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P.A. 202
"Creativity is the ability to respond to all that goes on
around us, to choose from the hundreds of
possibilities of thought, feeling, action, and reaction
that arise within us, and to put these together in a
unique response, expression, or message that carries
moment, passion, and meaning.”
- Picture Colo- Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Woman Who Run With
the Wolves
“We need a new frame of reference in which to
picture ourselves growing and recognizing how the
confluence of inner resources and life circumstances
can present us with opportunities to revive our lives
in meaningful, satisfying ways.”
- Gene D. Cohen (2000), The Creative Age, p. 77
 Although there are many approaches about
creativity, it is commonly defined as a mental process,
which involves the generation of new ideas or new
associations of the creative mind between existing
concepts. An alternative conception of creativity is
that it is simply the act of making something new.
 Even when creativity is popularly associated with
art and literature, it is also an essential part of
innovation and invention and is important in
professions such as business, economics, architecture,
industrial design, science and engineering.
Creativity n.
— creative ability; artistic or intellectual
— having the power to create; pertaining to
creation; inventive; productive (of) as in a
creative mind
Creative adj.
Create v.t.
— to originate; to bring into being from
Definition (process)
 “A creator [must] claim appreciators or
admirers to be legitimatized as a true
creator.” Simonton, 1990
 “The intersection of two ideas for the
first time” Keep, cited in Taylor, 1988
 “By this term, it means ability to think
outside the box, create something new
and find solutions to problems.”
Definition (originality)
 Creativity "is the skill of bringing about
something new and valuable." Young (1985,
 “Creativity is the process of bringing
something new into birth.” (May, 1959)
 “The ability to relate and to connect,
sometimes in odd and striking fashion, lies at
the heart of any creative use of the mind, no
matter what field or discipline.” (Siedel,
 Art (ah!) as in beauty
 Discovery (aha!) as in
 Humor (haha!) as in joyful
Left Brain, Right Brain
 Nobel Prize-winning psychobiologist Roger Sperry
showed that:
Each hemisphere of the brain processed different types
of information.
• Broadly put, the left brain is the objective,
analytical, logical half of the brain, looking at
information sequentially and focusing on individual
parts rather than on the whole.
• The right brain, on the other hand, is the subjective,
intuitive, playful part of the brain; it looks at
information in a more random fashion, seeing the
whole rather than the parts.
 is the process, which we use when we
come up with a new idea. It is divided
into divergent and convergent
• Think around or away
from the problem
• Discontinuity / break
‘Dig another hole’
• Spontaneous, informal,
• Remove constraints
Unconscious processes
• Think through or into
the problem
• Continuity / evolution
• ‘Dig a deeper hole’
• Systematic, formal,
• Work within
• Conscious processes
Creative thinking styles
Divergent thinking
is the intellectual ability to think of many original,
diverse, and elaborate ideas.
Convergent thinking
is the intellectual ability to logically evaluate, critique
and choose the best idea from a selection of ideas.
These are two mutually exclusive mental activities
Diverging and Converging
Joined up thinking
Capacity to move between thinking styles
 Tolerance for contradictions: ‘ego
 Putting together habitually disconnected
frames of references – ‘bisociation’
 Creative process is not chaotic, but finds
transition points between order and
Creativity and the Value Chain
 (Autotelic experience) occurs when
people experience a state of effortless
concentration and enjoyment
Preparation (phase one)
• The individual learns about the problem.
• This includes understanding the elements of
the problem and how they relate to each
• It may include looking at the problem from
different perspectives or asking other
people what they know or think about the
Incubation (phase two)
• In this stage, the prepared decision maker
explores a multitude of different paths
toward new alternatives.
o Production or generation of new
Illumination (phase three)
 This is the instant of becoming aware of
a new candidate solution to a problem,
that flash of insight when all the pieces
come together, either spontaneously or as
the result of careful study and work.
Verification (phase four)
 In the final step the decision maker must
verify that the candidate solution does in fact
have merit.
Three definitions of creativity
Tolerating contradictions + Bisociative thinking
Innovation + Value
Transformation + Rethinking
(From Bilton and Cummings, Creative Strategy
Types of Creativity
The 4 P’s
 Person
 Process
 Product
 Place (or environment)
Place (or environment)
 Aware of Creativeness
 Original
 Independent
 Risk Taking
 Energetic
 Curious
 Humorous
 Attracted to Complexity
 Artistic
 Open-Minded
 Needs Alone Time
 Perceptive
Creative People:
"Being creative is seeing the same
thing as everybody else but thinking of
something different”.
Only if you are able to view things in new ways or
from a different perspective and to generate new
possibilities or new alternatives you can be a creative
person. The characteristics of the creative
personality are:
The characteristics of the
creative personality are
 Creative individuals not only have a great deal of
energy, but they are also quiet.
 Creative individuals tend to be smart, yet also
naive at the same time.
 Creative individuals alternate between
imagination and reality.
 Even if creative individuals are remarkable
humble, they are proud at the same time.
 Most creative people are very passionate about
their work, yet they can be extremely objective
about it as well.
 Creative individuals have a combination of or
responsibility and irresponsibility.
What makes a product, service, process or
procedure innovative? It is useful to think of
product/service as a collection of consumer
benefits – technical, non-technical and
Creative Product
 Convergent Thinking (left brain)
 Divergent Thinking (right brain)
• Fluency
• Flexibility
• Originality
• Elaboration
Creative Product
• Convergent Thinking (left brain)
• Divergent Thinking (right brain)
• Fluency
• Flexibility
• Originality
• Elaboration
 refers to the production of a great number of ideas or
alternate solutions to a problem. Fluency implies
understanding, not just remembering information
that is learned.
Keywords: Compare, convert, count, define, describe,
explain, identify, label, list, match, name, outline,
paraphrase, predict, summarize.
 refers to the production of ideas that show a variety
of possibilities or realms of thought. It involves the
ability to see things from different points of view, to
use many different approaches or strategies.
Keywords: Change, demonstrate, distinguish, employ,
extrapolate, interpolate, interpret, predict.
 involves the production of ideas that are unique or
unusual. It involves synthesis or putting information
about a topic back together in a new way.
Keywords: Compose, create, design, generate, integrate,
modify, rearrange, reconstruct, reorganize, and revise.
 is the process of enhancing ideas by providing more
detail. Additional detail and clarity improves interest
in, and understanding of, the topic.
Keywords: Appraise, critique, determine, evaluate,
grade, judge, measure, select, and test.
Creative Process
 Combinations of two ideas that
are unrelated
 Torrance’s Definition
 Creative Problem Solving (CPS)
 Brainstorming
Torrance’s Definition
“I have tried to describe creative thinking as
taking place in the process of
(1) sensing difficulties…(2) making
guesses/formulating hypotheses…(3) testing
these guesses and possibly revising (4)
communicating the results. I like this definition
because it describes a natural process” (1995)
Creative Problem Solving (CPS)
CPS MODEL (sometimes without first step)
• Mess finding (locating a problem)
• Fact finding (examine what you know)
• Problem finding (select a definition)
• Idea finding (brainstorming)
• Solution finding (evaluating ideas)
• Acceptance finding (implementing ideas)
• As much as you can as fast as you can
• Piggyback on the ideas of others
• Don’t judge yourself or others
• Wild, wacky, zany is desired
Brainstorming Rules
Expressiveness - Say whatever ideas come
to mind without focusing on constraints
Non-evaluation - No criticism allowed; all
are valuable
Quantity - Produce as many ideas as
Building - Expand on other people’s ideas
Brain Writing
• Hybrid of both individual and
group brainstorming
• Produces more ideas than
• brainstorming
(It depends on your definition)
1990’s change to Bloom’s Taxonomy
(Reflects the relevance to 21st century skills)
What is Everyday
Everyday Creativity
Nine Key Concepts:
 Creativity is the ability to look at the
ordinary and see the … extraordinary.
 Every act can be a creative one.
 Creativity is a matter of perspective.
 There’s always more than one right
 Reframe problems into opportunities.
 Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
 Break the pattern.
 Train your technique.
 You’ve got to really care.
- (Dewitt Jones)
- Ruth Richards
"Everyday creativity is about everyone,
throughout our lives, and fundamental to our
very survival...With our everyday creativity, we
adapt flexibly, we improvise, we try different
- Davis, 2004
“Creativeness is not identical to mentally-
healthy self-actualization; however, it is an
important component. Further, the more you
come to define creativity as a lifestyle — a way
of living and perceiving—the greater is the
“We know this—everyone can increase his or
her creative capability.”
Final thoughts…
 Many definitions of creativity add to
the richness and confusion
surrounding the topic
 Creativity can be encouraged and
aspects can be taught
 Creative people go through a creative
process to produce creative products
in a creative press
 Cultivate the creative ideas of others
- (Bleadow, 2002)
“Above all, watch with glittering
eyes the whole world around you,
because the greatest secrets are
always hidden in the most unlikely
place. Those who don’t believe in
magic will never find it.”
What is Creativity?
• It is the reorganization of experience into new
• A function of knowledge, imagination, and evaluation
Creativity in Management:
Paradoxical thinking
What is creativity?
The ‘industrial’ definition
• Individual creativity, skill and talent.
• Potential for wealth and job creation
• Generation and exploitation of intellectual
• Implications (‘the myth of genius’)
• Emphasis on individual talent (myth of
• Wealth and jobs (economic rationality)
• Value chain – content is king, task
Beyond Innovation
o Innovation + Value / fitness for
o Ideas are not enough
o Multiplicity
o Stages in the process
o Members of the team
o From ideas to intellectual property
o Beyond the myth of genius
Management / strategy as a creative process
Creativity as a managed / strategic process
Uncreative management
Career specialization
o Education
o Career paths
Organisational specialization
o Task specialization, especially as
organisations grow
–‘creatives vs. suits’
o ‘Buffering’ the creative process: ‘talent
o Separation of ‘strategic’ and ‘operational’
o Value chain specialization…
Rethinking ‘creatives vs. suits’
 Kirton’s ‘Adapters and
 Mixing not matching
 De Bono’s ‘Six Thinking Hats’
 Thinking outside the role
 Bilton & Leary
 Management as talent
Rethinking ‘creative individuals’
The comfort zone: unmanageable creative
and uncreative managers
Mutual stereotyping which supports task
specialization and allows us to feel
The Dorian Gray Effect: avoiding our own
Creative management
Process: paradoxical thinking, tolerating
- Honda
Content: innovation + valuable (valuable
- Marks & Spencer
Outcome: transformation and rethinking
- Cirque du Soleil
Creativity and Innovation
 Innovation vs. creativity
• Creativity = the idea
• Innovation = putting into place
• Innovation essential to establish and
maintain competitive advantage
• New approaches
• Options for adaptation
Creative Personality
• An ability to generate large
number of ideas
• To give different perspective
• Unusual Novel answer
• Ability to handle ambiguity
• Intellectual abilities
• Adequate knowledge
• Confidence
Learning to Be More Creative
Mental Locks That Block Creativity - Von Oech’s Ten Block
 The Right Answer - Looking for the “right” answer.
 That’s Not Logical - Always trying to be logical.
 Follow The Rules - Strictly following the rules.
 Be Practical - Insist on being practical.
 Play Is Frivolous - Not having serious purpose or value.
 That’s Not My Area - Becoming too specialized.
 Don’t Be Foolish - Not wanting to look foolish.
 Avoid Ambiguity - Avoiding ambiguity or lack of
 To Err Is Wrong
 I’m Not Creative - Saying, “I’m not creative.
For Discussion: Which of these
mental locks typically stifle your
own creativity? What can you
do to avoid them?
Creativity: why promote it?
 Leads to more rigorous and critical thinking
 Objectives are achieved more readily
 Increases motivation, deep concentration
and engagement
 Improves relationships
 Develops the talent of the individual
 Develops skills for adult life – adaptability,
coping with uncertainty and change
Creative Process
A Model of Creativity
Stages Of Creativity
Exploring: Questioning and challenging
Inventing: Making significant
Selecting: Playing with ideas, keeping
options open
Implementation: Applying learning in
new ways and contexts
Evaluation: Evaluating ideas and actions
Enhancing Creativity
• How to develop your Creativity
Tools for Developing Creativity
o The Global Brain: Internet, Blog, and
• The Local Brain: Brain storming
• The Individual Brain: Eating,
Drinking, Playing, Exercising,
Tips on Enhancing Creativity
• Always keep a notepad around to write
down your thoughts.
Even at night, write down what one
can remember from my dreams.
• Always keep the computer handy so that
you can enter well developed thoughts
from your notepad.
• Whenever feasible, get on the Internet to
do a search to find related ideas.
-Newspapers and magazines offer
important clues.
-To invent, you need a good
imagination and a pile of junk.
Creativity Techniques
 Fluent and flexible thinking
 Idea checklists (Alex F Osborn)
(Add, Subtract, Alter, Rearrange,
Adapt, Magnify, Opposite, Minify)
Other, Alternative
• Brainstorming (Alex F Osborn)
• Synectics (W J J Gordan)
• Delphi Method
• Six thinking Hats (Dr. Edward De Bono)
White- Information; Green-Alternatives; Yellow –
benefits; Black- Judgment; Red – Emotions; Blue-
• Morphological (Fritz Zwicky) – 3 to the power 3
• Mind Mapping (Tony Buzan)
• Lateral thinking (Edward De Bono)
• Guided Visualization
(Chris Musselwhite and Cheryl De Ciantis)
 is a lateral thinking process. It asks
that people come up with ideas
and thoughts even if it seem at
first to be a bit shocking or crazy.
You can then change and improve
them into ideas that are useful,
and often stunningly original.
 is a problem solving methodology that
stimulates thought processes of which
the subject may be unaware.
 The name Synectics comes from the
Greek and means, "the joining
together of different and apparently
irrelevant elements.
 The process was derived from tape-
recording (initially audio, later video)
meetings, analysis of the results and
experiments with alternative ways of
dealing with the obstacles to success
in the meeting. "Success" was defined
as getting a creative solution that the
group was committed to implement.
Synectics research has three
main assumptions:
• The creative process can be described
and taught;
• Invention processes in arts and
sciences are analogous and are driven
by the same "psychic" processes;
• Individual and group creativity are
Delphi Method
 is a structured communication
technique, originally developed as a
systematic, interactive forecasting
method which relies on a panel of
experts. The experts answer
questionnaires in two or more rounds.
After each round, a facilitator provides
an anonymous summary of the experts’
forecasts from the previous round as
well as the reasons they provided for
their judgments.
Delphi Method
 Thus, experts are encouraged to
revise their earlier answers in light of
the replies of other members of their
panel. It is believed that during this
process the range of the answers will
decrease and the group will converge
towards the "correct" answer.
The six thinking hats
 While using this technique, you can
see different alternatives to get the
best solution to solve a problem. Your
decisions and plans will mix ambition,
skill in execution, sensitivity, creativity
and good contingency planning.
The six thinking hats
 is actually a group of methods that share the same
structure. This method breaks down a system,
product or process into its essential sub-concepts,
each concept representing a dimension in a multi-
dimensional matrix. Thus, every product is
considered as a bundle of attributes. New ideas
are found by searching the matrix for new
combination of attributes that do not yet exist. It
doesn’t provide any specific guidelines for
combining the parameters. It tends to provide a
large number of ideas.
Mind Mapping
 graphical technique for visualizing
connections between several ideas or
pieces of information. Each idea or fact
is written down and then linked by
lines or curves to its major or minor
(or following or previous) idea or fact,
thus creating a web of relationships.
Mind Mapping
 Mind mapping is used in note taking,
brainstorming, problem solving, and
project planning. Like other mapping
techniques its purpose is to focus
attention, and to capture and frame
knowledge to facilitate sharing of ideas
and concepts.
Mind Mapping
Guided imagery or
 Imagery is the most fundamental
language we have. Everything you do,
the mind processes through images.
When we recall events from our past
or childhood, we think of pictures,
images, sounds, pain, etc. It is hardly
ever be through words.
Guided imagery or
 Unfortunately, many of the images
popping into our heads do more harm
than good. In fact, the most common
type of imagery is worry. Being
worrying, what we worry about exists
only in our imaginations.
Guided imagery or
 One of the main things his research
showed was that almost all of the
world-class athletes and other peak
performers are visualizers. They see it;
they feel it; they experience it before
they actually do it. They begin with the
end in mind.
Guided imagery or
 You can do it in every area of your life.
Before a performance, a sales
presentation, a difficult confrontation,
or the daily challenge of meeting a
goal, see it clearly, vividly, relentlessly,
over and over again. Create an internal
"comfort zone." Then, when you get
into the situation, it isn't foreign. It
doesn't scare you.
Lateral thinking
 Recognizes that our brains are
pattern recognition systems, and
that they do not function like
computers. It takes years of
training before we learn to do
simple arithmetic – something
that computers do very easily
Lateral thinking
 On the other hand, we can instantly
recognize patterns such as faces,
language, and handwriting. The only
computers that begin to be able to do
these things do it by modeling the way
that human brain cells work. Even then,
computers will need to become more
powerful before they approach our
ability to handle patterns.
Lateral thinking
 The benefit of good pattern recognition is
that we can recognize objects and situations
very quickly. Imagine how much time would
be wasted if you had to do a full analysis
every time you came across a cylindrical
canister of effervescent fluid. Most people
would just open their can of fizzy drink.
Without pattern recognition we would
starve or be eaten. We could not cross the
road safely.
Lateral thinking
 Unfortunately, we get stuck in our
patterns. We tend to think within
them. Solutions we develop are
based on previous solutions to
similar problems. Normally it does
not occur to us to use solutions
belonging to other patterns.
Lateral thinking
 We use lateral thinking techniques
to break out of this patterned way
of thinking.
 Lateral thinking techniques help us
to come up with startling, brilliant
and original solutions to problems
and opportunities.
Lateral thinking
 It is important to point out that each
type of approach has its strength.
Logical, disciplined thinking is
enormously effective in making
products and services better. It can,
however, only go so far before all
practical improvements have been
carried out.
Lateral thinking
 Lateral thinking can generate
completely new concepts and ideas,
and brilliant improvements to
existing systems. In the wrong
place, however, it can be sterile or
unnecessarily disruptive.
Creativity Stimulation
 Reverse Brain storming
 Creative Overloading
 Creative benchmarking
 Creative thinking network
 Stakeholder Council
 Creative Scenario building
 Exnovation
 Creativity Training
Determinants of
Organizational Creativity
Five major organizational factors that enhance
creativity in a work environment:
 Organizational climate
Leadership style
Organizational culture
Resources and skills
The structure and systems of
an organization
– is the implementation of new ideas at
the individual, group or organizational
– is the development of ideas about
products, practices, services, or
procedures that are novel and
potentially useful to the organization
(A cry of joy or satisfaction when one
finds or discovers something)
What Does It Take to Be
 Time
 Hard work
 Mental energy
What Does It Take to Be
 Time
 Hard work
 Mental energy
Characteristics of Creative People
Personality Traits of Creative People
• Persistence
• Self-confidence
• Independence
• Attraction to complexity
• Tolerance of ambiguity
• Intuitiveness
• Have broad interests
• Are energetic
• Drive to achieve
• Love their work
• Take risks
Cognitive Creativity Skills
• Think creatively
• Generate alternatives
• Engage in divergent thinking
• Suspend judgment
Domain-Specific Knowledge
Develops Via
 Education
 Training
 Experience
 Contextual Knowledge
Creativity Enhancers
Focus on intrinsic motivation
Creativity goals
Developmental feedback
Supportive supervision
Healthy competition
Participative decision making
Hire creative people
Enriched, complex jobs
Provide resources
Clear organizational goals
Instructions to be creative
Recognize and reward creativity
Creativity Enhancers
 Encourage risk taking
 No punishment for failure
 Workforce diversity
 Internal and external interaction
 Diverse teams skilled at working
 Supportive climate
 Organizational culture the promotes
 Flexible, flat structures
 Close interaction and relationships with
How Can Organizations
Foster Creativity?
Management Style and
 Encourage risk taking
 Provide autonomy
 Encourage productivity - “sweat
 Supportive supervision, climate,
and work group
 Participative leadership
Organization Design and
Creativity Killers
 Excessive focus on extrinsic motivation
 Limits set by superiors
 Critical evaluation
 Close, controlling supervision
 Competition in a win-lose situation
 Control of decision makingControl of
Management Style and
 Encourage risk taking
 Provide autonomy
 Encourage productivity - “sweat
 Supportive supervision, climate,
and work group
 Participative leadership
Innovation has three distinct
determining characteristics:
 Novelty
 Resolution
 Elaboration or
refers to the originality of
the product, service or
procedure: that is, will users
be attracted to it because of
its uniqueness?
refers to whether the idea, product,
service or procedure will ‘fill the bill’ and
be relevant to the problem or
unanswered need at hand. In other
words, the innovative product or service
has to be perceived as ‘the answer’ to
the existing challenge, problem or
Elaboration or Synthesis
relates to style and how the product, service or
procedure is completed and presented. Is the
product, service or procedure:
Well-crafted and/or appealing to
Well presented or packaged?
Simple to used or understand?
User friendly?
Easy to commercialize?
Will people buy it and/or use it?
Ideas Management
Ideas need to be:
Captured and Retrievable
Innovation Leadership:
 Deliberate climate creation and cultural
 Innovation vision
 Encourage challenge & risk taking
 Collaboration
 Resources for innovation
 Celebration
Innovation Leadership:
Innovation Competence
 Model and coach for innovation and
 Develop innovation teams and
 Generate breakthrough ideas
 Capitalize on entrepreneurship
 Customer Service
 Insight into drivers and opportunities
Four-Power Innovation
Opening Our Minds: Perception,
Curiosity and Exploration
 Imagine the familiar in a new light
 Find links among unrelated phenomena
 Realize the impact of change
 Accept new perspectives
 Follow a broad and moving path
Exploring Creative Thinking Techniques
 Soft Thinking
 Hard Thinking
 Visual Thinking
 Idea Listing
 Writing Activities
 Group Interaction
 Process-Product
Exploring Creative Thinking
Examining Creativity in the
 Supervisors that held higher creativity
expectations were viewed as rewarding
creativity, recognizing creative efforts,
allocating more resources, encouraging
collaboration and sharing, applying
creative goal setting and modeling
creative behavior in their own work
Examining Creativity in the
 Employees interpret meaning through
environmental cues and supervisors
must communicate through behavior.
Examining Creativity in the
 Self-efficacy levels influence the extent
to which employees entertain creative
activities, initiate creative acts, and
sustain creative levels in their work.
Examining Creativity in the
 Supervisors must be aware of the
impact and clearly state expectations
to shape creative effort and manage
the supervisor/employee relationship.
Measuring Creativity
o Divergent Thinking Tests – Open-
ended questions
o Torrance Tests of Creative
o Guilford Tests
o Personality & Biographical
Inventories – perceptions,
attitudes, values, interests,
o Hocevar
Self-Actualized Creativity
• Perceive reality more accurately and
objectively; tolerate and even like
ambiguity; are not threatened by the
• Accept themselves, others, and human
• Are spontaneous, natural, and genuine.
• Are problem-centered, non-egotistical;
have a philosophy of life and probably a
mission in life
• Need some privacy and solitude more
than others do; are able to concentrate
Self-Actualized Creativity
• Are independent, self-sufficient and
autonomous; have less need for praise or
• Have capacity to appreciate again and again
simple and commonplace experiences;
have zest in living, ability to handle stress,
high humor.
• Have (and are aware of) their rich, alive,
fulfilling peak experiences.
• Have deep feelings of brotherhood with all
mankind; are benevolent, altruistic.
• Form strong friendship ties with relatively
few people; are capable of greater love.
Self-Actualized Creativity
• Are democratic, unprejudiced in the deepest
possible sense.
• Are strongly ethical and moral individual (not
necessarily conventional) ways; enjoy work in
achieving a goal as much as the goal itself; are
patient, for the most part.
• Have a more thoughtful, philosophical sense of
humor that is constructive, not destructive.
• Are creative, original inventive with a fresh,
naïve, simple and direct way of looking at life;
tend to do most things creatively – but do not
necessarily possess great talent.
Self-Actualized Creativity
• Are capable of detachment from their
culture; can objectively compare cultures;
can take or leave conventions.- Davis (1998)
Creativity is Forever
• Your character is your destiny
• On a circle, an end point can also be a
beginning point
• A thing rests by changing
• You can’t step in the same river twice
• The sun is new each day
• When there is no sun, we can see the
evening stars
"Being creative is seeing the same
thing as everybody else but thinking of
something different”.
“Creativity can be stimulated
in the workplace in a variety
of ways to enhance creative
thinking and productivity.”
Unconventional Thinking
Traditional thinking that only certain people
are creative has to be thrown out the window
as all of us have a certain amount of creativity
within us. Everyone in the creative workplace
should be encouraged to think “Outside the
Box”, (the Box being conventional thinking).
Knowledge, technical skills, every day life
experiences and “thinking in new and
unconventional ways about things” are just
some of the things that contribute to
creativity in the workplace.
The Rules of Thinking
Humans thought the world was flat and we
would fall off the edge until someone thought
the rules of thinking were wrong, challenged
and changed them and set about proving that
the world is in fact round. Thomas Edison said,
“If we did all things we are capable of doing,
we would literally astonish ourselves”. Let go of
the old traditional ways of thinking. There are
always new ways of doing things, challenge
traditional thinking, be innovative in your
thinking and encourage it in the workplace.
Remove the “It can only be done this way”
mind set.
Recognize and Encourage
Creative Talents
Creative talent comes in many forms
from cooking, writing, designing or
decorating the home or office.
Recognizing “Creative Talents” and
encouraging them whenever possible
will promote creativity and productivity
in the workplace.
Encourage and Share
New Ideas / Imagination
Open planning invites conversation and
encourages interaction and the sharing
of new and imaginative ideas. The
downside of Open planning can be
interruption from elsewhere in the
workplace. With careful balancing
between interaction and interruption,
fostering creative thinking in the
workplace is possible.
Remove Distractions
A tidy workplace stimulates creative
thinking. Remove all of the clutter
(boxes, unnecessary papers, rubbish
etc.) from the workplace. Have a “Quiet
Area” within the workplace to finalize
and consolidate ideas, or maybe, go to
the park for quite reflection and
consolidation of ideas.
Make The Office Fun
Author Roger Von Oech wrote, “Necessity may
be the mother of invention, but play is certainly
the father.” A fun office environment is essential
to a creative and productive workplace.
Inspiration can come in many forms; ie: Music,
Art, Plants and Animals can enhance creativity.
Creativity is associated with Joy and Love and
negativity associated with Fear, Anxiety and
Anger. So whenever possible make sure the
workplace is a “Fun and Happy” environment.
Today’s happiness often predicts tomorrows
Remove Competitive
Studies have shown creativity is
compromised when people in a workgroup
compete instead of collaborating. When
people compete for information they stop
sharing information and that doesn’t
stimulate creative thinking. No single
individual has got all the information
required to complete the creative process.
Encourage the sharing of ideas and the
ideas will benefit greatly.
Furnishings and Layout
Ergonomics are a consideration that
should be made as a person’s comfort is
a big part of their creativity, and the
workplace layout is a big part of the
creative process.
Brainstorming Ideas
Have regular group meetings or “think
tanks” with the Creative Team to discuss
ideas for Ad Campaigns or general
workplace environment.
Be Flexible
Flexibility is a key component of the
creative workplace. Be willing to try new
and different approaches to just about
anything and you will see the creative
juices flow.
“Value and recognize people’s
talent and creativity will
flourish, and remember
Creative Thinking turns great
ideas into reality.”
Blocking Creativity
In The Workplace
Creativity can be blocked in the
workplace in a variety of ways
1 Being To Practical
 Being practical is good business sense but can
restrict Creative Thinking. Complacency, lack of
innovation or not trying new things to inspire and
interest people can all block creativity in the
2 Competition, Not
 If only one person’s opinion matters then you have
an unhealthy workplace. Keeping ideas to yourself
can block the growth of the idea, while sharing the
idea may enhance it. If there is no collaboration of
ideas and no sharing of ideas, the Creative Process is
stifled. Too much competition can block creativity
while Creative Teams sharing and debating ideas
enhances creativity.
3 Seeing Failure As
A Negative
 Seeing failure as a negative will discourage a
person and inhibit their Creative Ideas. Not seeing
failure as a stepping-stone to new ideas would
block creativity in the workplace.
4 Following The Rules
 Following the rules of Standard Business Practice
will keep your business moving forward, but too
many rules and boundaries or a lack of flexibility
can block creativity in the workplace.
5 Inhibiting
 Restricting people to one area of work and not
allowing interaction and sharing of ideas will block
creativity in the workplace, as will failure to look at
new and innovative ways of creative thinking.
6 Group Think Mindset
 Peer pressure can cause people to agree to something
they wouldn’t normally agree to. This “Group Think”
mindset stops people from being creative; people will
“agree to agree” because the Boss may think a certain
way and this blocks peoples creativity in the
7 Failure to encourage
or recognize talent
 Failing to recognize talent in people will block their
creativity, so it is important to recognize and
encourage that talent.
8 Too Many Distractions
 Clutter (boxes, papers, note pads, etc.), lack of space,
wrong furnishings or the lack of flare can all
contribute to blocking creativity in the workplace.
9 Creative Boundaries
 If you restrict people in their creative thinking by
giving them boundaries then you block their
creativity. True creativity has no boundaries or
restrictions placed on it so remove as many
boundaries as possible in the creative thinking
10 No Flexibility
 Being practical is good business sense but can
restrict Creative Thinking. Complacency, lack of
innovation or not trying new things to inspire and
interest people can all block creativity in the
Three definitions of creativity
Tolerating contradictions +
Bisociative thinking
Innovation + Value
Transformation + Rethinking
(From Bilton and Cummings,
Creative Strategy (forthcoming)
We are moving from industrial
societies to knowledge societies
- We must realize that it is time to move past the 3Rs :
1. Richness of curriculum
2. Recursion through reflective
3. Relations of new understandings
into the larger picture; and
4. Rigor of being a critical consumer
and understanding the transitory
nature of knowledge
To the 4 Rs
Passive  Active
Consumer  Producer
Dependent Independent
5th R: Reverse the Role of
the Learner
 addresses a worthwhile problem novel and appropriate
 Illustrates the creator’s emotions and aesthetics
original and valuable
Inventive Creativity
 Exhibited in mathematics,
science, and social arenas
 Recognizes and identifies
problems that may or may not
be apparent to others,
 When solved, result in an
improvement in the domain
Inventive Creativity
 Saves and improves lives
Inventive Creativity
 May produce an intangible product-
-such as a social movement
Mohandas Ghandi
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Inventive Creativity
 Finds worthwhile problems
 Produces solutions of value
Watson, Crick, and Franklin (and Wilkins)

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  • 3. "Creativity is the ability to respond to all that goes on around us, to choose from the hundreds of possibilities of thought, feeling, action, and reaction that arise within us, and to put these together in a unique response, expression, or message that carries moment, passion, and meaning.” - Picture Colo- Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Woman Who Run With the Wolves
  • 4. “We need a new frame of reference in which to picture ourselves growing and recognizing how the confluence of inner resources and life circumstances can present us with opportunities to revive our lives in meaningful, satisfying ways.” - Gene D. Cohen (2000), The Creative Age, p. 77
  • 5. CREATIVITY  Although there are many approaches about creativity, it is commonly defined as a mental process, which involves the generation of new ideas or new associations of the creative mind between existing concepts. An alternative conception of creativity is that it is simply the act of making something new.  Even when creativity is popularly associated with art and literature, it is also an essential part of innovation and invention and is important in professions such as business, economics, architecture, industrial design, science and engineering.
  • 6. Creativity n. — creative ability; artistic or intellectual inventiveness
  • 7. — having the power to create; pertaining to creation; inventive; productive (of) as in a creative mind Creative adj.
  • 8. Create v.t. — to originate; to bring into being from nothing
  • 9. Definition (process)  “A creator [must] claim appreciators or admirers to be legitimatized as a true creator.” Simonton, 1990  “The intersection of two ideas for the first time” Keep, cited in Taylor, 1988  “By this term, it means ability to think outside the box, create something new and find solutions to problems.”
  • 10. Definition (originality)  Creativity "is the skill of bringing about something new and valuable." Young (1985, p.85)  “Creativity is the process of bringing something new into birth.” (May, 1959)  “The ability to relate and to connect, sometimes in odd and striking fashion, lies at the heart of any creative use of the mind, no matter what field or discipline.” (Siedel, 1962)
  • 11. THREE DOMAINS OF CREATIVITY  Art (ah!) as in beauty  Discovery (aha!) as in enlightenment.  Humor (haha!) as in joyful pleasure.
  • 12. Left Brain, Right Brain  Nobel Prize-winning psychobiologist Roger Sperry showed that: Each hemisphere of the brain processed different types of information. • Broadly put, the left brain is the objective, analytical, logical half of the brain, looking at information sequentially and focusing on individual parts rather than on the whole. • The right brain, on the other hand, is the subjective, intuitive, playful part of the brain; it looks at information in a more random fashion, seeing the whole rather than the parts.
  • 13. CREATIVE THINKING  is the process, which we use when we come up with a new idea. It is divided into divergent and convergent reasoning.
  • 14. CREATIVE THINKING STYLES DIVERGENT THINKING • Think around or away from the problem • Discontinuity / break ‘Dig another hole’ • Spontaneous, informal, random • Remove constraints Unconscious processes CONVERGENT THINKING • Think through or into the problem • Continuity / evolution • ‘Dig a deeper hole’ • Systematic, formal, focused • Work within constraints • Conscious processes
  • 15. Creative thinking styles Divergent thinking is the intellectual ability to think of many original, diverse, and elaborate ideas. Convergent thinking is the intellectual ability to logically evaluate, critique and choose the best idea from a selection of ideas.
  • 16. These are two mutually exclusive mental activities Diverging and Converging
  • 17. Joined up thinking Capacity to move between thinking styles  Tolerance for contradictions: ‘ego strength’  Putting together habitually disconnected frames of references – ‘bisociation’  Creative process is not chaotic, but finds transition points between order and chaos
  • 18. Creativity and the Value Chain
  • 19. Flow  (Autotelic experience) occurs when people experience a state of effortless concentration and enjoyment
  • 21. Preparation (phase one) • The individual learns about the problem. • This includes understanding the elements of the problem and how they relate to each other. • It may include looking at the problem from different perspectives or asking other people what they know or think about the problem.
  • 22. Incubation (phase two) • In this stage, the prepared decision maker explores a multitude of different paths toward new alternatives. o Production or generation of new alternatives
  • 23. Illumination (phase three)  This is the instant of becoming aware of a new candidate solution to a problem, that flash of insight when all the pieces come together, either spontaneously or as the result of careful study and work.
  • 24. Verification (phase four)  In the final step the decision maker must verify that the candidate solution does in fact have merit.
  • 25. Three definitions of creativity Process Tolerating contradictions + Bisociative thinking Content Innovation + Value Outcomes Transformation + Rethinking (From Bilton and Cummings, Creative Strategy (forthcoming)
  • 26. Types of Creativity The 4 P’s  Person  Process  Product  Place (or environment)
  • 30.  Aware of Creativeness  Original  Independent  Risk Taking  Energetic  Curious  Humorous  Attracted to Complexity  Artistic  Open-Minded  Needs Alone Time  Perceptive Creative People: Creative Characteristics
  • 31. BEING CREATIVE "Being creative is seeing the same thing as everybody else but thinking of something different”.
  • 32. Only if you are able to view things in new ways or from a different perspective and to generate new possibilities or new alternatives you can be a creative person. The characteristics of the creative personality are:
  • 33. The characteristics of the creative personality are  Creative individuals not only have a great deal of energy, but they are also quiet.  Creative individuals tend to be smart, yet also naive at the same time.  Creative individuals alternate between imagination and reality.  Even if creative individuals are remarkable humble, they are proud at the same time.  Most creative people are very passionate about their work, yet they can be extremely objective about it as well.  Creative individuals have a combination of or responsibility and irresponsibility.
  • 35. PRODUCT What makes a product, service, process or procedure innovative? It is useful to think of product/service as a collection of consumer benefits – technical, non-technical and attitudinal
  • 36. Creative Product  Convergent Thinking (left brain)  Divergent Thinking (right brain) • Fluency • Flexibility • Originality • Elaboration
  • 37. Creative Product • Convergent Thinking (left brain) • Divergent Thinking (right brain) • Fluency • Flexibility • Originality • Elaboration
  • 38. Fluency  refers to the production of a great number of ideas or alternate solutions to a problem. Fluency implies understanding, not just remembering information that is learned. Keywords: Compare, convert, count, define, describe, explain, identify, label, list, match, name, outline, paraphrase, predict, summarize.
  • 39. Flexibility  refers to the production of ideas that show a variety of possibilities or realms of thought. It involves the ability to see things from different points of view, to use many different approaches or strategies. Keywords: Change, demonstrate, distinguish, employ, extrapolate, interpolate, interpret, predict.
  • 40. Originality  involves the production of ideas that are unique or unusual. It involves synthesis or putting information about a topic back together in a new way. Keywords: Compose, create, design, generate, integrate, modify, rearrange, reconstruct, reorganize, and revise.
  • 41. Elaboration  is the process of enhancing ideas by providing more detail. Additional detail and clarity improves interest in, and understanding of, the topic. Keywords: Appraise, critique, determine, evaluate, grade, judge, measure, select, and test.
  • 43. Creative Process  Combinations of two ideas that are unrelated  Torrance’s Definition  Creative Problem Solving (CPS)  Brainstorming
  • 44. Torrance’s Definition “I have tried to describe creative thinking as taking place in the process of (1) sensing difficulties…(2) making guesses/formulating hypotheses…(3) testing these guesses and possibly revising (4) communicating the results. I like this definition because it describes a natural process” (1995)
  • 45. Creative Problem Solving (CPS) CPS MODEL (sometimes without first step) • Mess finding (locating a problem) • Fact finding (examine what you know) • Problem finding (select a definition) • Idea finding (brainstorming) • Solution finding (evaluating ideas) • Acceptance finding (implementing ideas)
  • 46. Brainstorming • As much as you can as fast as you can • Piggyback on the ideas of others • Don’t judge yourself or others • Wild, wacky, zany is desired
  • 47. Brainstorming Rules Expressiveness - Say whatever ideas come to mind without focusing on constraints Non-evaluation - No criticism allowed; all are valuable Quantity - Produce as many ideas as possible Building - Expand on other people’s ideas
  • 48. Brain Writing • Hybrid of both individual and group brainstorming • Produces more ideas than • brainstorming
  • 49. CAN YOU TEACH CREATIVITY?? (It depends on your definition) 1990’s change to Bloom’s Taxonomy (Reflects the relevance to 21st century skills)
  • 51. Everyday Creativity Nine Key Concepts:  Creativity is the ability to look at the ordinary and see the … extraordinary.  Every act can be a creative one.  Creativity is a matter of perspective.  There’s always more than one right answer.  Reframe problems into opportunities.  Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.  Break the pattern.  Train your technique.  You’ve got to really care. - (Dewitt Jones)
  • 52. - Ruth Richards "Everyday creativity is about everyone, throughout our lives, and fundamental to our very survival...With our everyday creativity, we adapt flexibly, we improvise, we try different options.”
  • 53. - Davis, 2004 “Creativeness is not identical to mentally- healthy self-actualization; however, it is an important component. Further, the more you come to define creativity as a lifestyle — a way of living and perceiving—the greater is the overlap.” “We know this—everyone can increase his or her creative capability.”
  • 54. Final thoughts…  Many definitions of creativity add to the richness and confusion surrounding the topic  Creativity can be encouraged and aspects can be taught  Creative people go through a creative process to produce creative products in a creative press  Cultivate the creative ideas of others - (Bleadow, 2002)
  • 55. “Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely place. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”
  • 57. What is Creativity? • It is the reorganization of experience into new configurations. • A function of knowledge, imagination, and evaluation
  • 59. What is creativity? The ‘industrial’ definition (DCMS): • Individual creativity, skill and talent. • Potential for wealth and job creation • Generation and exploitation of intellectual property • Implications (‘the myth of genius’) • Emphasis on individual talent (myth of genius) • Wealth and jobs (economic rationality) • Value chain – content is king, task specialization
  • 60. Beyond Innovation o Innovation + Value / fitness for purpose o Ideas are not enough o Multiplicity o Stages in the process o Members of the team o From ideas to intellectual property o Beyond the myth of genius Management / strategy as a creative process Creativity as a managed / strategic process
  • 61. Uncreative management Career specialization o Education o Career paths Organisational specialization o Task specialization, especially as organisations grow –‘creatives vs. suits’ o ‘Buffering’ the creative process: ‘talent silos’ o Separation of ‘strategic’ and ‘operational’ roles o Value chain specialization…
  • 62. Rethinking ‘creatives vs. suits’  Kirton’s ‘Adapters and Innovators’  Mixing not matching  De Bono’s ‘Six Thinking Hats’  Thinking outside the role  Bilton & Leary  Management as talent broker
  • 63. Rethinking ‘creative individuals’ The comfort zone: unmanageable creative and uncreative managers Mutual stereotyping which supports task specialization and allows us to feel superior The Dorian Gray Effect: avoiding our own reflections
  • 64. Creative management Process: paradoxical thinking, tolerating contradictions - Honda Content: innovation + valuable (valuable innovation) - Marks & Spencer Outcome: transformation and rethinking - Cirque du Soleil
  • 65. Creativity and Innovation  Innovation vs. creativity • Creativity = the idea • Innovation = putting into place • Innovation essential to establish and maintain competitive advantage • New approaches • Options for adaptation
  • 66. Creative Personality • An ability to generate large number of ideas • To give different perspective • Unusual Novel answer • Ability to handle ambiguity • Intellectual abilities • Adequate knowledge • Confidence
  • 67. Learning to Be More Creative Mental Locks That Block Creativity - Von Oech’s Ten Block  The Right Answer - Looking for the “right” answer.  That’s Not Logical - Always trying to be logical.  Follow The Rules - Strictly following the rules.  Be Practical - Insist on being practical.  Play Is Frivolous - Not having serious purpose or value.  That’s Not My Area - Becoming too specialized.  Don’t Be Foolish - Not wanting to look foolish.  Avoid Ambiguity - Avoiding ambiguity or lack of commitment.  To Err Is Wrong  I’m Not Creative - Saying, “I’m not creative.
  • 68. For Discussion: Which of these mental locks typically stifle your own creativity? What can you do to avoid them?
  • 69. Creativity: why promote it?  Leads to more rigorous and critical thinking  Objectives are achieved more readily  Increases motivation, deep concentration and engagement  Improves relationships  Develops the talent of the individual  Develops skills for adult life – adaptability, coping with uncertainty and change
  • 71. A Model of Creativity
  • 72. Stages Of Creativity Exploring: Questioning and challenging Inventing: Making significant connections Selecting: Playing with ideas, keeping options open Implementation: Applying learning in new ways and contexts Evaluation: Evaluating ideas and actions
  • 73. Enhancing Creativity • How to develop your Creativity Tools for Developing Creativity o The Global Brain: Internet, Blog, and Wikipedia • The Local Brain: Brain storming • The Individual Brain: Eating, Drinking, Playing, Exercising, Sleeping
  • 74. Tips on Enhancing Creativity • Always keep a notepad around to write down your thoughts. Even at night, write down what one can remember from my dreams. • Always keep the computer handy so that you can enter well developed thoughts from your notepad. • Whenever feasible, get on the Internet to do a search to find related ideas.
  • 75. -Newspapers and magazines offer important clues. -To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
  • 76. Creativity Techniques  Fluent and flexible thinking  Idea checklists (Alex F Osborn) (Add, Subtract, Alter, Rearrange, Adapt, Magnify, Opposite, Minify)
  • 77. Other, Alternative • Brainstorming (Alex F Osborn) • Synectics (W J J Gordan) • Delphi Method • Six thinking Hats (Dr. Edward De Bono) White- Information; Green-Alternatives; Yellow – benefits; Black- Judgment; Red – Emotions; Blue- Control • Morphological (Fritz Zwicky) – 3 to the power 3 • Mind Mapping (Tony Buzan) • Lateral thinking (Edward De Bono) • Guided Visualization (Chris Musselwhite and Cheryl De Ciantis)
  • 78. Brainstorming  is a lateral thinking process. It asks that people come up with ideas and thoughts even if it seem at first to be a bit shocking or crazy. You can then change and improve them into ideas that are useful, and often stunningly original.
  • 79. Synectics  is a problem solving methodology that stimulates thought processes of which the subject may be unaware.  The name Synectics comes from the Greek and means, "the joining together of different and apparently irrelevant elements.
  • 80. Synectics  The process was derived from tape- recording (initially audio, later video) meetings, analysis of the results and experiments with alternative ways of dealing with the obstacles to success in the meeting. "Success" was defined as getting a creative solution that the group was committed to implement.
  • 81. Synectics research has three main assumptions: • The creative process can be described and taught; • Invention processes in arts and sciences are analogous and are driven by the same "psychic" processes; • Individual and group creativity are analogous.
  • 82. Delphi Method  is a structured communication technique, originally developed as a systematic, interactive forecasting method which relies on a panel of experts. The experts answer questionnaires in two or more rounds. After each round, a facilitator provides an anonymous summary of the experts’ forecasts from the previous round as well as the reasons they provided for their judgments.
  • 83. Delphi Method  Thus, experts are encouraged to revise their earlier answers in light of the replies of other members of their panel. It is believed that during this process the range of the answers will decrease and the group will converge towards the "correct" answer.
  • 84. The six thinking hats  While using this technique, you can see different alternatives to get the best solution to solve a problem. Your decisions and plans will mix ambition, skill in execution, sensitivity, creativity and good contingency planning.
  • 86. Morphological  is actually a group of methods that share the same structure. This method breaks down a system, product or process into its essential sub-concepts, each concept representing a dimension in a multi- dimensional matrix. Thus, every product is considered as a bundle of attributes. New ideas are found by searching the matrix for new combination of attributes that do not yet exist. It doesn’t provide any specific guidelines for combining the parameters. It tends to provide a large number of ideas.
  • 87. Mind Mapping  graphical technique for visualizing connections between several ideas or pieces of information. Each idea or fact is written down and then linked by lines or curves to its major or minor (or following or previous) idea or fact, thus creating a web of relationships.
  • 88. Mind Mapping  Mind mapping is used in note taking, brainstorming, problem solving, and project planning. Like other mapping techniques its purpose is to focus attention, and to capture and frame knowledge to facilitate sharing of ideas and concepts.
  • 90. Guided imagery or visualization:  Imagery is the most fundamental language we have. Everything you do, the mind processes through images. When we recall events from our past or childhood, we think of pictures, images, sounds, pain, etc. It is hardly ever be through words.
  • 91. Guided imagery or visualization:  Unfortunately, many of the images popping into our heads do more harm than good. In fact, the most common type of imagery is worry. Being worrying, what we worry about exists only in our imaginations.
  • 92. Guided imagery or visualization:  One of the main things his research showed was that almost all of the world-class athletes and other peak performers are visualizers. They see it; they feel it; they experience it before they actually do it. They begin with the end in mind.
  • 93. Guided imagery or visualization:  You can do it in every area of your life. Before a performance, a sales presentation, a difficult confrontation, or the daily challenge of meeting a goal, see it clearly, vividly, relentlessly, over and over again. Create an internal "comfort zone." Then, when you get into the situation, it isn't foreign. It doesn't scare you.
  • 94. Lateral thinking  Recognizes that our brains are pattern recognition systems, and that they do not function like computers. It takes years of training before we learn to do simple arithmetic – something that computers do very easily
  • 95. Lateral thinking  On the other hand, we can instantly recognize patterns such as faces, language, and handwriting. The only computers that begin to be able to do these things do it by modeling the way that human brain cells work. Even then, computers will need to become more powerful before they approach our ability to handle patterns.
  • 96. Lateral thinking  The benefit of good pattern recognition is that we can recognize objects and situations very quickly. Imagine how much time would be wasted if you had to do a full analysis every time you came across a cylindrical canister of effervescent fluid. Most people would just open their can of fizzy drink. Without pattern recognition we would starve or be eaten. We could not cross the road safely.
  • 97. Lateral thinking  Unfortunately, we get stuck in our patterns. We tend to think within them. Solutions we develop are based on previous solutions to similar problems. Normally it does not occur to us to use solutions belonging to other patterns.
  • 98. Lateral thinking  We use lateral thinking techniques to break out of this patterned way of thinking.  Lateral thinking techniques help us to come up with startling, brilliant and original solutions to problems and opportunities.
  • 99. Lateral thinking  It is important to point out that each type of approach has its strength. Logical, disciplined thinking is enormously effective in making products and services better. It can, however, only go so far before all practical improvements have been carried out.
  • 100. Lateral thinking  Lateral thinking can generate completely new concepts and ideas, and brilliant improvements to existing systems. In the wrong place, however, it can be sterile or unnecessarily disruptive.
  • 101. Creativity Stimulation Techniques  Reverse Brain storming  Creative Overloading  Creative benchmarking  Creative thinking network  Stakeholder Council  Creative Scenario building  Exnovation  Creativity Training
  • 102. Determinants of Organizational Creativity Five major organizational factors that enhance creativity in a work environment:  Organizational climate Leadership style Organizational culture Resources and skills The structure and systems of an organization
  • 104. Innovation – is the implementation of new ideas at the individual, group or organizational level
  • 105. Creativity – is the development of ideas about products, practices, services, or procedures that are novel and potentially useful to the organization
  • 106. Eureka! (A cry of joy or satisfaction when one finds or discovers something)
  • 107. What Does It Take to Be Creative?  Time  Hard work  Mental energy
  • 108. What Does It Take to Be Creative?  Time  Hard work  Mental energy
  • 110. Personality Traits of Creative People • Persistence • Self-confidence • Independence • Attraction to complexity • Tolerance of ambiguity • Intuitiveness • Have broad interests • Are energetic • Drive to achieve • Love their work • Take risks
  • 111. Cognitive Creativity Skills • Think creatively • Generate alternatives • Engage in divergent thinking • Suspend judgment
  • 112. Domain-Specific Knowledge Develops Via  Education  Training  Experience  Contextual Knowledge
  • 113. Creativity Enhancers Focus on intrinsic motivation Creativity goals Developmental feedback Supportive supervision Healthy competition Participative decision making Autonomy Hire creative people Enriched, complex jobs Provide resources Clear organizational goals Instructions to be creative Recognize and reward creativity
  • 114. Creativity Enhancers  Encourage risk taking  No punishment for failure  Workforce diversity  Internal and external interaction  Diverse teams skilled at working together  Supportive climate  Organizational culture the promotes innovation  Flexible, flat structures  Close interaction and relationships with customers
  • 116. Management Style and Creativity  Encourage risk taking  Provide autonomy  Encourage productivity - “sweat equity”  Supportive supervision, climate, and work group  Participative leadership
  • 118. Creativity Killers  Excessive focus on extrinsic motivation  Limits set by superiors  Critical evaluation  Close, controlling supervision  Competition in a win-lose situation  Control of decision makingControl of information
  • 119. Management Style and Creativity  Encourage risk taking  Provide autonomy  Encourage productivity - “sweat equity”  Supportive supervision, climate, and work group  Participative leadership
  • 120. Innovation has three distinct determining characteristics:  Novelty  Resolution  Elaboration or Synthesis
  • 121. Novelty refers to the originality of the product, service or procedure: that is, will users be attracted to it because of its uniqueness?
  • 122. Resolution refers to whether the idea, product, service or procedure will ‘fill the bill’ and be relevant to the problem or unanswered need at hand. In other words, the innovative product or service has to be perceived as ‘the answer’ to the existing challenge, problem or situation.
  • 123. Elaboration or Synthesis relates to style and how the product, service or procedure is completed and presented. Is the product, service or procedure: Well-crafted and/or appealing to users/consumers? Well presented or packaged? Simple to used or understand? User friendly? Easy to commercialize? Will people buy it and/or use it?
  • 124. Ideas Management Ideas need to be: Generated Captured and Retrievable Evaluated Developed Implemented Rewarded Measured
  • 125. Innovation Leadership: Attitudes  Deliberate climate creation and cultural influence  Innovation vision  Encourage challenge & risk taking  Collaboration  Resources for innovation  Celebration
  • 126. Innovation Leadership: Innovation Competence  Model and coach for innovation and creativity  Develop innovation teams and leaders  Generate breakthrough ideas  Capitalize on entrepreneurship  Customer Service  Insight into drivers and opportunities
  • 130. Opening Our Minds: Perception, Curiosity and Exploration  Imagine the familiar in a new light  Find links among unrelated phenomena  Realize the impact of change  Accept new perspectives  Follow a broad and moving path
  • 131. Exploring Creative Thinking Techniques  Soft Thinking  Hard Thinking  Visual Thinking Activities  Idea Listing Activities  Writing Activities  Group Interaction Activities  Process-Product Activities
  • 133. Examining Creativity in the Workplace  Supervisors that held higher creativity expectations were viewed as rewarding creativity, recognizing creative efforts, allocating more resources, encouraging collaboration and sharing, applying creative goal setting and modeling creative behavior in their own work
  • 134. Examining Creativity in the Workplace  Employees interpret meaning through environmental cues and supervisors must communicate through behavior.
  • 135. Examining Creativity in the Workplace  Self-efficacy levels influence the extent to which employees entertain creative activities, initiate creative acts, and sustain creative levels in their work.
  • 136. Examining Creativity in the Workplace  Supervisors must be aware of the impact and clearly state expectations to shape creative effort and manage the supervisor/employee relationship.
  • 137. Measuring Creativity o Divergent Thinking Tests – Open- ended questions o Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking o Guilford Tests o Personality & Biographical Inventories – perceptions, attitudes, values, interests, motivations o Hocevar
  • 139. Self-Actualized Creativity (Maslow) • Perceive reality more accurately and objectively; tolerate and even like ambiguity; are not threatened by the unknown. • Accept themselves, others, and human nature. • Are spontaneous, natural, and genuine. • Are problem-centered, non-egotistical; have a philosophy of life and probably a mission in life • Need some privacy and solitude more than others do; are able to concentrate intensely.
  • 140. Self-Actualized Creativity (Maslow) • Are independent, self-sufficient and autonomous; have less need for praise or popularity. • Have capacity to appreciate again and again simple and commonplace experiences; have zest in living, ability to handle stress, high humor. • Have (and are aware of) their rich, alive, fulfilling peak experiences. • Have deep feelings of brotherhood with all mankind; are benevolent, altruistic. • Form strong friendship ties with relatively few people; are capable of greater love.
  • 141. Self-Actualized Creativity (Maslow) • Are democratic, unprejudiced in the deepest possible sense. • Are strongly ethical and moral individual (not necessarily conventional) ways; enjoy work in achieving a goal as much as the goal itself; are patient, for the most part. • Have a more thoughtful, philosophical sense of humor that is constructive, not destructive. • Are creative, original inventive with a fresh, naïve, simple and direct way of looking at life; tend to do most things creatively – but do not necessarily possess great talent.
  • 142. Self-Actualized Creativity (Maslow) • Are capable of detachment from their culture; can objectively compare cultures; can take or leave conventions.- Davis (1998) Creativity is Forever • Your character is your destiny • On a circle, an end point can also be a beginning point • A thing rests by changing • You can’t step in the same river twice • The sun is new each day • When there is no sun, we can see the evening stars
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  • 151. BEING CREATIVE "Being creative is seeing the same thing as everybody else but thinking of something different”.
  • 152. “Creativity can be stimulated in the workplace in a variety of ways to enhance creative thinking and productivity.”
  • 154. Traditional thinking that only certain people are creative has to be thrown out the window as all of us have a certain amount of creativity within us. Everyone in the creative workplace should be encouraged to think “Outside the Box”, (the Box being conventional thinking). Knowledge, technical skills, every day life experiences and “thinking in new and unconventional ways about things” are just some of the things that contribute to creativity in the workplace.
  • 156. Humans thought the world was flat and we would fall off the edge until someone thought the rules of thinking were wrong, challenged and changed them and set about proving that the world is in fact round. Thomas Edison said, “If we did all things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves”. Let go of the old traditional ways of thinking. There are always new ways of doing things, challenge traditional thinking, be innovative in your thinking and encourage it in the workplace. Remove the “It can only be done this way” mind set.
  • 158. Creative talent comes in many forms from cooking, writing, designing or decorating the home or office. Recognizing “Creative Talents” and encouraging them whenever possible will promote creativity and productivity in the workplace.
  • 159. 4 Encourage and Share New Ideas / Imagination
  • 160. Open planning invites conversation and encourages interaction and the sharing of new and imaginative ideas. The downside of Open planning can be interruption from elsewhere in the workplace. With careful balancing between interaction and interruption, fostering creative thinking in the workplace is possible.
  • 162. A tidy workplace stimulates creative thinking. Remove all of the clutter (boxes, unnecessary papers, rubbish etc.) from the workplace. Have a “Quiet Area” within the workplace to finalize and consolidate ideas, or maybe, go to the park for quite reflection and consolidation of ideas.
  • 164. Author Roger Von Oech wrote, “Necessity may be the mother of invention, but play is certainly the father.” A fun office environment is essential to a creative and productive workplace. Inspiration can come in many forms; ie: Music, Art, Plants and Animals can enhance creativity. Creativity is associated with Joy and Love and negativity associated with Fear, Anxiety and Anger. So whenever possible make sure the workplace is a “Fun and Happy” environment. Today’s happiness often predicts tomorrows creativity.
  • 166. Studies have shown creativity is compromised when people in a workgroup compete instead of collaborating. When people compete for information they stop sharing information and that doesn’t stimulate creative thinking. No single individual has got all the information required to complete the creative process. Encourage the sharing of ideas and the ideas will benefit greatly.
  • 168. Ergonomics are a consideration that should be made as a person’s comfort is a big part of their creativity, and the workplace layout is a big part of the creative process.
  • 170. Have regular group meetings or “think tanks” with the Creative Team to discuss ideas for Ad Campaigns or general workplace environment.
  • 172. Flexibility is a key component of the creative workplace. Be willing to try new and different approaches to just about anything and you will see the creative juices flow.
  • 173. “Value and recognize people’s talent and creativity will flourish, and remember Creative Thinking turns great ideas into reality.”
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  • 176. Creativity can be blocked in the workplace in a variety of ways
  • 177. 1 Being To Practical  Being practical is good business sense but can restrict Creative Thinking. Complacency, lack of innovation or not trying new things to inspire and interest people can all block creativity in the workplace.
  • 178. 2 Competition, Not Collaboration  If only one person’s opinion matters then you have an unhealthy workplace. Keeping ideas to yourself can block the growth of the idea, while sharing the idea may enhance it. If there is no collaboration of ideas and no sharing of ideas, the Creative Process is stifled. Too much competition can block creativity while Creative Teams sharing and debating ideas enhances creativity.
  • 179. 3 Seeing Failure As A Negative  Seeing failure as a negative will discourage a person and inhibit their Creative Ideas. Not seeing failure as a stepping-stone to new ideas would block creativity in the workplace.
  • 180. 4 Following The Rules  Following the rules of Standard Business Practice will keep your business moving forward, but too many rules and boundaries or a lack of flexibility can block creativity in the workplace.
  • 181. 5 Inhibiting Creative Talents  Restricting people to one area of work and not allowing interaction and sharing of ideas will block creativity in the workplace, as will failure to look at new and innovative ways of creative thinking.
  • 182. 6 Group Think Mindset  Peer pressure can cause people to agree to something they wouldn’t normally agree to. This “Group Think” mindset stops people from being creative; people will “agree to agree” because the Boss may think a certain way and this blocks peoples creativity in the workplace.
  • 183. 7 Failure to encourage or recognize talent  Failing to recognize talent in people will block their creativity, so it is important to recognize and encourage that talent.
  • 184. 8 Too Many Distractions  Clutter (boxes, papers, note pads, etc.), lack of space, wrong furnishings or the lack of flare can all contribute to blocking creativity in the workplace.
  • 185. 9 Creative Boundaries  If you restrict people in their creative thinking by giving them boundaries then you block their creativity. True creativity has no boundaries or restrictions placed on it so remove as many boundaries as possible in the creative thinking process.
  • 186. 10 No Flexibility  Being practical is good business sense but can restrict Creative Thinking. Complacency, lack of innovation or not trying new things to inspire and interest people can all block creativity in the workplace.
  • 187. Three definitions of creativity Process Tolerating contradictions + Bisociative thinking Content Innovation + Value Outcomes Transformation + Rethinking (From Bilton and Cummings, Creative Strategy (forthcoming)
  • 188. We are moving from industrial societies to knowledge societies Reading ‘Riting ‘Rithmetic - We must realize that it is time to move past the 3Rs :
  • 189. 1. Richness of curriculum 2. Recursion through reflective interaction 3. Relations of new understandings into the larger picture; and 4. Rigor of being a critical consumer and understanding the transitory nature of knowledge (Doll,1993) To the 4 Rs
  • 190. Passive  Active Consumer  Producer Dependent Independent 5th R: Reverse the Role of the Learner
  • 192. Inventive  addresses a worthwhile problem novel and appropriate solution Expressive  Illustrates the creator’s emotions and aesthetics original and valuable
  • 193. Inventive Creativity  Exhibited in mathematics, science, and social arenas  Recognizes and identifies problems that may or may not be apparent to others,  When solved, result in an improvement in the domain
  • 194. Inventive Creativity  Saves and improves lives
  • 195. Inventive Creativity  May produce an intangible product- -such as a social movement Mohandas Ghandi Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • 196. Inventive Creativity  Finds worthwhile problems  Produces solutions of value Watson, Crick, and Franklin (and Wilkins)

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. This template can be used as a starter file for a photo album.