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2015년은 디지털 마케팅이 한 단계 더 진화한 한 해였습니다.
빅데이터의 중요성이 대두되고, 프로그래매틱을 통해 각 사용자에게 맞춤화된 메시지를 실시간으로 전할 수
있게 되었습니다. 개인화된 콘텐츠는 사용자의 주목도와 참여도를 높여 주었죠.
모바일은 미디어 소비와 컨텐츠 유통 방식에 가장 큰 변화를 가져다 주었는데요. 모바일 기기 사용으로 인해
전 세계의 오디언스에게 언제 어디서나 콘텐츠를 전달할 수 있다는 점은 마케터들에게 새로운 기회를 열어주
고 있습니다.
디지털 플랫폼은 검색, 소비, 소통, 공유 등 소비자 생활에 더욱 깊숙이 파고드는 다양한 기능 및 서비스를 제
공하며 사용자들의 삶에 더욱 밀착된 형태로 진화해 가고 있습니다.
디지털 기술의 진화는 새로운 기회를 열어주기도 하지만 허위광고나 광고 차단, 사생활 침해 등의 문제를 동
반하기도 합니다. 이러한 문제는 아직 마케터들이 해결해야 할 숙제로 남아 있습니다.
이 리포트는 현재의 디지털 마케팅 시장을 이해하고, 앞으로의 트렌드를 예측하기 위해 필요한 다양한 정보와
인사이트를 포함하고 있습니다.
YDM 이노베이션 센터에서 2015년 디지털 마케팅 주요 이슈를
바탕으로 선정한 22가지 디지털 마케팅 트렌드 키워드.
이 키워드들을 바탕으로 2016년 디지털 마케터들이 주목해야 할
7가지 트렌드를 예측해본다.
아래 키워드에 대한 자세한 내용은
“Digital Marketing in 4 Categories“ 섹션에서 참고 가능. (p.12~)
Live Streaming Mobile Payment Big Data Video Contents
Walled Garden Buy Button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad
App Activity Messaging Platform (Real-Time) Personalization Ad blocking
IoT (Data) Cross Device Location IT VR/AR
Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents
MCN Automation
Predictive Marketing
디지털마케팅의 Glocalization이 본격화 될 것이다.
페이스북, 인스타그램, 라인 등 여러 디지털 서비스들이 미디어와 광고 플랫폼으로서 진화해
가며, 글로벌 오디언스를 확보하기 위한 다양한 기능과 서비스를 소개하고 있다. 이와 동시
에 디지털 기술과 크리에이티브는 각 지역 사용자들의 다양한 취향과 문화를 반영하기 위해
더욱 정교해지고 로컬화 되고 있다.
마케터들은 글로벌 플랫폼을 통해 전세계 사용자에게 도달하면서도
각 지역의 특성과 사용자 개개인에게 최적화된 마케팅 전략을 세우는 노력이 필요할 것이다.
1 디지털마케팅의 글로벌화와 로컬화가 동시에!
Live Streaming Mobile Payment Big Data Video Contents
Walled Garden Buy Button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad
App Activity Messaging Platform (Real-Time) Personalization Ad blocking
IoT (Data) Cross Device Location IT VR/AR
Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents
MCN Automation
Predictive marketing
Live Streaming mobile payment Big Data Video Contents
Walled garden Buy button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad
App activity Messaging Platform (real time) personalization Ad blocking
IoT(data) Cross device Location IT VR
Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents
MCN Automation
Predictive marketing
모바일과 웨어러블 기기는 개인의 삶에 더욱 밀착될 것이고, 이로부터 얻어진 데이터를
통해 한층 더 개인화된 소비자 경험을 제공할 수 있게 될 것이다.
데이터 기반의 타겟팅은 더욱 정확하고 정교해져, 사용자 개개인의 상황과 취향을 반영
한 마케팅 전략을 구현할 수 있게 될 것이다.
데이터 분석을 넘어 이를 통해 의미 있는 인사이트를 도출하는 능력이 계속해서 발전될
것이고, 이는 소비자에 대한 이해도를 높여 효율적인 고객 관리를 가능하게 할 것이다.
개인화된 소비자 경험 제공을 위해 최적화
되고 있는 마케팅 전략
디지털은 실시간으로 브랜드와 소비자 사이의 연결을 가능하게 한다.
언제 어디서나 소비자와 연결될 수 있다는 점은, 실시간으로 각 상황과 오디언스를 고려한
맞춤형 마케팅 메시지를 전달할 수 있다는 뜻!
점점 더 많은 브랜드들이 소비자의 ‘마이크로 모멘트’를 공략할 것으로 예상된다. 이는 어
떤 소비자가 무언가를 알고 싶고, 사고 싶고, 하고 싶고, 가고 싶은 바로 그 순간의 의도와
맥락을 파악하여 실시간 마케팅을 펼칠 수 있음을 의미한다.
실시간으로 소비자의 니즈를 파악하고 이에 즉각적으로 대응하는 것은 2016년 디지털, 특
히 모바일 마케팅 전략 수립에 필수 고려 요소가 될 것이다.
소비자와 실시간으로 연결되는 그 ‘순간’에
Live Streaming Mobile Payment Big Data Video Contents
Walled Garden Buy Button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad
App Activity Messaging Platform (Real-Time) Personalization Ad blocking
IoT (Data) Cross Device Location IT VR/AR
Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents
MCN Automation
Predictive Marketing
마케팅 자동화에 대한 중요성이 더욱 대두될 것이다.
세일즈포스, 어도비, 오라클 등 마케팅 테크 기업들의 주도하에 마케팅자동화 기술이 심도
있게 발전하고 상품화 될 것이다. 타겟 오디언스에게 어떤 메시지를 어느 시점에 노출시켜
야 하는지에 관한 모든 과정을 자동화시킴으로써, 브랜드들은 더 효율적인 고객 관리 운영
과 브랜드 프로모션을 진행할 수 있게 될 것이다. 특히 모바일 마케팅 자동화에 대한 투자
가 활발히 일어날 것으로 보인다.
이러한 마케팅 자동화 기술은 나아가 소비자의 다음 행동을 예측하여 그에 상응하는 마케
팅 운영을 가능하게 하는 예측 마케팅(predictive marketing)으로까지 발전 하지 않을까.
4 마케팅 자동화의 본격화, 그리고 보편화!
Live Streaming Mobile Payment Big Data Video Contents
Walled Garden Buy Button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad
App Activity Messaging Platform (Real-Time) Personalization Ad blocking
IoT (Data) Cross Device Location IT VR/AR
Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents
MCN Automation
Predictive Marketing
디지털 플랫폼들은 사용자가 그들 플랫폼을 떠나는 것을 원치 않는다.
사용자들이 플랫폼 내에서 다양한 서비스를 모두 이용할 수 있도록 뉴스나 음악 등의 컨텐
츠 소비, 쇼핑, 메시징, 검색, 나아가 택시 호출까지 가능하게 하여 최대한의 이탈을 막고
특히 메시징 플랫폼의 성장과 진화에 주목할 필요가 있다. 메시징 플랫폼은 가장 많은 사
용자들이 이용하는 플랫폼일 뿐만 아니라 다양한 서비스로의 연결이 자연스럽고, 브랜드
와 사용자 사이의 친밀도 높은 소통까지 가능하게 하기 때문이다.
마케터들은 하나의 플랫폼에서 오랜 시간 활동하는 사용자, 그리고 이러한 플랫폼들이 지
니는 특징들을 파악하고 이해하여 각 플랫폼에 최적화된 마케팅 전략을 세워야 할 것이다.
사용자들을 울타리 안에 가두어 놓는 디지털
Live Streaming Mobile Payment Big Data Video Contents
Walled Garden Buy button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad
App Activity Messaging Platform (Real-Time) Personalization Ad Blocking
IoT (Data) Cross Device Location IT VR/AR
Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents
MCN Automation
Predictive Marketing
디지털 기술이 발전하면 새로운 광고 형태가 등장하는 것처럼,
크리에이티브도 그에 맞게 새로이 변화하며 마케터들에게 숙제를 주고 있다.
가상현실, 증강현실 등 새로운 기술은 신선하고 몰입도 높은 사용자 경험을 제공하는 콘텐
츠 제작을 가능하게 하고 있고, 광고 차단 소프트웨어라는 기술은 광고차단 문제 해결을
위해 사용자 경험을 최대한 방해하지 않는 네이티브 광고에 대해 주목하게 했다.
마케터들은 언제나 새로운 디지털 기술의 등장에 대해 주목하고,
또 그 기술이 가져올 크리에이티브의 진화 방향에 대해 고민해야 할 것이다.
6 디지털 기술과 함께 진화하는 크리에이티브
Live Streaming Mobile Payment Big Data Video Contents
Walled Garden Buy Button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad
App Activity Messaging Platform (Real-Time) Personalization Ad Blocking
IoT (Data) Cross Device Location IT VR/AR
Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents
MCN Automation
Predictive Marketing
디지털로의 전이로 인한 조직 변화
디지털은 기업의 조직 변화에도 큰 영향을 줄 것이다.
디지털 자체가 비즈니스 혁신을 위한 전략의 주 요소가 될 것이고, 이로 인해 내부 조직 구
성 변화와 디지털 실무 역할 등의 재 정립이 필요해질 것이기 때문이다.
디지털화된 기업은 데이터 분석을 기반으로 더욱 개인화된 콘텐츠와 사용자 경험을 제공
할 수 있게 될 것이다. 새로운 기술, 더욱 다양화된 디지털 미디어, 그리고 광고 플랫폼에
대한 이해를 통해 크리에이티브를 넘어서는 통합적인 디지털 솔루션을 제공하는 기업이
늘어날 것이다.
디지털 혁신에 대처하기 위한 인력과 조직 문화를 갖추는 노력이 계속 될 것으로 예상된다.
Live Streaming Mobile Payment Big Data Video Contents
Walled Garden Buy Button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad
App Activity Messaging Platform (Real-Time) Personalization Ad blocking
IoT (Data) Cross Device Location IT VR/AR
Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents
MCN Automation
Predictive Marketing
Media Consumption Habits of Digital Natives
 Influencer Marketing
 Live Streaming
Evolution of News Media
 Social Media as News Platforms
 Facebook’s Instant Articles
 Twitter’s Moments
 YouTube’s Newswire
Mobile-centric New Media
 Mobile News Apps
 Curated Contents by Digital Native Media
모바일과 소셜은 사람들 특히 디지털 네이티브 세대가 미디어를 소비하는 방
식을 크게 변화시키고 있다 디지털 플랫폼은 컨텐츠 제작자와 시청자 사이의
실시간 소통을 가능하게 만들었고 동영상 라이브스트리밍 서비스와 등
소비자들이 각자를 표현하고 다른 이들과 공유하는 새로운 방식이 생겨났다
이로서 브랜드가 소비자들에게 일방적으로 전달하는 메시지보다 소비자들
서로의 의견이 더 큰 영향력을 행사하고 있다
이러한 미디어 소비 방식의 변화로 인해 퍼블리셔들은 모바일 사용자에게 최적
화된 채널 및 앱을 선보이고 있다 언제 어디서나 모바일 기기에서 짧고 보기 쉬운 콘텐츠를 소비하는
사용자들을 고려한 미디어가 대거 등장했다 데이터를 바탕으로 각 사용자에게 개인화된 콘텐츠를 제
공할 수 있게 된 점도 디지털 시대 미디어 트렌드의 핵심으로 여겨진다
이제는 누구나가 컨텐츠 제작자가 되고 하나의 미디어 채널로서 활동할 수 있게 되었다 이러한 인 창
작자를 전문적으로 양성하고 서포트하는 조직도 늘어나고 있다 마케터들은 디지털 오디언스가 컨텐
츠를 제작 소비 그리고 공유하는 방식을 이해하고 그에 맞는 브랜드 메시지 전달을 해야 할 것이다
• Last September, eMarketer reported that global digital
ad spend will increase 18% in 2015 to reach $170
billion, making up nearly 30% of the total ad market.
• Mobile ad spend is growing particularly rapidly at
around 70%, holding more than $72 billion of the digital
ad market.
• Digital, especially mobile, is having increasing impact
on every aspect of consumers’ lives from consuming
media to making purchases and communicating with
each other.
Source: eMarketer
Digitalized Media and Ad Market
Media and ad market are becoming
more and more digitalized.
Mobile, especially mobile apps, drive digital media consumption.
• 62% of all digital media time is now mobile.
• Time spent on desktop has decreased from 49% to 38% since 2013.
• Time spent inside mobile apps by US consumer on average has exceeded that of TV.
Increased Consumption of Digital Media
Source: Marketing Land
Social influencers have greater impact on consumer decisions
than branded contents.
Influencer Marketing
• Increasing number of consumers rely on social media to direct their purchase decisions, and some social
media users create impact that are equal or even greater than branded contents.
• Influencer Marketing: the idea of associating with social content creators whose opinions and stories
about products determine many other consumers’ attitudes towards a brand and guide purchase
Marketers engage with influencers on different social platforms.
Influencer Marketing
Eunice Annabel,
Influencer in Singapore
• Influencer marketing has mainly started with bloggers who can deliver comments about the brand’s
products or services in a way that seems less curated and can appeal to users more naturally.
• As different types of social platforms proliferate, ways to engage social influencers for
marketing purpose are also diversifying
• Instagram is one of the vastly utilized platforms for influencer marketing. It is mobile optimized,
appeals to millennials, is highly visual and viral.
Multi-Channel Networks (MCN) aggregate contents from influential
individual video content creators.
Influencer Marketing: Multi-Channel Networks
PewDiePie’s YouTube Channel
• Online, especially mobile, video market is expanding in an unprecedented rate.
• YouTube stars are more popular than mainstream celebrities especially for younger generations (Gen Z).
• MCN businesses share advertising revenue with individual content creators by entering into an alliance
with them and supporting contents marketing, distribution, investment, copyright management, monitoring,
and audience finding.
Kyungsun’s YouTube Channel
Creators build intimate relationships with viewers through original
contents and real-time conversation.
Influencer Marketing: Multi-Channel Networks
• The creators who express themselves through various subjects such as beauty, game, cooking and so
on are establishing a new video contents ecosystem.
• Due to fewer restrictions and burdens of deliberation, MCN provides unfiltered and authentic contents
which are hardly found in traditional media.
• Major Players: Maker Studios, Machinima, Defy Media, Vevo, Awesomness TV, Fullscreen
• Major Players (Korea): DIA TV, Afreeca TV, Treasure Hunter, MAKEUS, TOSQ
Mobile devices have created a whole new opportunities for live streaming.
Live Streaming
• Mobile devices have built better conditions for live streaming.
• Portability: Being able to bring the device anywhere opens up for more dynamic and compelling content
• Connections: faster mobile broadband networks enable people to stream or watch in high-quality.
• Visual: better cameras and screens make contents more visually appealing.
• Apps which are solely dedicated to feature live streaming functions, are continuing to emerge and be
developed. – ex) Meerkat, Periscope, V (by Naver)
Periscope Meerkat V
Brands can utilize live streaming in various ways to captivate
digital audiences.
Live Streaming
• Release of new products or services: spur the interests of potential customers and
enhance buzz around new release.
• Exclusive contents: Behind the scenes such as company tours or making films, as well as teasers and
interviews only shown to live stream audiences can attract special attention from the customers.
• Personal customer service: Since live streaming allows real-time conversations between the brands
and customers, brands can immediately address pertinent issues and solve problems through creating
sessions such as live Q&A.
Increased role of social media for news consumption
Evolution of News Media
• Facebook drives more traffic to news sites than Google.
• The core characteristics of both news and social media is virality.
Source: Parsely
Evolution of News Media
• Instant Articles - By hosting selected publishers’ articles natively on its app, Facebook provides qualified
contents to its audiences without letting them leave its platform. This feature allows convenient consumption
of news articles for the audiences, wider reach of their contents for publisher, and collection of rich contents
for Facebook.
• Notify - app for reading customizable breaking news and information by receiving push notification on lock
• The usage of mobile alerts and notifications has grown as news market is becoming increasingly competitive.
Instant Articles Notify
Evolution of News Media
• Moments - curated streams of event-based content for mobile users
- includes tweets, images, videos, contents from Vine and Periscope
- a place for sharing real-time news as people instantly create and upload videos of events
going around them
- Promoted Moments allow brands to present immersive promotional stories for the users by
addressing real-time events or seasonal narratives.
Moments Promoted Moments
Evolution of News Media
• YouTube Newswire
- In partnership with social news agency Storyful, Newswire provides a curated and verified
feed of the day’s most newsworthy events being published to YouTube.
- “social journalism” - help journalists to gather resources related to breaking news including
first-hand accounts from eyewitnesses.
Traditional media revamps with digital touch,
as digitally native new media receive special attentions from users.
Mobile-Centric New Media
• Traditional news publishers target digital audiences with news editions for smartphones. Ex) The New
York Times Now, Economist Espresso
• Digitally native media companies such as BuzzFeed, Upworthy Vox, Vice, Pikicast, Moncast, and Subusu
News provide innovative news formats optimized for digital, especially mobile platforms.
• The ways to present news are becoming more and more interactive, creative, and mobile-centric.
NYT NOW The Economist
Digital new media provide curation services to serve the right
contents to the right audiences.
Mobile-Centric New Media
• They use images and videos with minimal texts to capture the eyes of users who consume contents
on mobile on the move.
• Based on users’ data such as their news consumption history,
digital news media provide curated contents that serve users’ interests.
BuzzFeed Pikicast Moncast
Programmatic & RTB
 Mobile Programmatic Ads
 Programmatic Expanding to TV Ad Market
E-commerce Platforms
 Digital Ad Platforms as Consumption Triggers
 Pinterest’s Buyable Pins
 Facebook’s Buy Buttons
 Google Shopping
Messaging Apps as Full-Featured Business and
Marketing Platforms
 Messaging Apps as Media Platforms
 Messaging Apps as Social Platforms
 Messaging Apps for Mobile Commerce and
Online Payment
 Creative Ad Formats on Messaging Apps
 Personalized Mobile Search
프로그래매틱 광고는 웹과 모바일을 넘어 TV 시장에까지 적용되고 있다. 스
마 트폰, 테블릿, PC, TV 등 여러 기기를 동시에 사용하는 이들이 늘어나며, 전
통 미 디어와 디지털 미디어 사이의 경계가 허물어지고 있다. 각기 다른 미디어에
서 의 사용자 경험에 대한 통합적인 뷰를 통해 각 플랫폼에 최적화된 메시지를
전 달하는 능력이 점점 더 중요해지고 있다.
디지털 플랫폼은 브랜드 메시지를 전달하는 채널로서 사용될 뿐 아니라, 플
랫폼 내에서의 소비까지 가능하게 하고 있다. 온라인 구매가 늘어남에 따라 페이스북, 인스타그
램, 핀터레스트, 구글 등 많은 플랫폼들이 원하는 물건의 발견과 동시에 구매를 가능하게 하는 구
매버튼을 적용시켰다. 광고 플랫폼은 발견에서 구매까지 이어지는 소비자 여정의 전 과정에 개입
하는 형태로 변화하고 있다.
2015년은 메시징 앱의 진화가 유난히 눈에 띄는 한 해였다. 이들의 통합 비즈니스 및 마케팅 플랫
폼화는 내년에도 계속될 것으로 보인다. 단순히 메시지를 주고 받는 용도를 넘어, 뉴스나 게임 등
의 콘텐츠 소비, 모바일 결제, 택시 호출이나 음식 주문 등의 O2O 서비스, 광고 등 다양한 기능을
포함하고 있다. 사용자 기반이 넓고, 브랜드와 소비자 사이의 친밀도 높은 소통을 가능하게 하는
메시징 앱은 차세대 마케팅 플랫폼으로 더욱 주목 받을 것으로 예상된다.
Programmatic and Real-Time Bidding (RTB) are increasing
their shares in digital advertising revenue.
Programmatic & RTB
• Programmatic advertising means
automating the buying, placement and
optimization of ads.
• For the first time in 2015, programmatic
transactions will be a majority (52%) of
non-search digital ad spend in the US.
• Spending on programmatic advertising is
growing at about 20% annually.
• RTB is growing even faster, at about 24%
• In particular, mobile and video RTB are
presenting rapid growth, at roughly twice
the rate of programmatic overall.
Source: Business Insider
Programmatic ad buying is moving beyond desktop banners
and expanding to mobile.
Programmatic & RTB
• US mobile programmatic ad
spending is expected to reach $9.33
billion this year, accounting for
60.5% for total US programmatic
display ad spending.
• Marketers consider mobile as the
format expected to have the most
opportunity for programmatic buying
since social, video and native ads
are increasingly intertwined with
Source: eMarketer
Programmatic ad buying is starting to be integrated in TV ad market.
Programmatic & RTB
• Due to the advent of digital video distribution, TV has
transformed from a mono-directional to a bi-
directional communication medium.
• Broadcasters can now learn a lot about the
demographics and personal information of TV ad
• Data on the viewers can be applied to target different
ads to different demographic segments to increase
impressions or engagement.
• Targeting and efficiency are the two major reasons
for TV programmatic advertising.
Total Audience Measurement & Target Rating Points
Programmatic & RTB
• Increasing number of people consume digital media in conjunction with TV viewing.
• Introduced by Nielsen during Advertising Week 2015, total audience measurement provides metrics for both
linear and dynamic programming on TV and digital. (like-for-like metrics for TV and digital video)
• Facebook’s Target Rating Points (TRP} allows marketers assess how well their Facebook video ads perform
in conjunction with TV ads.
• Facebook’s research reveals that conducting campaigns synchronized across TV and Facebook raises
targeted reach 19% versus TV alone, and this increase is 37% with millennial audiences.
Nielsen’s Total Audience Measurement Facebook’s Target Rating Points
Programmatic & RTB
Google’s programmatic
ad for native content
and mobile video
• Programmatic native
advertising for mobile
• Programmatic full-screen
video ads for mobile devices
ONE, AOL’s open,
unified programmatic
• Aimed at assisting
marketers optimizing their
campaign goals across all
screens, formats and
inventory types.
Hulu offers
advertising by partnering
with Oracle and
Facebook’s LiveRail
• Hulu, the streaming-video
service, has partnered with
Oracle Data Management
Platform and Facebook-
owned video-ad platform
LiveRail to offer
programmatic ad options.
• Aims to increase efficiency
and ROI for marketers
2 • Time spent on apps are increasing significantly as native mobile apps provide better user experience
and more features than mobile websites.
• The growing number mobile-first and mobile-only users facilitates app usage especially in
messaging, social networking, shopping, and gaming areas.
• It would be necessary to learn how leading platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, WeChat,
KakaoTalk and more utilize digital technologies and creatives in order to offer enhanced user
experience and increase retention and engagement rates.
Source: Flurry
App-Centric Digital Activities
Digital activities are becoming mobile, especially app-centric.
2 • Time spent on apps by US smartphone and table users (per day)
• 2 hours and 51 minutes in 2014
• 3 hours and 5 minutes in 2015 (estimate)
• 3 hours and 15 minutes in 2016 (prediction)
Source: eMarketer
App-Centric Digital Activities
Digital activities are becoming mobile, especially app-centric.
Ad Platforms for E-commerce
Digital ad platforms are evolving as total marketing platforms
which trigger consumption.
• Mobile and social drive e-commerce growth.
• Contextual commerce: recommendations based on user’s mobile usage and location.
• Mobile becomes the ultimate “remote control” of our lives, simplifying and enabling all of our daily transactions.
• Social media act as platforms for discovering and learning about new products and services.
• “Word-of-mouth” context is important for both consumers and merchants.
• “shoppable social” – buy buttons; beyond researching about products and services, people directly purchase
items on social platforms
• “showrooming” – the act of checking out merchandise in-store and then purchasing the item online
• “app-rooming” – using a mobile app to browse items, then physically going to the store to purchase items
Ad Platforms for E-commerce
Pinterest users visit the platform with “buying mindset.”
• Among active Pinterest users, 93% plan for purchases through the site and 87% have purchased
something because of what they saw on the site. (app-rooming)
• Buyable Pins – users can purchase items directly within Pinterest
• Buyable Pins have revamped with hand-curated catalog of items that uses can buy right from the platform.
• In-Pin search allows users to choose just one portion of the original pin and get more granular detail on
that item.
Buyable Pins Handpicked Buyable Pins In-Pin Search
Ad Platforms for E-commerce
• Purchases on Google: buy button like feature which
will allow shoppers to purchase products that come up
in Google’s paid shopping ads directly form mobile
• Google shopping gets mobile-optimized.
- Shopping-related searches are taking place more on
mobile devices than on desktop computers.
- Google’s updated mobile shopping turns user
experience more like the experience of using mobile
application. (tap and swipe for navigation)
- Users can easily narrow down their searches and
view details on the items.
- Consumers can check out items online, or find
nearby stores that have the product in-stock by
applying the “available nearby” filter.
Purchases on Google
Google Shopping
Ad Platforms for E-commerce
Facebook does not want its users to leave its platform for shopping.
• Buy button
• Facebook Shopping Feed
– A dedicated shopping feed section prevents consumers from being distracted by other News Feed.
• Ad format “Canvas”: fast-loading, full-screen ad which allows users to browse different products,
then zoom in and see the details.
Buy Button Shopping Feed Canvas
Ad Platforms for E-commerce
Facebook Restaurant Review
Reviews and ratings on social platforms are posing increasing
influence on consumer choices.
• The way people find and consume food, and share their
dining experiences has become digitalized.
• People now search for healthy ingredients and food
recipes online, search nearby restaurants with mobile
phones, order food for delivery online, and share images
of food they had on various social platforms.
• With recipe search being one of the most popular
consumer activities on the web, online ratings and
reviews help consumers fine-tune their searches.
• Facebook’s restaurant review search integrates critic
review when users search for and visit pages of
restaurants on its platform.
Ad Platforms for E-commerce
Target uses Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram for digital
holiday campaign.
• Target did its big holiday campaign across social and messaging platforms including Facebook,
Instagram and Snapchat.
• Facebook’s “Canvas” e-commerce ads – Canvas lets users browse items in a fast-loading, full-screen mode.
• Instagram’s ad unit Marquee
• Rolled out thanksgiving-themed geofilter to all Snapchat users in the U.S., and starting from Dec. 1, a new
holiday-themed design will be released each day through Christmas.
• Target saw sales volume more than twice as its busiest day ever.
Target’s Digital Holiday Campaign
Messaging Apps
The usage and significance of messaging apps are increasing.
• Mobile messaging apps will be used by more than 1.4 billion consumers this year, representing 31.6%
increase from last year. The number is expected to reach 2 billion by 2018, meaning 80% of smartphone
users worldwide will use mobile chat apps.
• The top four messaging apps (Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, and Viber) combined have more
users than the top four social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram)
Sources: eMarketer, Business Insider
Messaging Apps
Why do we care about messaging apps?
• Messaging apps not only have large user base,
especially younger generations, but also have high
retention and usage rates.
• Whereas more than half of smartphone owners
have 40 to 70 apps installed on their devices, more
than 70% of them use less than 7 apps per day.
(Millward Brown)
• Roughly 80% of smartphone app time is spent with
a user’s top three apps. (comScore)
• For brands that do not already have a huge app or
website presence, participating in messaging apps
offer sound opportunities to be connected with
users. Messaging apps not only are one of the go-
to apps that users spend most of their app usage
time, but also offer one-to-one like experience
between the consumer and the brand.
Source: Millward Brown Digital
Messaging Apps - Media
Messaging apps are becoming
full-featured business and marketing platforms.
• curated contents from leading media brands
• native ads that naturally resonate with contents on Discover
• Partnering with 24 popular online, print and TV news outlets,
Line News is trying to become one of the most popular places for
Japanese users to consume news.
• Users can choose which news media outlets to follow, divided by categories.
• Channel provides a variety of curated contents including news, lifestyle,
and entertainment based on users’ interest.
• contents recommendation algorithm RUBICS
(Real―time User Behavior―based Interactive Content Recommender
to analyzes users’ response to the contents and provides stories
that are optimized for the specific users
Line News
• social feed where users share updates, news
and photos with friends
• Moments allow brands target specific types of
consumer to promote their own posts and get
new followers.
• branded graphic that users can overlay on top
of their photos when they are in specific
• turn people visiting their stores into social
media ambassadors since geofilters guide
users to share videos that promote the brands
or products to a wider audience
Messaging Apps - Social
Messaging apps are becoming
full-featured business and marketing platforms.
Moments Geofilter
• Increasing number of messaging apps,
especially the ones from Asia, are venturing
into mobile commerce and payment services.
• Users can perform in-app purchases such as
buying stickers and emoticons.
• They can also pay for taxis, purchase movie
tickets, order foods and many more.
• WeChat Pay and QQ Pay (QQ is Tencent’s
older messaging app) have now exceeded
200 million users who have tied a bank card to
the service.
Messaging Apps – Mobile Commerce and Online Payment
Messaging apps are becoming full-featured business and marketing
Line Pay
Kakao Pay
WeChat Pay
• Branded stickers (Line) and emoticons (KakaoTalk)
• GIFs (Kik)
– branded GIFs to be uses while chatting with Kik’s
users thorugh Promoted Chats
– integrated GIF search feature allows users to use emoji to
find the kind of GIFs, making the discovery and sharing GIF
files as easy as sending photos or videos.
• Snapchat’s “Lenses”
– users can add animated filters to their face
– brands can offer “Sponsored Lenses,” which will turn
advertising more interactive, personal, and engaging since
they inherently depend on the sender’s face, making them
always unique and intimate.
Messaging Apps – Creative Ad Formats
Messaging apps are becoming full-featured business and marketing
Kit’s Intergrated
GIF search
Sponsored Lenses
• More personalized and contextual mobile
search within messaging apps
• Kakao Talk’s “# search” - Simply by entering “#”
on chat browser, users can search keywords
that they are looking to get information about
without leaving the chatting space.
• Facebook Messenger’s “M” – personal digital
assistant powered by artificial intelligence to
help users search for information and services,
as well as perform tasks such as booking
restaurants and making travel arrangements
on behalf of them.
Messaging Apps – Personalized Mobile Search
Messaging apps are becoming
full-featured business and marketing platforms.
Kakao Talk’s # Search Facebook Messenger’s M
Big Data
 People-based Marketing
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
 Personal Digital Assistants
 Search Evolution
Marketing Automation
 Why Marketing Automation?
 Lead Generation
 Predictive Marketing
디지털 미디어와 플랫폼을 통해 사용자에 대한 데이터를 수집하고 분석하
여 소비자에 대한 인사이트를 얻는 것이 가능해졌다. 이는 브랜드들이 각 소
비자가 원하고 필요로 하는 것을 파악하고 그를 충족시키는 개인화된 메시
지를 전달할 수 있도록 하고 있다.
인공지능, 머신러닝 등의 발전된 기술은 디지털 오디언스에게 맞춤형 서비
스를 제공하는 기능과 서비스 개발을 촉진시키고 있다. 인공지능 기반의 디지털 개인 비서는 더
욱 정확하고 똑똑해져, 정보를 검색하고 그에 맞는 서비스까지 바로 제공해주는 검색 시장의 궁
극적인 미래가 될 가능성을 보여주고 있다.
고객 관리 및 리드 생성을 위해 마케팅 자동화 기술을 도입하는 기업들이 늘어나고 있다. 소비자
여정의 각 단계에 알맞은 브랜드 메시지를 전달하기 위한 효과적인 방법이기 때문이다. 타겟 오
디언스에게 어떤 메시지를 어느 타이밍에 노출시켜야 하는지에 관한 모든 과정을 자동화 시킴으
로서, 효율적인 브랜드 프로모션이 가능해지고 있다. 이 기술은 소비자 행동을 추적하여 다음 행
동을 예측하는 예측 마케팅으로 발전되고 있다.
Big Data
Big Data spending will see 23.1% CAGR until 2019.
• The advent of various media and platforms allows
collection of enormous amount of consumer data.
• Digital technology enables fast and thorough
analyses of these data.
• Bid data analysis help marketers understand
consumer needs and provide appropriate services.
• According to IDC, big data technology and services
market will grow to $48.6 Billion in 2019.
• Three major big data submarkets are infrastructure,
software, and services. All three areas are
expected to grow over the next five years.
• According to Gartner the value chain of business
operations will shift from “a labor-driven and
technology-enabled paradigm” to a “digital-driven
and human-enabled model.”
Source: Forbes
Machine Learning, AI
Personal Digital Assistants
• By the end of 2016, autonomous mobile assistant purchasing is expected to reach $2 billion dollars
annually, representing about 2.5% of mobile users trusting assistants with $50 a year.
• AI-based personal digital assistants find information for the users and complete tasks on their behalf.
• AI and machine learning enable marketers to understand
consumers’ needs contextually and deliver messages and/or services relevant to them.
Apple’s Siri Microsoft’s Cortana Facebook Messenger’s M Google’s Google Now
Machine Learning, AI
“The future of search is to try to build the ultimate personal
assistant.” - Behshad Behzadi, director of search innovation at
Google’s Zurich lab
• AI and machine learning can help better deliver
personalized search results at “micro-moments,”
a specific point in time when someone wants to
know, buy, do something, or to go somewhere.
• Voice search: Improved ability to process natural
language is enabling voice-based assistants to
better understand complex requests and
meaning behind users’ questions.
• Search with advanced technology concentrates
more on grasping the intent of users’ search
than finding the correlation between the search
word and the result. Google Search Naver Search
Marketing Automation
Marketing automation supports brands to connect with consumers
at different stages of consumer journey with relevant messages.
• Marketing automation refers to technologies and software platforms designed to effectively conduct
marketing practices on multiple channels and automate repetitive tasks.
• It allows brands to deliver “the right message to the right person at the right time in a way that is scalable.”
• Marketing automation industry, especially mobile marketing industry, is proliferating with increased
investments and acquisitions in related fields.
Source: VentureBeat
Engagement, or mobile marketing
automation, was the largest investment
space after analytics, highlighting the
growing attention to mobile marketing.
Marketing Automation
Marketing automation tools enable marketers to combine multiple
marketing channels in the same workflow and increase the
likelihood of leads engaging with the brand’s message.
• E-mail: automated nurturing emails for potential customers, automated product recommendations
for existing customers, and retarget ones who abandoned the cart before purchasing.
• Social: manage social media content for various social platforms, schedule standard reports for
analytics, and optimize posts to increase engagement.
• Web: provide personalized ads by tracking website visitors’ online behavior
• Mobile: target users across time, space and devices by integrating locational context;
deliver messages based on a customer’s physical location and send personalized push notification
by analyzing the user’s specific in-app behaviors.
Marketing Automation
Predictive marketing
• By analyzing a wealth of data regarding customer behavior, predictive analytics uncover the patterns of
existing as well as potential customers in order to determine who are most likely to buy or who has the
greatest revenue potential.
• It provides insights on the customers’ next move and automatically use the insights to provoke certain actions.
• Predictive analytics will become key focus of digital marketers since the ability to know the next movement of
a customer is directly related to revenue.
Amazon’s predictive analytics system
allows them to begin shipping products
before a customer even order them by
analyzing the customer’s previous
purchase history and consuming behavior
and predicting the probability of him or her
buying specific products.
This way, Amazon can reduce shipping
times and provide faster services for the
Amazon’s “anticipatory shipping” patent
Source: Wall Street Journal
Diversified Creatives for Mobile Users
 Online Videos
 Creative Options for Mobile Contents
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
 Immersive User Experience
 Virtual Journalism
Ad Blocking and Native Ads
 Increased Use of Ad Blocking Softwares
 L.E.A.N. Ads
 In-app and Social Ads
기술의 발전은 새로운 크리에이티브의 등장을 요구하고 있고 더 다양한 시도
를 가능하게 하고 있다 날마다 쏟아지는 수많은 디지털 콘텐츠는 사람들의 주
의 지속 시간을 단축 시켜 짧고 집중도 높은 온라인 동영상 콘텐츠 제작과 소
비가 증가했다 비주얼 요소가 강력한 이미지와 도 디지털 소비자의 시선을
사로잡는 크리에이티브로 활발히 사용 되고 있다
가상현실과 증강현실 기술에 대한 투자가 본격화 되고 있다 오큘러스 리프트
와 삼성 기어 등의 프리미엄 헤드셋부터 구글 카드보드와 같은 저렴한 기기까지 가상현실을
체험할 수 있는 옵션이 다양화 되고 있다 페이스북과 유튜브 등 도 동영상을 통해 몰입도 높은 사
용자 경험을 제공하는 플랫폼이 늘어나고 있다 은 브랜드와 콘텐츠 제작자가 이야기를 전달하는
새로운 방법을 제안하고 있다
지난 한 해 광고 차단 소프트웨어를 사용하는 이들이 급증했다 광고 차단을 하는 가장 큰 이유는 광
고가 사용자 경험을 방해한다는 것이다 이러한 현상의 대응책으로 사용자가 거슬린다고 느끼지 않
을만한 네이티브 광고에 대한 주목도가 높아지고 있다
Digital video consumption continues to rise.
• Not only Gen Z consumers but also older generations are watching as much digital video as TV.
• Average consumer between the ages of 16 and 45 worldwide watches 204 minutes of video a day, split
equally between TV and online. 201 minutes on live TV and on demand TV, 45 minutes on smartphone, 37
minutes on computer, and 20 minutes on tablet
Digital Videos
Source: Millward Brown
• The share of mobile phone digital video
view worldwide increased from 7% to
39% during the period between
September 2013 and September 2015.
• Increase consumption of contents on
mobile devices drive more creative
options to be optimized for smaller
Digital Videos
Source: eMarketer
Mobile share of all digital video viewing is growing especially due to
the increased usage of smartphones.
More creative options optimized to be viewed on mobile devices are
being developed.
• People have tremendous amounts of digital
contents available to watch at any time wherever
they are, causing shortened attention spans.
• In order to capture the minds of the ones who
consume video contents with mobile devices on the
move, brands offer short-forms of video across
multiple channels.
• Auto-playing videos are being widely adopted for
its high rate of audience reach and engagement.
• More immersive video experiences are delivered to
consumers through 360 degree videos.
Digital Videos
360 degree video on Facebook
More creative options optimized to be viewed on mobile devices are
being developed.
• Various platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Kik rolled out GIF supporting features.
• With its short and eye-catching nature, GIF is increasingly attracting attentions for being a fun and easy
way to express the emotions of digital oriented minds.
Digital Videos
Instagram’s Boomerang Tumblr’s GIF Maker Kik’s GIF Search
Visual social platforms such as Instagram offer unique creative
opportunities for brands.
• Since food is inherently social, it is a vital
subject on social media.
• Food videos are “thumb-stopper,” videos with
compelling images such that users will stop
scrolling through Facebook new feeds.
• Because of its visually appealing nature,
Instagram is one of the most frequently used
social platforms to share food related images.
• Increasing number of culinary brands create
snackable and compelling food images to
trigger viewers for ideas and desires.
Digital Food Culture
Fauchon Paris on Instagram
Augmented and Virtual reality provide opportunities for new creatives.
• Augmented and virtual reality markets
combined will reach $150 billion by 2020.
• Investments in these markets will lead to more
diverse content services for VR and AR
• Sales of virtual reality devices will reach 14
million units worldwide in 2016, and jump to 38
million by the end of 2020.
• Mark Zuckerberg highlighted that VR is “the
next major computing and communication
platform after phones.”
• VR will provide opportunities to share
experiences in much more immersive ways.
Virtual Reality
Source: TrendForce
Virtual Journalism
• In partnership with Vrse, the virtual reality production company, The New York Times is continuing
to create virtual reality films.
• NYT started sending over a million Goggle Cardboard sets to its subscribers in anticipation of its VR
• “The Displaced” – VR documentary on the stories of children affected by war.
• Virtual journalism clearly exemplifies how people can utilize technology to leverage storytelling such
that viewers are engaged not only visually but also emotionally.
Virtual Reality
Increasing number of people use ad blockers.
• The number of monthly active users of ad-block software globally has reached nearly 200 million
with 40% year over year growth rate.
• The main reasons people use ad blockers are
1) Annoyance - People are simply annoyed by overly intrusive ads.
2) Usability - Ads increase load times of
web pages and use up memory on devices.
3) Privacy - People are concerned
about their personal data being
misused to personalize the ads.
Ad Blocking
Source: PageFair and Adobe
We need to create better ads.
• Ad blocking poses a considerable threat to digital media
companies that depend on advertising for revenue.
• In response to this phenomenon, Interactive Advertising Bureau
(IAB) has launched L.E.A.N. Ads program.
• “We messed up. As technologists, tasked with delivering content
and services to users, we lost track of the user experience.” – IAB
• ”Acceptable Ads” initiative - Acceptable ads are defined as the
ones that are not annoying, do not disrupt user experience,
transparent, and appropriate to the site that users are visiting.
• Marketers need to deliver non-disruptive message that are
relevant to their target audiences.
• In addition to native ads on the web, native ads on social
platforms like Facebook and Twitter, as well as mobile display in
apps, could become popular ways to get around ad blocking.
Ad Blocking
Acceptable Ads
L.E.A.N. Ads
Increased focus on in-app and social ads
• Since ad block software does not block ads inside mobile apps, brands will shift their resources to social
media, native advertising and influencer marketing.
• The main reasons people use ad blockers are
1) Annoyance - People are simply annoyed by
overly intrusive ads.
2) Usability - Ads increase load times of
web pages and use up memory on devices.
3) Privacy - People are concerned about their
personal data being misused to personalize the ads.
Ad Blocking
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Apps Eat Digital Media Time, with Top 3 Capturing 80 Percent
The Explosive Growth of Influencer Marketing and What It Means for You
Facebook Has Taken Over from Google as a Traffic Source for News
How Brands are Paving the Way for Periscope Marketing
Influencer Marketing: Explore the Strategy of Influencer Marketing
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유튜브 스타, TV를 뛰어넘을까
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AOL Moves to Simplify Digital
As the Mobile Messaging War Heats Up, Kik Tries to Win Over Marketers with GIFs
Can Pinterest, Instagram Succeed at ‘Social Commerce’?
Chat App Kik’s Newest Feature Makes Sending GIFs As Easy As Emoji
The Digital Recipe for Marketing Food
Facebook Launches M, Its Bold Answer to Siri and Cortana
Facebook Search Now Includes Restaurant Reviews
Facebook Tests a Dedicated Shopping Feed
Google to Add “Buy Button” to Its Mobile Search Ads
Google Unveils New Programmatic Native and Full-Screen Mobile Video Ads
Growth of Time Spent on Mobile Devices Slows
How Brands, Publishers Are Tailoring Their Ads for Snapchat Discover
How Mobile Apps Stack Up Against Mobile Browsers
How Retail Business Owners Can Take Advantage of ‘App-Rooming’ This Season
Hulu Teams with Facebook’s LiveRail and Oracle to Sell Ads This Fall
Introducing New Ways to Buy, Optimize and Measure Ads for a Mobile World
Line Wants to be the Top News Destination in Japan
Messaging Apps Are Now Bigger Than Social Networks
Messaging App Line’s Payment Service Begins Rolling Out to Users Worldwide
Mobile Messaging to Reach 1.4 Billion Worldwide in 2015
Mobile Programmatic Display Ad Spend to Eclipse Desktop as Automation Grows
The Mobile Shopper Is Here: 88% of Respondents Use Retail Mobile Apps
The New Mobile Mantra: Setting Mobile Strategies Based on Insights, Not Intuition
The New Wave of Selling on Mobile and Social
Neilsen Launches ‘Total It Up’ Campaign for Total Audience Measurement
Nielsen Says Total Audience Measurement is Coming ‘by the End of the Year’
Now with 2.5M Advertisers, Facebook Targets TV Budgets with New Ad-Buy Offering
The Pinterest Buy Button Might Rock Your Ecommerce
Pinterest Launches In-Pin Search to Help Users Pinpoint Specific Items
Pinterest Stars Showing Off Handpicked Buyable Pins in Its New Shop
Pinterest Unveils Buyable Pins, a Way to Purchase Things Directly within Pinterest
The Programmatic Advertising Report: Mobile, Video, and Real-Time Bidding Drive Growth in Programmatic
Programmatic TV Ad Buying Might Take Off Rapidly, Some Experts Say
Retailers Are Getting Snapchat Users to Put Their Brand Images in Videos
Snapchat Starts Charging $0.99 for 3 Replays, Adds Face Effect “Lenses”
Snapchat’s New Sponsored Lenses Turn Your Selfies into Ads
State of App Nation 2016
Statistics and Facts about Mobile App Usage
Target Says Cyber Monday Traffic Has Been ‘Twice as High as Out Busiest Day Ever’
Target’s Holiday Marketing Campaign Kicks Off Magical Adventure
Target’s Big Digital Holiday Campaign Combines Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram
Testing a New Way for People to Discover and Buy Products on Facebook
Tencent Is Putting More News Feed Ads Inside Its Blockbuster App WeChat
WeChat’s Growth Continues, Hits 650 Million Users
나왔다, ‘카카오 검색’
‘수익+인기’ 노리는 카카오톡의 구원투수, ‘채널’
지급결제 패러다임 바뀐다. 불붙은 ‘페이전쟁’ 승자는?
The 4 Things Google Believes Are Key to the Future of Search
Amazon Wants to Ship Your Package Before You Buy It
Being There in Micro-Moments, Especially on Mobile
Best Marketing Automation Software
The Definitive Guide to Predictive Marketing: The 8 Predictions Marketers Need Today
Exploring the Cutting-Edge: Predictive Marketing Analytics
Facebook’s Messenger and The Challenge to Google’s Search Dominance
The Future of Marketing Automation
Gartner Reveals Top Predictions for IT Organizations and Users for 2015 and Beyond
Google Voice Search Gets Smarter, Now Understands Complex Questions and Their Meaning
How 3 Core Shifts in Marketing Automation Can Transform Your Business
How Social Media Can Elevate Your Marketing Automation
How Southeast Asia’s Ecommerce Startups Close Customers with Email
Mobile Marketing Automation is the New, New, New Thing
Mobile Success Landscape: 250 Companies, $2.5B Investment, and 15 Billion-Dollar Startups
New IDC Forecast Sees Worldwide Big Data Technology and Services Market Growing to $48.6 Billion in 2019, Driven by Wide Adoption Across Industries
Roundup of Analytics, Big Data & Business Intelligence Forecasts and Market Estimates, 2015
What is Marketing Automation?
네이버, 내년 1월 ‘라이브검색’ 론칭… “검색결과 취향 맞춰 노출”
Augmented and Virtual Reality to Grow to $150B by 2020, Forecaster Says
The Cost of Ad Blocking
The Digital Recipe for Marketing Food
Food Videos Rule on Facebook
Getting LEAN with Digital Ad UX
How Instagram Is Transforming Professional Cooking
Smartphones Continue to Drive Mobile Video Consumption
TrendForce Predicts Sales of VR Devices Will Reach 14M in 2016 with Most Used for Gaming
Video Creative in a Digital World

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Digital Marketing Trends for 2016 by YDM's Innovation Center (Korean)

  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2015년은 디지털 마케팅이 한 단계 더 진화한 한 해였습니다. 빅데이터의 중요성이 대두되고, 프로그래매틱을 통해 각 사용자에게 맞춤화된 메시지를 실시간으로 전할 수 있게 되었습니다. 개인화된 콘텐츠는 사용자의 주목도와 참여도를 높여 주었죠. 모바일은 미디어 소비와 컨텐츠 유통 방식에 가장 큰 변화를 가져다 주었는데요. 모바일 기기 사용으로 인해 전 세계의 오디언스에게 언제 어디서나 콘텐츠를 전달할 수 있다는 점은 마케터들에게 새로운 기회를 열어주 고 있습니다. 디지털 플랫폼은 검색, 소비, 소통, 공유 등 소비자 생활에 더욱 깊숙이 파고드는 다양한 기능 및 서비스를 제 공하며 사용자들의 삶에 더욱 밀착된 형태로 진화해 가고 있습니다. 디지털 기술의 진화는 새로운 기회를 열어주기도 하지만 허위광고나 광고 차단, 사생활 침해 등의 문제를 동 반하기도 합니다. 이러한 문제는 아직 마케터들이 해결해야 할 숙제로 남아 있습니다. 이 리포트는 현재의 디지털 마케팅 시장을 이해하고, 앞으로의 트렌드를 예측하기 위해 필요한 다양한 정보와 인사이트를 포함하고 있습니다.
  • 4. YDM 이노베이션 센터에서 2015년 디지털 마케팅 주요 이슈를 바탕으로 선정한 22가지 디지털 마케팅 트렌드 키워드. 이 키워드들을 바탕으로 2016년 디지털 마케터들이 주목해야 할 7가지 트렌드를 예측해본다. 아래 키워드에 대한 자세한 내용은 “Digital Marketing in 4 Categories“ 섹션에서 참고 가능. (p.12~) MEDIA PLATFORM TECH CREATIVE Live Streaming Mobile Payment Big Data Video Contents Walled Garden Buy Button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad App Activity Messaging Platform (Real-Time) Personalization Ad blocking IoT (Data) Cross Device Location IT VR/AR Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents MCN Automation Predictive Marketing “ KEYWORDS FOR 2016 ”
  • 5. 디지털마케팅의 Glocalization이 본격화 될 것이다. 페이스북, 인스타그램, 라인 등 여러 디지털 서비스들이 미디어와 광고 플랫폼으로서 진화해 가며, 글로벌 오디언스를 확보하기 위한 다양한 기능과 서비스를 소개하고 있다. 이와 동시 에 디지털 기술과 크리에이티브는 각 지역 사용자들의 다양한 취향과 문화를 반영하기 위해 더욱 정교해지고 로컬화 되고 있다. 마케터들은 글로벌 플랫폼을 통해 전세계 사용자에게 도달하면서도 각 지역의 특성과 사용자 개개인에게 최적화된 마케팅 전략을 세우는 노력이 필요할 것이다. 1 디지털마케팅의 글로벌화와 로컬화가 동시에! MEDIA PLATFORM TECH CREATIVE Live Streaming Mobile Payment Big Data Video Contents Walled Garden Buy Button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad App Activity Messaging Platform (Real-Time) Personalization Ad blocking IoT (Data) Cross Device Location IT VR/AR Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents MCN Automation Predictive marketing
  • 6. MEDIA PLATFORM TECH CREATIVE Live Streaming mobile payment Big Data Video Contents Walled garden Buy button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad App activity Messaging Platform (real time) personalization Ad blocking IoT(data) Cross device Location IT VR Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents MCN Automation Predictive marketing 모바일과 웨어러블 기기는 개인의 삶에 더욱 밀착될 것이고, 이로부터 얻어진 데이터를 통해 한층 더 개인화된 소비자 경험을 제공할 수 있게 될 것이다. 데이터 기반의 타겟팅은 더욱 정확하고 정교해져, 사용자 개개인의 상황과 취향을 반영 한 마케팅 전략을 구현할 수 있게 될 것이다. 데이터 분석을 넘어 이를 통해 의미 있는 인사이트를 도출하는 능력이 계속해서 발전될 것이고, 이는 소비자에 대한 이해도를 높여 효율적인 고객 관리를 가능하게 할 것이다. 2 개인화된 소비자 경험 제공을 위해 최적화 되고 있는 마케팅 전략
  • 7. 디지털은 실시간으로 브랜드와 소비자 사이의 연결을 가능하게 한다. 언제 어디서나 소비자와 연결될 수 있다는 점은, 실시간으로 각 상황과 오디언스를 고려한 맞춤형 마케팅 메시지를 전달할 수 있다는 뜻! 점점 더 많은 브랜드들이 소비자의 ‘마이크로 모멘트’를 공략할 것으로 예상된다. 이는 어 떤 소비자가 무언가를 알고 싶고, 사고 싶고, 하고 싶고, 가고 싶은 바로 그 순간의 의도와 맥락을 파악하여 실시간 마케팅을 펼칠 수 있음을 의미한다. 실시간으로 소비자의 니즈를 파악하고 이에 즉각적으로 대응하는 것은 2016년 디지털, 특 히 모바일 마케팅 전략 수립에 필수 고려 요소가 될 것이다. 3 소비자와 실시간으로 연결되는 그 ‘순간’에 집중하라! MEDIA PLATFORM TECH CREATIVE Live Streaming Mobile Payment Big Data Video Contents Walled Garden Buy Button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad App Activity Messaging Platform (Real-Time) Personalization Ad blocking IoT (Data) Cross Device Location IT VR/AR Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents MCN Automation Predictive Marketing
  • 8. 마케팅 자동화에 대한 중요성이 더욱 대두될 것이다. 세일즈포스, 어도비, 오라클 등 마케팅 테크 기업들의 주도하에 마케팅자동화 기술이 심도 있게 발전하고 상품화 될 것이다. 타겟 오디언스에게 어떤 메시지를 어느 시점에 노출시켜 야 하는지에 관한 모든 과정을 자동화시킴으로써, 브랜드들은 더 효율적인 고객 관리 운영 과 브랜드 프로모션을 진행할 수 있게 될 것이다. 특히 모바일 마케팅 자동화에 대한 투자 가 활발히 일어날 것으로 보인다. 이러한 마케팅 자동화 기술은 나아가 소비자의 다음 행동을 예측하여 그에 상응하는 마케 팅 운영을 가능하게 하는 예측 마케팅(predictive marketing)으로까지 발전 하지 않을까. 4 마케팅 자동화의 본격화, 그리고 보편화! MEDIA PLATFORM TECH CREATIVE Live Streaming Mobile Payment Big Data Video Contents Walled Garden Buy Button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad App Activity Messaging Platform (Real-Time) Personalization Ad blocking IoT (Data) Cross Device Location IT VR/AR Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents MCN Automation Predictive Marketing
  • 9. 디지털 플랫폼들은 사용자가 그들 플랫폼을 떠나는 것을 원치 않는다. 사용자들이 플랫폼 내에서 다양한 서비스를 모두 이용할 수 있도록 뉴스나 음악 등의 컨텐 츠 소비, 쇼핑, 메시징, 검색, 나아가 택시 호출까지 가능하게 하여 최대한의 이탈을 막고 있다. 특히 메시징 플랫폼의 성장과 진화에 주목할 필요가 있다. 메시징 플랫폼은 가장 많은 사 용자들이 이용하는 플랫폼일 뿐만 아니라 다양한 서비스로의 연결이 자연스럽고, 브랜드 와 사용자 사이의 친밀도 높은 소통까지 가능하게 하기 때문이다. 마케터들은 하나의 플랫폼에서 오랜 시간 활동하는 사용자, 그리고 이러한 플랫폼들이 지 니는 특징들을 파악하고 이해하여 각 플랫폼에 최적화된 마케팅 전략을 세워야 할 것이다. 5 사용자들을 울타리 안에 가두어 놓는 디지털 플랫폼들 MEDIA PLATFORM TECH CREATIVE Live Streaming Mobile Payment Big Data Video Contents Walled Garden Buy button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad App Activity Messaging Platform (Real-Time) Personalization Ad Blocking IoT (Data) Cross Device Location IT VR/AR Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents MCN Automation Predictive Marketing
  • 10. 디지털 기술이 발전하면 새로운 광고 형태가 등장하는 것처럼, 크리에이티브도 그에 맞게 새로이 변화하며 마케터들에게 숙제를 주고 있다. 가상현실, 증강현실 등 새로운 기술은 신선하고 몰입도 높은 사용자 경험을 제공하는 콘텐 츠 제작을 가능하게 하고 있고, 광고 차단 소프트웨어라는 기술은 광고차단 문제 해결을 위해 사용자 경험을 최대한 방해하지 않는 네이티브 광고에 대해 주목하게 했다. 마케터들은 언제나 새로운 디지털 기술의 등장에 대해 주목하고, 또 그 기술이 가져올 크리에이티브의 진화 방향에 대해 고민해야 할 것이다. 6 디지털 기술과 함께 진화하는 크리에이티브 MEDIA PLATFORM TECH CREATIVE Live Streaming Mobile Payment Big Data Video Contents Walled Garden Buy Button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad App Activity Messaging Platform (Real-Time) Personalization Ad Blocking IoT (Data) Cross Device Location IT VR/AR Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents MCN Automation Predictive Marketing
  • 11. 디지털로의 전이로 인한 조직 변화 디지털은 기업의 조직 변화에도 큰 영향을 줄 것이다. 디지털 자체가 비즈니스 혁신을 위한 전략의 주 요소가 될 것이고, 이로 인해 내부 조직 구 성 변화와 디지털 실무 역할 등의 재 정립이 필요해질 것이기 때문이다. 디지털화된 기업은 데이터 분석을 기반으로 더욱 개인화된 콘텐츠와 사용자 경험을 제공 할 수 있게 될 것이다. 새로운 기술, 더욱 다양화된 디지털 미디어, 그리고 광고 플랫폼에 대한 이해를 통해 크리에이티브를 넘어서는 통합적인 디지털 솔루션을 제공하는 기업이 늘어날 것이다. 디지털 혁신에 대처하기 위한 인력과 조직 문화를 갖추는 노력이 계속 될 것으로 예상된다. 7 MEDIA PLATFORM TECH CREATIVE Live Streaming Mobile Payment Big Data Video Contents Walled Garden Buy Button AI ( Digital Assistants) Native Ad App Activity Messaging Platform (Real-Time) Personalization Ad blocking IoT (Data) Cross Device Location IT VR/AR Influencer Ad Fraud Personalized Contents MCN Automation Predictive Marketing
  • 13. M E D I A 1 Media Consumption Habits of Digital Natives  Influencer Marketing  Live Streaming Evolution of News Media  Social Media as News Platforms  Facebook’s Instant Articles  Twitter’s Moments  YouTube’s Newswire Mobile-centric New Media  Mobile News Apps  Curated Contents by Digital Native Media MEDIA INDEX MEDIA
  • 14. 모바일과 소셜은 사람들 특히 디지털 네이티브 세대가 미디어를 소비하는 방 식을 크게 변화시키고 있다 디지털 플랫폼은 컨텐츠 제작자와 시청자 사이의 실시간 소통을 가능하게 만들었고 동영상 라이브스트리밍 서비스와 등 소비자들이 각자를 표현하고 다른 이들과 공유하는 새로운 방식이 생겨났다 이로서 브랜드가 소비자들에게 일방적으로 전달하는 메시지보다 소비자들 서로의 의견이 더 큰 영향력을 행사하고 있다 이러한 미디어 소비 방식의 변화로 인해 퍼블리셔들은 모바일 사용자에게 최적 화된 채널 및 앱을 선보이고 있다 언제 어디서나 모바일 기기에서 짧고 보기 쉬운 콘텐츠를 소비하는 사용자들을 고려한 미디어가 대거 등장했다 데이터를 바탕으로 각 사용자에게 개인화된 콘텐츠를 제 공할 수 있게 된 점도 디지털 시대 미디어 트렌드의 핵심으로 여겨진다 이제는 누구나가 컨텐츠 제작자가 되고 하나의 미디어 채널로서 활동할 수 있게 되었다 이러한 인 창 작자를 전문적으로 양성하고 서포트하는 조직도 늘어나고 있다 마케터들은 디지털 오디언스가 컨텐 츠를 제작 소비 그리고 공유하는 방식을 이해하고 그에 맞는 브랜드 메시지 전달을 해야 할 것이다 MEDIA OVERVIEW 14 M E D I A 1
  • 15. • Last September, eMarketer reported that global digital ad spend will increase 18% in 2015 to reach $170 billion, making up nearly 30% of the total ad market. • Mobile ad spend is growing particularly rapidly at around 70%, holding more than $72 billion of the digital ad market. • Digital, especially mobile, is having increasing impact on every aspect of consumers’ lives from consuming media to making purchases and communicating with each other. Source: eMarketer M E D I A 1 Digitalized Media and Ad Market Media and ad market are becoming more and more digitalized.
  • 16. Mobile, especially mobile apps, drive digital media consumption. • 62% of all digital media time is now mobile. • Time spent on desktop has decreased from 49% to 38% since 2013. • Time spent inside mobile apps by US consumer on average has exceeded that of TV. Increased Consumption of Digital Media M E D I A 1 Source: Marketing Land
  • 17. Social influencers have greater impact on consumer decisions than branded contents. Influencer Marketing • Increasing number of consumers rely on social media to direct their purchase decisions, and some social media users create impact that are equal or even greater than branded contents. • Influencer Marketing: the idea of associating with social content creators whose opinions and stories about products determine many other consumers’ attitudes towards a brand and guide purchase decisions. M E D I A 1
  • 18. Marketers engage with influencers on different social platforms. Influencer Marketing Eunice Annabel, Influencer in Singapore • Influencer marketing has mainly started with bloggers who can deliver comments about the brand’s products or services in a way that seems less curated and can appeal to users more naturally. • As different types of social platforms proliferate, ways to engage social influencers for marketing purpose are also diversifying • Instagram is one of the vastly utilized platforms for influencer marketing. It is mobile optimized, appeals to millennials, is highly visual and viral. M E D I A 1
  • 19. Multi-Channel Networks (MCN) aggregate contents from influential individual video content creators. Influencer Marketing: Multi-Channel Networks PewDiePie’s YouTube Channel • Online, especially mobile, video market is expanding in an unprecedented rate. • YouTube stars are more popular than mainstream celebrities especially for younger generations (Gen Z). • MCN businesses share advertising revenue with individual content creators by entering into an alliance with them and supporting contents marketing, distribution, investment, copyright management, monitoring, and audience finding. Kyungsun’s YouTube Channel M E D I A 1
  • 20. Creators build intimate relationships with viewers through original contents and real-time conversation. Influencer Marketing: Multi-Channel Networks • The creators who express themselves through various subjects such as beauty, game, cooking and so on are establishing a new video contents ecosystem. • Due to fewer restrictions and burdens of deliberation, MCN provides unfiltered and authentic contents which are hardly found in traditional media. • Major Players: Maker Studios, Machinima, Defy Media, Vevo, Awesomness TV, Fullscreen • Major Players (Korea): DIA TV, Afreeca TV, Treasure Hunter, MAKEUS, TOSQ M E D I A 1
  • 21. Mobile devices have created a whole new opportunities for live streaming. Live Streaming • Mobile devices have built better conditions for live streaming. • Portability: Being able to bring the device anywhere opens up for more dynamic and compelling content creation. • Connections: faster mobile broadband networks enable people to stream or watch in high-quality. • Visual: better cameras and screens make contents more visually appealing. • Apps which are solely dedicated to feature live streaming functions, are continuing to emerge and be developed. – ex) Meerkat, Periscope, V (by Naver) Periscope Meerkat V M E D I A 1
  • 22. Brands can utilize live streaming in various ways to captivate digital audiences. Live Streaming • Release of new products or services: spur the interests of potential customers and enhance buzz around new release. • Exclusive contents: Behind the scenes such as company tours or making films, as well as teasers and interviews only shown to live stream audiences can attract special attention from the customers. • Personal customer service: Since live streaming allows real-time conversations between the brands and customers, brands can immediately address pertinent issues and solve problems through creating sessions such as live Q&A. M E D I A 1
  • 23. Increased role of social media for news consumption Evolution of News Media • Facebook drives more traffic to news sites than Google. • The core characteristics of both news and social media is virality. Source: Parsely M E D I A 1
  • 24. Facebook Evolution of News Media • Instant Articles - By hosting selected publishers’ articles natively on its app, Facebook provides qualified contents to its audiences without letting them leave its platform. This feature allows convenient consumption of news articles for the audiences, wider reach of their contents for publisher, and collection of rich contents for Facebook. • Notify - app for reading customizable breaking news and information by receiving push notification on lock screen • The usage of mobile alerts and notifications has grown as news market is becoming increasingly competitive. Instant Articles Notify M E D I A 1
  • 25. Evolution of News Media • Moments - curated streams of event-based content for mobile users - includes tweets, images, videos, contents from Vine and Periscope - a place for sharing real-time news as people instantly create and upload videos of events going around them - Promoted Moments allow brands to present immersive promotional stories for the users by addressing real-time events or seasonal narratives. Moments Promoted Moments M E D I A 1 Twitter
  • 26. Evolution of News Media • YouTube Newswire - In partnership with social news agency Storyful, Newswire provides a curated and verified feed of the day’s most newsworthy events being published to YouTube. - “social journalism” - help journalists to gather resources related to breaking news including first-hand accounts from eyewitnesses. M E D I A 1 YouTube
  • 27. Traditional media revamps with digital touch, as digitally native new media receive special attentions from users. Mobile-Centric New Media • Traditional news publishers target digital audiences with news editions for smartphones. Ex) The New York Times Now, Economist Espresso • Digitally native media companies such as BuzzFeed, Upworthy Vox, Vice, Pikicast, Moncast, and Subusu News provide innovative news formats optimized for digital, especially mobile platforms. • The ways to present news are becoming more and more interactive, creative, and mobile-centric. NYT NOW The Economist Espresso M E D I A 1
  • 28. Digital new media provide curation services to serve the right contents to the right audiences. Mobile-Centric New Media • They use images and videos with minimal texts to capture the eyes of users who consume contents on mobile on the move. • Based on users’ data such as their news consumption history, digital news media provide curated contents that serve users’ interests. BuzzFeed Pikicast Moncast M E D I A 1
  • 29. A D P L A T F O R M 2 AD PLATFORM Programmatic & RTB  Mobile Programmatic Ads  Programmatic Expanding to TV Ad Market E-commerce Platforms  Digital Ad Platforms as Consumption Triggers  Pinterest’s Buyable Pins  Facebook’s Buy Buttons  Google Shopping Messaging Apps as Full-Featured Business and Marketing Platforms  Messaging Apps as Media Platforms  Messaging Apps as Social Platforms  Messaging Apps for Mobile Commerce and Online Payment  Creative Ad Formats on Messaging Apps  Personalized Mobile Search AD PLATFORM INDEX
  • 30. A D P L A T F O R M 2 프로그래매틱 광고는 웹과 모바일을 넘어 TV 시장에까지 적용되고 있다. 스 마 트폰, 테블릿, PC, TV 등 여러 기기를 동시에 사용하는 이들이 늘어나며, 전 통 미 디어와 디지털 미디어 사이의 경계가 허물어지고 있다. 각기 다른 미디어에 서 의 사용자 경험에 대한 통합적인 뷰를 통해 각 플랫폼에 최적화된 메시지를 전 달하는 능력이 점점 더 중요해지고 있다. 디지털 플랫폼은 브랜드 메시지를 전달하는 채널로서 사용될 뿐 아니라, 플 랫폼 내에서의 소비까지 가능하게 하고 있다. 온라인 구매가 늘어남에 따라 페이스북, 인스타그 램, 핀터레스트, 구글 등 많은 플랫폼들이 원하는 물건의 발견과 동시에 구매를 가능하게 하는 구 매버튼을 적용시켰다. 광고 플랫폼은 발견에서 구매까지 이어지는 소비자 여정의 전 과정에 개입 하는 형태로 변화하고 있다. 2015년은 메시징 앱의 진화가 유난히 눈에 띄는 한 해였다. 이들의 통합 비즈니스 및 마케팅 플랫 폼화는 내년에도 계속될 것으로 보인다. 단순히 메시지를 주고 받는 용도를 넘어, 뉴스나 게임 등 의 콘텐츠 소비, 모바일 결제, 택시 호출이나 음식 주문 등의 O2O 서비스, 광고 등 다양한 기능을 포함하고 있다. 사용자 기반이 넓고, 브랜드와 소비자 사이의 친밀도 높은 소통을 가능하게 하는 메시징 앱은 차세대 마케팅 플랫폼으로 더욱 주목 받을 것으로 예상된다. AD PLATFORM OVERVIEW
  • 31. A D P L A T F O R M 2 Programmatic and Real-Time Bidding (RTB) are increasing their shares in digital advertising revenue. Programmatic & RTB • Programmatic advertising means automating the buying, placement and optimization of ads. • For the first time in 2015, programmatic transactions will be a majority (52%) of non-search digital ad spend in the US. • Spending on programmatic advertising is growing at about 20% annually. • RTB is growing even faster, at about 24% CAGR. • In particular, mobile and video RTB are presenting rapid growth, at roughly twice the rate of programmatic overall. Source: Business Insider
  • 32. A D P L A T F O R M 2 Programmatic ad buying is moving beyond desktop banners and expanding to mobile. Programmatic & RTB • US mobile programmatic ad spending is expected to reach $9.33 billion this year, accounting for 60.5% for total US programmatic display ad spending. • Marketers consider mobile as the format expected to have the most opportunity for programmatic buying since social, video and native ads are increasingly intertwined with mobile Source: eMarketer
  • 33. A D P L A T F O R M 2 Programmatic ad buying is starting to be integrated in TV ad market. Programmatic & RTB • Due to the advent of digital video distribution, TV has transformed from a mono-directional to a bi- directional communication medium. • Broadcasters can now learn a lot about the demographics and personal information of TV ad viewers. • Data on the viewers can be applied to target different ads to different demographic segments to increase impressions or engagement. • Targeting and efficiency are the two major reasons for TV programmatic advertising.
  • 34. A D P L A T F O R M 2 Total Audience Measurement & Target Rating Points Programmatic & RTB • Increasing number of people consume digital media in conjunction with TV viewing. • Introduced by Nielsen during Advertising Week 2015, total audience measurement provides metrics for both linear and dynamic programming on TV and digital. (like-for-like metrics for TV and digital video) • Facebook’s Target Rating Points (TRP} allows marketers assess how well their Facebook video ads perform in conjunction with TV ads. • Facebook’s research reveals that conducting campaigns synchronized across TV and Facebook raises targeted reach 19% versus TV alone, and this increase is 37% with millennial audiences. Nielsen’s Total Audience Measurement Facebook’s Target Rating Points
  • 35. A D P L A T F O R M 2 Programmatic & RTB Google’s programmatic ad for native content and mobile video publishers • Programmatic native advertising for mobile devices • Programmatic full-screen video ads for mobile devices ONE, AOL’s open, unified programmatic platform • Aimed at assisting marketers optimizing their campaign goals across all screens, formats and inventory types. Hulu offers programmatic advertising by partnering with Oracle and Facebook’s LiveRail • Hulu, the streaming-video service, has partnered with Oracle Data Management Platform and Facebook- owned video-ad platform LiveRail to offer programmatic ad options. • Aims to increase efficiency and ROI for marketers
  • 36. A D P L A T F O R M 2 • Time spent on apps are increasing significantly as native mobile apps provide better user experience and more features than mobile websites. • The growing number mobile-first and mobile-only users facilitates app usage especially in messaging, social networking, shopping, and gaming areas. • It would be necessary to learn how leading platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, KakaoTalk and more utilize digital technologies and creatives in order to offer enhanced user experience and increase retention and engagement rates. Source: Flurry App-Centric Digital Activities Digital activities are becoming mobile, especially app-centric.
  • 37. A D P L A T F O R M 2 • Time spent on apps by US smartphone and table users (per day) • 2 hours and 51 minutes in 2014 • 3 hours and 5 minutes in 2015 (estimate) • 3 hours and 15 minutes in 2016 (prediction) Source: eMarketer App-Centric Digital Activities Digital activities are becoming mobile, especially app-centric.
  • 38. A D P L A T F O R M 2 Ad Platforms for E-commerce Digital ad platforms are evolving as total marketing platforms which trigger consumption. • Mobile and social drive e-commerce growth. • Contextual commerce: recommendations based on user’s mobile usage and location. • Mobile becomes the ultimate “remote control” of our lives, simplifying and enabling all of our daily transactions. • Social media act as platforms for discovering and learning about new products and services. • “Word-of-mouth” context is important for both consumers and merchants. • “shoppable social” – buy buttons; beyond researching about products and services, people directly purchase items on social platforms • “showrooming” – the act of checking out merchandise in-store and then purchasing the item online • “app-rooming” – using a mobile app to browse items, then physically going to the store to purchase items
  • 39. A D P L A T F O R M 2 Ad Platforms for E-commerce Pinterest users visit the platform with “buying mindset.” • Among active Pinterest users, 93% plan for purchases through the site and 87% have purchased something because of what they saw on the site. (app-rooming) • Buyable Pins – users can purchase items directly within Pinterest • Buyable Pins have revamped with hand-curated catalog of items that uses can buy right from the platform. • In-Pin search allows users to choose just one portion of the original pin and get more granular detail on that item. Buyable Pins Handpicked Buyable Pins In-Pin Search
  • 40. A D P L A T F O R M 2 Ad Platforms for E-commerce • Purchases on Google: buy button like feature which will allow shoppers to purchase products that come up in Google’s paid shopping ads directly form mobile devices. • Google shopping gets mobile-optimized. - Shopping-related searches are taking place more on mobile devices than on desktop computers. - Google’s updated mobile shopping turns user experience more like the experience of using mobile application. (tap and swipe for navigation) - Users can easily narrow down their searches and view details on the items. - Consumers can check out items online, or find nearby stores that have the product in-stock by applying the “available nearby” filter. Purchases on Google Mobile-optimized Google Shopping Google
  • 41. A D P L A T F O R M 2 Ad Platforms for E-commerce Facebook does not want its users to leave its platform for shopping. • Buy button • Facebook Shopping Feed – A dedicated shopping feed section prevents consumers from being distracted by other News Feed. • Ad format “Canvas”: fast-loading, full-screen ad which allows users to browse different products, then zoom in and see the details. Buy Button Shopping Feed Canvas
  • 42. A D P L A T F O R M 2 Ad Platforms for E-commerce Facebook Restaurant Review Reviews and ratings on social platforms are posing increasing influence on consumer choices. • The way people find and consume food, and share their dining experiences has become digitalized. • People now search for healthy ingredients and food recipes online, search nearby restaurants with mobile phones, order food for delivery online, and share images of food they had on various social platforms. • With recipe search being one of the most popular consumer activities on the web, online ratings and reviews help consumers fine-tune their searches. • Facebook’s restaurant review search integrates critic review when users search for and visit pages of restaurants on its platform.
  • 43. A D P L A T F O R M 2 Ad Platforms for E-commerce Target uses Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram for digital holiday campaign. • Target did its big holiday campaign across social and messaging platforms including Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. • Facebook’s “Canvas” e-commerce ads – Canvas lets users browse items in a fast-loading, full-screen mode. • Instagram’s ad unit Marquee • Rolled out thanksgiving-themed geofilter to all Snapchat users in the U.S., and starting from Dec. 1, a new holiday-themed design will be released each day through Christmas. • Target saw sales volume more than twice as its busiest day ever. Target’s Digital Holiday Campaign
  • 44. A D P L A T F O R M 2 Messaging Apps The usage and significance of messaging apps are increasing. • Mobile messaging apps will be used by more than 1.4 billion consumers this year, representing 31.6% increase from last year. The number is expected to reach 2 billion by 2018, meaning 80% of smartphone users worldwide will use mobile chat apps. • The top four messaging apps (Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, and Viber) combined have more users than the top four social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram) Sources: eMarketer, Business Insider
  • 45. A D P L A T F O R M 2 Messaging Apps Why do we care about messaging apps? • Messaging apps not only have large user base, especially younger generations, but also have high retention and usage rates. • Whereas more than half of smartphone owners have 40 to 70 apps installed on their devices, more than 70% of them use less than 7 apps per day. (Millward Brown) • Roughly 80% of smartphone app time is spent with a user’s top three apps. (comScore) • For brands that do not already have a huge app or website presence, participating in messaging apps offer sound opportunities to be connected with users. Messaging apps not only are one of the go- to apps that users spend most of their app usage time, but also offer one-to-one like experience between the consumer and the brand. Source: Millward Brown Digital
  • 46. A D P L A T F O R M 2 Messaging Apps - Media Messaging apps are becoming full-featured business and marketing platforms. • curated contents from leading media brands • native ads that naturally resonate with contents on Discover • Partnering with 24 popular online, print and TV news outlets, Line News is trying to become one of the most popular places for Japanese users to consume news. • Users can choose which news media outlets to follow, divided by categories. • Channel provides a variety of curated contents including news, lifestyle, and entertainment based on users’ interest. • contents recommendation algorithm RUBICS (Real―time User Behavior―based Interactive Content Recommender System) to analyzes users’ response to the contents and provides stories that are optimized for the specific users Snapchat’s Discover KakaoTalk’s Channel Line News
  • 47. A D P L A T F O R M 2 • social feed where users share updates, news and photos with friends • Moments allow brands target specific types of consumer to promote their own posts and get new followers. • branded graphic that users can overlay on top of their photos when they are in specific locations • turn people visiting their stores into social media ambassadors since geofilters guide users to share videos that promote the brands or products to a wider audience Messaging Apps - Social Messaging apps are becoming full-featured business and marketing platforms. Moments Geofilter
  • 48. A D P L A T F O R M 2 • Increasing number of messaging apps, especially the ones from Asia, are venturing into mobile commerce and payment services. • Users can perform in-app purchases such as buying stickers and emoticons. • They can also pay for taxis, purchase movie tickets, order foods and many more. • WeChat Pay and QQ Pay (QQ is Tencent’s older messaging app) have now exceeded 200 million users who have tied a bank card to the service. Messaging Apps – Mobile Commerce and Online Payment Messaging apps are becoming full-featured business and marketing platforms. Line Pay Kakao Pay WeChat Pay
  • 49. A D P L A T F O R M 2 • Branded stickers (Line) and emoticons (KakaoTalk) • GIFs (Kik) – branded GIFs to be uses while chatting with Kik’s users thorugh Promoted Chats – integrated GIF search feature allows users to use emoji to find the kind of GIFs, making the discovery and sharing GIF files as easy as sending photos or videos. • Snapchat’s “Lenses” – users can add animated filters to their face – brands can offer “Sponsored Lenses,” which will turn advertising more interactive, personal, and engaging since they inherently depend on the sender’s face, making them always unique and intimate. Messaging Apps – Creative Ad Formats Messaging apps are becoming full-featured business and marketing platforms. Kit’s Intergrated GIF search Lenses Sponsored Lenses
  • 50. A D P L A T F O R M 2 • More personalized and contextual mobile search within messaging apps • Kakao Talk’s “# search” - Simply by entering “#” on chat browser, users can search keywords that they are looking to get information about without leaving the chatting space. • Facebook Messenger’s “M” – personal digital assistant powered by artificial intelligence to help users search for information and services, as well as perform tasks such as booking restaurants and making travel arrangements on behalf of them. Messaging Apps – Personalized Mobile Search Messaging apps are becoming full-featured business and marketing platforms. Kakao Talk’s # Search Facebook Messenger’s M
  • 51. T E C H 3 Big Data  People-based Marketing Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning  Personal Digital Assistants  Search Evolution Marketing Automation  Why Marketing Automation?  Lead Generation  Predictive Marketing TECH INDEX TECH
  • 52. T E C H 3 디지털 미디어와 플랫폼을 통해 사용자에 대한 데이터를 수집하고 분석하 여 소비자에 대한 인사이트를 얻는 것이 가능해졌다. 이는 브랜드들이 각 소 비자가 원하고 필요로 하는 것을 파악하고 그를 충족시키는 개인화된 메시 지를 전달할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 인공지능, 머신러닝 등의 발전된 기술은 디지털 오디언스에게 맞춤형 서비 스를 제공하는 기능과 서비스 개발을 촉진시키고 있다. 인공지능 기반의 디지털 개인 비서는 더 욱 정확하고 똑똑해져, 정보를 검색하고 그에 맞는 서비스까지 바로 제공해주는 검색 시장의 궁 극적인 미래가 될 가능성을 보여주고 있다. 고객 관리 및 리드 생성을 위해 마케팅 자동화 기술을 도입하는 기업들이 늘어나고 있다. 소비자 여정의 각 단계에 알맞은 브랜드 메시지를 전달하기 위한 효과적인 방법이기 때문이다. 타겟 오 디언스에게 어떤 메시지를 어느 타이밍에 노출시켜야 하는지에 관한 모든 과정을 자동화 시킴으 로서, 효율적인 브랜드 프로모션이 가능해지고 있다. 이 기술은 소비자 행동을 추적하여 다음 행 동을 예측하는 예측 마케팅으로 발전되고 있다. TECH OVERVIEW
  • 53. T E C H 3 Big Data Big Data spending will see 23.1% CAGR until 2019. • The advent of various media and platforms allows collection of enormous amount of consumer data. • Digital technology enables fast and thorough analyses of these data. • Bid data analysis help marketers understand consumer needs and provide appropriate services. • According to IDC, big data technology and services market will grow to $48.6 Billion in 2019. • Three major big data submarkets are infrastructure, software, and services. All three areas are expected to grow over the next five years. • According to Gartner the value chain of business operations will shift from “a labor-driven and technology-enabled paradigm” to a “digital-driven and human-enabled model.” Source: Forbes
  • 54. T E C H 3 Machine Learning, AI Personal Digital Assistants • By the end of 2016, autonomous mobile assistant purchasing is expected to reach $2 billion dollars annually, representing about 2.5% of mobile users trusting assistants with $50 a year. • AI-based personal digital assistants find information for the users and complete tasks on their behalf. • AI and machine learning enable marketers to understand consumers’ needs contextually and deliver messages and/or services relevant to them. Apple’s Siri Microsoft’s Cortana Facebook Messenger’s M Google’s Google Now
  • 55. T E C H 3 Machine Learning, AI “The future of search is to try to build the ultimate personal assistant.” - Behshad Behzadi, director of search innovation at Google’s Zurich lab • AI and machine learning can help better deliver personalized search results at “micro-moments,” a specific point in time when someone wants to know, buy, do something, or to go somewhere. • Voice search: Improved ability to process natural language is enabling voice-based assistants to better understand complex requests and meaning behind users’ questions. • Search with advanced technology concentrates more on grasping the intent of users’ search than finding the correlation between the search word and the result. Google Search Naver Search
  • 56. T E C H 3 Marketing Automation Marketing automation supports brands to connect with consumers at different stages of consumer journey with relevant messages. • Marketing automation refers to technologies and software platforms designed to effectively conduct marketing practices on multiple channels and automate repetitive tasks. • It allows brands to deliver “the right message to the right person at the right time in a way that is scalable.” • Marketing automation industry, especially mobile marketing industry, is proliferating with increased investments and acquisitions in related fields. Source: VentureBeat Engagement, or mobile marketing automation, was the largest investment space after analytics, highlighting the growing attention to mobile marketing.
  • 57. T E C H 3 Marketing Automation Marketing automation tools enable marketers to combine multiple marketing channels in the same workflow and increase the likelihood of leads engaging with the brand’s message. • E-mail: automated nurturing emails for potential customers, automated product recommendations for existing customers, and retarget ones who abandoned the cart before purchasing. • Social: manage social media content for various social platforms, schedule standard reports for analytics, and optimize posts to increase engagement. • Web: provide personalized ads by tracking website visitors’ online behavior • Mobile: target users across time, space and devices by integrating locational context; deliver messages based on a customer’s physical location and send personalized push notification by analyzing the user’s specific in-app behaviors.
  • 58. T E C H 3 Marketing Automation Predictive marketing • By analyzing a wealth of data regarding customer behavior, predictive analytics uncover the patterns of existing as well as potential customers in order to determine who are most likely to buy or who has the greatest revenue potential. • It provides insights on the customers’ next move and automatically use the insights to provoke certain actions. • Predictive analytics will become key focus of digital marketers since the ability to know the next movement of a customer is directly related to revenue. Amazon’s predictive analytics system allows them to begin shipping products before a customer even order them by analyzing the customer’s previous purchase history and consuming behavior and predicting the probability of him or her buying specific products. This way, Amazon can reduce shipping times and provide faster services for the customers. Amazon’s “anticipatory shipping” patent Source: Wall Street Journal
  • 59. C R E A T I V E 4 Diversified Creatives for Mobile Users  Online Videos  Creative Options for Mobile Contents Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality  Immersive User Experience  Virtual Journalism Ad Blocking and Native Ads  Increased Use of Ad Blocking Softwares  L.E.A.N. Ads  In-app and Social Ads CREATIVE INDEX CREATIVE
  • 60. C R E A T I V E 4 기술의 발전은 새로운 크리에이티브의 등장을 요구하고 있고 더 다양한 시도 를 가능하게 하고 있다 날마다 쏟아지는 수많은 디지털 콘텐츠는 사람들의 주 의 지속 시간을 단축 시켜 짧고 집중도 높은 온라인 동영상 콘텐츠 제작과 소 비가 증가했다 비주얼 요소가 강력한 이미지와 도 디지털 소비자의 시선을 사로잡는 크리에이티브로 활발히 사용 되고 있다 가상현실과 증강현실 기술에 대한 투자가 본격화 되고 있다 오큘러스 리프트 와 삼성 기어 등의 프리미엄 헤드셋부터 구글 카드보드와 같은 저렴한 기기까지 가상현실을 체험할 수 있는 옵션이 다양화 되고 있다 페이스북과 유튜브 등 도 동영상을 통해 몰입도 높은 사 용자 경험을 제공하는 플랫폼이 늘어나고 있다 은 브랜드와 콘텐츠 제작자가 이야기를 전달하는 새로운 방법을 제안하고 있다 지난 한 해 광고 차단 소프트웨어를 사용하는 이들이 급증했다 광고 차단을 하는 가장 큰 이유는 광 고가 사용자 경험을 방해한다는 것이다 이러한 현상의 대응책으로 사용자가 거슬린다고 느끼지 않 을만한 네이티브 광고에 대한 주목도가 높아지고 있다 CREATIVE OVERVIEW
  • 61. C R E A T I V E 4 Digital video consumption continues to rise. • Not only Gen Z consumers but also older generations are watching as much digital video as TV. • Average consumer between the ages of 16 and 45 worldwide watches 204 minutes of video a day, split equally between TV and online. 201 minutes on live TV and on demand TV, 45 minutes on smartphone, 37 minutes on computer, and 20 minutes on tablet Digital Videos Source: Millward Brown
  • 62. C R E A T I V E 4 • The share of mobile phone digital video view worldwide increased from 7% to 39% during the period between September 2013 and September 2015. • Increase consumption of contents on mobile devices drive more creative options to be optimized for smaller screens. Digital Videos Source: eMarketer Mobile share of all digital video viewing is growing especially due to the increased usage of smartphones.
  • 63. C R E A T I V E 4 More creative options optimized to be viewed on mobile devices are being developed. • People have tremendous amounts of digital contents available to watch at any time wherever they are, causing shortened attention spans. • In order to capture the minds of the ones who consume video contents with mobile devices on the move, brands offer short-forms of video across multiple channels. • Auto-playing videos are being widely adopted for its high rate of audience reach and engagement. • More immersive video experiences are delivered to consumers through 360 degree videos. Digital Videos 360 degree video on Facebook
  • 64. C R E A T I V E 4 More creative options optimized to be viewed on mobile devices are being developed. • Various platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and Kik rolled out GIF supporting features. • With its short and eye-catching nature, GIF is increasingly attracting attentions for being a fun and easy way to express the emotions of digital oriented minds. Digital Videos Instagram’s Boomerang Tumblr’s GIF Maker Kik’s GIF Search
  • 65. C R E A T I V E 4 Visual social platforms such as Instagram offer unique creative opportunities for brands. • Since food is inherently social, it is a vital subject on social media. • Food videos are “thumb-stopper,” videos with compelling images such that users will stop scrolling through Facebook new feeds. • Because of its visually appealing nature, Instagram is one of the most frequently used social platforms to share food related images. • Increasing number of culinary brands create snackable and compelling food images to trigger viewers for ideas and desires. Digital Food Culture Fauchon Paris on Instagram
  • 66. C R E A T I V E 4 Augmented and Virtual reality provide opportunities for new creatives. • Augmented and virtual reality markets combined will reach $150 billion by 2020. • Investments in these markets will lead to more diverse content services for VR and AR devices. • Sales of virtual reality devices will reach 14 million units worldwide in 2016, and jump to 38 million by the end of 2020. • Mark Zuckerberg highlighted that VR is “the next major computing and communication platform after phones.” • VR will provide opportunities to share experiences in much more immersive ways. Virtual Reality Source: TrendForce
  • 67. C R E A T I V E 4 Virtual Journalism • In partnership with Vrse, the virtual reality production company, The New York Times is continuing to create virtual reality films. • NYT started sending over a million Goggle Cardboard sets to its subscribers in anticipation of its VR app. • “The Displaced” – VR documentary on the stories of children affected by war. • Virtual journalism clearly exemplifies how people can utilize technology to leverage storytelling such that viewers are engaged not only visually but also emotionally. Virtual Reality
  • 68. C R E A T I V E 4 Increasing number of people use ad blockers. • The number of monthly active users of ad-block software globally has reached nearly 200 million with 40% year over year growth rate. • The main reasons people use ad blockers are 1) Annoyance - People are simply annoyed by overly intrusive ads. 2) Usability - Ads increase load times of web pages and use up memory on devices. 3) Privacy - People are concerned about their personal data being misused to personalize the ads. Ad Blocking Source: PageFair and Adobe
  • 69. C R E A T I V E 4 We need to create better ads. • Ad blocking poses a considerable threat to digital media companies that depend on advertising for revenue. • In response to this phenomenon, Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has launched L.E.A.N. Ads program. • “We messed up. As technologists, tasked with delivering content and services to users, we lost track of the user experience.” – IAB • ”Acceptable Ads” initiative - Acceptable ads are defined as the ones that are not annoying, do not disrupt user experience, transparent, and appropriate to the site that users are visiting. • Marketers need to deliver non-disruptive message that are relevant to their target audiences. • In addition to native ads on the web, native ads on social platforms like Facebook and Twitter, as well as mobile display in apps, could become popular ways to get around ad blocking. Ad Blocking Acceptable Ads L.E.A.N. Ads
  • 70. C R E A T I V E 4 Increased focus on in-app and social ads • Since ad block software does not block ads inside mobile apps, brands will shift their resources to social media, native advertising and influencer marketing. • The main reasons people use ad blockers are 1) Annoyance - People are simply annoyed by overly intrusive ads. 2) Usability - Ads increase load times of web pages and use up memory on devices. 3) Privacy - People are concerned about their personal data being misused to personalize the ads. Ad Blocking
  • 72. 72 2015 Trend: Travel Brands Look to Instagram for the Influencer Bump Apps Eat Digital Media Time, with Top 3 Capturing 80 Percent The Explosive Growth of Influencer Marketing and What It Means for You Facebook Has Taken Over from Google as a Traffic Source for News How Brands are Paving the Way for Periscope Marketing Influencer Marketing: Explore the Strategy of Influencer Marketing Influencer Marketing Strategies for Agencies Influencers vs. Advocates: What’s the Difference? Introducing Notify, a Notifications App from Facebook Mobile Video Views Jump 100% YoY in Q1 2015, Up 367% Since 2013 Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2015 The Rise of Multichannel Networks: Critical Capabilities for the New Digital Video Ecosystem Storytelling in the Age of Social News Consumption Survey: YouTube Stars More Popular than Mainstream Celebs among U.S. Teens Media
  • 73. 73 Time with Mobile Apps Now Beats TV as Apps Become the New Networks Total Media Ad Spending Growth Slows Worldwide Twitter to Give Brands Own ‘Moments’ in Live-Events Section Under the Influence: A New Perspective on Social Marketing Why Live Streaming Is the Water Cooler of the Future YouTube Launches 3 New Projects to Help You Find and Verify Genuine Eyewitness News Videos ‘1인 방송’ 묶음 서비스… 미래 방송 MCN 뜬다 유튜브 스타, TV를 뛰어넘을까 Media
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  • 75. 75 How Retail Business Owners Can Take Advantage of ‘App-Rooming’ This Season Hulu Teams with Facebook’s LiveRail and Oracle to Sell Ads This Fall Introducing New Ways to Buy, Optimize and Measure Ads for a Mobile World Line Wants to be the Top News Destination in Japan Messaging Apps Are Now Bigger Than Social Networks 11?nr_email_referer=1&utm_content=TechSelect&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_campaign=BI%20Tech%20%28Tuesday%20Thursday%29 %202015-11-17&utm_term=Tech%20Select Messaging App Line’s Payment Service Begins Rolling Out to Users Worldwide Mobile Messaging to Reach 1.4 Billion Worldwide in 2015 Mobile Programmatic Display Ad Spend to Eclipse Desktop as Automation Grows The Mobile Shopper Is Here: 88% of Respondents Use Retail Mobile Apps mation&utm_medium=email&utm_content=21126138&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--zDd- eXBzyS7epwVvRErtbkm6gEFxfP7qwUcPyqCmAslFyEio2beHf90rtEgwUfr7OOpIooUABbWsX4St0rIBNk5UQVmfNAS_eHvm3L9uZCT1H8hQ&_hsmi=2112613 8 The New Mobile Mantra: Setting Mobile Strategies Based on Insights, Not Intuition The New Wave of Selling on Mobile and Social Neilsen Launches ‘Total It Up’ Campaign for Total Audience Measurement Nielsen Says Total Audience Measurement is Coming ‘by the End of the Year’ Ad Platform
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  • 79. 79 Mobile Marketing Automation is the New, New, New Thing Mobile Success Landscape: 250 Companies, $2.5B Investment, and 15 Billion-Dollar Startups New IDC Forecast Sees Worldwide Big Data Technology and Services Market Growing to $48.6 Billion in 2019, Driven by Wide Adoption Across Industries Roundup of Analytics, Big Data & Business Intelligence Forecasts and Market Estimates, 2015 2015/#2715e4857a0b1f2e5d9d4869 What is Marketing Automation? 네이버, 내년 1월 ‘라이브검색’ 론칭… “검색결과 취향 맞춰 노출” Tech
  • 80. 80 Augmented and Virtual Reality to Grow to $150B by 2020, Forecaster Says The Cost of Ad Blocking The Digital Recipe for Marketing Food Food Videos Rule on Facebook Getting LEAN with Digital Ad UX How Instagram Is Transforming Professional Cooking Smartphones Continue to Drive Mobile Video Consumption TrendForce Predicts Sales of VR Devices Will Reach 14M in 2016 with Most Used for Gaming Video Creative in a Digital World Creative