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1.Brief Overview of Java 
2.Advance java 
4.Session Handling 
5.Database Handling 
What is java? 
Java is a computer programming language that 
is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented. 
 It is intended to let application developers "write once, run 
anywhere" (WORA). 
 Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode (class file) 
that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless 
of computer architecture. 
 Java is, as of 2014, one of the most popular programming 
languages in use, particularly for client-server web 
 Java is the Internet programming language
Java's History 
• Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun 
Microsystems (which has since merged into Oracle 
• Originally named OAK in 1991 
• First non commercial version in 1994 
• Renamed and modified to Java in 1995 and released as a 
core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. 
• First Commercial version in late 1995 
• Hot Java 
-The first Java-enabled Web browser
Java Technology 
• What is Java? 
Java technology is both a programming 
language and a platform.
--The Java Programming Language 
The Java programming language is a high-level 
language that can be characterized by all of the 
following buzzwords: 
-Object oriented 
Architecture neutral 
-High performance 
--The Java Platform 
A platform is the hardware or software environment in 
which a program runs. Some of the most popular platforms 
are Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris OS, and Mac OS. 
Most platforms can be described as a combination of the 
operating system and underlying hardware. The Java 
platform differs from most other platforms in that it's a 
software-only platform that runs on top of other hardware-based 
The Java platform has two 
The Java 
The Java 
Interface (API)
Different Editions of Java 
• Java Standard Edition (J2SE) 
– J2SE can be used to develop client-side 
standalone applications or applets. 
• Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 
– J2EE can be used to develop server-side 
applications such as Java servlets, Java 
ServerPages, and Java ServerFaces. 
• Java Micro Edition (J2ME). 
– J2ME can be used to develop applications for 
mobile devices such as cell phones.
• J2EE is a platform-independent, Java-centric 
environment from Sun for developing, 
building and deploying Web-based enterprise 
applications online.
Why J2EE? 
• Simplifies the complexity of a building n-tier 
• Standardizes an API between components and 
application server container 
• J2EE Application Server and Containers 
provide the framework services
J2EE Tiers 
• Client Presentation 
 HTML or Java applets 
deployed in Browser 
 XML documentations 
transmitted through HTTP 
 Java clients running in 
Client Java Virtual Machine 
• Presentation Logic 
 Servlets or JavaServer 
Pages running in web 
• Application Logic 
 Enterprise JavaBeans 
running in Server
What are Servlets? 
• The Servlet is a server-side programming 
language class used for making dynamic web 
pages. They reside within a servlet engine. 
• Servlets receive and respond to requests from 
Web clients, usually across HTTP, the 
HyperText Transfer Protocol. 
• They provide concurrency ,portability and 
Tasks of a Servlet 
• Read the explicit data sent by the clients 
• Read the implicit HTTP request data sent by 
the clients (browsers). 
• Process the data and generate results. 
• Send the explicit data (i.e., the document) to 
the clients (browsers). 
• Send the implicit HTTP response to the clients 
Servlet life cycle 
 All methods are performed by Container 
 Initialize using init() method when requested. 
 Service() method handles requests/clients. 
The requests are forwarded to the appropriate 
method (ie. doGet() or doPost()) 
 Server removes the servlet using destroy() 
Basic Servlet example 
import javax.servlet.*; 
import javax.servlet.http.*; 
public class Test extends HttpServlet{ 
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest in, 
HttpServletResponse out) throws ServletException, 
IOException { 
PrintWriter p = res.getWriter(); 
p.println(“<H1>HELLO, WORLD!</H1>”); 
Working with Servlets 
 All servlets must extend the HttpServlet or Servlet 
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet 
 HttpServlet Class overrides service() method. 
 Two most common HTTP request types. Under HTTP, there 
are two methods available for sending parameters from the 
browser to the web server. 
 doPost(HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse); 
Invoked whenever an HTTP POST request is issued through an 
HTML form.Unlimited data can b send. 
 doGet(HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse); 
Invoked whenever an HTTP GET method from a URL request is 
issued, or an HTML form. Limited data sending.
Transfer Of Control 
HTML Servlet 
Abc(java file) 
• sendRedirect(filename); sends control. 
• RequestDispatcher(); sends Control+data 
using : 
Requestdispatcher rd= request.Getrequestdispatcher(“abc.Jsp”); 
Rd.Forward(req,res): // to see o/p of only requesting servlet. 
Rd.Include(req,res); //o/p of all previous servlets are shown.
Servlet Context & Servlet 
Servlet Context is some information which 
has global scope. It works as static data. 
ServletContext sc=getServletContext(); 
sc.setAttribute("user", “abc"); 
Servlet Configuration is the information 
specific to a servlet. 
ServletConfig sc = getServletConfig();
Session Handling 
Session handling is used for tracking client’s session . 
Types of session handling:- 
URL re-writing 
Hidden form field 
Http session
URL re-writing 
You can append some extra data on the end of each URL that 
identifies the session, and the server can associate that 
session identifier with data it has stored about that session. 
ex:-username and password will be appended to the URL. 
Hidden Form Field 
HTML forms have an entry that looks like the following: 
<input type=“hidden” value=“username”> 
This can be used to store information about the session.
we can use HTTP cookies to store information about session 
and each subsequent connection can look up the current 
session and then extract information about that session from 
some location on the server machine. 
• Cookies are normal files 
• Contains info of users 
• Resides on the browser
Http Session 
The info of users are stored in server -side. User have no 
authority to modify the info. 
Initialization of http session: 
HttpSession hs= request.getSession(); 
By default session is TRUE . If false then previous session is 
picked up. 
How to add info in hs:- 
hs.setAttribute(“name", "value”);
how to get info:- 
HttpSession hs= request.getSession(false); 
How to delete info:- 
HttpSession handling done as shown in following program:-
Database Handling 
Java database connectivity (JDBC) is a standard application 
programming interface (API) specification that is implemented 
by different database vendors to allow Java programs to access 
their database management systems. The JDBC API consists 
of a set of interfaces and classes written in the Java 
programming language. 
Basic steps to use database in Java 
• Establish a connection 
• Create statements 
• Execute SQL statements 
• Get results
Loading drivers 
– Dynamically loads a driver class, for Oracle database. 
Making connections 
Connection con= 
– Establishes connection to database by obtaining 
a Connection object .
Specifying SQL queries 
Using prepared statements:- 
Syntax- PreparedStatement ps= con.preparestatement(“SQL 
Execute Query 
There are two operations to execute queries:- 
• Select – ps.executeQuery(); 
• update – ps.executeUpdate(); 
To store data:- 
ResultSet rs= ps.executeQuery();
To get the data from rs:- 
• Row by row data is fetched. 
String s1= rs.getString(“name”); 
Date d= rs.getDate(“date”); 
The following program show the working:-
Java Server Pages 
• Server-side programming technology that enables the creation of 
dynamic. Released in 1999 by Sun Microsystems. 
• Platform-independent method for building Web-based 
• Uses static data usually HTML. 
• To deploy and run JavaServer Pages, a compatible web server with 
a servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat is required. 
• Entire JSP page gets translated into a servlet (once), and servlet gets 
invoked (for each request) 
• JavaServer Pages (JSP) lets you separate the dynamic part of your 
pages from the static HTML. 
HTML tags and text 
<% some JSP code here %> 
HTML tags and text
Working of JSP… 
Server with JSP 
Java Engine 
loads the JSP 
page from 
disk and 
converts it 
into a servlet 
loads the 
Servlet class 
and executes 
it. Server 
produces an 
o/p in HTTP 
format during 
Servlet Engine
Intro to Predefined variables- 
(Implicit Objects) 
created automatically when a web server processes a JSP page 
• request: Object of HttpServletRequest (1st arg to doGet) 
• response: : Object of HttpServletResponse (2nd arg to doGet) 
• session 
– The HttpSession associated with the request (unless disabled with the session 
attribute of the page directive) 
• out 
– The stream (of type JspWriter) used to send output to the client 
• application 
– The ServletContext (for sharing data) as obtained via 
• config - Object of ServletConfig 
• pageContext - Object of PageContext in JSP for a single point of access 
• page – variable synonym for this object
JSP Directives 
Directives provide directions and instructions over 
translation of JSP into servlet. 
Page-defines attributes affecting structure of 
<%@ page contentType="text/html“ 
errorPage="error.jsp"import="java.util.*" %> 
Include-contents of other files are included 
statically in JSP 
<%@ include file=”header.html” %> 
Taglib-include external tag library in web page. 
<%@ taglib uri="URIToTagLibrary" prefix="tagPrefix" %>
JSP Elements 
• Expression:- It contains a scripting language expression that is evaluated, 
converted to a String, and inserted where the expression appears in the 
JSP file. 
Syntax=> <%= expression %> 
Eg: Current time: < %> 
• Declarations:- May contain one or more Java declarations to be inserted 
into the class body of the generated servlet 
Syntax=> <%! Java declarations %> 
Eg:<%! Int i; %> 
• Scriplets:-Consists of one or more Java statements to be inserted into the 
generated servlet’s _jspService method (called by service). 
Syntax=> <% java code %> 
Eg: <% 
String var1 = request.getParameter("name"); 
JSP v/s Servlets 
Servlets are strictly written in 
Java . 
Servlets must be given both 
a servlet definition and one or 
more mappings within the web 
deployment descriptor 
Servlets are for generic 
handling of an HTTP request. 
Executed as a servlet itself 
JSPs contain mixed dynamic 
JSPs do not require either, 
allowing much quicker and less 
brittle page creation. 
JSPs are specifically targeted 
and optimized to render a 
response to the request in the 
output language of choice 
(typically HTML). 
Code is compiled into a 
Apache Struts Technology 
A MVC Framework for Java Web 
• What is and Why Struts? 
• How to install Struts in your WebApp ? 
• Struts architecture 
– Controller 
– View
What is Struts ? 
• Frameworks(Front-Ends) for Developing Java 
web based applications 
• free open-source 
• Current Version: 1.1 
• Based on architecture of MVC(Model-View- 
Controller) Design Pattern
Why Struts? 
• Flexible, extensible and structured front-ends 
• Large user community 
• Stable Framework 
• Open source 
• Easy to learn and use 
• Feature-rich( like error handling and MVC ) 
• Works with existing web apps
Struts Installation 
• Download the zip file from the Apache website 
• Copy the zar files from the lib directory of the zip 
file in WEB-INF/lib 
• Editing web.xml file 
Struts Servlet and Mapping code 
• Create an empty struts-config.xml 
Servlet Configuration code 
• Start your server
Web Xml File 
• web.xml includes: 
– Configure ActionServlet instance and mapping 
– Resource file as <init-param> 
– servlet-config.xml file as <init-param> 
– Define the Struts tag libraries 
• web.xml is stored in WEB-INF/web.xml
Example: web.xml 
xml</param value> 
Struts Config File 
• struts-config.xml contains three important 
elements used to describe actions: 
– <form-beans> contains FormBean 
definitions including name and type (classname) 
– <action-mapping> contains action 
definitions Use an <action> element for each action 
– <global-forwards> contains your global 
forward definitions
Struts Architecture 
• Struts is an open-source framework for building more flexible, maintainable 
and structured front-ends in Java web applications 
•There are two key components in a web application: 
–the data and business logic performed on this data 
–the presentation of data 
• Struts 
–helps structuring these components in a Java web app. 
–controls the flow of the web application, strictly separating these 
–unifies the interaction between them 
• This separation between presentation, business logic and control is 
achieved by implementing the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Design 
• A famous design pattern 
• Breaks an application into three parts 
Model = Domain/Business Logic 
The problem domain is represented by the Model. 
View = Presentation/the pieces the user sees and 
interacts with 
The output to the user is represented by the View. 
Controller = The part(s) that know how to use the model 
to get something done 
The input from the user is represented by Controller.
Response JSP 
MVC Design Pattern 
Java Bean 
Servlet Container
How Struts Works
Hibernate: An Introduction 
• It is an object-relational mapping (ORM) 
solution for Java 
• We make our data persistent by storing it in a 
• Hibernate takes care of this for us
Object-Relational Mapping 
• It is a programming technique for converting 
object-type data of an object oriented 
programming language into database tables. 
• Hibernate is used convert object data in JAVA 
to relational database tables.
Why Hibernate and not JDBC? 
• JDBC maps Java classes to database tables (and 
from Java data types to SQL data types) 
• Hibernate automatically generates the SQL 
• Hibernate provides data query and retrieval 
facilities and can significantly reduce 
development time otherwise spent with manual 
data handling in SQL and JDBC. 
• Makes an application portable to all SQL 
Hibernate vs. JDBC (an example) 
• JDBC tuple insertion – 
st.executeUpdate(“INSERT INTO book 
VALUES(“Harry Potter”,”J.K.Rowling”)); 
• Hibernate tuple insertion –;
Hibernate sits between your 
code and the database 
Maps persistent objects to 
tables in the database
• Tiles are like individual visual component, 
• And using Tiles Framework, you can develop a 
web page by including different tiles or 
• Tile layout is a JSP page which defines the 
layout or defines the look and feel and where 
each tile (for example header, body, footer ) 
are placed.
Instead of writing 
header , and footer 
on each and every 
JSP page, how good 
will it be having 
common tile for 
those components 
and include in all the 

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Advance Java Topics (J2EE)

  • 1.
  • 2. INDEX 1.Brief Overview of Java 2.Advance java 3.Servlets 4.Session Handling 5.Database Handling 6.JSP 7.Struts 8.MVC 9.Tiles 10Hibernate
  • 4. What is java? Java is a computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented.  It is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere" (WORA).  Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode (class file) that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture.  Java is, as of 2014, one of the most popular programming languages in use, particularly for client-server web applications.  Java is the Internet programming language
  • 5. Java's History • Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which has since merged into Oracle Corporation). • Originally named OAK in 1991 • First non commercial version in 1994 • Renamed and modified to Java in 1995 and released as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. • First Commercial version in late 1995 • Hot Java -The first Java-enabled Web browser
  • 6. Java Technology • What is Java? Java technology is both a programming language and a platform.
  • 7. --The Java Programming Language The Java programming language is a high-level language that can be characterized by all of the following buzzwords: -Simple -Object oriented -Distributed -Multithreaded -Dynamic Architecture neutral -Portable -High performance -Robust -Secure
  • 8. --The Java Platform A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs. Some of the most popular platforms are Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris OS, and Mac OS. Most platforms can be described as a combination of the operating system and underlying hardware. The Java platform differs from most other platforms in that it's a software-only platform that runs on top of other hardware-based platforms. The Java platform has two components: The Java Virtual Machine The Java Application Programming Interface (API)
  • 9. Different Editions of Java • Java Standard Edition (J2SE) – J2SE can be used to develop client-side standalone applications or applets. • Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE) – J2EE can be used to develop server-side applications such as Java servlets, Java ServerPages, and Java ServerFaces. • Java Micro Edition (J2ME). – J2ME can be used to develop applications for mobile devices such as cell phones.
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  • 11. J2EE • J2EE is a platform-independent, Java-centric environment from Sun for developing, building and deploying Web-based enterprise applications online.
  • 12. Why J2EE? • Simplifies the complexity of a building n-tier application • Standardizes an API between components and application server container • J2EE Application Server and Containers provide the framework services
  • 13. J2EE Tiers • Client Presentation  HTML or Java applets deployed in Browser  XML documentations transmitted through HTTP  Java clients running in Client Java Virtual Machine (JVM) • Presentation Logic  Servlets or JavaServer Pages running in web server • Application Logic  Enterprise JavaBeans running in Server
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  • 15. What are Servlets? • The Servlet is a server-side programming language class used for making dynamic web pages. They reside within a servlet engine. • Servlets receive and respond to requests from Web clients, usually across HTTP, the HyperText Transfer Protocol. • They provide concurrency ,portability and Efficiency.
  • 16. Tasks of a Servlet • Read the explicit data sent by the clients (browsers). • Read the implicit HTTP request data sent by the clients (browsers). • Process the data and generate results. • Send the explicit data (i.e., the document) to the clients (browsers). • Send the implicit HTTP response to the clients (browsers
  • 17. Servlet life cycle  All methods are performed by Container  Initialize using init() method when requested.  Service() method handles requests/clients. The requests are forwarded to the appropriate method (ie. doGet() or doPost())  Server removes the servlet using destroy() method
  • 18. Basic Servlet example import*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class Test extends HttpServlet{ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest in, HttpServletResponse out) throws ServletException, IOException { out.setContentType(“text/html”); PrintWriter p = res.getWriter(); p.println(“<H1>HELLO, WORLD!</H1>”); } }
  • 19. Working with Servlets  All servlets must extend the HttpServlet or Servlet class  public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet  HttpServlet Class overrides service() method.  Two most common HTTP request types. Under HTTP, there are two methods available for sending parameters from the browser to the web server.  doPost(HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse); Invoked whenever an HTTP POST request is issued through an HTML form.Unlimited data can b send.  doGet(HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse); Invoked whenever an HTTP GET method from a URL request is issued, or an HTML form. Limited data sending.
  • 20. Transfer Of Control HTML Servlet abc.jsp Abc(java file) Abc.html • sendRedirect(filename); sends control. • RequestDispatcher(); sends Control+data using : Requestdispatcher rd= request.Getrequestdispatcher(“abc.Jsp”); Rd.Forward(req,res): // to see o/p of only requesting servlet. Rd.Include(req,res); //o/p of all previous servlets are shown.
  • 21. Servlet Context & Servlet Configuration Servlet Context is some information which has global scope. It works as static data. ServletContext sc=getServletContext(); sc.setAttribute("user", “abc"); sc.getAttribute(“user”); Servlet Configuration is the information specific to a servlet. ServletConfig sc = getServletConfig();
  • 22. Session Handling Session handling is used for tracking client’s session . Types of session handling:- URL re-writing Hidden form field Cookies Http session
  • 23. URL re-writing You can append some extra data on the end of each URL that identifies the session, and the server can associate that session identifier with data it has stored about that session. ex:-username and password will be appended to the URL. Hidden Form Field HTML forms have an entry that looks like the following: <input type=“hidden” value=“username”> This can be used to store information about the session.
  • 24. Cookies we can use HTTP cookies to store information about session and each subsequent connection can look up the current session and then extract information about that session from some location on the server machine. • Cookies are normal files • Contains info of users • Resides on the browser
  • 25. Http Session The info of users are stored in server -side. User have no authority to modify the info. Initialization of http session: HttpSession hs= request.getSession(); By default session is TRUE . If false then previous session is picked up. How to add info in hs:- hs.setAttribute(“name", "value”);
  • 26. how to get info:- HttpSession hs= request.getSession(false); hs.getAttribute(“name”); How to delete info:- hs.invalidate(); HttpSession handling done as shown in following program:-
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  • 36. Database Handling Java database connectivity (JDBC) is a standard application programming interface (API) specification that is implemented by different database vendors to allow Java programs to access their database management systems. The JDBC API consists of a set of interfaces and classes written in the Java programming language. Basic steps to use database in Java • Establish a connection • Create statements • Execute SQL statements • Get results
  • 37. Loading drivers Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); – Dynamically loads a driver class, for Oracle database. Making connections Connection con= DriverManager.getConnection(“Oracle:jdbc:oracle:thin:@l ocalhost:1521:xc”,”username”,”password”); – Establishes connection to database by obtaining a Connection object .
  • 38. Specifying SQL queries Using prepared statements:- Syntax- PreparedStatement ps= con.preparestatement(“SQL QUERY”); Execute Query There are two operations to execute queries:- • Select – ps.executeQuery(); • update – ps.executeUpdate(); To store data:- ResultSet rs= ps.executeQuery();
  • 39. To get the data from rs:- • Row by row data is fetched. Syntax:- While( { String s1= rs.getString(“name”); Date d= rs.getDate(“date”); } The following program show the working:-
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  • 43. Java Server Pages • Server-side programming technology that enables the creation of dynamic. Released in 1999 by Sun Microsystems. • Platform-independent method for building Web-based applications. • Uses static data usually HTML. • To deploy and run JavaServer Pages, a compatible web server with a servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat is required. • Entire JSP page gets translated into a servlet (once), and servlet gets invoked (for each request) • JavaServer Pages (JSP) lets you separate the dynamic part of your pages from the static HTML. HTML tags and text <% some JSP code here %> HTML tags and text
  • 44. Working of JSP… Client Server with JSP Container Java Engine loads the JSP page from disk and converts it into a servlet content. .class loads the Servlet class and executes it. Server produces an o/p in HTTP format during exc. Servlet Engine
  • 45. Intro to Predefined variables- (Implicit Objects) created automatically when a web server processes a JSP page • request: Object of HttpServletRequest (1st arg to doGet) • response: : Object of HttpServletResponse (2nd arg to doGet) • session – The HttpSession associated with the request (unless disabled with the session attribute of the page directive) • out – The stream (of type JspWriter) used to send output to the client • application – The ServletContext (for sharing data) as obtained via getServletConfig().getContext(). • config - Object of ServletConfig • pageContext - Object of PageContext in JSP for a single point of access • page – variable synonym for this object
  • 46. JSP Directives Directives provide directions and instructions over translation of JSP into servlet. Page-defines attributes affecting structure of servlet. <%@ page contentType="text/html“ errorPage="error.jsp"import="java.util.*" %> Include-contents of other files are included statically in JSP <%@ include file=”header.html” %> Taglib-include external tag library in web page. <%@ taglib uri="URIToTagLibrary" prefix="tagPrefix" %>
  • 47. JSP Elements • Expression:- It contains a scripting language expression that is evaluated, converted to a String, and inserted where the expression appears in the JSP file. Syntax=> <%= expression %> Eg: Current time: < %> • Declarations:- May contain one or more Java declarations to be inserted into the class body of the generated servlet Syntax=> <%! Java declarations %> Eg:<%! Int i; %> • Scriplets:-Consists of one or more Java statements to be inserted into the generated servlet’s _jspService method (called by service). Syntax=> <% java code %> Eg: <% String var1 = request.getParameter("name"); out.println(var1); %>
  • 48. JSP v/s Servlets Servlets are strictly written in Java . Servlets must be given both a servlet definition and one or more mappings within the web deployment descriptor (web.xml). Servlets are for generic handling of an HTTP request. Executed as a servlet itself JSPs contain mixed dynamic content. JSPs do not require either, allowing much quicker and less brittle page creation. JSPs are specifically targeted and optimized to render a response to the request in the output language of choice (typically HTML). Code is compiled into a servlet
  • 49. Apache Struts Technology A MVC Framework for Java Web Applications
  • 50. Agenda • What is and Why Struts? • How to install Struts in your WebApp ? • Struts architecture –Model – Controller – View
  • 51. What is Struts ? • Frameworks(Front-Ends) for Developing Java web based applications • free open-source • Current Version: 1.1 • Based on architecture of MVC(Model-View- Controller) Design Pattern
  • 52. Why Struts? • Flexible, extensible and structured front-ends • Large user community • Stable Framework • Open source • Easy to learn and use • Feature-rich( like error handling and MVC ) • Works with existing web apps
  • 53. Struts Installation • Download the zip file from the Apache website • Copy the zar files from the lib directory of the zip file in WEB-INF/lib • Editing web.xml file Struts Servlet and Mapping code • Create an empty struts-config.xml Servlet Configuration code • Start your server
  • 54. Web Xml File • web.xml includes: – Configure ActionServlet instance and mapping – Resource file as <init-param> – servlet-config.xml file as <init-param> – Define the Struts tag libraries • web.xml is stored in WEB-INF/web.xml
  • 55. Example: web.xml <servlet> <servlet-name>action</servlet-name> <servlet-class> org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet </servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>config</param-name> <param-value>/WEB-INF/struts-config. xml</param value> </init-param> </servlet>
  • 56. Struts Config File (struts-config.xml) • struts-config.xml contains three important elements used to describe actions: – <form-beans> contains FormBean definitions including name and type (classname) – <action-mapping> contains action definitions Use an <action> element for each action defined – <global-forwards> contains your global forward definitions
  • 57. Struts Architecture • Struts is an open-source framework for building more flexible, maintainable and structured front-ends in Java web applications •There are two key components in a web application: –the data and business logic performed on this data –the presentation of data • Struts –helps structuring these components in a Java web app. –controls the flow of the web application, strictly separating these components –unifies the interaction between them • This separation between presentation, business logic and control is achieved by implementing the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Design Pattern
  • 58. Model-View-Controller(MVC) • A famous design pattern • Breaks an application into three parts Model = Domain/Business Logic The problem domain is represented by the Model. View = Presentation/the pieces the user sees and interacts with The output to the user is represented by the View. Controller = The part(s) that know how to use the model to get something done The input from the user is represented by Controller.
  • 59. Model-View-Control (Controller) Servlet BROWSER Redirect (View) Request Response JSP MVC Design Pattern (Model) Java Bean Servlet Container
  • 61. Hibernate: An Introduction • It is an object-relational mapping (ORM) solution for Java • We make our data persistent by storing it in a database • Hibernate takes care of this for us
  • 62. Object-Relational Mapping • It is a programming technique for converting object-type data of an object oriented programming language into database tables. • Hibernate is used convert object data in JAVA to relational database tables.
  • 63. Why Hibernate and not JDBC? • JDBC maps Java classes to database tables (and from Java data types to SQL data types) • Hibernate automatically generates the SQL queries. • Hibernate provides data query and retrieval facilities and can significantly reduce development time otherwise spent with manual data handling in SQL and JDBC. • Makes an application portable to all SQL databases.
  • 64. Hibernate vs. JDBC (an example) • JDBC tuple insertion – st.executeUpdate(“INSERT INTO book VALUES(“Harry Potter”,”J.K.Rowling”)); • Hibernate tuple insertion –;
  • 65. Architecture Hibernate sits between your code and the database Maps persistent objects to tables in the database
  • 66. Tiles • Tiles are like individual visual component, • And using Tiles Framework, you can develop a web page by including different tiles or component. • Tile layout is a JSP page which defines the layout or defines the look and feel and where each tile (for example header, body, footer ) are placed.
  • 67. Instead of writing header , and footer on each and every JSP page, how good will it be having common tile for those components and include in all the pages.

Editor's Notes

  1. Servlets are invoked through a URL which means that a servlet can be invoked from a browser. Servlets can be passed parameters via the HTTP request. Read explicit data sent by client (form data) • Read implicit data sent by client (request headers) • Generate the results • Send the explicit data back to client (HTML) • Send the implicit data to client (status codes and response headers)
  2.  This includes an HTML form on a Web PAge  This includes cookies, media types and the browser understands, and so forth.  This process may require talking to a database, invoking a Web service, or computing the response directly. This document can be sent in a variety of formats, including text (HTML or XML), binary (GIF images), Excel, etc. . This includes telling the browsers or other clients what type of document is being returned (e.g., HTML), setting cookies and caching parameters, and other such tasks.
  3. When a servlet is FIRST requested, it is loaded into the servlet engine. Once initialization is complete, the request is then forwarded to the appropriate method (ie. doGet or doPost) The servlet is then held in memory. Subsequent requests are simply forwarded to the servlet object. When the engine wishes to remove the servlet, its destroy() method is invoked. NOTE: Servlets can receive multiple requests for multiple clients at any given time. Therefore, servlets must be thread safe
  4. PrintWriter supports the print( ) and println( ) methods for all types including Object. method of writing to the console when using Java is through a PrintWriterstream. PrintWriter is one of the character-based classes.
  5. The parameters associated with the POST request are communicated from the browser to the server as a separate HTTP request.
  6. JSP engine This conversion is very simple in which all template text is converted to println( ) statements and all JSP elements are converted to Java code that implements the corresponding dynamic behavior of the page. JSP engine compiles the servlet into an executable class and forwards the original request to a servlet engine. A part of the web server called the servlet engine loads the Servlet class and executes it. During execution, the servlet produces an output in HTML format, which the servlet engine passes to the web server inside an HTTP response. The web server forwards the HTTP response to your browser in terms of static HTML content. Finally web browser handles the dynamically generated HTML page inside the HTTP response exactly as if it were a static page. The JSP engine compiles the servlet into an executable class and forwards the original request to a servlet engin
  7. A page directive may appear anywhere in the JSP. A page directive may appear multiple times. contentType The value passed to ServletResponse.setContentType pageEncoding The value passed to ServletResponse.setCharacterEncoding import Import statements to include in the generated servlet errorPage Relative path to an error page if an exception is thrown isErrorPage Whether this page is to handle exceptions from other pages Sets the content type of the response being sent to the client, if the response has not been committed yet. The given content type may include a character encoding specification, for example,text/html;charset=UTF-8
  8. Consists of Java code to be evaluated and written to the response output stream during the evaluation of the _jspService method. Expression return type must not be void. Each expression’s output will be inserted into the output stream after any preceding static content and before any subsequent static content. Because the value of an expression is converted to a String, you can use an expression within a line of text, whether or not it is tagged with HTML, in a JSPfile. Expressions are evaluated from left to right. Each scriptlet will be inserted after streaming any preceding static content and before streaming any subsequent static content.
  9. .