web psychology marketing psychology nathalie nahai nahai content persuasion conversion internet marketing personality content marketing web design sales product design viral copywriting influence copy website web design and development cro culture ux e-commerce social media video psychographics behavioural economics ethics science seo conversion rate optimisation advertising behaviour videos story-telling online tech conversion rate culturability gender marketing and advertising behavior spredfast self-esteem social validation persusion ecommerce extravert big 5 push conference inbounder monetization product management mtpcon adoption mind the product web psychologist keyword optimization trigger words conversion conference appointment dynamic sunk-cost fallacy product opportunity cost hedonic adaptation habit summit endowed progress heuristics internet addiction engineering women leadership medicine diversity stem technology empowerment natandnott food pics phil nottingham contentstrategy images analytics split-test storytelling story commercials communication narrative brand online influence website design image adverstising inbound marketing mirror neurons neural coupling empathy user experience user design hofstede searchlove vocus neuroscience addiction cell phone mobiles digital dopamine social media week habits business and economy geert hofstede websites customer experience the web psychologist mozcon selling retail business
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