes maravillosos.
That girl was wearing a mini skirt and an itty-bitty top.
Esa muchacha llevaba puesta una mini falda y un top pequeñísimo.
My brother hobnobs with famous actors now that he's working for the BBC.
Mi hermano se codea con actores famosos ahora que está trabajando para la BBC.
You don't attain your goals because you act higgledy-piggledy.
Nunca consigues tus objetivos porque actúas sin orden ni concierto.
Can you recommend a dentist to me? The last one was quite dippy-damping.
¿Puedes recomendarme un dentista? El último era bastante tonto e incompetente.
The conversation with your doctor should be hush-hush. He shouldn't say anything to other people.
La conversación con tu doctor debería ser confidencial. Él no debería decir nada a otras personas.
The Lord of the Rings seems like an airy-fairy book, but actually, it's quite a complex story.
El Señor de los Anillos parece un libro fantástico, pero de hecho, su historia es muy compleja.
My sister started talking so helter-skelter that I had no idea what she was talking about.
Mi hermana empezó a hablar tan atropelladamente que no tenía idea de lo que estaba hablando.
Can I tell you a really hush-hush tit-bit? You won't believe it.
¿Puedo contarte un chisme muy confidencial? No te lo vas a creer.
Lección 46.8
The Passive Voice: The Perfect Conditional Tense
Remember the verb To Be in the Perfect Conditional Tense:
- I would have been - Yo habría estado / sido
- It would have been - Eso habría sido / estado
Then, the passive structure will be:
patient subject would have been past participle complement
We translate it as: Habría estado/sido bebido / Se habría bebido.
Let's see some examples:
I would have seen the city if that natural disaster hadn't happened.
Yo habría visto la ciudad si ese desastre natural no hubiese ocurrido.
The city would have been seen by me if that natural disaster hadn't happened.
La ciudad habría sido vista por mí si ese desastre natural no hubiese ocurrido.
The boy would have called you if you had told him to do it.
El niño te habría llamado si tú le hubieses dicho que lo hiciera.
You would have been called by the boy if he had been told to do it.
Tú habrías sido llamado por el niño si él hubiese sido dicho que lo hiciera.
I would have visited you if I had known the truth.
Te habría visitado si hubiese sabido la verdad.
You would have been visited by me if the truth had been known by me.
Tú habrías sido visitado por mí si la verdad hubiese sido sabida por mí.
The guide would have given us a map.
El guía nos habría dado un mapa.
A map would have been given to us by the guide.
Un mapa nos habría sido dado por el guía.
We would have been given a map by the guide.
Un mapa nos habría sido dado por el guía.
Mike wouldn't have denied you entrance if you had told him your name.
Mike no te habría negado la entrada si tú le hubieses dicho tu nombre.
The entrance wouldn't have been denied to you by Mike if he had been told your name.
La entrada no te habría sido negada por Mike si se le hubiese dicho tu nombre.
I wouldn't have taken care of your luggage for you.
Yo no habría cuidado tu equipaje por ti.
Your luggage wouldn't have been taken care of for you by me.
Tu equipaje no te habría sido cuidado por mí.
You wouldn't have been taken care of your luggage by me.
Tu equipaje no te habría sido cuidado por mí.
The girl wouldn't have shouted at you if you hadn't pushed her.
La niña no te habría gritado si tú no la hubieses empujado.
You wouldn't have been shouted at by the girl if she hadn't been pushed by you.
Tú no habrías sido gritado por la niña si no hubiese sido empujada por ti.
Lección 46.9
Idioms and Proverbs XXI
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush - Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando
I didn't leave my job and go abroad because a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
No dejé mi trabajo y me fui al extranjero porque más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando.
My brother always talks about high profits, but a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Mi hermano siempre habla de grandes ganancias, pero más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando.
A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years - Puede que un tonto pregunte
más preguntas en una hora de las que un hombre sabio puede responder en siete años
Hans is always talking nonsense. You know a fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.
Hans siempre está diciendo cosas sin sentido. Tú sabes que puede que un tonto pregunte más preguntas en una hora de las
que un hombre sabio puede responder en siete años.
I don't listen to Jonathan anymore because a fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.
Ya no escucho a Jonathan porque puede que un tonto pregunten más preguntas en una hora de las que un hombre sabio puede
responder en siete años.
It's better to be late than never - Más vale tarde que nunca
My father is studying at university now. It's better to be late than never!
Mi padre está estudiando en la universidad ahora. Más vale tarde que nunca.
I've started learning to play the guitar because it's better to be late than never!
He empezado a aprender a tocar la guitarra porque más vale tarde que nunca.
Biggest profits mean gravest risks - Las más grandes recompensas implican los riesgos más serios
Kelly has gone bankrupt, but you know biggest profits mean gravest risks.
Kelly se ha ido a bancarrota, pero tú sabes que las más grandes recompensas implican los riesgos más serios.
The company did so well in its first year, but with big profits comes grave risks.
A la compañía le fue muy bien en su primer año, pero las más grandes recompensas implican los riesgos más serios.
A joy that's shared is a joy made double - Una alegría compartida es doble alegría
I told everybody about my travel because a joy that's shared is a joy made double.
Le conté a todo el mundo sobre mi viaje porque una alegría compartida es doble alegría.
My friend celebrated his promotion with a party because a joy that's shared is a joy made double.
Mi amigo celebró su ascenso con una fiesta porque una alegría compartida es doble alegría.
Some men go through a forest and see no firewood - Algunos hombres pasan por un bosque y no ven leña
My friend didn't learn anything when he was living in China, but some men go through a forest and see no firewood.
Mi amigo no aprendió nada cuando vivía en China, pero algunos hombres pasan por el bosque y no ven leña.
Susan didn't take advantage of her father's position. Some men go through a forest and see no firewood.
Susan no sacó ventaja de la posición de su padre. Algunos hombres pasan por el bosque y no ven leña.
Lección 47.0
Synonyms: Little II
4. Quantity:
hardly any
All shops were closed last night, I got hardly any food, but it was enough.
Todas las tiendas estaban cerradas anoche, conseguí casi nada de comida, pero fue suficiente.
I haven't seen hardly any snake.
No he visto casi ninguna serpiente.
not much
I don't have much to do here. We can leave.
No tengo mucho que hacer aquí. Nos podemos ir.
Can you give a meager of chocolate to decorate the cake, please?
¿Puedes darme una pizca de chocolate para decorar el pastel, por favor?
The firm is very nice, but you get a paltry salary.
La empresa es muy agradable, pero tienes un sueldo mínimo.
Robert is a clever boy, but he pays scant attention in class.
Robert es un muchacho inteligente, pero presta poca atención en clase.
5. Age:
My sister had a baby last week. He is so cute.
Mi hermana tuvo un bebé la semana pasada. Es tan lindo.
Young people need to experience new things all the time.
La gente joven necesita experimentar cosas nuevas todo el tiempo.
6. Importance:
You cannot be angry at such an insignificant thing.
No te puedes enfadar con algo tan insignificante.
Not having experience in this field isn't a minor detail.
No tener experiencia en este campo no es un detalle mínimo.
She made a petty comment and left the room.
Ella hizo un comentario sin importancia y se fue del cuarto.
For Randolph everything is trifling. He isn't optimistic, he's crazy.
Para Radolph todo es insignificante. No es optimista, está loco.
We had a trivial conversation and ate something. That was it.
Tuvimos una conversación trivial y comimos algo. Eso fue todo.
It means nothing. It was just an unimportant comment in the middle of a party.
No significa nada. Fue un comentario insignificante en medio de una fiesta.
7. Amount:
My head and back are a bit painful. I think I didn't sleep well last night.
Me duele un poco la cabeza y la espalda. Creo que no dormí bien anoche.
I could get a dash of her feelings when she started talking.
Tuve un destello de sus sentimientos cuando empezó a hablar.
I read a few fragments of the book, but I didn't like them.
Leí unos cuantos fragmentos del libro, pero no me gustaron.
It's very nice if you put a hint of ginger in your tea.
Es agradable si pones una pizca de jengibre en tu té.
Can I have a spot of cold water in my tea, please?
¿Me puede poner una gota de agua fría en mi té, por favor?
It's a chocolate cake with a touch of orange and cinnamon. Try it.
Es un pastel de chocolate con un toque de naranja y canela. Pruébalo.
Be careful, please. There's a trace of coffee on the floor in the corridor.
Ten cuidado, por favor. Hay un hilo de café en el suelo del pasillo.
Lección 47.1
Semantic Field: To Cut I
Slice - to cut something into thin pieces
I'm slicing the bread because I want to have some toasts.
Estoy rebanando el pan porque quiero tomarme unas tostadas.
You slice the meat and I'll make a sauce.
Tú corta la carne y hago una salsa.
Split/divide - to cut something into two or more parts
Don't argue, boys! You can split the cake between the both of you.
¡No discutan, niños! Pueden partir el pastel para ambos.
My sister and I have divided the closet for our clothes.
Mi hermana y yo hemos dividido el ropero para nuestra ropa.
Saw - cut something with a saw
The man is sawing wood to make furniture because he is a carpenter.
El hombre está serrando madera para hacer muebles porque él es un carpintero.
I'm sawing this door because I want to make it smaller.
Estoy serrando esta puerta porque la quiero hacer más pequeña.
Snip - to cut something with your scissors or shears
Okay, children. Snip these drawings out of this book now.
De acuerdo, niños. Recorten los dibujos del libro ahora.
I'm snipping the photos out of this magazine because I'm working on a school project.
Estoy recortando las fotos de esta revista porque estoy trabajando en un proyecto escolar.
Mow grass - to cut it with a lawnmower
Dad is mowing the lawn near the garden.
Papá está cortando el pasto cerca del jardín.
I don't like mowing the lawn and my mom makes me do it every weekend.
No me gusta cortar el pasto y mi mama me obliga a hacerlo cada fin de semana.
Nick - to make a small cut in the surface of something
I nicked my thumb while I was cutting the vegetables.
Me corté el dedo gordo cuando estaba cortando los vegetales.
Nick the tomatoes and add them to the soup. Let it boil for 20 minutes.
Corta a los tomates y añádelos a la sopa. Déjala que hierva 20 minutos.
Chop - to cut something with strong movements of the knife
The cook chopped the vegetables in such a skilled way.
El cocinero cortaba las verduras de una forma muy profesional.
I cannot chop carrots as my mom does. She is so quick.
No puedo cortar zanahorias como mi mamá. Ella es muy rápida.
Lección 47.2
Verb + Infinitive I
To be about to - estar a punto de
My boyfriend is about to come. I'm waiting for him.
Mi novio está a punto de venir. Lo estoy esperando.
I'm about to finish my homework. Give me ten more minutes.
Estoy a punto de terminar mis tareas. Dame diez minutos más.
To ache/crave/itch/long... for... to - estar deseando algo
I was so tired last week that I longed for the weekend to arrive.
Estaba tan cansado la semana pasada que estaba deseando que llegara el fin de semana.
I quit smoking last month, but I'm craving to smoke a cigarette.
Dejé de fumar el mes pasado, pero me muero por fumarme un cigarro.
To afford - poder permitirse económicamente
He can afford to have a vacation abroad for six weeks.
Él puede pagarse unas vacaciones en el extranjero por seis semanas.
She cannot afford to buy a bigger house right now.
Ella no puede pagar el comprar una casa más grande en este momento.
To agree - estar de acuerdo
My brother agreed with me to organize a surprise party for my cousin's birthday.
Mi hermano acordó conmigo organizar una fiesta sorpresa para el cumpleaños de mi primo.
You agreed to help Lilly with her homework today.
Tú acordaste ayudar a Lilly con sus tareas hoy.
To appear - parecer
Your friend appeared to be sick last night.
Tu amigo parecía estar enfermo anoche.
Mark didn't appear to be worried.
Mark no parecía estar preocupado.
To arrange for... to – disponer, acordar
I've arranged for my brother to go to the dentist.
He pedido cita para mi hermano con el dentista.
Can you arrange for somebody to help me with the moving?
¿Puedes buscar a alguien que me ayude con la mudanza?
To ask - pedir
Can I ask you to do me a favor?
¿Puedo pedirte que me hagas un favor?
My brother asked me to go with him to the doctor.
Mi hermano me pidió que fuese con él al doctor.
To beg - rogar
He begged me not to tell to his parents.
Él me rogó que no se lo contase a sus padres.
Mon is begging me to go with him to the party.
Mon me está rogando que vaya con él a la fiesta.
small lizard
manada de
animales salvajes
Lección 47.3
Prepositional Verbs and Adjectives XIX
Concentrate on - concentrarse en
I concentrated on that new project and got a promotion.
Me concentré en ese nuevo proyecto y conseguí un ascenso.
Don't concentrate on the bad side of the situation. Just try to relax.
No te concentres en el lado negativo de la situación. Solo intenta relajarte.
I concentrated on my relationship so much that I got tired of it.
Me concentré tanto en la relación que me cansé de ella.
Contribute to - contribuir a
Try to contribute to the welfare of the family by being nice to your brother.
Intenta contribuir al bienestar familiar siendo agradable con tu hermano.
I contributed to your success by encouraging you not to give up.
Contribuí a tu éxito animándote a no darte por vencido.
She contributes to my happiness by being a great friend.
Ella contribuye a mi felicidad siendo una amiga fantástica.
Disagree on/with - no estar de acuerdo con
I disagree with your decision to move to London, but it's up to you.
No estoy de acuerdo con tu decisión de mudarte a Londres, pero es tu decisión.
She disagrees with you because your idea was absolutely crazy.
Ella no estaba de acuerdo contigo porque tú idea era una locura absoluta.
Helen always disagrees with Ken because they don't get on very well.
Helen siempre está en desacuerdo con Ken porque no se llevan bien.
Do research on/into/about - investigar sobre
Scientists are doing research on cancer, but they haven't found a cure yet.
Los científicos están investigando el cáncer, pero todavía no encuentran la cura.
My friend is doing research into ancient cultures. It's very interesting.
Mi amigo está investigando culturas antiguas. Es muy interesante.
I'm doing research about new communication means in society at university.
Estoy investigando los nuevos medios de comunicación en la sociedad en la universidad.
Dream of/about - soñar con
I dreamed about going to the Caribbean last night. I was delighted.
Soñé sobre ir al Caribe anoche. Estaba encantada.
I've dreamed of Ralph. It's been a nightmare.
He soñado con Ralph. Ha sido una pesadilla.
She dreamed about you every night because she was in love with you.
Soñaba contigo cada noche porque estaba enamorada de ti.
Escape from - escapar de
I always escape from her comments because she doesn't know anything about me.
Siempre me escapo de sus comentarios porque no sabe nada de mí.
That man escaped from prison. You cannot trust him.
Ese hombre se escapó de la cárcel. No puedes confiar en él.
I've escaped from a family meeting. I've said I am sick in bed.
Me he escapado de una reunión familiar. He dicho que estoy enferma en la cama.
Lección 47.4
British versus American English XI
There are some words that mean a thing if you are in the USA and a different thing if you are in UK:
row a noisy quarrel a particular street or area of a town
rubber a pencil eraser a condom/a waterproof rain boot
run a leisure drive or ride to drive past the red light
run-in the final part of a race an argument
rundown a reduction a type of play in baseball
run-up the period preceding an event a sudden increase as for example in a price
salon closed car having two or four doors a room in a house for receiving guests
school place of primary or secondary education any educational institution
scrappy not really organised or poor hostile, belligerent
semi semi-detached house semi-trailer truck
shag to copulate a style of long hair with numerous layers
sherbet a fizzy powdered confectionery a type of frozen dessert
shorts strong alcoholic drinks served in 25 ml. underpants, boxers
Silverware things made from silver eating implements (spoon, fork, knife..)
skip large rubbish container one who disapears without paying his/her debts
skivvy a lowest servant men's underwear
slate to disparage to designate
sod an unpleasant person turf
solicitor a lawyer one that solicits (an advertiser, a salesperson..) usually annoying
solitaire a puzzle game a one-player card game
spotty pimply of inhomogeneous quality
Stall (enclosure) front seats in a theatre compartment containing a shower or toilet
Lección 47.5
Los Sustantivos, El Plural VII
Los sustantivos, el plural VII
1. Pluralia tantum: Palabras que sólo tienen forma en plural y llevan el verbo en plural.
a) Prendas de vestir e instrumentos o herramientas que constan de dos partes unidas indivisibles:
Those pajamas are not very loose. I'm not comfortable with them.
Esos pijamas no son muy sueltos. Yo no estoy cómoda con ellos.
Hillary is doing art at school. Her scissors are the pink ones.
Hillary está haciendo arte en el colegio. Sus tijeras son las rosas.
b) Varios:
A gypsy reads the coffee dregs at the King Inn.
Una gitana lee los posos del café en el King Inn.
A freight train arrives in Tring every day and leaves at six. Some of my goods are leaving tomorrow morning on it.
Un tren de mercancías sale de Tring cada mañana a las seis. Algunos de mis bienes se irán mañana por la mañana en él.
The New York outskirts are dangerous.
El extrarradio de Nueva York es peligroso.
Michael is a fashionable guy. His clothes are always cool.
Michael es un tipo moderno. Su ropa siempre es guay.
I'm telling you a horrible experience. The particulars are terrific.
Te estoy contando una experiencia horrible. Los detalles son terroríficos.
Customs are closed.
La aduana está cerrada.
paño; bayeta; trapo
paños; bayetas
2. Palabras que terminan en–s, pero suelen llevar el verbo en singular:
a) Enfermedades:
b) Juegos:
Billiards is fun. We are going tonight.
El billar es divertido. Nosotros vamos esta noche.
c) Disciplinas:
Mrs. Lloyd always uses binoculars at the opera. Hers are small ones.
La señora Lloyd siempre usa prismáticos en la ópera. Los suyos son unos pequeños.
Those glasses are cool, but I don't need any. My sight is good.
Esas lentes son guays, pero yo no necesito lentes. Mi vista está bien.
I need to wear elegant trousers at work. These are fine.
Yo necesito llevar puestos unos pantalones elegantes al trabajo. Estos están bien.
Measles are a typical childhood illness.
El sarampión es una enfermedad típica de la infancia.
My sister has the mumps. It's annoying.
Mi hermana tiene paperas. Es molesto.
Dominoes are typical at the cafe.
El dominó es típico en el café.
Politics is a complex topic.
La política es un tema complejo.
Mathematics isn't interesting to me.
Las matemáticas no son interesantes para mí.
d) News
The news is shocking.
La noticia es impactante.
3. Palabras que terminan en–s y pueden ser singular o plural:
sede central
species especie
A questionnaire is a series of questions.
Un cuestionario es una serie de preguntas.
The gallows belongs to the seventeenth century.
La horca pertenece al siglo diecisiete.
The police headquarters are on the main street.
El cuartel general de la policía está en la calle principal.
Lección 47.6
Verb Patterns V
To do something for someone - hacer algo por alguien
My brother did the cleaning for me last week because I had a test.
Mi hermano limpió por mí la semana pasada porque tenía un examen.
I have to do the shopping for my mom. She's very busy.
Tengo que hacerle las compras a mi mamá. Ella está muy ocupada.
I did some work for Ralph because his job was making him crazy.
Hice algo de trabajo para Ralph porque su trabajo lo estaba enloqueciendo.
To exchange something for something - cambiar algo por algo
I exchanged some old books for some new ones in a shop.
Cambié algunos libros viejos por otros nuevos en una tienda.
You exchange your time and energy for money when you are working.
Tú cambias tu tiempo y tu energía por dinero cuando trabajas.
To excuse someone for - disculpar a alguien por
Excuse me for being late. The traffic was terrible.
Disculpadme por llegar tarde. El tráfico era espantoso.
I want you to excuse me for being rude. I was nervous.
Quiero que me disculpes por ser grosero. Estaba nervioso.
Why don't you excuse Terry for being childish? We all are sometimes.
¿Por qué no disculpas a Terry por ser infantil? Todos lo somos a veces.
To expect someone to - esperar que alguien haga algo
He expected me to be somebody I am not.
Él esperaba que yo fuese alguien que no soy.
My sister expects me to help her, but I don't know if I can.
Mi hermana espera que yo le ayude, pero no sé si puedo.
Don't expect me to do anything. Just let me be myself.
No esperes que haga nada. Simplemente déjame ser yo misma.
To find something for someone - encontrar algo para alguien
I've found a room for you. I think it's nice enough.
He encontrado un cuarto para ti. Espero que sea suficientemente agradable.
My friend has found a job for me in his firm.
Mi amigo me ha encontrado un trabajo en su empresa.
Jane found some toys for the children.
Jane encontró algunos juguetes para los niños.
To fine someone for - multar a alguien
That policeman fined me for driving very fast.
Ese policía me multó por manejar muy rápido.
The police fined us for drinking in the street.
La policía nos multó por tomar en la calle.
The police fine you for carrying drugs.
La policía te multa por llevar drogas.
Lección 47.7
The Passive Voice: The Causative Have
The Causative Have is not a Passive Voice Tense, but a Passive Structure. Then, it works in a different way. Pay
attention and read slowly.
This structure exists because we sometimes want to say that we have done something, but actually it has been done by
another person (We persuade or ask someone else to do it for you)
For example:
Me he cortado el pelo / Me han cortado el pelo
He reparado el coche / Me han reparado el coche
These types of sentences are expressed in a different way in English.
We use the structure:to have something done
Then, how does this structure work? The best way to do it is the following:
an object verb time
house paint now
1. You always have a thing = an object. We place this object instead of the word something:
- to have my house done
2. We also have a verb = paint. We place the verb in the participle form instead of the word done:
- to have my house painted
3. The sentence always gives you a context, a time = now. You do the verb to have in the tense you need regarding the
context of the sentence:
I'm having my house painted.
Me están pintando mi casa.
Do you get it?
Let's practice it:
computer / check / yesterday
I had my computer checked yesterday.
Me comprobaron mi ordenador ayer.
hair / cut / this morning
I have had my hair cut this morning.
Me he cortado el cabello esta mañana.
a new school / build / while you were working abroad
We were having a new school built while you were working abroad.
Estuvieron construyendo una nueva escuela mientras tú estabas trabajando en el extranjero.
the newspaper / deliver / every morning
I have the newspaper delivered every morning.
Me traen el periódico todas las mañanas.
my eyes / revise / tomorrow
I'm having my eyes checked tomorrow.
Voy a revisarme los ojos mañana.
bike / repair / next week
I'm going to have my bike repaired next week.
Voy a reparar mi bici la próxima semana.
a pizza / deliver / in an hour
I'm going to have a pizza delivered in an hour.
Me van a traer una pizza en una hora.
her stomach / operate / this time next month
My mom will be having her stomach operated on at this time next month.
Mi mamá se estará operando el estómago en este momento el próximo mes.
my coat / clean / last week
I had my coat cleaned last week.
Me limpiaron mi chamarra la semana pasada.
Lección 47.8
The Passive Voice: Modal Verbs
If we want to make a modal verb into the passive voice, it's easy.
Let's remember the verb to be plus a modal verb:
You can be - Tú puedes ser
It must be– Ello / ella debe ser
Then, the passive structure must be:
patient agent modal verb be participle complement agent complement
We usually translate them as: Puede ser hecho/ se puede hacer / Debe ser hecho / se debe hacer / Debería ser hecho/ se
debería hacer...
Let's see some examples:
You have to finish your homework.
Tú tienes que terminar tus tareas.
Your homework has to be finished by you.
Tus tareas tienen que ser terminados por ti.
They cannot give you a discount.
Ellos no te pueden hacer un descuento.
A discount cannot be given to you by them.
Un descuento no puede serte hecho por ellos.
You cannot be given a discount by them.
Un descuento no puede serte hecho por ellos.
Paul doesn't have to promise you anything.
Paul no tiene que prometerte nada.
You don't have to be promised anything by Paul.
Tú no tienes que ser prometida nada por Paul.
The firm ought to spend more money on advertisement.
La empresa debería gastar más dinero en publicidad.
More money on advertisement ought to be spent by the firm.
Más dinero en publicidad debería ser gastado por la empresa.
My sister must do this work.
Mi hermana debe hacer este trabajo.
This work must be done by my sister.
Este trabajo debe ser hecho por mi hermana.
I could send him a message, but I lost his number.
Yo podía mandarle un mensaje, pero perdí su número.
A message could be sent to him by me, but his number was lost by me.
Un mensaje le podía ser mandado por mí, pero su número fue perdido por mi.
I used to tell a tale to the children at night.
Yo solía contarles un cuento a los niños por la noche.
A tale used to be told to the children at night by me.
Un cuento solía ser contado a los niños por la noche por mí.
My friend may bring me good news.
Puede que mi amigo me traiga buenas noticias.
Good news may be brought to me by my friend.
Puede que buenas noticias sean traídas por mi amigo a mi.
I may be brought good news by my friend.
Puede que buenas noticias sean traídas por mi amigo a mi.
Lección 47.9
Asking Someone to Change His/Her Behaviour
Sometimes we need to agree on conditions on our daily life, mainly when we share our house with our family, with our
partner or flatmate.
1. Starting the point:
I think we should talk about the housework.
Creo que deberíamos hablar sobre el quehacer.
I should listen to your advice.
Yo debería escuchar tu consejo.
Your advice should be listened to by me.
Tu consejo debería ser escuchado por mí.
I hope you don't mind me mentioning this, but...
Espero que no te importe que diga esto, pero...
I wondered if we could have a small chat about your schedule.
Me preguntaba si podríamos tener una pequeña charla sobre tu horario.
I really need to talk to you about what I need at home.
Realmente necesito hablar contigo sobre lo que necesito en casa.
Would you mind having a chat about your boyfriend?
¿Te importaría que tuviésemos una charla sobre tu novio?
2. Asking for a change in the behaviour:
Would you mind not smoking at home?
¿Te importaría no fumar en casa?
Would you mind helping me at home sometimes?
¿Te importaría ayudarme en casa a veces?
It would be nice if you could take the trash out.
Sería agradable si pudieses sacar la basura.
You would do me a favor if you cooked dinner for the children sometimes.
Me harías un favor si cocinaras la cena para los niños algunas veces.
I would appreciate if you give me a hand with washing the dishes.
Te agradecería si me echases una mano con los platos.
I don't think it's good to chat and drink with your friends until so late.
No creo que sea bueno que platiques y tomes con tus amigos hasta tan tarde.
3. Being clear:
I cannot sleep if there's so much noise next to my room.
No puedo dormir si hay tanto ruido al lado de mi cuarto.
Listen, I cannot stand the situation.
Escucha, no aguanto la situación.
I respect you, but it's impossible to study if you are playing the guitar all the time.
Te respecto, pero es imposible estudiar si estás tocando la guitarra todo el tiempo.
I don't want to stress you, but the house is always a mess.
No quiero estresarte, pero la casa está siempre hecha un desastre.
criar ganado
tierras agrícolas
Lección 48.0
False Friends XI
Candid - franco, sincero
Ingenuous - cándido, ingenuo
My sister is pretty candid about her feelings.
Mi hermana es muy sincera sobre sus sentimientos.
When you are ingenuous, you think everybody is a good person.
Cuando eres ingenuo, piensas que todo el mundo es buena persona.
Collar - cuello de camisa
Necklace - collar
I don't like wearing shirts because I cannot stand the collar.
No me gusta ponerme camisas porque no aguanto el cuello.
I love your necklace. It's beautiful.
Me encanta tu collar. Es precioso.
Confident - seguro
Informer, confidant - confidente
Spy - espía
My brother is a self-confident person. He really trusts himself.
Mi hermano es una persona segura de sí mismo. Realmente confía en sí mismo.
The police knew about the drug-dealer because they had an informer.
La policía supo sobre el camello porque tenían un confidente.
Esther is her closer confidant, but she usually keeps her secrets.
Esther es su confidente más cercana, pero normalmente guarda sus secretos.
My friend never talks about his job. I think he is a spy.
Mi amigo nunca habla de su trabajo. Creo que es un espía.
Eventual - que llega con el tiempo, final, consiguiente
Temporary, casual - eventual, provisional
You can see the eventual result of the test on the Internet.
Puedes ver el resultado final de la prueba en Internet.
It's a temporary job. I just work as a waitress until I finish my studies.
Es un trabajo temporal. Sólo trabajo como mesera hasta que termine mis estudios.
I got a temporary post as a secretary last summer.
Conseguí un puesto temporal como secretaria el verano pasado.
Ordinary - ordinario, corriente
Vulgar - ordinario
It's nothing special. It's only a quite ordinary high school.
No es nada especial. Es solo un instituto bastante corriente.
It was a fairly vulgar comment.
Fue un comentario bastante ordinario.
That dress is a bit vulgar. I wouldn't wear it.
Ese vestido es un poco hortera. Yo no me lo pondría.
Precious - valioso
Beautiful – bonito
The temple is made of gold, the precious metal.
El templo está hecho de oro, el metal precioso.
Don't touch her precious computer. She really cares about it.
No toques su valioso ordenador. A ella realmente le importa.
It's a beautiful palace in the middle of a lake.
Es un bonito palacio en medio de un lago.
Rare - poco frecuente
Strange - extraño
Having an accident is rare in this city. People here drive really slowly.
Tener un accidente es poco frecuente en esta ciudad. Acá la gente maneja realmente lento.
It seems strange to me that Dave doesn't want to go out tonight.
Me parece raro que Dave no quiera salir esta noche.
Sane - cuerdo
Healthy – sano
Thinking only about money is not sane at all.
Pensar solo en el dinero no es cuerdo para nada.
If you develop healthy habits, you get used to them.
Si desarrollas hábitos saludables, te acostumbras a ellos.
Lección 48.1
Semantic Fields: To Ask and To Answer
Inquire - you ask for information
I inquired of the clerk in the Tourist Office, but I didn't understand anything.
Le pregunté al ayudante en la Oficina de Turismo, pero no entendí nada.
You can inquire of the secretary of the school.
Le puedes preguntar a la secretaria del colegio.
Query / question - ask a question
My mom questioned me about the party a lot.
Mi mamá me preguntó mucho sobre la fiesta.
Why are you querying me about last night?
¿Por qué me estás haciendo tantas preguntas acerca de anoche?
Answer / reply - say something back to someone who's just spoken
I answered him by a gesture and he understood it.
Le respondí con un gesto y lo entendió.
The university has replied about my application form. I'm going there next year.
La universidad ha contestado mi solicitud. Voy allí el próximo año.
Respond - react to something by saying something yourself
You can stay here if you want. You can sleep in that room - the man responded.
Te puedes quedar aquí si quieres. Puedes dormir en esa habitación - respondío el hombre.
Jane didn't respond because it was a stupid comment.
Jane no respondió nada porque era un comentario estúpido.
Answer back - reply impolitely
Don't answer me back. I'm your mother.
No me contestes. Soy tu mamá.
That kid is a little wild and naughty. He always answers you back.
Ese niño es un poco salvaje y travieso. Él siempre te contesta.
Retort - reply angrily
Just leave me alone - the girl retorted.
Simplemente déjame sola - gruñó la muchacha.
I don't want to go with you -his brother retorted.
No quiero ir contigo - gruñó su hermano.
Lección 48.2
Collocations IX
Bear in mind - tener en mente
If you want to win the quiz program, bear in mind my advice.
Si quieres ganar el concurso, ten en mente mi consejo.
I always bear in mind my mother's words.
Siempre tengo en mente las palabras de mi mamá.
Bear in mind that everyone has troubles at some point and then just concentrate on the positive things.
Ten en mente que todos tenemos problemas en algún punto y después concéntrate en las cosas buenas.
Take a seat - tomar asiento
Take a seat and make yourself at home.
Toma asiento y siéntete en casa.
Take a seat Mr. Johnson. Mr. Grand is coming.
Tome asiento señor Johnson. El señor Grand viene.
Take a seat and tell me what is worrying you like that.
Toma asiento y cuéntame que te está preocupando así.
Make furniture - hacer muebles
I want to hire a carpenter to make the furniture for this house.
Quiero contratar a un carpintero para que haga los muebles para esta casa.
My father is a carpenter. He loves making furniture.
Mi padre es carpintero. Le encanta hacer muebles.
I like making furniture in my spare time.
Me gusta hacer muebles en mi tiempo libre.
Break a habit - romper un hábito
I would like to stop smoking, but it's very difficult to break this habit.
Me gustaría dejar de fumar, pero es muy difícil romper este hábito.
I got used to going to bed late, but I've broken the habit.
Me acostumbré a irme tarde a la cama, pero he roto el hábito.
I am used to going out every night and I don't want to break the habit.
Estoy acostumbrada a salir todas las noches y no quiero romper el hábito.
Catch a thief - coger a un ladrón
The police caught a thief near the shopping center.
La policía agarró al ladrón cerca del centro comercial.
My husband caught a thief breaking into the house.
Mi esposo agarró al ladrón entrando en la casa.
The police didn't catch the thief because they arrived very late.
La policía no agarró al ladrón porque llegaron muy tarde.
Lección 48.3
Linkers IX
All the same - a pesar de todo
All the same I cannot finish my degree this year.
A pesar de todo no puedo terminar mi carrera este año.
She will never believe me all the same.
Ella nunca me creerá a pesar de todo.
He never understands how important it is to me all the same.
Él nunca entiende cuán importante es eso para mí a pesar de todo.
Nonetheless - a pesar de todo
I couldn't get any sleep last night, nonetheless.
No pude pegar ojo anoche, a pesar de todo.
Nonetheless, Ken didn't want to talk to me.
A pesar de todo, Ken no quería hablar conmigo.
I couldn't find Mark in time, nonetheless.
No pude encontrar a Mark a tiempo, a pesar de todo.
Come what may - pase lo que pase
I'm going to tell my friend the truth come what may.
Voy a contarle a mi amigo la verdad pase lo que pase.
Jenny isn't worrying about what you think come what may.
Jenny no se está preocupando de lo que tú pienses pase lo que pase.
I'm not going to lie to anyone come what may.
No voy a mentirle a nadie pase lo que pase.
Nevertherless - no obstante, sin embargo
Your father cannot be here today; nevertheless he's on the phone.
Tu padre no puede estar aquí hoy; no obstante está al teléfono.
I'm not going to meet Paul; nevertheless I'll write an email to him.
No voy a verme con Paul; sin embargo le escribiré un email.
You shouldn't go to that party; nevertheless it's up to you.
No deberías ir a esa fiesta; sin embargo es tu decisión.
Notwithstanding - no obstante, a pesar de que
I didn't learn any new information, notwithstanding the letter I read.
No aprendí ninguna nueva información, a pesar de que leí la carta.
I don't feel like going out, notwithstanding meeting Paul for coffee.
No me apetece salir, no obstante voy a verme con Peter para tomar un café.
You didn't finish your homework, notwithstanding the lessons we did together yesterday.
Tú no terminaste tu tarea, a pesar de que hicimos las lecciones juntos ayer.
cerveza clara
glass of beer
caña de cerveza
sparkling mineral water
agua mineral con gas
Lección 48.4
Crime IV
To sentence someone to a punishment - sentenciar a alguien a un castigo
The judge sentenced him to five years in prison.
El juez lo sentenció a 5 años en prisión.
The judge sentenced him to the death penalty.
El juez lo sentenció con la pena de muerte.
The judge sentenced my friend to jail for twenty years.
El juez sentenció a mi amigo con cárcel durante 20 años.
To acquit an accused person of a charge - absolver a alguien de algo
The judge acquitted my friend of murder, I'm very happy.
El juez absolvió a mi amigo de asesinato, estoy muy contenta.
The jury acquitted the young man of robbery, there was no evidence.
El jurado absolvió al hombre joven de robo, no había pruebas.
The judge acquitted the men of terrorism, the police found new evidence.
El juez absolvió a los hombres de terrorismo, la policía encontró nuevas pruebas.
To fine someone a sum of money - multar a alguien una suma de dinero
The judge fined him three thousand euros for vandalism.
El juez lo multó con 3000 euros por vandalismo.
The judge fined him five hundred euros because the police found drugs in his home.
El juez lo multó con 500 euros porque la policía encontró drogas en su casa.
The judge fined me two hundred euros because I was driving too fast.
El juez me multó con 200 euros porque yo estaba manejando demasiado rápido.
To send someone to prison - enviar a alguien a prision
The judge sent the thief to prison for eight years.
El juez envió al ladrón a prisión por 8 años.
The judge sent him to prison because he was guilty of murder.
El juez lo envió a prisión porque era culpable de asesinato.
The judge sent Mike to prison because he had raped several girls.
El juez envió a Mike a prisión porque había violado a varias muchachas.
To release someone from prison - poner en libertad , soltar a alguien
The judge released my friend from prison after five years there.
El juez puso a mi amigo en libertad después de cinco años en la cárcel.
The judge released the murderer because of his good behavior, but I think it's unfair.
El juez liberó al asesino por buen comportamiento, pero yo creo que es injusto.
The judge released the thief from prison earlier because he had a good lawyer.
El juez liberó al ladrón antes porque tenía un buen abogado.
To be tried - ser juzgado
That man was being tried because he robbed a bank.
Ese hombre estaba siendo juzgado porque robó un banco.
Rob was tried because he was accused of dealing drugs.
Rob fue juzgado porque estaba acusado de negocios con drogas.
Lección 48.5
Sentence Transformation II
1. The door was opened with a credit card
The door was opened with a credit card.
La puerta fue abierta con una tarjeta de crédito.
Sentence Transformation
The door was opened______ a credit card (MEANS)
The door was opened by means of a credit card.
La puerta fue abierta por medio de una tarjeta de crédito.
2. He wanted to apologize so he sent you a present
He wanted to apologize so he sent you a present.
Él quería disculparse así que te envió un regalo.
Sentence Transformation
He sent you a present ______ apologize (ORDER)
He sent you a present in order to apologize.
Él te envió un regalo para disculparse.
3. Oh, one thing before I forget. I met Nadia. She wants you to phone her
Oh, one thing before I forget. I met Nadia. She wants you to phone her.
Oh, una cosa antes de que se me olvide. Me encontré con Nadia. Quiere que la llames.
Sentence Transformation
Oh, ______, I met Nadia. She wants you to phone her (WAY)
Oh, by the way, I met Nadia. She wants you to phone her.
Oh, por cierto, me encontré con Nadia. Quiere que la llames.
4. Miriam was responsible for that project
Miriam was responsible for that project.
Miriam era responsable de ese proyecto.
Sentence Transformation
Miriam was ______ that project (CHARGE)
Miriam was in charge of that project.
Miriam estaba a cargo de ese proyecto.
5. Her parents didn't let her go to the party
Her parents didn't let her go to the party.
Sus padres no la dejaban ir a la fiesta.
Sentence Transformation
Her parents didn't ______ go to the party (ALLOW)
Her parents didn't allow her to go to the party.
Sus padres no la dejaban ir a la fiesta.
6. Someone should give her some advice
Someone should give her some advice.
Alguien debería darle algo de consejo.
Sentence Transformation
She ______ by someone (SHOULD)
She should be given some advice by someone.
Ella debería ser dada algo de consejo por alguien.
7. I didn't find the news surprising at all
I didn't find the news surprising at all.
Yo no encontré la noticia sorprendente en absoluto.
Sentence Transformation
The news ______ me (HARDLY)
The news hardly surprised me.
La noticia apenas me sorprendió.
8. The man said: The bus left two minutes ago
The man said: The bus left two minutes ago.
El hombre dijo: El autobús se fue hace dos minutos.
Sentence Transformation
The man told them that ______ (MISSED)
The man told them that they have missed the bus
9. In my opinion you should phone Terry
In my opinion, you should phone Terry.
En mi opinión, deberías llamar a Terry.
Sentence Transformation
As ______, you should phone Terry (SEE)
10. Why do you feel superior to other people?
Why do you feel superior to other people?
¿Por qué te sientes superior a otra gente?
Sentence Transformation
What makes you ______ other people? (LOOK)
What makes you look down on other people?
¿Qué te hace despreciar a otra gente?
Lección 48.6
The Passive Voice: A Revision
Now that you know all the passive voice tenses, it's time to master and review them. You are going to see several mixed
passive examples. It's a good exercise trying to guess the tense you are seeing, try to recognize the tenses:
My friend called me last night.
Mi amigo me llamó anoche.
I was called by my friend last night.
Yo fui llamado por mi amigo anoche.
Would you send this letter to your boss?
¿Le enviarías esta carta a tu jefe?
Would this letter be sent to your boss by you?
¿Sería esta carta enviada a tu jefe por ti?
You should tidy your room every day.
Deberías ordenar tu cuarto todos los días.
The room should be tidied everyday by you.
Tu cuarto debería ser ordenado todos los días por ti.
The company is going to send me the order next week.
La compañía me va a enviar el pedido la próxima semana.
The order is going to be sent to me next week by the company.
El pedido me va a ser enviado la próxima semana por la compañía.
I am going to be sent the order next week by the company.
Se me va a enviar el pedido la próxima semana por la compañía.
I'm having the order sent next week.
Se me va a enviar el pedido la próxima semana.
I will be telling a tale to the children.
Yo estaré contándole un cuento a los niños.
A tale will be told to the children by me.
Un cuento será contado a los niños por mí.
The children will be told a tale by me.
A los niños se les estarán contados un cuento por mí.
You cannot eat that cake.
Tú no puedes comerte ese pastel.
That cake cannot be eaten by you.
Ese pastel no puede ser comido por ti.
Your brother would have sent you a present if he had known your address.
Tu hermano te habría enviado un regalo si él hubiese sabido tu dirección.
A present would have been sent to you by your brother if your address had been known by him.
Un regalo te habría sido enviado por tu hermano si tu dirección hubiese sido sabida por él.
You would have been sent a present by your brother if your address had been known by him.
Tú habrías sido enviada un regalo por tu hermano si tu dirección hubiese sido sabida por él.
Lección 48.7
The Passive Voice: The Causative Get
You already know the Causative Have. This is the same structure, but we use the verb to get instead of the verb to have.
In this way you extend the knowledge and revise this structure.
My parents / a new room / build / next month
My parents are getting a new room built next month.
Mis padres van a construir un nuevo cuarto el próximo mes.
A wonderful dress / make / likely
I may get a wonderful dress made.
Puede que me haga un vestido maravilloso.
A new magazine / deliver / now
I am getting a new magazine delivered to my home now.
Me están entregando una nueva revista a mi casa ahora.
A nice book / send / last week
I got a nice book sent last week.
Me enviaron un libro bonito la semana pasada.
My hair/dye/while you were working
I was getting my hair dyed while you were working.
Estaba tiñéndome el cabello mientras tú estabas trabajando.
My clothes / wash / tomorrow
I am getting my clothes washed tomorrow.
Voy a tener la ropa lavada mañana.
My car / repair / before I went to France
I had gotten my car repaired before I went to France.
Había reparado mi carro antes de irme a Francia.
My luggage / bring / in half an hour
I'm getting my luggage brought in half an hour.
Me van a traer el equipaje en media hora.
The dinner / deliver / last night
I got the dinner delivered last night.
Me trajeron la cena anoche.
The post / bring / this morning
I have gotten the mail brought this morning.
Me han traído el correo esta mañana.
A new computer / give / my firm / last year
I got a new computer that was given to me by my firm.
Un nuevo ordenador me fue dado por mi empresa.
A new curtains / make / today / the tailor
Mom is getting new curtains made today by the tailor.
A mi mamá le está haciendo unas cortinas nuevas el sastre.
carbon dioxide
dióxido de carbono
carbon monoxide
monóxido de carbono
become extinct
exhaust fumes
gases de combustión
oil slick
marea negra
alga de agua salada
Lección 48.8
Phrasal Verbs: Hold Up, Get Through With, Think Back On, Go On
Hold up - rob
That guy was in prison because he held up a gas station and several shops.
Ese tipo estuvo en la cárcel porque asaltó una gasolinera y varias tiendas.
They were planning to hold up a bank when I arrived.
Ellos estaban planeando atracar un banco cuando yo llegué.
Tom held up a jewelry store and flew away.
Tom asaltó una joyería y huyó.
Get through with - finish
I got through with that relationship because it was insane.
Terminé aquella relación porque era enfermiza.
Grace wants to get through with our project as soon as possible.
Grace quiere terminar nuestro proyecto tan pronto como sea posible.
I don't want to get through with this job. I love it.
No quiero terminar este trabajo. Me encanta.
Think back on - recall
When I think back on my days as a school child, I wish I knew then what I know now.
Cuando pienso en mis días como alumno, desearía haber sabido entonces lo que se ahora.
We all had a good time at the class reunion, thinking back on those days when we saw each other every day.
Nos lo pasamos bien en la reunión de clase, recordando aquellos días cuando nos veíamos cada día.
If you think back on the Sixties, you can see it was a very violent time.
Si recuerdas los sesenta, ves que era una epoca muy violenta.
Go on - happen
What's going on? You look very excited.
¿Qué está pasando? Parecen muy emocionados.
Something was going on when I arrived home. Everybody was shouting.
Algo estaba pasando cuando llegué a casa. Todo el mundo estaba gritando.
Nothing is going on with me. I'm just tired.
No me pasa nada. Solo estoy cansado.
Lección 48.9
Word-Formation XXII
We are studying some more ways of making new words in this lesson:
5. Adjective + Noun:
round table
mesa redonda
primera clase
adhesive tape
cinta adhesiva
adjustable spanner
llave inglesa
6. Verb + adjective/adverb:
sentirse bien
take it easy
tómatelo con calma
hacerse rico rápido
número uno
7. Verb + Preposition:
de energía y brío
walk on
figurante (película)
roll on roll off
de carga y descarga; de trasbordo
8. Others:
de alto rango
demasiado entusiasta
absent minded
armour plated
He is such a bad-mannered boy that his parents don't want to eat out.
Él es un niño tan mal educado que sus padres no quieren comer fuera.
I have a take it easy philosophy on life.
Tengo una filosofía relajada ante la vida.
Bring me the adhesive tape and the adjustable spanner.
Tráeme la cinta adhesiva y la llave inglesa.
We use some stick-on dots to mark the part of the project we have finished.
Usamos algunos puntos adhesivos para marcar la parte del proyecto que hemos terminado.
He is really responsible and he behaves very well, but he's a little absent minded.
Él es bastante responsable y se comporta muy bien, pero es un poco distraído.
When I looked through the window I saw an awe-inspiring view.
Cuando miré por la ventana vi una vista sobrecogedora.
He just thought it was a get-rich-quick job, but he lost a lot of money instead.
Él solo pensó que era un trabajo para hacerse rico rápido, pero en lugar de eso perdió mucho dinero.
I got a walk-on part in the school performance.
Conseguí un papel sin diálogo en la obra escolar.
You are too outspoken. You shouldn't say everything to everybody.
Eres demasiado directo. No deberías decírselo todo a todo el mundo.
You should follow all the above-mentioned rules.
Deberían seguir todas las reglas arriba mencionadas.
She got a first-class ticket to Berlin and left.
Se compró un boleto de primera clase a Berlín y se fue.
Mark is too overenthusiastic. Don't believe everything he says.
Mark demasiado entusiasta. No creas todo lo que dice.
The walk-on actor in that movie was a friend of mine.
El figurante en esa película era un amigo mío.
Lección 49.0
Reported Speech: An Introduction
When somebody tells us something and we want to tell this to a third person, we can do that in two different ways:
1. Direct Speech
We can say the exact words this person said.
- John: I am very happy
- Mary: That's great, darling
John said: I am very happy.
John dijo: Estoy muy feliz.
2. Reported Speech
We can say what this person told us with our own words:
- John: I am very happy
- Mary: That's great, darling
John said that he was very happy.
John dijo que estaba muy feliz.
We are studying these two mechanisms now:
- The Direct Speech is quite easy. We just repeat the same sentence.
- The Reported Speech implies several changes. We are studying these changes deeply in following lessons.
Using the Reported Speech implies changing:
1. Verbal tenses
- John: I am very happy
- John said that he was very happy
2. Subject - object pronouns, possessive pronouns and adjectives, demonstrative pronouns:
- John: I am very happy
- Mary: John said that he was very happy
3. Time and place adverbs
- John: I am very happy now
- Mary: John said that he was very happy then
Apart from these changes we will study the different types of sentences:
1. Affirmative 2. Commands 3. Questions 4. Exclamations
We will also study different verbs we can use to introduce these sentences and the way to use them. These verbs are called
Introductory Verbs. Example:
- John: I am very happy
- Mary: John said that he was very happy
Keep in mind that these changes aren't fixed. There are just a guideline to follow, but it always depends on the context. It's
useful to get used to translating the sentences into Spanish and to imagine the real situation when three people are involved.
Practice it patiently. We will get into it step by step.
Lección 49.1
Reported Speech: Verbal Tenses Changes I
Reported Speech: Verbal Tenses Changes
We usually change the verbal tense of the sentence to turn it into the Reported Speech. A tip to make it is to think that you
are changing the verbal tense once into the past. Let's study them:
direct speech reported speech
simple present simple past
John: I always have a shower in the mornings
John said that he always had a shower in the morning.
John dijo que él siempre se daba una ducha por la mañana.
Mary: My mum cleans the house on Saturdays
Mary said that her mom cleaned her house on Saturdays.
Mary dijo que su mamá limpiaba su casa los sábados.
Ian: I go swimming every week
Ian said that he went swimming every week.
Ian dijo que él iba a nadar cada semana.
Urma: I usually travel in summer
Urma said that she usually travelled during summer.
Urma dijo que ella normalmente viajaba durante el verano.
direct speech reported speech
Progressive present Progressive past
Peter: I'm waiting for Mariam
Peter said that he was waiting for Miriam.
Peter dijo que estaba esperando a Mariam.
Ruth: I'm studying because I have a test soon
Ruth said that she was studying because she had a test soon.
Ruth dijo que ella estaba estudiando porque tenía un examen pronto.
Mark: I'm fixing my bike because I want to ride it later
Mark said that he was fixing his bike because he wanted to ride it later.
Mark dijo que estaba arreglando su bicicleta porque quería usarla más tarde.
Tom: I'm cooking because we are having a family dinner
Tom said that he was cooking because they were having a family dinner.
Tom dijo que estaba cocinando porque iban a tener una cena en familia.
direct speech reported speech
Perfect present Perfect past
Johnny: I've already finished my work I'm going for a walk
Johnny said that he had already finished his work. He was going for a walk.
Johnny dijo que ya había terminado su trabajo. Se iba a dar un paseo.
Mary: I've phoned my friends. They are coming to pick me up
Mary said that she had phoned her friends. They were coming to pick her up.
Mary dijo que había llamado a sus amigos. Ellos vendrían a recogerla.
Steve: I've applied for a job I really like. I'm waiting for an answer
Steve said that he had applied for a job he really liked. He was waiting for an answer.
Steve dijo que había solicitado un trabajo que realmente le gustaba. Estaba esperando una respuesta.
Michael: I haven't done my homework yet because I'm waiting for you to help me
Michael said that he hadn't done his homework yet because he was waiting for you to help him.
Michael dijo que no había hecho sus tareas todavía porque te estaba esperando para que le ayudases.
Lección 49.2
Idioms and Proverbs XXII
Another pair of eyes - otro par de ojos
My sister wants another pair of eyes to look at the contract so I will read it today.
Mi hermana quiere otro par de ojos para ver el contrato así es que lo leeré hoy.
Can you tell me if I did this correctly? I need another pair of eyes.
¿Puedes decirme si hice esto correctamente? Necesito otro par de ojos.
I don't mean maybe - lo digo en serio
I need to have the car repaired by Tuesday, but I don't mean maybe.
Necesito tener el carro reparado para el martes, pero seriamente.
I need you to help me tomorrow and I don't mean maybe.
Necesito que me ayudes mañana y hablo en serio.
An earful - una gran cantidad de discusión, crítica, cotilleo o queja
My sister really gave me an earful when she saw that I was using her computer.
Mi hermana realmente me dio un follón cuando vio que yo estaba usando su ordenador.
Her parents told her she could not go out, so when she gets home she will get an earful.
Sus papás le dijeron que ella no podía salir, así es que cuando ella llegue a casa tendrá bronca.
Keep one's hands off - no poner las manos en algo
I wanted to eat the apple pie before the guests arrived, but my mom told me to keep my hands off.
Quería comer tarta de manzana antes de que los invitados llegaran, pero mi mamá me dijo que le quitara las manos de encima.
My brother was nosing around my project, but I told him to keep his hands off.
Mi hermano estaba husmeando mi proyecto, pero le dije que le sacara sus manos de encima.
To err is human -errar es humano
Don't worry so much about your mistake. To err is human.
No te preocupes tanto de tu error. Errar es humano.
I made a mistake telling Ralph about you, but to err is human.
Cometí un error contándole a Ralph de ti, pero errar es humano.
Free and easy - casual, at ease
Terry is nice and easy-going. She is very free and easy.
Terry es agradable y fácil de llevar. Es muy relajada.
The job is quite free and easy. I'm almost my own boss.
El trabajo es bastante relajado. Soy casi mi propio jefe.
toy store
to knit
tejer; hacer punto
to sew
to collect
stamp collecting
board game
juego de mesa
parque de diversiones
Lección 49.3
Synonyms Close
1. Distance:
at hand
My brother is always at hand when I need him.
Mi hermano siempre está a cerca cuando lo necesito.
The music in that pub can be heard in the adjacent buildings.
La música de ese bar se puede oír en los edificios adyacentes.
They booked two adjoining rooms at the hotel so that the family could stay together.
Ellos reservaron dos cuartos adjuntos en el hotel para que la familia se pudiera quedar junta.
I always have a notebook and a pen handy just in case I need to write something down.
Siempre tengo una libreta y una pluma a la mano solo por si necesito anotar algo.
The shopping center is near the bus station.
El centro comercial está cerca de la estación de autobús.
Don't worry! You can find some supermarkets nearby.
¡No te preocupes! Puedes encontrar algunos supermercados cerca.
Your friend was running at a neighboring park.
Tu amigo estaba corriendo en un parque de la vecindad.
2. Relationship:
The little girl is really attached to her brother.
La niña pequeña está muy apegada a su hermano.
My dear aunty is visiting us next weekend.
Mi querida tita nos va a visitar el próximo fin de semana.
His mother and father are a very devoted couple.
Su mamá y papá son una pareja muy entregada.
We became very familiar with his father habits during our visit.
Nos familiarizamos mucho con los hábitos de su papá durante nuestra visita.
That guy is very friendly to everybody.
Ese tipo es muy amigable con todo el mundo.
Freda is one of my most intimate friends. I met her when I was 6 years old.
Frida es una de mis amigas más íntimas. La conocí cuando tenía 6 años.
My parents have a very loving relationship.
Mis padres tienen una relación muy cariñosa.
My beloved son has written a letter to me from Australia.
Mi querido hijo me ha escrito una carta desde Australia.
3. Time:
Her birthday is approaching, so we are making all the arrangements for a party.
Su cumpleaños está cercano, por lo tanto, estamos haciendo todos los preparativos para una fiesta.
The Lord of the Rings III is coming soon to your movie theater.
El Señor de los Anillos III próximamente en tu cine.
She is aware of their imminent divorce.
Ella es consciente de su divorcio inminente.
4. Resemblance:
There's a marked resemblance between that girl and her mother.
Hay un gran parecido entre esa muchacha y su mamá.
There is a pronounced similarity between the two companies.
Hay una pronunciada similitud entre las dos empresas.
It has been proved that monkeys have a strong resemblance to human beings.
Se ha probado que los monos tienen un fuerte parecido a los seres humanos.
5. Description/translation:
He made an accurate description of my father's character.
Él hizo una descripción muy acertada del carácter de mi padre.
His interpretation of my words was quite exact.
Su interpretación de mis palabras fue bastante exacta.
That man made a faithful translation of the sacred text.
Ese hombre hizo una traducción fiel del texto sagrado.
You should not take that sentence in its literal sense. It's just an example.
No debes tomar esa frase en sentido literal. Solo es un ejemplo.
My father doesn't like misunderstandings. He's very precise when he speaks.
A mi padre no le gustan los malentendidos. Es muy preciso cuando habla.
He told the story to the police in strict detail.
Él le contó la historia a la policía con todo detalle.
Lección 49.4
Semantic Field: To Cut II
XScore - you cut a line or lines on the surface of something
Score the potatoes, put some oil on them and put them into the oven.
Hazle unos cortes en línea a las patatas, ponles algo de aceite y ponlas en el horno.
If you score the steak before putting it on the pan, it's tastier.
Si le haces unos cortes en línea al filete antes de ponerlo en la cacerola, están más sabrosos.
Pierce - a sharp object makes a hole on something
Mothers usually pierce their baby's ears if they have a girl.
Las mamás normalmente agujerean las orejas de sus bebés si tienen una niña.
I pierced my nose because I like how it looks, but I wouldn't like piercing my tongue.
Me hice un piercing en la nariz porque me gusta, pero no me gustaría hacerme un piercing en la lengua.
Penetrate - an object goes inside or passes through something
A mosquito penetrates your skin when it bites you.
Un mosquito penetra tu piel cuando te muerde.
The bullet penetrated his stomach. He was hospitalized for 10 days.
La bala penetró su estómago. Él estuvo hospitalizado por 10 días.
Slit - the object makes long narrow cut on it
The boy slit his sister's arm with a needle while they were playing.
El niño le hizo un corte fino a su hermana en el brazo con una aguja mientras estaban jugando.
The surgeon will slit your stomach and will put a cable with a camera inside.
El cirujano te hará un corte fino en el estómago y pondrá un cable con una cámara dentro.
Gash/slash - the object makes a long deep cut on something
He slashed his leg with a wire in the accident.
Se cortó la pierna con un alambre en el accidente.
The girl gashed her wrists, but we took her to the hospital in time.
La muchacha se cortó las muñecas/las venas, pero la llevamos al hospital a tiempo.
Clip - you cut small pieces of something in order to shape it
The old man is always clipping the branches of his tree because they grow so quickly.
El viejo hombre siempre está podando las ramas de su árbol por que crecen muy rápido.
My brother is clipping the garden for my mom.
Mi hermano está podando el jardín para mi mamá.
Lección 49.5
Verb + Infinitive II
To choose - escoger
You chose to live with Peter. I don't understand what you are complaining about it.
Tú escogiste vivir con Peter. No entiendo de qué te estás quejando.
I've chosen to go to that university because I think it's the best one.
He escogido ir a esa universidad porque creo que es la mejor.
To claim – pretender, afirmar
She claims to be his daughter.
Ella afirma ser su hija.
He is claiming not to know anything about the matter.
Él está afirmando no saber nada del asunto.
To consent - consentir
You don't have my consent to talk to your mother like this.
No te consiento que le hables a tu mamá así.
They have consented to let their child do everything as he likes.
Ellos le han consentido a su niño hacerlo todo como le place.
To convince/persuade - convencer, persuadir
He is persuading Terry to marry him, but she isn't sure about what she wants.
Él está convenciendo a Terry para que se case con él, pero ella no está segura de lo que quiere.
I won't try to convince Paul to come to the dinner, he is already grownup.
No intentaré convencer a Paul para que venga a la cena, él ya es adulto.
To dare - atreverse
She dares to do what she likes.
Ella se atreve a hacer lo que quiere.
My brother dares to tell me what I must do, but I just ignore him.
Mi hermano se atreve a decirme que debo hacer, pero yo simplemente lo ignoro.
To decline – declinar, negarse
Mike declined to tell me what was happening, but he seemed to be really upset.
Mike se negó a contarme que estaba pasando, pero él parecía muy deprimido.
I've declined to listen to you because you're talking nonsense.
Me he negado a escucharte porque estás diciendo cosas sin sentido.
To decide - decidir
I decided to study law because it's exciting to me.
Decidí estudiar derecho porque me resulta emocionante.
He's decided to go camping on the weekend, but I don't feel like going.
Él ha decidido irse de camping el fin de semana, pero a mí no se me antoja ir.
Lección 49.6
Prepositional Verbs and Adjectives XX
To be absent from - estar ausente de
She was absent from work because she was ill. She's better now.
Ella estaba ausente del trabajo porque estaba enferma. Está mejor ahora.
I was absent from the meeting because I was meeting my son's teacher.
Estaba ausente de la reunión porque me estaba reuniendo con el profesor de mi hijo.
Tom was absent from the party because he didn't want to see me.
Tom estaba ausente de la reunión porque no quería verme.
To be associated with - estar asociado con
My brother is associated with an important scientist. They're working together.
Mi hermano está asociado con un científico importante. Están trabajando juntos.
That talk was associated with your lack of self-confidence.
Esa charla estaba asociada con tu falta de confianza en ti misma.
Her mood was associated with you. You cannot do that in a relationship.
Su humor estaba asociado contigo. No puedes hacer eso en una relación.
To be blessed with - estar bendecido con
That guy was blessed with an excellent sense of humor. We laughed a lot with him.
Ese tipo estaba bendecido con un fantástico sentido del humor. Nos reíamos mucho con él.
You are blessed with a strong patience. I wish I were like you.
Estás bendecido con una fuerte paciencia. Desearía ser como tú.
She's blessed with a beautiful voice. She is an amazing singer.
Ella está bendecida con una maravillosa voz. Ella es una excelente cantante.
Close to - cerca de
I'm close to your house. I will be there in less than 5 minutes.
Estoy cerca de tu casa. Estaré ahí en menos de 5 minutos.
She lives close to me. I can tell her to come tomorrow if you want.
Ella vive cerca de mí. Puedo decirle que venga mañana si quieres.
I am close to the train station now. Would you like to meet me near there?
Estoy cerca de la estación de tren ahora. ¿Te gustaría encontrarme cerca de ahí?
Hide from - esconder algo de
Have you hidden the cake from the children?
¿Has escondido los pasteles a los niños?
Mark has hidden his money but I know it's in the closet.
Mark ha escondido su dinero pero sé que está en el ropero.
I've hidden my computer from my sister because I don't want her to use it without my permission.
Le he escondido el ordenador a mi hermana porque no quiero que lo use sin mi permiso.
Cluttered with - abarrotado de
Cluttered is really only used with things not with people.
The concert hall was cluttered with the musician's instruments.
La sala de conciertos estaba abarrotada con los instrumentos musicales.
The theater room is cluttered with chairs. There will be a big performance tonight.
La sala de teatro está abarrotada de sillas. Habrá una gran presentación esta noche.
The house was cluttered with boxes. Edward is moving tomorrow.
La casa estaba abarrotada de cajas. Edward se mudará de casa mañana.
B2Lección 49.7
I'd Rather You Do It
Lección 49.8
British versus American English XII
There are some words that mean a thing if you are in the USA and a different thing if you are in UK:
stove a green house for plants an appliance for cooking
sub to pay for something in place of someone else substitute teacher
subway pedestrian underpass underground commuter railway
superintendent senior police rank person in charge of a building
suspenders elasticated support for stockings elasticated support for trousers
sweet an after-meal dessert short for sweetheart
tab a cigarette a formal account for services at a restaurant
table to raise for consideration to postpone
tallback queue of vehicles,traffic jam offensive backfield position in American football
tank top jumper without sleeves sleeveless T-shirt
tea afternoon snack after lunch iced tea taken with lemon or sugar
terrace row of similar houses parking
through (time) for a period of time, during up to, until
tick off to admonish to annoy
tip a place where rubbish is disposed to disclose one's intentions
torch handheld device that emits light to commit an act of arson
tosser idiot someone who gets rid of things
tout to resell tickets at higher prices to promote, recommend
townhouse a fashionable urban house one of several single-family similar houses that are connected
tradesman a person who sells goods in a shop a skilled manual worker in a particular field
trunk primary road storage compartment of a car
tube the London subterranean railway system television
turnout strike a place along a highway for slower cars
tyke someone from Yorkshire a young child, toddler
vest sleeveless garment worn under clothes sleeveless garment worn over clothes
Lección 49.9
Verb Patterns VI
To forgive someone for - perdonar a alguien por algo
You should forgive Peter for being rude to you last night. He was very stressed out.
Deberías perdonar a Peter por ser grosero contigo anoche. Estaba muy estresado.
I cannot forgive you for cheating on me.
No puedo perdonarte por engañarme.
To get something for someone - conseguir algo para alguien
I got a bike for Oscar. I hope he likes it.
Le conseguí una bici a Oscar. Espero que le guste.
Mark got tickets for all of us to go to the concert.
Mark consiguió entradas para ir al concierto para todos nosotros.
To give something to someone - darle algo a alguien
My mother gave a new computer to me.
Mi mamá me dio un nuevo ordenador.
Peter gave the game to you because he didn't want it anymore.
Peter te dio el juego porque ya no lo quería.
I cannot give you that scarf because I love it.
No puedo darte esa bufanda porque me encanta.
To leave something for someone - dejar algo para alguien
Leave some cake for your brother. You are going to get sick.
Deja algo de pastel para tu hermano. Te vas a poner malo.
I left the car for you at home.
Te dejé el carro en la casa.
Susan always leaves talking to the parents for me.
Susan siempre me deja la charla con los padres a mí.
To make something for someone - hacer algo para alguien
I made dinner for my family last night because my mother wasn't at home.
Hice la cena para mi familia anoche porque mi mamá no estaba en casa.
Rachel made a cake for us. It was delicious.
Rachel nos hizo un pastel. Estaba delicioso.
I've made a house for the dog. My father helped me.
He hecho una casa para el perro. Mi padre me ayudó.
To mistake someone for - confudir a alguien con
I mistook you for your sister because you look alike.
Te confundí con tu hermana porque sois muy parecidas.
I've mistaken Tom for Dave. He will never forgive me.
He confundido a Tom con Dave. Él nunca me perdonará.
Mark always mistakes me for you. He asked me if we were sisters.
Mark siempre me confunde contigo. Me preguntó si éramos hermanas.
New Zealand
Nueva Zelanda
Saudi Arabia
Arabia Saudita
She didn't forgive me for shouting to her.
Ella no me perdonó por que gritarle.
My brother got the book I wanted for me.
Mi hermano me consiguió el libro que quería.
Lección 50.0
Reported Speech: Verbal Tenses Changes II
direct speech reported speech
perfect progressive past perfect progressive
Lidia: I have been working all morning because we are trying to finish our research
Lidia said that they had been working all morning because they were trying to finish their research.
Lidia dijo que tenían toda la mañana trabajando porque estaban terminando su investigación.
Esther: I have been cleaning all day because the house is a mess
Esther said that she had been cleaning all day because the house was a mess.
Esther dijo que tenía todo el día limpiando porque la casa era un desastre.
My friend: I've been waiting for Laura for hours. What has Laura been doing?
My friend said that she had been waiting for Laura for hours. What had Laura been doing?
Mi amiga dijo que tenía horas esperándome. ¿Qué había estado haciendo Laura?
Terry: My teacher has been telling us the rules of the school
Terry said that his teacher had been telling them the rules of the school.
Terry dijo que su profesor les había estado diciendo las reglas del colegio.
direct speech reported speech
Simple past Perfect past
Ithor: I went home because I was tired
Ithor said that he had gone home because he was tired.
Ithor dijo que se había ido a casa porque estaba cansado.
Oscar: I learnt to drive because my father told me he would buy me a car
Oscar said that he had learned to drive because his father had told him he would buy him a car.
Oscar dijo que él había aprendido a manejar porque su papá le había dicho que le compraría un carro.
Mike:I phoned you because I thought you were in town
Mike said that he had phoned me because he had thought that I was in town.
Mike dijo que me había llamado porque había creído que yo estaba en la ciudad.
Layla: I bought a pair of shoes because I needed some
Layla said that she had bought a pair of shoes because she needed ones.
Layla dijo que había comprado un par de zapatos porque necesitaba unos.
direct speech reported speech
Progressive past Perfect progressive pat
Eleonor: I was working because we were delivering a special order
Eleanor said that she had been working because they were delivering a special order.
Eleonor dijo que había estado trabajando porque estaban entregando un pedido especial.
Ruth: I was waiting for you because you told me to do it
Ruth said that she had been waiting for me because I had told her to do it.
Ruth dijo que me había estado esperando porque yo le había dicho que lo hiciera.
Miriam: You weren't listening to me. You were watching T.V
Miriam said that I hadn't been listening to her because I had been watching TV.
Miriam dijo que yo no la había estado escuchando porque yo había estado viendo la tele.
Mark: I was talking to that woman because she asked me something
Mark said that he had been talking to that woman because she had asked him something.
Mark dijo que había estado conversando con esa mujer porque ella le había preguntado algo.
Lección 50.1
Reported Speech: Verbal Tenses Changes III
direct speech reported speech
will would
Paul: I will help you if you need it
Paul said that he would help me if I needed it.
Paul dijo que me ayudaría si lo necesitaba.
Terry: I won't tell your secret to anybody
Terry said that she wouldn't tell my secret to anybody.
Terry dijo que no le contaría mi secreto a nadie.
Urma: I will do it for you if you are busy
Urma said that she would do it for me if I were busy.
Urma dijo que lo haría por mí si yo estaba ocupado.
Yule: I will go to university if I pass my tests
Yule said that she would go to university if she passed her tests.
Yule dijo que iría a la universidad si aprobaba sus exámenes.
direct speech reported speech
Would would
Tom: I would help her if she were nicer
Tom said that he would help her if she were nicer.
Tom dijo que le ayudaría si ella fuese más agradable.
Rachel: I would go home, but there are no buses
Rachel said that she would go home, but there were no buses.
Rachel dijo que se iría a casa, pero no había autobús.
Martin: I wouldn't do that if I were you
Martin said that he wouldn't do that if he were me.
Martin dijo que él no haría eso si fuese yo.
Wilde: I would teach her Maths, but I am working all afternoon
Wilde said that he would teach her math, but he was working all afternoon.
Wilde dijo que él le enseñaría matemáticas, pero estuvo trabajando toda la tarde.
direct speech reported speech
Can Could
Ivonne: I cannot help you because I am busy
Yvonne said that she couldn't help me because she was busy.
Ivonne dijo que no podía ayudarme porque estaba ocupada.
Esther: I can swim very fast, but I cannot run that fast
Esther said that she could swim very fast, but she couldn't run that fast.
Esther dijo que podía nadar muy rápido, pero no podía correr tan rápido.
My mother: I can make dinner earlier if you help me
My mother said that she could make dinner earlier if I helped her.
Mi mamá dijo que podía hacer la cena más temprano si yo le ayudaba.
Your friend: I can meet you at the weekend if you fancy
Your friend said that he could meet me this weekend if I wanted.
Tu amigo dijo que podía verme el fin de semana si me apetecía.
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Wlingua b2 lecciones46-60

  • 1. B2 Lección 46.0 Gossiping What would you say if you want to gossip in English? Human beings sometimes like gossiping. They sometimes think it's interesting to know about other people's lives. Gossiping is a common human behaviour. 1. Saying you know something about somebody else: Have you heard about Rose? ¿Has escuchado lo de Rosa? I know something you won't believe. Sé algo que no te vas a creer. A really funny thing happened to me at the party. Una cosa realmente divertida me ocurrió en la fiesta. I have the juiciest gossip ever. Tengo el chismorreo más sabroso que nunca. Do you want to hear some gossip? ¿Quieres escuchar un chismorreo? You'll never guess what I saw last week. Nunca adivinarás lo que vi la semana pasada. Well, the thing is that I met Oscar yesterday and he said... Bueno, la cosa es que me encontré con Oscar ayer y dijo... 2. You say something you know, but you ask the other person not to tell it: I'll tell you something, but you have to keep it secret. Te contaré algo, pero lo tienes que mantener en secreto. It was a really odd experience, but promise you won't say a word. What happened was. . . Fue una experiencia muy rara, pero promete que no dirás una palabra. Lo que pasó fue que... Don't tell anyone, but Peter told me he is in love with Jane. No se lo digas a nadie, pero Peter me dijo que está enamorado de Jane. Listen, don't tell anyone else, but Ken is having an affair with Kelly. Escucha, no se lo cuentes a nadie más, pero Ken está teniendo una aventura con Kelly. I'll tell you, but you cannot say anything because if a word gets out of your mouth, everybody will know it was me who said it. Te lo contaré, pero no puedes decir nada porque si una palabra sale de tu boca, todo el mundo sabrá que fui yo quien lo dijo. 3. Persuading the other person to tell you something: Come on! I won't say anything. What's on with Jules? ¡Venga! No diré nada. ¿Qué pasa con Jule? You know something you don't want to tell me. What is it? Sabes algo que no quieres contarme. ¿Qué es? I won't open my mouth. I promise, but tell me whatever you know. No abriré mi boca. Lo prometo, pero cuéntame lo que sea que sepas. If it has to do with me, you should tell me because you are my friend. Si tiene que ver conmigo, deberías contármelo porque eres mi amigo. Come on! I would tell it to you if it were really important. ¡Vamos! Yo te lo contaría si fuese realmente importante. If you know something about Kerry, I want to know all the details. Si sabes algo de Kerry, quiero saber todos los detalles.
  • 2. Lección 46.1 False Friends X Assist - asistir, ayudar Attend - asistir, acudir The nurses in that hospital assist people in a very caring way. Las enfermeras en ese hospital asisten a la gente de una manera muy cariñosa. I love that family because they assisted me in a difficult moment. Aprecio a esa familia porque ellos me ayudaron en un momento difícil. I attended some really good computer lessons when I was at the university. Yo asistí a algunas clases de ordenador realmente buenas cuando estaba en la universidad. Disgust - repugnancia Irritation - disgusto I cannot eat meat. It really disgusts me. No puedo comer carne. Realmente me repugna (me da asco). The movie we watched yesterday was really disgusting. La película que vimos ayer era realmente repugnante/asquerosa. It really irritated my mom when she knew I hadn't gone to the university for a month. Realmente disgustó a mi mamá cuando supo que no había ido a la universidad durante un mes. Educated - culto Well-mannered, polite - educado, cortés My uncle is a very educated man. He has read and travelled a lot. Mi tío es un hombre muy culto. Ha leído y viajado mucho. These children are fairly polite. Their parents have taught them so. Estos niños son muy educados. Sus padres les han enseñado a serlo. I like him because he is a well-mannered and affectionate man. Me gusta porque es un hombre cortes y cariñoso. Guard - guardar, proteger Keep - guardar, conservar Save - guardar, ahorrar Don't worry. There's always somebody who guards the apartments at night. No te preocupes. Siempre hay alguien que vigila los apartamentos por la noche. I'm going to buy a new car as I have saved enough money. Voy a comprar un carro nuevo porque he ahorrado suficiente dinero. You can keep your belongings in a locker if you want. Puedes guardar tus pertenencias en una taquilla si quieres. Inhabit - habitar Uninhabitable - inhabitable Some nomads inhabited this valley a century ago. Algunos nómadas habitaban este valle hace un siglo. I left that guest house because it was uninhabitable. Me fui de ese hostal porque era inhabitable. Precise - preciso, exacto Necessary - preciso, necesario I knew everything was fine in the precise moment I saw his face. Supe que todo estaba bien en el preciso momento en que vi su cara.
  • 3. I think it's necessary to do a training course to start working for that company. Creo que es necesario hacer un curso de entrenamiento para empezar a trabajar para esa compañía. Prove - probar, demonstrar Try, test - someter a una prueba My lawyer managed to prove I wasn't guilty of theft. Mi abogado se las arregló para probar que yo no era culpable de robo. You can try the car before making a decision if you like. Puedes probar el carro antes de tomar una decisión si quieres. The firm is testing the new product. You cannot buy it yet. La empresa está probando el nuevo producto. No lo puedes comprar todavía. Lección 46.2 Collocations VIII Have sympathy for - caerte alguien bien; sentir lástima por alguien Well, I have sympathy for Jane, but we aren't close friends. Bueno, Jane me cae bien, pero no somos amigas íntimas. Don't lie to me! You have no sympathy for Mike. ¡No me mientas! Mike no te cae bien. I had sympathy for the guy, so I helped him. Sentí lástima por el tipo, así que le ayudé. Make a mess - hacer un desastre If you don't know how to cook this, you'll only make a mess. Si no sabes cocinar esto, solo harás un desastre. I want you to help me because I don't want to make a mess. Quiero que me ayudes porque no quiero hacer un desastre. Be careful not to make a mess! The painting is over there. ¡Ten cuidado de no hacer un desastre! La pintura está por allá. Break the law - romper la ley If you break the law, you'll go to prison. Si rompes la ley, irás a prisión. Sometimes people break the law in other countries without realizing it. En ocasiones las personas rompen la ley en otros países sin darse cuenta de ello. You'll break the law if you take drugs. Romperás la ley si tomas drogas. Pay your respects - mostrar tus respetos Religious people pay respects to God by offering flowers and sweets. La gente religiosa le muestra sus respetos a Dios ofreciendo flores y dulces. I paid my respects to that wise old man. Le mostré mis respetos a ese viejo hombre sabio. You should pay your respects to the king. Deberías mostrarle tus respetos al Rey.
  • 4. Take a look - echar un vistazo Take a look! The children are cooking some cakes. ¡Echa un vistazo! Los niños están cocinando pasteles. I took a look at your essay. It's very interesting. Le eché un vistazo a tu ensayo. Es realmente interesante. I don't want to take a look at anything. I just want to sleep. No quiero echarle un vistazo a nada. Solo quiero dormir. Lección 46.3 Linkers VIII We are studying some more linkers in this lesson. The two following linkers cannot be followed by a Subject and a Verb, they can only be followed by a Noun or an -ing verb.  Despite - a pesar de Despite his effort, Hans didn't get the promotion. A pesar de su esfuerzo, Hans no consiguió el ascenso. Despite all her knowledge, Jane didn't know the answer. A pesar de todo su conocimiento, Jane no sabía la respuesta. Despite her being in a bad mood, I tried to talk to her. A pesar de su mal humor, intenté hablar con ella.  In spite of - a pesar de In spite of asking many people for directions, I got lost. A pesar de preguntarle a mucha gente la dirección, me perdí. In spite of her sweet character, she was really angry. A pesar de su carácter dulce, ella estaba muy enfadada. In spite of studying hard, I failed my test. A pesar de estudiar duro, suspendí mi examen. Notice If we want a normal clause to follow these linkers, we can add the fact that. In spite of the fact that - a pesar del hecho de que In spite of the fact that he is a great doctor, I want a second view. A pesar del hecho de que es un gran doctor, quiero una segunda opinión. In spite of the fact that I didn't know that man, he helped me a lot. A pesar del hecho de que yo no conocía a ese hombre, me ayudó mucho. In spite of the fact that I didn't have a driver's license, I could drive a car. A pesar del hecho de que no tenía licencia de conducir, podía manejar un carro. Despite the fact that - a pesar del hecho de que Despite the fact that Paul is very polite, he behaved awfully last night. A pesar del hecho de que Paul es muy educado, se comportó espantosamente anoche. Despite the fact that Grace is a beautiful girl, she cannot find work as a model. A pesar del hecho de que Grace es una muchacha guapa, no puede encontrar trabajo como modelo. Despite the fact that his father is the owner of the firm, he doesn't work there. A pesar del hecho de que su padre es el propietario de la empresa, él no trabaja allí.
  • 5. For all that - a pesar de que She kept on crying for all that her friends tried to do. Ella siguió llorando a pesar de lo que sus amigos intentaron hacer. For all that she teaches me, I can't learn how to cook. A pesar de que ella me enseña, no aprendo a cocinar. I cannot stand your friend for all that I try. No puedo aguantar a tu amigo a pesar de que lo intento. Vocabulary bulb bulbo shrub arbusto foliage follaje chestnut castaña acorn bellota beech haya birch abedul fir abeto holly bush acebo heather brezo ivy hiedra nettle ortiga poppy amapola daffodil narciso Lección 46.4 Time III Dividimos el tiempo normalmente en:  Age - edad The Ice Age. La Edad de Hielo. Animals were quite different during the Ice Age, some weird animals existed. Los animales eran bastante diferentes durante la Edad de Hielo, algunos animales raros existían. The Stone Age. La Edad de Piedra. Human beings learned to hunt and make weapons during The Stone Age. El ser humano aprendió a cazar y hacer armas en la Edad de Piedra. The Middle Ages. La Edad Media. Knights and dragons are typical of The Middle Ages' folklore. Los caballeros y los dragones son típicos del folklore de la Edad Media. The Age of the Computer. La Edad de la Informática. We are now living in the Age of the Computer. You can do everything via computer. Estamos viviendo en la Edad de la Informática. Puedes hacerlo todo a través del ordenador.  Period - periodo I needed a period of relaxation, so I took a vacation and went abroad. Necesitaba un periodo de relajación, así que me tomé unas vacaciones y me fui al extranjero. The doctor said you need a period of rest, so please stay quiet and I'll help you. El doctor dijo que necesitas un periodo de descanso, así que, por favor, quédate tranquilo y yo te ayudaré. My friend said he needed a period of meditation, so he went to India to practice yoga. Mi amigo dijo que necesitaba un periodo de meditación, así que se fue a la India a practicar yoga. I'm having a period of hard work because I want to save money. Estoy teniendo un periodo de trabajo duro porque quiero ahorrar dinero.
  • 6.  Era - era After the Second World War, an era of the Cold War began. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una era de Guerra Fría comenzó. The Renaissance was a golden era for art. El Renacimiento fue una época dorada para el arte. The Sixties was an era of love, peace and freedom. Los sesentas fue una época de amor, paz y libertad.  Spell - temporada Lately, we are having a spell of cold weather. Últimamente tenemos una temporada de clima frío. He spent some spells in the countryside last year. Él pasó algunas temporadas en el campo el año pasado. I had a spell by the beach last year. It was quite relaxing. Tuve una temporada en la playa el año pasado. Fue bastante relajante.  Time - un tiempo Last year I travelled around Europe for a time. I needed to make up my mind. El año pasado viajé por Europa durante un tiempo. Necesitaba tomar una decisión. I was worried about him for a time, but then I realized he is old enough. Estuve preocupada por él durante un tiempo, pero después me di cuenta de que él es suficientemente mayor. I was studying at Cambridge University for a time when I was a student. Estuve estudiando en la Universidad de Cambridge durante un tiempo cuando era estudiante.  While - un rato I met George at the station and we were talking for a while. Me encontré a George en la estación y estuvimos conversando un rato. I was reading for a while yesterday afternoon because I needed to relax. Estuve leyendo un rato ayer por la tarde porque necesitaba relajarme. My brother was watching TV for a while before going to bed. Mi hermano estuvo viendo la televisión un rato antes de irse a la cama.  Temporary - temporal I am working as a waitress, but it's just a temporary job. Estoy trabajando de mesera, pero solo es un trabajo temporal. I was living in a shared apartment, but it was just a temporary situation. Estuve viviendo en un piso compartido, pero solo era una situación temporal. This is a temporary car while they repair mine. Este es un carro temporal mientras ellos reparan el mío.  Permanent - permanente I'm looking for a permanent job, but it's not easy. Estoy buscando un trabajo permanente, pero no es fácil. This is my permanent housing. I bought it. Esta es mi vivienda permanente. La compré.
  • 7. Lección 46.5 The Passive Voice: The Simple Conditional Tense Remember the verb To Be in the Simple Conditional Tense: - I would be - Yo sería / estaría - It would be - Lo sería / estaría Then, the passive structure will be: Notice We translate it as: estaría / sería bebido / Se bebería. Let's see some examples: I wouldn't look into the matter if I were you. Yo no investigaría el asunto si fuese tú. The matter wouldn't be looked into if I were you. no se investigaría el asunto si yo fuese tú. Would you buy any of these dresses for Emma? ¿Comprarías alguno de estos vestidos para Emma? Would any of these dresses be bought for Emma? ¿Sería alguno de estos vestidos comprado a Emma? Would Emma be bought any of these dresses? ¿Sería alguno de estos vestidos comprado a Emma? I would tell you the story, but it's a secret. Te contaría la historia, pero es un secreto. The story would be told to you, but it's a secret. La historia te sería contada, pero es un secreto. You would be told the story, but it's a secret. La historia te sería contada, pero es un secreto. The children would have a welcome party for their cousins. Los niños harían una fiesta de bienvenida para sus primos. A welcome party would be had for their cousins by the children. Una fiesta de bienvenida sería hecha para sus primos por los niños. Their cousins would be had a welcome party by the children. Una fiesta de bienvenida sería hecha para sus primos por los niños. Rose would look after the baby if you need it. Rose cuidaría al bebé si lo necesitas. The baby would be looked after by Rose if it is needed. El niño sería cuidado por Rosa si es necesitado. My friend wouldn't tell me a lie. Mi amigo no me contaría una mentira. A lie wouldn't be told to me by my friend. Una mentira no me sería contada por mi amigo. I wouldn't be told a lie by my friend. Una mentira no me sería contada por mi amigo. I would pick you up if my father lent me the car. Te recogería si mi papá me prestase el carro. You would be picked up if the car were lent to me. Se te recogería si el carro me fuese prestado. You would be picked up if I were lent the car. Se te recogería si el carro me fuese prestado. Lección 46.6 Phrasal Verbs: Point Out, Drop Out Of, Walk Out On, Keep On Point out - call attention to The man pointed out where the fire was and we phoned the fire station. El hombre señaló el fuego y llamamos a los bomberos. She pointed out that Mark was studying hard in order to make me feel guilty. Ella señaló a Mark que estaba estudiando duro para hacerme sentir mal. patient subject would be past participle complement
  • 8. Those guys were pointing out Hans, but I don't know why. Aquellos tipos estaban señalando a Hans, pero no sé por qué. Drop out of - leave school She dropped out of school and started working with her father. Ella dejó el colegio y empezó a trabajar con su padre. I think I'm going to drop out of school. I want to become a photographer. Creo que voy a dejar el colegio. Quiero convertirme en fotógrafo. My sister dropped out of school and went abroad. Mi hermana dejó el colegio y se fue al extranjero. Walk out on - abandon Her father walked out on their family when she was five years old. Su padre abandonó a su familia cuando ella tenía cinco años. I'll never walk out on my children. I don't know how somebody can do such an awful thing. Nunca abandonaré a mis hijos. No sé cómo alguien puede hacer una cosa tan espantosa. Some parents walk out on their children because they are poor. Algunos padres abandonan a sus hijos porque son pobres. Keep on - continue I kept on studying because I really liked my degree. Seguí estudiando porque realmente me gustaba mi carrera. I keep on meeting Susan because she has no friends, but I shouldn't. Sigo quedando con Susan porque no tiene amigos, pero no debería. They keep on calling me, but I don't want to see them. Ellos siguen llamándome, pero yo no quiero verlos. Vocabulary street light lámpara curb machuelo derelict en ruinas Lección 46.7 Word-Formation XXI Let's learn some more Reduplicatives: - higgledy-piggledy - sin orden ni concierto, de cualquier manera - hillbilly - paleto, rústico - dippy-dampying - tonto e incompetente - tit-bit - exquisitez /chisme - fuddy-duddy - anticuado, carroza - hush-hush - confidencial - airy-fairy - poco realista - helter-skelter - adv. atropelladamente - itty-bitty - pequeñísimo Examples: Ralph tries to keep up with us, but he is a fuddy-duddy. Ralph intenta seguirnos el ritmo, pero es un carroza. Rachel told me all the latest tit-bits last night. Rachel me contó todos los últimos chismes anoche.
  • 9. They say Edmund is a hillbilly, but I think they are a little hoity-toity. Ellos dicen que Edmund es un paleto, pero yo creo que ellos son un poco engreídos. Marta is such an airy-fairy girl. She's always talking about her wonderful plans. Marta es una muchacha tan poco realista. Siempre está hablando sobre sus planes maravillosos. That girl was wearing a mini skirt and an itty-bitty top. Esa muchacha llevaba puesta una mini falda y un top pequeñísimo. My brother hobnobs with famous actors now that he's working for the BBC. Mi hermano se codea con actores famosos ahora que está trabajando para la BBC. You don't attain your goals because you act higgledy-piggledy. Nunca consigues tus objetivos porque actúas sin orden ni concierto. Can you recommend a dentist to me? The last one was quite dippy-damping. ¿Puedes recomendarme un dentista? El último era bastante tonto e incompetente. The conversation with your doctor should be hush-hush. He shouldn't say anything to other people. La conversación con tu doctor debería ser confidencial. Él no debería decir nada a otras personas. The Lord of the Rings seems like an airy-fairy book, but actually, it's quite a complex story. El Señor de los Anillos parece un libro fantástico, pero de hecho, su historia es muy compleja. My sister started talking so helter-skelter that I had no idea what she was talking about. Mi hermana empezó a hablar tan atropelladamente que no tenía idea de lo que estaba hablando. Can I tell you a really hush-hush tit-bit? You won't believe it. ¿Puedo contarte un chisme muy confidencial? No te lo vas a creer. Lección 46.8 The Passive Voice: The Perfect Conditional Tense Remember the verb To Be in the Perfect Conditional Tense: - I would have been - Yo habría estado / sido - It would have been - Eso habría sido / estado Then, the passive structure will be: patient subject would have been past participle complement Notice We translate it as: Habría estado/sido bebido / Se habría bebido. Let's see some examples: I would have seen the city if that natural disaster hadn't happened. Yo habría visto la ciudad si ese desastre natural no hubiese ocurrido. The city would have been seen by me if that natural disaster hadn't happened. La ciudad habría sido vista por mí si ese desastre natural no hubiese ocurrido. The boy would have called you if you had told him to do it. El niño te habría llamado si tú le hubieses dicho que lo hiciera. You would have been called by the boy if he had been told to do it. Tú habrías sido llamado por el niño si él hubiese sido dicho que lo hiciera. I would have visited you if I had known the truth. Te habría visitado si hubiese sabido la verdad. You would have been visited by me if the truth had been known by me. Tú habrías sido visitado por mí si la verdad hubiese sido sabida por mí.
  • 10. The guide would have given us a map. El guía nos habría dado un mapa. A map would have been given to us by the guide. Un mapa nos habría sido dado por el guía. We would have been given a map by the guide. Un mapa nos habría sido dado por el guía. Mike wouldn't have denied you entrance if you had told him your name. Mike no te habría negado la entrada si tú le hubieses dicho tu nombre. The entrance wouldn't have been denied to you by Mike if he had been told your name. La entrada no te habría sido negada por Mike si se le hubiese dicho tu nombre. I wouldn't have taken care of your luggage for you. Yo no habría cuidado tu equipaje por ti. Your luggage wouldn't have been taken care of for you by me. Tu equipaje no te habría sido cuidado por mí. You wouldn't have been taken care of your luggage by me. Tu equipaje no te habría sido cuidado por mí. The girl wouldn't have shouted at you if you hadn't pushed her. La niña no te habría gritado si tú no la hubieses empujado. You wouldn't have been shouted at by the girl if she hadn't been pushed by you. Tú no habrías sido gritado por la niña si no hubiese sido empujada por ti. Lección 46.9 Idioms and Proverbs XXI A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush - Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando I didn't leave my job and go abroad because a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. No dejé mi trabajo y me fui al extranjero porque más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando. My brother always talks about high profits, but a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Mi hermano siempre habla de grandes ganancias, pero más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando. A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years - Puede que un tonto pregunte más preguntas en una hora de las que un hombre sabio puede responder en siete años Hans is always talking nonsense. You know a fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years. Hans siempre está diciendo cosas sin sentido. Tú sabes que puede que un tonto pregunte más preguntas en una hora de las que un hombre sabio puede responder en siete años. I don't listen to Jonathan anymore because a fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years. Ya no escucho a Jonathan porque puede que un tonto pregunten más preguntas en una hora de las que un hombre sabio puede responder en siete años. It's better to be late than never - Más vale tarde que nunca My father is studying at university now. It's better to be late than never! Mi padre está estudiando en la universidad ahora. Más vale tarde que nunca. I've started learning to play the guitar because it's better to be late than never! He empezado a aprender a tocar la guitarra porque más vale tarde que nunca.
  • 11. Biggest profits mean gravest risks - Las más grandes recompensas implican los riesgos más serios Kelly has gone bankrupt, but you know biggest profits mean gravest risks. Kelly se ha ido a bancarrota, pero tú sabes que las más grandes recompensas implican los riesgos más serios. The company did so well in its first year, but with big profits comes grave risks. A la compañía le fue muy bien en su primer año, pero las más grandes recompensas implican los riesgos más serios. A joy that's shared is a joy made double - Una alegría compartida es doble alegría I told everybody about my travel because a joy that's shared is a joy made double. Le conté a todo el mundo sobre mi viaje porque una alegría compartida es doble alegría. My friend celebrated his promotion with a party because a joy that's shared is a joy made double. Mi amigo celebró su ascenso con una fiesta porque una alegría compartida es doble alegría. Some men go through a forest and see no firewood - Algunos hombres pasan por un bosque y no ven leña My friend didn't learn anything when he was living in China, but some men go through a forest and see no firewood. Mi amigo no aprendió nada cuando vivía en China, pero algunos hombres pasan por el bosque y no ven leña. Susan didn't take advantage of her father's position. Some men go through a forest and see no firewood. Susan no sacó ventaja de la posición de su padre. Algunos hombres pasan por el bosque y no ven leña. Lección 47.0 Synonyms: Little II 4. Quantity: hardly any All shops were closed last night, I got hardly any food, but it was enough. Todas las tiendas estaban cerradas anoche, conseguí casi nada de comida, pero fue suficiente. I haven't seen hardly any snake. No he visto casi ninguna serpiente. not much I don't have much to do here. We can leave. No tengo mucho que hacer aquí. Nos podemos ir. meagre Can you give a meager of chocolate to decorate the cake, please? ¿Puedes darme una pizca de chocolate para decorar el pastel, por favor? paltry The firm is very nice, but you get a paltry salary. La empresa es muy agradable, pero tienes un sueldo mínimo. scant Robert is a clever boy, but he pays scant attention in class. Robert es un muchacho inteligente, pero presta poca atención en clase. 5. Age: baby My sister had a baby last week. He is so cute. Mi hermana tuvo un bebé la semana pasada. Es tan lindo. young Young people need to experience new things all the time. La gente joven necesita experimentar cosas nuevas todo el tiempo.
  • 12. 6. Importance: insignificant You cannot be angry at such an insignificant thing. No te puedes enfadar con algo tan insignificante. minor Not having experience in this field isn't a minor detail. No tener experiencia en este campo no es un detalle mínimo. petty She made a petty comment and left the room. Ella hizo un comentario sin importancia y se fue del cuarto. trifling For Randolph everything is trifling. He isn't optimistic, he's crazy. Para Radolph todo es insignificante. No es optimista, está loco. trivial We had a trivial conversation and ate something. That was it. Tuvimos una conversación trivial y comimos algo. Eso fue todo. unimportant It means nothing. It was just an unimportant comment in the middle of a party. No significa nada. Fue un comentario insignificante en medio de una fiesta. 7. Amount: bit My head and back are a bit painful. I think I didn't sleep well last night. Me duele un poco la cabeza y la espalda. Creo que no dormí bien anoche. dash I could get a dash of her feelings when she started talking. Tuve un destello de sus sentimientos cuando empezó a hablar. fragment I read a few fragments of the book, but I didn't like them. Leí unos cuantos fragmentos del libro, pero no me gustaron. hint It's very nice if you put a hint of ginger in your tea. Es agradable si pones una pizca de jengibre en tu té. spot Can I have a spot of cold water in my tea, please? ¿Me puede poner una gota de agua fría en mi té, por favor? touch It's a chocolate cake with a touch of orange and cinnamon. Try it. Es un pastel de chocolate con un toque de naranja y canela. Pruébalo. trace Be careful, please. There's a trace of coffee on the floor in the corridor. Ten cuidado, por favor. Hay un hilo de café en el suelo del pasillo. Lección 47.1 Semantic Field: To Cut I Slice - to cut something into thin pieces I'm slicing the bread because I want to have some toasts. Estoy rebanando el pan porque quiero tomarme unas tostadas.
  • 13. You slice the meat and I'll make a sauce. Tú corta la carne y hago una salsa. Split/divide - to cut something into two or more parts Don't argue, boys! You can split the cake between the both of you. ¡No discutan, niños! Pueden partir el pastel para ambos. My sister and I have divided the closet for our clothes. Mi hermana y yo hemos dividido el ropero para nuestra ropa. Saw - cut something with a saw The man is sawing wood to make furniture because he is a carpenter. El hombre está serrando madera para hacer muebles porque él es un carpintero. I'm sawing this door because I want to make it smaller. Estoy serrando esta puerta porque la quiero hacer más pequeña. Snip - to cut something with your scissors or shears Okay, children. Snip these drawings out of this book now. De acuerdo, niños. Recorten los dibujos del libro ahora. I'm snipping the photos out of this magazine because I'm working on a school project. Estoy recortando las fotos de esta revista porque estoy trabajando en un proyecto escolar. Mow grass - to cut it with a lawnmower Dad is mowing the lawn near the garden. Papá está cortando el pasto cerca del jardín. I don't like mowing the lawn and my mom makes me do it every weekend. No me gusta cortar el pasto y mi mama me obliga a hacerlo cada fin de semana. Nick - to make a small cut in the surface of something I nicked my thumb while I was cutting the vegetables. Me corté el dedo gordo cuando estaba cortando los vegetales. Nick the tomatoes and add them to the soup. Let it boil for 20 minutes. Corta a los tomates y añádelos a la sopa. Déjala que hierva 20 minutos. Chop - to cut something with strong movements of the knife The cook chopped the vegetables in such a skilled way. El cocinero cortaba las verduras de una forma muy profesional. I cannot chop carrots as my mom does. She is so quick. No puedo cortar zanahorias como mi mamá. Ella es muy rápida. Lección 47.2 Verb + Infinitive I To be about to - estar a punto de My boyfriend is about to come. I'm waiting for him. Mi novio está a punto de venir. Lo estoy esperando. I'm about to finish my homework. Give me ten more minutes. Estoy a punto de terminar mis tareas. Dame diez minutos más.
  • 14. To ache/crave/itch/long... for... to - estar deseando algo I was so tired last week that I longed for the weekend to arrive. Estaba tan cansado la semana pasada que estaba deseando que llegara el fin de semana. I quit smoking last month, but I'm craving to smoke a cigarette. Dejé de fumar el mes pasado, pero me muero por fumarme un cigarro. To afford - poder permitirse económicamente He can afford to have a vacation abroad for six weeks. Él puede pagarse unas vacaciones en el extranjero por seis semanas. She cannot afford to buy a bigger house right now. Ella no puede pagar el comprar una casa más grande en este momento. To agree - estar de acuerdo My brother agreed with me to organize a surprise party for my cousin's birthday. Mi hermano acordó conmigo organizar una fiesta sorpresa para el cumpleaños de mi primo. You agreed to help Lilly with her homework today. Tú acordaste ayudar a Lilly con sus tareas hoy. To appear - parecer Your friend appeared to be sick last night. Tu amigo parecía estar enfermo anoche. Mark didn't appear to be worried. Mark no parecía estar preocupado. To arrange for... to – disponer, acordar I've arranged for my brother to go to the dentist. He pedido cita para mi hermano con el dentista. Can you arrange for somebody to help me with the moving? ¿Puedes buscar a alguien que me ayude con la mudanza? To ask - pedir Can I ask you to do me a favor? ¿Puedo pedirte que me hagas un favor? My brother asked me to go with him to the doctor. Mi hermano me pidió que fuese con él al doctor. To beg - rogar He begged me not to tell to his parents. Él me rogó que no se lo contase a sus padres. Mon is begging me to go with him to the party. Mon me está rogando que vaya con él a la fiesta. Vocabulary calf ternero bull toro badger tejón lizard lagarto small lizard lagartija mole topo hedgehog erizo goat cabra toad sapo zebra cebra shepherd pastor herd manada de animales salvajes flock rebaño horn cuerno paw zarpa tusk colmillo trunk trompa Lección 47.3 Prepositional Verbs and Adjectives XIX Concentrate on - concentrarse en I concentrated on that new project and got a promotion. Me concentré en ese nuevo proyecto y conseguí un ascenso.
  • 15. Don't concentrate on the bad side of the situation. Just try to relax. No te concentres en el lado negativo de la situación. Solo intenta relajarte. I concentrated on my relationship so much that I got tired of it. Me concentré tanto en la relación que me cansé de ella. Contribute to - contribuir a Try to contribute to the welfare of the family by being nice to your brother. Intenta contribuir al bienestar familiar siendo agradable con tu hermano. I contributed to your success by encouraging you not to give up. Contribuí a tu éxito animándote a no darte por vencido. She contributes to my happiness by being a great friend. Ella contribuye a mi felicidad siendo una amiga fantástica. Disagree on/with - no estar de acuerdo con I disagree with your decision to move to London, but it's up to you. No estoy de acuerdo con tu decisión de mudarte a Londres, pero es tu decisión. She disagrees with you because your idea was absolutely crazy. Ella no estaba de acuerdo contigo porque tú idea era una locura absoluta. Helen always disagrees with Ken because they don't get on very well. Helen siempre está en desacuerdo con Ken porque no se llevan bien. Do research on/into/about - investigar sobre Scientists are doing research on cancer, but they haven't found a cure yet. Los científicos están investigando el cáncer, pero todavía no encuentran la cura. My friend is doing research into ancient cultures. It's very interesting. Mi amigo está investigando culturas antiguas. Es muy interesante. I'm doing research about new communication means in society at university. Estoy investigando los nuevos medios de comunicación en la sociedad en la universidad. Dream of/about - soñar con I dreamed about going to the Caribbean last night. I was delighted. Soñé sobre ir al Caribe anoche. Estaba encantada. I've dreamed of Ralph. It's been a nightmare. He soñado con Ralph. Ha sido una pesadilla. She dreamed about you every night because she was in love with you. Soñaba contigo cada noche porque estaba enamorada de ti. Escape from - escapar de I always escape from her comments because she doesn't know anything about me. Siempre me escapo de sus comentarios porque no sabe nada de mí. That man escaped from prison. You cannot trust him. Ese hombre se escapó de la cárcel. No puedes confiar en él. I've escaped from a family meeting. I've said I am sick in bed. Me he escapado de una reunión familiar. He dicho que estoy enferma en la cama.
  • 16. Lección 47.4 British versus American English XI There are some words that mean a thing if you are in the USA and a different thing if you are in UK: UK USA row a noisy quarrel a particular street or area of a town rubber a pencil eraser a condom/a waterproof rain boot run a leisure drive or ride to drive past the red light run-in the final part of a race an argument rundown a reduction a type of play in baseball run-up the period preceding an event a sudden increase as for example in a price salon closed car having two or four doors a room in a house for receiving guests school place of primary or secondary education any educational institution scrappy not really organised or poor hostile, belligerent semi semi-detached house semi-trailer truck shag to copulate a style of long hair with numerous layers sherbet a fizzy powdered confectionery a type of frozen dessert shorts strong alcoholic drinks served in 25 ml. underpants, boxers Silverware things made from silver eating implements (spoon, fork, knife..) skip large rubbish container one who disapears without paying his/her debts skivvy a lowest servant men's underwear slate to disparage to designate sod an unpleasant person turf solicitor a lawyer one that solicits (an advertiser, a salesperson..) usually annoying solitaire a puzzle game a one-player card game spotty pimply of inhomogeneous quality Stall (enclosure) front seats in a theatre compartment containing a shower or toilet Lección 47.5 Los Sustantivos, El Plural VII Los sustantivos, el plural VII 1. Pluralia tantum: Palabras que sólo tienen forma en plural y llevan el verbo en plural. a) Prendas de vestir e instrumentos o herramientas que constan de dos partes unidas indivisibles: binoculars prismáticos glasses lentes jeans pantalones pliers pinzas pajamas pijama scissors tijeras slacks pantalones (femeninos) tongs tenazas trousers pantalones pants calzoncillos pants pantalones panties bragas knickers calzones Those pajamas are not very loose. I'm not comfortable with them. Esos pijamas no son muy sueltos. Yo no estoy cómoda con ellos. Hillary is doing art at school. Her scissors are the pink ones. Hillary está haciendo arte en el colegio. Sus tijeras son las rosas.
  • 17. b) Varios: annals anales clothes ropa dregs sedimento goods mercancías outskirts afueras particulars detalles riches riqueza credentials credenciales customs aduana A gypsy reads the coffee dregs at the King Inn. Una gitana lee los posos del café en el King Inn. A freight train arrives in Tring every day and leaves at six. Some of my goods are leaving tomorrow morning on it. Un tren de mercancías sale de Tring cada mañana a las seis. Algunos de mis bienes se irán mañana por la mañana en él. The New York outskirts are dangerous. El extrarradio de Nueva York es peligroso. Michael is a fashionable guy. His clothes are always cool. Michael es un tipo moderno. Su ropa siempre es guay. I'm telling you a horrible experience. The particulars are terrific. Te estoy contando una experiencia horrible. Los detalles son terroríficos. Customs are closed. La aduana está cerrada. Atención cloth paño; bayeta; trapo cloths paños; bayetas 2. Palabras que terminan en–s, pero suelen llevar el verbo en singular: a) Enfermedades: measles sarampión mumps paperas b) Juegos: billiards billar dominoes dominó Billiards is fun. We are going tonight. El billar es divertido. Nosotros vamos esta noche. c) Disciplinas: politics política mathematics matemáticas Linguistics lingüística Mrs. Lloyd always uses binoculars at the opera. Hers are small ones. La señora Lloyd siempre usa prismáticos en la ópera. Los suyos son unos pequeños. Those glasses are cool, but I don't need any. My sight is good. Esas lentes son guays, pero yo no necesito lentes. Mi vista está bien. I need to wear elegant trousers at work. These are fine. Yo necesito llevar puestos unos pantalones elegantes al trabajo. Estos están bien. Measles are a typical childhood illness. El sarampión es una enfermedad típica de la infancia. My sister has the mumps. It's annoying. Mi hermana tiene paperas. Es molesto. Dominoes are typical at the cafe. El dominó es típico en el café.
  • 18. Politics is a complex topic. La política es un tema complejo. Mathematics isn't interesting to me. Las matemáticas no son interesantes para mí. d) News news noticia The news is shocking. La noticia es impactante. 3. Palabras que terminan en–s y pueden ser singular o plural: barracks cuartel gallows horca headquarters sede central series serie species especie A questionnaire is a series of questions. Un cuestionario es una serie de preguntas. The gallows belongs to the seventeenth century. La horca pertenece al siglo diecisiete. The police headquarters are on the main street. El cuartel general de la policía está en la calle principal. Lección 47.6 Verb Patterns V To do something for someone - hacer algo por alguien My brother did the cleaning for me last week because I had a test. Mi hermano limpió por mí la semana pasada porque tenía un examen. I have to do the shopping for my mom. She's very busy. Tengo que hacerle las compras a mi mamá. Ella está muy ocupada. I did some work for Ralph because his job was making him crazy. Hice algo de trabajo para Ralph porque su trabajo lo estaba enloqueciendo. To exchange something for something - cambiar algo por algo I exchanged some old books for some new ones in a shop. Cambié algunos libros viejos por otros nuevos en una tienda. You exchange your time and energy for money when you are working. Tú cambias tu tiempo y tu energía por dinero cuando trabajas. To excuse someone for - disculpar a alguien por Excuse me for being late. The traffic was terrible. Disculpadme por llegar tarde. El tráfico era espantoso. I want you to excuse me for being rude. I was nervous. Quiero que me disculpes por ser grosero. Estaba nervioso. Why don't you excuse Terry for being childish? We all are sometimes. ¿Por qué no disculpas a Terry por ser infantil? Todos lo somos a veces. To expect someone to - esperar que alguien haga algo He expected me to be somebody I am not. Él esperaba que yo fuese alguien que no soy. My sister expects me to help her, but I don't know if I can. Mi hermana espera que yo le ayude, pero no sé si puedo.
  • 19. Don't expect me to do anything. Just let me be myself. No esperes que haga nada. Simplemente déjame ser yo misma. To find something for someone - encontrar algo para alguien I've found a room for you. I think it's nice enough. He encontrado un cuarto para ti. Espero que sea suficientemente agradable. My friend has found a job for me in his firm. Mi amigo me ha encontrado un trabajo en su empresa. Jane found some toys for the children. Jane encontró algunos juguetes para los niños. To fine someone for - multar a alguien That policeman fined me for driving very fast. Ese policía me multó por manejar muy rápido. The police fined us for drinking in the street. La policía nos multó por tomar en la calle. The police fine you for carrying drugs. La policía te multa por llevar drogas. Vocabulario falcon halcón nightingale ruiseñor magpie urraca partridge perdiz robin petirrojo lark alondra Lección 47.7 The Passive Voice: The Causative Have The Causative Have is not a Passive Voice Tense, but a Passive Structure. Then, it works in a different way. Pay attention and read slowly. This structure exists because we sometimes want to say that we have done something, but actually it has been done by another person (We persuade or ask someone else to do it for you) For example: Me he cortado el pelo / Me han cortado el pelo He reparado el coche / Me han reparado el coche These types of sentences are expressed in a different way in English. Notice We use the structure:to have something done Then, how does this structure work? The best way to do it is the following: an object verb time house paint now 1. You always have a thing = an object. We place this object instead of the word something: - to have my house done 2. We also have a verb = paint. We place the verb in the participle form instead of the word done: - to have my house painted 3. The sentence always gives you a context, a time = now. You do the verb to have in the tense you need regarding the context of the sentence: I'm having my house painted. Me están pintando mi casa.
  • 20. Do you get it? Let's practice it: computer / check / yesterday I had my computer checked yesterday. Me comprobaron mi ordenador ayer. hair / cut / this morning I have had my hair cut this morning. Me he cortado el cabello esta mañana. a new school / build / while you were working abroad We were having a new school built while you were working abroad. Estuvieron construyendo una nueva escuela mientras tú estabas trabajando en el extranjero. the newspaper / deliver / every morning I have the newspaper delivered every morning. Me traen el periódico todas las mañanas. my eyes / revise / tomorrow I'm having my eyes checked tomorrow. Voy a revisarme los ojos mañana. bike / repair / next week I'm going to have my bike repaired next week. Voy a reparar mi bici la próxima semana. a pizza / deliver / in an hour I'm going to have a pizza delivered in an hour. Me van a traer una pizza en una hora. her stomach / operate / this time next month My mom will be having her stomach operated on at this time next month. Mi mamá se estará operando el estómago en este momento el próximo mes. my coat / clean / last week I had my coat cleaned last week. Me limpiaron mi chamarra la semana pasada. Lección 47.8 The Passive Voice: Modal Verbs If we want to make a modal verb into the passive voice, it's easy. Let's remember the verb to be plus a modal verb: You can be - Tú puedes ser It must be– Ello / ella debe ser Then, the passive structure must be: patient agent modal verb be participle complement agent complement Notice We usually translate them as: Puede ser hecho/ se puede hacer / Debe ser hecho / se debe hacer / Debería ser hecho/ se debería hacer...
  • 21. Let's see some examples: You have to finish your homework. Tú tienes que terminar tus tareas. Your homework has to be finished by you. Tus tareas tienen que ser terminados por ti. They cannot give you a discount. Ellos no te pueden hacer un descuento. A discount cannot be given to you by them. Un descuento no puede serte hecho por ellos. You cannot be given a discount by them. Un descuento no puede serte hecho por ellos. Paul doesn't have to promise you anything. Paul no tiene que prometerte nada. You don't have to be promised anything by Paul. Tú no tienes que ser prometida nada por Paul. The firm ought to spend more money on advertisement. La empresa debería gastar más dinero en publicidad. More money on advertisement ought to be spent by the firm. Más dinero en publicidad debería ser gastado por la empresa. My sister must do this work. Mi hermana debe hacer este trabajo. This work must be done by my sister. Este trabajo debe ser hecho por mi hermana. I could send him a message, but I lost his number. Yo podía mandarle un mensaje, pero perdí su número. A message could be sent to him by me, but his number was lost by me. Un mensaje le podía ser mandado por mí, pero su número fue perdido por mi. I used to tell a tale to the children at night. Yo solía contarles un cuento a los niños por la noche. A tale used to be told to the children at night by me. Un cuento solía ser contado a los niños por la noche por mí. My friend may bring me good news. Puede que mi amigo me traiga buenas noticias. Good news may be brought to me by my friend. Puede que buenas noticias sean traídas por mi amigo a mi. I may be brought good news by my friend. Puede que buenas noticias sean traídas por mi amigo a mi. Lección 47.9 Asking Someone to Change His/Her Behaviour Sometimes we need to agree on conditions on our daily life, mainly when we share our house with our family, with our partner or flatmate. 1. Starting the point: I think we should talk about the housework. Creo que deberíamos hablar sobre el quehacer. I should listen to your advice. Yo debería escuchar tu consejo. Your advice should be listened to by me. Tu consejo debería ser escuchado por mí.
  • 22. I hope you don't mind me mentioning this, but... Espero que no te importe que diga esto, pero... I wondered if we could have a small chat about your schedule. Me preguntaba si podríamos tener una pequeña charla sobre tu horario. I really need to talk to you about what I need at home. Realmente necesito hablar contigo sobre lo que necesito en casa. Would you mind having a chat about your boyfriend? ¿Te importaría que tuviésemos una charla sobre tu novio? 2. Asking for a change in the behaviour: Would you mind not smoking at home? ¿Te importaría no fumar en casa? Would you mind helping me at home sometimes? ¿Te importaría ayudarme en casa a veces? It would be nice if you could take the trash out. Sería agradable si pudieses sacar la basura. You would do me a favor if you cooked dinner for the children sometimes. Me harías un favor si cocinaras la cena para los niños algunas veces. I would appreciate if you give me a hand with washing the dishes. Te agradecería si me echases una mano con los platos. I don't think it's good to chat and drink with your friends until so late. No creo que sea bueno que platiques y tomes con tus amigos hasta tan tarde. 3. Being clear: I cannot sleep if there's so much noise next to my room. No puedo dormir si hay tanto ruido al lado de mi cuarto. Listen, I cannot stand the situation. Escucha, no aguanto la situación. I respect you, but it's impossible to study if you are playing the guitar all the time. Te respecto, pero es imposible estudiar si estás tocando la guitarra todo el tiempo. I don't want to stress you, but the house is always a mess. No quiero estresarte, pero la casa está siempre hecha un desastre. Vocabulary breed criar ganado dairy lechería farmland tierras agrícolas barley cebada hay heno harvest cosecha sow sembrar sowing siembra plough arar Lección 48.0 False Friends XI Candid - franco, sincero Ingenuous - cándido, ingenuo My sister is pretty candid about her feelings. Mi hermana es muy sincera sobre sus sentimientos. When you are ingenuous, you think everybody is a good person. Cuando eres ingenuo, piensas que todo el mundo es buena persona. Collar - cuello de camisa
  • 23. Necklace - collar I don't like wearing shirts because I cannot stand the collar. No me gusta ponerme camisas porque no aguanto el cuello. I love your necklace. It's beautiful. Me encanta tu collar. Es precioso. Confident - seguro Informer, confidant - confidente Spy - espía My brother is a self-confident person. He really trusts himself. Mi hermano es una persona segura de sí mismo. Realmente confía en sí mismo. The police knew about the drug-dealer because they had an informer. La policía supo sobre el camello porque tenían un confidente. Esther is her closer confidant, but she usually keeps her secrets. Esther es su confidente más cercana, pero normalmente guarda sus secretos. My friend never talks about his job. I think he is a spy. Mi amigo nunca habla de su trabajo. Creo que es un espía. Eventual - que llega con el tiempo, final, consiguiente Temporary, casual - eventual, provisional You can see the eventual result of the test on the Internet. Puedes ver el resultado final de la prueba en Internet. It's a temporary job. I just work as a waitress until I finish my studies. Es un trabajo temporal. Sólo trabajo como mesera hasta que termine mis estudios. I got a temporary post as a secretary last summer. Conseguí un puesto temporal como secretaria el verano pasado. Ordinary - ordinario, corriente Vulgar - ordinario It's nothing special. It's only a quite ordinary high school. No es nada especial. Es solo un instituto bastante corriente. It was a fairly vulgar comment. Fue un comentario bastante ordinario. That dress is a bit vulgar. I wouldn't wear it. Ese vestido es un poco hortera. Yo no me lo pondría. Precious - valioso Beautiful – bonito The temple is made of gold, the precious metal. El templo está hecho de oro, el metal precioso. Don't touch her precious computer. She really cares about it. No toques su valioso ordenador. A ella realmente le importa. It's a beautiful palace in the middle of a lake. Es un bonito palacio en medio de un lago. Rare - poco frecuente Strange - extraño Having an accident is rare in this city. People here drive really slowly. Tener un accidente es poco frecuente en esta ciudad. Acá la gente maneja realmente lento.
  • 24. It seems strange to me that Dave doesn't want to go out tonight. Me parece raro que Dave no quiera salir esta noche. Sane - cuerdo Healthy – sano Thinking only about money is not sane at all. Pensar solo en el dinero no es cuerdo para nada. If you develop healthy habits, you get used to them. Si desarrollas hábitos saludables, te acostumbras a ellos. Lección 48.1 Semantic Fields: To Ask and To Answer Inquire - you ask for information I inquired of the clerk in the Tourist Office, but I didn't understand anything. Le pregunté al ayudante en la Oficina de Turismo, pero no entendí nada. You can inquire of the secretary of the school. Le puedes preguntar a la secretaria del colegio. Query / question - ask a question My mom questioned me about the party a lot. Mi mamá me preguntó mucho sobre la fiesta. Why are you querying me about last night? ¿Por qué me estás haciendo tantas preguntas acerca de anoche? Answer / reply - say something back to someone who's just spoken I answered him by a gesture and he understood it. Le respondí con un gesto y lo entendió. The university has replied about my application form. I'm going there next year. La universidad ha contestado mi solicitud. Voy allí el próximo año. Respond - react to something by saying something yourself You can stay here if you want. You can sleep in that room - the man responded. Te puedes quedar aquí si quieres. Puedes dormir en esa habitación - respondío el hombre. Jane didn't respond because it was a stupid comment. Jane no respondió nada porque era un comentario estúpido. Answer back - reply impolitely Don't answer me back. I'm your mother. No me contestes. Soy tu mamá. That kid is a little wild and naughty. He always answers you back. Ese niño es un poco salvaje y travieso. Él siempre te contesta. Retort - reply angrily Just leave me alone - the girl retorted. Simplemente déjame sola - gruñó la muchacha. I don't want to go with you -his brother retorted. No quiero ir contigo - gruñó su hermano.
  • 25. Lección 48.2 Collocations IX Bear in mind - tener en mente If you want to win the quiz program, bear in mind my advice. Si quieres ganar el concurso, ten en mente mi consejo. I always bear in mind my mother's words. Siempre tengo en mente las palabras de mi mamá. Bear in mind that everyone has troubles at some point and then just concentrate on the positive things. Ten en mente que todos tenemos problemas en algún punto y después concéntrate en las cosas buenas. Take a seat - tomar asiento Take a seat and make yourself at home. Toma asiento y siéntete en casa. Take a seat Mr. Johnson. Mr. Grand is coming. Tome asiento señor Johnson. El señor Grand viene. Take a seat and tell me what is worrying you like that. Toma asiento y cuéntame que te está preocupando así. Make furniture - hacer muebles I want to hire a carpenter to make the furniture for this house. Quiero contratar a un carpintero para que haga los muebles para esta casa. My father is a carpenter. He loves making furniture. Mi padre es carpintero. Le encanta hacer muebles. I like making furniture in my spare time. Me gusta hacer muebles en mi tiempo libre. Break a habit - romper un hábito I would like to stop smoking, but it's very difficult to break this habit. Me gustaría dejar de fumar, pero es muy difícil romper este hábito. I got used to going to bed late, but I've broken the habit. Me acostumbré a irme tarde a la cama, pero he roto el hábito. I am used to going out every night and I don't want to break the habit. Estoy acostumbrada a salir todas las noches y no quiero romper el hábito. Catch a thief - coger a un ladrón The police caught a thief near the shopping center. La policía agarró al ladrón cerca del centro comercial. My husband caught a thief breaking into the house. Mi esposo agarró al ladrón entrando en la casa. The police didn't catch the thief because they arrived very late. La policía no agarró al ladrón porque llegaron muy tarde. Lección 48.3 Linkers IX All the same - a pesar de todo
  • 26. All the same I cannot finish my degree this year. A pesar de todo no puedo terminar mi carrera este año. She will never believe me all the same. Ella nunca me creerá a pesar de todo. He never understands how important it is to me all the same. Él nunca entiende cuán importante es eso para mí a pesar de todo. Nonetheless - a pesar de todo I couldn't get any sleep last night, nonetheless. No pude pegar ojo anoche, a pesar de todo. Nonetheless, Ken didn't want to talk to me. A pesar de todo, Ken no quería hablar conmigo. I couldn't find Mark in time, nonetheless. No pude encontrar a Mark a tiempo, a pesar de todo. Come what may - pase lo que pase I'm going to tell my friend the truth come what may. Voy a contarle a mi amigo la verdad pase lo que pase. Jenny isn't worrying about what you think come what may. Jenny no se está preocupando de lo que tú pienses pase lo que pase. I'm not going to lie to anyone come what may. No voy a mentirle a nadie pase lo que pase. Nevertherless - no obstante, sin embargo Your father cannot be here today; nevertheless he's on the phone. Tu padre no puede estar aquí hoy; no obstante está al teléfono. I'm not going to meet Paul; nevertheless I'll write an email to him. No voy a verme con Paul; sin embargo le escribiré un email. You shouldn't go to that party; nevertheless it's up to you. No deberías ir a esa fiesta; sin embargo es tu decisión. Notwithstanding - no obstante, a pesar de que I didn't learn any new information, notwithstanding the letter I read. No aprendí ninguna nueva información, a pesar de que leí la carta. I don't feel like going out, notwithstanding meeting Paul for coffee. No me apetece salir, no obstante voy a verme con Peter para tomar un café. You didn't finish your homework, notwithstanding the lessons we did together yesterday. Tú no terminaste tu tarea, a pesar de que hicimos las lecciones juntos ayer. Vocabulary cider sidra lager cerveza clara glass of beer caña de cerveza sherry jerez sparkling mineral water agua mineral con gas
  • 27. Lección 48.4 Crime IV To sentence someone to a punishment - sentenciar a alguien a un castigo The judge sentenced him to five years in prison. El juez lo sentenció a 5 años en prisión. The judge sentenced him to the death penalty. El juez lo sentenció con la pena de muerte. The judge sentenced my friend to jail for twenty years. El juez sentenció a mi amigo con cárcel durante 20 años. To acquit an accused person of a charge - absolver a alguien de algo The judge acquitted my friend of murder, I'm very happy. El juez absolvió a mi amigo de asesinato, estoy muy contenta. The jury acquitted the young man of robbery, there was no evidence. El jurado absolvió al hombre joven de robo, no había pruebas. The judge acquitted the men of terrorism, the police found new evidence. El juez absolvió a los hombres de terrorismo, la policía encontró nuevas pruebas. To fine someone a sum of money - multar a alguien una suma de dinero The judge fined him three thousand euros for vandalism. El juez lo multó con 3000 euros por vandalismo. The judge fined him five hundred euros because the police found drugs in his home. El juez lo multó con 500 euros porque la policía encontró drogas en su casa. The judge fined me two hundred euros because I was driving too fast. El juez me multó con 200 euros porque yo estaba manejando demasiado rápido. To send someone to prison - enviar a alguien a prision The judge sent the thief to prison for eight years. El juez envió al ladrón a prisión por 8 años. The judge sent him to prison because he was guilty of murder. El juez lo envió a prisión porque era culpable de asesinato. The judge sent Mike to prison because he had raped several girls. El juez envió a Mike a prisión porque había violado a varias muchachas. To release someone from prison - poner en libertad , soltar a alguien The judge released my friend from prison after five years there. El juez puso a mi amigo en libertad después de cinco años en la cárcel. The judge released the murderer because of his good behavior, but I think it's unfair. El juez liberó al asesino por buen comportamiento, pero yo creo que es injusto. The judge released the thief from prison earlier because he had a good lawyer. El juez liberó al ladrón antes porque tenía un buen abogado. To be tried - ser juzgado That man was being tried because he robbed a bank. Ese hombre estaba siendo juzgado porque robó un banco. Rob was tried because he was accused of dealing drugs. Rob fue juzgado porque estaba acusado de negocios con drogas.
  • 28. Lección 48.5 Sentence Transformation II 1. The door was opened with a credit card The door was opened with a credit card. La puerta fue abierta con una tarjeta de crédito. Sentence Transformation The door was opened______ a credit card (MEANS) The door was opened by means of a credit card. La puerta fue abierta por medio de una tarjeta de crédito. 2. He wanted to apologize so he sent you a present He wanted to apologize so he sent you a present. Él quería disculparse así que te envió un regalo. Sentence Transformation He sent you a present ______ apologize (ORDER) He sent you a present in order to apologize. Él te envió un regalo para disculparse. 3. Oh, one thing before I forget. I met Nadia. She wants you to phone her Oh, one thing before I forget. I met Nadia. She wants you to phone her. Oh, una cosa antes de que se me olvide. Me encontré con Nadia. Quiere que la llames. Sentence Transformation Oh, ______, I met Nadia. She wants you to phone her (WAY) Oh, by the way, I met Nadia. She wants you to phone her. Oh, por cierto, me encontré con Nadia. Quiere que la llames. 4. Miriam was responsible for that project Miriam was responsible for that project. Miriam era responsable de ese proyecto. Sentence Transformation Miriam was ______ that project (CHARGE) Miriam was in charge of that project. Miriam estaba a cargo de ese proyecto. 5. Her parents didn't let her go to the party Her parents didn't let her go to the party. Sus padres no la dejaban ir a la fiesta. Sentence Transformation Her parents didn't ______ go to the party (ALLOW) Her parents didn't allow her to go to the party. Sus padres no la dejaban ir a la fiesta. 6. Someone should give her some advice Someone should give her some advice. Alguien debería darle algo de consejo. Sentence Transformation She ______ by someone (SHOULD) She should be given some advice by someone. Ella debería ser dada algo de consejo por alguien. 7. I didn't find the news surprising at all I didn't find the news surprising at all. Yo no encontré la noticia sorprendente en absoluto. Sentence Transformation The news ______ me (HARDLY) The news hardly surprised me. La noticia apenas me sorprendió. 8. The man said: The bus left two minutes ago The man said: The bus left two minutes ago. El hombre dijo: El autobús se fue hace dos minutos. Sentence Transformation The man told them that ______ (MISSED) The man told them that they have missed the bus 9. In my opinion you should phone Terry In my opinion, you should phone Terry. En mi opinión, deberías llamar a Terry. Sentence Transformation As ______, you should phone Terry (SEE) 10. Why do you feel superior to other people? Why do you feel superior to other people? ¿Por qué te sientes superior a otra gente? Sentence Transformation What makes you ______ other people? (LOOK) What makes you look down on other people? ¿Qué te hace despreciar a otra gente?
  • 29. Lección 48.6 The Passive Voice: A Revision Now that you know all the passive voice tenses, it's time to master and review them. You are going to see several mixed passive examples. It's a good exercise trying to guess the tense you are seeing, try to recognize the tenses: My friend called me last night. Mi amigo me llamó anoche. I was called by my friend last night. Yo fui llamado por mi amigo anoche. Would you send this letter to your boss? ¿Le enviarías esta carta a tu jefe? Would this letter be sent to your boss by you? ¿Sería esta carta enviada a tu jefe por ti? You should tidy your room every day. Deberías ordenar tu cuarto todos los días. The room should be tidied everyday by you. Tu cuarto debería ser ordenado todos los días por ti. The company is going to send me the order next week. La compañía me va a enviar el pedido la próxima semana. The order is going to be sent to me next week by the company. El pedido me va a ser enviado la próxima semana por la compañía. I am going to be sent the order next week by the company. Se me va a enviar el pedido la próxima semana por la compañía. I'm having the order sent next week. Se me va a enviar el pedido la próxima semana. I will be telling a tale to the children. Yo estaré contándole un cuento a los niños. A tale will be told to the children by me. Un cuento será contado a los niños por mí. The children will be told a tale by me. A los niños se les estarán contados un cuento por mí. You cannot eat that cake. Tú no puedes comerte ese pastel. That cake cannot be eaten by you. Ese pastel no puede ser comido por ti. Your brother would have sent you a present if he had known your address. Tu hermano te habría enviado un regalo si él hubiese sabido tu dirección. A present would have been sent to you by your brother if your address had been known by him. Un regalo te habría sido enviado por tu hermano si tu dirección hubiese sido sabida por él. You would have been sent a present by your brother if your address had been known by him. Tú habrías sido enviada un regalo por tu hermano si tu dirección hubiese sido sabida por él. Lección 48.7 The Passive Voice: The Causative Get You already know the Causative Have. This is the same structure, but we use the verb to get instead of the verb to have. In this way you extend the knowledge and revise this structure. Examples: My parents / a new room / build / next month My parents are getting a new room built next month. Mis padres van a construir un nuevo cuarto el próximo mes. A wonderful dress / make / likely I may get a wonderful dress made. Puede que me haga un vestido maravilloso.
  • 30. A new magazine / deliver / now I am getting a new magazine delivered to my home now. Me están entregando una nueva revista a mi casa ahora. A nice book / send / last week I got a nice book sent last week. Me enviaron un libro bonito la semana pasada. My hair/dye/while you were working I was getting my hair dyed while you were working. Estaba tiñéndome el cabello mientras tú estabas trabajando. My clothes / wash / tomorrow I am getting my clothes washed tomorrow. Voy a tener la ropa lavada mañana. My car / repair / before I went to France I had gotten my car repaired before I went to France. Había reparado mi carro antes de irme a Francia. My luggage / bring / in half an hour I'm getting my luggage brought in half an hour. Me van a traer el equipaje en media hora. The dinner / deliver / last night I got the dinner delivered last night. Me trajeron la cena anoche. The post / bring / this morning I have gotten the mail brought this morning. Me han traído el correo esta mañana. A new computer / give / my firm / last year I got a new computer that was given to me by my firm. Un nuevo ordenador me fue dado por mi empresa. A new curtains / make / today / the tailor Mom is getting new curtains made today by the tailor. A mi mamá le está haciendo unas cortinas nuevas el sastre. Vocabulary carbon dioxide dióxido de carbono carbon monoxide monóxido de carbono ecology ecología environmentalism ecologismo environmentalist ecologista extinct extinto become extinct extinguirse exhaust fumes gases de combustión oil slick marea negra pollute contaminar recyclable reciclable seaweed alga de agua salada
  • 31. Lección 48.8 Phrasal Verbs: Hold Up, Get Through With, Think Back On, Go On Hold up - rob That guy was in prison because he held up a gas station and several shops. Ese tipo estuvo en la cárcel porque asaltó una gasolinera y varias tiendas. They were planning to hold up a bank when I arrived. Ellos estaban planeando atracar un banco cuando yo llegué. Tom held up a jewelry store and flew away. Tom asaltó una joyería y huyó. Get through with - finish I got through with that relationship because it was insane. Terminé aquella relación porque era enfermiza. Grace wants to get through with our project as soon as possible. Grace quiere terminar nuestro proyecto tan pronto como sea posible. I don't want to get through with this job. I love it. No quiero terminar este trabajo. Me encanta. Think back on - recall When I think back on my days as a school child, I wish I knew then what I know now. Cuando pienso en mis días como alumno, desearía haber sabido entonces lo que se ahora. We all had a good time at the class reunion, thinking back on those days when we saw each other every day. Nos lo pasamos bien en la reunión de clase, recordando aquellos días cuando nos veíamos cada día. If you think back on the Sixties, you can see it was a very violent time. Si recuerdas los sesenta, ves que era una epoca muy violenta. Go on - happen What's going on? You look very excited. ¿Qué está pasando? Parecen muy emocionados. Something was going on when I arrived home. Everybody was shouting. Algo estaba pasando cuando llegué a casa. Todo el mundo estaba gritando. Nothing is going on with me. I'm just tired. No me pasa nada. Solo estoy cansado. Lección 48.9 Word-Formation XXII Word-Formation We are studying some more ways of making new words in this lesson: 5. Adjective + Noun: round table mesa redonda first-class primera clase adhesive tape cinta adhesiva adjustable spanner llave inglesa 6. Verb + adjective/adverb: feel-good sentirse bien take it easy tómatelo con calma get-rich-quick hacerse rico rápido number-one número uno 7. Verb + Preposition:
  • 32. get-up-and-go de energía y brío walk on figurante (película) roll on roll off de carga y descarga; de trasbordo stick-on adhesivo 8. Others: high-ranking de alto rango overenthusiastic demasiado entusiasta outspoken directo;franco absent minded distraído above-mentioned mencionado armour plated acorazado awe-inspiring sobrecogedor bad-mannered maleducado Examples: He is such a bad-mannered boy that his parents don't want to eat out. Él es un niño tan mal educado que sus padres no quieren comer fuera. I have a take it easy philosophy on life. Tengo una filosofía relajada ante la vida. Bring me the adhesive tape and the adjustable spanner. Tráeme la cinta adhesiva y la llave inglesa. We use some stick-on dots to mark the part of the project we have finished. Usamos algunos puntos adhesivos para marcar la parte del proyecto que hemos terminado. He is really responsible and he behaves very well, but he's a little absent minded. Él es bastante responsable y se comporta muy bien, pero es un poco distraído. When I looked through the window I saw an awe-inspiring view. Cuando miré por la ventana vi una vista sobrecogedora. He just thought it was a get-rich-quick job, but he lost a lot of money instead. Él solo pensó que era un trabajo para hacerse rico rápido, pero en lugar de eso perdió mucho dinero. I got a walk-on part in the school performance. Conseguí un papel sin diálogo en la obra escolar. You are too outspoken. You shouldn't say everything to everybody. Eres demasiado directo. No deberías decírselo todo a todo el mundo. You should follow all the above-mentioned rules. Deberían seguir todas las reglas arriba mencionadas. She got a first-class ticket to Berlin and left. Se compró un boleto de primera clase a Berlín y se fue. Mark is too overenthusiastic. Don't believe everything he says. Mark demasiado entusiasta. No creas todo lo que dice. The walk-on actor in that movie was a friend of mine. El figurante en esa película era un amigo mío. Lección 49.0 Reported Speech: An Introduction When somebody tells us something and we want to tell this to a third person, we can do that in two different ways: 1. Direct Speech We can say the exact words this person said. - John: I am very happy - Mary: That's great, darling John said: I am very happy. John dijo: Estoy muy feliz. 2. Reported Speech We can say what this person told us with our own words: - John: I am very happy - Mary: That's great, darling John said that he was very happy. John dijo que estaba muy feliz.
  • 33. We are studying these two mechanisms now: - The Direct Speech is quite easy. We just repeat the same sentence. - The Reported Speech implies several changes. We are studying these changes deeply in following lessons. Using the Reported Speech implies changing: 1. Verbal tenses - John: I am very happy - John said that he was very happy 2. Subject - object pronouns, possessive pronouns and adjectives, demonstrative pronouns: - John: I am very happy - Mary: John said that he was very happy 3. Time and place adverbs - John: I am very happy now - Mary: John said that he was very happy then Notice Apart from these changes we will study the different types of sentences: 1. Affirmative 2. Commands 3. Questions 4. Exclamations We will also study different verbs we can use to introduce these sentences and the way to use them. These verbs are called Introductory Verbs. Example: - John: I am very happy - Mary: John said that he was very happy Keep in mind that these changes aren't fixed. There are just a guideline to follow, but it always depends on the context. It's useful to get used to translating the sentences into Spanish and to imagine the real situation when three people are involved. Practice it patiently. We will get into it step by step. Lección 49.1 Reported Speech: Verbal Tenses Changes I Reported Speech: Verbal Tenses Changes We usually change the verbal tense of the sentence to turn it into the Reported Speech. A tip to make it is to think that you are changing the verbal tense once into the past. Let's study them: direct speech reported speech simple present simple past John: I always have a shower in the mornings John said that he always had a shower in the morning. John dijo que él siempre se daba una ducha por la mañana. Mary: My mum cleans the house on Saturdays Mary said that her mom cleaned her house on Saturdays. Mary dijo que su mamá limpiaba su casa los sábados. Ian: I go swimming every week Ian said that he went swimming every week. Ian dijo que él iba a nadar cada semana. Urma: I usually travel in summer Urma said that she usually travelled during summer. Urma dijo que ella normalmente viajaba durante el verano.
  • 34. direct speech reported speech Progressive present Progressive past Peter: I'm waiting for Mariam Peter said that he was waiting for Miriam. Peter dijo que estaba esperando a Mariam. Ruth: I'm studying because I have a test soon Ruth said that she was studying because she had a test soon. Ruth dijo que ella estaba estudiando porque tenía un examen pronto. Mark: I'm fixing my bike because I want to ride it later Mark said that he was fixing his bike because he wanted to ride it later. Mark dijo que estaba arreglando su bicicleta porque quería usarla más tarde. Tom: I'm cooking because we are having a family dinner Tom said that he was cooking because they were having a family dinner. Tom dijo que estaba cocinando porque iban a tener una cena en familia. direct speech reported speech Perfect present Perfect past Johnny: I've already finished my work I'm going for a walk Johnny said that he had already finished his work. He was going for a walk. Johnny dijo que ya había terminado su trabajo. Se iba a dar un paseo. Mary: I've phoned my friends. They are coming to pick me up Mary said that she had phoned her friends. They were coming to pick her up. Mary dijo que había llamado a sus amigos. Ellos vendrían a recogerla. Steve: I've applied for a job I really like. I'm waiting for an answer Steve said that he had applied for a job he really liked. He was waiting for an answer. Steve dijo que había solicitado un trabajo que realmente le gustaba. Estaba esperando una respuesta. Michael: I haven't done my homework yet because I'm waiting for you to help me Michael said that he hadn't done his homework yet because he was waiting for you to help him. Michael dijo que no había hecho sus tareas todavía porque te estaba esperando para que le ayudases. Lección 49.2 Idioms and Proverbs XXII Another pair of eyes - otro par de ojos My sister wants another pair of eyes to look at the contract so I will read it today. Mi hermana quiere otro par de ojos para ver el contrato así es que lo leeré hoy. Can you tell me if I did this correctly? I need another pair of eyes. ¿Puedes decirme si hice esto correctamente? Necesito otro par de ojos. I don't mean maybe - lo digo en serio I need to have the car repaired by Tuesday, but I don't mean maybe. Necesito tener el carro reparado para el martes, pero seriamente. I need you to help me tomorrow and I don't mean maybe. Necesito que me ayudes mañana y hablo en serio. An earful - una gran cantidad de discusión, crítica, cotilleo o queja My sister really gave me an earful when she saw that I was using her computer. Mi hermana realmente me dio un follón cuando vio que yo estaba usando su ordenador.
  • 35. Her parents told her she could not go out, so when she gets home she will get an earful. Sus papás le dijeron que ella no podía salir, así es que cuando ella llegue a casa tendrá bronca. Keep one's hands off - no poner las manos en algo I wanted to eat the apple pie before the guests arrived, but my mom told me to keep my hands off. Quería comer tarta de manzana antes de que los invitados llegaran, pero mi mamá me dijo que le quitara las manos de encima. My brother was nosing around my project, but I told him to keep his hands off. Mi hermano estaba husmeando mi proyecto, pero le dije que le sacara sus manos de encima. To err is human -errar es humano Don't worry so much about your mistake. To err is human. No te preocupes tanto de tu error. Errar es humano. I made a mistake telling Ralph about you, but to err is human. Cometí un error contándole a Ralph de ti, pero errar es humano. Free and easy - casual, at ease Terry is nice and easy-going. She is very free and easy. Terry es agradable y fácil de llevar. Es muy relajada. The job is quite free and easy. I'm almost my own boss. El trabajo es bastante relajado. Soy casi mi propio jefe. Vocabulary toy store juguetería gardening jardinería to knit tejer; hacer punto to sew coser to collect coleccionar stamp collecting filatelia board game juego de mesa funfair parque de diversiones Lección 49.3 Synonyms Close 1. Distance: at hand My brother is always at hand when I need him. Mi hermano siempre está a cerca cuando lo necesito. adjacent The music in that pub can be heard in the adjacent buildings. La música de ese bar se puede oír en los edificios adyacentes. adjoining They booked two adjoining rooms at the hotel so that the family could stay together. Ellos reservaron dos cuartos adjuntos en el hotel para que la familia se pudiera quedar junta. handy I always have a notebook and a pen handy just in case I need to write something down. Siempre tengo una libreta y una pluma a la mano solo por si necesito anotar algo. near The shopping center is near the bus station. El centro comercial está cerca de la estación de autobús. nearby Don't worry! You can find some supermarkets nearby. ¡No te preocupes! Puedes encontrar algunos supermercados cerca. neighbouring Your friend was running at a neighboring park.
  • 36. Tu amigo estaba corriendo en un parque de la vecindad. 2. Relationship: attached The little girl is really attached to her brother. La niña pequeña está muy apegada a su hermano. dear My dear aunty is visiting us next weekend. Mi querida tita nos va a visitar el próximo fin de semana. devoted His mother and father are a very devoted couple. Su mamá y papá son una pareja muy entregada. familiar We became very familiar with his father habits during our visit. Nos familiarizamos mucho con los hábitos de su papá durante nuestra visita. friendly That guy is very friendly to everybody. Ese tipo es muy amigable con todo el mundo. intimate Freda is one of my most intimate friends. I met her when I was 6 years old. Frida es una de mis amigas más íntimas. La conocí cuando tenía 6 años. loving My parents have a very loving relationship. Mis padres tienen una relación muy cariñosa. beloved My beloved son has written a letter to me from Australia. Mi querido hijo me ha escrito una carta desde Australia. 3. Time: approaching Her birthday is approaching, so we are making all the arrangements for a party. Su cumpleaños está cercano, por lo tanto, estamos haciendo todos los preparativos para una fiesta. coming The Lord of the Rings III is coming soon to your movie theater. El Señor de los Anillos III próximamente en tu cine. imminent She is aware of their imminent divorce. Ella es consciente de su divorcio inminente. 4. Resemblance: marked There's a marked resemblance between that girl and her mother. Hay un gran parecido entre esa muchacha y su mamá. pronounced There is a pronounced similarity between the two companies. Hay una pronunciada similitud entre las dos empresas. strong It has been proved that monkeys have a strong resemblance to human beings. Se ha probado que los monos tienen un fuerte parecido a los seres humanos.
  • 37. 5. Description/translation: accurate He made an accurate description of my father's character. Él hizo una descripción muy acertada del carácter de mi padre. exact His interpretation of my words was quite exact. Su interpretación de mis palabras fue bastante exacta. faithful That man made a faithful translation of the sacred text. Ese hombre hizo una traducción fiel del texto sagrado. literal You should not take that sentence in its literal sense. It's just an example. No debes tomar esa frase en sentido literal. Solo es un ejemplo. precise My father doesn't like misunderstandings. He's very precise when he speaks. A mi padre no le gustan los malentendidos. Es muy preciso cuando habla. strict He told the story to the police in strict detail. Él le contó la historia a la policía con todo detalle. Lección 49.4 Semantic Field: To Cut II XScore - you cut a line or lines on the surface of something Score the potatoes, put some oil on them and put them into the oven. Hazle unos cortes en línea a las patatas, ponles algo de aceite y ponlas en el horno. If you score the steak before putting it on the pan, it's tastier. Si le haces unos cortes en línea al filete antes de ponerlo en la cacerola, están más sabrosos. Pierce - a sharp object makes a hole on something Mothers usually pierce their baby's ears if they have a girl. Las mamás normalmente agujerean las orejas de sus bebés si tienen una niña. I pierced my nose because I like how it looks, but I wouldn't like piercing my tongue. Me hice un piercing en la nariz porque me gusta, pero no me gustaría hacerme un piercing en la lengua. Penetrate - an object goes inside or passes through something A mosquito penetrates your skin when it bites you. Un mosquito penetra tu piel cuando te muerde. The bullet penetrated his stomach. He was hospitalized for 10 days. La bala penetró su estómago. Él estuvo hospitalizado por 10 días. Slit - the object makes long narrow cut on it The boy slit his sister's arm with a needle while they were playing. El niño le hizo un corte fino a su hermana en el brazo con una aguja mientras estaban jugando. The surgeon will slit your stomach and will put a cable with a camera inside. El cirujano te hará un corte fino en el estómago y pondrá un cable con una cámara dentro.
  • 38. Gash/slash - the object makes a long deep cut on something He slashed his leg with a wire in the accident. Se cortó la pierna con un alambre en el accidente. The girl gashed her wrists, but we took her to the hospital in time. La muchacha se cortó las muñecas/las venas, pero la llevamos al hospital a tiempo. Clip - you cut small pieces of something in order to shape it The old man is always clipping the branches of his tree because they grow so quickly. El viejo hombre siempre está podando las ramas de su árbol por que crecen muy rápido. My brother is clipping the garden for my mom. Mi hermano está podando el jardín para mi mamá. Lección 49.5 Verb + Infinitive II To choose - escoger You chose to live with Peter. I don't understand what you are complaining about it. Tú escogiste vivir con Peter. No entiendo de qué te estás quejando. I've chosen to go to that university because I think it's the best one. He escogido ir a esa universidad porque creo que es la mejor. To claim – pretender, afirmar She claims to be his daughter. Ella afirma ser su hija. He is claiming not to know anything about the matter. Él está afirmando no saber nada del asunto. To consent - consentir You don't have my consent to talk to your mother like this. No te consiento que le hables a tu mamá así. They have consented to let their child do everything as he likes. Ellos le han consentido a su niño hacerlo todo como le place. To convince/persuade - convencer, persuadir He is persuading Terry to marry him, but she isn't sure about what she wants. Él está convenciendo a Terry para que se case con él, pero ella no está segura de lo que quiere. I won't try to convince Paul to come to the dinner, he is already grownup. No intentaré convencer a Paul para que venga a la cena, él ya es adulto. To dare - atreverse She dares to do what she likes. Ella se atreve a hacer lo que quiere. My brother dares to tell me what I must do, but I just ignore him. Mi hermano se atreve a decirme que debo hacer, pero yo simplemente lo ignoro. To decline – declinar, negarse Mike declined to tell me what was happening, but he seemed to be really upset. Mike se negó a contarme que estaba pasando, pero él parecía muy deprimido. I've declined to listen to you because you're talking nonsense. Me he negado a escucharte porque estás diciendo cosas sin sentido.
  • 39. To decide - decidir I decided to study law because it's exciting to me. Decidí estudiar derecho porque me resulta emocionante. He's decided to go camping on the weekend, but I don't feel like going. Él ha decidido irse de camping el fin de semana, pero a mí no se me antoja ir. Lección 49.6 Prepositional Verbs and Adjectives XX To be absent from - estar ausente de She was absent from work because she was ill. She's better now. Ella estaba ausente del trabajo porque estaba enferma. Está mejor ahora. I was absent from the meeting because I was meeting my son's teacher. Estaba ausente de la reunión porque me estaba reuniendo con el profesor de mi hijo. Tom was absent from the party because he didn't want to see me. Tom estaba ausente de la reunión porque no quería verme. To be associated with - estar asociado con My brother is associated with an important scientist. They're working together. Mi hermano está asociado con un científico importante. Están trabajando juntos. That talk was associated with your lack of self-confidence. Esa charla estaba asociada con tu falta de confianza en ti misma. Her mood was associated with you. You cannot do that in a relationship. Su humor estaba asociado contigo. No puedes hacer eso en una relación. To be blessed with - estar bendecido con That guy was blessed with an excellent sense of humor. We laughed a lot with him. Ese tipo estaba bendecido con un fantástico sentido del humor. Nos reíamos mucho con él. You are blessed with a strong patience. I wish I were like you. Estás bendecido con una fuerte paciencia. Desearía ser como tú. She's blessed with a beautiful voice. She is an amazing singer. Ella está bendecida con una maravillosa voz. Ella es una excelente cantante. Close to - cerca de I'm close to your house. I will be there in less than 5 minutes. Estoy cerca de tu casa. Estaré ahí en menos de 5 minutos. She lives close to me. I can tell her to come tomorrow if you want. Ella vive cerca de mí. Puedo decirle que venga mañana si quieres. I am close to the train station now. Would you like to meet me near there? Estoy cerca de la estación de tren ahora. ¿Te gustaría encontrarme cerca de ahí? Hide from - esconder algo de Have you hidden the cake from the children? ¿Has escondido los pasteles a los niños? Mark has hidden his money but I know it's in the closet. Mark ha escondido su dinero pero sé que está en el ropero. I've hidden my computer from my sister because I don't want her to use it without my permission. Le he escondido el ordenador a mi hermana porque no quiero que lo use sin mi permiso.
  • 40. Cluttered with - abarrotado de Notice Cluttered is really only used with things not with people. The concert hall was cluttered with the musician's instruments. La sala de conciertos estaba abarrotada con los instrumentos musicales. The theater room is cluttered with chairs. There will be a big performance tonight. La sala de teatro está abarrotada de sillas. Habrá una gran presentación esta noche. The house was cluttered with boxes. Edward is moving tomorrow. La casa estaba abarrotada de cajas. Edward se mudará de casa mañana. B2Lección 49.7 I'd Rather You Do It Lección 49.8 British versus American English XII There are some words that mean a thing if you are in the USA and a different thing if you are in UK: UK USA stove a green house for plants an appliance for cooking sub to pay for something in place of someone else substitute teacher subway pedestrian underpass underground commuter railway superintendent senior police rank person in charge of a building suspenders elasticated support for stockings elasticated support for trousers sweet an after-meal dessert short for sweetheart tab a cigarette a formal account for services at a restaurant table to raise for consideration to postpone tallback queue of vehicles,traffic jam offensive backfield position in American football tank top jumper without sleeves sleeveless T-shirt tea afternoon snack after lunch iced tea taken with lemon or sugar terrace row of similar houses parking through (time) for a period of time, during up to, until tick off to admonish to annoy tip a place where rubbish is disposed to disclose one's intentions torch handheld device that emits light to commit an act of arson tosser idiot someone who gets rid of things tout to resell tickets at higher prices to promote, recommend townhouse a fashionable urban house one of several single-family similar houses that are connected tradesman a person who sells goods in a shop a skilled manual worker in a particular field trunk primary road storage compartment of a car tube the London subterranean railway system television turnout strike a place along a highway for slower cars tyke someone from Yorkshire a young child, toddler vest sleeveless garment worn under clothes sleeveless garment worn over clothes Lección 49.9 Verb Patterns VI To forgive someone for - perdonar a alguien por algo You should forgive Peter for being rude to you last night. He was very stressed out. Deberías perdonar a Peter por ser grosero contigo anoche. Estaba muy estresado.
  • 41. I cannot forgive you for cheating on me. No puedo perdonarte por engañarme. To get something for someone - conseguir algo para alguien I got a bike for Oscar. I hope he likes it. Le conseguí una bici a Oscar. Espero que le guste. Mark got tickets for all of us to go to the concert. Mark consiguió entradas para ir al concierto para todos nosotros. To give something to someone - darle algo a alguien My mother gave a new computer to me. Mi mamá me dio un nuevo ordenador. Peter gave the game to you because he didn't want it anymore. Peter te dio el juego porque ya no lo quería. I cannot give you that scarf because I love it. No puedo darte esa bufanda porque me encanta. To leave something for someone - dejar algo para alguien Leave some cake for your brother. You are going to get sick. Deja algo de pastel para tu hermano. Te vas a poner malo. I left the car for you at home. Te dejé el carro en la casa. Susan always leaves talking to the parents for me. Susan siempre me deja la charla con los padres a mí. To make something for someone - hacer algo para alguien I made dinner for my family last night because my mother wasn't at home. Hice la cena para mi familia anoche porque mi mamá no estaba en casa. Rachel made a cake for us. It was delicious. Rachel nos hizo un pastel. Estaba delicioso. I've made a house for the dog. My father helped me. He hecho una casa para el perro. Mi padre me ayudó. To mistake someone for - confudir a alguien con I mistook you for your sister because you look alike. Te confundí con tu hermana porque sois muy parecidas. I've mistaken Tom for Dave. He will never forgive me. He confundido a Tom con Dave. Él nunca me perdonará. Mark always mistakes me for you. He asked me if we were sisters. Mark siempre me confunde contigo. Me preguntó si éramos hermanas. Vocabulario Chile Chile Brazil Brasil Finland Finlandia Denmark Dinamarca Romania Rumanía Pakistan Pakistán New Zealand Nueva Zelanda Israel Israel Saudi Arabia Arabia Saudita She didn't forgive me for shouting to her. Ella no me perdonó por que gritarle. My brother got the book I wanted for me. Mi hermano me consiguió el libro que quería.
  • 42. Lección 50.0 Reported Speech: Verbal Tenses Changes II direct speech reported speech perfect progressive past perfect progressive Lidia: I have been working all morning because we are trying to finish our research Lidia said that they had been working all morning because they were trying to finish their research. Lidia dijo que tenían toda la mañana trabajando porque estaban terminando su investigación. Esther: I have been cleaning all day because the house is a mess Esther said that she had been cleaning all day because the house was a mess. Esther dijo que tenía todo el día limpiando porque la casa era un desastre. My friend: I've been waiting for Laura for hours. What has Laura been doing? My friend said that she had been waiting for Laura for hours. What had Laura been doing? Mi amiga dijo que tenía horas esperándome. ¿Qué había estado haciendo Laura? Terry: My teacher has been telling us the rules of the school Terry said that his teacher had been telling them the rules of the school. Terry dijo que su profesor les había estado diciendo las reglas del colegio. direct speech reported speech Simple past Perfect past Ithor: I went home because I was tired Ithor said that he had gone home because he was tired. Ithor dijo que se había ido a casa porque estaba cansado. Oscar: I learnt to drive because my father told me he would buy me a car Oscar said that he had learned to drive because his father had told him he would buy him a car. Oscar dijo que él había aprendido a manejar porque su papá le había dicho que le compraría un carro. Mike:I phoned you because I thought you were in town Mike said that he had phoned me because he had thought that I was in town. Mike dijo que me había llamado porque había creído que yo estaba en la ciudad. Layla: I bought a pair of shoes because I needed some Layla said that she had bought a pair of shoes because she needed ones. Layla dijo que había comprado un par de zapatos porque necesitaba unos. direct speech reported speech Progressive past Perfect progressive pat Eleonor: I was working because we were delivering a special order Eleanor said that she had been working because they were delivering a special order. Eleonor dijo que había estado trabajando porque estaban entregando un pedido especial. Ruth: I was waiting for you because you told me to do it Ruth said that she had been waiting for me because I had told her to do it. Ruth dijo que me había estado esperando porque yo le había dicho que lo hiciera. Miriam: You weren't listening to me. You were watching T.V Miriam said that I hadn't been listening to her because I had been watching TV. Miriam dijo que yo no la había estado escuchando porque yo había estado viendo la tele. Mark: I was talking to that woman because she asked me something Mark said that he had been talking to that woman because she had asked him something. Mark dijo que había estado conversando con esa mujer porque ella le había preguntado algo.
  • 43. Lección 50.1 Reported Speech: Verbal Tenses Changes III direct speech reported speech will would Paul: I will help you if you need it Paul said that he would help me if I needed it. Paul dijo que me ayudaría si lo necesitaba. Terry: I won't tell your secret to anybody Terry said that she wouldn't tell my secret to anybody. Terry dijo que no le contaría mi secreto a nadie. Urma: I will do it for you if you are busy Urma said that she would do it for me if I were busy. Urma dijo que lo haría por mí si yo estaba ocupado. Yule: I will go to university if I pass my tests Yule said that she would go to university if she passed her tests. Yule dijo que iría a la universidad si aprobaba sus exámenes. direct speech reported speech Would would Tom: I would help her if she were nicer Tom said that he would help her if she were nicer. Tom dijo que le ayudaría si ella fuese más agradable. Rachel: I would go home, but there are no buses Rachel said that she would go home, but there were no buses. Rachel dijo que se iría a casa, pero no había autobús. Martin: I wouldn't do that if I were you Martin said that he wouldn't do that if he were me. Martin dijo que él no haría eso si fuese yo. Wilde: I would teach her Maths, but I am working all afternoon Wilde said that he would teach her math, but he was working all afternoon. Wilde dijo que él le enseñaría matemáticas, pero estuvo trabajando toda la tarde. direct speech reported speech Can Could Ivonne: I cannot help you because I am busy Yvonne said that she couldn't help me because she was busy. Ivonne dijo que no podía ayudarme porque estaba ocupada. Esther: I can swim very fast, but I cannot run that fast Esther said that she could swim very fast, but she couldn't run that fast. Esther dijo que podía nadar muy rápido, pero no podía correr tan rápido. My mother: I can make dinner earlier if you help me My mother said that she could make dinner earlier if I helped her. Mi mamá dijo que podía hacer la cena más temprano si yo le ayudaba. Your friend: I can meet you at the weekend if you fancy Your friend said that he could meet me this weekend if I wanted. Tu amigo dijo que podía verme el fin de semana si me apetecía.