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Common causes of dyeing defects
1.The material is not well prepared for dyeing and printing
 Material having dead fibres or other defective fibres
 Left over of Chemicals after bleaching etc.
 Material not properly desized.
 Material not properly mercerised.
 Absorbency of the fabric not proper
 Sticking of insoluble material on the fibres
 Impurities are not removed properly
 Uneven heat treatment.
2.Water Quality not Proper
 More Hardness of water
 Water has metal ions such as iron.
 pH of water not proper
 Water having more chlorine
3. Due to Shortcomings in making Dyeing Solution
 Improper weight ratio of colours, material and chemicals.
 Improper material to water ratio
• Improper filtering of concentrated colours
4. Due to Shortcomings in the dye machinery
• Coming out of Dye liquor during dyeing
• Defective instruments controlling temperature, pressure speed etc.
Influence of Fiber Related Properties on
Dyeing behavior

  Un-drawn or partially oriented yarns - Easy to dye. – Low Molecular
   orientation –Rapid dyeing.
  Drawn material – higher Molecular orientation – dye slowly.
  Synthetic fibers are produced at various draw ratio (low – staple fibers to
   high values – draw bulked yarn)
  Material having relatively small differences in their rates of dyeing – but
   very considerable differences in color. .
• The differences arise in the strike stage of the dyeing
   Why uneven dyeing occurs?

1. Improper leveling of dyes -
    – Effectiveness of the redistribution of dye during the subsequent leveling
    – If the leveling action is poor, as in carrier dyeing at 98°C or when dyes of
      poor migration properties have been used,
    – The effects of small variations in spinning and drawing conditions may
      be expected to show as variations in color in dyed materials.

For Staple Fibers,
    – The problem is more difficult, but of less practical significance,
2. The Effects of Heat and Tension

• Yarns and fibers are subjected – heat or of mechanical stress or both
• The effects of variation in temperature or in tension during heat
  treatment are more severe .
• And can produce relatively large color differences if the differently treated
  fibers are dyed in the same bath.
• Reduction in rate of dyeing between. 130°C and 150°C, followed by
  leveling off.
• Uniform tension over the yarn during H.S, leads to perform better leveling
3. The Effects of fiber lubricants and spotting agents

 Fibre Lubricants -- Source of variation – can affect quality of the dye bath
 After long storage , they can also produce significant local alterations in
  the rates of migration of dyes in the fibre
 Spotting agents sometimes applied to loom stains by weavers, and
  produce localized dark spots that show up after dyeing.
 For this reason, the use of such spotting agents outside the dye works is
  to be discouraged.
4. The Effects of Fiber Structure

• Drawing the fiber - Growth of highly ordered regions – oriented along the
  axis of fiber
• Heat treatment induces further growth in these highly ordered regions at
  the expense of less ordered regions.
• Number, size, spacing and distribution of these highly ordered regions

   That these influence, the number and arrangement of chain folds in the
5. Carriers

 Fibre becomes more open structure or less ordered regions around the
  structural dislocations contain spaces just large enough to admit the
  molecules of disperse dyes under the influence of thermal agitation.
 Thermal agitation – leads to increases in the rate of diffusion of dyes at
 Suitable carriers are used to locate uniform striking of dyes.
6.Barre Effects: Differences in the rate effect.
• Differ in the fractions of their internal volumes that are available for the
  absorption of dyes
• Differences in the dye uptake during initial dye transfer,
    –   Rate of diffusion
    –   Differences in the accessibility of this available region.
               – Accessibility – a property of the less ordered regions of fibre structure.
               – Availability – associated with an internal area.
• How to Reduce barre effect ?
    – High temperature leveling treatment, possibly in the presence of a small
      amount of a suitable carrier
    – May increased by the presence of carrier during the early stages of dyeing.
    – Drawing – hot stretching produce decreases in both availability and accessibility
      as the general orderliness of the fiber structure increases.
7. Ring Dyed Material in Synthetic yarn

•  Most of the dye present on the fiber surface layer less than one third of
  the radius of the fiber in depth.
• Causes: dyeing time, bath temperature or the level of carrier addition to
  the bath is inadequate.
• Even high temperature dyeing can be ring dyed if insufficient time has
  been allowed for the full penetration of slowly migrating dyes.
Some common dyeing problems
 1. Un levelness
 • cause – improper dyeing conditions.
 • Ending problems

       causes                           countermeasures

1.   unstable dye dispersion      1. select dyes with better dispersion stability, use efficient
                                  dispersants .
2.   unsuitable dye combination    2. Attention should be given to uniform dye behaviour .
3.   wrong dyeing program          3. Optimum dyeing process should be followed .
Cloudy dyeing

           Causes                                Countermeasures
 1. inadequate pre-treatment               1. select optimum conditions and
 2. channelling due to irregular winding   2. pay particular attention to winding of
                                           the material
 3. poor circulation of the goods due to   3. adjust the machine more carefully
 interruptions, knots, etc.
 4. too much foam in the dyebath           4. use antifoams, e.g. Antimussol brands
 5. wrong dyeing programme                 5. Optimum dyeing process
Pale Areas

  Causes                           Countermeasures
  1. Inadequate Pre-treatment      1. Select optimum conditions and
  2. Air pockets in the material   2. Use special chemicals, e.g. wetting
  (e.g. cheeses)                   agent / defoamer combinations, or
                                   greater pressure
2. Unlevelness
        cause: due to material.
 Causes                                  Countermeasures
 1. Variations in temperature during     1. -adapt dye selection
 fibre manufacture(texturizing), draft       - select higher dyeing temperature
 differences                                 - select suitable carriers and
                                             - possibly set fibres at a higher
 2. Variations in the density of the     2. Relax material thoroughly
 material (weaving, knitting)
3. Unlevelness
        cause: due to other reasons.

      Causes                                           Countermeasures
      1. inadequate pretreatment (e.g. desizing)       1. pay attention to perfect
      2. fibres of different origins in the material   2. pay particular attention to
                                                       the appropriate dyeing
                                                       process and programme
      3. poorer solidity on both components of
      fibre blends
      4. irregular thread tension during weaving
      or warp knitting

    Causes                                     Countermeasurement
    1. Inconsistent setting temperature        1. select special dyes (small-
    2. Irregular tension in the material due   2. relax material thoroughly
    to weaving or warp knitting
    3. Poorly wound material                   3. pay particular attention to
    4. Rolled in selvedges due to irregular    4. -set the goods
    tension in the material (weaving, warp        - size the selvedges
    knitting)                                     - check the weaving or
                                               knitting machine
Pale areas after dyeing.

          Causes                          Countermeasures

  effect of aggressive vapours          -efficient ventilation of vapours and
  (e.g. acid, chlorite, formaldehyde)   gases
                                        - avoid contact with dangerous
Deviation of shade
 Causes                                    Countermeasure
 1. dye sensitivity to hydrolysis,         1. -select dyes carefully, control pH
 reduction, electrolyte                    exactly
                                           (buffer system)
                                             - pay attention to stability of dye to
 2. dye sensitivity to metal ions in the   2. use suitable sequestering agent
 3. dyes of different chemical             3. pay particular attention to selection
 constitution affect each other (rare)     of dyes and chemicals
 4. dye buildup affected by chemicals      4. carry out lab tests
 (retarding effect)
Causes                                 Countermeasure
5. different dyeing programmes         5. pay attention to consistent dyeing
6. different liquor ratios             6. pay attention to consistent dyeing
7. dye shows differences in standard   7. check supplies
8. unsuitable dye combination          8. pay attention to behaviour of
                                       individual elements
9. sedimentation of liquid dyes        9. stir before removal from container
10. bath exhaustion affected by        10. adapt dye selection and process
reserve of adjacent fibre
5. Fastness properties
Unexpectedly poor light fastness

  causes                                  countermeasure

  1. carrier residues on fabric           1. repeat thermo fixation (at higher
  (inadequate thermo fixation)            temperature)

  2. stained adjacent fibre               2. adapt dyeing process, select
                                          appropriate dyes

  3. catalytic fading due to unsuitable   3. adjust dye selection
  dye combination
Unexpectedly poor wet and rub fastness

 causes                                   countermeasures

 1. thermomigration due to finishing and 1. adjust dye and chemical selection
 softening chemicals

 2. inadequate dye fixation due to too    2. Optimize dyeing process, reduction
 short dyeing time or too low fixation    clear

 3. stained adjacent fibre                3. Improve dyeing process
6. Spots, marks
Precipitates in the dye-bath

  causes                                     countermeasures
  1. dye precipitates due to poor         1. - pay special attention to dispersing
  dispersion or dyes with poor dispersion instructions
  stability                               - pay attention to dye selection
                                          (dispersion stability)
                                          - use dispersants
  2. dye crystallization due to variations   2. pay attention to perfect liquor
  in temperature in the dyebath              circulation
  3. coloured spots due to dye deposits      3. pay attention to cleanness in the
  on the machine                             machine
causes                             countermeasure

4. use of volatile carriers        4. select suitable carriers, use overhead
                                   heating in the machine

5. silicones in the dyebath        5. use silicone-free de foamers

6. unstable chemicals              6. select suitable chemicals

7. oil and spinning preparations   7. thorough pre treatment

8. oligomers in the dyebath        8. drop dyebath hot, shorter dyeing time,
                                   use special chemicals
•     Singeing droplets
causes                                          countermeasures
1. as a result of singeing before dyeing,       1. singe after dyeing
fibre tips exhibit higher affinity for dyes .

•     Change of shade (e.g. blue spots in brilliant red shades)
causes                                          countermeasures

1. dye is sensitive to metal ions               1. use a sequestering agent
2. alkali residues                              2. neutralize the goods

3. finishing chemicals                          3. scour and select finishing chemicals
•   Dark spots
causes                                    countermeasures

1. solvent residues from pre treatment    1. complete removal of solvents

•    Specks
causes                                   countermeasures

1. contamination of the material by      2. do not store material near dyes; use
dyestuff dust                            low dusting dyes

•   Dirt spots

causes                                   countermeasures
1. contamination of the material by      1. pay attention to clean machines and
rust, oil, graphite, etc.                clean working methods
7. Appearance of the goods
• Dimensional stability (shrinkage)

causes                                  countermeasures
1. insufficient relaxation during pre   1. adapt relaxation and setting to
treatment                               material in question
2. Inadequate setting of material       2. adapt relaxation and setting to
                                        material in question
3. lengthwise distortion caused         3. adjust dyeing machine to material
by dyeing machine
• Creasing
causes                                   countermeasures

1. inadequate pre treatment              1. select optimum pre treatment conditions
(scouring, relaxation, setting)
2. due to quality of goods (structure,   2. adjust dyeing machine to material, select
e.g. tightly woven fabric, weight)       correct setting temperature, adjust stenter
3. poor suitability of dyeing machine    3. select more suitable dyeing machine

4. too heavy batch of fabric             4. add a lubricant, e.g. lmacol brand

5. incorrect loading of machine          5. add a lubricant, e.g. lmacol brand

6. dyeing process (heating, cooling)     6. adjust temperature programme, add a
                                         lubricant, e.g. lmacol brand
•Chafe marks

causes                                      countermeasures

1. mechanical friction due to overloading   1. add a lubricant e.g. lmacol brand

2. rough patches in the machine             2. add a lubricant e.g. lmacol brand

3. stationary material in the running       3. add a lubricant e.g. lmacol brand
machine (knots)

4. too high machine speed                   4. add a lubricant e.g. lmacol brand
•Stitch distortion (knits)

causes                                   countermeasures
1. inadequate pre treatment              1. selection optimum pre treatment
(relaxation, setting)                    conditions
2. mechanical effects, e.g. passage of   2.straight seams along weft and stitches
goods in machine, squint seams

•Moire effects (on beam)

 causes                                  countermeasures
 1. inadequate pre treatment             1. -select suitable setting conditions
 (setting, rolling up)                       - roll up carefully
•    Lustre
causes                                     countermeasures
1. physical change in fibre due to local  1. avoid prolonged contact of stationary
pressure and high temperature on material material with the hot machine
2. excessive setting                       2. select suitable setting temperature

•    Handle
causes                                               countermeasures
1. unfavourable conditions between machine and       1. select optimum conditions
2. inadequate pre treatment                          2. can be corrected during finishing
(relaxation, setting)
3. wrong dyeing programme                            3. can be corrected during finishing
(temperature / time)
•    Pilling (staple fibres)

causes                                       countermeasures
1. susceptible fibre origin (also in fibre   1. select fibres carefully, use selected
blends)                                      softeners
2. inconsistent dimensional stability due    2. setting
to shrinkage (fibres protrude from fibre
8. Thermosol dyeing problems
• Listing
causes                               countermeasures
1. one-sided liquor feed into the    1. check injection pipe or mount a distribution plate
2. different nip roller pressure     2. check rollers (pickup) regularly
3. unlevel migration in              3. -check temperature and air current over the entire
intermediate drying                  width in the drier
                                         - avoid migration by using lowest possible pickup
                                     and a suitable migration inhibitor.
                                     Select dyes with little tendency to migrate.
4. uneven thermosolling or fixation 4. check fixation units regularly with thermopaper or
of dyes due to temperature          temperature sensors
differences                         - use more reliable dyes with as little sensitivity as
                                    possible to temperature deviations
causes                            countermeasures
1. deflecting roller touched on   1. check injection pipe or mount a distribution plate
one side only
2. deflecting roller stationary   2. check rollers (pickup) regularly
3. pad rollers not the same       3. - check temperature and air current over the entire
                                  width in the drier
                                     - avoid migration by using lowest possible pickup and
                                  a suitable migration inhibitor.
                                  Select dyes with little tendency to migrate.

4. uneven drying from side to     4. - check fixation units regularly with thermopaper or
side                              temperature sensors
                                  - use more reliable dyes with as little sensitivity as
                                  possible to temperature deviations
• Ending

causes                 countermeasures
1. dye substantivity   1. - with lndigosol dyes add Lyogen WL
                       - use a smaller volume of liquor
                       - dye at higher fabric speed
2. dye sedimentation   2. - keep the liquor in motion
                       - keep the temperature below 35°C
•    Dark or pale selvedges

causes                                        countermeasures

1. one-sided liquor feed into the trough      1. check liquor feed

2. narrow goods impregnated on a wide         2. move to a suitable machine
3. worn rollers, rollers bend due to over     3. check the nip pressure, reduce pressure if
compensation                                  necessary, change rollers if necessary, chick
4. varying drying conditions over the width   4. check the air jets and circulation
of the goods
5. alkali residues in the goods               5. add acetic acid to the padliquor for pH 5-6
•    Barry dyeings

causes                                        countermeasures
1. uneven jet pressure in the drier           1. check the air jets

2. inadequate evenness of tension in drier,   2. check guidance of goods in drier
crease formation

3. alkali residues in the goods               3. add acetic acid to padliquor for pH5-6
Defects in Sulphur Dyeing

• Uneven Dyeing and Oxidation Marks

This may occur due to:

a. Lower strength of sodium sulphide
b. Using improper amount of sodium sulphide.
c. Sodium sulphide does not wash off fully after washing.
d. Variation in temperature.
e. If colours are not dissolved properly, or colours are not of good quality
f. If the chemical used for oxidation is not of good quality
g. Fabrics are not worked upon properly at the time of dyeing.

This defect normally occurs in heavy shades. Given below are the reasons:

1. More time gap between dyeing and washing
2. Using more of less strength sodium sulphide
3. Using more salt.
4. Oxidiser doesn't get washed off properly during washing
5. Sodium sulphide doesn't get washed off properly during washing.
6. More presence of iron and copper ions in water.
• Poor colourfastness to rubbing
   the reasons are :
   a. type of colour
   b. Lower strength of sodium sulphide
   c. Poor absorbency of the fabric
   d. Fabric is not washed properly
   e. The quality of soap used for washing is not proper
   f. Dyeing bath made of iron instead of steel
   g. Frequent addition of colours and chemicals
   h. Using Cationic finishing agent in finishing also lowers the colourfastness to rubbing
   i. Improper colour solution, Improper material to liquor ratio etc.
Roughness in Fabric
The reasons are:
1.Using more amount of sodium sulphide that doesn't get washed off during washing.
2. Heavier shade
3. Improper washing
4. Not using anionic softening agent in finishing
5. Not using wetting agent.


Tendering in the fabric takes place because sulphur is converted into sulphuric acid after
oxidation which is harmful for the cellulosic fibers. This defect can occur on account of not
proper washing of the fabric after dyeing which results in retaining of sulphuric acid on the
Defects in Dyeing with Reactive Dyes

• Colours are not fast to washing, Abrasion; Staining in the fabric when
  transporting from place to the other, water marks on the fabric .
• Bleeding in colours during washing, abrasion .
• The fabric has been dyed in darker shade, uneven dyeing .
• Uneven dyeing, marks of water, marks of colours.
• The fabric has become stiff and rough after dyeing .
• Colour staining of fabric, uneven dyeing .
• Colour staining in fabrics of darker shade, uneven dyeing
Defect in Vat Dyeing
• Poor Colorfastness in Vat Dyeing
    the reasons
•     Frequent addition of colors in the dye bath to match the shade. It disturbs the
      equlibrium between colors and chemicals.
•     Improper oxidation
•     Improper washing
•     Some peculiar colors such as blue and brown also leads to this defect.
•     Hardness in the water used
•     Mixing of incompatible colors
•     Usage of large quantities of reducing agent and alkali
•     Improper temperature
•     Improper wringing of the cloth
•     Faults in the machine
•     Not using essential chemicals such as dispersing agent or leveling agents.
•     Dyeing in a finished cloth ( Resin or Silicon Finish)
•Listing defects in vat dyeing

The reasons are:
• Improper batching.
• Non Uniformity in the selvedge
• Redyeing of the fabric
• Foam on the two sides of the jigger.
• Slippage of the fabric from the roller during dyeing.
• Shortcomings in the machine such as malfunctioning of guide roll,
  expander roller or improper squeezing.
• Improper filteration of the colors, improper circlation of the liquor during
  dyeing. Difference in temperature of liquor in the centre and at the ends.
• Mixing of colors which are not properly compatible.
• Improper singeing
Uneven Shade (shading
OR listing)

 • differences in the shade of
   a fabric from edge to edge
   or one end of a fabric to
   the other Called selvedge-
   to-selvedge (or selvedge to
   center) shading or end-to-
   end shading respectively.
— Often caused in jig dyeing through difference of temperatures between
  the selvedges & centre of the batched up fabric on the jig roller.
— by uneven batching of the cloth on the roller.


   Minor                  Major                  Serious
   Not reckoned           Up to 15 cm along      > 15 cm along the
                          the length             length
Patchy/ streaky/ uneven
 • The fabric is characterized by
   an area of light or heavy dyeing
   along and across the width of
   fabric. Also, light or heavy dyed
   patches or light and dark
   streaks appear on the fabric. It
   also includes shade variation
   and light or heavy dyeing on
  • Improper scouring.
  • Cloth fed to the dyeing machine not crease free.
  • Proper time & temperature not given in dyeing.
  • Defective padding roller.
  • Fluff or thread on the fabric or in the color in the dye stuffs.


Minor                     Major                           Serious
Up to 1 sq. cm            1 sq cm to 6 sq. cm             >6 sq cm
Shade Bar

• shade change in fabric
  which appears as a
  horizontal       selvedge-to
  selvedge change. Caused
  by a filling change (new
  filling bobbin) or loom stop
  and subsequent start up
• Improper scouring
• Defective padding roller
• Proper time & temperature not given in
• Difference in count/ fiber composition
  of weft yarn.


  Minor           Major                          Serious
  Not reckoned    Up to 15 cm along the length   > 15 cm along the length
Dyestuff Stain
  • An unwanted color mark on a fabric
    qualifies as a dye stain.

  • Improper scouring.
  • Improper mixing of dye stuffs.

Minor            Major              Serious
Up to 1 sq. cm   1 sq cm to 6 sq. cm >6 sq cm
White Spot
•  The fabric is characterized by a white spot on
   otherwise well dyed adjacent fabric.
• Improper scouring.
• The mixture used for dyeing is not
• Colors not properly dissolved.
• Proper time & temperature not given in

Minor            Major              Serious
Up to 1 sq. cm   1 sq cm to 6 sq. cm >6 sq cm
Color Crocking
• color in a dyed fabric which rubs off
  rather easily onto other fabric
• Causes-
   – May be caused by inadequate
      soaping at the completion of
      dyeing cycle.
   – Due to faulty or improper
      dyeing        procedures,     OR
      preparation of the fabric prior
      to dyeing, OR imperfections in
      the fabric itself.
• Most frequently occurring
  imperfections – result
  from dyeing processes
Tender spots
               • Places in the fabric which
                 have been excessively
                 weakened, usually by
                 exposure to processing
                 chemicals. When the
                 entire fabric is weakened,
                 it is referred to as Tender
                 goods. Also occurs in
                 printing and finishing
Stained, streaked
• A discolored area on
  the cloth. Caused by
  foreign matter such
  as dirt, grease, oil or
  residues of sizing on
  the fabric being dyed
Color bleeding
• loss of color from a dyed
  fabric when immersed in a
  liquid. Liquid subsequently
  becomes colored
Off shade
• an expression referring
  to the fact the color of
  the dyed fabric does
  not match the std.
  color or referenced
        •    In woven fabrics, a horizontal band off-shaded yarns extending from
            selvedge to selvedge caused by differences in filling yarn size or
            difference in tension of warp or filing yarns
Defect caused by
hanging thread
• A break in the pattern of the
  printed fabric caused by
  hanging thread
• Loose threads in the fabric not
  trimmed before printing.
  Non-mendable .

Not         Prominent   Not
prominent               reckoned
Misprint or absence of

 • A misprint can be one or more
   of the following
     – The printing is not per as required
       the required design.
     – The outlines and the colors in the
       design are not remain at its proper
     – A bare place without any printing.
• The design is not set properly.
• Unequal pressure at different places during printing.
• Design not properly engraved/ screened.
• Improper cloth used for printing.
• Improper stitching of cloth.
• Cloth fed with uneven tension to the printing machine.
• Improper storage or cleaning of the screen.

Minor             Major                            Serious
Not reckoned      Up to 15 cm along the length     > 15 cm along the length
Uneven printing

 • In a printed fabric the
   design at one place is bold
   as required, while at other
   place the same is hazy ,
   light and unclear.
• Uneven pressure on printing rollers & doctor blade.
• Uneven lapping of central drum in printing machine.
• Diameter of printing roller is uneven.
• Printing paste level not maintained.
• Defective doctor blade.
• Printing table is not proper.

Minor             Major                           Serious
Not reckoned      Up to 15 cm along the length    > 15 cm along the length
Blurred (dark) patch
• Unwanted blotch or bar in a
  printed/ dyed fabric results in
  a blurred patch
— Improper scouring.
— Unclean doctor blade & printing roller.
— Doctor blade not properly aligned.


   Minor                  Major               Serious
   Not reckoned           Up to 15 cm along   > 15 cm along the
                          the length          length
Water mark

• An unwanted ripple effect/ light
  mark produced on the fabric is
  known as water mark.
— Improper scouring.
— Surface pressure of one layer on another.
— Contamination with water prior to tinting or dyeing on the padding
  mangle resulting in a reduction of intake of dye liquor.


   Minor                  Major                  Serious
   Not reckoned           Up to 15 cm along      > 15 cm along the
                          the length             length
• A misfit is a print defect caused
  by improper alignment of the
  screens. Also known as “out of
  registration,” misfits leave
  unprinted areas in the design.
  For example, a green leaf may
  overlap its black outline or
  print over another color. Up to
  10 % of printed goods
  designated as first quality
  contain some level of misfit.
• A stick-in occurs when a
  small fiber or piece of
  lint gets stuck in the
  screen opening. The
  result is a small pen tip
  sized unprinted circle in
  the design. A stick-in is
  very difficult to see and
  often goes unnoticed
  during a long run.
• A scrimp defect occurs
  when the fabric creases
  underneath one of the
  screens     during    the
  printing process. The
  pattern is then printed
  on top of the crease,
  leaving a large unprinted
  area when the fabric
  returns to its relaxed
• Wicking, also known as
  flushing, occurs when the
  printed area bleeds out into
  the unprinted area. The result
  is a “haloing” or shadowing
  effect around the outline of
  the pattern design. Residual
  salts left in the fabric during
  resin finishing and / or poor
  fabric preparation often cause
After printing some
spots occur on
printed fabric
Print color
Can occur due to
uneven roller or
squeegee pressure
while printing paste
is applied
Flipped yarn               MAIN CAUSE:
• The part that look like   •Insufficient penetration of color paste.
                            •Treatment after printing is not carried out
  scratches because the
  warp & weft have
  turned upside down
Bleeding                 MAIN CAUSE:
                          •Too low viscosity of color paste.
• A printed motif blurs   •Too high concentration of dyestuff in print
  & as a result the       paste.
  outline of design       •The amount of color paste printed or
  appears unclear         amount of hygroscopic agent used is too
Blebbiness               • A part of printed surface became blebby
                            with a rough appearance like that of

•Unsuitability of color
paste viscosity.
•Screen mesh.
•Uneven adhesion.
• The printed cloth is piled up after insufficient
Staining during        drying or apart of the cloth touches another
steaming               during steaming.

•Poorly washed
printing table.
•Irregular (high )
steam &
Slight touching         MAIN CAUSE:
                         •Slow replenishment of color paste.
• Some area in a motif   •Uneven squeegee pressure.
  has pale spots.        •A squeegee with inappropriate hardness.
                         •Bad squeegee relay.
                         •Uneven surface of printing table.
                         •Inappropriate viscosity of color paste.
                                                      •Inappropriate use of
• Disfigured designs or overlapped motifs
Poorly adjusted

 adjustments of the
 belt-drive and point.
• Designs printed are a little off.
Double printing

•Disfigured designs.
•Poor engraving.
•Poor cloth adhesion.
Pressing paste by      • A frame mark appears in the printed area.

•Poor belt-drive and
frame installation.
• defect created by the print head’s movement over the substrate.
• If the head is not properly aligned, or if the substrate advances
  unevenly, the result is a slight horizontal “band” or line of unprinted
• Banding can be reduced or prevented :-
    – with nozzle redundancy and multiple passes by the scanning print
    – In addition, banding is naturally reduced by most fabric substrates.
• occurs when the inkjet nozzle fails to send a drop of ink onto the fabric.
  Similar to a stick-in, the result is a small, unprinted area. In addition to
  misfires, nozzle clogging also plays a big role in digital defects.
• When an inkjet nozzle clogs, the pattern may lose some or all of one
  colour. Fortunately, the inkjet drop is tiny, and most misfires and clogs
  are not seen if the printer has been designed with nozzle redundancy.
Incorrect Fabric Handling
• Fabric handling also plays a role in the creation of defects with digital
  printing. Because most digital printers use a scanning head to print
  across the width of the fabric, the fabric must remain perfectly still or
  the image can be distorted.
• One of the biggest fabric handling related defects occurs when the
  fabric buckles or gets wrinkled, causing the scanning inkjet head to
  come in contact with the fabric. The result is a nasty ink smear and
  possibly a damaged print head.
Defects         Description
Fading          The loss of colour brilliance through exposure to factors such as
                sunlight or cleaning agents.
Frosting        A change of fabric colour caused by localized abrasive wear, such as
                that occurring at collar points or garment creases.
Fume Fading     A change of shade in dyed fabric caused by the chemical reaction of
                certain disperse dyes with atmospheric contaminants such as burnt
                gas fumes and ozone.
Fuzzy Pattern   Design lines in printed fabrics that are meant to be sharp
                demarcations of colour but that are muted or blurred.
Migration       The transfer of colour from one area of the fabric to another.
Defects        Description
Metamerism     A phenomenon, also known as flare, that is observed when
               materials are viewed under different light sources. The spectral
               reflectance curves are not identical, so the viewer sees one color
               under one light source (incandescent) and a different color under
               another light source (fluorescent).
Off Grain      Lacking trueness. In printing, the design is transferred to the fabric
               so the design of the fabric is not aligned with the yarns.
Off Register   Lacking color alignment. In printing fabrics, the color separation is
               imperfect, producing a situation in which the different color
               components of the design are not aligned.
Defects         Description
Crease Streak   Occurs in tubular knits. Results from creased fabric passing through
                squeeze rollers in dyeing process.
                Depending on the product; usually Major for fashion outerwear,
                Minor for underwear.
Color Smear     The result of color being smeared during printing.

Color Out       The result of color running low in reservoir on printing machine

Back Fabric     Backing fabric is often used to cushion fabric being printed. If there
Seam            is a joining seam in the backing fabric, an impression will result on
Impression      printed fabric.

Mottled         Color applied unevenly during printing
Condition wherein the weft and warp yarns do not keep at
Bowing   right angles.
• Improper stretch during scouring, dyeing or finishing.
• Uneven tension during weaving/ processing.
The entangling of fibers
during washing, dry
cleaning or while being
worn form balls or pills and
stand on the surface of a
fabric and are of such
density that light cannot
pass through them.
• Span length not maintained in spinning.
• Broken filament or low twist yarn.
• More abrasion on surface of cloth during processing.

      MINOR             MAJOR              SERIOUS
      Not prominent     Prominent          Not reckoned
Askewed or Bias
• Condition where filling yarns are not square with wrap yarns on woven
  fabrics or where courses are not square with wale lines on knits.
• Improper stretch during scouring, dyeing or finishing.
• Uneven tension during weaving/ processing.
Sanforize Pucker

• Fabric will appear wavy or puckering when spread on cutting table.

• Results from uneven wetting out on sanforize; usually caused by
  defective spray heads.
• Difficult to detect during inspection on inspection machine with fabric
  under roller tension.
Pin Holes

• Holes along selvage caused by pins holding fabric while it processes
  through tenter frame.
• Major> if pin holes extend into body of fabric far enough to be visible
  in the finished product.
Crease Mark

• Differs from crease streak in that streak will probably appear for
  entire roll.
• Crease mark appears where creases are caused by fabric folds in the
  finishing process.
• On napped fabric, final pressing may not be able to restore fabric or
  original condition.
• Often discoloration is a problem.
Selvedge torn

• Usually caused by excessive tension while processing through tenter
Various finishing processes
Aesthetics finishes   Description
Parchmentizing        A finishing process to give cellulosic fabrics such
                      characteristics as transparency, linen-like hand, and texture.
Softening             Softening agents are frequently used to improve the hand
                      and drape of fabric. The most commonly used softeners are
                      oils, fats, wax emulsions, soaps and synthetic detergents,
                      and silicone compounds. Silicone compounds produce
                      relatively durable softening.
Stiffening            Some fabrics need to be made stiffer and more crisp than
                      they would otherwise be in order to meet an intended end
                      use. Stiffening may be done by any of several chemical
                      finishes, all applied by pad and either dried or cured. Starch
                      is widely used but starch finishes are temporary.
Aesthetic finishes   Description
Plissé               This is a permanent finish, produced on cotton by the
                     treatment of sodium hydroxide to produce a puckered or
                     crinkled fabric.
Embossing            This is a process to produce a raised design or pattern in
                     relief on fabrics by passing the cloth between hot engraved
                     rollers that press the design into the fabric.
Surface/ texture     Description
Napping              Napping uses a series of 24-30 cylinders covered with
                     fine metal wires bent into small hooks, to produce a
                     thick, raised fiber surface on fabrics produced from
                     loosely twisted staple-fiber yarns.
Sueding              A process similar to napping, it is a mechanical finish
                     that produces a soft, suede-like surface on the fabric.
Luster finishes   Description
Calendering       A finishing process producing a flat, glossy, and smooth surface
                  by passing the fabric under pressure between cylinders.
Ciré              Ciré is a highly polished fabric produced by impregnating the
                  fabric with wax or a thermoplastic material and then passing it
                  through friction rollers.
Glazing           A process that produces a smooth, high polish on the surface of
                  the fabric.
Moiré             A moiré finish is characterized by a soft luster and an optical
                  effect, which is created by interference between light rays
                  reflected from the crushed and uncrushed parts of the fabric.
Schreinering      A finishing process where the fabric is passed under pressure
                  between an engraved steel calender roller and a smooth roller.
                  The engraved roller has 180-360 fine lines embossed.
Luster finishes   Description
Delusterants      A process of dulling the luster of manufactured fibers, yarns, or fabrics
                  with pigments or chemical treatment.
Optical           Optical brighteners are used in finishing to maintain white and bright
Brighteners       fabrics. They adhere to the fabric and create an appearance of
                  whiteness or brightness by the way they reflect light; they absorb
                  ultraviolet light and reflect it as visible blue light.
Care finishes     Description
Durable Press     This finish provides garments with shape retention, durable pleats and
                  pressed creases, durably smooth seams, and wrinkle resistance.
Soil Release      A finish that increases the absorbency of a fabric, and which makes it
                  easier to remove soil and stains in washing.
Care finishes         Description
Stain- and Soil-      Stain and soil-resistant finishes reduce the rate of soil deposition on a
resistant Finishes    fabric either by creating an electric charge that repels the soil or by
                      producing a smooth surface to which soil will not adhere.
Durability finishes   Description
Abrasion-resistant Abrasion-resistant finishes are used on fabrics subject to prolonged
Finish             abrasive wear such as pockets, waistband lining, and hatbands.
Slip-resistant        Finishes applied to a fabric to reduce or eliminate yarn slippage and
Finishes              reduce seam fraying are called antislip, slip-resistant,or nonslip
Compressive           Used for woven cotton, tubular knit cotton, linen and rayon; the
Shrinkage             method consists of mechanically compressing the fabric lengthwise
(Relaxation           by overfeeding onto a large roller with damp blankets. Sanforized is a
Method)               well known trade mark for fabrics treated by this method.
Durability finishes    Description
Heat Set               Used for fabrics from thermoplastic fibers such as nylon, polyester
(Relaxation Method)    and acrylic; it is based on the principle that thermoplastic
                       materials will become stabilized in their configuration in which
                       they happen to be when heated to their softening temperature.
Sponging (Relaxation   Used for woolen and worsted fabrics; it consists of thoroughly
Method)                wetting the fabric with water or steam and allowing the material
                       to dry slowly in a relaxed tensionless state.
Resin Treatments       Used for fabrics of rayon and cotton; it involves impregnating
(Relaxation Method)    rayon and cotton with resins and then curing which stabilizes the
                       fabric and thus reduces its tendency to distort.
Comfort finishes      Description
Antistatic            A finish that helps reduce or eliminate static build-up in fabrics.
                      They are chemical compounds that, when applied to a fabric,
                      reduces or eliminates the accumulation of static electricity.
Chemical-protective   These are finishes that prevent penetration of herbicide or
Finishes              pesticide through clothing and prevent easy removal by
                      laundering of any pesticide on the surface of clothing.
Flame Retardant       fabrics treated with these finishes burn in the direct path of flame
Finish                but self-extinguish when the source of flame is removed.
Water and Stain       They are chemical finishes that resist the penetration of water
Repellent Finishes    through the fabric but permit the passage of air or moisture
Waterproof Finishes   These are finishes that resist wetting and the penetration of
Environmental finishes   Description

Antimicrobial Finish     They are applied to fabrics to prevent growth of microorganisms.

Fume Fading Inhibitors   Some colours fade, particularly disperse dyes on acetate, caused by
                         exposure to oxides of nitrogen in the atmosphere. Simple alkaline
                         substances such as borax are sometimes used as after-treatments, but
                         they are not permanent.
Metallic and Plastic     Metallic and plastic coatings are applied to the back of fabrics.
Coatings                 Aluminium coatings, modify the warmth and coolness of fabrics, are
                         used for drapery lining. Plastic coatings help reduce the amount of soil
                         that penetrates the fabric and delay the passage of heat through the
Mothproofing Finish      Moth larvae and carpet beetles are known to attack animal-fiber fabrics.
                         Mothproofing is a chemical that is added to the dyebath during dyeing
                         of wool fabrics. Treated wool fabrics and silk fabrics are less susceptible
                         to damage by moths and other insects.

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Dyeing, printing & processing defects

  • 2.
  • 3. Common causes of dyeing defects 1.The material is not well prepared for dyeing and printing  Material having dead fibres or other defective fibres  Left over of Chemicals after bleaching etc.  Material not properly desized.  Material not properly mercerised.  Absorbency of the fabric not proper  Sticking of insoluble material on the fibres  Impurities are not removed properly  Uneven heat treatment.
  • 4. 2.Water Quality not Proper  More Hardness of water  Water has metal ions such as iron.  pH of water not proper  Water having more chlorine 3. Due to Shortcomings in making Dyeing Solution  Improper weight ratio of colours, material and chemicals.  Improper material to water ratio • Improper filtering of concentrated colours 4. Due to Shortcomings in the dye machinery • Coming out of Dye liquor during dyeing • Defective instruments controlling temperature, pressure speed etc.
  • 5. Influence of Fiber Related Properties on Dyeing behavior  Un-drawn or partially oriented yarns - Easy to dye. – Low Molecular orientation –Rapid dyeing.  Drawn material – higher Molecular orientation – dye slowly.  Synthetic fibers are produced at various draw ratio (low – staple fibers to high values – draw bulked yarn)  Material having relatively small differences in their rates of dyeing – but very considerable differences in color. .
  • 6. • The differences arise in the strike stage of the dyeing process, Why uneven dyeing occurs? 1. Improper leveling of dyes - – Effectiveness of the redistribution of dye during the subsequent leveling stage. – If the leveling action is poor, as in carrier dyeing at 98°C or when dyes of poor migration properties have been used, – The effects of small variations in spinning and drawing conditions may be expected to show as variations in color in dyed materials. For Staple Fibers, – The problem is more difficult, but of less practical significance,
  • 7. 2. The Effects of Heat and Tension • Yarns and fibers are subjected – heat or of mechanical stress or both • The effects of variation in temperature or in tension during heat treatment are more severe . • And can produce relatively large color differences if the differently treated fibers are dyed in the same bath. • Reduction in rate of dyeing between. 130°C and 150°C, followed by leveling off. • Uniform tension over the yarn during H.S, leads to perform better leveling off.
  • 8. 3. The Effects of fiber lubricants and spotting agents  Fibre Lubricants -- Source of variation – can affect quality of the dye bath  After long storage , they can also produce significant local alterations in the rates of migration of dyes in the fibre  Spotting agents sometimes applied to loom stains by weavers, and produce localized dark spots that show up after dyeing.  For this reason, the use of such spotting agents outside the dye works is to be discouraged.
  • 9. 4. The Effects of Fiber Structure • Drawing the fiber - Growth of highly ordered regions – oriented along the axis of fiber • Heat treatment induces further growth in these highly ordered regions at the expense of less ordered regions. • Number, size, spacing and distribution of these highly ordered regions That these influence, the number and arrangement of chain folds in the polymer.
  • 10. 5. Carriers  Fibre becomes more open structure or less ordered regions around the structural dislocations contain spaces just large enough to admit the molecules of disperse dyes under the influence of thermal agitation.  Thermal agitation – leads to increases in the rate of diffusion of dyes at Tg,  Suitable carriers are used to locate uniform striking of dyes.
  • 11. 6.Barre Effects: Differences in the rate effect. • Differ in the fractions of their internal volumes that are available for the absorption of dyes • Differences in the dye uptake during initial dye transfer, – Rate of diffusion – Differences in the accessibility of this available region. – Accessibility – a property of the less ordered regions of fibre structure. – Availability – associated with an internal area. • How to Reduce barre effect ? – High temperature leveling treatment, possibly in the presence of a small amount of a suitable carrier – May increased by the presence of carrier during the early stages of dyeing. – Drawing – hot stretching produce decreases in both availability and accessibility as the general orderliness of the fiber structure increases.
  • 12. 7. Ring Dyed Material in Synthetic yarn • Most of the dye present on the fiber surface layer less than one third of the radius of the fiber in depth. • Causes: dyeing time, bath temperature or the level of carrier addition to the bath is inadequate. • Even high temperature dyeing can be ring dyed if insufficient time has been allowed for the full penetration of slowly migrating dyes.
  • 13. Some common dyeing problems 1. Un levelness • cause – improper dyeing conditions. • Ending problems causes countermeasures 1. unstable dye dispersion 1. select dyes with better dispersion stability, use efficient dispersants . 2. unsuitable dye combination 2. Attention should be given to uniform dye behaviour . 3. wrong dyeing program 3. Optimum dyeing process should be followed .
  • 14. Cloudy dyeing Causes Countermeasures 1. inadequate pre-treatment 1. select optimum conditions and chemicals 2. channelling due to irregular winding 2. pay particular attention to winding of the material 3. poor circulation of the goods due to 3. adjust the machine more carefully interruptions, knots, etc. 4. too much foam in the dyebath 4. use antifoams, e.g. Antimussol brands 5. wrong dyeing programme 5. Optimum dyeing process
  • 15. Pale Areas Causes Countermeasures 1. Inadequate Pre-treatment 1. Select optimum conditions and chemicals 2. Air pockets in the material 2. Use special chemicals, e.g. wetting (e.g. cheeses) agent / defoamer combinations, or greater pressure
  • 16. 2. Unlevelness cause: due to material. Barriness Causes Countermeasures 1. Variations in temperature during 1. -adapt dye selection fibre manufacture(texturizing), draft - select higher dyeing temperature differences - select suitable carriers and chemicals - possibly set fibres at a higher temperature. 2. Variations in the density of the 2. Relax material thoroughly material (weaving, knitting)
  • 17. 3. Unlevelness cause: due to other reasons. Skitterness Causes Countermeasures 1. inadequate pretreatment (e.g. desizing) 1. pay attention to perfect pretreatment 2. fibres of different origins in the material 2. pay particular attention to the appropriate dyeing process and programme 3. poorer solidity on both components of fibre blends 4. irregular thread tension during weaving or warp knitting
  • 18. Listing Causes Countermeasurement 1. Inconsistent setting temperature 1. select special dyes (small- moleculed) 2. Irregular tension in the material due 2. relax material thoroughly to weaving or warp knitting 3. Poorly wound material 3. pay particular attention to winding 4. Rolled in selvedges due to irregular 4. -set the goods tension in the material (weaving, warp - size the selvedges knitting) - check the weaving or knitting machine
  • 19. Pale areas after dyeing. Causes Countermeasures effect of aggressive vapours -efficient ventilation of vapours and (e.g. acid, chlorite, formaldehyde) gases - avoid contact with dangerous substances
  • 20. •4.Reproducibility. Deviation of shade Causes Countermeasure 1. dye sensitivity to hydrolysis, 1. -select dyes carefully, control pH reduction, electrolyte exactly (buffer system) - pay attention to stability of dye to electrolytes 2. dye sensitivity to metal ions in the 2. use suitable sequestering agent dyebath 3. dyes of different chemical 3. pay particular attention to selection constitution affect each other (rare) of dyes and chemicals 4. dye buildup affected by chemicals 4. carry out lab tests (retarding effect)
  • 21. Causes Countermeasure 5. different dyeing programmes 5. pay attention to consistent dyeing conditions 6. different liquor ratios 6. pay attention to consistent dyeing conditions 7. dye shows differences in standard 7. check supplies conformity 8. unsuitable dye combination 8. pay attention to behaviour of individual elements 9. sedimentation of liquid dyes 9. stir before removal from container 10. bath exhaustion affected by 10. adapt dye selection and process reserve of adjacent fibre
  • 22. 5. Fastness properties Unexpectedly poor light fastness causes countermeasure 1. carrier residues on fabric 1. repeat thermo fixation (at higher (inadequate thermo fixation) temperature) 2. stained adjacent fibre 2. adapt dyeing process, select appropriate dyes 3. catalytic fading due to unsuitable 3. adjust dye selection dye combination
  • 23. Unexpectedly poor wet and rub fastness causes countermeasures 1. thermomigration due to finishing and 1. adjust dye and chemical selection softening chemicals 2. inadequate dye fixation due to too 2. Optimize dyeing process, reduction short dyeing time or too low fixation clear temperature 3. stained adjacent fibre 3. Improve dyeing process
  • 24. 6. Spots, marks Precipitates in the dye-bath causes countermeasures 1. dye precipitates due to poor 1. - pay special attention to dispersing dispersion or dyes with poor dispersion instructions stability - pay attention to dye selection (dispersion stability) - use dispersants 2. dye crystallization due to variations 2. pay attention to perfect liquor in temperature in the dyebath circulation 3. coloured spots due to dye deposits 3. pay attention to cleanness in the on the machine machine
  • 25. causes countermeasure 4. use of volatile carriers 4. select suitable carriers, use overhead heating in the machine 5. silicones in the dyebath 5. use silicone-free de foamers 6. unstable chemicals 6. select suitable chemicals 7. oil and spinning preparations 7. thorough pre treatment 8. oligomers in the dyebath 8. drop dyebath hot, shorter dyeing time, use special chemicals
  • 26. Singeing droplets causes countermeasures 1. as a result of singeing before dyeing, 1. singe after dyeing fibre tips exhibit higher affinity for dyes . • Change of shade (e.g. blue spots in brilliant red shades) causes countermeasures 1. dye is sensitive to metal ions 1. use a sequestering agent 2. alkali residues 2. neutralize the goods 3. finishing chemicals 3. scour and select finishing chemicals carefully
  • 27. Dark spots causes countermeasures 1. solvent residues from pre treatment 1. complete removal of solvents • Specks causes countermeasures 1. contamination of the material by 2. do not store material near dyes; use dyestuff dust low dusting dyes • Dirt spots causes countermeasures 1. contamination of the material by 1. pay attention to clean machines and rust, oil, graphite, etc. clean working methods
  • 28. 7. Appearance of the goods • Dimensional stability (shrinkage) causes countermeasures 1. insufficient relaxation during pre 1. adapt relaxation and setting to treatment material in question 2. Inadequate setting of material 2. adapt relaxation and setting to material in question 3. lengthwise distortion caused 3. adjust dyeing machine to material by dyeing machine
  • 29. • Creasing causes countermeasures 1. inadequate pre treatment 1. select optimum pre treatment conditions (scouring, relaxation, setting) 2. due to quality of goods (structure, 2. adjust dyeing machine to material, select e.g. tightly woven fabric, weight) correct setting temperature, adjust stenter correctly 3. poor suitability of dyeing machine 3. select more suitable dyeing machine 4. too heavy batch of fabric 4. add a lubricant, e.g. lmacol brand 5. incorrect loading of machine 5. add a lubricant, e.g. lmacol brand 6. dyeing process (heating, cooling) 6. adjust temperature programme, add a lubricant, e.g. lmacol brand
  • 30. •Chafe marks causes countermeasures 1. mechanical friction due to overloading 1. add a lubricant e.g. lmacol brand 2. rough patches in the machine 2. add a lubricant e.g. lmacol brand 3. stationary material in the running 3. add a lubricant e.g. lmacol brand machine (knots) 4. too high machine speed 4. add a lubricant e.g. lmacol brand
  • 31. •Stitch distortion (knits) causes countermeasures 1. inadequate pre treatment 1. selection optimum pre treatment (relaxation, setting) conditions 2. mechanical effects, e.g. passage of 2.straight seams along weft and stitches goods in machine, squint seams •Moire effects (on beam) causes countermeasures 1. inadequate pre treatment 1. -select suitable setting conditions (setting, rolling up) - roll up carefully
  • 32. Lustre causes countermeasures 1. physical change in fibre due to local 1. avoid prolonged contact of stationary pressure and high temperature on material material with the hot machine 2. excessive setting 2. select suitable setting temperature • Handle causes countermeasures 1. unfavourable conditions between machine and 1. select optimum conditions material 2. inadequate pre treatment 2. can be corrected during finishing (relaxation, setting) 3. wrong dyeing programme 3. can be corrected during finishing (temperature / time)
  • 33. Pilling (staple fibres) causes countermeasures 1. susceptible fibre origin (also in fibre 1. select fibres carefully, use selected blends) softeners 2. inconsistent dimensional stability due 2. setting to shrinkage (fibres protrude from fibre bundle)
  • 34. 8. Thermosol dyeing problems • Listing causes countermeasures 1. one-sided liquor feed into the 1. check injection pipe or mount a distribution plate trough 2. different nip roller pressure 2. check rollers (pickup) regularly 3. unlevel migration in 3. -check temperature and air current over the entire intermediate drying width in the drier - avoid migration by using lowest possible pickup and a suitable migration inhibitor. Select dyes with little tendency to migrate. 4. uneven thermosolling or fixation 4. check fixation units regularly with thermopaper or of dyes due to temperature temperature sensors differences - use more reliable dyes with as little sensitivity as possible to temperature deviations
  • 35. •Two-sidedness causes countermeasures 1. deflecting roller touched on 1. check injection pipe or mount a distribution plate one side only 2. deflecting roller stationary 2. check rollers (pickup) regularly 3. pad rollers not the same 3. - check temperature and air current over the entire width in the drier - avoid migration by using lowest possible pickup and a suitable migration inhibitor. Select dyes with little tendency to migrate. 4. uneven drying from side to 4. - check fixation units regularly with thermopaper or side temperature sensors - use more reliable dyes with as little sensitivity as possible to temperature deviations
  • 36. • Ending causes countermeasures 1. dye substantivity 1. - with lndigosol dyes add Lyogen WL - use a smaller volume of liquor - dye at higher fabric speed 2. dye sedimentation 2. - keep the liquor in motion - keep the temperature below 35°C
  • 37. Dark or pale selvedges causes countermeasures 1. one-sided liquor feed into the trough 1. check liquor feed 2. narrow goods impregnated on a wide 2. move to a suitable machine padder 3. worn rollers, rollers bend due to over 3. check the nip pressure, reduce pressure if compensation necessary, change rollers if necessary, chick hydraulics 4. varying drying conditions over the width 4. check the air jets and circulation of the goods 5. alkali residues in the goods 5. add acetic acid to the padliquor for pH 5-6
  • 38. Barry dyeings causes countermeasures 1. uneven jet pressure in the drier 1. check the air jets 2. inadequate evenness of tension in drier, 2. check guidance of goods in drier crease formation 3. alkali residues in the goods 3. add acetic acid to padliquor for pH5-6
  • 39. Defects in Sulphur Dyeing • Uneven Dyeing and Oxidation Marks This may occur due to: a. Lower strength of sodium sulphide b. Using improper amount of sodium sulphide. c. Sodium sulphide does not wash off fully after washing. d. Variation in temperature. e. If colours are not dissolved properly, or colours are not of good quality f. If the chemical used for oxidation is not of good quality g. Fabrics are not worked upon properly at the time of dyeing.
  • 40. Bronziness This defect normally occurs in heavy shades. Given below are the reasons: 1. More time gap between dyeing and washing 2. Using more of less strength sodium sulphide 3. Using more salt. 4. Oxidiser doesn't get washed off properly during washing 5. Sodium sulphide doesn't get washed off properly during washing. 6. More presence of iron and copper ions in water.
  • 41. • Poor colourfastness to rubbing the reasons are : a. type of colour b. Lower strength of sodium sulphide c. Poor absorbency of the fabric d. Fabric is not washed properly e. The quality of soap used for washing is not proper f. Dyeing bath made of iron instead of steel g. Frequent addition of colours and chemicals h. Using Cationic finishing agent in finishing also lowers the colourfastness to rubbing i. Improper colour solution, Improper material to liquor ratio etc.
  • 42. Roughness in Fabric The reasons are: 1.Using more amount of sodium sulphide that doesn't get washed off during washing. 2. Heavier shade 3. Improper washing 4. Not using anionic softening agent in finishing 5. Not using wetting agent. Tendering Tendering in the fabric takes place because sulphur is converted into sulphuric acid after oxidation which is harmful for the cellulosic fibers. This defect can occur on account of not proper washing of the fabric after dyeing which results in retaining of sulphuric acid on the cloth.
  • 43. Defects in Dyeing with Reactive Dyes • Colours are not fast to washing, Abrasion; Staining in the fabric when transporting from place to the other, water marks on the fabric . • Bleeding in colours during washing, abrasion . • The fabric has been dyed in darker shade, uneven dyeing . • Uneven dyeing, marks of water, marks of colours. • The fabric has become stiff and rough after dyeing . • Colour staining of fabric, uneven dyeing . • Colour staining in fabrics of darker shade, uneven dyeing
  • 44. Defect in Vat Dyeing • Poor Colorfastness in Vat Dyeing the reasons • Frequent addition of colors in the dye bath to match the shade. It disturbs the equlibrium between colors and chemicals. • Improper oxidation • Improper washing • Some peculiar colors such as blue and brown also leads to this defect. • Hardness in the water used • Mixing of incompatible colors • Usage of large quantities of reducing agent and alkali • Improper temperature • Improper wringing of the cloth • Faults in the machine • Not using essential chemicals such as dispersing agent or leveling agents. • Dyeing in a finished cloth ( Resin or Silicon Finish)
  • 45. •Listing defects in vat dyeing The reasons are: • Improper batching. • Non Uniformity in the selvedge • Redyeing of the fabric • Foam on the two sides of the jigger. • Slippage of the fabric from the roller during dyeing. • Shortcomings in the machine such as malfunctioning of guide roll, expander roller or improper squeezing. • Improper filteration of the colors, improper circlation of the liquor during dyeing. Difference in temperature of liquor in the centre and at the ends. • Mixing of colors which are not properly compatible. • Improper singeing
  • 46. Uneven Shade (shading OR listing) • differences in the shade of a fabric from edge to edge or one end of a fabric to the other Called selvedge- to-selvedge (or selvedge to center) shading or end-to- end shading respectively.
  • 47. MAIN CAUSES: — Often caused in jig dyeing through difference of temperatures between the selvedges & centre of the batched up fabric on the jig roller. — by uneven batching of the cloth on the roller. MENDING Non-mendable. Minor Major Serious Not reckoned Up to 15 cm along > 15 cm along the the length length
  • 48. Patchy/ streaky/ uneven dyeing • The fabric is characterized by an area of light or heavy dyeing along and across the width of fabric. Also, light or heavy dyed patches or light and dark streaks appear on the fabric. It also includes shade variation and light or heavy dyeing on selvedges.
  • 49. MAIN CAUSES: • Improper scouring. • Cloth fed to the dyeing machine not crease free. • Proper time & temperature not given in dyeing. • Defective padding roller. • Fluff or thread on the fabric or in the color in the dye stuffs. MENDING: Non-mendable. Minor Major Serious Up to 1 sq. cm 1 sq cm to 6 sq. cm >6 sq cm
  • 50. Shade Bar • shade change in fabric which appears as a horizontal selvedge-to selvedge change. Caused by a filling change (new filling bobbin) or loom stop and subsequent start up
  • 51. MAIN CAUSES • Improper scouring • Defective padding roller • Proper time & temperature not given in dyeing. • Difference in count/ fiber composition of weft yarn. MENDING Non-mendable. Minor Major Serious Not reckoned Up to 15 cm along the length > 15 cm along the length
  • 52. Dyestuff Stain • An unwanted color mark on a fabric qualifies as a dye stain. MAIN CAUSES: • Improper scouring. • Improper mixing of dye stuffs. MENDING: Non-mendable. Minor Major Serious Up to 1 sq. cm 1 sq cm to 6 sq. cm >6 sq cm
  • 53. White Spot • The fabric is characterized by a white spot on otherwise well dyed adjacent fabric. MAIN CAUSES: • Improper scouring. • The mixture used for dyeing is not compatible. • Colors not properly dissolved. • Proper time & temperature not given in dyeing. MENDING: Non-mendable. Minor Major Serious Up to 1 sq. cm 1 sq cm to 6 sq. cm >6 sq cm
  • 54. Color Crocking • color in a dyed fabric which rubs off rather easily onto other fabric surfaces. • Causes- – May be caused by inadequate soaping at the completion of dyeing cycle. – Due to faulty or improper dyeing procedures, OR preparation of the fabric prior to dyeing, OR imperfections in the fabric itself.
  • 55. • Most frequently occurring imperfections – result from dyeing processes
  • 56. Tender spots • Places in the fabric which have been excessively weakened, usually by exposure to processing chemicals. When the entire fabric is weakened, it is referred to as Tender goods. Also occurs in printing and finishing procedures.
  • 57. Stained, streaked • A discolored area on the cloth. Caused by foreign matter such as dirt, grease, oil or residues of sizing on the fabric being dyed
  • 58. Color bleeding • loss of color from a dyed fabric when immersed in a liquid. Liquid subsequently becomes colored
  • 59. Off shade • an expression referring to the fact the color of the dyed fabric does not match the std. color or referenced sample
  • 60. Barre • In woven fabrics, a horizontal band off-shaded yarns extending from selvedge to selvedge caused by differences in filling yarn size or difference in tension of warp or filing yarns
  • 61.
  • 62. Defect caused by hanging thread • A break in the pattern of the printed fabric caused by hanging thread MAIN CAUSES: • Loose threads in the fabric not trimmed before printing. MENDING: Non-mendable . MINOR MAJOR SERIOUS Not Prominent Not prominent reckoned
  • 63. Misprint or absence of print • A misprint can be one or more of the following – The printing is not per as required the required design. – The outlines and the colors in the design are not remain at its proper place. – A bare place without any printing.
  • 64. MAIN CAUSES: • The design is not set properly. • Unequal pressure at different places during printing. • Design not properly engraved/ screened. • Improper cloth used for printing. • Improper stitching of cloth. • Cloth fed with uneven tension to the printing machine. • Improper storage or cleaning of the screen. MENDING: Non-mendable. Minor Major Serious Not reckoned Up to 15 cm along the length > 15 cm along the length
  • 65. Uneven printing (tinting) • In a printed fabric the design at one place is bold as required, while at other place the same is hazy , light and unclear.
  • 66. MAIN CAUSES: • Uneven pressure on printing rollers & doctor blade. • Uneven lapping of central drum in printing machine. • Diameter of printing roller is uneven. • Printing paste level not maintained. • Defective doctor blade. • Printing table is not proper. MENDING: Non-mendable. Minor Major Serious Not reckoned Up to 15 cm along the length > 15 cm along the length
  • 67. Blurred (dark) patch • Unwanted blotch or bar in a printed/ dyed fabric results in a blurred patch
  • 68. MAIN CAUSES: — Improper scouring. — Unclean doctor blade & printing roller. — Doctor blade not properly aligned. MENDING Non-mendable. Minor Major Serious Not reckoned Up to 15 cm along > 15 cm along the the length length
  • 69. Water mark • An unwanted ripple effect/ light mark produced on the fabric is known as water mark.
  • 70. MAIN CAUSES: — Improper scouring. — Surface pressure of one layer on another. — Contamination with water prior to tinting or dyeing on the padding mangle resulting in a reduction of intake of dye liquor. MENDING Non-mendable. Minor Major Serious Not reckoned Up to 15 cm along > 15 cm along the the length length
  • 71. Misfits • A misfit is a print defect caused by improper alignment of the screens. Also known as “out of registration,” misfits leave unprinted areas in the design. For example, a green leaf may overlap its black outline or print over another color. Up to 10 % of printed goods designated as first quality contain some level of misfit.
  • 72. Stick-in • A stick-in occurs when a small fiber or piece of lint gets stuck in the screen opening. The result is a small pen tip sized unprinted circle in the design. A stick-in is very difficult to see and often goes unnoticed during a long run.
  • 73. Scrimps • A scrimp defect occurs when the fabric creases underneath one of the screens during the printing process. The pattern is then printed on top of the crease, leaving a large unprinted area when the fabric returns to its relaxed state.
  • 74. Wicking • Wicking, also known as flushing, occurs when the printed area bleeds out into the unprinted area. The result is a “haloing” or shadowing effect around the outline of the pattern design. Residual salts left in the fabric during resin finishing and / or poor fabric preparation often cause wicking.
  • 75. Spotting After printing some spots occur on printed fabric
  • 76. Print color variation Can occur due to uneven roller or squeegee pressure while printing paste is applied
  • 77. Flipped yarn MAIN CAUSE: • The part that look like •Insufficient penetration of color paste. •Treatment after printing is not carried out scratches because the appropriately. warp & weft have turned upside down
  • 78. Bleeding MAIN CAUSE: •Too low viscosity of color paste. • A printed motif blurs •Too high concentration of dyestuff in print & as a result the paste. outline of design •The amount of color paste printed or appears unclear amount of hygroscopic agent used is too large.
  • 79. Blebbiness • A part of printed surface became blebby with a rough appearance like that of sharkskin. MAIN CAUSE: •Unsuitability of color paste viscosity. •Screen mesh. •Uneven adhesion.
  • 80. • The printed cloth is piled up after insufficient Staining during drying or apart of the cloth touches another steaming during steaming. MAIN CAUSE: •Poorly washed printing table. •Irregular (high ) steam & temperature.
  • 82. Slight touching MAIN CAUSE: •Slow replenishment of color paste. • Some area in a motif •Uneven squeegee pressure. has pale spots. •A squeegee with inappropriate hardness. •Bad squeegee relay. •Uneven surface of printing table. •Inappropriate viscosity of color paste. •Inappropriate use of thickener.
  • 83. • Disfigured designs or overlapped motifs Poorly adjusted screen MAIN CAUSE: •Inaccurate adjustments of the belt-drive and point.
  • 84. • Designs printed are a little off. Double printing MAIN CAUSE: •Disfigured designs. •Poor engraving. •Poor cloth adhesion.
  • 85. Pressing paste by • A frame mark appears in the printed area. frame MAIN CAUSE: •Poor belt-drive and frame installation.
  • 86. Banding • defect created by the print head’s movement over the substrate. • If the head is not properly aligned, or if the substrate advances unevenly, the result is a slight horizontal “band” or line of unprinted area. • Banding can be reduced or prevented :- – with nozzle redundancy and multiple passes by the scanning print head. – In addition, banding is naturally reduced by most fabric substrates.
  • 87.
  • 88. Misfire • occurs when the inkjet nozzle fails to send a drop of ink onto the fabric. Similar to a stick-in, the result is a small, unprinted area. In addition to misfires, nozzle clogging also plays a big role in digital defects. • When an inkjet nozzle clogs, the pattern may lose some or all of one colour. Fortunately, the inkjet drop is tiny, and most misfires and clogs are not seen if the printer has been designed with nozzle redundancy.
  • 89. Incorrect Fabric Handling • Fabric handling also plays a role in the creation of defects with digital printing. Because most digital printers use a scanning head to print across the width of the fabric, the fabric must remain perfectly still or the image can be distorted. • One of the biggest fabric handling related defects occurs when the fabric buckles or gets wrinkled, causing the scanning inkjet head to come in contact with the fabric. The result is a nasty ink smear and possibly a damaged print head.
  • 90.
  • 91. Defects Description Fading The loss of colour brilliance through exposure to factors such as sunlight or cleaning agents. Frosting A change of fabric colour caused by localized abrasive wear, such as that occurring at collar points or garment creases. Fume Fading A change of shade in dyed fabric caused by the chemical reaction of certain disperse dyes with atmospheric contaminants such as burnt gas fumes and ozone. Fuzzy Pattern Design lines in printed fabrics that are meant to be sharp demarcations of colour but that are muted or blurred. Migration The transfer of colour from one area of the fabric to another.
  • 92. Defects Description Metamerism A phenomenon, also known as flare, that is observed when materials are viewed under different light sources. The spectral reflectance curves are not identical, so the viewer sees one color under one light source (incandescent) and a different color under another light source (fluorescent). Off Grain Lacking trueness. In printing, the design is transferred to the fabric so the design of the fabric is not aligned with the yarns. Off Register Lacking color alignment. In printing fabrics, the color separation is imperfect, producing a situation in which the different color components of the design are not aligned.
  • 93. Defects Description Crease Streak Occurs in tubular knits. Results from creased fabric passing through squeeze rollers in dyeing process. Depending on the product; usually Major for fashion outerwear, Minor for underwear. Color Smear The result of color being smeared during printing. Color Out The result of color running low in reservoir on printing machine Back Fabric Backing fabric is often used to cushion fabric being printed. If there Seam is a joining seam in the backing fabric, an impression will result on Impression printed fabric. Mottled Color applied unevenly during printing
  • 94.
  • 95. Condition wherein the weft and warp yarns do not keep at Bowing right angles.
  • 96. MAIN CAUSES: • Improper stretch during scouring, dyeing or finishing. • Uneven tension during weaving/ processing. MENDING: Non-mendable.
  • 97. Piling The entangling of fibers during washing, dry cleaning or while being worn form balls or pills and stand on the surface of a fabric and are of such density that light cannot pass through them.
  • 98. MAIN CAUSES: • Span length not maintained in spinning. • Broken filament or low twist yarn. • More abrasion on surface of cloth during processing. MENDING: Non-mendable. MINOR MAJOR SERIOUS Not prominent Prominent Not reckoned
  • 99. Askewed or Bias • Condition where filling yarns are not square with wrap yarns on woven fabrics or where courses are not square with wale lines on knits. MAIN CAUSES: • Improper stretch during scouring, dyeing or finishing. • Uneven tension during weaving/ processing. MENDING: Non-mendable.
  • 100. Sanforize Pucker • Fabric will appear wavy or puckering when spread on cutting table. MAIN CAUSE: • Results from uneven wetting out on sanforize; usually caused by defective spray heads. • Difficult to detect during inspection on inspection machine with fabric under roller tension.
  • 101. Pin Holes MAIN CAUSE: • Holes along selvage caused by pins holding fabric while it processes through tenter frame. • Major> if pin holes extend into body of fabric far enough to be visible in the finished product.
  • 102. Crease Mark • Differs from crease streak in that streak will probably appear for entire roll. • Crease mark appears where creases are caused by fabric folds in the finishing process. • On napped fabric, final pressing may not be able to restore fabric or original condition. • Often discoloration is a problem. •
  • 103. Selvedge torn MAIN CAUSE: • Usually caused by excessive tension while processing through tenter frames.
  • 104. Various finishing processes Aesthetics finishes Description Parchmentizing A finishing process to give cellulosic fabrics such characteristics as transparency, linen-like hand, and texture. Softening Softening agents are frequently used to improve the hand and drape of fabric. The most commonly used softeners are oils, fats, wax emulsions, soaps and synthetic detergents, and silicone compounds. Silicone compounds produce relatively durable softening. Stiffening Some fabrics need to be made stiffer and more crisp than they would otherwise be in order to meet an intended end use. Stiffening may be done by any of several chemical finishes, all applied by pad and either dried or cured. Starch is widely used but starch finishes are temporary.
  • 105. Aesthetic finishes Description Plissé This is a permanent finish, produced on cotton by the treatment of sodium hydroxide to produce a puckered or crinkled fabric. Embossing This is a process to produce a raised design or pattern in relief on fabrics by passing the cloth between hot engraved rollers that press the design into the fabric. Surface/ texture Description finishes Napping Napping uses a series of 24-30 cylinders covered with fine metal wires bent into small hooks, to produce a thick, raised fiber surface on fabrics produced from loosely twisted staple-fiber yarns. Sueding A process similar to napping, it is a mechanical finish that produces a soft, suede-like surface on the fabric.
  • 106. Luster finishes Description Calendering A finishing process producing a flat, glossy, and smooth surface by passing the fabric under pressure between cylinders. Ciré Ciré is a highly polished fabric produced by impregnating the fabric with wax or a thermoplastic material and then passing it through friction rollers. Glazing A process that produces a smooth, high polish on the surface of the fabric. Moiré A moiré finish is characterized by a soft luster and an optical effect, which is created by interference between light rays reflected from the crushed and uncrushed parts of the fabric. Schreinering A finishing process where the fabric is passed under pressure between an engraved steel calender roller and a smooth roller. The engraved roller has 180-360 fine lines embossed.
  • 107. Luster finishes Description (optical) Delusterants A process of dulling the luster of manufactured fibers, yarns, or fabrics with pigments or chemical treatment. Optical Optical brighteners are used in finishing to maintain white and bright Brighteners fabrics. They adhere to the fabric and create an appearance of whiteness or brightness by the way they reflect light; they absorb ultraviolet light and reflect it as visible blue light. Care finishes Description Durable Press This finish provides garments with shape retention, durable pleats and pressed creases, durably smooth seams, and wrinkle resistance. Soil Release A finish that increases the absorbency of a fabric, and which makes it easier to remove soil and stains in washing.
  • 108. Care finishes Description Stain- and Soil- Stain and soil-resistant finishes reduce the rate of soil deposition on a resistant Finishes fabric either by creating an electric charge that repels the soil or by producing a smooth surface to which soil will not adhere. Durability finishes Description Abrasion-resistant Abrasion-resistant finishes are used on fabrics subject to prolonged Finish abrasive wear such as pockets, waistband lining, and hatbands. Slip-resistant Finishes applied to a fabric to reduce or eliminate yarn slippage and Finishes reduce seam fraying are called antislip, slip-resistant,or nonslip finishes. Compressive Used for woven cotton, tubular knit cotton, linen and rayon; the Shrinkage method consists of mechanically compressing the fabric lengthwise (Relaxation by overfeeding onto a large roller with damp blankets. Sanforized is a Method) well known trade mark for fabrics treated by this method.
  • 109. Durability finishes Description Heat Set Used for fabrics from thermoplastic fibers such as nylon, polyester (Relaxation Method) and acrylic; it is based on the principle that thermoplastic materials will become stabilized in their configuration in which they happen to be when heated to their softening temperature. Sponging (Relaxation Used for woolen and worsted fabrics; it consists of thoroughly Method) wetting the fabric with water or steam and allowing the material to dry slowly in a relaxed tensionless state. Resin Treatments Used for fabrics of rayon and cotton; it involves impregnating (Relaxation Method) rayon and cotton with resins and then curing which stabilizes the fabric and thus reduces its tendency to distort.
  • 110. Comfort finishes Description Antistatic A finish that helps reduce or eliminate static build-up in fabrics. They are chemical compounds that, when applied to a fabric, reduces or eliminates the accumulation of static electricity. Chemical-protective These are finishes that prevent penetration of herbicide or Finishes pesticide through clothing and prevent easy removal by laundering of any pesticide on the surface of clothing. Flame Retardant fabrics treated with these finishes burn in the direct path of flame Finish but self-extinguish when the source of flame is removed. Water and Stain They are chemical finishes that resist the penetration of water Repellent Finishes through the fabric but permit the passage of air or moisture Waterproof Finishes These are finishes that resist wetting and the penetration of water.
  • 111. Environmental finishes Description Antimicrobial Finish They are applied to fabrics to prevent growth of microorganisms. Fume Fading Inhibitors Some colours fade, particularly disperse dyes on acetate, caused by exposure to oxides of nitrogen in the atmosphere. Simple alkaline substances such as borax are sometimes used as after-treatments, but they are not permanent. Metallic and Plastic Metallic and plastic coatings are applied to the back of fabrics. Coatings Aluminium coatings, modify the warmth and coolness of fabrics, are used for drapery lining. Plastic coatings help reduce the amount of soil that penetrates the fabric and delay the passage of heat through the fabric. Mothproofing Finish Moth larvae and carpet beetles are known to attack animal-fiber fabrics. Mothproofing is a chemical that is added to the dyebath during dyeing of wool fabrics. Treated wool fabrics and silk fabrics are less susceptible to damage by moths and other insects.