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Loyalty Essay Conclusion
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Loyalty Essay Conclusion Loyalty Essay Conclusion
Nt1330 Unit 2 Data Collection Paper
Question 1 (ULO1) a.Sequential access: Sequential file organizations access data sequentially
from the beginning [1], i.e. to reach file 27, the 26 preceding files must be accessed first. They
are much slower to access compared to random access [1]. Sequential files are stored on a
sequential access device [2]. The records contained in sequential files are stored in a
predetermined order [2], according to the value of a search key [1], and are stored one after the
other [2] as they are inserted into the file. Records can only be accessed (read from and written to)
sequentially (i.e. in the same order that they were entered) [3]. Sequential files are designed for
efficient processing [1]). Records stored in sequential files cannot be deleted,... Show more content
on ...
Business Rules: In the entity relationship data models, business rules must take into account all
relationship models: one to many (1:M), one to one (1:1) and many to many (M:N). For a
database on a school library, a restriction of having a student only allowed to borrow one book
would need a 1:1 relationship. b.Normalisation: The following information applies to the
relational data model. 1NF (First Normal Form): The relation has no repeating groups; all
attributes are dependent on the primary key. [12] 2NF (Second Normal Form): The relation
should not have any partial dependencies; part of the primary key should not identify a subset of
attributes in the same table. The relation must be in 1NF before it can be in 2NF [12] 3NF (Third
Normal Form): The relation has no transitive dependencies. The relation must be in 2NF before it
can be in 3NF. [12] Normalization for entity relationship modelling works as it does for other
modelling systems, with some alterations. [13] The difference when using the entity relationship
data model is [14]: 1.Attributes become entity types. 2.Compound attributes must be split into
smaller attributes. 3.Entity types must be expanded into two entity types and a
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Advertisement Techniques Used In Michael Jordan s Coke...
Advertisements are used and can be located almost everywhere. Advertisements are found in
magazines, television, and also the internet. Advertisements are commonly used to draw the
attention of consumers and persuade them to buy and use their product or get them to do an act
supported by that company. Advertisements also have a targeted audience as well. Certain groups
will buy certain products so companies will attempt to push their product at the consumer who is
interested in their product. For example Michael Jordan s Coke advertisement Can t Beat the Real
Thing. Contained many examples of advertisement techniques like testimonial, transfer, and image.
This ad has appeared in the 1991 issue of the Times magazine. The company uses
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Chaos And Chaos In Oedipus
Chaos is an ubiquitous force in nature that can found anywhere and at anytime. A little chaos is the
key to keeping society together, but an excessive amount is detrimental to humanity and the ways
of the world. Oedipus Rex by Sophocles and Oedipus Out of Joint by Jean Pierre Vernant help us
understand Oedipuss downfall and the devious role chaos plays in the whole affair. Attempting to
fight for order in the battle against chaos for authority, his actions serve as an expedient for the
pandemonium that develops in his life meanwhile entrapping himself in an inescapable
entanglement that he inadvertently inflicts upon himself.
Chaos has the uncanny ability of slipping through the cracks of a city s firm foundation and
poisoning the area. Disguised as a hero, Oedipus is welcomed as the king of Thebes and is
endlessly praised for his gallantry and wisdom. Citizens view him as the savior who rescued
them from the Sphinx s wrath, but unbeknownst to them and even Oedipus himself, he is the
very pollution who causes all the ongoing chaos in the city. He vows to expose and penalize the
murderer for the unjustified act of regicide to appease Apollo and lift the plague, yet when
Teiresias accuses him of being the contamination, he repudiates the charge and blames Creon
instead of accepting responsibility. His wisdom fails him even with evidence staring him in the
face, and hubris blinds him to the painful truth that he killed his own blood. By slaughtering his
father, he takes Laius s identity and transfers into the stage of an old man: But the moment he
slips into old age... he becomes at best a man of words and of wise counsel, and at worst a
pitiable wreck (Vernant, 167). Once Oedipus is unmasked as the perpetrator, they pity the broken
man he becomes, but are disgusted by his vileness, and exile him to a lifetime of suffering
protecting themselves from the fury of Apollo that Oedipus imposes upon them. Just as chaos can
unconsciously invade a city, it can seep into the mind, the fragile thing. Quick to anger, Oedipus s
actions only manages to provoke resentment he will learn to regret later on. Rage? Why not!/And I
ll tell you what I think:/You planned it, you had it done, you all but/ Killed him with your
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Common Themes Of Dystopian Literature
Dystopian literature is normally about a setting that mirrors a Utopian society. Although it is far
from perfect, society is made to pretend as if it is one. In a state/county or another form of land
is where a Dystonia can take place. Dystopian landforms are usually trapped in from the outside
world. The people there believe that the outside world is a much worse place than where they
are, but there is always one or more people that believe otherwise. A leader or leaders are
controlling the people or using them for their own amusement. An example of this would be
President Snow in the hunger games. Snow uses the people of different districts for an annual fight
to the death. Of course, this is when one of the districts believe this is wrong,
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The Rape Of Sexual Assault
Currently in society it seems like fewer people comprehend the simple meaning of the word no.
Records of sexual assault are going through the roof, because of the fact people do not understand
that no means no. The main victims of sexual assault are women and statics show one in four
women have experienced unwanted sexual content. People come up with numerous excuses of why
to blame the woman for the experiences they face, which is wrong and make women question
themselves. Women who are sexual assaulted are judged by themselves and by our society, which
leads to many psychological problems. Sexual assaultcan happen to any type of woman and causes
many psychological, emotional, and physical problems for their futures. Instead of blaming the
victim for being targeted, because of what they wore or said, we should lay blame on the person
who could not control their urges to and forcefully violated a person and caused them emotional
Many women who are sexual assaulted do not even report the crime, because they are facing
psychological, emotional, and physical problems. Women need to understand that sexual assault is
defined as any form of unwanted sexual touching or penetration without consent , which, means if
a person says no and someone still proceeds to do so than it is assault and they can file it (Blodget
2015). Society sets many sexiest standards, in which women are blamed for everything that
happens to them and are taught boys will be boys. Men are not held
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This is a speech for a US Representative running for...
First off I want to say that I am very happy to see all of you here. I am going to use this time to
announce my candidacy for Senate. After much deliberation I have decided to leave the House of
Representatives after my three terms and run for a position in the United States Senate. I believe
that I am the right candidate for this position for several reasons. First of all, I was in the House
for six years, because of this I understand how the institution is run from the inside, and I
understand the problems of the Senate. I believe that this is a very important aspect when running
for the Senate. Second I realize that Congress has some fundamental problems, that come from
individual goals as well as institutional goals, and I want to take... Show more content on ...
As you can see from these examples though this problem is not just unique to Congress. It can also
be seen in the state legislatures of the colonial era, and in the British House of Commons of the
sixteenth and twentieth centuries
I believe that there are ways to make Congress better by solving these problems. Three proposals
that I believe will help alleviate the problems we are having with Congress is campaign finance
reform, more deliberation in Congress and public education of issues.
Campaign finance reform is probably one proposal that you might be familiar with and it is my
belief that implementing this will help improve Congress as an institution. There are several areas
of this proposal that I find important. These issues include the elimination of soft money, raising the
limits on party contributions, and encouraging more participation of the public in campaigns.
Soft money is not being used for the same reasons as it was originally meant to be. What
originally started out to help grassroots party activities has turned into a cover for the contribution
of political parties to donate large sums of money, which can be used as a way to influence the
vote of certain government officials. In 1998 the Republic Congressional Campaign Committee
held a dinner that raised 10 million dollars and since 1995 Democratic Party committees have been
receiving over 1 million dollars
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The Waste Disposal Of The Chesapeake Bay
As humanity continues to prosper agriculturally, industrially, and in population, companies, as well
as local communities, have obsessively used the Ocean to toss their waste without consequences.
The formation of dead zones has been intensified by the increase runoff of fertilizers and the
burning of fossil fuels. Enhanced primary production causes algaeto bloom at a constant rate
creating a layer near the surface. This layer acts as a roof to vegetation below resulting in a lack of
oxygenwhich organisms use to live. According to Robert Diaz and Rutger Rosenberg, Dead zones
have now been reported from more than 400 systems, affecting a total area of more than 245,000
square kilometers, and are probably a key stressor on marine ecosystems. Specifically, the
Chesapeake Bayhas been polluted to the point where areas have now been uninhabitable to marine
life. Although waste disposal is a difficult issue to solve, polluting bodies of water endangers the
marine life, environment, and health of organisms. While the Earth s surface is seventy percent
covered in water, countries are reliant on the Ocean s vegetation, marine life and resources. By
eliminating those factors from coastal countries, many communities will suffer economically and
culturally. Specifically, countries that catch, sell or eat seafood will have to exchange their lifestyle
to meet their need for food and money in order to survive. Ultimately, drinking water is not obtained
through salt water from oceans
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Women Of A Female And A Minority
As for me being a Hispanic female, there are many stereotypes and judgments are put not only
on myself as a female, but as a person of the Latin descendant. In our society today, we see many
forms of stereotypes, racism and discrimination all over the media and even in our everyday
lives. As I can only speak on behalf of a female and a minority, I can say that there are large
amounts of stereotypes and images that we have to live up to in this society; despite my
personal feelings and beliefs towards this, it is part of our country and we must live with it.
However, after preparing for this assignment, my eyes were opened not only are minorities and
people of color being discriminated against, but also Caucasian individuals. For this assignment,
I had the privilege to interview six beautiful women of different races. Three of the women that
were interviewed were Caucasian, two were Mexican and one was African American. After
having the opportunity to speak with these women, I was able to gain a better knowledge and
understanding on how three different races believe it is to be someone who is white and
someone of color. For the most part, it seemed as if the minority women s answers were somewhat
similar; however, each woman was able to speak their opinion due to certain personal experiences
that they have had. Whether it was with a white person or being that they are a female of color,
they able to share their experience and how they felt about the situation. On the other
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Close Reading Of Mcteague
Humans are meant to empathize with one another, it is in the nature of people and it inherent to
the human psyche. Though, people attempt to cover up their empathy and show disinterest
towards others, the kind nature to feel bad for those lesser than ourselves tends to shine though.
The narrator in the passage, seemingly uninterested in McTeague s life, is actually wuite the
opposite. Rather than turn a blind eye to the life of McTeague, he actually seems to pity the man.
This is shown through diction, tone, and details presented to the reader in the text. Authors hand
select words that match their ideas and their goals for their writing, and this piece is no
different. The narrator uses words that hail a negative connotation. By presenting McTeague as
Sluggish the reader is lead to believe that he is lazy or inept. The narrator seems to hold an air of
contempt and pity for McTeague, believing him to be unintelligent and slow minded. The narrator
also implies that he is poor by inferring that McTeague s dreams were, well beyond his means (61
62). This brings on an air of sadness but hopeful. Despite the narrator believing that McTeague is
destitute, they still believe him to be hopeful and seemingly... Show more content on ...
The author seems to be disenchanted with McTeague s life, rather deciding to sign on with a
mild interest, only to show his own pity for McTeague. The rambling description of McTeague s
room is done to show the absolute averageness of the parlor that homes the dentist. The tone
created from this is almost condescending but not quite there yet. Instead, the narrator simply
drones on about the simple treasures that McTeague holds dear to him. Hwoever, as the narrator
does this, it seems as if the narrator is beginning to pity him as each item is giving a description
of why he needs it, and the reason is often to please other people. The narrator is seen to pity
McTeague, and this is done through the tone set for the
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The Disappearance Of The Roanoke Island Colony
America s past is a mysterious one, riddled with unsolved questions and misleading legends. One of
the most prominent enigmas that has haunted historians for centuries is the disappearance of the
Roanoke Island Colony, also known to many as The Lost Colony.
After leaving for three years, the governor of Roanoke Island, John White, returned to find the
settlement abandon. The only remaining clue was the word CROATOAN carved into a fence post
and the letters CRO etched into a nearby tree. Several diverse theories have been suggested to
explain the disappearance of the 120 missing colonist, ranging from disease to natural disaster.
Any evidence supporting the various theories is weak, at best. However, the clues left behind point
to the assimilation theory which proposes the colonists integrated with the natives, as the Croatoan
had been a friendly Native American tribe in the area. Furthermore, the majority of new facts and
the strongest evidence support the assimilation theory as well. Other common theories have
numerous flaws in their logic that make them highly improbable. It is because the only sign the
colony left behind indicates assimilation, any new or outside evidence discovered also serves to
further prove assimilation, and all other theories suffer major inaccuracies that assimilation is the
most probable theory.
The Lost Colony was the first of England s new world colonies, meant to be both a permanent
settlement and the location of a fortress. England s
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Government Structures And Religious Beliefs In Spanish...
Society s norms and expectations more often than not impact an individual s actions and ideology,
whether they are from Ancient Greece or modern day United States. Government structures and
religious beliefs in the society of Spanish Settlers and in early American slavery lead individuals to
judge other races because of the disassociation between two cultures and generalized concepts about
the other ethnic on the basis of hearsay and rumor. The setup of the Spaniard s society and the
American Slave Trade system influences the minds of the individuals a part of them, stemming
from their governments and religions.
In the society of the Spanish Settlers and early American slavery, government structures cause the
settlers and slaves to quickly judge other races due to their lack of association. In La RelaciГіn , the
Spanish Settlers alienation from the natives in America causes the Spaniards to criticize the locals
because of the differences between the two, specifically the contrasts in their governments. ГЃlvar
NГєГ±ez Cabeza de Vaca, as the narrator of La RelaciГіn , says, The islanders wanted to make
physicians of us without examination or a review of diplomas ... We scoffed ... at the idea we knew
how to heal , (Cabeza 78). When the natives tell the Spanish Settlers to become medicine men, the
Conquistadors judge the natives way of determining their qualification. In Spain, one needs
schooling to become a certified doctor. Since the two groups have minimal direct interaction,
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Fedex Apac Hr Shared Services Center in Wuhan
CC 408 006
FedEx APAC HR Shared Services Center in Wuhan
This case was prepared by Prof. Lee, Jean S K and LIU Jia at Case Center of CEIBS. The case
was prepared as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective
handling of an administrative situation. Certain names and other identifying information may have
been disguised to protect confidentiality. Copyright 2008 by CEIBS (China Europe International
Business School) No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise without the permission of CEIBS.
The CEIBS Case Centre is sponsored by McKinsey Company. ... Show more content on ...
Company Background FedEx Express is part of transportation powerhouse FedEx Corporation,
providing fast and reliable delivery to every U.S. address and to more than 220 countries and
territories around the world. FedEx uses a global air and ground network to speed delivery of
time sensitive shipments, usually in one to two business days with the delivery time guaranteed.
FedEx Corp. provides customers and businesses worldwide with a broad portfolio of
transportation, e commerce and business services. With annual revenue of $32 billion, the
company offers integrated business applications through operating companies competing
collectively and managed collaboratively, under the respected FedEx brand. In 2002, FedEx
became the first and only international carrier to offer a Money Back Guarantee to customers
across Mainland China and opened a new China headquarters in Shanghai in November of 2004,
enabling the company to be more responsive and fully focused on the needs of its customers.
Currently FedEx serves more than 30 countries and territories in the Asia Pacific market with more
than 10,000 employees. The new domestic services, expected to be fully operational in June 2007,
will serve China s burgeoning market with an overnight, time definite delivery service to 19 cities
and a day definite service to more than 200 cities throughout the country. Realtime package status
tracking will let customers know where their shipments are at every step of
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Aristotle s Influence On Democracy
After democracy was introduced in Athens around the 5th century B.C.E., the majority of the Greek
intellectual community condemned it as a form of communal tyranny. Socrates was put to trial and
executed after a vote by the Athenian citizens because, despite strong evidence negating their
arguments, the common people blamed him for corrupting the city s youth. Aristotle would later
argue in his writings that the most effective democracyshould include equal power between the
rich minority and the poor majority, so the poor could not take advantage of the rich. In other
words, Aristotle felt that the poor should have a disproportionately small voice in democracy,
perhaps believing that they were fundamentally less capable than the educated bourgeois of
making the right decision. After two and a half thousand millennia have past, we d all like to
believe we ve perfected this tried and failed egalitarian system. After all, the entirety of the first
world operates under political structures that can largely be described as democratic, and there is
something intuitively, morally correct about every person having an equal say, right?
On November 8th, 2016, when Hilary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential
election, the academic elite screamed their approval. This was progress. This will go down as the
iconic victory of tolerance over bigotry, of rational thought over dogmatism, of love over hate. After
a historically gruesome campaign, characterized by violence,
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The Importance Of Infrastructure Security By Analyzing One...
During the last decade, information technology has become an increasingly pervasive issue present
in each of the corporate structures (Exhibit 1). Even more recently, the idea of utilizing a cloud
based infrastructure has become an idea that is more and more adopted by the business in an intent
to facilitate data processing and availability. Nevertheless, with cloud computing comes several
confidentiality issues that worry its users, especially those users who utilize the platform to transit
huge amounts of delicate information. These issues have led companies to establish IT departments
that are able and equipped to handle the data challenges such as data theft, among others, that arise
with the information being on the ... Show more content on ...
The breach was carried through what is referred to as a memory scraping software, which once
installed in a computer, is able to store sensitive information such as: names and credit card
numbers. Although, it is unknown how these hackers were able to install this software into target
s point of sale systems, experts affirm that it could have been installed by anyone who had access
to the company s POS system. What is scary is that this malicious software could have been
downloaded by a target employee after innocently clicking on a link from an anonymous email or
downloading a free disguised software program from the internet. The software could have also
been installed by the thieves themselves through a physical security breach into any of Target s
thousands of stores nationwide or even in its headquarters. To make matters even worse, the breach
could have also intentionally come from someone within the IT department in the organization.
Whichever the case may be, I guess we will never know. What is important to recognize though,
was this giant s response to deter the breach and its actions in restoring and improving the
organization s IT structure.
Target s Response
After the data breach that the company experienced, Target knew that something must change in
order to improve their security in the system and improve customer credibility. For this reason,
Target, amongst many other things, decided to launch
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Hillbilly Elegy Summary
In the fifth reading assignment of Hillbilly Elegy, the chapters highlight J.D s time in high school,
the Marines, and college.
The start of chapter seven dealt with the death of Papaw. I think this death took a toll on J.D
largely because Papaw was the closest thing to a stable father figure he had. I love the
relationship that Papaw and J.D had, and I m sure it was one that J.D cherishes to this day.
Reading about Papaw s funeral was especially tough for me because I have been exactly where
J.D was in that moment. My grandfather passed away in the summer of 2015, and I also spoke at
his funeral. I was extremely close with my Grandpa, or Papa as I called him, and reading about
J.D s experience brought up some tough feelings for me. I noticed that J.D s mother took the loss of
her father extremely had. She was thrown into a prescription drug induced tailspin. This is yet
another example of the loss of a loved one completely derailing the life of one of their loved ones.
Her story reminded me of Scott from Evicted. This also made me feel for J.D, he had just lost his
beloved grandfather, and now he had to worry about his mother struggling with her addiction.
Later in the chapter, I was happy to read that Lindsay had a great life going for her. She is one of
my favorite characters in this book, and I was joyed to read that she had found a great husband.
I also thought it was completely selfish for J.D s mother to ask him to move to Dayton with her
newest boyfriend. I was also sickened to read that J.D s mother sent him to a therapist just so
she could interrogate him about how he acted towards his mother. I think if J.D saw an actual
therapist, he could have really benefited from it. I also really respected that Lindsay dropped
everything she was doing to go pick up J.D from Dayton. I think this really speaks to their
relationship, and how much she cares for her brother. I was also stunned to read that J.D s mother
agreed to marry a man she had only known for one week. I knew that she had relationship issues,
but this still shocked me. I think J.D eventually became numb to the amount of partners his mother
brought home. The story of J.D s mother begging for his clean urine was extremely sad to me. I
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Physical Therapist Strengths
Life is a constant learning experience. I believe that if we are able to recognize the good and bad
qualities within ourselves, we will become truly better human beings. Whether we are using the
positive skills and abilities that help us obtain our goal, or knowing the negative individual
weaknesses that need work, understanding ourselves and what we can do, can benefit us not only
in our future career field we choose to purse, but in our everyday life as well.
For myself, I believe a few of my personal assets in building relationships with others would have
to be my empathetic and developing attitude. Being a developer, I believe that there is good and
potential in very human being. I enjoy helping people discover, first of all, potential within
themselves, and then the potential in other individuals as well. Now my empathy helps me better
understand and connect with people on a more personal level. I am able to listen to an individual
and see the world through their eyes. I believe that these two strengths, along with my other top
strengths, will help me obtain a fulfilling and successful career.
The career field I think that would best utilize my ... Show more content on ...
Becoming a physical therapist will require many years of preparation and education in areas such
as anatomy, physical fitness, biology, and kinesiology. Many physical therapists also take courses
on patient psychology to assist patients with the emotional barriers that come along with their
physical condition. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is another requirement. Physical therapists must also
earn a Bachelor s Degree in a health related field, like Health Sciences. A minimum of a Master s
Degree must be completed, along with and optional residency in some programs. They must also
meet their state s licensing requirements and they must obtain Board Certification. Altogether this
process could take around six to seven years to
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The Nhs ( National Health Service )
The aim of this essay is to critic and to develop the change in the NHS. The NHS (National Health
Service) establish in 1948 is the public health funded system in United Kingdom which provide the
most high care in UK resident. Since being created, there is a constant transformation into
leadership and management. For example Griffith s report (1983) introduces general manager and
central role for doctors. Cogwheel report establishes in 1967, is the first report introducing the role
of clinician management and managing resource in NHS. Management was more bureaucratic that
time, since then they have had several others reports about change in management based more into
share management leadership by giving doctors, general practice and clinician a roles in managing
of change Kings funds (2015).
The key driver of change in NHS has different factors, demography, new technology that rising
consumer expectation and litigation, Even though NHS is one of the largest employers in the
world they still shortage of staff, doctors and nurses NHS choices (2014). The rising cost of
treatment potentially increase patient satisfaction and promotion of staff safety are invariably
restraint poor action plan. That then has an impact of delivery care Gopee and Galloway (2014).
However Gopee and Galloway (2014) suggest that, the change can interact on the role manager or
leader play. Change is important in NHS because it has be poor quality of care in the past. Victoria
Climbie one the high
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Cultural Context in How Many Miles to Babylon, Sive and 32a
Comparative Studies
Cultural Context
Q The cultural context of a text can determine the characters and events of the text greatly. Discuss
in relation to at least two texts you have studied in your comparative studies course.
Texts studied:
How Many Miles to Babylon, by Jennifer Johnston (HMMB)
Sive, by John B Keane
32A, directed by Marian Quinn
The texts I have studied as part of my comparative course are greatly determined by the cultural
context of the text; we can see results of this on both characters and events of each text. In each text
I have studied the time and setting of the texts, the class structures and economic statutes of the
characters, the customs, traditions, power and especially the values of the societies all ... Show more
content on ...
It is a time when matchmakers were popular and local trades flourished. Matchmaking is a
distinctive part of the cultural context; Thomasheen is actually a matchmaker by trade. This was
a traditional aspect of rural Ireland. The majority of the characters in the play see it as a young girl
s purpose in life to marry a suitable man that could provide a comfortable life for her. In one key
seen in Sive we see Sive s aunt and for all purposes mother driven to fulfil the match between Sive
and Sean Dota in the guarantee of a wealthy sum of money for her meddling services.
We see that money is power in the world of Sive: Sean DГіta can get his way and marry Sive just
because he has money. Sive s faith can be defined by the expectations and considerations of her
society and culture.
In contrast the world of 32A was never much determined by social class as was prominent in
HMMB. Set in the suburbs of Dublin in 1979, at a much later date than the other texts, we witness
the society and culture of middle class Ireland. Dublin s North side where most of the action takes
place is portrayed as a
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The Cause Of The Catastrophe Analysis
The Cause of the Catastrophe , was a Newspaper article written in a paper called the Halifax
Herald, two days after the Halifax explosion, on December 8th 1917. The source comes directly
from Halifax, referencing key issues that came as consequences of the explosion. This article is
aimed towards other Canadian citizens, as the Halifax Herald was a local newspaper (Now
called the Chronicle Herald , a newspaper that covers all of Nova Scotia), looking to simply
spread information to citizens of Halifax and discuss the destruction that ensued two days prior.
While this article comes from a primary and reputable source, it does include a small amount of
bias when explaining the cause of the explosion. They reference both; that the oncoming Belgian
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Morality In Kate Chopin s The Awakening
Value is a subjective domain. What is insignificant to one is priceless to another. In that
subjectivity, one tends to measure value in cost what would you give for this? Some things come
cheap, a minute of your day, a dollar of your savings. Others demand more, a piece of your soul,
your mortal life altogether.
In Kate Chopin s revolutionary final masterpiece, The Awakening, Edna Pontellier is a young
married mother of two in luxurious nineteenth century New Orleans. Finding herself walled in by
the oppression of patriarchal standards for a woman of means, Edna struggles with her identity
and values. She watches as the women around her revel in their roles as wives and mothers, as
they play their roles with the ease of ministering angels. Unable, or rather unwilling, to submit to
these arbitrary posts, Edna ends her life in a manner as theatrical as it is tragic. She drowns herself
in the ocean of the resort her family summers at. As she feels herself slipping into the anesthetic lull
of death, Edna believes she is escaping the ... Show more content on ...
To Madame Pontellier, an existence in the shackles of so called domestic felicity is worse than no
life at all. In death she takes ownership of her fate, sealing it for herself. This final act defines
Edna, by revealing not only her values but how calamitously far she will go to protect them.
Edna values herself, her freedom, her own identity. In light of Edna s sacrifice, the values of the
surrounding characters come to light as well. Leonce, her husband, values obedience and social
convention, as does Edna s friend, Madame Ratignolle. She serves as a foil to Edna in her aptitude
for domestic pursuits as Edna struggles to even keep the appearance of contentment. Edna s mentor
and the town eccentric, Mme Reisz s values become clear in her refusal to conform to standard
accordances. Both she and Edna prioritize their independence above all
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Peer Pressure In The Film Rebel Without A Cause
Many people in the world are being pushed into peer pressure. In the movie Rebel Without a
Cause the same thing is happening. In this movie two characters (Jim and Buzz) are pushed into
something called the Chickie Run and this comes from a knife fight early in the movie and it
gets broken up by the police. Then Buzz Pushes Jim into doing the chickie run to prove himself
to Buzz s gang. But before the chickie run happens Buzz goes to talk to Jim and he tells Jim that
he likes him. Then Jim asks Then why do we do this? Buzz says that they have to something to
prove to his gang the he is still in charge. At this point they are both being pushed into peer
pressure. Peer pressure can be both good and bad. It can be good in the way of, say
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Rust Vs Wild Fly
Phenotypic expression of the mutation is isolated to the eyes of adult flies, with no differences
observed in developmental stages. The feature characteristic is eye color: mutant adults express a
darker, reddish brown color in contrast to the wild type red eye. Additionally, no pseudopupil is
observed in mutants. However this may be due to the darker eyecolor obscuring visibility of a
pseudopupil. Newly eclosed flies express a lighter mutant phenotype than older flies. The mutation
is nicknamed Rust due to the similarities between iron oxide, a reddish brown compound that
forms and darkens after exposure to oxygen, and the mutant eye color following eclosion. Male
and female mutant flies show no differences in phenotype aside from sexual dimorphism. Figure 1
shows the differences between Rust and wild type flies in eye color and pseudopupil observed....
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The white (w) and garnet (g) genes are sex linked both located on the X chromosome. The white
locus (location: 1 1.5) has many alleles and can be responsible for a large range of eye color
phenotypes. An allele of white, wcf, results in reduced levels of red and brown pigment
(Mackenziea, et al. 1999). This causes a darker eye color, similar to that of the Rust mutant.
Mutations in garnet (location: 1 44.4) are characterized by reduced levels of two distinct
components pteridine and xanthommatin, which are red and brown pigments respectively (Lloyd
et al.
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Compare And Contrast Texas And Desert Cottontail
The Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) is a mammal that lives throughout the eastern parts
of Texas, according to The Mammals of Texas. The Desert Cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii) is also
a rabbit native to Texas. The Desert Cottontail lives in the uplands of Texas on the western half of
the state, says The Mammals of Texas. Of the two, the Eastern Cottontailis the most common. A
close relative of these cottontails is the New England Cottontail. The Desert Cottontail and the
Eastern Cottontail have both evolved from the New England Cottontail to survive in their
environments. Although the Desert Cottontail and the Eastern Cottontail are very similar, they also
have differences.
Both rabbits are cottontails and both look similar because ... Show more content on
They stay small to be fast and avoid predators in the wild, more often. The Desert Cottontail also is
more social than the Eastern Cottontail. The Eastern Cottontail likes to be near town and farming
areas. They feed off the vegetation, and tend to travel alone to avoid being caught.
The Eastern Cottontail breeds all year long. The Desert Cottontails have no record of breeding in
January, July or October, be do breed during every other month of the year. To make up for this, the
Desert Cottontail matures into adulthood faster than the Eastern Cottontail. The Desert Cottontail
reaches adulthood in 3 months and is ready to breed sooner than the Eastern Cottontail. The
Eastern Cottontail lives three years or less and the Desert Cottontail is only known to live up to
two years.
In conclusion, the Desert Cottontail and the Eastern Cottontail are more different than they seem.
They tend to be paired together because of their appearance, and if you look up pictures it is
difficult to differentiate between the two, but there are quite some differences. The fact is, that
even the slightest difference in an animal s habitat and environment will change its characteristics,
appearance, genetics, and so much
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Research Paper On Ecstasy
Leah Betts was an 18 year old student who died from the use of ecstasy. On her 18th birthday she
took an ecstasy tablet it was believed that she then consumed 7litres of water to contract the
effects of the drug. Ultimately Leah died from water intoxication she d consumed so much after
taking ecstasy that it stopped her brain from working properly and caused it to swell leading to
her death. Heart rate, breathing, body fluids and temperature are all regulated without using
having to think about it, the is known as homeostasis. When you take ecstasy (chemically
known as MDMA) homeostasis is pushed too far causing it to start to break down. Homeostasis
usually regulates body temperature to around 37 39 degrees celsius. In order to maintain these
temperatures we cool ourselves down through evaporation of sweat produced from sweat glands
in the skin. However there is a limit to how fast our body can cool down, when you take ecstasy
you body ignores the warning signals it is being sent. Leah however, was not dancing around or
exerting a lot of energy for her to sweat or become hot therefore, it was clear that she did not die
from overheating. Ecstasy also affects the water... Show more content on ...
Vasopressin is one of the hormones released by the pituitary gland, it is an anti diuretic hormone
which regulates blood pressure and water retention. When sodium levels get too high, your
body feels dehydrated. Vasopressin is then released to allow for more water to pass through your
kidneys. On the other hand, when your sodium levels are too low, vasopressin is no longer
released and your kidneys absorb less water. When you use ecstasy, vasopressin is released
because you have taken the drug and not because your body is dehydrated. Therefore the ADH
hormone is produced in excess so your body retains more water than normal. This is because the
hypothalamus is sending signals to the kidneys to stop urine production as your body thinks that it is
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Summary Of Passing Nella Larsen
Nella larsen s passing disrupts the traditional conception of racial, ethnic and gender integrity.
Larsens has revolutionized the idea of acceptance of one s self identity.Larsen wrote this novel
in the height of the Harlem Renaissance . An era that is known for its growth and expanse in the
artistic explosion that happened in Harlem between the end of World War I and the middle of
the 1930s. During this period Harlem was a cultural center, drawing black writers, artists, poets,
and educated people. Many had come from the South, running away from its terrible mistreatment
and social class system in order to find a place where they could freely express their talents. It
involved racial pride, fueled in part by the aggressiveness of the New Negro demanding civil and
political rights. The Renaissance incorporated jazz and the blues, attracting whites to Harlem,
where couples danced. While it may have... Show more content on ...
After the chaos of the Spanish flu pandemic that struck the city in 1918 and 1919, she decided to
become a librarian and was employed at the 135th Street branch of the New York Public Library.
At the first look, Passing, the title of the short book may project many meanings to the reader.
Passing could refer to the change from life to death. Although the word passing could simply be
referring to a change , the word also suggests disguising oneself, or to take on a different identity.
To pass, certainly refers to a to cross an edge/border. While no significant suggestions of race or
sexuality are given in the title, it anyway suggests disguise, deceit and change . This changing
period is quite possibly the process that Nella Larsen is referring to in the title of her short book
Passing. According to Webster, change is defined as A passing or passage from one condition,
action or place to another, and ...the passage from an earlier to a later stage of development
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City Life Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 of experiencing cities was all about the foundations of the constantly growing
metropolitan city. It includes everything from facts about how fast our cities are growing to city
as a state of mind. But the section that intrigued me the most was symbolic interactionism and
the study of city life. symbolic interactivity means that people are the ones who play an active
role in their environment. In other words the area you live in is going to be determined by the
way you interact with others and how you live your life. This idea was not one that shocked me
but allowed me to grasp a greater understanding as to why different cities are the way they are.
For example, i m from a small town in California with little to no crime. It is a pretty affluent
area and people are pretty friendly. However you drive about 30 miles and you are now in one of
the most dangerous cities in america, Oakland California. Here deadly shootings are a regular
basis along with many other crimes. The citizens of these towns are usually right at the or below
the poverty line. So to introduce this theory to me gives me a greater understanding as to why
certain cities are dangerous and some aren t. It simply... Show more content on ...
Oakland has been in the news for many years now about its crumbling government. Schools
fundings are low, they cut the police force in almost half and no business can flourish here. These
are all due to the fact that the people in charge simply cannot do their job effectively. In order for a
city like this to get back on track it must first get leadership willing to do what it takes to make a
difference. Then and only then will you start to see this city make a turn for the
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I Heard A Fly Buzz When I Died By Emily Dickinson
When reading poetry, many will notice that certain words seem to be draw together. When read
aloud this becomes even more apparent. The poet does this purposely to help the poem flow in the
way that the poet wants it to. Whether it be jagged and full of pauses to match an uneven or harsh
theme, or smooth and flowy to match a theme that is easier to grasp. Poetryis a special type of
writing that can appeal to almost any and everything that one may feel. Poets have many different
ways of enhancing the meaning of the poem through the sound of the poem.
In the poem, I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died, by Emily Dickinson, the poet uses sound to enhance
the theme of her poem. The poem starts out sounding slightly boring and then intriguing all in
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A Report On The York City Council Passed Council Bill 118437
On August 10, 2025, the Seattle City Council passed Council Bill 118437, which creates an
ordinance allowing the City to impose a tax on businesses that sale firearms and ammunition. The
ordinance added Chapter 5.50 to the Seattle Municipal Code, which states in part:
5.50.030 Tax imposed; rates
A. There is imposed a tax on every person engaging within the City in the business of making retail
sales of firearms or ammunition. The amount of the tax due shall be equal to the quantity of
firearms sold at retail and the quantity of ammunition sold at retail multiplied by the applicable tax
rates that are stated in Section 5.50.030.B.
B. The tax rate shall be $25 per firearm sold at retail, $.02 per round of ammunition that contains a
single projectile that measures .22 caliber or less sold at retail, and $.05 per round of ammunition
for all other ammunition sold at retail.
The ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 2016, and the Firearm and Ammunition Tax shall be
imposed beginning January 1, 2016, on every person engaging within the City in the business of
making retail sales of firearms and ammunition.
Does the City of Seattle s have the constitutional authority to impose a firearm and ammunition
sales tax when the State preempts any municipality from regulating, but not taxing, the sale of
firearms and ammunition?
Plaintiffs claim that the City of Seattle passed an ordinance that imposes a tax on any firearm and
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History Of Online MBA Programs
While a great number of programs has exploded in the last few years that s not to say that each
one of the programs have the exact same quality or that all online MBA programs are
To locate a listing of colleges that provide online MBA programs, perform an internet search on the
Internet. Getting help in having your next job is just another excellent benefit the very best online
MBA programs offer. There are lots of online programs offered. Top online MBA programs will
offer online tutorial or basic introduction class to provide you with a possibility to practice using
their online learning tools ahead of time for you to truly familiarize together with the new
technology and communication resources. Regardless of this, ... Show more content on ...
If you reside in a remote area of the country, you might not have several choices when it comes to
enrolling on an MBA course. By opting to undertake an MBA online you re able to remove such
Challenge of Online MBA Programs:
MBA programmers could be also achieved in a particular field. It enables you to find an MBA
degree with no challenges which come with traditional MBA programs. To get the most out of your
online MBA programs, you also ought to understand the differences among a traditional MBA
program and an internet program. To discover the suitable online MBA program for you, you might
have to look through many colleges.
MBA Official Recognition is essential for an MBA program, whether it s on campus or via the
web. Now it s achievable to find an Online MBA Program using a range of centers. Babson College
s Fast Track MBA program generally management is among the most reputed online programs.
There are numerous online institutions offering online MBA in marketing.
Several of the online colleges have job placement assistance and come across it fairly easy to
discover companies which are impressed by their own curriculum. It will always be recommended
to visit education websites since this can assist you in making sensible decision concerning your job.
Save for the ease of studies, they re also lucrative with regard to fees. There are lots of online
programs which vary greatly In relation to content and choices. With the continuing enhancement of
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Dietary Guidelines For The Diet And Chronic Disease Essay
This article was to examine how the US government uses dietary guidelines for Americans and
how the guidelines were supposed to help us eat and stay healthy. Diet and chronic diseases are
sometimes connected. For example, it is proven that nutrient deficiency disease like scurvy can be
cured by consuming the lost nutrients. However, it is also shown that some nutrient exposure can
cause chronic illness such as energy, fats, sodium dietary fiber, and food exposures, etc. making it
difficult to set dietary guidelines. In addition to some nutrient causing chronic diseases, nondietary
factors such as stress, lack of exercise, smoking and other environmental factors are linked to
causing chronic illnesses (Slavin, 2012).
The relationship between diet and chronic disease made the federal government to issue dietary
guidelines for Americans since1980 and publication of dietary guidelines were made every five
years. The dietary guideline is in response to the public s desire for authoritative, consistent
guidelines on diet and health (Slavin, 2012). One of the reasons for developing the dietary
guidelines was to provide science based advice for two years old or older to help prevent chronic
diseases and promote health. Another reason why dietary guidelines were created was to lay a good
foundation for federal nutrition programs and nutrition education programs and serve as a basis for
research gaps and priorities (Slavin, 2012). Also, the government wants to make sure the
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Essay On Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was first established in 1978. This enactment
was the Congressional reaction to the introduction amid numerous Committee hearings of past
abuses of United States persons privacy rights by specific components of the United States
government. Those abuses had happened, according to the government, as a component of its
endeavors to counter indicated dangers to national security. The term foreign intelligence means
information relating to the capabilities, intentions, or activities of foreign governments or elements
thereof, foreign organizations, foreign persons or international terrorist activities. When law
enforcement agencies and government entities want to gather information about a crime,... Show
more content on ...
It guarantees that the Intelligence Community has the adaptability and readiness it needs to
distinguish and react to terrorist and other foreign dangers to our security. With the current Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act, it gives a key part to every branch of government. It gives
responsibilities mutually to the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence to
guarantee that the Nation s chief law enforcement and intelligence authorities cooperate in
gathering foreign intelligence in agreement with the law. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Act of 2008 recognizes two groups of potential targets for surveillance under the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act. The first category is foreign powers which is defined as: a foreign
government, a diplomat, other representative or employee of a foreign government, a faction of a
foreign nation that is not substantially composed of U.S. persons, an entity openly acknowledged
by a foreign government to be directed and controlled by it,
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Romania Essay
Today, Romania is one of the fastest growing economy in Europe. It increased at a 5.8 percent rate
at the beginning of the year. Romania is still recovering from the Communist dictator, therefore
they are still one of the poorest nations in Europe. The government has been cutting the money
supply towards highways and other public works, and instead invested that money into wage
raises. These changes in pay and tax cuts has created high economic activity that will leave the
country indebted. The people of Romania are trying to better living conditions in their nation, and
they believe the wages is one of the major ways to do it. One thing this plan lacks is the what the
government is not doing, upgrading and improving the basic structure of... Show more content on ...
Artist Constantin Brancusi Constantin Brancusi was a French Romanian photographer and
sculptor. The main styles he used in his work were Dada and Cubism. His work was very simple
but were very often said to have hidden truths. Brancusi worked with his materials directly, such
as carving instead of working with plaster or clay models. He considered his work as reality that
showed what things really were through simplicity. Constantin s ideas were very influenced by
myths and folktales that was modern, but also completely timeless at the same time. The materials
that were commonly used included marble, stone, bronze, wood, and metal. Endless Column is
considered his greatest piece of artwork. Constantin Brancusi paved the way for many modern
artists today. Celebrity Sergiu Comissiona Sergiu Comissiona is a conductor who has traveled the
world, including America. He preferred to share a light and loving sound with his audiences.
Before becoming a conductor, Sergiu was a violinist in the Romanian State Ensemble in 1946. He
then went on to become the principal conductor of the Romanian State Opera. Comissiona began
traveling around the world competing in 1956, until he reached America in 1963. He conducting an
amazing amount of concerts in Baltimore that added up to 874 in total. Sergiu Comissiona and his
wife took official U.S.
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Fairy Guy Research Paper
I kept looking at the fairy guy, who seemed a few years older than when I first saw him at the
fairy door, and I was looking at him really sad on purpose and trying to make sure the saw guy
didn t see. He waved his wand a tiny bit and said half a magic word but the saw guy looked at
him like you better not be doing magic or something like that and he stopped and looked away,
then he said a couple magic words waving his wand but the magic directed to a little person
thingy behind and under him, turning it smaller. I kept thinking either give me wings to fly away
or make me really tiny so I can run and hide fast and they (the guards) can t get me . And he knew.
So when he saw right after he made that other little guy thing even smaller he s
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General Business Major Unit As An Academic Course
Business Major
This memo contains relevant information about the general business major unit as an academic
course. The memo gives a clear explanation of the historical development of the discipline as
widely employed in academic. The memo also gives an in depth analysis of the discipline and
highlights it several importance alongside its relationship with other related fields of study.
This memo is a suitable source of information to persons seeking greater understanding of the
business major discipline and its relevance in other related fields. The memo uses credible
academic sources to vividly examine the discipline and give a clear illustration of how its study is
based on its meritocracy and not other over lying factors.
Before 1927, business studies were taught in early institution but there was no official record of it
evolution. Nevertheless, Professor Gras started a business history program that aimed at tracing the
chronologic development of history from small scale learning to the current institutions. He was an
editor of the Bulletin of the Business Historical Society since the year 1926 1953, which was later
transformed in the year 1953 to the modern Business History review (86). During this period,
business was learnt through the application of theories that were simple and specific to a certain
situation or discipline. The major factor that contributed to the narrow nature of the early business
was the motive of study. Individuals studied the field
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Effects Of Adolescence Female Cannabinoid Exposure On Male...
The topic of this article is the effects of adolescence female cannabinoid exposure on male
offspring s response to opiates. The particular study is important because marijuana is one of the
most abused drugs among females. Since women have babies it is important to understand any
potential health risk of the cannabinoid exposure on their offspring. Previous studies have shown
increased risks of anxiety and depression, as well as decreased motivation and reading
comprehension skills (Brynes, 2012, p 1348). The current study looks at whether exposure during
adolescence will affect future offspring. Therefore one does not want to alter fetal development,
even if the mother is not using during pregnancy. The purpose of the current study was... Show
more content on ...
Researchers used twenty three year old female Sprague Dawley rats in this experiment. The rats
were kept in standard laboratory cages on a light dark cycle in a temperature controlled room.
The rats were given seven day to adjust to their new homes before beginning the experiment.
When sixteen of the female rats reached thirty days of age they were administered injections of
CB1 and CB2. These female rats were the WIN F1 group. Each day injection dosage increased. The
first day was a 1kg, second day 2kg, third day 4kg. The female rats were weighed daily. The
control group, VEH F1, consisted of sixteen female rats that were administered saline. At 60 days
of ages the female rats were mated with colony male rats. On postnatal day 21 male offspring
were housed until test began. Only one offspring per litter was used. When the male offspring
became 40 or 60 days old they were tested for CPP responses to morphine or saline. Rats were
tested in three chambers, which had infrared to track the rat. During preconditioning, day 1, rats
were placed in the middle chamber but allowed to go to any of the three chambers. Researchers
recorded the amount of time spent in each chamber during 15 minutes. Day 2 morning, the rats
were weighed, given saline, and placed in chamber A for 30 minutes. Five hours later rats were
administered either saline or morphine and placed in camber B for 30 minutes. Conditioning
repeated for 3 days. On the fifth day rats were placed in the middle
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Analysis Of Disobedience As A Psychological And Moral...
The Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem was written by Erich Fromm. The
author was a writer in the twentieth century. He did various things and had various jobs. The
author talks about the effects of obedience and disobedience. He explains that the world we live
in today will be destroyed through disobedience. Fromm uses mythological and religious figures to
explain how this theory makes sense. Fromm argues that society goes on without accomplishing
freedom through disobedience. Some forms of disobedience are acceptable, but others may be too
harsh and unnecessary. Fromm strongly believes that humans should be disobedient and if not
they will not be successful in life. The first thing that he talks about is Adam and Eve and how
they disobeyed an order, which was when they ate from the forbidden tree. The consequence of
disobeying a request made the ties with Earth tear and their eyes to open. Adam and Eve never
again observed each other as equivalents, they took a gander at each different as outsiders and
additionally their general surroundings. Fromm states that the... Show more content on ...
The human conscience is our own instinct and the opinion of people. This is based off us knowing
what is human and inhuman and what is beneficial to life and what destroys or harms life. This is
the one that helps us function as humans. The authoritarian conscience is what individual people
tell when wanting to make people happy. Fromm referenced Freud in the essay stating that he
looked at this type of conscience as Superego which represents the internal commands and
prohibitions of father, and it is accepted by the son out of fear. Fromm incorporates many different
philosophies, including the rational and irrational authority. The statement ipso facto submission
distinguishes irrational from rational
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How Has Ambriose ParГ© s Life Changed The Face Of Western...
Ambriose ParГ© changed people s ideas about surgery. His contributions to the field of surgery
have inadvertently changed the face of western medicine. ParГ© was a French barber surgeon
who was born on 1510. During the Renaissance, which was the In his early age, he worked as a
barber surgeon and gained a lot of experience learning how to treat gunshot wounds on soldier in
the field. His discoveries of this new technique were passed down to various surgeons who
followed his work closely. With his help, surgerystarted to become less of a gruesome act and more
of healing method. His work was recognized and appreciated by the Royal family of France. Soon,
ParГ© became the official doctor of the Royal family.
Context and Background ... Show more content on ...
He worked as apprenticed to a barber at an early age of 19. In 1545, he began began the study of
anatomy at Paris, under François Jacques Dubois a very famous anatomist. After his gained
experience, he was appointed field surgeon by Marshal Rohan, and became surgeon to King Henry
II, in 1554 member of the CollГЁge de St Cosme, and was exempt from taxation (Porter R. 188). As
an army surgeon, ParГ© gained recognition for abandoning several established practices and
introducing more practical alternatives. He found that simply dressed gunshot wounds heal faster
and are less painful than when treated with boiling oil. In the process, he dispelled the theory that
gunshot wounds are poisonous. He contributed much to the field of medicine by disproving
incorrect and superstitious medical practices, and by increasing the accessibility of medical
knowledge by writing in French rather than Latin, as was the common language
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Essay On Eva Peron
We chose Eva Peron as our History Day Topic because we were interested in the Women s Rights
Movement, and we decided to narrow our scope to an individual to understand the motivations of
someone who made a difference. As we searched for someone who dedicated their life to suffrage,
we came across Eva Peron, who connected very well to the theme. She took a stand in many ways
throughout her life. She was a pioneer in Argentina for women s equality and protested for women
s suffrage. There was a lot of information about her, and many of the sites that we found were
accurate and professional, which was the final decision point to choose Peron. We began our
research by looking up multiple statements about Peron to find a wide variety of quotes and
information about her. By doing web searches on reliable websites, we discovered new details
about her. When we came across useful information, we remembered to check if the website was
credible and... Show more content on ...
We categorized information making it easy to find when needed. This information helped us start
to create the website. From there, we sought to fill in the holes looking for any information that
we may have missed. Lastly, when we peer checked, we received feedback advising to make the
pictures bigger, and make the webpage more organized. After making those changes, we found that
our website looked better more clear, and more organized.
Eva Peron took a stand in history by fighting for Women s Suffrage because she wanted all women
to gain the same recognition as men, and she believed that women deserved to be treated equally.
She worked hard for many years to achieve something that would not just benefit herself, but
millions of citizens around her country. She knew that she was fighting for opportunities that
would impact her country forever, and she never gave up, even when the people who opposed her
tried to stop
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Ronald Reagan Challenger Disaster
Ronald Reagan Challenger Disaster Address to the Nation After the seven astronauts, engineers,
and Christa McAuliffe, a history teacher selected to be part of the mission, were killed in the
terrible shuttle Challenger explosion, Ronald Reagan had the unbelievable job of explaining it
to the country. Millions across the country were watching as the shuttle caught in flames and
then exploded only 73 seconds after lift off. It was later determined that two rubber O rings,
designed to separate the sections of the rocket booster, had failed due to cold temperatures on
the morning of the launch ( disaster). Reagan gave his
speech at 5 pm on January 28, 1986 from the Oval Office at the White House, broadcasted live
on nationwide radio and television. Reagan knew that he had to make it plain to them that life
does go on and you don t back up and quit some worthwhile endeavor because of tragedy .
Reagan called in a relatively unknown speechwriter who would go on to pen some of the most
famous phrases uttered by presidents, like President George H.W Bush s thousand points of light ,
Peggy Noonan. Reagan started his speech simply with, Today is a day for... Show more content on ...
President Reagan uses his position as President to inform people about his trust in the NASA
space program, and the true bravery of the astronauts on their journey to lead us into the future.
This is an example of the rhetorical device ethos, and the audience trusted that the President
knew what he was talking about! The overall tone of the speech was very solemn and
melancholy, but the added use of pathos really made the listeners feel the true sorrow of the
nation s despair. Using words like mourning and loss produced a dismal feeling, however, words
like daring, brave, freedom and dedication, made the audience sense a feeling of recovery and
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China, A Home And Folk Remedy
The essay gives a synopsis of Chinese culture in terms of life processes, health and illness,
Maintaining wellness, causes of illness, traditional way of healing the cure, and the impact of
cultural background of health professional during treatment. The context of this essay will highlight
the concept of cultural stereotype and its influence on ones healthdue to the customs and beliefs. In
china, a home and folk remedy is a conventional way of treating illness and is preferred over the
western medical practices. (Dixon.B, 2009, pp. 4 5). Some orthodox Chinese communities assume
that incongruity of qi and yin and yang disturbs the health of people. (Dixon.B, 2009, pp. 4 5). The
beliefs can have peculiar or edifying influence on health as... Show more content on
The way people perceived life in China affect their mental health and illness.
Traditional Chinese practices have great contribution in maintaining wellness in china. The
psychiatric wellness is maintained when the activities of mind, body and soul combine together.
(Dixon.B, 2009, pp. 4 5). Natural recourses like hot springs and healing waters are required to
maintain wellness. Indeed, the conventional Chinese Medicine is cultural asset of wellness
(Heung.V, Kucukusta.D, 2013, pp. 346 348). Internal stability is retained by natural practices of T
ai Chi and Qi Gong. Qi Gong is best known to maintain spiritual esteem balanced secretion.
However, T ia Chi helps in controlling breathing and meditation.(Traditional Chinese Medicineand
Maintaing Homeostasis, 2014 )
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Maintaining Homeostasis, (2014). A project of the University of
Chicago Publication. Retrieved from:
/07/09/traditional chinese medicine and maintaining homeostasis.aspx
Health and Illness is determined by the interaction between healthy mind, body and soul. In china,
self stigmatization is very common in people with mental illness. For example, Young and Ng
(2015, p. 176) suggested that most of the Chinese people with mental disorder suffer from public
stigma and self stigma. Due to the unhealthy mind and surroundings, it is hard for people to recover
from illness. Furthermore, the Balance between yin yang
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Lycoming College Art Gallery Analysis
Rose DiRocco Hodges stands in the Lycoming College Art Gallery located in downtown
Williamsport. The Long Island native is the Director of the Lycoming College Art Gallery, a
downtown student run downtown public art space. I became interested in art through my older
brother, Ralph, who was an artist. She states. He would take me to art museums, photo shoots,
and various places like the beach, the woods and highly populated areas where he would
photograph, draw and paint. I enjoyed watching him as his projects came to fruition. He valued
my opinion, and he was always thankful for my honesty. Her worked as an artist for an
advertising agency in Manhattan before becoming ill and passing away at the age of 31. I believe
Ralph gave me my interest and love of art, in all mediums, and I am grateful for the time I spent
with him, and also that I can continue being surrounded by... Show more content on
Her work was featured in a solo exhibition, Nicole Dextras: A Dressing the Future. During her
residency Dextras worked with Lycoming sculpture, 2 D design and photography students to create
and document a dress made totally from natural plant materials. One of our female art seniors,
Kelly Pankowski, led a parade through the streets of Williamsport from the Lycoming College
campus to the downtown Art Gallery and modeled the dress for the gallery reception. DiRocco
Hodges explains. For more information you can visit The
Lycoming College Art Gallery have many different artists and student artists showcasing their work
in the next year. Rose DiRocco Hodges hopes the Lycoming College Art Gallery will continue to be
a to be a vital institution in the community and bring cutting edge contemporary art to Williamsport.
From the looks and sounds of it, this shouldn t be a
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Violent Drug Crimes
Peter Wagner, executive director of the Policy Reform Initiative, stated on March 14, 2017, that
nonviolent drug convictions are a defining characteristic of the federal prison systems but play
only a supporting role at the state and local levels. Since the official beginning of the War on
Drugs in 1982, the number of people incarcerated for drug offenses in the U.S. skyrocketed from
40,900 in 1980 to 469,545 in 2015. Since it is common knowledge that racism is very much still
prevalent in today s society, I will forgo the argument of racial disparities concerning those
convicted for drug crimes or any crime, for the statistics speak for themselves.
1 in every 106 white males age 18 or older is incarcerated.
1 in every 36 hispanic or ... Show more content on ...
As apparent in their 2017 Criminal Justice Fact Sheet, the NAACP stated that nationwide, African
American children represent 32% of children who are arrested, 42% of children who are
detained, and 52% of children whose cases are judicially waived to criminal court. Racial
profiling in the treatment toward the younger generation is one of the driving causes of the
future effects we see happen. For example, these group of young adolescents that are targeted
because of their skin color have to face a myriad of unnecessary obstacles in the aftermath such
as not being able to complete their education, not being able to find a job much less a career, and
not being able to be a part of society. These often hinder their success as individuals and ultimately
is detrimental to our society as a whole.
Based off of data gathered by the U.S. Department of Justice, if current trends continue, one of
every three black males born today will go to prison in his lifetime, as will one of every six Latino
males. As for white people, those who have long sentences only have long, harsh sentences
because the particular crimes they commit are perceived as a black crime. (Ted Chiricos, Kelly
Welch Marc Gertz, Racial Typification of Crime and Support for Punitive Measures, 42
Criminology 359, 374 (2004).) In 2005, African Americans represented 14 percent of current drug
users, yet they constituted 33.9 percent of persons
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Tobacco Use Tobacco
Tobacco Use
How many Americans use tobacco products? Well there is A LOT and it causes a lot of deaths per
year also. Tobacco products cause 6 million deaths per year or more.
Tobacco is dangerous for your body. It can cause serious health issues, Smoking has a long term
effect to it. It could cause asthma, reduced lung growth, reduced lung functions and that s pretty
serious if you ask me. The tobacco industry is influencing kids with their products for kids like the
little play cigarettes that you can eat, the chewing jerky that acts like its chewing tobacco. It is
wrong, it could make your kid into a nicotine addict. And could cause the health problem listed
above. (Radcliff)
Tobacco products aren t safe for adults or kids even. It could get kids hooked on tobacco
products at a young age if they see an elder using the tobacco and they are like, I can t wait to try
that when i m older or they could get influenced by tobacco companies to do it under age and
permanently damage the kids inner body parts. E cigarettes (vapes) are commonly used to help
Reduce smoking. Some people say that it does help but some under age kids do it for fun, they
have no addiction to smoking. Its also not safe because it could cause second hand vapor. Also it s
not safe because young kids 12 17 year olds, commonly use this product for no reason getting them
addicted to nicotine. that s not good for their lungs and could cause them to get seriously hurt. The
normal person that uses tobacco
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Business Information Systems
Essentials of Business Information Systems
/Essentials%20of%20Business%20Information%20Systems.pdf Text Book: Laudon amp; Laudon,
Essentials of Business Information Systems, 7th Edition,
Pearson (Prentice Hall), 2007
Chapter 1
Business Information Systems in Your Career
Multiple Choice Questions
1. One of the recent critical challenges facing Major League Baseball was:
a. poor coordination between local and national sales channels.
b. poorly managed sales channels.
c. outdated information systems.
d. decreasing ticket sales.
Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 3
2. The six important business objectives of information technology are new products, services, and
business models; ... Show more content on ...
c. transfers data to the people who will use it or to the activities for which it will be used.
d. transfers processed information to the people who will use it or to the activities for which it will
be used.
Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 11
14. Converting raw data into a more meaningful form is called:
a. capturing.
b. processing.
c. organizing.
d. feedback.
Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 11
15. Electronic computers and related software programs are the technical foundation, the tools and
materials, of:
a. all business procedures.
b. information accumulation.
c. modern information systems.
d. all industrialized countries.
Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 11
16. (Analysis)
An example of raw data from a national chain of automobile stores would be:
a. 13 Toyotas sold daily in Kentucky
b. 13 Toyota RAV 4s sold during March 2006 in Louisville, Kentucky
c. 1 Toyota RAV4s sold March 3, 2005 in Louisville, Kentucky
d. All of the above
Answer: d Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 11
Analysis in terms of categorize
17. The field that deals with behavioral issues as well as technical issues surrounding the
development, use, and impact of information systems used by managers and employees in the firm
is called:
a. information systems literacy.
b. information systems architecture.
c. management information systems.
d. information technology infrastructure.
Answer: c
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Marketing Reflective Essay
With regard to presentation we have been asked to select brand (product or service), perform as
its specialist and finally present our findings/ideas. Our group chose one of the largest companies
that operates in the UK Supermarkets market Tesco Plc. In order to analyse macro, micro, and
internal environment of selected brand were used such an important tools as PESTLE/PEST,
SWOT Analysis, Porter s 5 Forces and BSG Matrix. And ultimately we have been asked to write
an essay. The purpose of this reflective essay is to think about findings individually of group
presentation with a particular focus on the logic and rational recommendations, probable results,
estimation of methods and tools. According to Jobber (2010, p.98) PESTLE or PEEST... Show more
content on ...
Thereby, all the findings allowed our team to highlight areas in which company has got some
challenges, such as Clothing (Question mark) and Technics (Dogs) which helped our group to
make recommendations at the end of presentation. With regard to recommendations, I would like
to pay attention on the fact that all of the tools and methods which have been used in presentation,
helped our group to outline some challenges of Tesco Plc. Due to that statement, we outlined key
areas, such as online shopping market, music and video markets, on which Tesco Plc must focus
on in case of potential progress, increasing profit and customer loyalty. In general, despite of the
fact that all used tools have helped us to analyse the company s performance, some of them have
limitations which impede clear understanding of situation. Nevertheless, the mix of these tools
gave us solid method how to examine performance of the company. As a final point, I would like
to state that, generally, our group did presentation well. Whilst I had a feeling that some of my
partners were a bit apprehensive
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Undecidability in Becket s The Endgame
This paper aims to study postmodern element of undecidability in Samuel Becket s Endgame. As
Butler and Davis holds, What is different about Becket is not that he provokes a critical response ...
but the protean, open ended, undecidable and inexhaustible quality of the challenge he offers (168).
Endgame like Becket s other plays is in a way that, as Wittgenstein notes, is nothing more than
language play between characters and although there are some minor actions there are not in such a
way to affect the play, moreover it is their vague utterances that make the play undecidable for the
reader to make out what is happening. Andrew Bennett and Nicholas Royle in their An Introduction
to Literature, Criticism and Theory explain the... Show more content on ...
So it can not be decided that the play is taking place whether in a physical world that is like a
refuge for characters or as it is mentioned Endgame may be an image for the dissociation of a
human consciousness and dying of mind in a mental setting (56). Nell?s living is also in
question. During the play Hamm asks Clov to check on Nagg and Nell. Clov returns and says
that it appears as if Nell is dead, whereas Nagg is merely crying in his bin. Becket creates doubts
in the reader?s minds, they ask this question from themselves that, what happened for Nell and
is she really dead or not? The other considerable undecided point is about Clov?s leaving.
Throughout the play, he many times tells Hamm that, ?I?ll leave you, I have thing to do?
(Endgame 10) But the reader can not be sure about his leaving when comes to this dialogue:
Clov: So you all want me to leave you. Hamm: Naturally. Clov: Then I?ll leave you. Hamm: You
can?t leave us. Clov: Then I won?t leave you. (2669)In this way, with these indications, the reader
remain doubtful that whether he is leaving Hamm or not, even at the end of the play, though he
dressed and ready to go, he has not yet left (116). At the end it can be concluded that, Samuel
Becket?s Endgame with all these ambiguous and indistinct issues, such as title of
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Project Report On Cheese Essay
an undergraduate degree confered after completion of a three or four year program of studies at an
accredited university or accredited university level institution. Bachelor of Technology degree is a
professional engineering undergraduate degree awarded after completion of four years of
engineering study and research. B tech program provides fundamental knowledge of technical
function and activities as well as exposure to strategic function of management. Some Indian
universities, mainly private institutes which are affiliated to regional universities, offer
engineering degree under the name of Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng); but whichever name is
used, the degree course follows the standard curriculum laid down. In every professional , the
training is very important factor Professors give us theoretical knowledge of various subjects in the
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Hernan Cortes Essay
Hernan Cortes
Myths are hangups from way back :[1] false or highly inaccurate beliefs that are taken at face
value. One collection of myths which has exercised a powerful grip on the minds of many, and
contributed to feelings of inferiority on the part of large numbers of pure or mixed descendants of
Native Americans in the region of northern Mesoamerica,2 has to do with the conquest of the Aztec
Empire by HernanCortes and his followers in the early sixteenth century. This paper attempts to
shatter one of these myths; namely, that Cortes was an extraordinarily brave and intelligent
individual who accomplished an almost miraculous feat. It will do so by making use of the twin
concepts of virtu and fortuna.
These two terms are ... Show more content on ...
Both decisions were based on his ignorance of the actual power of the Triple Alliance and the
confederation of Tlaxcallan.[7]
Cortes underestimated these two because of his early experiences in Mesoamerica. Although they
initially tried to avoid confrontations with the native communities, the Spaniards had to engage in
several battles against a coalition of Maya armies near Potonchan (located in the present day state
of Tabasco). However, they were able to win these battles thanks to the superiority of their weapons
and military tactics.
The outcome of these skirmishes was quickly known! by the Triple Alliance. As a result, when
Cortes arrived in the region of Totonacapan, this alliance opted in favor of a strategy of deterrence
rather than war. Envoys sent by Tenochtitlan established contact with Cortes and presented him
with a series of lavish gifts that were meant to indicate the might of the Triple Alliance.[8]
However, the strategy backfired because Cortes was unable to grasp the symbolism of the gifts and
interpreted them as a sign of weakness. Moreover, the great quantity of gold given to the Spaniards
made them all the more determined to reach Tenochtitlan.
Unable to
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Pillow For Neck Pain
There are quite a few things that can cause neck pain. This is something that happens to everyone
once in a while, and it is usually either accidental injury or improper posture while doing certain
activities. Neck pain can ruin your whole day, especially if you can not move your head in any
direction without feeling a lot of pain. When you have pain your your neck or even your upper
back, most of the time it is a muscle problem and it will resolve within a few days with the right
tools. One of those tools should be a pillow for neck pain.
If you have recurring problems with neck pain, you may want to have it checked out. There could
be a problem with your upper spine. On the other hand, if you just have pain once in a while and
you can pinpoint from where it came, it is usually something that you can clear up on your own
with ice, heat, and rest. A pillow for neck pain can greatly help you sleep through the... Show more
content on ...
This often happens from improper posture or tilt of the head while sitting at a computer or because
you may have slept with your head at an odd angle the night before. The ice helps with
inflammation that usually comes with this type of neck pain. Alternate ice with heat to soothe the
inflammation and then the pain. You can also take something like Advil or the generic equivalent
to help with the inflammation as well. At night, you want to make sure you have a pillow for neck
pain on which to sleep.
A good pillow for neck pain is one that is more firm than other pillows and that helps your neck
and head stay in the same position. The best one would be one that keeps your spine in a straight
line so that you are not stressing the muscles any more than they have already been strained.
There are some great memory foam pillows that work great for neck pain. Look for ones
specifically make for that purpose. You can also try the buckwheat pillow, which offers the same
support in a different
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Sir Ernest Shackleton s Survival
Body Paragraph #1 Shackleton s Personality Sir ernest shackleton [1874 1922] was a polar
explorer who led the three british expeditions to the Antarctic , and one of the principal figures
of the period known as the Heroic age of the Antarctic . His goal is to get to the Antarctic first
before anyone does , but he couldn t be able to get to the Antarctic on time . Still Shackleton didn
t give up on his goal , in 1914 Shackleton had made his third trip to the Antarctic on a ship called
the endurance , where he invited some people to come along too on the expedition . Some
people would think of him as crazy and others would think of him as a true leader . Shackleton is a
very effective leader because he doesn t want to lose his goal and doesn t want to lose his target to
get to the South pole . Body Paragraph #2 Leadership Skills... Show more content on ...
He wanted to cross Antarctica via south pole , so that he could be at least the first person to
cross the south pole . He is also has the honesty in himself , which meant that he is not a bad
leader but a good one , he helps everyone when they re in need . Shackleton had build up to about
28 members on the team . He is also decisive , which means that when he makes a decision they
have to stick to it . He is also a strict leader , so he doesn t like anyone messing around .
Shackleton is the bravest and strongest leader than any other leader is , he always makes sure
that nothing gets in his way or his men s way because he wants to make sure that his men are in
task . Shackleton is a tough and a disciplined leader because he s always right on task .
Shackleton also have like good core values and he s always team spirited and he also recruited the
best and the right people on the team
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Resistance Of Change And Change Management
Resistance to Change
NASA had a firm hierarchy and this brought about a lot of resistance to change from people.
NASA could have gotten more of the people involved in the changes. I find that by getting people
involved and having some key people or champions to support the change, there is less resistance.
People want to feel involved and a part of decisions, especially if it impacts them directly. When it
comes to successful change management, get people involved earlier, which will contribute to
greater buy in and acceptance. Keep in mind that this should not be the sole solution for employee
resistance; successful change management is about understanding the true nature of the resistance.
Often times change management can be so ... Show more content on ...
Change implementation entails identifying the structure as is, present problems, current process
and its resources as well as how resources are coupled to the system. Deep thought process needs
to be undertaken to see the impact of replacing systems, process, and resources with another one.
Furthermore, before that an analysis needs to be performed identifying the possible alternative
and how that will address the issue and improve the overall mechanism (Creasey, 2014). However,
these analyses were not performed in this NASA episode. The recommendation was just laid over.
As mentioned in the case study, there was a lot of pressure on the contractors and staff by keeping
current schedules instead of revising and reducing some of the pressure. This statement clearly
states that the primary issue of (as is issue) unrealistic flight schedules were retained, resulting in
less focus on quality and heavy pressure on employees to perform. The managers still were the
same and added outsourcing process, which became disastrous as they were not monitored and
controlled enough. Did the change actually happen? The answer is a typical no. There was one
more disaster, now Columbia shuttle. The Primary reason behind that is again unrealistic schedule
planning, leading to low focus on quality and high pressure. Management did not encourage people
to communicate about
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Strategic Planning Change
This paper will describe a problem that my organization currently has and consider a change that
can fix this issue. The paper will identify how the change aligns with my organization s mission,
vision, and values and professional ethics. The paper describes a specific solution to the issue and
the strategy that I can use to implement the planned change. The strategy will include the steps
that are necessary to facilitate the planned change. Introduction The inefficiency I identified in my
organization is that we do not have an EHR system for our juvenile prisoners. The company that I
am working for still uses a paper based system for all juvenile patients, and I believe that patient
care safety can significantly be improved by adopting an EHR system. An EHR... Show more
content on ...
These five steps for the planned change enables an organization to reassess many aspects of its
operations and future plans (Jarousse, 2013, p.22). The first step involves gathering information
from the team and explain the need for change (Jarousse, 2013). The first steps allow units
leaders look at the company s strengths and weaknesses and help identify the problem and
decide if a change is needed. The second step is to get feedback from all workers (Jarousse,
2013). The third step is to plan for an agreement on the weaknesses and strengths of the company
(Jarousse, 2013). In this step, the team can identify areas of support and areas where improvement
is needed. The fourth step is to create an action plan with all team members (Jarousse, 2013). This
step will allow the team to look at the improvements that that will come with an EHR system and
help the team reduce resistance to the planned change. The last step is consists of evaluating the
proposed change (Jarousse, 2013). This last step is important; it allows the organization to examine
if the planned change meets the organization s overall
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Angelas Ashes Essay 5
Angela s Ashes
When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I survived at all. It was, of course, a miserable
childhood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while. Worse than the ordinary miserable
childhood is the miserable Irish childhood, and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic
childhood. Thus begins the highly celebrated memoir by the name of Angela s Ashes, written by
Frank McCourt. In this book Frank McCourt writes about his childhood, how his parents meet in
New York and then decide to return to Ireland. He describes what it is like to be at the bottom of
that city s tough social hierarchy, giving vivid descriptions of how class imposes severe limitations
and restrictions. It is this topic, this theme, to which I ... Show more content on ...
Even though Frank shows promise at school, showing a quick mind and naturally reaching for more
demanding literature, he is denied the opportunity to become an altar boy. He is denied the chance
of obtaining the higher education he hungers for. It is important to understand how deeply rooted
the class system in Great Britain including Ireland, was in the beginning of the 20th century. In
modern Europe it is difficult to identify the classes that, during the first half of the century, were
extremely socially significant. It is also difficult to comprehend the extreme poverty of the
Depression years. There was no unemployment insurance, no health insurance and there were no
safety nets for the poor. They were left to their own devices. Their source of protection from
abject poverty and starvation was primarily the church. Otherwise the poor were left at the mercy
of friends and family, and on a daily basis had to swallow their pride. With regard to getting out
of this vicious cycle of poverty and starvation, again it was the church that had the primary
responsibility for and control over education. As has been noted Frank s attempts at becoming a
part of the social and religious system that could take him out of poverty were disrupted by that
same system. Frank s struggle for acceptance and participation in the higher social groups is
essential for an analytical understanding
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Loyalty Essay Conclusion

  • 1. Loyalty Essay Conclusion 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Loyalty Essay Conclusion Loyalty Essay Conclusion
  • 2. Nt1330 Unit 2 Data Collection Paper Question 1 (ULO1) a.Sequential access: Sequential file organizations access data sequentially from the beginning [1], i.e. to reach file 27, the 26 preceding files must be accessed first. They are much slower to access compared to random access [1]. Sequential files are stored on a sequential access device [2]. The records contained in sequential files are stored in a predetermined order [2], according to the value of a search key [1], and are stored one after the other [2] as they are inserted into the file. Records can only be accessed (read from and written to) sequentially (i.e. in the same order that they were entered) [3]. Sequential files are designed for efficient processing [1]). Records stored in sequential files cannot be deleted,... Show more content on ... Business Rules: In the entity relationship data models, business rules must take into account all relationship models: one to many (1:M), one to one (1:1) and many to many (M:N). For a database on a school library, a restriction of having a student only allowed to borrow one book would need a 1:1 relationship. b.Normalisation: The following information applies to the relational data model. 1NF (First Normal Form): The relation has no repeating groups; all attributes are dependent on the primary key. [12] 2NF (Second Normal Form): The relation should not have any partial dependencies; part of the primary key should not identify a subset of attributes in the same table. The relation must be in 1NF before it can be in 2NF [12] 3NF (Third Normal Form): The relation has no transitive dependencies. The relation must be in 2NF before it can be in 3NF. [12] Normalization for entity relationship modelling works as it does for other modelling systems, with some alterations. [13] The difference when using the entity relationship data model is [14]: 1.Attributes become entity types. 2.Compound attributes must be split into smaller attributes. 3.Entity types must be expanded into two entity types and a ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Advertisement Techniques Used In Michael Jordan s Coke... Advertisements are used and can be located almost everywhere. Advertisements are found in magazines, television, and also the internet. Advertisements are commonly used to draw the attention of consumers and persuade them to buy and use their product or get them to do an act supported by that company. Advertisements also have a targeted audience as well. Certain groups will buy certain products so companies will attempt to push their product at the consumer who is interested in their product. For example Michael Jordan s Coke advertisement Can t Beat the Real Thing. Contained many examples of advertisement techniques like testimonial, transfer, and image. This ad has appeared in the 1991 issue of the Times magazine. The company uses ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Chaos And Chaos In Oedipus Chaos is an ubiquitous force in nature that can found anywhere and at anytime. A little chaos is the key to keeping society together, but an excessive amount is detrimental to humanity and the ways of the world. Oedipus Rex by Sophocles and Oedipus Out of Joint by Jean Pierre Vernant help us understand Oedipuss downfall and the devious role chaos plays in the whole affair. Attempting to fight for order in the battle against chaos for authority, his actions serve as an expedient for the pandemonium that develops in his life meanwhile entrapping himself in an inescapable entanglement that he inadvertently inflicts upon himself. Chaos has the uncanny ability of slipping through the cracks of a city s firm foundation and poisoning the area. Disguised as a hero, Oedipus is welcomed as the king of Thebes and is endlessly praised for his gallantry and wisdom. Citizens view him as the savior who rescued them from the Sphinx s wrath, but unbeknownst to them and even Oedipus himself, he is the very pollution who causes all the ongoing chaos in the city. He vows to expose and penalize the murderer for the unjustified act of regicide to appease Apollo and lift the plague, yet when Teiresias accuses him of being the contamination, he repudiates the charge and blames Creon instead of accepting responsibility. His wisdom fails him even with evidence staring him in the face, and hubris blinds him to the painful truth that he killed his own blood. By slaughtering his father, he takes Laius s identity and transfers into the stage of an old man: But the moment he slips into old age... he becomes at best a man of words and of wise counsel, and at worst a pitiable wreck (Vernant, 167). Once Oedipus is unmasked as the perpetrator, they pity the broken man he becomes, but are disgusted by his vileness, and exile him to a lifetime of suffering protecting themselves from the fury of Apollo that Oedipus imposes upon them. Just as chaos can unconsciously invade a city, it can seep into the mind, the fragile thing. Quick to anger, Oedipus s actions only manages to provoke resentment he will learn to regret later on. Rage? Why not!/And I ll tell you what I think:/You planned it, you had it done, you all but/ Killed him with your ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Common Themes Of Dystopian Literature Dystopian literature is normally about a setting that mirrors a Utopian society. Although it is far from perfect, society is made to pretend as if it is one. In a state/county or another form of land is where a Dystonia can take place. Dystopian landforms are usually trapped in from the outside world. The people there believe that the outside world is a much worse place than where they are, but there is always one or more people that believe otherwise. A leader or leaders are controlling the people or using them for their own amusement. An example of this would be President Snow in the hunger games. Snow uses the people of different districts for an annual fight to the death. Of course, this is when one of the districts believe this is wrong, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Rape Of Sexual Assault Currently in society it seems like fewer people comprehend the simple meaning of the word no. Records of sexual assault are going through the roof, because of the fact people do not understand that no means no. The main victims of sexual assault are women and statics show one in four women have experienced unwanted sexual content. People come up with numerous excuses of why to blame the woman for the experiences they face, which is wrong and make women question themselves. Women who are sexual assaulted are judged by themselves and by our society, which leads to many psychological problems. Sexual assaultcan happen to any type of woman and causes many psychological, emotional, and physical problems for their futures. Instead of blaming the victim for being targeted, because of what they wore or said, we should lay blame on the person who could not control their urges to and forcefully violated a person and caused them emotional harm. Many women who are sexual assaulted do not even report the crime, because they are facing psychological, emotional, and physical problems. Women need to understand that sexual assault is defined as any form of unwanted sexual touching or penetration without consent , which, means if a person says no and someone still proceeds to do so than it is assault and they can file it (Blodget 2015). Society sets many sexiest standards, in which women are blamed for everything that happens to them and are taught boys will be boys. Men are not held ... Get more on ...
  • 7. This is a speech for a US Representative running for... First off I want to say that I am very happy to see all of you here. I am going to use this time to announce my candidacy for Senate. After much deliberation I have decided to leave the House of Representatives after my three terms and run for a position in the United States Senate. I believe that I am the right candidate for this position for several reasons. First of all, I was in the House for six years, because of this I understand how the institution is run from the inside, and I understand the problems of the Senate. I believe that this is a very important aspect when running for the Senate. Second I realize that Congress has some fundamental problems, that come from individual goals as well as institutional goals, and I want to take... Show more content on ... As you can see from these examples though this problem is not just unique to Congress. It can also be seen in the state legislatures of the colonial era, and in the British House of Commons of the sixteenth and twentieth centuries I believe that there are ways to make Congress better by solving these problems. Three proposals that I believe will help alleviate the problems we are having with Congress is campaign finance reform, more deliberation in Congress and public education of issues. Campaign finance reform is probably one proposal that you might be familiar with and it is my belief that implementing this will help improve Congress as an institution. There are several areas of this proposal that I find important. These issues include the elimination of soft money, raising the limits on party contributions, and encouraging more participation of the public in campaigns. Soft money is not being used for the same reasons as it was originally meant to be. What originally started out to help grassroots party activities has turned into a cover for the contribution of political parties to donate large sums of money, which can be used as a way to influence the vote of certain government officials. In 1998 the Republic Congressional Campaign Committee held a dinner that raised 10 million dollars and since 1995 Democratic Party committees have been receiving over 1 million dollars ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Waste Disposal Of The Chesapeake Bay As humanity continues to prosper agriculturally, industrially, and in population, companies, as well as local communities, have obsessively used the Ocean to toss their waste without consequences. The formation of dead zones has been intensified by the increase runoff of fertilizers and the burning of fossil fuels. Enhanced primary production causes algaeto bloom at a constant rate creating a layer near the surface. This layer acts as a roof to vegetation below resulting in a lack of oxygenwhich organisms use to live. According to Robert Diaz and Rutger Rosenberg, Dead zones have now been reported from more than 400 systems, affecting a total area of more than 245,000 square kilometers, and are probably a key stressor on marine ecosystems. Specifically, the Chesapeake Bayhas been polluted to the point where areas have now been uninhabitable to marine life. Although waste disposal is a difficult issue to solve, polluting bodies of water endangers the marine life, environment, and health of organisms. While the Earth s surface is seventy percent covered in water, countries are reliant on the Ocean s vegetation, marine life and resources. By eliminating those factors from coastal countries, many communities will suffer economically and culturally. Specifically, countries that catch, sell or eat seafood will have to exchange their lifestyle to meet their need for food and money in order to survive. Ultimately, drinking water is not obtained through salt water from oceans ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Women Of A Female And A Minority As for me being a Hispanic female, there are many stereotypes and judgments are put not only on myself as a female, but as a person of the Latin descendant. In our society today, we see many forms of stereotypes, racism and discrimination all over the media and even in our everyday lives. As I can only speak on behalf of a female and a minority, I can say that there are large amounts of stereotypes and images that we have to live up to in this society; despite my personal feelings and beliefs towards this, it is part of our country and we must live with it. However, after preparing for this assignment, my eyes were opened not only are minorities and people of color being discriminated against, but also Caucasian individuals. For this assignment, I had the privilege to interview six beautiful women of different races. Three of the women that were interviewed were Caucasian, two were Mexican and one was African American. After having the opportunity to speak with these women, I was able to gain a better knowledge and understanding on how three different races believe it is to be someone who is white and someone of color. For the most part, it seemed as if the minority women s answers were somewhat similar; however, each woman was able to speak their opinion due to certain personal experiences that they have had. Whether it was with a white person or being that they are a female of color, they able to share their experience and how they felt about the situation. On the other ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Close Reading Of Mcteague Humans are meant to empathize with one another, it is in the nature of people and it inherent to the human psyche. Though, people attempt to cover up their empathy and show disinterest towards others, the kind nature to feel bad for those lesser than ourselves tends to shine though. The narrator in the passage, seemingly uninterested in McTeague s life, is actually wuite the opposite. Rather than turn a blind eye to the life of McTeague, he actually seems to pity the man. This is shown through diction, tone, and details presented to the reader in the text. Authors hand select words that match their ideas and their goals for their writing, and this piece is no different. The narrator uses words that hail a negative connotation. By presenting McTeague as Sluggish the reader is lead to believe that he is lazy or inept. The narrator seems to hold an air of contempt and pity for McTeague, believing him to be unintelligent and slow minded. The narrator also implies that he is poor by inferring that McTeague s dreams were, well beyond his means (61 62). This brings on an air of sadness but hopeful. Despite the narrator believing that McTeague is destitute, they still believe him to be hopeful and seemingly... Show more content on ... The author seems to be disenchanted with McTeague s life, rather deciding to sign on with a mild interest, only to show his own pity for McTeague. The rambling description of McTeague s room is done to show the absolute averageness of the parlor that homes the dentist. The tone created from this is almost condescending but not quite there yet. Instead, the narrator simply drones on about the simple treasures that McTeague holds dear to him. Hwoever, as the narrator does this, it seems as if the narrator is beginning to pity him as each item is giving a description of why he needs it, and the reason is often to please other people. The narrator is seen to pity McTeague, and this is done through the tone set for the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Disappearance Of The Roanoke Island Colony America s past is a mysterious one, riddled with unsolved questions and misleading legends. One of the most prominent enigmas that has haunted historians for centuries is the disappearance of the Roanoke Island Colony, also known to many as The Lost Colony. After leaving for three years, the governor of Roanoke Island, John White, returned to find the settlement abandon. The only remaining clue was the word CROATOAN carved into a fence post and the letters CRO etched into a nearby tree. Several diverse theories have been suggested to explain the disappearance of the 120 missing colonist, ranging from disease to natural disaster. Any evidence supporting the various theories is weak, at best. However, the clues left behind point to the assimilation theory which proposes the colonists integrated with the natives, as the Croatoan had been a friendly Native American tribe in the area. Furthermore, the majority of new facts and the strongest evidence support the assimilation theory as well. Other common theories have numerous flaws in their logic that make them highly improbable. It is because the only sign the colony left behind indicates assimilation, any new or outside evidence discovered also serves to further prove assimilation, and all other theories suffer major inaccuracies that assimilation is the most probable theory. The Lost Colony was the first of England s new world colonies, meant to be both a permanent settlement and the location of a fortress. England s ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Government Structures And Religious Beliefs In Spanish... Society s norms and expectations more often than not impact an individual s actions and ideology, whether they are from Ancient Greece or modern day United States. Government structures and religious beliefs in the society of Spanish Settlers and in early American slavery lead individuals to judge other races because of the disassociation between two cultures and generalized concepts about the other ethnic on the basis of hearsay and rumor. The setup of the Spaniard s society and the American Slave Trade system influences the minds of the individuals a part of them, stemming from their governments and religions. In the society of the Spanish Settlers and early American slavery, government structures cause the settlers and slaves to quickly judge other races due to their lack of association. In La RelaciГіn , the Spanish Settlers alienation from the natives in America causes the Spaniards to criticize the locals because of the differences between the two, specifically the contrasts in their governments. ГЃlvar NГєГ±ez Cabeza de Vaca, as the narrator of La RelaciГіn , says, The islanders wanted to make physicians of us without examination or a review of diplomas ... We scoffed ... at the idea we knew how to heal , (Cabeza 78). When the natives tell the Spanish Settlers to become medicine men, the Conquistadors judge the natives way of determining their qualification. In Spain, one needs schooling to become a certified doctor. Since the two groups have minimal direct interaction, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Fedex Apac Hr Shared Services Center in Wuhan CC 408 006 FedEx APAC HR Shared Services Center in Wuhan This case was prepared by Prof. Lee, Jean S K and LIU Jia at Case Center of CEIBS. The case was prepared as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation. Certain names and other identifying information may have been disguised to protect confidentiality. Copyright 2008 by CEIBS (China Europe International Business School) No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission of CEIBS. The CEIBS Case Centre is sponsored by McKinsey Company. ... Show more content on ... Company Background FedEx Express is part of transportation powerhouse FedEx Corporation, providing fast and reliable delivery to every U.S. address and to more than 220 countries and territories around the world. FedEx uses a global air and ground network to speed delivery of time sensitive shipments, usually in one to two business days with the delivery time guaranteed. FedEx Corp. provides customers and businesses worldwide with a broad portfolio of transportation, e commerce and business services. With annual revenue of $32 billion, the company offers integrated business applications through operating companies competing collectively and managed collaboratively, under the respected FedEx brand. In 2002, FedEx became the first and only international carrier to offer a Money Back Guarantee to customers across Mainland China and opened a new China headquarters in Shanghai in November of 2004, enabling the company to be more responsive and fully focused on the needs of its customers. Currently FedEx serves more than 30 countries and territories in the Asia Pacific market with more than 10,000 employees. The new domestic services, expected to be fully operational in June 2007, will serve China s burgeoning market with an overnight, time definite delivery service to 19 cities and a day definite service to more than 200 cities throughout the country. Realtime package status tracking will let customers know where their shipments are at every step of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Aristotle s Influence On Democracy After democracy was introduced in Athens around the 5th century B.C.E., the majority of the Greek intellectual community condemned it as a form of communal tyranny. Socrates was put to trial and executed after a vote by the Athenian citizens because, despite strong evidence negating their arguments, the common people blamed him for corrupting the city s youth. Aristotle would later argue in his writings that the most effective democracyshould include equal power between the rich minority and the poor majority, so the poor could not take advantage of the rich. In other words, Aristotle felt that the poor should have a disproportionately small voice in democracy, perhaps believing that they were fundamentally less capable than the educated bourgeois of making the right decision. After two and a half thousand millennia have past, we d all like to believe we ve perfected this tried and failed egalitarian system. After all, the entirety of the first world operates under political structures that can largely be described as democratic, and there is something intuitively, morally correct about every person having an equal say, right? On November 8th, 2016, when Hilary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, the academic elite screamed their approval. This was progress. This will go down as the iconic victory of tolerance over bigotry, of rational thought over dogmatism, of love over hate. After a historically gruesome campaign, characterized by violence, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Importance Of Infrastructure Security By Analyzing One... Introduction During the last decade, information technology has become an increasingly pervasive issue present in each of the corporate structures (Exhibit 1). Even more recently, the idea of utilizing a cloud based infrastructure has become an idea that is more and more adopted by the business in an intent to facilitate data processing and availability. Nevertheless, with cloud computing comes several confidentiality issues that worry its users, especially those users who utilize the platform to transit huge amounts of delicate information. These issues have led companies to establish IT departments that are able and equipped to handle the data challenges such as data theft, among others, that arise with the information being on the ... Show more content on ... The breach was carried through what is referred to as a memory scraping software, which once installed in a computer, is able to store sensitive information such as: names and credit card numbers. Although, it is unknown how these hackers were able to install this software into target s point of sale systems, experts affirm that it could have been installed by anyone who had access to the company s POS system. What is scary is that this malicious software could have been downloaded by a target employee after innocently clicking on a link from an anonymous email or downloading a free disguised software program from the internet. The software could have also been installed by the thieves themselves through a physical security breach into any of Target s thousands of stores nationwide or even in its headquarters. To make matters even worse, the breach could have also intentionally come from someone within the IT department in the organization. Whichever the case may be, I guess we will never know. What is important to recognize though, was this giant s response to deter the breach and its actions in restoring and improving the organization s IT structure. Target s Response After the data breach that the company experienced, Target knew that something must change in order to improve their security in the system and improve customer credibility. For this reason, Target, amongst many other things, decided to launch ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Hillbilly Elegy Summary In the fifth reading assignment of Hillbilly Elegy, the chapters highlight J.D s time in high school, the Marines, and college. The start of chapter seven dealt with the death of Papaw. I think this death took a toll on J.D largely because Papaw was the closest thing to a stable father figure he had. I love the relationship that Papaw and J.D had, and I m sure it was one that J.D cherishes to this day. Reading about Papaw s funeral was especially tough for me because I have been exactly where J.D was in that moment. My grandfather passed away in the summer of 2015, and I also spoke at his funeral. I was extremely close with my Grandpa, or Papa as I called him, and reading about J.D s experience brought up some tough feelings for me. I noticed that J.D s mother took the loss of her father extremely had. She was thrown into a prescription drug induced tailspin. This is yet another example of the loss of a loved one completely derailing the life of one of their loved ones. Her story reminded me of Scott from Evicted. This also made me feel for J.D, he had just lost his beloved grandfather, and now he had to worry about his mother struggling with her addiction. Later in the chapter, I was happy to read that Lindsay had a great life going for her. She is one of my favorite characters in this book, and I was joyed to read that she had found a great husband. I also thought it was completely selfish for J.D s mother to ask him to move to Dayton with her newest boyfriend. I was also sickened to read that J.D s mother sent him to a therapist just so she could interrogate him about how he acted towards his mother. I think if J.D saw an actual therapist, he could have really benefited from it. I also really respected that Lindsay dropped everything she was doing to go pick up J.D from Dayton. I think this really speaks to their relationship, and how much she cares for her brother. I was also stunned to read that J.D s mother agreed to marry a man she had only known for one week. I knew that she had relationship issues, but this still shocked me. I think J.D eventually became numb to the amount of partners his mother brought home. The story of J.D s mother begging for his clean urine was extremely sad to me. I think ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Physical Therapist Strengths Life is a constant learning experience. I believe that if we are able to recognize the good and bad qualities within ourselves, we will become truly better human beings. Whether we are using the positive skills and abilities that help us obtain our goal, or knowing the negative individual weaknesses that need work, understanding ourselves and what we can do, can benefit us not only in our future career field we choose to purse, but in our everyday life as well. For myself, I believe a few of my personal assets in building relationships with others would have to be my empathetic and developing attitude. Being a developer, I believe that there is good and potential in very human being. I enjoy helping people discover, first of all, potential within themselves, and then the potential in other individuals as well. Now my empathy helps me better understand and connect with people on a more personal level. I am able to listen to an individual and see the world through their eyes. I believe that these two strengths, along with my other top strengths, will help me obtain a fulfilling and successful career. The career field I think that would best utilize my ... Show more content on ... Becoming a physical therapist will require many years of preparation and education in areas such as anatomy, physical fitness, biology, and kinesiology. Many physical therapists also take courses on patient psychology to assist patients with the emotional barriers that come along with their physical condition. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is another requirement. Physical therapists must also earn a Bachelor s Degree in a health related field, like Health Sciences. A minimum of a Master s Degree must be completed, along with and optional residency in some programs. They must also meet their state s licensing requirements and they must obtain Board Certification. Altogether this process could take around six to seven years to ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Nhs ( National Health Service ) The aim of this essay is to critic and to develop the change in the NHS. The NHS (National Health Service) establish in 1948 is the public health funded system in United Kingdom which provide the most high care in UK resident. Since being created, there is a constant transformation into leadership and management. For example Griffith s report (1983) introduces general manager and central role for doctors. Cogwheel report establishes in 1967, is the first report introducing the role of clinician management and managing resource in NHS. Management was more bureaucratic that time, since then they have had several others reports about change in management based more into share management leadership by giving doctors, general practice and clinician a roles in managing of change Kings funds (2015). The key driver of change in NHS has different factors, demography, new technology that rising consumer expectation and litigation, Even though NHS is one of the largest employers in the world they still shortage of staff, doctors and nurses NHS choices (2014). The rising cost of treatment potentially increase patient satisfaction and promotion of staff safety are invariably restraint poor action plan. That then has an impact of delivery care Gopee and Galloway (2014). However Gopee and Galloway (2014) suggest that, the change can interact on the role manager or leader play. Change is important in NHS because it has be poor quality of care in the past. Victoria Climbie one the high ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Cultural Context in How Many Miles to Babylon, Sive and 32a Comparative Studies Cultural Context Q The cultural context of a text can determine the characters and events of the text greatly. Discuss in relation to at least two texts you have studied in your comparative studies course. Texts studied: How Many Miles to Babylon, by Jennifer Johnston (HMMB) Sive, by John B Keane 32A, directed by Marian Quinn The texts I have studied as part of my comparative course are greatly determined by the cultural context of the text; we can see results of this on both characters and events of each text. In each text I have studied the time and setting of the texts, the class structures and economic statutes of the characters, the customs, traditions, power and especially the values of the societies all ... Show more content on ... It is a time when matchmakers were popular and local trades flourished. Matchmaking is a distinctive part of the cultural context; Thomasheen is actually a matchmaker by trade. This was a traditional aspect of rural Ireland. The majority of the characters in the play see it as a young girl s purpose in life to marry a suitable man that could provide a comfortable life for her. In one key seen in Sive we see Sive s aunt and for all purposes mother driven to fulfil the match between Sive and Sean Dota in the guarantee of a wealthy sum of money for her meddling services. ____________________________________________________________________________________ We see that money is power in the world of Sive: Sean DГіta can get his way and marry Sive just because he has money. Sive s faith can be defined by the expectations and considerations of her society and culture. In contrast the world of 32A was never much determined by social class as was prominent in HMMB. Set in the suburbs of Dublin in 1979, at a much later date than the other texts, we witness the society and culture of middle class Ireland. Dublin s North side where most of the action takes place is portrayed as a ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Cause Of The Catastrophe Analysis The Cause of the Catastrophe , was a Newspaper article written in a paper called the Halifax Herald, two days after the Halifax explosion, on December 8th 1917. The source comes directly from Halifax, referencing key issues that came as consequences of the explosion. This article is aimed towards other Canadian citizens, as the Halifax Herald was a local newspaper (Now called the Chronicle Herald , a newspaper that covers all of Nova Scotia), looking to simply spread information to citizens of Halifax and discuss the destruction that ensued two days prior. While this article comes from a primary and reputable source, it does include a small amount of bias when explaining the cause of the explosion. They reference both; that the oncoming Belgian ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Morality In Kate Chopin s The Awakening Value is a subjective domain. What is insignificant to one is priceless to another. In that subjectivity, one tends to measure value in cost what would you give for this? Some things come cheap, a minute of your day, a dollar of your savings. Others demand more, a piece of your soul, your mortal life altogether. In Kate Chopin s revolutionary final masterpiece, The Awakening, Edna Pontellier is a young married mother of two in luxurious nineteenth century New Orleans. Finding herself walled in by the oppression of patriarchal standards for a woman of means, Edna struggles with her identity and values. She watches as the women around her revel in their roles as wives and mothers, as they play their roles with the ease of ministering angels. Unable, or rather unwilling, to submit to these arbitrary posts, Edna ends her life in a manner as theatrical as it is tragic. She drowns herself in the ocean of the resort her family summers at. As she feels herself slipping into the anesthetic lull of death, Edna believes she is escaping the ... Show more content on ... To Madame Pontellier, an existence in the shackles of so called domestic felicity is worse than no life at all. In death she takes ownership of her fate, sealing it for herself. This final act defines Edna, by revealing not only her values but how calamitously far she will go to protect them. Edna values herself, her freedom, her own identity. In light of Edna s sacrifice, the values of the surrounding characters come to light as well. Leonce, her husband, values obedience and social convention, as does Edna s friend, Madame Ratignolle. She serves as a foil to Edna in her aptitude for domestic pursuits as Edna struggles to even keep the appearance of contentment. Edna s mentor and the town eccentric, Mme Reisz s values become clear in her refusal to conform to standard accordances. Both she and Edna prioritize their independence above all ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Peer Pressure In The Film Rebel Without A Cause Many people in the world are being pushed into peer pressure. In the movie Rebel Without a Cause the same thing is happening. In this movie two characters (Jim and Buzz) are pushed into something called the Chickie Run and this comes from a knife fight early in the movie and it gets broken up by the police. Then Buzz Pushes Jim into doing the chickie run to prove himself to Buzz s gang. But before the chickie run happens Buzz goes to talk to Jim and he tells Jim that he likes him. Then Jim asks Then why do we do this? Buzz says that they have to something to prove to his gang the he is still in charge. At this point they are both being pushed into peer pressure. Peer pressure can be both good and bad. It can be good in the way of, say ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Rust Vs Wild Fly Phenotypic expression of the mutation is isolated to the eyes of adult flies, with no differences observed in developmental stages. The feature characteristic is eye color: mutant adults express a darker, reddish brown color in contrast to the wild type red eye. Additionally, no pseudopupil is observed in mutants. However this may be due to the darker eyecolor obscuring visibility of a pseudopupil. Newly eclosed flies express a lighter mutant phenotype than older flies. The mutation is nicknamed Rust due to the similarities between iron oxide, a reddish brown compound that forms and darkens after exposure to oxygen, and the mutant eye color following eclosion. Male and female mutant flies show no differences in phenotype aside from sexual dimorphism. Figure 1 shows the differences between Rust and wild type flies in eye color and pseudopupil observed.... Show more content on ... The white (w) and garnet (g) genes are sex linked both located on the X chromosome. The white locus (location: 1 1.5) has many alleles and can be responsible for a large range of eye color phenotypes. An allele of white, wcf, results in reduced levels of red and brown pigment (Mackenziea, et al. 1999). This causes a darker eye color, similar to that of the Rust mutant. Mutations in garnet (location: 1 44.4) are characterized by reduced levels of two distinct components pteridine and xanthommatin, which are red and brown pigments respectively (Lloyd et al. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Compare And Contrast Texas And Desert Cottontail The Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) is a mammal that lives throughout the eastern parts of Texas, according to The Mammals of Texas. The Desert Cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii) is also a rabbit native to Texas. The Desert Cottontail lives in the uplands of Texas on the western half of the state, says The Mammals of Texas. Of the two, the Eastern Cottontailis the most common. A close relative of these cottontails is the New England Cottontail. The Desert Cottontail and the Eastern Cottontail have both evolved from the New England Cottontail to survive in their environments. Although the Desert Cottontail and the Eastern Cottontail are very similar, they also have differences. Both rabbits are cottontails and both look similar because ... Show more content on ... They stay small to be fast and avoid predators in the wild, more often. The Desert Cottontail also is more social than the Eastern Cottontail. The Eastern Cottontail likes to be near town and farming areas. They feed off the vegetation, and tend to travel alone to avoid being caught. The Eastern Cottontail breeds all year long. The Desert Cottontails have no record of breeding in January, July or October, be do breed during every other month of the year. To make up for this, the Desert Cottontail matures into adulthood faster than the Eastern Cottontail. The Desert Cottontail reaches adulthood in 3 months and is ready to breed sooner than the Eastern Cottontail. The Eastern Cottontail lives three years or less and the Desert Cottontail is only known to live up to two years. In conclusion, the Desert Cottontail and the Eastern Cottontail are more different than they seem. They tend to be paired together because of their appearance, and if you look up pictures it is difficult to differentiate between the two, but there are quite some differences. The fact is, that even the slightest difference in an animal s habitat and environment will change its characteristics, appearance, genetics, and so much ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Research Paper On Ecstasy Leah Betts was an 18 year old student who died from the use of ecstasy. On her 18th birthday she took an ecstasy tablet it was believed that she then consumed 7litres of water to contract the effects of the drug. Ultimately Leah died from water intoxication she d consumed so much after taking ecstasy that it stopped her brain from working properly and caused it to swell leading to her death. Heart rate, breathing, body fluids and temperature are all regulated without using having to think about it, the is known as homeostasis. When you take ecstasy (chemically known as MDMA) homeostasis is pushed too far causing it to start to break down. Homeostasis usually regulates body temperature to around 37 39 degrees celsius. In order to maintain these temperatures we cool ourselves down through evaporation of sweat produced from sweat glands in the skin. However there is a limit to how fast our body can cool down, when you take ecstasy you body ignores the warning signals it is being sent. Leah however, was not dancing around or exerting a lot of energy for her to sweat or become hot therefore, it was clear that she did not die from overheating. Ecstasy also affects the water... Show more content on ... Vasopressin is one of the hormones released by the pituitary gland, it is an anti diuretic hormone which regulates blood pressure and water retention. When sodium levels get too high, your body feels dehydrated. Vasopressin is then released to allow for more water to pass through your kidneys. On the other hand, when your sodium levels are too low, vasopressin is no longer released and your kidneys absorb less water. When you use ecstasy, vasopressin is released because you have taken the drug and not because your body is dehydrated. Therefore the ADH hormone is produced in excess so your body retains more water than normal. This is because the hypothalamus is sending signals to the kidneys to stop urine production as your body thinks that it is ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Summary Of Passing Nella Larsen Nella larsen s passing disrupts the traditional conception of racial, ethnic and gender integrity. Larsens has revolutionized the idea of acceptance of one s self identity.Larsen wrote this novel in the height of the Harlem Renaissance . An era that is known for its growth and expanse in the artistic explosion that happened in Harlem between the end of World War I and the middle of the 1930s. During this period Harlem was a cultural center, drawing black writers, artists, poets, and educated people. Many had come from the South, running away from its terrible mistreatment and social class system in order to find a place where they could freely express their talents. It involved racial pride, fueled in part by the aggressiveness of the New Negro demanding civil and political rights. The Renaissance incorporated jazz and the blues, attracting whites to Harlem, where couples danced. While it may have... Show more content on ... After the chaos of the Spanish flu pandemic that struck the city in 1918 and 1919, she decided to become a librarian and was employed at the 135th Street branch of the New York Public Library. At the first look, Passing, the title of the short book may project many meanings to the reader. Passing could refer to the change from life to death. Although the word passing could simply be referring to a change , the word also suggests disguising oneself, or to take on a different identity. To pass, certainly refers to a to cross an edge/border. While no significant suggestions of race or sexuality are given in the title, it anyway suggests disguise, deceit and change . This changing period is quite possibly the process that Nella Larsen is referring to in the title of her short book Passing. According to Webster, change is defined as A passing or passage from one condition, action or place to another, and ...the passage from an earlier to a later stage of development ... Get more on ...
  • 27. City Life Chapter Summaries Chapter 1 of experiencing cities was all about the foundations of the constantly growing metropolitan city. It includes everything from facts about how fast our cities are growing to city as a state of mind. But the section that intrigued me the most was symbolic interactionism and the study of city life. symbolic interactivity means that people are the ones who play an active role in their environment. In other words the area you live in is going to be determined by the way you interact with others and how you live your life. This idea was not one that shocked me but allowed me to grasp a greater understanding as to why different cities are the way they are. For example, i m from a small town in California with little to no crime. It is a pretty affluent area and people are pretty friendly. However you drive about 30 miles and you are now in one of the most dangerous cities in america, Oakland California. Here deadly shootings are a regular basis along with many other crimes. The citizens of these towns are usually right at the or below the poverty line. So to introduce this theory to me gives me a greater understanding as to why certain cities are dangerous and some aren t. It simply... Show more content on ... Oakland has been in the news for many years now about its crumbling government. Schools fundings are low, they cut the police force in almost half and no business can flourish here. These are all due to the fact that the people in charge simply cannot do their job effectively. In order for a city like this to get back on track it must first get leadership willing to do what it takes to make a difference. Then and only then will you start to see this city make a turn for the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. I Heard A Fly Buzz When I Died By Emily Dickinson When reading poetry, many will notice that certain words seem to be draw together. When read aloud this becomes even more apparent. The poet does this purposely to help the poem flow in the way that the poet wants it to. Whether it be jagged and full of pauses to match an uneven or harsh theme, or smooth and flowy to match a theme that is easier to grasp. Poetryis a special type of writing that can appeal to almost any and everything that one may feel. Poets have many different ways of enhancing the meaning of the poem through the sound of the poem. In the poem, I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died, by Emily Dickinson, the poet uses sound to enhance the theme of her poem. The poem starts out sounding slightly boring and then intriguing all in ... Get more on ...
  • 29. A Report On The York City Council Passed Council Bill 118437 On August 10, 2025, the Seattle City Council passed Council Bill 118437, which creates an ordinance allowing the City to impose a tax on businesses that sale firearms and ammunition. The ordinance added Chapter 5.50 to the Seattle Municipal Code, which states in part: 5.50.030 Tax imposed; rates A. There is imposed a tax on every person engaging within the City in the business of making retail sales of firearms or ammunition. The amount of the tax due shall be equal to the quantity of firearms sold at retail and the quantity of ammunition sold at retail multiplied by the applicable tax rates that are stated in Section 5.50.030.B. B. The tax rate shall be $25 per firearm sold at retail, $.02 per round of ammunition that contains a single projectile that measures .22 caliber or less sold at retail, and $.05 per round of ammunition for all other ammunition sold at retail. The ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 2016, and the Firearm and Ammunition Tax shall be imposed beginning January 1, 2016, on every person engaging within the City in the business of making retail sales of firearms and ammunition. LEGAL QUESTION Does the City of Seattle s have the constitutional authority to impose a firearm and ammunition sales tax when the State preempts any municipality from regulating, but not taxing, the sale of firearms and ammunition? PLAINTIFF S ARGUMENT AND RELIEF REQUESTED Plaintiffs claim that the City of Seattle passed an ordinance that imposes a tax on any firearm and ... Get more on ...
  • 30. History Of Online MBA Programs While a great number of programs has exploded in the last few years that s not to say that each one of the programs have the exact same quality or that all online MBA programs are interchangeable. To locate a listing of colleges that provide online MBA programs, perform an internet search on the Internet. Getting help in having your next job is just another excellent benefit the very best online MBA programs offer. There are lots of online programs offered. Top online MBA programs will offer online tutorial or basic introduction class to provide you with a possibility to practice using their online learning tools ahead of time for you to truly familiarize together with the new technology and communication resources. Regardless of this, ... Show more content on ... If you reside in a remote area of the country, you might not have several choices when it comes to enrolling on an MBA course. By opting to undertake an MBA online you re able to remove such concerns. Challenge of Online MBA Programs: MBA programmers could be also achieved in a particular field. It enables you to find an MBA degree with no challenges which come with traditional MBA programs. To get the most out of your online MBA programs, you also ought to understand the differences among a traditional MBA program and an internet program. To discover the suitable online MBA program for you, you might have to look through many colleges. MBA Official Recognition is essential for an MBA program, whether it s on campus or via the web. Now it s achievable to find an Online MBA Program using a range of centers. Babson College s Fast Track MBA program generally management is among the most reputed online programs. There are numerous online institutions offering online MBA in marketing. Several of the online colleges have job placement assistance and come across it fairly easy to discover companies which are impressed by their own curriculum. It will always be recommended to visit education websites since this can assist you in making sensible decision concerning your job. Save for the ease of studies, they re also lucrative with regard to fees. There are lots of online programs which vary greatly In relation to content and choices. With the continuing enhancement of ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Dietary Guidelines For The Diet And Chronic Disease Essay This article was to examine how the US government uses dietary guidelines for Americans and how the guidelines were supposed to help us eat and stay healthy. Diet and chronic diseases are sometimes connected. For example, it is proven that nutrient deficiency disease like scurvy can be cured by consuming the lost nutrients. However, it is also shown that some nutrient exposure can cause chronic illness such as energy, fats, sodium dietary fiber, and food exposures, etc. making it difficult to set dietary guidelines. In addition to some nutrient causing chronic diseases, nondietary factors such as stress, lack of exercise, smoking and other environmental factors are linked to causing chronic illnesses (Slavin, 2012). The relationship between diet and chronic disease made the federal government to issue dietary guidelines for Americans since1980 and publication of dietary guidelines were made every five years. The dietary guideline is in response to the public s desire for authoritative, consistent guidelines on diet and health (Slavin, 2012). One of the reasons for developing the dietary guidelines was to provide science based advice for two years old or older to help prevent chronic diseases and promote health. Another reason why dietary guidelines were created was to lay a good foundation for federal nutrition programs and nutrition education programs and serve as a basis for research gaps and priorities (Slavin, 2012). Also, the government wants to make sure the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Essay On Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was first established in 1978. This enactment was the Congressional reaction to the introduction amid numerous Committee hearings of past abuses of United States persons privacy rights by specific components of the United States government. Those abuses had happened, according to the government, as a component of its endeavors to counter indicated dangers to national security. The term foreign intelligence means information relating to the capabilities, intentions, or activities of foreign governments or elements thereof, foreign organizations, foreign persons or international terrorist activities. When law enforcement agencies and government entities want to gather information about a crime,... Show more content on ... It guarantees that the Intelligence Community has the adaptability and readiness it needs to distinguish and react to terrorist and other foreign dangers to our security. With the current Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, it gives a key part to every branch of government. It gives responsibilities mutually to the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence to guarantee that the Nation s chief law enforcement and intelligence authorities cooperate in gathering foreign intelligence in agreement with the law. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 2008 recognizes two groups of potential targets for surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The first category is foreign powers which is defined as: a foreign government, a diplomat, other representative or employee of a foreign government, a faction of a foreign nation that is not substantially composed of U.S. persons, an entity openly acknowledged by a foreign government to be directed and controlled by it, ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Romania Essay Today, Romania is one of the fastest growing economy in Europe. It increased at a 5.8 percent rate at the beginning of the year. Romania is still recovering from the Communist dictator, therefore they are still one of the poorest nations in Europe. The government has been cutting the money supply towards highways and other public works, and instead invested that money into wage raises. These changes in pay and tax cuts has created high economic activity that will leave the country indebted. The people of Romania are trying to better living conditions in their nation, and they believe the wages is one of the major ways to do it. One thing this plan lacks is the what the government is not doing, upgrading and improving the basic structure of... Show more content on ... Artist Constantin Brancusi Constantin Brancusi was a French Romanian photographer and sculptor. The main styles he used in his work were Dada and Cubism. His work was very simple but were very often said to have hidden truths. Brancusi worked with his materials directly, such as carving instead of working with plaster or clay models. He considered his work as reality that showed what things really were through simplicity. Constantin s ideas were very influenced by myths and folktales that was modern, but also completely timeless at the same time. The materials that were commonly used included marble, stone, bronze, wood, and metal. Endless Column is considered his greatest piece of artwork. Constantin Brancusi paved the way for many modern artists today. Celebrity Sergiu Comissiona Sergiu Comissiona is a conductor who has traveled the world, including America. He preferred to share a light and loving sound with his audiences. Before becoming a conductor, Sergiu was a violinist in the Romanian State Ensemble in 1946. He then went on to become the principal conductor of the Romanian State Opera. Comissiona began traveling around the world competing in 1956, until he reached America in 1963. He conducting an amazing amount of concerts in Baltimore that added up to 874 in total. Sergiu Comissiona and his wife took official U.S. ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Fairy Guy Research Paper I kept looking at the fairy guy, who seemed a few years older than when I first saw him at the fairy door, and I was looking at him really sad on purpose and trying to make sure the saw guy didn t see. He waved his wand a tiny bit and said half a magic word but the saw guy looked at him like you better not be doing magic or something like that and he stopped and looked away, then he said a couple magic words waving his wand but the magic directed to a little person thingy behind and under him, turning it smaller. I kept thinking either give me wings to fly away or make me really tiny so I can run and hide fast and they (the guards) can t get me . And he knew. So when he saw right after he made that other little guy thing even smaller he s ... Get more on ...
  • 35. General Business Major Unit As An Academic Course Business Major This memo contains relevant information about the general business major unit as an academic course. The memo gives a clear explanation of the historical development of the discipline as widely employed in academic. The memo also gives an in depth analysis of the discipline and highlights it several importance alongside its relationship with other related fields of study. This memo is a suitable source of information to persons seeking greater understanding of the business major discipline and its relevance in other related fields. The memo uses credible academic sources to vividly examine the discipline and give a clear illustration of how its study is based on its meritocracy and not other over lying factors. History Before 1927, business studies were taught in early institution but there was no official record of it evolution. Nevertheless, Professor Gras started a business history program that aimed at tracing the chronologic development of history from small scale learning to the current institutions. He was an editor of the Bulletin of the Business Historical Society since the year 1926 1953, which was later transformed in the year 1953 to the modern Business History review (86). During this period, business was learnt through the application of theories that were simple and specific to a certain situation or discipline. The major factor that contributed to the narrow nature of the early business was the motive of study. Individuals studied the field ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Effects Of Adolescence Female Cannabinoid Exposure On Male... The topic of this article is the effects of adolescence female cannabinoid exposure on male offspring s response to opiates. The particular study is important because marijuana is one of the most abused drugs among females. Since women have babies it is important to understand any potential health risk of the cannabinoid exposure on their offspring. Previous studies have shown increased risks of anxiety and depression, as well as decreased motivation and reading comprehension skills (Brynes, 2012, p 1348). The current study looks at whether exposure during adolescence will affect future offspring. Therefore one does not want to alter fetal development, even if the mother is not using during pregnancy. The purpose of the current study was... Show more content on ... Researchers used twenty three year old female Sprague Dawley rats in this experiment. The rats were kept in standard laboratory cages on a light dark cycle in a temperature controlled room. The rats were given seven day to adjust to their new homes before beginning the experiment. When sixteen of the female rats reached thirty days of age they were administered injections of CB1 and CB2. These female rats were the WIN F1 group. Each day injection dosage increased. The first day was a 1kg, second day 2kg, third day 4kg. The female rats were weighed daily. The control group, VEH F1, consisted of sixteen female rats that were administered saline. At 60 days of ages the female rats were mated with colony male rats. On postnatal day 21 male offspring were housed until test began. Only one offspring per litter was used. When the male offspring became 40 or 60 days old they were tested for CPP responses to morphine or saline. Rats were tested in three chambers, which had infrared to track the rat. During preconditioning, day 1, rats were placed in the middle chamber but allowed to go to any of the three chambers. Researchers recorded the amount of time spent in each chamber during 15 minutes. Day 2 morning, the rats were weighed, given saline, and placed in chamber A for 30 minutes. Five hours later rats were administered either saline or morphine and placed in camber B for 30 minutes. Conditioning repeated for 3 days. On the fifth day rats were placed in the middle ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Analysis Of Disobedience As A Psychological And Moral... The Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem was written by Erich Fromm. The author was a writer in the twentieth century. He did various things and had various jobs. The author talks about the effects of obedience and disobedience. He explains that the world we live in today will be destroyed through disobedience. Fromm uses mythological and religious figures to explain how this theory makes sense. Fromm argues that society goes on without accomplishing freedom through disobedience. Some forms of disobedience are acceptable, but others may be too harsh and unnecessary. Fromm strongly believes that humans should be disobedient and if not they will not be successful in life. The first thing that he talks about is Adam and Eve and how they disobeyed an order, which was when they ate from the forbidden tree. The consequence of disobeying a request made the ties with Earth tear and their eyes to open. Adam and Eve never again observed each other as equivalents, they took a gander at each different as outsiders and additionally their general surroundings. Fromm states that the... Show more content on ... The human conscience is our own instinct and the opinion of people. This is based off us knowing what is human and inhuman and what is beneficial to life and what destroys or harms life. This is the one that helps us function as humans. The authoritarian conscience is what individual people tell when wanting to make people happy. Fromm referenced Freud in the essay stating that he looked at this type of conscience as Superego which represents the internal commands and prohibitions of father, and it is accepted by the son out of fear. Fromm incorporates many different philosophies, including the rational and irrational authority. The statement ipso facto submission distinguishes irrational from rational ... Get more on ...
  • 38. How Has Ambriose ParГ© s Life Changed The Face Of Western... Introduction: Ambriose ParГ© changed people s ideas about surgery. His contributions to the field of surgery have inadvertently changed the face of western medicine. ParГ© was a French barber surgeon who was born on 1510. During the Renaissance, which was the In his early age, he worked as a barber surgeon and gained a lot of experience learning how to treat gunshot wounds on soldier in the field. His discoveries of this new technique were passed down to various surgeons who followed his work closely. With his help, surgerystarted to become less of a gruesome act and more of healing method. His work was recognized and appreciated by the Royal family of France. Soon, ParГ© became the official doctor of the Royal family. Context and Background ... Show more content on ... He worked as apprenticed to a barber at an early age of 19. In 1545, he began began the study of anatomy at Paris, under FranГ§ois Jacques Dubois a very famous anatomist. After his gained experience, he was appointed field surgeon by Marshal Rohan, and became surgeon to King Henry II, in 1554 member of the CollГЁge de St Cosme, and was exempt from taxation (Porter R. 188). As an army surgeon, ParГ© gained recognition for abandoning several established practices and introducing more practical alternatives. He found that simply dressed gunshot wounds heal faster and are less painful than when treated with boiling oil. In the process, he dispelled the theory that gunshot wounds are poisonous. He contributed much to the field of medicine by disproving incorrect and superstitious medical practices, and by increasing the accessibility of medical knowledge by writing in French rather than Latin, as was the common language ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Essay On Eva Peron We chose Eva Peron as our History Day Topic because we were interested in the Women s Rights Movement, and we decided to narrow our scope to an individual to understand the motivations of someone who made a difference. As we searched for someone who dedicated their life to suffrage, we came across Eva Peron, who connected very well to the theme. She took a stand in many ways throughout her life. She was a pioneer in Argentina for women s equality and protested for women s suffrage. There was a lot of information about her, and many of the sites that we found were accurate and professional, which was the final decision point to choose Peron. We began our research by looking up multiple statements about Peron to find a wide variety of quotes and information about her. By doing web searches on reliable websites, we discovered new details about her. When we came across useful information, we remembered to check if the website was credible and... Show more content on ... We categorized information making it easy to find when needed. This information helped us start to create the website. From there, we sought to fill in the holes looking for any information that we may have missed. Lastly, when we peer checked, we received feedback advising to make the pictures bigger, and make the webpage more organized. After making those changes, we found that our website looked better more clear, and more organized. Eva Peron took a stand in history by fighting for Women s Suffrage because she wanted all women to gain the same recognition as men, and she believed that women deserved to be treated equally. She worked hard for many years to achieve something that would not just benefit herself, but millions of citizens around her country. She knew that she was fighting for opportunities that would impact her country forever, and she never gave up, even when the people who opposed her tried to stop ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Rhetorical Analysis Of Ronald Reagan Challenger Disaster Ronald Reagan Challenger Disaster Address to the Nation After the seven astronauts, engineers, and Christa McAuliffe, a history teacher selected to be part of the mission, were killed in the terrible shuttle Challenger explosion, Ronald Reagan had the unbelievable job of explaining it to the country. Millions across the country were watching as the shuttle caught in flames and then exploded only 73 seconds after lift off. It was later determined that two rubber O rings, designed to separate the sections of the rocket booster, had failed due to cold temperatures on the morning of the launch ( disaster). Reagan gave his speech at 5 pm on January 28, 1986 from the Oval Office at the White House, broadcasted live on nationwide radio and television. Reagan knew that he had to make it plain to them that life does go on and you don t back up and quit some worthwhile endeavor because of tragedy . Reagan called in a relatively unknown speechwriter who would go on to pen some of the most famous phrases uttered by presidents, like President George H.W Bush s thousand points of light , Peggy Noonan. Reagan started his speech simply with, Today is a day for... Show more content on ... President Reagan uses his position as President to inform people about his trust in the NASA space program, and the true bravery of the astronauts on their journey to lead us into the future. This is an example of the rhetorical device ethos, and the audience trusted that the President knew what he was talking about! The overall tone of the speech was very solemn and melancholy, but the added use of pathos really made the listeners feel the true sorrow of the nation s despair. Using words like mourning and loss produced a dismal feeling, however, words like daring, brave, freedom and dedication, made the audience sense a feeling of recovery and ... Get more on ...
  • 41. China, A Home And Folk Remedy The essay gives a synopsis of Chinese culture in terms of life processes, health and illness, Maintaining wellness, causes of illness, traditional way of healing the cure, and the impact of cultural background of health professional during treatment. The context of this essay will highlight the concept of cultural stereotype and its influence on ones healthdue to the customs and beliefs. In china, a home and folk remedy is a conventional way of treating illness and is preferred over the western medical practices. (Dixon.B, 2009, pp. 4 5). Some orthodox Chinese communities assume that incongruity of qi and yin and yang disturbs the health of people. (Dixon.B, 2009, pp. 4 5). The beliefs can have peculiar or edifying influence on health as... Show more content on ... The way people perceived life in China affect their mental health and illness. Traditional Chinese practices have great contribution in maintaining wellness in china. The psychiatric wellness is maintained when the activities of mind, body and soul combine together. (Dixon.B, 2009, pp. 4 5). Natural recourses like hot springs and healing waters are required to maintain wellness. Indeed, the conventional Chinese Medicine is cultural asset of wellness (Heung.V, Kucukusta.D, 2013, pp. 346 348). Internal stability is retained by natural practices of T ai Chi and Qi Gong. Qi Gong is best known to maintain spiritual esteem balanced secretion. However, T ia Chi helps in controlling breathing and meditation.(Traditional Chinese Medicineand Maintaing Homeostasis, 2014 ) Traditional Chinese Medicine and Maintaining Homeostasis, (2014). A project of the University of Chicago Publication. Retrieved from: /07/09/traditional chinese medicine and maintaining homeostasis.aspx Health and Illness is determined by the interaction between healthy mind, body and soul. In china, self stigmatization is very common in people with mental illness. For example, Young and Ng (2015, p. 176) suggested that most of the Chinese people with mental disorder suffer from public stigma and self stigma. Due to the unhealthy mind and surroundings, it is hard for people to recover from illness. Furthermore, the Balance between yin yang ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Lycoming College Art Gallery Analysis Rose DiRocco Hodges stands in the Lycoming College Art Gallery located in downtown Williamsport. The Long Island native is the Director of the Lycoming College Art Gallery, a downtown student run downtown public art space. I became interested in art through my older brother, Ralph, who was an artist. She states. He would take me to art museums, photo shoots, and various places like the beach, the woods and highly populated areas where he would photograph, draw and paint. I enjoyed watching him as his projects came to fruition. He valued my opinion, and he was always thankful for my honesty. Her worked as an artist for an advertising agency in Manhattan before becoming ill and passing away at the age of 31. I believe Ralph gave me my interest and love of art, in all mediums, and I am grateful for the time I spent with him, and also that I can continue being surrounded by... Show more content on ... Her work was featured in a solo exhibition, Nicole Dextras: A Dressing the Future. During her residency Dextras worked with Lycoming sculpture, 2 D design and photography students to create and document a dress made totally from natural plant materials. One of our female art seniors, Kelly Pankowski, led a parade through the streets of Williamsport from the Lycoming College campus to the downtown Art Gallery and modeled the dress for the gallery reception. DiRocco Hodges explains. For more information you can visit The Lycoming College Art Gallery have many different artists and student artists showcasing their work in the next year. Rose DiRocco Hodges hopes the Lycoming College Art Gallery will continue to be a to be a vital institution in the community and bring cutting edge contemporary art to Williamsport. From the looks and sounds of it, this shouldn t be a ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Violent Drug Crimes Peter Wagner, executive director of the Policy Reform Initiative, stated on March 14, 2017, that nonviolent drug convictions are a defining characteristic of the federal prison systems but play only a supporting role at the state and local levels. Since the official beginning of the War on Drugs in 1982, the number of people incarcerated for drug offenses in the U.S. skyrocketed from 40,900 in 1980 to 469,545 in 2015. Since it is common knowledge that racism is very much still prevalent in today s society, I will forgo the argument of racial disparities concerning those convicted for drug crimes or any crime, for the statistics speak for themselves. 1 in every 106 white males age 18 or older is incarcerated. 1 in every 36 hispanic or ... Show more content on ... As apparent in their 2017 Criminal Justice Fact Sheet, the NAACP stated that nationwide, African American children represent 32% of children who are arrested, 42% of children who are detained, and 52% of children whose cases are judicially waived to criminal court. Racial profiling in the treatment toward the younger generation is one of the driving causes of the future effects we see happen. For example, these group of young adolescents that are targeted because of their skin color have to face a myriad of unnecessary obstacles in the aftermath such as not being able to complete their education, not being able to find a job much less a career, and not being able to be a part of society. These often hinder their success as individuals and ultimately is detrimental to our society as a whole. Based off of data gathered by the U.S. Department of Justice, if current trends continue, one of every three black males born today will go to prison in his lifetime, as will one of every six Latino males. As for white people, those who have long sentences only have long, harsh sentences because the particular crimes they commit are perceived as a black crime. (Ted Chiricos, Kelly Welch Marc Gertz, Racial Typification of Crime and Support for Punitive Measures, 42 Criminology 359, 374 (2004).) In 2005, African Americans represented 14 percent of current drug users, yet they constituted 33.9 percent of persons ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Tobacco Use Tobacco Tobacco Use How many Americans use tobacco products? Well there is A LOT and it causes a lot of deaths per year also. Tobacco products cause 6 million deaths per year or more. Tobacco is dangerous for your body. It can cause serious health issues, Smoking has a long term effect to it. It could cause asthma, reduced lung growth, reduced lung functions and that s pretty serious if you ask me. The tobacco industry is influencing kids with their products for kids like the little play cigarettes that you can eat, the chewing jerky that acts like its chewing tobacco. It is wrong, it could make your kid into a nicotine addict. And could cause the health problem listed above. (Radcliff) Tobacco products aren t safe for adults or kids even. It could get kids hooked on tobacco products at a young age if they see an elder using the tobacco and they are like, I can t wait to try that when i m older or they could get influenced by tobacco companies to do it under age and permanently damage the kids inner body parts. E cigarettes (vapes) are commonly used to help Reduce smoking. Some people say that it does help but some under age kids do it for fun, they have no addiction to smoking. Its also not safe because it could cause second hand vapor. Also it s not safe because young kids 12 17 year olds, commonly use this product for no reason getting them addicted to nicotine. that s not good for their lungs and could cause them to get seriously hurt. The normal person that uses tobacco ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Business Information Systems Essentials of Business Information Systems /Essentials%20of%20Business%20Information%20Systems.pdf Text Book: Laudon amp; Laudon, Essentials of Business Information Systems, 7th Edition, Pearson (Prentice Hall), 2007 Chapter 1 Business Information Systems in Your Career Multiple Choice Questions 1. One of the recent critical challenges facing Major League Baseball was: a. poor coordination between local and national sales channels. b. poorly managed sales channels. c. outdated information systems. d. decreasing ticket sales. Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 3 2. The six important business objectives of information technology are new products, services, and business models; ... Show more content on ... c. transfers data to the people who will use it or to the activities for which it will be used. d. transfers processed information to the people who will use it or to the activities for which it will be used. Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 11 14. Converting raw data into a more meaningful form is called: a. capturing. b. processing. c. organizing. d. feedback. Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 11 15. Electronic computers and related software programs are the technical foundation, the tools and materials, of: a. all business procedures. b. information accumulation. c. modern information systems. d. all industrialized countries. Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 11 16. (Analysis) An example of raw data from a national chain of automobile stores would be: a. 13 Toyotas sold daily in Kentucky b. 13 Toyota RAV 4s sold during March 2006 in Louisville, Kentucky c. 1 Toyota RAV4s sold March 3, 2005 in Louisville, Kentucky d. All of the above Answer: d Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 11 Analysis in terms of categorize
  • 46. 17. The field that deals with behavioral issues as well as technical issues surrounding the development, use, and impact of information systems used by managers and employees in the firm is called: a. information systems literacy. b. information systems architecture. c. management information systems. d. information technology infrastructure. Answer: c ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Marketing Reflective Essay With regard to presentation we have been asked to select brand (product or service), perform as its specialist and finally present our findings/ideas. Our group chose one of the largest companies that operates in the UK Supermarkets market Tesco Plc. In order to analyse macro, micro, and internal environment of selected brand were used such an important tools as PESTLE/PEST, SWOT Analysis, Porter s 5 Forces and BSG Matrix. And ultimately we have been asked to write an essay. The purpose of this reflective essay is to think about findings individually of group presentation with a particular focus on the logic and rational recommendations, probable results, estimation of methods and tools. According to Jobber (2010, p.98) PESTLE or PEEST... Show more content on ... Thereby, all the findings allowed our team to highlight areas in which company has got some challenges, such as Clothing (Question mark) and Technics (Dogs) which helped our group to make recommendations at the end of presentation. With regard to recommendations, I would like to pay attention on the fact that all of the tools and methods which have been used in presentation, helped our group to outline some challenges of Tesco Plc. Due to that statement, we outlined key areas, such as online shopping market, music and video markets, on which Tesco Plc must focus on in case of potential progress, increasing profit and customer loyalty. In general, despite of the fact that all used tools have helped us to analyse the company s performance, some of them have limitations which impede clear understanding of situation. Nevertheless, the mix of these tools gave us solid method how to examine performance of the company. As a final point, I would like to state that, generally, our group did presentation well. Whilst I had a feeling that some of my partners were a bit apprehensive ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Undecidability in Becket s The Endgame This paper aims to study postmodern element of undecidability in Samuel Becket s Endgame. As Butler and Davis holds, What is different about Becket is not that he provokes a critical response ... but the protean, open ended, undecidable and inexhaustible quality of the challenge he offers (168). Endgame like Becket s other plays is in a way that, as Wittgenstein notes, is nothing more than language play between characters and although there are some minor actions there are not in such a way to affect the play, moreover it is their vague utterances that make the play undecidable for the reader to make out what is happening. Andrew Bennett and Nicholas Royle in their An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory explain the... Show more content on ... So it can not be decided that the play is taking place whether in a physical world that is like a refuge for characters or as it is mentioned Endgame may be an image for the dissociation of a human consciousness and dying of mind in a mental setting (56). Nell?s living is also in question. During the play Hamm asks Clov to check on Nagg and Nell. Clov returns and says that it appears as if Nell is dead, whereas Nagg is merely crying in his bin. Becket creates doubts in the reader?s minds, they ask this question from themselves that, what happened for Nell and is she really dead or not? The other considerable undecided point is about Clov?s leaving. Throughout the play, he many times tells Hamm that, ?I?ll leave you, I have thing to do? (Endgame 10) But the reader can not be sure about his leaving when comes to this dialogue: Clov: So you all want me to leave you. Hamm: Naturally. Clov: Then I?ll leave you. Hamm: You can?t leave us. Clov: Then I won?t leave you. (2669)In this way, with these indications, the reader remain doubtful that whether he is leaving Hamm or not, even at the end of the play, though he dressed and ready to go, he has not yet left (116). At the end it can be concluded that, Samuel Becket?s Endgame with all these ambiguous and indistinct issues, such as title of ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Project Report On Cheese Essay PROJECT REPORT ON CHEESE THIS STUDY WAS CONCLUDED FROM 5 TO 18 JUNE 2016 BY MANAS JOSHI , B Tech FROM AMITY INSTITUTE OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY COMPANY GUIDE Mr. Salim (SALES MANAGER) , DELHI PREFACE The Btech degree is an undergraduate degree confered after completion of a three or four year program of studies at an accredited university or accredited university level institution. Bachelor of Technology degree is a professional engineering undergraduate degree awarded after completion of four years of engineering study and research. B tech program provides fundamental knowledge of technical function and activities as well as exposure to strategic function of management. Some Indian universities, mainly private institutes which are affiliated to regional universities, offer engineering degree under the name of Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng); but whichever name is used, the degree course follows the standard curriculum laid down. In every professional , the training is very important factor Professors give us theoretical knowledge of various subjects in the college ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Hernan Cortes Essay Hernan Cortes Myths are hangups from way back :[1] false or highly inaccurate beliefs that are taken at face value. One collection of myths which has exercised a powerful grip on the minds of many, and contributed to feelings of inferiority on the part of large numbers of pure or mixed descendants of Native Americans in the region of northern Mesoamerica,2 has to do with the conquest of the Aztec Empire by HernanCortes and his followers in the early sixteenth century. This paper attempts to shatter one of these myths; namely, that Cortes was an extraordinarily brave and intelligent individual who accomplished an almost miraculous feat. It will do so by making use of the twin concepts of virtu and fortuna. These two terms are ... Show more content on ... Both decisions were based on his ignorance of the actual power of the Triple Alliance and the confederation of Tlaxcallan.[7] Cortes underestimated these two because of his early experiences in Mesoamerica. Although they initially tried to avoid confrontations with the native communities, the Spaniards had to engage in several battles against a coalition of Maya armies near Potonchan (located in the present day state of Tabasco). However, they were able to win these battles thanks to the superiority of their weapons and military tactics. The outcome of these skirmishes was quickly known! by the Triple Alliance. As a result, when Cortes arrived in the region of Totonacapan, this alliance opted in favor of a strategy of deterrence rather than war. Envoys sent by Tenochtitlan established contact with Cortes and presented him with a series of lavish gifts that were meant to indicate the might of the Triple Alliance.[8] However, the strategy backfired because Cortes was unable to grasp the symbolism of the gifts and interpreted them as a sign of weakness. Moreover, the great quantity of gold given to the Spaniards made them all the more determined to reach Tenochtitlan. Unable to ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Pillow For Neck Pain There are quite a few things that can cause neck pain. This is something that happens to everyone once in a while, and it is usually either accidental injury or improper posture while doing certain activities. Neck pain can ruin your whole day, especially if you can not move your head in any direction without feeling a lot of pain. When you have pain your your neck or even your upper back, most of the time it is a muscle problem and it will resolve within a few days with the right tools. One of those tools should be a pillow for neck pain. If you have recurring problems with neck pain, you may want to have it checked out. There could be a problem with your upper spine. On the other hand, if you just have pain once in a while and you can pinpoint from where it came, it is usually something that you can clear up on your own with ice, heat, and rest. A pillow for neck pain can greatly help you sleep through the... Show more content on ... This often happens from improper posture or tilt of the head while sitting at a computer or because you may have slept with your head at an odd angle the night before. The ice helps with inflammation that usually comes with this type of neck pain. Alternate ice with heat to soothe the inflammation and then the pain. You can also take something like Advil or the generic equivalent to help with the inflammation as well. At night, you want to make sure you have a pillow for neck pain on which to sleep. A good pillow for neck pain is one that is more firm than other pillows and that helps your neck and head stay in the same position. The best one would be one that keeps your spine in a straight line so that you are not stressing the muscles any more than they have already been strained. There are some great memory foam pillows that work great for neck pain. Look for ones specifically make for that purpose. You can also try the buckwheat pillow, which offers the same support in a different ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Sir Ernest Shackleton s Survival Body Paragraph #1 Shackleton s Personality Sir ernest shackleton [1874 1922] was a polar explorer who led the three british expeditions to the Antarctic , and one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic age of the Antarctic . His goal is to get to the Antarctic first before anyone does , but he couldn t be able to get to the Antarctic on time . Still Shackleton didn t give up on his goal , in 1914 Shackleton had made his third trip to the Antarctic on a ship called the endurance , where he invited some people to come along too on the expedition . Some people would think of him as crazy and others would think of him as a true leader . Shackleton is a very effective leader because he doesn t want to lose his goal and doesn t want to lose his target to get to the South pole . Body Paragraph #2 Leadership Skills... Show more content on ... He wanted to cross Antarctica via south pole , so that he could be at least the first person to cross the south pole . He is also has the honesty in himself , which meant that he is not a bad leader but a good one , he helps everyone when they re in need . Shackleton had build up to about 28 members on the team . He is also decisive , which means that when he makes a decision they have to stick to it . He is also a strict leader , so he doesn t like anyone messing around . Shackleton is the bravest and strongest leader than any other leader is , he always makes sure that nothing gets in his way or his men s way because he wants to make sure that his men are in task . Shackleton is a tough and a disciplined leader because he s always right on task . Shackleton also have like good core values and he s always team spirited and he also recruited the best and the right people on the team ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Resistance Of Change And Change Management Resistance to Change NASA had a firm hierarchy and this brought about a lot of resistance to change from people. NASA could have gotten more of the people involved in the changes. I find that by getting people involved and having some key people or champions to support the change, there is less resistance. People want to feel involved and a part of decisions, especially if it impacts them directly. When it comes to successful change management, get people involved earlier, which will contribute to greater buy in and acceptance. Keep in mind that this should not be the sole solution for employee resistance; successful change management is about understanding the true nature of the resistance. Often times change management can be so ... Show more content on ... Change implementation entails identifying the structure as is, present problems, current process and its resources as well as how resources are coupled to the system. Deep thought process needs to be undertaken to see the impact of replacing systems, process, and resources with another one. Furthermore, before that an analysis needs to be performed identifying the possible alternative and how that will address the issue and improve the overall mechanism (Creasey, 2014). However, these analyses were not performed in this NASA episode. The recommendation was just laid over. As mentioned in the case study, there was a lot of pressure on the contractors and staff by keeping current schedules instead of revising and reducing some of the pressure. This statement clearly states that the primary issue of (as is issue) unrealistic flight schedules were retained, resulting in less focus on quality and heavy pressure on employees to perform. The managers still were the same and added outsourcing process, which became disastrous as they were not monitored and controlled enough. Did the change actually happen? The answer is a typical no. There was one more disaster, now Columbia shuttle. The Primary reason behind that is again unrealistic schedule planning, leading to low focus on quality and high pressure. Management did not encourage people to communicate about ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Strategic Planning Change This paper will describe a problem that my organization currently has and consider a change that can fix this issue. The paper will identify how the change aligns with my organization s mission, vision, and values and professional ethics. The paper describes a specific solution to the issue and the strategy that I can use to implement the planned change. The strategy will include the steps that are necessary to facilitate the planned change. Introduction The inefficiency I identified in my organization is that we do not have an EHR system for our juvenile prisoners. The company that I am working for still uses a paper based system for all juvenile patients, and I believe that patient care safety can significantly be improved by adopting an EHR system. An EHR... Show more content on ... These five steps for the planned change enables an organization to reassess many aspects of its operations and future plans (Jarousse, 2013, p.22). The first step involves gathering information from the team and explain the need for change (Jarousse, 2013). The first steps allow units leaders look at the company s strengths and weaknesses and help identify the problem and decide if a change is needed. The second step is to get feedback from all workers (Jarousse, 2013). The third step is to plan for an agreement on the weaknesses and strengths of the company (Jarousse, 2013). In this step, the team can identify areas of support and areas where improvement is needed. The fourth step is to create an action plan with all team members (Jarousse, 2013). This step will allow the team to look at the improvements that that will come with an EHR system and help the team reduce resistance to the planned change. The last step is consists of evaluating the proposed change (Jarousse, 2013). This last step is important; it allows the organization to examine if the planned change meets the organization s overall ... Get more on ...
  • 55. Angelas Ashes Essay 5 Angela s Ashes When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I survived at all. It was, of course, a miserable childhood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while. Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood, and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood. Thus begins the highly celebrated memoir by the name of Angela s Ashes, written by Frank McCourt. In this book Frank McCourt writes about his childhood, how his parents meet in New York and then decide to return to Ireland. He describes what it is like to be at the bottom of that city s tough social hierarchy, giving vivid descriptions of how class imposes severe limitations and restrictions. It is this topic, this theme, to which I ... Show more content on ... Even though Frank shows promise at school, showing a quick mind and naturally reaching for more demanding literature, he is denied the opportunity to become an altar boy. He is denied the chance of obtaining the higher education he hungers for. It is important to understand how deeply rooted the class system in Great Britain including Ireland, was in the beginning of the 20th century. In modern Europe it is difficult to identify the classes that, during the first half of the century, were extremely socially significant. It is also difficult to comprehend the extreme poverty of the Depression years. There was no unemployment insurance, no health insurance and there were no safety nets for the poor. They were left to their own devices. Their source of protection from abject poverty and starvation was primarily the church. Otherwise the poor were left at the mercy of friends and family, and on a daily basis had to swallow their pride. With regard to getting out of this vicious cycle of poverty and starvation, again it was the church that had the primary responsibility for and control over education. As has been noted Frank s attempts at becoming a part of the social and religious system that could take him out of poverty were disrupted by that same system. Frank s struggle for acceptance and participation in the higher social groups is essential for an analytical understanding ... Get more on ...