Cloud Foundry - ScotSoft 2016 Dev Talk

il y a 7 ans 1196 Vues

Zen and the Art of Platform

il y a 7 ans 1255 Vues

Cloud Foundry - #IBMOTS 2016

il y a 8 ans 3946 Vues

Introducing the Open Container Project

il y a 8 ans 2084 Vues

The API Tempest

il y a 11 ans 2916 Vues

Skeuomorphs, Databases, and Mobile Performance

il y a 11 ans 1220 Vues

Amundsen's Dogs, Information Halos, and APIs

il y a 12 ans 39258 Vues

Globalization, Black Swans, and APIs

il y a 12 ans 1475 Vues

Punctuated Equilibrium, Celestial Navigation, and APIs

il y a 13 ans 68776 Vues

Darwin's Finches, 20th Century Business, and APIs

il y a 13 ans 99659 Vues