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Microservices, containers,
and machine learning
2015-07-23 • PDX
Paco Nathan, @pacoid

O’Reilly Learning
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Spark Brief
Spark Brief: Components
• generalized patterns

unified engine for many use cases
• lazy evaluation of the lineage graph

reduces wait states, better pipelining
• generational differences in hardware

off-heap use of large memory spaces
• functional programming / ease of use

reduction in cost to maintain large apps
• lower overhead for starting jobs
• less expensive shuffles
Spark Brief: Key Distinctions vs. MapReduce
Spark Brief: SmashingThe Previous Petabyte Sort Record
GraphX Examples
Key Points:
• graph-parallel systems
• emphasis on integrated workflows
• optimizations
PowerGraph: Distributed Graph-Parallel Computation on Natural Graphs

J. Gonzalez, Y. Low, H. Gu, D. Bickson, C. Guestrin
Pregel: Large-scale graph computing at Google

Grzegorz Czajkowski, et al.
GraphX: Graph Analytics in Spark

Ankur Dave, Databricks
Topic modeling with LDA: MLlib meets GraphX

Joseph Bradley, Databricks
GraphX: Further Reading…
GraphX: Compose Node + Edge RDDs into a Graph
val nodeRDD: RDD[(Long, ND)] = sc.parallelize(…)
val edgeRDD: RDD[Edge[ED]] = sc.parallelize(…)
val g: Graph[ND, ED] = Graph(nodeRDD, edgeRDD)
import org.apache.spark.graphx._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
case class Peep(name: String, age: Int)
val nodeArray = Array(
(1L, Peep("Kim", 23)), (2L, Peep("Pat", 31)),
(3L, Peep("Chris", 52)), (4L, Peep("Kelly", 39)),
(5L, Peep("Leslie", 45))
val edgeArray = Array(
Edge(2L, 1L, 7), Edge(2L, 4L, 2),
Edge(3L, 2L, 4), Edge(3L, 5L, 3),
Edge(4L, 1L, 1), Edge(5L, 3L, 9)
val nodeRDD: RDD[(Long, Peep)] = sc.parallelize(nodeArray)
val edgeRDD: RDD[Edge[Int]] = sc.parallelize(edgeArray)
val g: Graph[Peep, Int] = Graph(nodeRDD, edgeRDD)
val results = g.triplets.filter(t => t.attr > 7)
for (triplet <- results.collect) {
println(s"${} loves ${}")
GraphX: Example – simple traversals
GraphX: Example – routing problems
What is the cost to reach node 0 from any other
node in the graph? This is a common use case for
graph algorithms, e.g., Dijkstra
GraphX: code examples…
Let’s check
some code!
Graph Analytics
Graph Analytics: terminology
• many real-world problems are often
represented as graphs
• graphs can generally be converted into
sparse matrices (bridge to linear algebra)
• eigenvectors find the stable points in 

a system defined by matrices – which 

may be more efficient to compute
• beyond simpler graphs, complex data 

may require work with tensors
Suppose we have a graph as shown below:
We call x a vertex (sometimes called a node)
An edge (sometimes called an arc) is any line
connecting two vertices
Graph Analytics: example
We can represent this kind of graph as an
adjacency matrix:
• label the rows and columns based 

on the vertices
• entries get a 1 if an edge connects the
corresponding vertices, or 0 otherwise
Graph Analytics: representation
u v w x
u 0 1 0 1
v 1 0 1 1
w 0 1 0 1
x 1 1 1 0
An adjacency matrix always has certain
• it is symmetric, i.e., A = AT
• it has real eigenvalues
Therefore algebraic graph theory bridges
between linear algebra and graph theory
Graph Analytics: algebraic graph theory
Sparse Matrix Collection… for when you really
need a wide variety of sparse matrix examples,
e.g., to evaluate new ML algorithms
University of Florida
Sparse Matrix Collection
Graph Analytics: beauty in sparsity
Algebraic GraphTheory

Norman Biggs

Cambridge (1974)
Graph Analysis andVisualization

Richard Brath, David Jonker

Wiley (2015)
See also examples in: Just Enough Math
Graph Analytics: resources
Although tensor factorization is considered
problematic, it may provide more general case
solutions, and some work leverages Spark:
TheTensor Renaissance in Data Science

Anima Anandkumar @UC Irvine
Spacey RandomWalks and Higher Order Markov Chains

David Gleich @Purdue
Graph Analytics: tensor solutions emerging
Although tensor
problematic, it may provide more general case
solutions, and some work leverages Spark:
TheTensor Renaissance in Data Science
Anima Anandkumar
Spacey RandomWalks and Higher Order Markov Chains
David Gleich
Graph Analytics:
this space
Data Preparation
Data Prep: Exsto Project Overview
• insights about dev communities, via data mining
their email forums
• works with any Apache project email archive
• applies NLP and ML techniques to analyze
message threads
• graph analytics surface themes and interactions
• results provide feedback for communities, e.g.,
Data Prep: Exsto Project Overview – four links
Data Prep: Scraper pipeline
Data Prep: Scraper pipeline
Typical data rates, e.g., for
• ~2K msgs/month
• ~18 MB/month parsed in JSON
Six months’ list activity represents a graph of:
• 1882 senders
• 1,762,113 nodes
• 3,232,174 edges
A large graph?! In any case, it satisfies definition of a 

graph-parallel system – lots of data locality to leverage
Data Prep: idealized ML workflow…
evaluationoptimizationrepresentationcirca 2010
ETL into
train set
test set
data pipelines
actionable results
decisions, feedback
bar developers
foo algorithms
Data Prep: Microservices meet Parallel Processing
archives community
Data Prep
Scraper /
data Unique
Word IDs
not so big data… relatively big compute…
( we’ll come back to this point! )
Data Prep: Scraper pipeline
email list
monthly list
by date
Data Prep: Scraper pipeline
email list
monthly list
by date
"date": "2014-10-01T00:16:08+00:00",
"id": "CA+B-+fyrBU1yGZAYJM_u=gnBVtzB=sXoBHkhmS-6L1n8K5Hhbw",
"next_thread": "CALEj8eP5hpQDM=p2xryL-JT-x_VhkRcD59Q+9Qr9LJ9sYLeLVg",
"next_url": "
"prev_thread": "",
"sender": "Debasish Das <>",
"subject": "Re: memory vs data_size",
"text": "nOnly fit the data in memory where you want to run the iterativenalgorithm....n
tag and
JSON Treebank,
Data Prep: Parser pipeline
tag and
JSON Treebank,
Data Prep: Parser pipeline
"graf": [ [1, "Only", "only", "RB", 1, 0], [2, "fit", "fit", "VBP", 1, 1 ] ... ],
"id": “CA+B-+fyrBU1yGZAYJM_u=gnBVtzB=sXoBHkhmS-6L1n8K5Hhbw",
"polr": 0.2,
"sha1": "178b7a57ec6168f20a8a4f705fb8b0b04e59eeb7",
"size": 14,
"subj": 0.7,
"tile": [ [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4] ... ]
"date": "2014-10-01T00:16:08+00:00",
"id": "CA+B-+fyrBU1yGZAYJM_u=gnBVtzB=sXoBHkhmS-6L1n8K5Hhbw",
"next_thread": "CALEj8eP5hpQDM=p2xryL-JT-x_VhkRcD59Q+9Qr9LJ9sYLeLVg",
"next_url": "
"prev_thread": "",
"sender": "Debasish Das <>",
"subject": "Re: memory vs data_size",
"text": "nOnly fit the data in memory where you want to run the iterativenalgorithm....nnFor
Data Prep: Example data
Example data from the Apache Spark email list 

is available as JSON on S3:
Data Prep: code examples…
Let’s check
some code!
WTF ML Frameworks?
Data Prep
Scraper /
Word IDs
WTF ML Frameworks? Microservices meet Parallel Processing
archives community
Data Prep
Scraper /
data Unique
Word IDs
not so big data… relatively big compute…
• Big Compute, not Big Data: Mb’s per month,
organized as millions of elements in a graph
• The required libraries (NLTK, etc.) are nearly

1000x larger than the data!
• This data does not change, does not need 

to be recomputed…
• Also: assigning unique IDs to entities during
NLP parsing … that doesn’t readily fit Spark’s
compute model (immutable data)
WTF ML Frameworks? Microservices meet Parallel Processing
Personal observation:
• There’s an unfortunate tendency within machine
learning frameworks to try to subsume all of the
data handling within the framework…
• In the case of Spark, app performance would
already be upside-down just by distributing
NLTK across all of the executors
• Also, installing NLTK data can be “interesting”
WTF ML Frameworks? Microservices meet Parallel Processing
Personal observation:
• There’s an unfortunate tendency within machine
learning frameworks to try to subsume all of the
data handling within the framework…
• In the case of Spark, app performance would
already be upside-down just by distributing
NLTK across all of the executors
• Also, installing
WTF ML Frameworks?

ML Frameworks

Keep in mind that “One Size Fits All” is an 

anti-pattern, especially for Big Data tools:
• consider provisioning cost vs. frequency 

of use
• serialization overhead in workflows
• be mindful of crafting the “working set” 

for memory resources
WTF ML Frameworks? Microservices meet Parallel Processing
WTF ML Frameworks? Microservices meet Parallel Processing
instead of OSFA… 

(yes, yes, Big Data `blasphemy`, sigh)
Data Prep
Scraper /
data Unique
Word IDs
Mesos / DCOS
TextRank in Spark
TextRank: original paper
TextRank: Bringing Order intoTexts

Rada Mihalcea, Paul Tarau
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural
Language Processing (July 2004)
TextRank: other implementations
Jeff Kubina (Perl / English):
Paco Nathan (Hadoop / English+Spanish):
Karin Christiasen (Java / Icelandic):
TextRank: Spark-based pipeline
word graph
TextRank: raw text input
TextRank: data results
"Compatibility of systems of linear constraints"
[{'index': 0, 'stem': 'compat', 'tag': 'NNP','word': 'compatibility'},
{'index': 1, 'stem': 'of', 'tag': 'IN', 'word': 'of'},
{'index': 2, 'stem': 'system', 'tag': 'NNS', 'word': 'systems'},
{'index': 3, 'stem': 'of', 'tag': 'IN', 'word': 'of'},
{'index': 4, 'stem': 'linear', 'tag': 'JJ', 'word': 'linear'},
{'index': 5, 'stem': 'constraint', 'tag': 'NNS','word': 'constraints'}]
TextRank: dependencies
TextRank: how it works
TextRank: code examples…
Let’s check
some code!
Social Graph
Social Graph: use GraphX to run graph analytics
// run graph analytics
val g: Graph[String, Int] = Graph(nodes, edges)
val r = g.pageRank(0.0001).vertices
r.join(nodes).sortBy(_._2._1, ascending=false).foreach(println)
// define a reduce operation to compute the highest degree vertex
def max(a: (VertexId, Int), b: (VertexId, Int)): (VertexId, Int) = {
if (a._2 > b._2) a else b
// compute the max degrees
val maxInDegree: (VertexId, Int) = g.inDegrees.reduce(max)
val maxOutDegree: (VertexId, Int) = g.outDegrees.reduce(max)
val maxDegrees: (VertexId, Int) = g.degrees.reduce(max)
// connected components
val scc = g.stronglyConnectedComponents(10).vertices
Social Graph: PageRank of top dev@spark email, 4Q2014
(389,(22.690229478710016,Sean Owen <>))
(857,(20.832469059298248,Akhil Das <>))
(652,(13.281821379806798,Michael Armbrust <>))
(101,(9.963167550803664,Tobias Pfeiffer <>))
(471,(9.614436778460558,Steve Lewis <>))
(931,(8.217073486575732,shahab <>))
(48,(7.653814912512137,ll <>))
(1011,(7.602002681952157,Ashic Mahtab <>))
(1055,(7.572376489758199,Cheng Lian <>))
(122,(6.87247388819558,Gerard Maas <>))
(904,(6.252657820614504,Xiangrui Meng <>))
(827,(6.0941062762076115,Jianshi Huang <>))
(887,(5.835053915864531,Davies Liu <>))
(303,(5.724235650446037,Ted Yu <>))
(206,(5.430238461114108,Deep Pradhan <>))
(483,(5.332452537151523,Akshat Aranya <>))
(185,(5.259438927615685,SK <>))
(636,(5.235941228955769,Matei Zaharia <matei.zaha…>))
// seaaaaaaaaaan!
maxInDegree: (org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, Int) = (389,126)
maxOutDegree: (org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, Int) = (389,170)
maxDegrees: (org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, Int) = (389,296)
Social Graph: code examples…
Let’s check
some code!
Whither Next?
Misc., Etc., Maybe:
Feature learning withWord2Vec

Matt Krzus
by topic
better than
features… models… insights…
O’Reilly Studios, O’Reilly Learning:
O’Reilly Studios, O’Reilly Learning:
Embracing Jupyter Notebooks at O'Reilly
Andrew Odewahn, 2015-05-07
“O'Reilly Media is using our Atlas platform to 

make Jupyter Notebooks a first class authoring
environment for our publishing program.”
Jupyter, Thebe, Docker, Mesos, etc.
Thank you
Just Enough Math
O’Reilly (2014)

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events, conf summaries, etc.:
Intro to Apache Spark

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Contenu connexe


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Microservices, containers, and machine learning

  • 1. Microservices, containers, and machine learning 2015-07-23 • PDX Paco Nathan, @pacoid
 O’Reilly Learning Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
  • 4. • generalized patterns
 unified engine for many use cases • lazy evaluation of the lineage graph
 reduces wait states, better pipelining • generational differences in hardware
 off-heap use of large memory spaces • functional programming / ease of use
 reduction in cost to maintain large apps • lower overhead for starting jobs • less expensive shuffles Spark Brief: Key Distinctions vs. MapReduce
  • 7. GraphX: programming-guide.html Key Points: • graph-parallel systems • emphasis on integrated workflows • optimizations
  • 8. PowerGraph: Distributed Graph-Parallel Computation on Natural Graphs
 J. Gonzalez, Y. Low, H. Gu, D. Bickson, C. Guestrin guestrin.pdf Pregel: Large-scale graph computing at Google
 Grzegorz Czajkowski, et al. computing-at-google.html GraphX: Graph Analytics in Spark
 Ankur Dave, Databricks analytics-in-spark Topic modeling with LDA: MLlib meets GraphX
 Joseph Bradley, Databricks lda-mllib-meets-graphx.html GraphX: Further Reading…
  • 9. GraphX: Compose Node + Edge RDDs into a Graph val nodeRDD: RDD[(Long, ND)] = sc.parallelize(…) val edgeRDD: RDD[Edge[ED]] = sc.parallelize(…) val g: Graph[ND, ED] = Graph(nodeRDD, edgeRDD)
  • 10. // import org.apache.spark.graphx._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD case class Peep(name: String, age: Int) val nodeArray = Array( (1L, Peep("Kim", 23)), (2L, Peep("Pat", 31)), (3L, Peep("Chris", 52)), (4L, Peep("Kelly", 39)), (5L, Peep("Leslie", 45)) ) val edgeArray = Array( Edge(2L, 1L, 7), Edge(2L, 4L, 2), Edge(3L, 2L, 4), Edge(3L, 5L, 3), Edge(4L, 1L, 1), Edge(5L, 3L, 9) ) val nodeRDD: RDD[(Long, Peep)] = sc.parallelize(nodeArray) val edgeRDD: RDD[Edge[Int]] = sc.parallelize(edgeArray) val g: Graph[Peep, Int] = Graph(nodeRDD, edgeRDD) val results = g.triplets.filter(t => t.attr > 7) for (triplet <- results.collect) { println(s"${} loves ${}") } GraphX: Example – simple traversals
  • 11. GraphX: Example – routing problems cost 4 node 0 node 1 node 3 node 2 cost 3 cost 1 cost 2 cost 1 What is the cost to reach node 0 from any other node in the graph? This is a common use case for graph algorithms, e.g., Dijkstra
  • 14. Graph Analytics: terminology • many real-world problems are often represented as graphs • graphs can generally be converted into sparse matrices (bridge to linear algebra) • eigenvectors find the stable points in 
 a system defined by matrices – which 
 may be more efficient to compute • beyond simpler graphs, complex data 
 may require work with tensors
  • 15. Suppose we have a graph as shown below: We call x a vertex (sometimes called a node) An edge (sometimes called an arc) is any line connecting two vertices Graph Analytics: example v u w x
  • 16. We can represent this kind of graph as an adjacency matrix: • label the rows and columns based 
 on the vertices • entries get a 1 if an edge connects the corresponding vertices, or 0 otherwise Graph Analytics: representation v u w x u v w x u 0 1 0 1 v 1 0 1 1 w 0 1 0 1 x 1 1 1 0
  • 17. An adjacency matrix always has certain properties: • it is symmetric, i.e., A = AT • it has real eigenvalues Therefore algebraic graph theory bridges between linear algebra and graph theory Graph Analytics: algebraic graph theory
  • 18. Sparse Matrix Collection… for when you really need a wide variety of sparse matrix examples, e.g., to evaluate new ML algorithms University of Florida Sparse Matrix Collection research/sparse/ matrices/ Graph Analytics: beauty in sparsity
  • 19. Algebraic GraphTheory
 Norman Biggs
 Cambridge (1974) Graph Analysis andVisualization
 Richard Brath, David Jonker
 Wiley (2015) See also examples in: Just Enough Math Graph Analytics: resources
  • 20. Although tensor factorization is considered problematic, it may provide more general case solutions, and some work leverages Spark: TheTensor Renaissance in Data Science
 Anima Anandkumar @UC Irvine renaissance-in-data-science.html Spacey RandomWalks and Higher Order Markov Chains
 David Gleich @Purdue and-higher-order-markov-chains Graph Analytics: tensor solutions emerging
  • 21. Although tensor problematic, it may provide more general case solutions, and some work leverages Spark: TheTensor Renaissance in Data Science Anima Anandkumar renaissance-in-data-science.html Spacey RandomWalks and Higher Order Markov Chains David Gleich and-higher-order-markov-chains Graph Analytics: watch this space carefully
  • 23. Data Prep: Exsto Project Overview • insights about dev communities, via data mining their email forums • works with any Apache project email archive • applies NLP and ML techniques to analyze message threads • graph analytics surface themes and interactions • results provide feedback for communities, e.g., leaderboards
  • 24. Data Prep: Exsto Project Overview – four links
  • 25. Data Prep: Scraper pipeline +
  • 26. Data Prep: Scraper pipeline Typical data rates, e.g., for • ~2K msgs/month • ~18 MB/month parsed in JSON Six months’ list activity represents a graph of: • 1882 senders • 1,762,113 nodes • 3,232,174 edges A large graph?! In any case, it satisfies definition of a 
 graph-parallel system – lots of data locality to leverage
  • 27. Data Prep: idealized ML workflow… evaluationoptimizationrepresentationcirca 2010 ETL into cluster/cloud data data visualize, reporting Data Prep Features Learners, Parameters Unsupervised Learning Explore train set test set models Evaluate Optimize Scoring production data use cases data pipelines actionable results decisions, feedback bar developers foo algorithms
  • 28. Data Prep: Microservices meet Parallel Processing services email archives community leaderboards SparkSQL Data Prep Features Explore Scraper / Parser NLTK data Unique Word IDs TextRank, Word2Vec, etc. community insights not so big data… relatively big compute… ( we’ll come back to this point! )
  • 29. Data Prep: Scraper pipeline message JSON Py filter quoted content Apache email list archive urllib2 crawl monthly list by date Py segment paragraphs
  • 30. Data Prep: Scraper pipeline message JSON Py filter quoted content Apache email list archive urllib2 crawl monthly list by date Py segment paragraphs { "date": "2014-10-01T00:16:08+00:00", "id": "CA+B-+fyrBU1yGZAYJM_u=gnBVtzB=sXoBHkhmS-6L1n8K5Hhbw", "next_thread": "CALEj8eP5hpQDM=p2xryL-JT-x_VhkRcD59Q+9Qr9LJ9sYLeLVg", "next_url": " "prev_thread": "", "sender": "Debasish Das <>", "subject": "Re: memory vs data_size", "text": "nOnly fit the data in memory where you want to run the iterativenalgorithm....n }
  • 32. TextBlob tag and lemmatize words TextBlob segment sentences TextBlob sentiment analysis Py generate skip-grams parsed JSON message JSON Treebank, WordNet Data Prep: Parser pipeline { "graf": [ [1, "Only", "only", "RB", 1, 0], [2, "fit", "fit", "VBP", 1, 1 ] ... ], "id": “CA+B-+fyrBU1yGZAYJM_u=gnBVtzB=sXoBHkhmS-6L1n8K5Hhbw", "polr": 0.2, "sha1": "178b7a57ec6168f20a8a4f705fb8b0b04e59eeb7", "size": 14, "subj": 0.7, "tile": [ [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4] ... ] ] } { "date": "2014-10-01T00:16:08+00:00", "id": "CA+B-+fyrBU1yGZAYJM_u=gnBVtzB=sXoBHkhmS-6L1n8K5Hhbw", "next_thread": "CALEj8eP5hpQDM=p2xryL-JT-x_VhkRcD59Q+9Qr9LJ9sYLeLVg", "next_url": " "prev_thread": "", "sender": "Debasish Das <>", "subject": "Re: memory vs data_size", "text": "nOnly fit the data in memory where you want to run the iterativenalgorithm....nnFor }
  • 33. Data Prep: Example data Example data from the Apache Spark email list 
 is available as JSON on S3: • exsto/original/2015_01.json • exsto/parsed/2015_01.json
  • 34. Data Prep: code examples… Let’s check some code!
  • 35. WTF ML Frameworks? services email archives community leaderboards SparkSQL Data Prep Features Explore Scraper / Parser NLTK data Unique Word IDs TextRank, Word2Vec, etc. com in
  • 36. WTF ML Frameworks? Microservices meet Parallel Processing services email archives community leaderboards SparkSQL Data Prep Features Explore Scraper / Parser NLTK data Unique Word IDs TextRank, Word2Vec, etc. community insights not so big data… relatively big compute…
  • 37. • Big Compute, not Big Data: Mb’s per month, organized as millions of elements in a graph • The required libraries (NLTK, etc.) are nearly
 1000x larger than the data! • This data does not change, does not need 
 to be recomputed… • Also: assigning unique IDs to entities during NLP parsing … that doesn’t readily fit Spark’s compute model (immutable data) WTF ML Frameworks? Microservices meet Parallel Processing
  • 38. Personal observation: • There’s an unfortunate tendency within machine learning frameworks to try to subsume all of the data handling within the framework… • In the case of Spark, app performance would already be upside-down just by distributing NLTK across all of the executors • Also, installing NLTK data can be “interesting” WTF ML Frameworks? Microservices meet Parallel Processing
  • 39. Personal observation: • There’s an unfortunate tendency within machine learning frameworks to try to subsume all of the data handling within the framework… • In the case of Spark, app performance would already be upside-down just by distributing NLTK across all of the executors • Also, installing WTF ML Frameworks? WTF
 ML Frameworks
  • 40. Keep in mind that “One Size Fits All” is an 
 anti-pattern, especially for Big Data tools: • consider provisioning cost vs. frequency 
 of use • serialization overhead in workflows • be mindful of crafting the “working set” 
 for memory resources WTF ML Frameworks? Microservices meet Parallel Processing
  • 41. WTF ML Frameworks? Microservices meet Parallel Processing instead of OSFA… 
 (yes, yes, Big Data `blasphemy`, sigh) containerized microservices Flask Redis email archives SparkSQL Data Prep Features Explore Scraper / Parser NLTK data Unique Word IDs Mesos / DCOS Spark executors
  • 43. TextRank: original paper TextRank: Bringing Order intoTexts 
 Rada Mihalcea, Paul Tarau Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (July 2004)
  • 44. TextRank: other implementations Jeff Kubina (Perl / English): Textrank-0.51/lib/Text/Categorize/Textrank/ Paco Nathan (Hadoop / English+Spanish): Karin Christiasen (Java / Icelandic):
  • 45. TextRank: Spark-based pipeline Spark create word graph RDD word graph NetworkX visualize graph GraphX run TextRank Spark extract phrases ranked phrases parsed JSON
  • 47. TextRank: data results "Compatibility of systems of linear constraints" [{'index': 0, 'stem': 'compat', 'tag': 'NNP','word': 'compatibility'}, {'index': 1, 'stem': 'of', 'tag': 'IN', 'word': 'of'}, {'index': 2, 'stem': 'system', 'tag': 'NNS', 'word': 'systems'}, {'index': 3, 'stem': 'of', 'tag': 'IN', 'word': 'of'}, {'index': 4, 'stem': 'linear', 'tag': 'JJ', 'word': 'linear'}, {'index': 5, 'stem': 'constraint', 'tag': 'NNS','word': 'constraints'}] compat system linear constraint 1: 2: 3:
  • 52. Social Graph: use GraphX to run graph analytics // run graph analytics val g: Graph[String, Int] = Graph(nodes, edges) val r = g.pageRank(0.0001).vertices r.join(nodes).sortBy(_._2._1, ascending=false).foreach(println) // define a reduce operation to compute the highest degree vertex def max(a: (VertexId, Int), b: (VertexId, Int)): (VertexId, Int) = { if (a._2 > b._2) a else b } // compute the max degrees val maxInDegree: (VertexId, Int) = g.inDegrees.reduce(max) val maxOutDegree: (VertexId, Int) = g.outDegrees.reduce(max) val maxDegrees: (VertexId, Int) = g.degrees.reduce(max) // connected components val scc = g.stronglyConnectedComponents(10).vertices node.join(scc).foreach(println)
  • 53. Social Graph: PageRank of top dev@spark email, 4Q2014 (389,(22.690229478710016,Sean Owen <>)) (857,(20.832469059298248,Akhil Das <>)) (652,(13.281821379806798,Michael Armbrust <>)) (101,(9.963167550803664,Tobias Pfeiffer <>)) (471,(9.614436778460558,Steve Lewis <>)) (931,(8.217073486575732,shahab <>)) (48,(7.653814912512137,ll <>)) (1011,(7.602002681952157,Ashic Mahtab <>)) (1055,(7.572376489758199,Cheng Lian <>)) (122,(6.87247388819558,Gerard Maas <>)) (904,(6.252657820614504,Xiangrui Meng <>)) (827,(6.0941062762076115,Jianshi Huang <>)) (887,(5.835053915864531,Davies Liu <>)) (303,(5.724235650446037,Ted Yu <>)) (206,(5.430238461114108,Deep Pradhan <>)) (483,(5.332452537151523,Akshat Aranya <>)) (185,(5.259438927615685,SK <>)) (636,(5.235941228955769,Matei Zaharia <matei.zaha…>)) // seaaaaaaaaaan! maxInDegree: (org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, Int) = (389,126) maxOutDegree: (org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, Int) = (389,170) maxDegrees: (org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, Int) = (389,296)
  • 54. Social Graph: code examples… Let’s check some code!
  • 56. Misc., Etc., Maybe: Feature learning withWord2Vec
 Matt Krzus ranked phrases GraphX run Con.Comp. MLlib run Word2Vec aggregated by topic MLlib run KMeans topic vectors better than LDA? features… models… insights…
  • 58. O’Reilly Studios, O’Reilly Learning: Embracing Jupyter Notebooks at O'Reilly Andrew Odewahn, 2015-05-07 “O'Reilly Media is using our Atlas platform to 
 make Jupyter Notebooks a first class authoring environment for our publishing program.” Jupyter, Thebe, Docker, Mesos, etc.
  • 60. presenter: Just Enough Math O’Reilly (2014)
 preview: monthly newsletter for updates, 
 events, conf summaries, etc.: Intro to Apache Spark
 O’Reilly (2015)