merger mergers and acquisitions post merger integration mergers merger integration software business software industry software acquisition due diligence sap software industrie business modelle karl popp business models software ecosystems intellectual property m&a risk management ip management ewpmi geschäftsmodell alliances business software companies integration due diligence fusion risk factor business model business model canvas open source complexity management ip business plans popp acquisition process merger process m&a prozess tools digitalisierung digitization automation akquisitionen book buch Übernahme it snp it integration midaxo manda disruptive geschäftsmodelle services bmg disruption fedem sap karl internet of things iot api partner success factors third party software merger acquisition intellectual property ecosystem integration open innovation workshop risk assessment übernahme darmstadt open source license review in due diligence ip strategy geistiges eigentum open innovation sap netweaver process integration revenue models google saporacle microsoft
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