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   Visible light, also known as white light, consists
    of a collection of component colors.
   These colors are often observed as light passes
    through a triangular prism.
   Upon passage through the prism, the white light
    is separated into its component colors - red,
    orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.
   The separation of visible light into its different
    colors is known as dispersion.
   It was mentioned in the Light and Color unit that
    each color is characteristic of a distinct wave
    frequency; and different frequencies of light
    waves will bend varying amounts upon passage
    through a prism.
Optical density
  Different materials are distinguished
  from each other by their different optical
 The optical density is simply a measure
  of the tendency of a material to slow
  down light as it travels through it.
 A light wave traveling through a
  transparent material interacts with the
  atoms of that material.
 When a light wave impinges upon an
  atom of the material, it is absorbed by
  that atom.
 The absorbed energy causes the
  electrons in the atom to vibrate.
 If the frequency of the light wave does
  not match the resonance frequency of
  the vibrating electrons, then the light will
  be reemitted by the atom at the same
  frequency at which it impinged upon it.
 The light wave then travels through the
  interatomic vacuum towards the next
  atom of the material. Once it impinges
  upon the next atom, the process of
  absorption and re-emission is repeated.
 The optical density of a material is the result of
  the tendency of the atoms of a material to
  maintain the absorbed energy of the light wave in
  the form of vibrating electrons before reemitting it
  as a new electromagnetic disturbance.
 Thus, while a light wave travels through a
  vacuum at a speed of c (3.00 x 108 m/s), it
  travels through a transparent material at speeds
  less than c.
 The index of refraction value (n) provides a
  quantitative expression of the optical density of a
  given medium. Materials with higher index of
  refraction values have a tendency to hold
  onto the absorbed light energy for greater
  lengths of time before reemitting it to the
  interatomic void.
 The more closely that the frequency of
  the light wave matches the resonant
  frequency of the electrons of the atoms of
  a material, the greater the optical density
  and the greater the index of refraction.
 A light wave would be slowed down to a
  greater extent when passing through
  such a material.
 The index of refraction values are
  dependent upon the frequency of light.
  For visible light, the n value does not
  show a large variation with frequency, but
  nonetheless it shows a variation.
 For instance for some types of glass,
  the n value for frequencies of violet
  light is 1.53; and the n value for
  frequencies of red light is 1.51.
 The absorption and re-emission
  process causes the higher frequency
  (lower wavelength) violet light to travel
  slower through crown glass than the
  lower frequency (higher wavelength)
  red light.
 It is this difference in n value for the varying
  frequencies (and wavelengths) that causes
  the dispersion of light by a triangular prism.
 Violet light, being slowed down to a greater
  extent by the absorption and re-emission
  process, refracts more than red light.
 Upon entry of white light at the first boundary
  of a triangular prism, there will be a slight
  separation of the white light into the
  component colors of the spectrum.
 Upon exiting the triangular prism at the
  second boundary, the separation becomes
  even greater and ROYGBIV is observed in its
Angle of Deviation
 In optics, the net angular deflection
  experienced by a Light Ray after one
  or more refractions or reflections.
 The total deviation ε of a light ray can
  be computed, given the incidence
  angle α.
   The same calculation allows for determination of the
    emergence angle δ.
   The angle of deviation is the angle between the
    original incident ray and the emergent ray.
   Since the larger angle of deviation corresponds to a
    larger refractive index, violet light would emerge with
    the largest angle of deviation and red light would
    emerge with the smallest angle.
   Hence, the light emerging from the prism would
    disperse into a spectrum of rainbow colors wherein
    each color corresponds to a different angle of
   The difference between the angles of deviation of any
    two rays is called the angle of dispersion.
Rainbow Formation
   One of nature's most splendid masterpieces is the
   A rainbow is an excellent demonstration of
    the dispersion of light and one more piece of evidence
    that visible light is composed of a spectrum of
    wavelengths, each associated with a distinct color.
   To view a rainbow, your back must be to the sun as you
    look at an approximately 40 degree angle above the
    ground into a region of the atmosphere with suspended
    droplets of water or even a light mist.
   Each individual droplet of water acts as a tiny prism that
    both disperses the light and reflects it back to your eye.
   As you sight into the sky, wavelengths of light
    associated with a specific color arrive at your eye from
    the collection of droplets.
   The net effect of the vast array of droplets is that a
    circular arc of ROYGBIV is seen across the sky.
The Path of Light Through a
   A collection of suspended water droplets in
    the atmosphere serves as a refractor of light.
   The water represents a medium with a
    different optical density than the surrounding
   Light waves refract when they cross over the
    boundary from one medium to another.
   The decrease in speed upon entry of light
    into a water droplet causes a bending of the
    path of light towards the normal.
   And upon exiting the droplet, light speeds up
    and bends away from the normal. The
    droplet causes a deviation in the path of light
    as it enters and exits the drop.
 There are countless paths by which light rays
  from the sun can pass through a drop.
 Each path is characterized by this bending
  towards and away from the normal.
 One path of great significance in the discussion
  of rainbows is the path in which light refracts
  into the droplet, internally reflects, and then
  refracts out of the droplet.
 The diagram at the right depicts such a path.
  A light ray from the sun enters the droplet
  with a slight downward trajectory.
 Upon refracting twice and reflecting once, the
  light ray is dispersed and bent downward
  towards an observer on earth's surface.
 Other entry locations into the droplet may
  result in similar paths or even in light
  continuing through the droplet and out the
  opposite side without significant internal
 But for the entry location shown in the
  diagram at the right, there is an optimal
  concentration of light exiting the airborne
  droplet at an angle towards the ground.
 As in the case of the refraction of light
  through prisms with nonparallel sides,
  the refraction of light at two boundaries
  of the droplet results in the dispersion of
  light into a spectrum of colors.
 The shorter wavelength blue and violet
  light refract a slightly greater amount
  than the longer wavelength red light.
 Since the boundaries are not parallel to
  each other, the double refraction results
  in a distinct separation of the sunlight
  into its component colors.
 The angle of deviation between the incoming light
  rays from the sun and the refracted rays directed to
  the observer's eyes is approximately 42 degrees
  for the red light.
 Because of the tendency of shorter wavelength
  blue light to refract more than red light, its angle of
  deviation from the original sun rays is
  approximately 40 degrees.
 As shown in the diagram, the red light refracts out
  of the droplet at a steeper angle toward an
  observer on the ground.
   There are a multitude of paths by which the
    original ray can pass through a droplet and
    subsequently angle towards the ground.
   Some of the paths are dependent upon which
    part of the droplet the incident rays contact.
   Other paths are dependent upon the location of
    the sun in the sky and the subsequent
    trajectory of the incoming rays towards the
   Yet the greatest concentration of outgoing rays
    is found at these 40-42 degree angles of
   At these angles, the dispersed light is bright
    enough to result in a rainbow display in the sky.
The Formation of the Rainbow
 A rainbow is most often viewed as a circular arc in the
  sky. An observer on the ground observes a half-circle of
  color with red being the color perceived on the outside
  or top of the bow.
 Those who are fortunate enough to have seen a
  rainbow from an airplane in the sky may know that a
  rainbow can actually be a complete circle.
 Observers on the ground only view the top half of the
  circle since the bottom half of the circular arc is
  prevented by the presence of the ground (and the
  rather obvious fact that suspended water droplets aren't
  present below ground).
 Yet observers in an airborne plane can often look both
  upward and downward to view the complete circular
   The circle (or half-circle) results because there are a
    collection of suspended droplets in the atmosphere that
    are capable concentrating the dispersed light at angles
    of deviation of 40-42 degrees relative to the original
    path of light from the sun.
   These droplets actually form a circular arc, with each
    droplet within the arc dispersing light and reflecting it
    back towards the observer.
   Every droplet within the arc is refracting and dispersing
    the entire visible light spectrum (ROYGBIV).
   As described above, the red light is refracted out of a
    droplet at steeper angles towards the ground than the
    blue light.
   Thus, when an observer sights at a steeper angle with
    respect to the ground, droplets of water within this line
    of sight are refracting the red light to the observer's eye.
 The blue light from these same droplets is
  directed at a less steep angle and is directed
  along a trajectory that passes over the observer's
 Thus, it is the red light that is seen when looking
  at the steeper angles relative to the ground.
  Similarly, when sighting at less steep angles,
  droplets of water within this line of sight are
  directing blue light to the observer's eye while the
  red light is directed downwards at a more steep
  angle towards the observer's feet.
 This discussion explains why it is the red light
  that is observed at the top and on the outer
  perimeter of a rainbow and the blue light that is
  observed on the bottom and the inner perimeter
  of the rainbow.
 Rainbows are not limited to the dispersion of
  light by raindrops.
 The splashing of water at the base of a
  waterfall caused a mist of water in the air that
  often results in the formation of rainbows.
 A backyard water sprinkler is another common
  source of a rainbow. Bright sunlight,
  suspended droplets of water and the proper
  angle of sighting are the three necessary
  components for viewing one of nature's most
  splendid masterpieces.

 Most of our discussion of refraction in this unit has
  pertained to the refraction of light at a distinct
 As light is transmitted across the boundary from one
  material to another, there is a change in speed,
  which causes a change in direction of the light wave.
 The boundaries that we have been focusing on have
  been distinct interfaces between two recognizably
  different materials.
 The boundary between the glass of a fish tank and
  the surrounding air or the boundary between the
  water in a pool and the surrounding air are examples
  of distinct interfaces between two recognizably
  different materials.
   It has been mentioned in our discussion that the
    refraction or bending of light occurs at the
    boundary between two materials; and once a
    light wave has crossed the boundary it travels in
    a straight line.
   The discussion has presumed that the medium
    is a uniform medium.
   A uniform medium is a medium whose optical
    density is everywhere the same within the
   A uniform medium is the same everywhere from
    its top boundary to its bottom boundary and
    from its left boundary to its right boundary.
   But not every medium is a uniform medium, and
    the fact that air can sometimes form a non-
    uniform medium leads to an interesting
    refraction phenomenon - the formation of
 A mirage is an optical phenomenon that creates
  the illusion of water and results from the refraction
  of light through a non-uniform medium.
 Mirages are most commonly observed on sunny
  days when driving down a roadway.
 As you drive down the roadway, there appears to
  be a puddle of water on the road several yards
  (maybe one-hundred yards) in front of the car. Of
  course, when you arrive at the perceived location
  of the puddle, you recognize that the puddle is not
  there. Instead, the puddle of water appears to be
  another one-hundred yards in front of you.
 You could carefully match the perceived location of
  the water to a roadside object; but when you arrive
  at that object, the puddle of water is still not on the
  roadway. The appearance of the water is simply an
 Mirages occur on sunny days. The role
  of the sun is to heat the roadway to high
 This heated roadway in turn heats the
  surrounding air, keeping the air just
  above the roadway at higher
  temperatures than that day's average air
 Hot air tends to be less optically dense
  than cooler air. As such, a non-uniform
  medium has been created by the heating
  of the roadway and the air just above it.
 While light will travel in a straight line through a
  uniform medium, it will refract when traveling
  through a non-uniform medium.
 If a driver looks down at the roadway at a very
  low angle (that is, at a position nearly one
  hundred yards away), light from objects above
  the roadway will follow a curved path to the
  driver's eye as shown in the diagram below.
 Light that is traveling downward into this less
  optically dense air begins to speed up.
 Though there isn't a distinct boundary between
  two media, there is a change in speed of a light
  wave. As expected, a change in speed is
  accompanied by a change in direction. If there
  were a distinct boundary between two media, then
  there would be a bending of this light ray away
  from the normal.
 For this light ray to bend away from
  the normal (towards the boundary), the ray would
  begin to bend more parallel to the roadway and
  then bend upwards towards the cooler air. As
  such, a person in a car sighting downward at the
  roadway will see an object located above the
 Of course, this is not a usual event.
 When was the last time that you looked downward
  at a surface and saw an object above the surface?
  While not a usual event, it does happen.
 For instance, suppose you place a mirror on the
  floor and look downward at the floor; you will see
  objects located above the floor due to the reflection
  of light by the mirror. Even a glass window placed
  on the floor will reflect light from objects above the
 If you look downward at the glass window at a low
  enough angle, then you will see objects located
  above the floor. Or suppose that you are standing
  on the shore of a calm pond and look downward at
  the water; you might see objects above the pond
  due to the reflection of light by the water.
 So when you experience this sunny day
  phenomenon, your mind must quickly make
  sense of how you can look downward at the
  roadway and see an object located above the
  road. In the process of making sense of this
  event, your mind draws upon past experiences.
 Searching the database of stored experiences,
  your mind is interested in an explanation of why
  the eye can sight downward at a surface and see
  an object that is located above the surface.
 In the process of searching, it comes up with
  three possible explanations based upon past
  experiences. Your mind subtly ponders these
  three options.
 There is a mirror on the road. Someone
  must have for some reason placed a
  mirror on the road.
 The mirror is reflecting light and that is
  why I see an image of the oncoming
  truck when I look downward at the road.
 There is a glass window on the road. My
  gosh, do you believe it! Someone has
  left a glass window on the road.
 The glass window is reflecting light and
  that is why I see an image of the
  oncoming truck when I look downward at
  the road.
 There is water on the road. It must have rained
  last night and there is a puddle of water left on
  the road.
 The water is reflecting light and that is why I
  see an image of the oncoming truck when I
  look downward at the road.
 Of the three possible explanations of the
  image of the truck, only one makes a lot of
  sense to the mind - there is water on the road.
 After all, while both glass windows and mirrors
  can reflect light, nowhere in your mind's
  database of past experiences is there an
  account of a mirror or glass window being
  seen on a roadway.
   Yet there are plenty of times that a water
    puddle has been observed to be present on a
   Smart person that you are, you then conclude
    that there is a puddle of water on the road that
    is causing you to see objects located above
    the road when you sight downward at the
    road. The illusion is complete.
By Shwetha
Computer Teacher
SDM Eng Med School, Ujire

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Dispersion and spectrum

  • 1.
  • 2. Visible light, also known as white light, consists of a collection of component colors.  These colors are often observed as light passes through a triangular prism.  Upon passage through the prism, the white light is separated into its component colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.  The separation of visible light into its different colors is known as dispersion.  It was mentioned in the Light and Color unit that each color is characteristic of a distinct wave frequency; and different frequencies of light waves will bend varying amounts upon passage through a prism.
  • 3. Optical density  Different materials are distinguished from each other by their different optical densities.  The optical density is simply a measure of the tendency of a material to slow down light as it travels through it.  A light wave traveling through a transparent material interacts with the atoms of that material.  When a light wave impinges upon an atom of the material, it is absorbed by that atom.
  • 4.  The absorbed energy causes the electrons in the atom to vibrate.  If the frequency of the light wave does not match the resonance frequency of the vibrating electrons, then the light will be reemitted by the atom at the same frequency at which it impinged upon it.  The light wave then travels through the interatomic vacuum towards the next atom of the material. Once it impinges upon the next atom, the process of absorption and re-emission is repeated.
  • 5.
  • 6.  The optical density of a material is the result of the tendency of the atoms of a material to maintain the absorbed energy of the light wave in the form of vibrating electrons before reemitting it as a new electromagnetic disturbance.  Thus, while a light wave travels through a vacuum at a speed of c (3.00 x 108 m/s), it travels through a transparent material at speeds less than c.  The index of refraction value (n) provides a quantitative expression of the optical density of a given medium. Materials with higher index of refraction values have a tendency to hold onto the absorbed light energy for greater lengths of time before reemitting it to the interatomic void.
  • 7.  The more closely that the frequency of the light wave matches the resonant frequency of the electrons of the atoms of a material, the greater the optical density and the greater the index of refraction.  A light wave would be slowed down to a greater extent when passing through such a material.  The index of refraction values are dependent upon the frequency of light. For visible light, the n value does not show a large variation with frequency, but nonetheless it shows a variation.
  • 8.  For instance for some types of glass, the n value for frequencies of violet light is 1.53; and the n value for frequencies of red light is 1.51.  The absorption and re-emission process causes the higher frequency (lower wavelength) violet light to travel slower through crown glass than the lower frequency (higher wavelength) red light.
  • 9.  It is this difference in n value for the varying frequencies (and wavelengths) that causes the dispersion of light by a triangular prism.  Violet light, being slowed down to a greater extent by the absorption and re-emission process, refracts more than red light.  Upon entry of white light at the first boundary of a triangular prism, there will be a slight separation of the white light into the component colors of the spectrum.  Upon exiting the triangular prism at the second boundary, the separation becomes even greater and ROYGBIV is observed in its splendor.
  • 10. Angle of Deviation  In optics, the net angular deflection experienced by a Light Ray after one or more refractions or reflections.  The total deviation ε of a light ray can be computed, given the incidence angle α.
  • 11. The same calculation allows for determination of the emergence angle δ.  The angle of deviation is the angle between the original incident ray and the emergent ray.  Since the larger angle of deviation corresponds to a larger refractive index, violet light would emerge with the largest angle of deviation and red light would emerge with the smallest angle.  Hence, the light emerging from the prism would disperse into a spectrum of rainbow colors wherein each color corresponds to a different angle of deviation.  The difference between the angles of deviation of any two rays is called the angle of dispersion.
  • 12. Rainbow Formation  One of nature's most splendid masterpieces is the rainbow.  A rainbow is an excellent demonstration of the dispersion of light and one more piece of evidence that visible light is composed of a spectrum of wavelengths, each associated with a distinct color.  To view a rainbow, your back must be to the sun as you look at an approximately 40 degree angle above the ground into a region of the atmosphere with suspended droplets of water or even a light mist.  Each individual droplet of water acts as a tiny prism that both disperses the light and reflects it back to your eye.  As you sight into the sky, wavelengths of light associated with a specific color arrive at your eye from the collection of droplets.  The net effect of the vast array of droplets is that a circular arc of ROYGBIV is seen across the sky.
  • 13. The Path of Light Through a Droplet  A collection of suspended water droplets in the atmosphere serves as a refractor of light.  The water represents a medium with a different optical density than the surrounding air.  Light waves refract when they cross over the boundary from one medium to another.  The decrease in speed upon entry of light into a water droplet causes a bending of the path of light towards the normal.  And upon exiting the droplet, light speeds up and bends away from the normal. The droplet causes a deviation in the path of light as it enters and exits the drop.
  • 14.  There are countless paths by which light rays from the sun can pass through a drop.  Each path is characterized by this bending towards and away from the normal.  One path of great significance in the discussion of rainbows is the path in which light refracts into the droplet, internally reflects, and then refracts out of the droplet.  The diagram at the right depicts such a path.
  • 15.  A light ray from the sun enters the droplet with a slight downward trajectory.  Upon refracting twice and reflecting once, the light ray is dispersed and bent downward towards an observer on earth's surface.  Other entry locations into the droplet may result in similar paths or even in light continuing through the droplet and out the opposite side without significant internal reflection.  But for the entry location shown in the diagram at the right, there is an optimal concentration of light exiting the airborne droplet at an angle towards the ground.
  • 16.  As in the case of the refraction of light through prisms with nonparallel sides, the refraction of light at two boundaries of the droplet results in the dispersion of light into a spectrum of colors.  The shorter wavelength blue and violet light refract a slightly greater amount than the longer wavelength red light.  Since the boundaries are not parallel to each other, the double refraction results in a distinct separation of the sunlight into its component colors.
  • 17.  The angle of deviation between the incoming light rays from the sun and the refracted rays directed to the observer's eyes is approximately 42 degrees for the red light.  Because of the tendency of shorter wavelength blue light to refract more than red light, its angle of deviation from the original sun rays is approximately 40 degrees.  As shown in the diagram, the red light refracts out of the droplet at a steeper angle toward an observer on the ground.
  • 18. There are a multitude of paths by which the original ray can pass through a droplet and subsequently angle towards the ground.  Some of the paths are dependent upon which part of the droplet the incident rays contact.  Other paths are dependent upon the location of the sun in the sky and the subsequent trajectory of the incoming rays towards the droplet.  Yet the greatest concentration of outgoing rays is found at these 40-42 degree angles of deviation.  At these angles, the dispersed light is bright enough to result in a rainbow display in the sky.
  • 19. The Formation of the Rainbow  A rainbow is most often viewed as a circular arc in the sky. An observer on the ground observes a half-circle of color with red being the color perceived on the outside or top of the bow.  Those who are fortunate enough to have seen a rainbow from an airplane in the sky may know that a rainbow can actually be a complete circle.  Observers on the ground only view the top half of the circle since the bottom half of the circular arc is prevented by the presence of the ground (and the rather obvious fact that suspended water droplets aren't present below ground).  Yet observers in an airborne plane can often look both upward and downward to view the complete circular bow.
  • 20. The circle (or half-circle) results because there are a collection of suspended droplets in the atmosphere that are capable concentrating the dispersed light at angles of deviation of 40-42 degrees relative to the original path of light from the sun.  These droplets actually form a circular arc, with each droplet within the arc dispersing light and reflecting it back towards the observer.  Every droplet within the arc is refracting and dispersing the entire visible light spectrum (ROYGBIV).  As described above, the red light is refracted out of a droplet at steeper angles towards the ground than the blue light.  Thus, when an observer sights at a steeper angle with respect to the ground, droplets of water within this line of sight are refracting the red light to the observer's eye.
  • 21.  The blue light from these same droplets is directed at a less steep angle and is directed along a trajectory that passes over the observer's head.  Thus, it is the red light that is seen when looking at the steeper angles relative to the ground. Similarly, when sighting at less steep angles, droplets of water within this line of sight are directing blue light to the observer's eye while the red light is directed downwards at a more steep angle towards the observer's feet.  This discussion explains why it is the red light that is observed at the top and on the outer perimeter of a rainbow and the blue light that is observed on the bottom and the inner perimeter of the rainbow.
  • 22.  Rainbows are not limited to the dispersion of light by raindrops.  The splashing of water at the base of a waterfall caused a mist of water in the air that often results in the formation of rainbows.  A backyard water sprinkler is another common source of a rainbow. Bright sunlight, suspended droplets of water and the proper angle of sighting are the three necessary components for viewing one of nature's most splendid masterpieces.
  • 23. Mirages  Most of our discussion of refraction in this unit has pertained to the refraction of light at a distinct boundary.  As light is transmitted across the boundary from one material to another, there is a change in speed, which causes a change in direction of the light wave.  The boundaries that we have been focusing on have been distinct interfaces between two recognizably different materials.  The boundary between the glass of a fish tank and the surrounding air or the boundary between the water in a pool and the surrounding air are examples of distinct interfaces between two recognizably different materials.
  • 24. It has been mentioned in our discussion that the refraction or bending of light occurs at the boundary between two materials; and once a light wave has crossed the boundary it travels in a straight line.  The discussion has presumed that the medium is a uniform medium.  A uniform medium is a medium whose optical density is everywhere the same within the medium.  A uniform medium is the same everywhere from its top boundary to its bottom boundary and from its left boundary to its right boundary.  But not every medium is a uniform medium, and the fact that air can sometimes form a non- uniform medium leads to an interesting refraction phenomenon - the formation of
  • 25.  A mirage is an optical phenomenon that creates the illusion of water and results from the refraction of light through a non-uniform medium.  Mirages are most commonly observed on sunny days when driving down a roadway.  As you drive down the roadway, there appears to be a puddle of water on the road several yards (maybe one-hundred yards) in front of the car. Of course, when you arrive at the perceived location of the puddle, you recognize that the puddle is not there. Instead, the puddle of water appears to be another one-hundred yards in front of you.  You could carefully match the perceived location of the water to a roadside object; but when you arrive at that object, the puddle of water is still not on the roadway. The appearance of the water is simply an illusion.
  • 26.  Mirages occur on sunny days. The role of the sun is to heat the roadway to high temperatures.  This heated roadway in turn heats the surrounding air, keeping the air just above the roadway at higher temperatures than that day's average air temperature.  Hot air tends to be less optically dense than cooler air. As such, a non-uniform medium has been created by the heating of the roadway and the air just above it.
  • 27.  While light will travel in a straight line through a uniform medium, it will refract when traveling through a non-uniform medium.  If a driver looks down at the roadway at a very low angle (that is, at a position nearly one hundred yards away), light from objects above the roadway will follow a curved path to the driver's eye as shown in the diagram below.
  • 28.  Light that is traveling downward into this less optically dense air begins to speed up.  Though there isn't a distinct boundary between two media, there is a change in speed of a light wave. As expected, a change in speed is accompanied by a change in direction. If there were a distinct boundary between two media, then there would be a bending of this light ray away from the normal.  For this light ray to bend away from the normal (towards the boundary), the ray would begin to bend more parallel to the roadway and then bend upwards towards the cooler air. As such, a person in a car sighting downward at the roadway will see an object located above the roadway.
  • 29.  Of course, this is not a usual event.  When was the last time that you looked downward at a surface and saw an object above the surface? While not a usual event, it does happen.  For instance, suppose you place a mirror on the floor and look downward at the floor; you will see objects located above the floor due to the reflection of light by the mirror. Even a glass window placed on the floor will reflect light from objects above the floor.  If you look downward at the glass window at a low enough angle, then you will see objects located above the floor. Or suppose that you are standing on the shore of a calm pond and look downward at the water; you might see objects above the pond due to the reflection of light by the water.
  • 30.  So when you experience this sunny day phenomenon, your mind must quickly make sense of how you can look downward at the roadway and see an object located above the road. In the process of making sense of this event, your mind draws upon past experiences.  Searching the database of stored experiences, your mind is interested in an explanation of why the eye can sight downward at a surface and see an object that is located above the surface.  In the process of searching, it comes up with three possible explanations based upon past experiences. Your mind subtly ponders these three options.
  • 31.  There is a mirror on the road. Someone must have for some reason placed a mirror on the road.  The mirror is reflecting light and that is why I see an image of the oncoming truck when I look downward at the road.  There is a glass window on the road. My gosh, do you believe it! Someone has left a glass window on the road.  The glass window is reflecting light and that is why I see an image of the oncoming truck when I look downward at the road.
  • 32.  There is water on the road. It must have rained last night and there is a puddle of water left on the road.  The water is reflecting light and that is why I see an image of the oncoming truck when I look downward at the road.  Of the three possible explanations of the image of the truck, only one makes a lot of sense to the mind - there is water on the road.  After all, while both glass windows and mirrors can reflect light, nowhere in your mind's database of past experiences is there an account of a mirror or glass window being seen on a roadway.
  • 33. Yet there are plenty of times that a water puddle has been observed to be present on a roadway.  Smart person that you are, you then conclude that there is a puddle of water on the road that is causing you to see objects located above the road when you sight downward at the road. The illusion is complete.
  • 34. Reference   ml   spectrumrefraction-reflection-presentation  m  struments/phy217_inst_dispersion.html   m  m 
  • 35. By Shwetha Computer Teacher SDM Eng Med School, Ujire