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           ORAL CAVITY


• White sponge nevus
• Darrier’s disease
• Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
• Dyskeratosis congenita
• Hereditary benign interepithelial
• Panchyonychia congenita
• Hyalinosis cutis et mucosa oris
• Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
• Primary herpetic ginigivostomatitis
• Secondary herpetic ginigivostomatitis
• Varicella ( chickenpox)
• Shingles ( Herpes zoster)
• Measles
• Hand- foot-mouth disease
• Small pox and cat scratch disease
• Infectious mononucleosis
• Herpangia
• Acute lymphonodular phayngitis
• Erythema multiforme
• Pemphigus
• Benign mucous membrane
• Bullous pemphigoid
• Epidermolysis bullosa
• Bullous lichen planus

•Lichen planus
•Benign migratory
• Lupus erythematous
• Scleroderma
• Polyarteritis nodosa
• Vasculitis
• Ischemic lingual necrosis
• Wegner granulomatosis
• Midline lethal granuloma

•Oral submucous fibrosis
•Senile solar elastosis
•Racial pigmentation
•Addison disease
•Albert syndrome
•Bronze diabetes
• Erythema multiforme is an acute limiting
  dermatitis characterized by distinctive eruption
  manifested as the iris or target lesion.
a) EM Minor – Localized eruption with no or mild
    mucosal involvement
b) EM Major – Mucosal erosions of raised atypical
    target lesions
    erosions ; widespread distribution of flat
    atypical targets or purpuric macules
• Infectious agents :
a.HSV { accounts for 55% of EM major}
b. Mycoplasma infection
c. Subclinical infection of HSV {EM minor}
• Drugs:
Sulfa drugs are most common trigger factors
• Young adults – fourth or fifth decades of life
• Common in males
• Disease is characterized by occurrence of
  asymptomatic, vividly erythematous discrete
  macules, papules or occasionally vesicles and bullae
  distributed in a rather symmetrical pattern most
  commonly over the hands and arms, feet and legs ,
  face and neck.
• A concentric ring like appearance of the lesions , resulting
  from the varying shades of Erythema , occurs in the some
  cases and has give rise to TARGET or IRIS or BULL’S EYE
  describing them.
• Appears rapidly within a day or two and persist from several
  days to a few weeks , gradually fading and eventually clearing
• Pain and discomfort
• Hyperemic macules , papules or vesicles may
  become eroded or ulcerated and bleed freely
• Common: Tongue , palate , buccal mucosa and
• A severe Bullous form of Erythema
• It commences with the abrupt occurrence
  of fever, malaise, photophobia and
  eruptions of the oral mucosa, genital and
• Patients usually recover unless they
  succumb to a secondary infection
Oral manifestations SJS
• Severe and painful making mastication impossible
• Mucosal vesicles or bullae occur which ruptures leaving it
  covered with a thick white or yellow exudate
• Lips exhibit ulceration with bloody crusting and are painful
• Erosions of pharynx also common
• Mistaken for ANUG
a. Photophobia
b. Conjunctivitis
c. Panophthalmitis
d. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
a. Non specific urethritis
b. Balnitis
c. Vaginal ulcers
• Others:
Tracheo bronchial ulceration and pneumonia
• In general the lesion show intercellular &
  intracellular edema of the epithelium with focal
  micro vesicle formation.
• Sometimes the edema results in a pooling of an
  eosinophilic coagulum within the epithelium.
• A generalized diffuse infiltration of both acute &
  chronic inflammatory cells are seen in the
  underlying C.T. with vasodilatation of blood
• C.T. edema & sub-epithelial cleft.
• If drug reaction is suspected ,it should be
• Infections should be treated appropriately after
  culture / serologic tests have been performed
• Symptomatic treatment :
1. Oral antihistamines
2. Local skin care
3. Topical steroids
4. Soothing mouth washes
5. Liquid antiseptics { 0.05% chlorhexidine }
• Systemic corticosteroids are controversial
• Chronic skin disease characterized by the
  appearance of vesicles and bullae , small or
  large fluid filled blisters that develop in cycle
• Characterized by intraepithelial bulla
1. Pemphigus vulgaris
2. Pemphigus foliaceous
3. Paraneoplastic Pemphigus
• Pemphigus vulgaris is the most common
    type of oral lesion
• Epithelial cell separation :
  Binding of IgG antibody to Pemphigus antigen
  leads to the epithelial cell separation by
  triggering complement activity . Separation of
  cell takes place in lower layer of stratum
• Associated factors :
  Autoimmune disorders like thymoma,
  myasthenia gravis and multiple autoimmune
  disorders, it may also be triggered by drug
  therapy like penicillamine, penicillin etc
• 5th to 6th decades of life
• Size : thin walled bullae or vesicles varying in
  diameter from few mm to several cm on normal skin
• Signs : lesion contain thin , watery fluid shortly after
  development , but may become purulent later . They
  rapidly break and continue to extend peripherally ,
  leaving behind large denuded skin
• Nikolsky sign :
  Application of pressure in normal skin >>> New lesion
  appears ; reason: upper layer of skin pulling away
  from basal layer and prevesicular edema which
  disrupts the dermal-epidermal junction.
• Sites: Buccal mucosa { reason : it has less intercellular
  substance and fewer intercellular junctions leading to
  easier acantholysis} ; palate and gingiva
• Onset: classic bullae on non inflamed base > ruptures
  > shallow ulcers
• Symptoms : bleed easily ; severe pain ; unable to eat
• Signs: thin layer of epithelium peels easily in a
  irregular pattern leaving behind denuded base
• Intraepithelial vesicle or bullae just above basal
  layer producing distinctive suprabasilar split
• Prevesicular edema appears which weakens the
  intercellular bridges and junctions
• Loss of cohesiveness {ACANTHOLYSIS} because of
  which clumps of epithelium are often found lying
  free in the vesicular space { TZANCK CELLS }
• Fluid in the vesicles : variable numbers of PMN
  leukocytes and lymphocytes
• SCARCITY of inflammatory cell infiltrate in CT and
  vesicular fluid differentiate Pemphigus from other
• Tzanck test, also Tzanck smear, is scraping of an ulcer
  base to look for Tzanck cells.
• Tzanck test is very useful for the diagnosis of PV,
  particularly in the early stages of oral Pemphigus
  where a biopsy is uncomfortable to the patient
• It reveals multiple acantholytic cells (Tzanck cells). A
  typical Tzanck cell is a large round keratinocyte with a
  hypertrophic nucleus, hazy or absent nucleoli, and
  abundant basophilic cytoplasm.
• The basophilic staining is deeper peripherally on the
  cell membrane ("mourning edged" cells) due to the
  cytoplasm′s tendency to get condensed at the
  periphery, leading to a perinuclear halo.
Intercellular staining of epidermal skin cells with fluorescent
markers in a patient with pemphigus vulgaris using direct
Pemphigus foliaceous
• Mild form, common in older adults
• Bullous ruptures and DRY to leave masses of flakes or scales
  suggestive of an exfoliative dermatitis or eczema

Pemphigus erythematosus
• Senear-usher syndrome
• Bullae or vesicles concomitant with crusted patches ,
  ultimate terminate to vulgaris of foliaceous
• Associated fever or malaise
Paraneoplastic Pemphigus
• Neoplasm like lymphoma or chronic leukemia
• Palmar or plantar bullae appear , which does not
  occur in other types
• Corticosteroids : Topical and systemic
• Combination therapy :
  High dose of corticosteroids +
  immunosuppressive drugs such as
  cyclosporine or azathropine
• Plasmapheresis
• Cicatricial pemphigoid (also known as "Benign
  mucosal pemphigoid," "Benign mucous membrane
  pemphigoid" ,"Ocular pemphigus "and "Scarring
  pemphigoid") is a rare chronic autoimmune
  sub epithelial blistering disease characterized by
  erosive skin lesions of the mucous membranes and skin
  that results in scarring of at least some sites of
• Etiology : Auto antibodies of IgG subclass , particularly
  IgG4 are associated
• Common : Females ; 4th to 5th decades of life ;
• Sites: oral and eye lesion ; also affects skin and genitals
• Feature : Heals by scar
•Ocular involvement are the most serious complication
•Adhesions develop between palpebral and bulbar conjunctivae
•Opacity of cornea leads to blindness
• Sub epidermal vesicle or bullae
• No acantholysis
• Non specific Chronic inflammatory infiltrate in connective tissue chiefly
  lymphocytes and plasma cells
•An chronic, autoimmune ,subepidermal blistering skin
disease that involve mucous membranes.
•The antigens are bullous pemphigoid-antigen 1 (BPAG1;
230kD) which belongs to a family of genes that includes
desmoplakin and bullous pemphigoid antigen 2 (BPAG2;
180kD; Type VII collagen).
•The primary lesion of B.P. is a tense blister which arises
on either normal appearing or erythematous skin
•At times the lesions may arise on urticarial plaques
•Most commonly the lesions are found in the flexural
•Oral lesions are far less frequent
• Oral blisters if present, are mild
  and transient in contrast to
• Rarely involves oral mucosa
• Gingival lesions resembles
  Cicatricial pemphigoid
• Appears extremely
  erythematous and may
• Also occurs on buccal mucosa,
  palate, floor and tongue
• Positive Nikolsky sign
•   The dermal papillae are well preserved but edematous
•   Unlike cicatricial, basement membrane remains attached to connective tissue
•   No acantholysis
•   Vesicles contain a fibrinous exudate admixed with occasional inflamatory cells
•   Direct immunofluorescent examination remains the standard way to confirm
    the diagnosis
•Epidermolysis bullosa ( EB) is a group of inherited bullous
disorders characterized by blister formation in response to
mechanical trauma
Mutation of genes
• It classified into three types:
1.Epidermolysis bullosa simplex-keratinin genes
2.Junctional Epidermolysis bullosa-laminin genes
3.Dystrophic Epidermolysis bullosa-type VII collagen
(ii) Signs and symptoms
•Blistering of the skin
•Tooth decay
• Deformed or lack of finger/toe nails Internal
blistering in the throat, stomach, and intestines
•Scalp blistering and loss of hair
•Excessive sweating
•Hardening of the skin on the feet or hands Thin
skin appearance and white bumps Difficulty
•The symptoms vary from the different types.
•Increased fragility
•Perioral lesions
•Obliteration of oral vestibule
• Junctional EB have severe enamel hypoplasia
•Risk for dental caries
•Severe dental crowding and deep bite
•Histologic sections of skin show separation of
the epidermis from the dermis in a
subepidermal plane.
•There is absence of a significant inflammatory
• The adjacent epidermis is normal.
• Most common mucocutaneous lesion
• Chronic inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa
  and skin
• Etiology:
  Although the cause is not well known, T cell-
  mediated autoimmune phenomena are involved in
  the pathogenesis of lichen planus.
• Possible etiology for unmasking the antigen are
  contact allergens in restorations or tooth paste.
  Lichenoid drug reaction may be due to drugs
• Characteristic feature:
 Bilateral white striations, papules, plaques on the
 buccal mucosa, tongue and gingiva
• Lichen planus affects primarily middle-
  aged adults, and the prevalence is
  greater among women.
• The classic skin lesions of the cutaneous
  form of lichen planus can be described as
  six "Ps": pruritic, polygonal,
  planar, purple ,papules and
(ii) Signs and symptoms
• The lesions may appear as:
o Lacy, white, raised patches of tissues
o Red, swollen, tender patches of tissues
o Open sores
oInside of the cheeks, the most common location
oInner tissues of the lips
• Pain or discomfort
The red, inflamed lesions and open sores of oral lichen planus
can cause a burning sensation or pain. The white, lacy patches
alone usually don't cause discomfort, except when they appear
on the tongue.
•Other signs or symptoms
oA metallic taste or a blunted taste sensation if the tongue is
oDry mouth
oDifficulty swallowing if the throat or esophagus is affected
oSensitivity to hot or spicy foods
oBleeding and irritation with tooth brushing

Skin. Lesions usually appear as purplish, flat-topped bumps that are
often itchy.
Genitals. Lesions on external genitalia resemble those affecting the
skin. Lesions affecting the mucous membrane of the vagina
resemble those affecting the mouth.
Scalp. When skin lesions appear on the scalp — a rare condition —
they may cause temporary or permanent hair loss.
Nails. Lichen planus of the toenails or fingernails, also rare, may
result in ridges on the nails, thinning or splitting of nails, and
temporary or permanent nail loss.
•Wickham striae are Characteristic, fine, white or grey
lines or dots seen on the top of the pruritic papular
rash of lichen planus
•The macroscopic appearance of
the histologic phenomenon and hypergranulosis, and
named for Louis Frédéric Wickham.
1.The Reticular Pattern:
•The reticular pattern is considered the
classic form of lichen planus. This form
occurs most frequently, and its white lacy
lines called Wickham's striae characterize
the lesions
• Commonly, the tissue is somewhat
raised and the patient may report that the
areas in contact with the tongue feel
rough in texture
2.The Plaque Form is represented by
thick, plaques of varying sizes, that may
be smooth and appearing somewhat
lighter in color than surrounding tissue
(non-descriptive leukoplakia)
•The tongue is a particular area where
these plaques may be noticed. They often
appear as a "bald" area of concern with
denuded papillae.
•Higher association with malignant
3.The Papular Pattern :
•The papular pattern is noted by
the small, pin point papules
appearing as small white dots
measuring approximately 0.5 mm
in size.
• The papular pattern may be in
conjunction with other forms of
lichen planus and may be over
looked in an oral examination
depending upon the number of
papules and the distinct
appearance of the lesions
4.The Bullous Form:
•The bullous form consists of vesicles
ranging from a few millimeters in
diameter to much larger vesicles.
•Eating and speaking will usually cause
the vesicles to rupture soon after
•This form is seen most often on the
buccal mucosa followed by the tongue
5.The Atrophic Form- also called erythematous form.
•The atrophic form presents as diffuse reddened patches that
may be in combination with other forms of lichen planus such as
the white striations of the reticular form.
•Often found on the attached gingiva, the patient may
complain of irritation or burning sensations.
•Lesions are poorly defined and may have striae at the
peripheral areas.
• When this form involves the gingiva, it is sometimes referred
to as "desquamative gingivitis" which is a clinical term used by
some clinicians denoting a reddened appearance of the tissue.
• Other skin diseases may appear similar and this term is not
diagnostic .
• In addition, the atrophic form may be confused with BMMP
and may appear similar to the gingival depicted
Atrophic Form consists of red, erythematous     Atrophic form sometimes described as
areas and may include a reticular/plaque like   desquamative gingivitis. This form when affecting the
surface.                                        gingiva is definitively diagnosed through biopsy and

                                                Red marginal area affected by the lichen
                                                planus and the noted plaque-like areas
                                                superior to the marginal areas.
6.The Ulcerative Form.
•As the term indicates, the ulcerative form features one or
several ulcers that are often seen in association with any of
the other disease forms.
•This form is quite painful for the patient and the soreness
of the tissue will affect eating and brushing of the teeth.
•The ulcerations may affect any tissue surface and may
even extend into the soft tissues of the tonsillar pillars and
esophageals areas.
•This form is reported as having a higher number of
malignant tissue changes.
• The ulcerative nature of this form probably allows more
detrimental tissue changes with chronic irritation and
possibly a port of entry for pathogens.
Erosive type of lichen planus with loss of   A mixture of erosive and reticular lichen
surface epithelium in the buccal mucosa.     planus with some candida albicans present
                                             on tongue and buccal mucosa.

                                                Highly erosive area of lichen planus in
                                                the soft plate region
Lichenoid Reactions:
•The most common material used in dentistry that may cause a
lichenoid reaction is amalgam, although other known dental materials
have been implicated as well. The mercury in the metal alloy usually
causes the hypersensitivity reactions
•Hypersensitivity reactions may also be due to flavoring agents or food
products or drugs
• The lesions are usually isolated and they do not subside as long as the
tissue is in contact with the restoration
•The epidermis is hyperkeratotic with irregular acanthosis and focal
thickening in the granular layer.(wedge-shaped hypergranulosis)
•The upper dermis has a band like infiltrate of lymphocytic
(primarily helper T) and histiocytic cells with many Langerhans cells
at the dermal-epidermal junction.
•The lymphocytes are intimately associated with basal keratinocytes
, which shows degeneration ,necrosis & resemblance in size &
contour to more mature cells of Stratum spinosum. This is
•As a consequence to this destructive infiltration ,results in redifining
of normal smoothly undulating configuration of dermoepidermal
junction to more angulated zigzag contour ("saw-tooth" appearance
of the rete pegs).
•Pigment incontinence due to damage of basal keratinocytes and
melanocytes.(this leads to hyperpigmentation of lesion)
Saw tooth rete pegs
•Anucleate ,necrotic basal cells become incorporated into inflamed papillary
dermis -these are civatte bodies or colloid bodies.
•These are characteristic of lichen planus (but can be found in any chronic
dermatitis where basal keratinocytes are injured)
•In addition to apoptotic keratinocytes, colloid bodies are composed of globular
deposits of IgM(occasionally immunoglobulin G [IgG] or immunoglobulin A [IgA])
and complement.
•Max Joseph clefts : Basal keratinocytes weakens the epithelial interface causing
histologic clefts
1.Corticosteroids                            3.Nonsteroidal ointments
Corticosteroids may reduce                   •Calcineurin inhibitors, which are
inflammation associated with oral            closely related to or identical to oral
lichen planus. The side effects vary         medications used to prevent rejection
depending on types of usage                  of transplanted organs.
•Topical. mouthwash or ointment              •These treatments appear to be
•Oral. taken as a pill                       effective for the treatment of oral lichen
•Injections. Injections may be               planus. Examples :Tacrolimus (Protopic
administered directly into lesions.          ointment) and pimecrolimus (Elidel
Repeated use of corticosteroid               cream).
injections can cause some of the same
side effects as oral corticosteroids.        4.Addressing triggers
                                             Drugs. stop the drug or try an alternative
2.Retinoids                                  Allergen. advised to avoid the allergen
Retinoid are synthetic versions of vitamin   Stress. stress may be a factor that
that can be applied as a topical ointment    complicates symptoms or triggers the
or taken orally.                             recurrence
• White sponge nevus (WSN) is a rare autosomal
  dominant disorder, with a high degree of
  penetrance and variable expressivity.
• The cause is a mutation in the mucosal keratin 4
  or keratin 13 genes. Since it is inherited, it can
  be present at birth or at puberty.
• It is a benign, uncommon, and predominantly
  affects non-keratinized stratified-squamous
•A thick, corrugated bilateral white plaque with a
spongy texture, usually on the buccal mucosa, but
sometimes on the labial mucosa, alveolar ridge or
floor of the mouth.
•The gingival margin and dorsum of the tongue are
almost never affected.
•Although this condition is perfectly benign, it is
often mistaken for leukoplakia
•Ragged white areas which can be removed by
gentle rubbing
•Hyperparakeratosis epithelium , acanthosis
•Basal layer intact
•Cells of spinous layer show Intracellular
•Submucous have inflammatory cell
•Vacuolated and dyskeratotic epithelial
keratinocytes are present that demonstrate
perinuclear eosinophilic condensations.
cells of spinous layer show
a shrunken nucleus (fried
egg appearance)

                              acanthosis, and spongiosis
                              in stratified squamous
                              epithelium. The associated
                              connective tissue is usually
                              free of inflammation

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  • 1.
  • 3. GENODERMATOSES • White sponge nevus • Darrier’s disease • Peutz-Jeghers syndrome • Dyskeratosis congenita • Hereditary benign interepithelial dyskeratosis • Panchyonychia congenita • Hyalinosis cutis et mucosa oris • Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
  • 4. INFECTIVE • Primary herpetic ginigivostomatitis • Secondary herpetic ginigivostomatitis • Varicella ( chickenpox) • Shingles ( Herpes zoster) • Measles • Hand- foot-mouth disease • Small pox and cat scratch disease • Infectious mononucleosis • Herpangia • Acute lymphonodular phayngitis • AIDS
  • 6. A. VESICULAR • Erythema multiforme • Pemphigus • Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid • Bullous pemphigoid • Epidermolysis bullosa • Bullous lichen planus
  • 7. B. NON VESICULAR •Lichen planus •Benign migratory glossitis
  • 8. C. COLLAGEN DISORDER • Lupus erythematous • Scleroderma • Polyarteritis nodosa • Vasculitis • Ischemic lingual necrosis • Wegner granulomatosis • Midline lethal granuloma
  • 9. D.DEGENERATIVE AND RELATIVE DISORDER •Amyloidosis •Oral submucous fibrosis •Senile solar elastosis
  • 10. E . PIGMENTATION •Racial pigmentation •Endocrinopathy •Addison disease •Albert syndrome •Bronze diabetes •Anemia
  • 11.
  • 12. ERYTHEMA MULTIFORME(EM) • Erythema multiforme is an acute limiting dermatitis characterized by distinctive eruption manifested as the iris or target lesion. • TYPES : a) EM Minor – Localized eruption with no or mild mucosal involvement b) EM Major – Mucosal erosions of raised atypical target lesions c) STEVEN JOHNSON SYNDROME(SJS) – Mucosal erosions ; widespread distribution of flat atypical targets or purpuric macules
  • 13. (i)ETIOLOGY • Infectious agents : a.HSV { accounts for 55% of EM major} b. Mycoplasma infection c. Subclinical infection of HSV {EM minor} • Drugs: Sulfa drugs are most common trigger factors
  • 14. (ii)CLINICAL FEATURES • Young adults – fourth or fifth decades of life • Common in males • Disease is characterized by occurrence of asymptomatic, vividly erythematous discrete macules, papules or occasionally vesicles and bullae distributed in a rather symmetrical pattern most commonly over the hands and arms, feet and legs , face and neck.
  • 15. TARGET LESIONS • A concentric ring like appearance of the lesions , resulting from the varying shades of Erythema , occurs in the some cases and has give rise to TARGET or IRIS or BULL’S EYE describing them. • Appears rapidly within a day or two and persist from several days to a few weeks , gradually fading and eventually clearing
  • 16. ORAL MANIFESTATIONS OF EM • Pain and discomfort • Hyperemic macules , papules or vesicles may become eroded or ulcerated and bleed freely • Common: Tongue , palate , buccal mucosa and gingiva
  • 17. STEVEN-JOHNSON SYNDROME • A severe Bullous form of Erythema multiforme • It commences with the abrupt occurrence of fever, malaise, photophobia and eruptions of the oral mucosa, genital and skin • Patients usually recover unless they succumb to a secondary infection
  • 18. Oral manifestations SJS • Severe and painful making mastication impossible • Mucosal vesicles or bullae occur which ruptures leaving it covered with a thick white or yellow exudate • Lips exhibit ulceration with bloody crusting and are painful • Erosions of pharynx also common • Mistaken for ANUG
  • 19. • EYE LESIONS: a. Photophobia b. Conjunctivitis c. Panophthalmitis d. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca • GENITAL LESIONS: a. Non specific urethritis b. Balnitis c. Vaginal ulcers • Others: Tracheo bronchial ulceration and pneumonia
  • 20. HISTOPATHOLOGY • In general the lesion show intercellular & intracellular edema of the epithelium with focal micro vesicle formation. • Sometimes the edema results in a pooling of an eosinophilic coagulum within the epithelium. • A generalized diffuse infiltration of both acute & chronic inflammatory cells are seen in the underlying C.T. with vasodilatation of blood vessels • C.T. edema & sub-epithelial cleft.
  • 21.
  • 22. TREATMENT • If drug reaction is suspected ,it should be withdrawn • Infections should be treated appropriately after culture / serologic tests have been performed • Symptomatic treatment : 1. Oral antihistamines 2. Local skin care 3. Topical steroids 4. Soothing mouth washes 5. Liquid antiseptics { 0.05% chlorhexidine } • Systemic corticosteroids are controversial
  • 23.
  • 24. • Chronic skin disease characterized by the appearance of vesicles and bullae , small or large fluid filled blisters that develop in cycle • Characterized by intraepithelial bulla formation • TYPES: 1. Pemphigus vulgaris 2. Pemphigus foliaceous 3. Paraneoplastic Pemphigus • Pemphigus vulgaris is the most common type of oral lesion
  • 25. (i)MECHANISM • Epithelial cell separation : Binding of IgG antibody to Pemphigus antigen leads to the epithelial cell separation by triggering complement activity . Separation of cell takes place in lower layer of stratum spinosum • Associated factors : Autoimmune disorders like thymoma, myasthenia gravis and multiple autoimmune disorders, it may also be triggered by drug therapy like penicillamine, penicillin etc
  • 26. (ii)CLINICAL FEATURES • 5th to 6th decades of life • Size : thin walled bullae or vesicles varying in diameter from few mm to several cm on normal skin • Signs : lesion contain thin , watery fluid shortly after development , but may become purulent later . They rapidly break and continue to extend peripherally , leaving behind large denuded skin • Nikolsky sign : Application of pressure in normal skin >>> New lesion appears ; reason: upper layer of skin pulling away from basal layer and prevesicular edema which disrupts the dermal-epidermal junction.
  • 27. (iii)ORAL MANIFESTATIONS • Sites: Buccal mucosa { reason : it has less intercellular substance and fewer intercellular junctions leading to easier acantholysis} ; palate and gingiva • Onset: classic bullae on non inflamed base > ruptures > shallow ulcers • Symptoms : bleed easily ; severe pain ; unable to eat • Signs: thin layer of epithelium peels easily in a irregular pattern leaving behind denuded base
  • 28.
  • 29. (iv)HISTOLOGY • Intraepithelial vesicle or bullae just above basal layer producing distinctive suprabasilar split • Prevesicular edema appears which weakens the intercellular bridges and junctions • Loss of cohesiveness {ACANTHOLYSIS} because of which clumps of epithelium are often found lying free in the vesicular space { TZANCK CELLS } • Fluid in the vesicles : variable numbers of PMN leukocytes and lymphocytes • SCARCITY of inflammatory cell infiltrate in CT and vesicular fluid differentiate Pemphigus from other Bullous
  • 30.
  • 31. TZANCK TEST • Tzanck test, also Tzanck smear, is scraping of an ulcer base to look for Tzanck cells. • Tzanck test is very useful for the diagnosis of PV, particularly in the early stages of oral Pemphigus where a biopsy is uncomfortable to the patient • It reveals multiple acantholytic cells (Tzanck cells). A typical Tzanck cell is a large round keratinocyte with a hypertrophic nucleus, hazy or absent nucleoli, and abundant basophilic cytoplasm. • The basophilic staining is deeper peripherally on the cell membrane ("mourning edged" cells) due to the cytoplasm′s tendency to get condensed at the periphery, leading to a perinuclear halo.
  • 32. Intercellular staining of epidermal skin cells with fluorescent markers in a patient with pemphigus vulgaris using direct immunofluorescence.
  • 33. Pemphigus foliaceous • Mild form, common in older adults • Bullous ruptures and DRY to leave masses of flakes or scales suggestive of an exfoliative dermatitis or eczema Pemphigus erythematosus • Senear-usher syndrome • Bullae or vesicles concomitant with crusted patches , ultimate terminate to vulgaris of foliaceous • Associated fever or malaise Paraneoplastic Pemphigus • Neoplasm like lymphoma or chronic leukemia • Palmar or plantar bullae appear , which does not occur in other types
  • 34. (v)MANAGEMENT • Corticosteroids : Topical and systemic prednisolone • Combination therapy : High dose of corticosteroids + immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclosporine or azathropine • Plasmapheresis
  • 35.
  • 36. • Cicatricial pemphigoid (also known as "Benign mucosal pemphigoid," "Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid" ,"Ocular pemphigus "and "Scarring pemphigoid") is a rare chronic autoimmune sub epithelial blistering disease characterized by erosive skin lesions of the mucous membranes and skin that results in scarring of at least some sites of involvement. • Etiology : Auto antibodies of IgG subclass , particularly IgG4 are associated • Common : Females ; 4th to 5th decades of life ; • Sites: oral and eye lesion ; also affects skin and genitals • Feature : Heals by scar
  • 37. •Ocular involvement are the most serious complication •Adhesions develop between palpebral and bulbar conjunctivae •Opacity of cornea leads to blindness
  • 38.
  • 39. HISTOPATHOLOGY • Sub epidermal vesicle or bullae • No acantholysis • Non specific Chronic inflammatory infiltrate in connective tissue chiefly lymphocytes and plasma cells
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  • 41. •An chronic, autoimmune ,subepidermal blistering skin disease that involve mucous membranes. •The antigens are bullous pemphigoid-antigen 1 (BPAG1; 230kD) which belongs to a family of genes that includes desmoplakin and bullous pemphigoid antigen 2 (BPAG2; 180kD; Type VII collagen). •The primary lesion of B.P. is a tense blister which arises on either normal appearing or erythematous skin •At times the lesions may arise on urticarial plaques •Most commonly the lesions are found in the flexural areas •Oral lesions are far less frequent
  • 42. ORAL MANIFESTATIONS • Oral blisters if present, are mild and transient in contrast to pemphigus • Rarely involves oral mucosa • Gingival lesions resembles Cicatricial pemphigoid • Appears extremely erythematous and may desquamate • Also occurs on buccal mucosa, palate, floor and tongue • Positive Nikolsky sign
  • 43. HISTOPATHOLOGY: • The dermal papillae are well preserved but edematous • Unlike cicatricial, basement membrane remains attached to connective tissue • No acantholysis • Vesicles contain a fibrinous exudate admixed with occasional inflamatory cells • Direct immunofluorescent examination remains the standard way to confirm the diagnosis
  • 44.
  • 45. •Epidermolysis bullosa ( EB) is a group of inherited bullous disorders characterized by blister formation in response to mechanical trauma •Etiology: Mutation of genes • It classified into three types: 1.Epidermolysis bullosa simplex-keratinin genes 2.Junctional Epidermolysis bullosa-laminin genes 3.Dystrophic Epidermolysis bullosa-type VII collagen
  • 46. (ii) Signs and symptoms •Blistering of the skin •Tooth decay • Deformed or lack of finger/toe nails Internal blistering in the throat, stomach, and intestines •Scalp blistering and loss of hair •Excessive sweating •Hardening of the skin on the feet or hands Thin skin appearance and white bumps Difficulty swallowing •The symptoms vary from the different types.
  • 47. (iii) ORAL MANIFESTATIONS SOFT TISSUE MANIFESTATIONS: •Increased fragility •Perioral lesions •Microstomia •Ulcerations •Ankyloglossia •Obliteration of oral vestibule DENTAL MANIFESTATIONS: • Junctional EB have severe enamel hypoplasia •Risk for dental caries •Severe dental crowding and deep bite
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  • 49. •Histologic sections of skin show separation of the epidermis from the dermis in a subepidermal plane. •There is absence of a significant inflammatory response. • The adjacent epidermis is normal.
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  • 51. • Most common mucocutaneous lesion • Chronic inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa and skin • Etiology: Although the cause is not well known, T cell- mediated autoimmune phenomena are involved in the pathogenesis of lichen planus. • Possible etiology for unmasking the antigen are contact allergens in restorations or tooth paste. Lichenoid drug reaction may be due to drugs • Characteristic feature: Bilateral white striations, papules, plaques on the buccal mucosa, tongue and gingiva
  • 52. (i) CLINICAL FEATURES • Lichen planus affects primarily middle- aged adults, and the prevalence is greater among women. • The classic skin lesions of the cutaneous form of lichen planus can be described as six "Ps": pruritic, polygonal, planar, purple ,papules and plaques
  • 53. (ii) Signs and symptoms • The lesions may appear as: o Lacy, white, raised patches of tissues o Red, swollen, tender patches of tissues o Open sores •Location oInside of the cheeks, the most common location oGums oTongue oInner tissues of the lips oThroat oEsophagus • Pain or discomfort The red, inflamed lesions and open sores of oral lichen planus can cause a burning sensation or pain. The white, lacy patches alone usually don't cause discomfort, except when they appear on the tongue.
  • 54. •Other signs or symptoms oA metallic taste or a blunted taste sensation if the tongue is affected oDry mouth oDifficulty swallowing if the throat or esophagus is affected oSensitivity to hot or spicy foods oBleeding and irritation with tooth brushing Skin. Lesions usually appear as purplish, flat-topped bumps that are often itchy. Genitals. Lesions on external genitalia resemble those affecting the skin. Lesions affecting the mucous membrane of the vagina resemble those affecting the mouth. Scalp. When skin lesions appear on the scalp — a rare condition — they may cause temporary or permanent hair loss. Nails. Lichen planus of the toenails or fingernails, also rare, may result in ridges on the nails, thinning or splitting of nails, and temporary or permanent nail loss.
  • 55. WICKHAM’S STRIAE •Wickham striae are Characteristic, fine, white or grey lines or dots seen on the top of the pruritic papular rash of lichen planus •The macroscopic appearance of the histologic phenomenon and hypergranulosis, and named for Louis Frédéric Wickham.
  • 56. 1.The Reticular Pattern: •The reticular pattern is considered the classic form of lichen planus. This form occurs most frequently, and its white lacy lines called Wickham's striae characterize the lesions • Commonly, the tissue is somewhat raised and the patient may report that the areas in contact with the tongue feel rough in texture
  • 57. 2.The Plaque Form is represented by thick, plaques of varying sizes, that may be smooth and appearing somewhat lighter in color than surrounding tissue (non-descriptive leukoplakia) •The tongue is a particular area where these plaques may be noticed. They often appear as a "bald" area of concern with denuded papillae. •Higher association with malignant transformation
  • 58. 3.The Papular Pattern : •The papular pattern is noted by the small, pin point papules appearing as small white dots measuring approximately 0.5 mm in size. • The papular pattern may be in conjunction with other forms of lichen planus and may be over looked in an oral examination depending upon the number of papules and the distinct appearance of the lesions
  • 59. 4.The Bullous Form: •The bullous form consists of vesicles ranging from a few millimeters in diameter to much larger vesicles. •Eating and speaking will usually cause the vesicles to rupture soon after forming. •This form is seen most often on the buccal mucosa followed by the tongue
  • 60. 5.The Atrophic Form- also called erythematous form. •The atrophic form presents as diffuse reddened patches that may be in combination with other forms of lichen planus such as the white striations of the reticular form. •Often found on the attached gingiva, the patient may complain of irritation or burning sensations. •Lesions are poorly defined and may have striae at the peripheral areas. • When this form involves the gingiva, it is sometimes referred to as "desquamative gingivitis" which is a clinical term used by some clinicians denoting a reddened appearance of the tissue. • Other skin diseases may appear similar and this term is not diagnostic . • In addition, the atrophic form may be confused with BMMP and may appear similar to the gingival depicted
  • 61. Atrophic Form consists of red, erythematous Atrophic form sometimes described as areas and may include a reticular/plaque like desquamative gingivitis. This form when affecting the surface. gingiva is definitively diagnosed through biopsy and immunofluorescence. Red marginal area affected by the lichen planus and the noted plaque-like areas superior to the marginal areas.
  • 62. 6.The Ulcerative Form. •As the term indicates, the ulcerative form features one or several ulcers that are often seen in association with any of the other disease forms. •This form is quite painful for the patient and the soreness of the tissue will affect eating and brushing of the teeth. •The ulcerations may affect any tissue surface and may even extend into the soft tissues of the tonsillar pillars and esophageals areas. •This form is reported as having a higher number of malignant tissue changes. • The ulcerative nature of this form probably allows more detrimental tissue changes with chronic irritation and possibly a port of entry for pathogens.
  • 63. Erosive type of lichen planus with loss of A mixture of erosive and reticular lichen surface epithelium in the buccal mucosa. planus with some candida albicans present on tongue and buccal mucosa. Highly erosive area of lichen planus in the soft plate region
  • 64. Lichenoid Reactions: •The most common material used in dentistry that may cause a lichenoid reaction is amalgam, although other known dental materials have been implicated as well. The mercury in the metal alloy usually causes the hypersensitivity reactions •Hypersensitivity reactions may also be due to flavoring agents or food products or drugs • The lesions are usually isolated and they do not subside as long as the tissue is in contact with the restoration
  • 65. (iii) HISTOPATHOLOGY •The epidermis is hyperkeratotic with irregular acanthosis and focal thickening in the granular layer.(wedge-shaped hypergranulosis) •The upper dermis has a band like infiltrate of lymphocytic (primarily helper T) and histiocytic cells with many Langerhans cells at the dermal-epidermal junction. •The lymphocytes are intimately associated with basal keratinocytes , which shows degeneration ,necrosis & resemblance in size & contour to more mature cells of Stratum spinosum. This is SQUAMATIZATION. •As a consequence to this destructive infiltration ,results in redifining of normal smoothly undulating configuration of dermoepidermal junction to more angulated zigzag contour ("saw-tooth" appearance of the rete pegs). •Pigment incontinence due to damage of basal keratinocytes and melanocytes.(this leads to hyperpigmentation of lesion)
  • 67. CIVATTE BODIES: •Anucleate ,necrotic basal cells become incorporated into inflamed papillary dermis -these are civatte bodies or colloid bodies. •These are characteristic of lichen planus (but can be found in any chronic dermatitis where basal keratinocytes are injured) •In addition to apoptotic keratinocytes, colloid bodies are composed of globular deposits of IgM(occasionally immunoglobulin G [IgG] or immunoglobulin A [IgA]) and complement. •Max Joseph clefts : Basal keratinocytes weakens the epithelial interface causing histologic clefts
  • 68. (iv) MANAGEMENT 1.Corticosteroids 3.Nonsteroidal ointments Corticosteroids may reduce •Calcineurin inhibitors, which are inflammation associated with oral closely related to or identical to oral lichen planus. The side effects vary medications used to prevent rejection depending on types of usage of transplanted organs. •Topical. mouthwash or ointment •These treatments appear to be •Oral. taken as a pill effective for the treatment of oral lichen •Injections. Injections may be planus. Examples :Tacrolimus (Protopic administered directly into lesions. ointment) and pimecrolimus (Elidel Repeated use of corticosteroid cream). injections can cause some of the same side effects as oral corticosteroids. 4.Addressing triggers Drugs. stop the drug or try an alternative drug 2.Retinoids Allergen. advised to avoid the allergen Retinoid are synthetic versions of vitamin Stress. stress may be a factor that that can be applied as a topical ointment complicates symptoms or triggers the or taken orally. recurrence
  • 69.
  • 70. • White sponge nevus (WSN) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder, with a high degree of penetrance and variable expressivity. • The cause is a mutation in the mucosal keratin 4 or keratin 13 genes. Since it is inherited, it can be present at birth or at puberty. • It is a benign, uncommon, and predominantly affects non-keratinized stratified-squamous epithelia
  • 71. (i) ORAL MANIFESTATIONS •A thick, corrugated bilateral white plaque with a spongy texture, usually on the buccal mucosa, but sometimes on the labial mucosa, alveolar ridge or floor of the mouth. •Asymptomatic •The gingival margin and dorsum of the tongue are almost never affected. •Although this condition is perfectly benign, it is often mistaken for leukoplakia •Ragged white areas which can be removed by gentle rubbing
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  • 73. (ii) HISTOPATHOLOGY •Hyperparakeratosis epithelium , acanthosis present •Basal layer intact •Cells of spinous layer show Intracellular edema •Submucous have inflammatory cell infiltrate •Vacuolated and dyskeratotic epithelial keratinocytes are present that demonstrate perinuclear eosinophilic condensations.
  • 74. cells of spinous layer show a shrunken nucleus (fried egg appearance) Hyperparakeratosis, acanthosis, and spongiosis in stratified squamous epithelium. The associated connective tissue is usually free of inflammation