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Private Instances 
Patrick Meenan 
The Basics 
● Presentation is available on slideshare 
○ Mostly contains links to everything I’ll be showing 
● Video will be uploaded to YouTube 
● I’ll send links and announcements of both to Twitter and Google+ 
○ - @patmeenan 
WPT Web Server 
Sites being tested 
System Architecture 
Desktop Agent 
Node.js Mobile Agent 
Mobitest Agent
WPT Web Server 
Sites being tested 
Data Flow 
Submit test (UI or API) 
- Creates test ID 
- Creates directory for test 
- Writes test job to work directory for location 
- Adds test to queue file (lossy, can be re-built from the work directory) 
tmp/<location hash>.queue 
- Redirects to result page
WPT Web Server 
Sites being tested 
Poll for test status 
WPT Web Server 
Sites being tested 
Poll for work for location 
WPT Web Server 
Sites being tested 
- Launch Browser 
- Navigate to page 
- Measure/Collect Data
WPT Web Server 
Sites being tested 
Upload large files individually 
(images, tcpdump, timeline, etc) 
WPT Web Server 
Sites being tested 
Complete run 
(or full test if all runs are done) 
WPT Web Server 
Sites being tested 
View completed test 
Server Config 
● Any server that can run php 
○ Linux tends to work best 
○ Can run on the same PC as test agents if needed 
● Copy www/ directory from distribution to site docroot 
● Configure rewrites for friendly URLs (optional) 
○ .htaccess included for apache 
○ nginx.conf can be included into nginx server config 
● Fix anything that http://<server>/install/ complains about 
○ PHP ini settings: allow_url_fopen, memory and post file size limits 
○ PHP modules: GD, zip, zlib, curl, apc, sqlite 
○ Command-line utilities: ffmpeg, imagemagick, jpegtran, exiftool 
○ Filesystem permissions (and directories)
Nginx config 
server { 
listen 80; 
root /var/www; 
location ~ .php$ { 
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /var/www$fastcgi_script_name; 
fastcgi_param HTTP_MOD_REWRITE On; 
include fastcgi_params; 
include /var/www/nginx.conf; 
Server WPT Config 
● Copy/modify settings/*.sample 
○ settings/settings.ini 
■ Contact information 
■ Maximum number of runs 
■ Screen shot quality 
■ Show Slow integration 
■ Test archiving (covered later) 
○ settings/locations.ini 
■ Definition for all of the test locations
label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” 
browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 
label=”New York” 
browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta 
label=”New York” 
label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” 
browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 
label=”New York” 
browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta 
label=”New York” 
List of the group IDs in order to be displayed
label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” 
browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 
label=”New York” 
browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta 
label=”New York” 
“Location ID”s that are part of the group in the 
order the browsers are to be displayed. 
String displayed for the “Test Location”
label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” 
browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 
label=”New York” 
browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta 
label=”New York” 
These are the location ID’s the agents connect to 
and that are used when submitting tests through 
the API
label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” 
browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 
label=”New York” 
browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta 
label=”New York” 
All of the browsers from all of the locations in a 
group are collected and displayed in the Browser 
select box.
label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” 
browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 
label=”New York” 
browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta 
label=”New York” 
All of the agents for a given location ID must 
support all of the browsers listed
label=”New York” 
browser=IE 10 
label=”New York” 
browser=IE 11 
label=”New York” 
browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta 
label=”New York” 
A single agent can pull from multiple locations 
(configure it as a comma-separated list). 
label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” 
group=North America 
browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 
label=”New York” 
browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta 
label=”New York” 
Add map=1 to settings.ini
label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” 
group=North America 
browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 
label=”New York” 
browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta 
label=”New York” 
label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” 
browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 
label=”New York” 
connectivity="Google Fiber (1Gbps)" 
When traffic shaping is not supported. 
Shows up in the UI as the connectivity information.
label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” 
browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 
label=”New York” 
connectivity="Google Fiber (1Gbps)" 
Shared key for securing agent communications 
label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” 
browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 
label=”New York” 
connectivity="Google Fiber (1Gbps)" 
Expected number of agents (for alerting)
label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” 
browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 
label=”New York” 
connectivity="Google Fiber (1Gbps)" 
Email addresses for alerting when agents stop 
label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” 
browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 
label=”New York” 
connectivity="Google Fiber (1Gbps)" 
Hide the location from the UI (still works through the API 
and from http://<server>/?hidden=1 )
Desktop Agent Config 
● Prepare Windows 
○ Auto logon 
○ Disable screen savers and screen power management (never sleep) 
○ Disable UAC 
○ Copy agent/* to local disk (c:/webpagetest/ in the examples) 
○ Install dummynet (optional for traffic shaping) 
○ Create startup shortcut to wptdriver.exe (and urlblast.exe if used) 
● Install browsers 
○ Firefox can self-install (necessary for updates) 
● Configure wptdriver.ini 
○ Server URL 
○ Location ID 
○ Browsers
Time Limit=120 
;Automatically install and update support software (Flash, Silverlight, etc) 
options='--load-extension="%WPTDIR%extension" --user-data-dir="%PROFILE%" --no-proxy-server' 
exe="%PROGRAM_FILES%Mozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe" 
options='-profile "%PROFILE%" -no-remote' 
exe="%PROGRAM_FILES%Internet Exploreriexplore.exe"
EC2 Test Agents 
● AMI’s available in all regions 
○ IE8-11, Chrome, Firefox, Safari 5 (Windows) 
● Pass configuration through user data when launching 
○ wpt_loc=EC2_East 
● No need to ever touch/login to instance 
● Kill/Start as needed 
● c1.medium or better recommended
EC2 Test Agents - User Data
EC2 Test Agents - Locations
Sites being tested 
WPT Web Server 
Mobile Agent (Node) 
Node.js Mobile Agent
Mobile Agents - Android 
● Android 4.4+ recommended 
● Root (Nexus and Moto phones are easiest) 
● Install Chrome and Chrome Beta from Play store 
● Configure Play to auto-update 
● Disable screen lock (security settings) 
● Configure developer mode 
○ Enable USB debugging 
○ Disable screen sleep
Mobile Agents - iOS (alpha) 
● Jailbreak 
● install/configure iOS webkit debug proxy 
● build openurl ipa 
○ Needs to be signed with your dev key
Mobile Agents - Tethered host config 
● Linux or Windows (Mac may work) 
○ Multiple phones per tethered agent 
● Node.js 
● imagemagick 
● Launch wptdriver.bat (or 
● Config is passed by command-line 
○ Device ID 
○ Server URL 
○ Location ID 
● Windows - consider using adbwatch 
○ Kills/restarts adb is it gets hung 
○ Launches/restarts agents if they crash
Sites being tested 
WPT Web Server 
Mobile Agent (Node) - Cell Network 
Node.js Mobile Agent
Sites being tested 
WPT Web Server 
Mobile Agent (Node) - RNDIS 
Node.js Mobile Agent 
WPT Web Server 
Sites being tested 
Mobile Agent (Node) - WiFi 
Node.js Mobile Agent 
IPFW Bridge 
WiFi Access (Optional) 
Priority Queues 
● Tests are pulled from queues based on test priority 
● 10 Priority levels (0-9) 
○ 0 = highest, 9 = lowest 
● Defaults 
○ 0 - Tests submitted through the UI 
○ 4 - Bulk tests submitted through the UI 
○ 5 - Tests submitted through the API 
● Queue lengths reported on location check UI 
○ http://<server>/getLocations.php 
API Keys 
settings/keys.ini (disabled if file is missing) 
description=Web UI 
description=API Key 
description=API Key 
API Keys 
description=Web UI 
description=API Key 
Arbitrary string 
used for hashing keys sent to browser 
(I usually use GUIDs)
API Keys 
description=Web UI 
description=API Key 
Server API key 
To be used by the Web UI
API Keys 
description=Web UI 
description=API Key 
Each API key defined as 
an ini file section
API Keys 
description=Web UI 
description=API Key 
Contact info shows up in 
usage stats
API Keys 
description=Web UI 
description=API Key 
Allowed “Page Loads” per day 
(tests x runs) 
x 2 if also recording repeat view
API Keys 
description=Web UI 
description=API Key 
Forced test priority 
Defaults to 5 for API 
(can be specified in request)
API Keys 
description=Web UI 
description=API Key 
Minimal key configuration
Intranet WPT Web Server 
Desktop Agent 
Private Sites 
Public Desktop 
Public Sites
Server Lock-down 
● Use keys for test locations 
● Open access to /work/* for test agents 
● Auth access (or IP rules) for rest of the UI
WPT Web Server 
Private Sites 
Desktop Agent 
Public Desktop 
Public Sites 
WPT Relay 
Relay Server 
● Configure locations for public agents 
● Configure API keys for internal instance to use for relay 
● add headless=1 to settings.ini 
○ Disbles UI for submitting tests, requires API key for all tests 
● Results are pulled back to internal instance 
○ never visible on external
Relay Server - locations.ini 
● Configure locations.ini like normal on the relay server 
● Local server configures 1:1 mapping of locations 
○ forwarded to the relay server 
browser=IE 11,Chrome,Firefox 
label="EC2 East (Public)" 
relayServer="http://<relay server>/" 
relayKey=<your API key> 
Config like normal location 
API Key and Location ID 
on the Relay Server
Results Storage 
● Each test is self-contained in a directory under results/ 
● Grouped by year, month and day 
○ results/YY/MM/DD/… 
● Prune old tests? Delete directories.
Results Archiving 
● WPT can seamlessly restore missing tests from “archive” 
● Supports archiving to local path or S3-like storage 
● Configure archive settings in settings.ini 
● Test copied to archive after it completes (as 1 zip file per test) 
● To delete old archived tests need to run/schedule script 
○ php cli/archive.php 
● Local Path: 
○ zip files copied to specified directory 
○ YY/MM/DD/<hash>/<id>.zip 
● S3-like 
○ zip files uploaded to bucket with <id>.zip filename 
○ Can restore from URL or S3 API
Results Archiving - Local Path 
● Settings.ini 
○ archive_dir=/archive/ 
○ archive_days=2 
● Local Path: 
○ zip files copied to specified directory 
○ YY/MM/DD/<hash>/<id>.zip 
● 2nd Level archiving 
○ settings.ini: archive2_dir=/mnt/archive/ 
○ archive zip files merged into daily zip files 
○ cli/archive2.php archive script
Results Archiving - S3 
● Settings.ini 
○ archive_s3_key=<access key> 
○ archive_s3_secret=<secret> 
○ archive_s3_bucket=<bucket> 
● zip files uploaded to bucket with <id>.zip filename 
● Can use URL access to restore 
○ Defaults to using API 
○ archive_s3_url=
Bulk Testing in the UI (Private Instances)
Bulk Testing in the UI (Private Instances) 
● Can be disabled through settings.ini 
○ noBulk=1 
● Submit list of URLs to test 
● UI options apply to each test 
● Scripts can be run against each URL 
○ %URL% in script gets replaced with test URL 
○ %HOST% in script gets replaced with host from test URL 
○ %HOSTR% in script gets replaced with host from URL after redirects 
● Aggregate results
API - Submitting a test 
● Anything you can do with the UI you can do with the API 
○ If a field isn’t documented, just inspect the HTML on the UI to get the 
field name :-) 
● Make sure to encode parameters 
○ urlencode if GET 
○ form encode if POST
API Response 
Node API Wrapper 
Created by Marcel Duran (@marcelduran) 
$ npm install webpagetest -g 
webpagetest test -k <key> 
webpagetest status 140610_F0_T5K 
webpagetest results 140610_F0_T5K 
webpagetest test --poll 5 --timeout 60
CI Integration 
Match result to provided specs 
"median": { 
"firstView": { 
"requests": 20, 
"render": 400, 
"loadTime": 3000, 
"score_gzip": { 
"min": 90 
CI Integration cont. 
Uses Mocha with reporters suitable for integration with: 
● Jenkins 
● Travis-CI 
● Just about anything else you can imagine
Created by Tim Kadlec (@tkadlec)
Results logging 
● As each test comes in, full result data is written to log files 
○ Page Data (load time, Speed index, requests, custom metrics, etc) 
○ Request Data (details for every individual request) 
● Each test run or request is on it’s own log file line 
● JSON-formatted 
● Config information is included 
○ Test URL 
○ Run # 
○ First/Repeat View 
○ Test label 
○ Location 
○ Browser 
○ Connectivity 
○ Test ID 
○ URL to test result
Results logging - integration 
● Splunk 
● Logster 
○ Logster -> StatsD = Arbitrary metrics trending automatically 
● Track individual requests across all pages 
○ ads JS performance 
○ CDN response times 
○ Effectiveness of image compression 
○ so much more
Benchmarks (Private Instances) 
● Still pretty experimental 
● Recurring tests run automatically 
○ Configuration is a bit ugly but flexible 
● Tests are scheduled, run and aggregated automatically 
○ Top-level trended aggregate view 
○ All-metrics trended aggregate view 
○ Per-page trended view 
○ Scatter Plot for a given run 
○ Filmstrip comparisons
Monitoring the System 
● Hourly Agent Monitoring 
● getLocations.php 
● getTesters.php 
● checkTesters.php 
● Custom cron jobs/scripts
Feedback Please!
Thank You!

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Velocity 2014 nyc WebPagetest private instances

  • 1. WebPagetest Private Instances Patrick Meenan @patmeenan
  • 2. The Basics ● Presentation is available on slideshare ○ ○ Mostly contains links to everything I’ll be showing ● Video will be uploaded to YouTube ○ ● I’ll send links and announcements of both to Twitter and Google+ ○ - @patmeenan ○
  • 3. WPT Web Server Sites being tested System Architecture Desktop Agent Node.js Mobile Agent Mobitest Agent
  • 4. WPT Web Server Sites being tested Agent Data Flow Submit test (UI or API) http://<server>/runtest.php User
  • 5. Server: - Creates test ID YYMMDD_<hash>_<num> - Creates directory for test results/YY/MM/DD/<hash>/<num> - Writes test job to work directory for location work/jobs/<location>/<ID>.<priority> - Adds test to queue file (lossy, can be re-built from the work directory) tmp/<location hash>.queue - Redirects to result page
  • 6. WPT Web Server Sites being tested Agent Poll for test status http://<server>/result/<ID>/ User
  • 7. WPT Web Server Sites being tested Agent User Poll for work for location http://<server>/work/getwork.php
  • 8. WPT Web Server Sites being tested Agent User - Launch Browser - Navigate to page - Measure/Collect Data
  • 9. WPT Web Server Sites being tested Agent User Upload large files individually (images, tcpdump, timeline, etc) http://<server>/work/resultimage.php
  • 10. WPT Web Server Sites being tested Agent User Complete run (or full test if all runs are done) http://<server>/work/workdone.php
  • 11. WPT Web Server Sites being tested Agent View completed test http://<server>/result/<ID>/ User
  • 12. Server Config ● Any server that can run php ○ Linux tends to work best ○ Can run on the same PC as test agents if needed ● Copy www/ directory from distribution to site docroot ● Configure rewrites for friendly URLs (optional) ○ .htaccess included for apache ○ nginx.conf can be included into nginx server config ● Fix anything that http://<server>/install/ complains about ○ PHP ini settings: allow_url_fopen, memory and post file size limits ○ PHP modules: GD, zip, zlib, curl, apc, sqlite ○ Command-line utilities: ffmpeg, imagemagick, jpegtran, exiftool ○ Filesystem permissions (and directories)
  • 13. Nginx config server { listen 80; server_name; root /var/www; location ~ .php$ { fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /var/www$fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_param HTTP_MOD_REWRITE On; include fastcgi_params; } include /var/www/nginx.conf; }
  • 15. Server WPT Config ● Copy/modify settings/*.sample ○ settings/settings.ini ■ Contact information ■ Maximum number of runs ■ Screen shot quality ■ Show Slow integration ■ Test archiving (covered later) ○ settings/locations.ini ■ Definition for all of the test locations
  • 17. [locations] 1=Group_1 2=Group_2 default=Group_1 [Group_1] 1=NYC 2=NYC_Mobile label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” [NYC] browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 label=”New York” [NYC_Mobile] browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta label=”New York” [Group_2] ...
  • 18. [locations] 1=Group_1 2=Group_2 default=Group_1 [Group_1] 1=NYC 2=NYC_Mobile label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” [NYC] browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 label=”New York” [NYC_Mobile] browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta label=”New York” [Group_2] ... List of the group IDs in order to be displayed
  • 19. [locations] 1=Group_1 2=Group_2 default=Group_1 [Group_1] 1=NYC 2=NYC_Mobile label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” [NYC] browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 label=”New York” [NYC_Mobile] browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta label=”New York” [Group_2] ... “Location ID”s that are part of the group in the order the browsers are to be displayed. String displayed for the “Test Location”
  • 20. [locations] 1=Group_1 2=Group_2 default=Group_1 [Group_1] 1=NYC 2=NYC_Mobile label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” [NYC] browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 label=”New York” [NYC_Mobile] browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta label=”New York” [Group_2] ... These are the location ID’s the agents connect to and that are used when submitting tests through the API
  • 21. [locations] 1=Group_1 2=Group_2 default=Group_1 [Group_1] 1=NYC 2=NYC_Mobile label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” [NYC] browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 label=”New York” [NYC_Mobile] browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta label=”New York” [Group_2] ... All of the browsers from all of the locations in a group are collected and displayed in the Browser select box.
  • 22. [locations] 1=Group_1 2=Group_2 default=Group_1 [Group_1] 1=NYC 2=NYC_Mobile label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” [NYC] browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 label=”New York” [NYC_Mobile] browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta label=”New York” [Group_2] ... All of the agents for a given location ID must support all of the browsers listed
  • 23. [NYC] browser=Chrome,Firefox label=”New York” [NYC_IE10] browser=IE 10 label=”New York” [NYC_IE11] browser=IE 11 label=”New York” [NYC_Mobile] browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta label=”New York” A single agent can pull from multiple locations (configure it as a comma-separated list). location=NYC,NYC_IE10
  • 24. [locations] 1=Group_1 2=Group_2 default=Group_1 [Group_1] 1=NYC 2=NYC_Mobile label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” lat=40.712918 lng=-74.005469 group=North America [NYC] browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 label=”New York” [NYC_Mobile] browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta label=”New York” [Group_2] ... Add map=1 to settings.ini
  • 25. [locations] 1=Group_1 2=Group_2 default=Group_1 [Group_1] 1=NYC 2=NYC_Mobile label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” lat=40.712918 lng=-74.005469 group=North America [NYC] browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 label=”New York” [NYC_Mobile] browser=Motorola G - Chrome,Motorola G - Chrome Beta label=”New York” [Group_2] ...
  • 26. [locations] 1=Group_1 2=Group_2 default=Group_1 [Group_1] 1=NYC 2=NYC_Mobile label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” [NYC] browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 label=”New York” connectivity="Google Fiber (1Gbps)" key=123456 agents=6, hidden=1 When traffic shaping is not supported. Shows up in the UI as the connectivity information.
  • 27. [locations] 1=Group_1 2=Group_2 default=Group_1 [Group_1] 1=NYC 2=NYC_Mobile label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” [NYC] browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 label=”New York” connectivity="Google Fiber (1Gbps)" key=123456 agents=6, hidden=1 Shared key for securing agent communications (optional)
  • 28. [locations] 1=Group_1 2=Group_2 default=Group_1 [Group_1] 1=NYC 2=NYC_Mobile label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” [NYC] browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 label=”New York” connectivity="Google Fiber (1Gbps)" key=123456 agents=6, hidden=1 Expected number of agents (for alerting)
  • 29. [locations] 1=Group_1 2=Group_2 default=Group_1 [Group_1] 1=NYC 2=NYC_Mobile label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” [NYC] browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 label=”New York” connectivity="Google Fiber (1Gbps)" key=123456 agents=6, hidden=1 Email addresses for alerting when agents stop connecting.
  • 30. [locations] 1=Group_1 2=Group_2 default=Group_1 [Group_1] 1=NYC 2=NYC_Mobile label=”New York (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Android)” [NYC] browser=Chrome,Firefox,IE 11 label=”New York” connectivity="Google Fiber (1Gbps)" key=123456 agents=6, hidden=1 Hide the location from the UI (still works through the API and from http://<server>/?hidden=1 )
  • 31. Desktop Agent Config ● Prepare Windows ○ Auto logon ○ Disable screen savers and screen power management (never sleep) ○ Disable UAC ○ Copy agent/* to local disk (c:/webpagetest/ in the examples) ○ Install dummynet (optional for traffic shaping) ○ Create startup shortcut to wptdriver.exe (and urlblast.exe if used) ● Install browsers ○ Firefox can self-install (necessary for updates) ● Configure wptdriver.ini ○ Server URL ○ Location ID ○ Browsers
  • 32. wptdriver.ini [WebPagetest] url= location=Test browser=chrome Time Limit=120 ;key=TestKey123 ;Automatically install and update support software (Flash, Silverlight, etc) software= [chrome] exe="%PROGRAM_FILES%GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe" options='--load-extension="%WPTDIR%extension" --user-data-dir="%PROFILE%" --no-proxy-server' installer= [Firefox] exe="%PROGRAM_FILES%Mozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe" options='-profile "%PROFILE%" -no-remote' installer= template=firefox [Safari] exe="%PROGRAM_FILES%SafariSafari.exe" [IE] exe="%PROGRAM_FILES%Internet Exploreriexplore.exe"
  • 33. EC2 Test Agents ● AMI’s available in all regions ○ IE8-11, Chrome, Firefox, Safari 5 (Windows) ● Pass configuration through user data when launching ○ wpt_loc=EC2_East ● No need to ever touch/login to instance ● Kill/Start as needed ● c1.medium or better recommended
  • 34. EC2 Test Agents - User Data
  • 35. EC2 Test Agents - Locations
  • 36. Sites being tested WPT Web Server Mobile Agent (Node) Node.js Mobile Agent
  • 37. Mobile Agents - Android ● Android 4.4+ recommended ● Root (Nexus and Moto phones are easiest) ● Install Chrome and Chrome Beta from Play store ● Configure Play to auto-update ● Disable screen lock (security settings) ● Configure developer mode ○ Enable USB debugging ○ Disable screen sleep
  • 38. Mobile Agents - iOS (alpha) ● Jailbreak ● install/configure iOS webkit debug proxy ● build openurl ipa ○ Needs to be signed with your dev key
  • 39. Mobile Agents - Tethered host config ● Linux or Windows (Mac may work) ○ Multiple phones per tethered agent ● Node.js ● imagemagick ● Launch wptdriver.bat (or ● Config is passed by command-line ○ Device ID ○ Server URL ○ Location ID ● Windows - consider using adbwatch ○ Kills/restarts adb is it gets hung ○ Launches/restarts agents if they crash
  • 40. Sites being tested WPT Web Server Mobile Agent (Node) - Cell Network Node.js Mobile Agent
  • 41. Sites being tested WPT Web Server Mobile Agent (Node) - RNDIS Node.js Mobile Agent IPFW (Optional)
  • 42. WPT Web Server Sites being tested Mobile Agent (Node) - WiFi Node.js Mobile Agent IPFW Bridge WiFi Access (Optional) Point
  • 43. Priority Queues ● Tests are pulled from queues based on test priority ● 10 Priority levels (0-9) ○ 0 = highest, 9 = lowest ● Defaults ○ 0 - Tests submitted through the UI ○ 4 - Bulk tests submitted through the UI ○ 5 - Tests submitted through the API ● Queue lengths reported on location check UI ○ http://<server>/getLocations.php
  • 45. API Keys settings/keys.ini (disabled if file is missing) [server] secret=7a5c742c021c414ca0dd1bec42e8f64b key=acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692 [acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692] description=Web UI limit=0 [6d3a661b7401486b8a5d4f78962f8b80] description=API Key limit=5000 priority=8 [acd5ffd840094cdda054a0b7e57d4546] description=API Key limit=100
  • 46. API Keys [server] secret=7a5c742c021c414ca0dd1bec42e8f64b key=acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692 [acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692] description=Web UI limit=0 [6d3a661b7401486b8a5d4f78962f8b80] description=API Key limit=5000 priority=8 [acd5ffd840094cdda054a0b7e57d4546] limit=100 Arbitrary string used for hashing keys sent to browser (I usually use GUIDs)
  • 47. API Keys [server] secret=7a5c742c021c414ca0dd1bec42e8f64b key=acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692 [acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692] description=Web UI limit=0 [6d3a661b7401486b8a5d4f78962f8b80] description=API Key limit=5000 priority=8 [acd5ffd840094cdda054a0b7e57d4546] limit=100 Server API key To be used by the Web UI
  • 48. API Keys [server] secret=7a5c742c021c414ca0dd1bec42e8f64b key=acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692 [acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692] description=Web UI limit=0 [6d3a661b7401486b8a5d4f78962f8b80] description=API Key limit=5000 priority=8 [acd5ffd840094cdda054a0b7e57d4546] limit=100 Each API key defined as an ini file section
  • 49. API Keys [server] secret=7a5c742c021c414ca0dd1bec42e8f64b key=acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692 [acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692] description=Web UI limit=0 [6d3a661b7401486b8a5d4f78962f8b80] description=API Key limit=5000 priority=8 [acd5ffd840094cdda054a0b7e57d4546] limit=100 Contact info shows up in usage stats
  • 50. API Keys [server] secret=7a5c742c021c414ca0dd1bec42e8f64b key=acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692 [acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692] description=Web UI limit=0 [6d3a661b7401486b8a5d4f78962f8b80] description=API Key limit=5000 priority=8 [acd5ffd840094cdda054a0b7e57d4546] limit=100 Allowed “Page Loads” per day (tests x runs) x 2 if also recording repeat view
  • 51. API Keys [server] secret=7a5c742c021c414ca0dd1bec42e8f64b key=acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692 [acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692] description=Web UI limit=0 [6d3a661b7401486b8a5d4f78962f8b80] description=API Key limit=5000 priority=8 [acd5ffd840094cdda054a0b7e57d4546] limit=100 Forced test priority Defaults to 5 for API (can be specified in request)
  • 52. API Keys [server] secret=7a5c742c021c414ca0dd1bec42e8f64b key=acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692 [acdd95754c654042a526847acb96f692] description=Web UI limit=0 [6d3a661b7401486b8a5d4f78962f8b80] description=API Key limit=5000 priority=8 [acd5ffd840094cdda054a0b7e57d4546] limit=100 Minimal key configuration
  • 53. Firewalls... Intranet WPT Web Server Desktop Agent Private Sites Public Desktop Agent Public Sites
  • 54. Server Lock-down ● Use keys for test locations ● Open access to /work/* for test agents ● Auth access (or IP rules) for rest of the UI
  • 55. WPT Web Server Firewalls... Private Sites Intranet Desktop Agent Public Desktop Agent Public Sites WPT Relay Server
  • 56. Relay Server ● Configure locations for public agents ● Configure API keys for internal instance to use for relay ● add headless=1 to settings.ini ○ Disbles UI for submitting tests, requires API key for all tests ● Results are pulled back to internal instance ○ never visible on external
  • 57. Relay Server - locations.ini ● Configure locations.ini like normal on the relay server ● Local server configures 1:1 mapping of locations ○ forwarded to the relay server [Public_EC2_East] browser=IE 11,Chrome,Firefox label="EC2 East (Public)" relayServer="http://<relay server>/" relayKey=<your API key> relayLocation=EC2_East Config like normal location API Key and Location ID on the Relay Server
  • 58. Results Storage ● Each test is self-contained in a directory under results/ ● Grouped by year, month and day ○ results/YY/MM/DD/… ● Prune old tests? Delete directories.
  • 59. Results Archiving ● WPT can seamlessly restore missing tests from “archive” ● Supports archiving to local path or S3-like storage ● Configure archive settings in settings.ini ● Test copied to archive after it completes (as 1 zip file per test) ● To delete old archived tests need to run/schedule script ○ php cli/archive.php ● Local Path: ○ zip files copied to specified directory ○ YY/MM/DD/<hash>/<id>.zip ● S3-like ○ zip files uploaded to bucket with <id>.zip filename ○ Can restore from URL or S3 API
  • 60. Results Archiving - Local Path ● Settings.ini ○ archive_dir=/archive/ ○ archive_days=2 ● Local Path: ○ zip files copied to specified directory ○ YY/MM/DD/<hash>/<id>.zip ● 2nd Level archiving ○ settings.ini: archive2_dir=/mnt/archive/ ○ archive zip files merged into daily zip files ○ cli/archive2.php archive script
  • 61. Results Archiving - S3 ● Settings.ini ○ ○ archive_s3_key=<access key> ○ archive_s3_secret=<secret> ○ archive_s3_bucket=<bucket> ● zip files uploaded to bucket with <id>.zip filename ● Can use URL access to restore ○ Defaults to using API ○ archive_s3_url=
  • 62. Bulk Testing in the UI (Private Instances)
  • 63. Bulk Testing in the UI (Private Instances) ● Can be disabled through settings.ini ○ noBulk=1 ● Submit list of URLs to test ● UI options apply to each test ● Scripts can be run against each URL ○ %URL% in script gets replaced with test URL ○ %HOST% in script gets replaced with host from test URL ○ %HOSTR% in script gets replaced with host from URL after redirects ● Aggregate results
  • 64. API - Submitting a test ● Anything you can do with the UI you can do with the API ○ If a field isn’t documented, just inspect the HTML on the UI to get the field name :-) ● Make sure to encode parameters ○ urlencode if GET ○ form encode if POST
  • 65. API Response { "statusCode":200, "statusText":"Ok", "data":{ "testId":"140610_FY_N2F", "ownerKey":"04121a1e5b17a59ba9ddd666ae020cf52cee4abe", "jsonUrl":"", "xmlUrl":"", "userUrl":"", "summaryCSV":"", "detailCSV":"" } }
  • 66. Node API Wrapper Created by Marcel Duran (@marcelduran) $ npm install webpagetest -g webpagetest test -k <key> webpagetest status 140610_F0_T5K webpagetest results 140610_F0_T5K webpagetest test --poll 5 --timeout 60
  • 67. CI Integration Match result to provided specs { "median": { "firstView": { "requests": 20, "render": 400, "loadTime": 3000, "score_gzip": { "min": 90 } } } }
  • 68. CI Integration cont. Uses Mocha with reporters suitable for integration with: ● Jenkins ● Travis-CI ● ● Just about anything else you can imagine
  • 69. grunt-perfbudget Created by Tim Kadlec (@tkadlec)
  • 70. Results logging ● As each test comes in, full result data is written to log files ○ Page Data (load time, Speed index, requests, custom metrics, etc) ○ Request Data (details for every individual request) ● Each test run or request is on it’s own log file line ● JSON-formatted ● Config information is included ○ Test URL ○ Run # ○ First/Repeat View ○ Test label ○ Location ○ Browser ○ Connectivity ○ Test ID ○ URL to test result
  • 71. Results logging - integration ● Splunk ● Logster ○ Logster -> StatsD = Arbitrary metrics trending automatically ● Track individual requests across all pages ○ ads JS performance ○ CDN response times ○ Effectiveness of image compression ○ so much more
  • 72. Benchmarks (Private Instances) ● Still pretty experimental ● Recurring tests run automatically ○ Configuration is a bit ugly but flexible ● Tests are scheduled, run and aggregated automatically ○ Top-level trended aggregate view ○ All-metrics trended aggregate view ○ Per-page trended view ○ Scatter Plot for a given run ○ Filmstrip comparisons
  • 73. Monitoring the System ● Hourly Agent Monitoring ● getLocations.php ● getTesters.php ● checkTesters.php ● Custom cron jobs/scripts