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10 Ways to Shoot Yourself in the Foot
with Kubernetes, #9 Will Surprise You!
Laurent Bernaille, @lbernail
Staff Engineer, Datadog
Who are we?
Datadog is a monitoring service; metrics, traces, logs,
dashboards, alerts, etc.
Cloud Native service provider
We run the cloud infrastructure that powers the
Cloud Native end user
We Run Big Kubernetes
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Sometimes it Breaks
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Why am I here?
Lessons learned from incidents with Kubernetes in production!
And especially the self inflicted ones
#1 It’s never always DNS
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
DNS is broken
Coredns rolling update and IPVS
Virtual Server
- Pod A
- Pod B
- Pod C
IPVS conntrack
- :X => A:53
- :Y => B:53
- :Z => C:53
Pod A
Pod B
Pod C
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Under high load ports are reused faster than they expire
Virtual Server
- Pod B
- Pod C
- Pod D
IPVS conntrack
- :X => A:53 TTL:300s
- :Y => B:53
- :Z => C:53
Pod B
Pod C
Pod D
DNS is broken
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Under high load ports are reused faster than they expire
Virtual Server
- Pod B
- Pod C
- Pod D
IPVS conntrack
- :X => A:53 TTL:300s
- :Y => B:53
- :Z => C:53
Pod B
Pod C
Pod D
DNS is broken
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Graceful termination?
Virtual Server
- Pod A Weight=0
- Pod B Weight=1
- Pod C Weight=1
- Pod D Weight=1
IPVS conntrack
- :X => A:53 TTL:300s
- :Y => B:53
- :Z => C:53
Pod B
Pod C
Pod D
DNS is broken
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
DNS is broken
● Before graceful termination
○ Backend removed
○ Traffic reusing port is blackholed
● After graceful termination
○ Under high-load port are reused fast
○ The backend pod is never removed
○ When the pod terminates, black-holed
○ Fix:
#2 Jobs are not starting
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
52 Completed
1 ErrImagePull
155 Evicted
7 ImagePullBackOff
7 Init:ErrImagePull
4 Init:Error
49 Init:ImagePullBackOff
16 Pending
1267 Running
2 Terminating
Impossible to pull images
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
52 Completed
1 ErrImagePull
155 Evicted
7 ImagePullBackOff
7 Init:ErrImagePull
4 Init:Error
49 Init:ImagePullBackOff
16 Pending
1267 Running
2 Terminating
Impossible to pull images
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Number of image pulls sharply increases, sustained for several hours.
Image Stampede
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Number of image pulls sharply increases, sustained for several hours.
Then a sudden change.
Image Stampede
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Number of image pulls sharply increases, sustained for several hours.
Then a sudden change.
Image Stampede
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
● Permission change on bucket
● DaemonSet in CrashLoopBackoff
Image Stampede
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
● Permission change on bucket
● DaemonSet in CrashLoopBackoff
● imagePullPolicy: Always
Image Stampede
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
● Permission change on bucket
● DaemonSet in CrashLoopBackoff
● imagePullPolicy: Always
● ~1000 pods pulling through 3 NAT instances
● Daily quota reached for NAT IPs
● All NAT instances are impacted
Image Stampede
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Image Stampede, follow-up #1
● Replaced the impacted NAT instances
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
● Replaced the impacted NAT instances
● Apps couldn’t connect to CloudSQL anymore...
Image Stampede, follow-up #1
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
● Admission webhook denying “latest” tag
Image Stampede, follow-up #2
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
● Admission webhook denying “latest” tag
● Applied to
○ Deployments
○ StatefulSets
○ DaemonSets
○ Jobs
○ Pods
Image Stampede, follow-up #2
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
● Admission webhook denying “latest” tag
● Applied to
○ Deployments
○ StatefulSets
○ DaemonSets
○ Jobs
○ Pods
● Controllers can’t create pods for existing workloads
Image Stampede, follow-up #2
#3 “I can’t kubectl”
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Load on apiservers
Symptoms: apiservers unresponsive
> load => 50 (on 8 core nodes)
Apiserver DDOS
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Load on apiservers
Usable memory
Symptoms: apiservers unresponsive
> load => 50 (on 8 core nodes)
> Free memory => 0
> apiservers OOM killed
Apiserver DDOS
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Load on apiservers
Usable memory
Outgoing traffic
Symptoms: apiservers unresponsive
> load => 50 (on 8 core nodes)
> Free memory => 0
> apiservers OOM killed
> network traffic much higher
Apiserver DDOS
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
kube2iam pod restarts
Seemed related to kube2iam update
> Lots of restarts
Apiserver DDOS
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Seemed related to kube2iam update
> Lots of restarts
> cgroup OOM-killer
> Memory usage much higher
> Increase limit
kube2iam pod restarts
kube2iam memory usage / limit
Apiserver DDOS
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Seemed related to kube2iam update
> Lots of restarts
> cgroup OOM-killer
> Memory usage much higher
> Increase limit
> Patch in kube2iam
> Small typo
> kube2iam pods syncing all pods
> Broke apiservers + kube2iam
kube2iam pod restarts
kube2iam memory usage / limit
Apiserver DDOS
#4 DNS updates take 30mn
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
DNS updates take 30+ minutes to propagate
● We use external-dns for cross-cluster communications
● Usually propagation is ~5mn
● But on a cluster...
Existing records (cached)
"Retrieved 1671 records from registry in 525ns"
"Generated 1670 records from sources in 36mn12"
"Calculated plan in 37.8ms"
From external-dns logs
Expected records (from k8s)
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Why does it take so long to generate records?
● To generate records external-dns does the following
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Why does it take so long to generate records?
● To generate records external-dns does the following
a. Get all services with specific annotation
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Why does it take so long to generate records?
● To generate records external-dns does the following
a. Get all services with specific annotation
b. For each headless service
■ List all pods matching the service selector
■ Add the pod IP for running pods to the record
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Why does it take so long to generate records?
● To generate records external-dns does the following
a. Get all services with specific annotation
b. For each headless service
■ List all pods matching the service selector
■ Add the pod IP for running pods to the record
c. Add the record as DNS Round-robin
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Why does it take so long to generate records?
● To generate records external-dns does the following
a. Get all services with specific annotation
b. For each headless service
■ List all pods matching the service selector
■ Add the pod IP for running pods to the record
c. Add the record as DNS Round-robin
● In this cluster, we use a lot of headless services (1500+)
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
What had changed?
“List pods” calls duration (from apiserver audit logs)
Listing pods 75ms => 1.25s
> external-dns does this 1600+ times in each sync loop
> 1600*1.2s => ~33mn
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Why was list so slow?
Number of pods in the main namespace
Pods: 900 => 4400
> List calls much slower
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Why was list so slow?
Number of pods in the main namespace
Pods: 900 => 4400
> List calls much slower
Number of “Evicted” pods Evicted pods: 3500
> Remain in apiserver
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Why did the apiserver slow down so much?
Apiserver memory usage
Apiservers configured to use 24GB
> No room for additional caching
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Why did the apiserver slow down so much?
Apiserver memory usage
Apiservers configured to use 24GB
> No room for additional caching
ETCD traffic sent
A lot more reads in ETCD
> 32MB/s => 70 MB/s
> Much slower than from cache
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Where are the evictions coming from?
A lot of evictions
Evictions over time (from Kubernetes events)
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Where are the evictions coming from?
Evictions over time (from Kubernetes events)
A lot of evictions
Disk usage Triggered because usage >85%
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Kubelet logs
Disk is full
Delete unused images (good)
Evict pods (bad)
Eviction behavior
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Pod eviction under disk pressure
● Rank pods according to disk usage
> local volumes + logs & writable layer
● Evict pods with highest ranking
● What happened?
a. Application uses a cache in an empty-dir
b. Change in traffic pattern > cache usage became more important
c. Application was evicted frequently during a few hours
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
1) Manually remove evicted pods and monitor (immediate win)
2) Tune the controller-manager garbage collection
“terminated-pod-gc-threshold” (default: 12500)
3) Update external-dns to use informers (cache) instead of list calls
> Fixed upstream
“Use k8s informer cache instead of making active API GET requests”
#5 “Logs intake just 20x”
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Logs intake volume 20x
For this account, log volume did x20 in 30mn
Logs per source
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Kernel Audit DDOS
For this account, log volume did x20 in 30mn
> Enabled audit with a daemonset
> Nodes running Kubernetes generate a huge amount of audit logs (exec, clones, iptables…)
Logs per source
#6 “Where did my pods go”
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
replicas: 60
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
replicas: 60
apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: myapp
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 100
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
replicas: 60
apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: myapp
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 100
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50
Controller manages replica count of
deployment based on the value of a
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
replicas: 60
apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: myapp
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 10
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50
Controller manages replica count of
deployment based on the value of a
Must remove explicit replica count!
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Scale to One
#7 Ghosts in the C* cluster
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
● 100+ nodes Cassandra cluster
● Deployed fine
● Broken the following morning
Ghosts in the Cassandra cluster
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
● 100+ nodes Cassandra cluster
● Deployed fine
● Broken the following morning
> 25% pods pending: “Volume affinity issue”
Ghosts in the Cassandra cluster
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
● 100+ nodes Cassandra cluster
● Deployed fine
● Broken the following morning
> 25% pods pending: “Volume affinity issue”
> 25% nodes had been deleted + local volumes bound to deleted nodes
Ghosts in the Cassandra cluster
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
● 100+ nodes Cassandra cluster
● Deployed fine
● Broken the following morning
> 25% pods pending: “Volume affinity issue”
> 25% nodes had been deleted + local volumes bound to deleted nodes
Nodes per AZ > ASG rebalance
Ghosts in the Cassandra cluster
#8 Very slow deployments
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Deployments getting slower
Very slow deployments
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Deployments getting slower
4000 pending pods
Very slow deployments
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Deployments getting slower
4000 pending pods
cronjob (*/10) with wrong toleration
Scheduling loop having a hard time
Very slow deployments
#8.2 Very slow deployments
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Deployments getting slower
Very slow deployments #2
Deploy heartbeat
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Deployments getting slower
4000 pending pods from cronjob
But tolerations were correct
Very slow deployments #2
Pending pods
Deploy heartbeat
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Deployments getting slower
4000 pending pods from cronjobs
A lot of preemption attempts
=> Resource issue
Very slow deployments #2
Pending pods
Deploy heartbeat
Preemptions attempts
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Cronjob moved to new namespace
Tolerations were fine
But vault permission were tied to the old namespace
What happened?
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Cronjob moved to new namespace
Tolerations were fine
But vault permission were tied to the old namespace
InitContainers failed
InitContainers enter Crashloop Backoff
What happened?
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Cronjob moved to new namespace
Tolerations were fine
But vault permission were tied to the old namespace
InitContainers failed
InitContainers enter Crashloop Backoff
Default “concurrencyPolicy” for cronjob (Allow)
These pods consume resources
After a while new pods can’t be scheduled => Pending
What happened?
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Cronjob moved to new namespace
Tolerations were fine
But vault permission were tied to the old namespace
InitContainers failed
InitContainers enter Crashloop Backoff
Default “concurrencyPolicy” for cronjob (Allow)
These pods consume resources
After a while new pods can’t be scheduled => Pending
Actually an upstream bug
InitContainer restarts not counted against “backoffLimit” (job spec)
Fixed upstream:
What happened?
#9 Contained ?
#9.1 Broken runtime
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Broken runtime #1
Pods stuck “Terminating”
Runtime unresponsive
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Broken runtime #1
Pods stuck “Terminating”
Runtime unresponsive
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
ps auxf | grep -c defunct
Broken runtime #1
Pods stuck “Terminating”
Runtime unresponsive
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
ps auxf | grep -c defunct
command: []
timeoutSeconds: 1
Broken runtime #1
Pods stuck “Terminating”
Runtime unresponsive
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Broken runtime #2
Pods stuck “Terminating”
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Broken runtime #2
Pods stuck “Terminating”
Runtime logs: Failure to StopContainer
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Broken runtime #2
Pods stuck “Terminating”
Runtime logs: Failure to StopContainer
ps auxf
600 containerd
10000 _ containerd-shim
12345 _ java …
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Broken runtime #2
Pods stuck “Terminating”
Runtime logs: Failure to StopContainer
ps auxf
600 containerd
10000 _ containerd-shim
12345 _ java …
kill 12345 => Nothing
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Broken runtime #2
Pods stuck “Terminating”
Runtime logs: Failure to StopContainer
ps auxf
600 containerd
10000 _ containerd-shim
12345 _ java …
kill 12345 => Nothing
kill -9 12345 => Nothing
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Broken runtime #2
Pods stuck “Terminating”
Runtime logs: Failure to StopContainer
ps auxf
600 containerd
10000 _ containerd-shim
12345 _ java …
kill 12345 => Nothing
kill -9 12345 => Nothing
Status: “D” => Uninterruptible sleep
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Broken runtime #2
What is the process waiting on?
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
• Blocked io (nvme issue)
• Deletion starts with cgroup freeze
• Freezing was hanging
Broken runtime #2
#9.2 Performance issues
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Perf issues: slow deployments
● Deployment slow
● Pod took 1+mn to start
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Load on nodepool Symptoms
● Deployment slow
● Pod took 1+mn to start
● Load on nodes running deployment high
Perf issues: slow deployments
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Load on nodepool
EBS burst balance
Write iops
● Deployment slow
● Pod took 1+mn to start
● Load on nodes running deployment high
● Because IOs are being rate limited
Perf issues: slow deployments
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Why ??
DNS queries
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
DNS queries
● Nodes were running coredns pods
● An app started doing 5000+ dns queries per second
● coredns logs filled the disk
Why ??
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Fix #1
Change app to use local DNS cache
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
IOs still too high
What is this???
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Remember audit?
Daemonset had been removed, but audit was still enabled
We dropped traffic at log intake
But we were still writing to disk...
IOs still too high
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Fix #2
Disable audit for real
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Weird outlier
iops by node in the group One node still had more iops
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
iops by node in the group
iops by node in the group (zoomed)
One node still had more iops
> io spikes every minute
Weird outlier
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
iops by node in the group
iops by node in the group (zoomed)
containers created by node
One node still had more iops
> io spikes every minute
> Single host get all pod for a cronjob
> Suspending it => 0
> Changing the job to sleep => 0
Weird outlier
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
Why is the job using so much IOs???
ips = $(aws ec2 describe-instances --filter=consul)
kubectl update endpoints consul $ips
@lbernail #ContainerDayFR
ips = $(aws ec2 describe-instances --filter=consul)
kubectl update endpoints consul $ips
$ kubectl get componentstatuses
$ find $HOME/.kube/ |wc -l
$ kubectl -v=8 get componentstatuses | grep "GET https" -c
Why is the job using so much IOs???
1. Be very careful with Daemonsets
2. Cronjobs can easily create problems
3. DNS is hard
4. Cloud infra not transparent
5. Containers not really contained
6. Train users
Key take-aways
Thank you!
Questions / comments
twitter: @lbernail
K8s slack: lbernail
We’re hiring!
Come join us (and break k8s!)

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Optimizing kubernetes networking
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Deep Dive in Docker Overlay Networks
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Deeper dive in Docker Overlay NetworksLaurent Bernaille
Operational challenges behind Serverless architectures
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10 ways to shoot yourself in the foot with kubernetes, #9 will surprise you!
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