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Leaves And Atmosphere
Gas Exchange in Plants
 In order to carry on photosynthesis, green
plants need a supply of carbon dioxide and a
means of disposing of oxygen.
 In order to carry on cellular respiration, plant
cells need oxygen and a means of disposing of
carbon dioxide.
Unlike animals, plants have no specialized
organs for gas exchange .
Reasons of Gas Exchange
• Each part of the plant takes care of its own gas exchange needs.
• Although plants have an elaborate liquid transport system, it does
not participate in gas transport.
Roots, stems, and leaves respire at rates much lower than are
characteristic of animals.
• Only during photosynthesis are large volumes of gases
exchanged, and each leaf is well adapted to take care of its own
The distance that gases must diffuse in even a large plant is not
• Each living cell in the plant is located close to the surface. While
obvious for leaves, it is also true for stems.
• The only living cells in the stem are organized in thin layers just
beneath the bark. The cells in the interior are dead and serve only
to provide mechanical support.
• Most of the living cells in a plant have at least
part of their surface exposed to air. The loose
packing of parenchyma cells in leaves, stems,
and roots provides an interconnecting system
of air spaces. Gases diffuse through air several
thousand times faster than through water.
• Oxygen and carbon dioxide also pass through
the cell wall and plasma membrane of the cell
by diffusion.
• A stoma (plural stomata) (occasionally called a stomate,
plural stomates) (from Greek "mouth“
• is a pore, found in the epidermis of leaves
• , stems and,
• other organs that is used to control the gas exchange.
• The pore is bordered by a pair of specialized parenchyma
cells known as guard cells.
• Air containing carbon dioxide and oxygen enters the plant
through these openings.
• Oxygen produced as a by-product of photosynthesis diffuses
out to the atmosphere through these same openings.
• Also, water vapor is released into the atmosphere through
these pores in a process called transpiration.
Stoma in cross section
The exchange of oxygen and carbon
dioxide in the leaf (as well as the loss
of water vapor in pores called the
 Normally Stomata open,
when the light strikes the leaf in
the morning
and close during the night
Stoma in a
tomato leaf
shown via
Location Of Stomata
• Stomata are present in the sporophyte
generation of all land plant groups except
• Dicotyledons usually have more stomata on the
lower epidermis than the upper epidermis
• Monocotyledons, on the other hand, usually
have the same number of stomata on the two
• In plants with floating leaves, stomata may be
found only on the upper epidermis;
• submerged leaves may lack stomata entirely.
Guard Cells
• Guard cells are specialized cells located in the leaf
epidermis of plants.
• Pairs of guard cells surround tiny stomatal airway
pores .
• These tiny pores in the leaf surface are necessary
for gas exchange into and out of the plant; carbon
dioxide (CO2) enters the plant allowing the carbon
fixation reactions of photosynthesis to occur.
• The turgor pressure of guard cells is controlled by
movements of large quantities of ions and sugars
into and out of the guard cell.
• Oxygen (O2) exits the plant as a byproduct of
photosynthesis. The opening and closing of the
stomatal gas exchange holes is regulated by
swelling and shrinking of the two surrounding
guard cells .
• Water evaporates through the stomatal
openings causing plants to lose water. Over 95%
of water loss from plants can occur by
evaporation (transpiration) through the
stomatal pores.
Features Of Guard Cells
• A special feature of guard cells is that they can
increase or decrease their volume, thereby
changing their shape.
• This is the basis for the opening and closing of a
stoma, known as stomatal movement, which
controls gas exchange necessary for photosynthesis
and limits water loss.
• Such changes in vacuolar volume are quite rapid
and dramatic.
• This can be problematic because,
• unlike a quickly expanding balloon, biological
membranes are more limited in their elasticity and
do not allow over-stretching.
Function of Guard Cells
• Since guard cells control water loss of plant.
• Guard cells perceive and process environmental
and endogenous stimuli such as
• light,
• humidity,
• CO2,
• temperature,
• drought,
• and plant hormones to trigger cellular responses
resulting in stomatal opening or closure.
Mechanism and Regulation of
Stomata Movements
• Stomata are functional units of the epidermis
serving the exchange of gases between the
intercellular spaces of the plant and its surrounding
• They are especially common – and of characteristic
shape –
• at the epidermis of the leaf’s underside of most
• Their development differs from plant group to
plant group, but unequal cell divisions are always
• A functional unit consists of the guard cells
themselves that contain nearly always
chloroplasts, and of their neighbouring
subsidiary cells that are usually devoid of
• It is well-known that stomata open in a humid
surrounding, and close when it is dry.
• J. HEDWIG was the first researcher of the 18th
century who understood that they work as
‘transpiration openings.
• The wall between guard and subsidiary cell and
the wall that makes up the opening are rather
thin and are easily stretched.
• This asymmetry of the cell’s structure and of the
wall thicknesses explains the directed
movement caused by the turgor.
• The mechanics of the guard cells becomes thus
• Water proved to be an important, though not
the only controlling factor of guard cell
• Guard cells can emit water into three different directions:
• outwards,
• into the neighbouring subsidiary cell, and
• into the respiratory cavity that is a part of the intercellular
system lying beneath the guard cells.
• Plants profit from the concentration gradient (that is a
gain of energy for them),
• while the closing movements of the stomata exert a
decisive, regulating influence. They close when too much
water is lost, or when not enough supply exists.
• The stomata of most plant species are closed in darkness.
• Light stimulates opening.
• The action spectrum is similar to that of photosynthesis.
Blue light is especially effective.
• The stomata of CAM-plants, like Crassulaceans, are
opened during the night.
• They depend on the accumulation of carbon dioxide
during the night.
• These plants store the carbon dioxide as malate or
aspartate and feed it into the CALVIN cycle during daytime
• Opened stomata would cause intolerable transpiration
losses in the areas that CAM-plants live in.
Carbon dioxide
• A low concentration of carbon dioxid causes the
stomata to open,
• a high concentration leads to their closing.
Photosynthesis starts with the first light of the day,
• because enough carbon dioxide has been
• Photosynthesis takes place in guard cells, too, since
they contain chloroplasts – in contrast to the subsidiary
• This activity again is related to the rise of the osmotic
value and thus also to the opening of the stomata.
Potassium ions
• Potassium ions are actively pumped (by a
potassium pump) from the subsidiary cells into
the vacuoles of the guard cells.
• At the same time, anions (chloride, malate)
accumulate within the vacuoles.
• Protons are given off to the subsidiary cells.
• The ion flows are quantitatively enough to
explain a rise of the turgor that is large enough
for the guard cell movements, but the primary
stimulus is still not clarified.
What is the reason for the potassium
pump’s sudden rise in activity?
• The actual importance of the potassium pump for the guard
cell movement is best demonstrated with a fungal toxin
called Fusicoccin (from the fungus Fusicoccum amygdali).
• This toxin activates the potassium pump.
• If consequently the toxin is applied to the stomata, then the
loss of water becomes higher than its supply resulting in
• The biological advantage for the fungus lies in the open
stomata since they are, beside wounds, the only places
where its hyphes can penetrate the leaf tissue.
• The total water balance is hardly or not at all influenced, as
long as the effect of Fusicoccin remains a local one.
• In principle, one open stomata is enough for a hype.
Vacuole Size Changes Are Correlated
with Stomatal Movements
• During photosynthesis, leaves take in atmospheric CO2 and
release O2 through stomata, microscopic pore structures in
the leaf epidermis.
• A pair of guard cells surrounds each stoma, and these cells
control the opening and closing of the stomatal pore
between them.
• Guard cells regulate this opening and closing in response to
a wide variety of environmental signals, such as day/night
rhythms, CO2 availability, and temperature.
• The primary reason is that stomata also regulate the
passage of water molecules.
• If the stomata were constantly open, plants would lose too
much water via evaporation from the leaf surface, a process
called transpiration.
How Do Vacuoles Change During
Stomatal Opening and Closing?
• Plant vacuoles are ubiquitous organelles that are essential
to multiple aspects of plant growth, maintenance and
• Their key role in stomatal movements underscores their
importance in fundamental gas exchange for plant
• .In addition to their role in controlling photosynthetic gas
exchange, vacuoles also store compounds that may help
to protect photosystems in the chloroplast from damage
caused by excess light.
• Vacuoles are important compartments in plant cell
metabolism. An intact vacuole is necessary for many plant
Abscisic Acid
• The plant starts an enhanced production of
abscisic acid in case of a water shortage.
• The abscisic acid is transported to the guard cells,
where it is stored. It inhibits the potassium pump,
hinders the production of an osmotic pressure, and
does thus cause the closing of the stomata.
• The water and the carbon dioxide cycle may
compete in case of closed stomata, since carbon
dioxide is usually a limiting factor in
photosynthetically active tissues.
• The Rate of photosynthesis
decreases to a low level,
• though it does not stopped at all due to the
carbon dioxide,
• that is repeatedly produced a new in
amounts by the respiratory processes within
the plant.
Stomatal Role In Transpiration
• Transpirationis the process of water movement through a
plant and its evaporation from aerial parts especially from leaves
but also from stems and flowers.
• Leaf surfaces are dotted with pores which are called stomata, and
in most plants they are more numerous on the undersides of the
• The stomata are bordered by guard cells and their stomatal
accessory cells (together known as stomatal complex) that open
and close the pore.
• Transpiration occurs through the stomatal apertures, and can be
thought of as a necessary "cost" associated with the opening
of the stomata to allow the diffusion of carbon dioxide gas from
the air for photosynthesis.
• Transpiration also cools plants, changes osmotic pressure
Regulation of Transpiration
Through Stomata
• Plants regulate the rate of transpiration by the
degree of stomatal opening.
• The rate of transpiration is also influenced by
the evaporative demand of the atmosphere
surrounding the leaf such as humidity,
temperature, wind and incident sunlight.
• Soil water supply and soil temperature can
influence stomatal opening, and thus
transpiration rate.
• The amount of water lost by a plant also
depends on its size and the amount of water
absorbed at the roots.
• Transpiration accounts for most of the
water loss by a plant, but some direct
evaporation also takes place through the
cuticle of the leaves and young stems.
Techniques of Transpiration
• Transpiration rates of plants can be measured by a
number of techniques, including,
• potometers,
• lysimeters,
• porometers,
• photosynthesis systems and
• heat balance sap flow gauges.
• Isotope measurements indicate transpiration is the
larger component of evapotranspiration.[3]
• Desert plants have specially adapted structures, such as
thick cuticles, reduced leaf areas, sunken stomata and
hairs to reduce transpiration and conserve water.
• Many cacti conduct photosynthesis in
succulent stems, rather than leaves, so the
surface area of the shoot is very low.
• Many desert plants have a special type of
photosynthesis, termed crassulacean acid
metabolism or CAM photosynthesis,
• in which the stomata are closed during the
day and open at night when transpiration will
be lower.
Functions Of Stomata
How do plants breathe
through stomata?
• Like animals, plants breathe.
• The gas exchange into and out of a plant leaf occurs at the
underside of leaves, and the process is precisely regulated.
• The main energy-producing biochemical process in plants
is photosynthesis,
• a process that,
• initiated by energy from the sun,
• converts CO2 and
• water into carbohydrate energy molecules for the plant
and releases O2 back into the atmosphere.
• In this process, leaves take in atmospheric CO2 and release
O2 back into the air.
CO2 Gain And Water Loss
• Carbon dioxide, a key reactant in photosynthesis, is
present in the atmosphere at a concentration of about
390 ppm .
• Most plants require the stomata to be open during
• The problem is that the air spaces in the leaf are
saturated with water vapour, which exits the leaf
through the stomata (this is known as transpiration).
• plants cannot gain carbon dioxide without
simultaneously losing water vapour.
CAM Plants
• A group of mostly desert plants called "CAM" plants
(Crassulacean acid metabolism, after the family
• which includes the species in which the CAM process was
first discovered) open their stomata at night (when water
evaporates more slowly from leaves for a given degree of
stomatal opening),
• use PEPcarboxylase to fix carbon dioxide and store the
products in large vacuoles.
• The following day, they close their stomata and release the
carbon dioxide fixed the previous night into the presence of
• This saturates RuBisCO with carbon dioxide, allowing
minimal photowhen water is severely limiting.
Inferring Stomatal Behavior
From Gas Exchange
• The degree of stomatal resistance can be determined by
measuring leaf gas exchange of a leaf.
• The transpiration rate is dependent on the diffusion
resistance provided by the stomatal pores, and also on the
humidity gradient between the leaf's internal air spaces and
the outside air.
• Stomatal resistance (or its inverse, stomatal conductance)
can therefore be calculated from the transpiration rate and
humidity gradient.
• This allows scientists to investigate how stomata respond to
changes in environmental conditions,
• such as light intensity and
• concentrations of gases such as water vapor,
• carbon dioxide, and
• ozone.
ei and ea is the partial pressure
leaf water,
P is the atmospheric pressure
r is the Stomatal resistance.
Opening stomata
• The increase in osmotic pressure in the guard cells is
caused by an uptake of potassium ions (K+).
• The concentration of K+ in open guard cells far exceeds
that in the surrounding cells. This is how it accumulates:
• Blue light is absorbed by phototropin which activates
• a proton pump (an H+-ATPase) in the plasma membrane of
the guard cell.
• ATP, generated by the light reactions of photosynthesis,
drives the pump.
• As protons (H+) are pumped out of the cell, its interior
becomes increasingly negative.
• This attracts additional potassium ions into the cell, raising
its osmotic pressure.
Closing stomata
• Although open stomata are essential for
photosynthesis, they also expose the plant to the risk of
losing water through transpiration. Some 90% of the
water taken up by a plant is lost in transpiration.
• In angiosperms and gymnosperms (but not in ferns and
lycopsids), Abscisic acid (ABA) is the hormone that
triggers closing of the stomata when soil water is
insufficient to keep up with transpiration (which often
occurs around mid-day).
• The mechanism:
• ABA binds to receptors at the surface of the plasma
membrane of the guard cell.
• The receptors activate several interconnecting pathways
which converge to produce
– a rise in pH in the cytosol;
– transfer of Ca2+ from the vacuole to the cytosol.
• These changes
– stimulate the loss of negatively-charged ions
(anions), especially NO3
− and Cl−, from the cell and
– the loss of K+ from the cell.
Opening And Closing of Stomata
Density of stomata
• The density of stomata produced on growing
leaves varies with such factors as:
• the temperature, humidity, and light intensity
around the plant;
• and also, as it turns out,
• the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air
around the leaves. The relationship is inverse; that
• as the concentration of CO2 goes up,
• the number of stomata produced goes down, and
vice versa.
Some evidence
– Plants grown in an artificial atmosphere with a
high level of CO2 have fewer stomata than
• Herbarium specimens reveal that the number
of stomata in a given species has been
declining over the last 200 years —
• the time of the industrial revolution and
rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere
Stomata reveal past carbon dioxide
• Because CO2 levels and stomatal index are inversely
related, could fossil leaves tell us about past levels of
CO2 in the atmosphere, his study of the fossil leaves of
the ginkgo and its relatives shows:
• their stomatal indices were high
– late in the Permian period (275–290 million years ago) and
– in the Pleistocene epoch (1–8 million years ago).
• Both these periods are known from geological
evidence to have been times of
– low levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and
– ice ages (with glaciers).
Factors Affecting
Stomatal Regulation
Number of leaves
• More leaves (or spines, or other
photosynthesizing organs)
• means a bigger surface area and
more stomata for gaseous
• This will result in greater water
Number of stomata
•More stomata will provide
more pores for
Size of the leaf
• A leaf with a bigger surface
area will transpire,
• faster than a leaf with a
smaller surface area.
Presence of plant cuticle
• A waxy cuticle is relatively impermeable to
water and water vapour and reduces
evaporation from the plant surface except via
the stomata.
• A reflective cuticle will reduce solar heating and
temperature rise of the leaf, helping to reduce
the rate of evaporation.
• Tiny hair-like structures called trichomes on the
surface of leaves also can inhibit water loss by
creating a high humidity environment at the
surface of leaves.
Light supply
• The rate of transpiration is controlled by
stomatal aperture, and these small
pores open especially for
• While there are exceptions to this (such
as night or "CAM photosynthesis"),
• in general a light supply will encourage
open stomata.
• Temperature affects the rate in two
• 1) An increased rate of evaporation
due to a temperature rise will hasten
the loss of water.
2) Decreased relative humidity outside
the leaf will increase the water
potential gradient.
Relative humidity
•Drier surroundings gives a
steeper water potential
gradient, and so increases
the rate of transpiration.
• Wind blows away much of this water vapor
near the leaf surface, making the potential
gradient steeper and speeding up the
diffusion of wateEven in wind, though, there
is some accumulation of water vapor in a thin
boundary layer of slower moving air next to
the leaf surface.
• The stronger the wind, the thinner this layer,
and the steeper the water potential gradient.
Water supply
•Water stress caused by
restricted water supply
from the soil may result in
stomatal closure and
reduce the rates of
Response of Stomata to
Environmental Factors
• Photosynthesis,
• plant water transport (xylem) and
• gas exchange are regulated by stomatal function which is
important in the functioning of plants.
• Stomatal density and aperture (length of stomata) varies
under a number of environmental factors such as
atmospheric CO2 concentration,
• light intensity,
• air temperature and
• photoperiod (daytime duration).
• Decreasing stomatal density is one way plants have
responded to the increase in concentration of atmospheric
CO ([CO ] ).
Future Adaptations during Climate
• The gene HIC (high carbon dioxide) encodes a
negative regulator for the development of stomata in
• Research into the HIC gene using Arabidopsis thaliana
found no increase of stomatal development in the
dominant allele
• but in the ‘wild type’ recessive allele showed a large
• both in response to rising CO2 levels in the
• These studies imply the plants response to changing
CO2 levels is largely controlled by genetics.
Agricultural Implications
• Predicting how stomata performs during
adaptation is useful for understanding the
productivity of plant systems for both natural and
agricultural systems.
• Plant breeders and farmers are beginning to
work together using evolutionary
• and participatory plant breeding to find the best
suited species such as heat and drought resistant
crop varieties that could naturally evolve to the
change in the face of food security challenges.
Stomata as pathogenic pathways
• Stomata are an obvious hole in the leaf by which,
as was presumed for a while, pathogens can
enter unchallenged.
• However, it has been recently shown that
stomata do in fact sense the presence of some,
• if not all, pathogens. However,
• with the virulent bacteria applied to Arabidopsis
plant leaves in the experiment, the bacteria
released the chemical coronatine, which forced
the stomata open again within a few hours.

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09 07 , 7leaves and atmosphere

  • 2. Gas Exchange in Plants  In order to carry on photosynthesis, green plants need a supply of carbon dioxide and a means of disposing of oxygen.  In order to carry on cellular respiration, plant cells need oxygen and a means of disposing of carbon dioxide. Unlike animals, plants have no specialized organs for gas exchange .
  • 3. Reasons of Gas Exchange • Each part of the plant takes care of its own gas exchange needs. • Although plants have an elaborate liquid transport system, it does not participate in gas transport. Roots, stems, and leaves respire at rates much lower than are characteristic of animals. • Only during photosynthesis are large volumes of gases exchanged, and each leaf is well adapted to take care of its own needs. The distance that gases must diffuse in even a large plant is not great. • Each living cell in the plant is located close to the surface. While obvious for leaves, it is also true for stems. • The only living cells in the stem are organized in thin layers just beneath the bark. The cells in the interior are dead and serve only to provide mechanical support.
  • 4. • Most of the living cells in a plant have at least part of their surface exposed to air. The loose packing of parenchyma cells in leaves, stems, and roots provides an interconnecting system of air spaces. Gases diffuse through air several thousand times faster than through water. • Oxygen and carbon dioxide also pass through the cell wall and plasma membrane of the cell by diffusion.
  • 5. Stomata • A stoma (plural stomata) (occasionally called a stomate, plural stomates) (from Greek "mouth“ • is a pore, found in the epidermis of leaves • , stems and, • other organs that is used to control the gas exchange. • The pore is bordered by a pair of specialized parenchyma cells known as guard cells. • Air containing carbon dioxide and oxygen enters the plant through these openings. • Oxygen produced as a by-product of photosynthesis diffuses out to the atmosphere through these same openings. • Also, water vapor is released into the atmosphere through these pores in a process called transpiration.
  • 6. Stoma in cross section
  • 7. Leaves The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the leaf (as well as the loss of water vapor in pores called the stomata.  Normally Stomata open, when the light strikes the leaf in the morning and close during the night
  • 8. Stoma in a tomato leaf shown via colorized scanning electron microscope image.
  • 9. Location Of Stomata • Stomata are present in the sporophyte generation of all land plant groups except liverworts. • Dicotyledons usually have more stomata on the lower epidermis than the upper epidermis • Monocotyledons, on the other hand, usually have the same number of stomata on the two epidermes. • In plants with floating leaves, stomata may be found only on the upper epidermis; • submerged leaves may lack stomata entirely.
  • 10. Guard Cells • Guard cells are specialized cells located in the leaf epidermis of plants. • Pairs of guard cells surround tiny stomatal airway pores . • These tiny pores in the leaf surface are necessary for gas exchange into and out of the plant; carbon dioxide (CO2) enters the plant allowing the carbon fixation reactions of photosynthesis to occur. • The turgor pressure of guard cells is controlled by movements of large quantities of ions and sugars into and out of the guard cell.
  • 11. • Oxygen (O2) exits the plant as a byproduct of photosynthesis. The opening and closing of the stomatal gas exchange holes is regulated by swelling and shrinking of the two surrounding guard cells . • Water evaporates through the stomatal openings causing plants to lose water. Over 95% of water loss from plants can occur by evaporation (transpiration) through the stomatal pores.
  • 12. Features Of Guard Cells • A special feature of guard cells is that they can increase or decrease their volume, thereby changing their shape. • This is the basis for the opening and closing of a stoma, known as stomatal movement, which controls gas exchange necessary for photosynthesis and limits water loss. • Such changes in vacuolar volume are quite rapid and dramatic. • This can be problematic because, • unlike a quickly expanding balloon, biological membranes are more limited in their elasticity and do not allow over-stretching.
  • 13. Function of Guard Cells • Since guard cells control water loss of plant. • Guard cells perceive and process environmental and endogenous stimuli such as • light, • humidity, • CO2, • temperature, • drought, • and plant hormones to trigger cellular responses resulting in stomatal opening or closure.
  • 14.
  • 15. Mechanism and Regulation of Stomata Movements
  • 16. Mechanisms • Stomata are functional units of the epidermis serving the exchange of gases between the intercellular spaces of the plant and its surrounding • They are especially common – and of characteristic shape – • at the epidermis of the leaf’s underside of most species. • Their development differs from plant group to plant group, but unequal cell divisions are always involved.
  • 17. • A functional unit consists of the guard cells themselves that contain nearly always chloroplasts, and of their neighbouring subsidiary cells that are usually devoid of chloroplasts. • It is well-known that stomata open in a humid surrounding, and close when it is dry. • J. HEDWIG was the first researcher of the 18th century who understood that they work as ‘transpiration openings.
  • 18. • The wall between guard and subsidiary cell and the wall that makes up the opening are rather thin and are easily stretched. • This asymmetry of the cell’s structure and of the wall thicknesses explains the directed movement caused by the turgor. • The mechanics of the guard cells becomes thus understandable. • Water proved to be an important, though not the only controlling factor of guard cell movements.
  • 19. Water • Guard cells can emit water into three different directions: • outwards, • into the neighbouring subsidiary cell, and • into the respiratory cavity that is a part of the intercellular system lying beneath the guard cells. • Plants profit from the concentration gradient (that is a gain of energy for them), • while the closing movements of the stomata exert a decisive, regulating influence. They close when too much water is lost, or when not enough supply exists.
  • 20. Light • The stomata of most plant species are closed in darkness. • Light stimulates opening. • The action spectrum is similar to that of photosynthesis. Blue light is especially effective. • The stomata of CAM-plants, like Crassulaceans, are opened during the night. • They depend on the accumulation of carbon dioxide during the night. • These plants store the carbon dioxide as malate or aspartate and feed it into the CALVIN cycle during daytime • Opened stomata would cause intolerable transpiration losses in the areas that CAM-plants live in.
  • 21. Carbon dioxide • A low concentration of carbon dioxid causes the stomata to open, • a high concentration leads to their closing. Photosynthesis starts with the first light of the day, • because enough carbon dioxide has been accumulated. • Photosynthesis takes place in guard cells, too, since they contain chloroplasts – in contrast to the subsidiary cells. • This activity again is related to the rise of the osmotic value and thus also to the opening of the stomata.
  • 22. Potassium ions • Potassium ions are actively pumped (by a potassium pump) from the subsidiary cells into the vacuoles of the guard cells. • At the same time, anions (chloride, malate) accumulate within the vacuoles. • Protons are given off to the subsidiary cells. • The ion flows are quantitatively enough to explain a rise of the turgor that is large enough for the guard cell movements, but the primary stimulus is still not clarified.
  • 23. What is the reason for the potassium pump’s sudden rise in activity? • The actual importance of the potassium pump for the guard cell movement is best demonstrated with a fungal toxin called Fusicoccin (from the fungus Fusicoccum amygdali). • This toxin activates the potassium pump. • If consequently the toxin is applied to the stomata, then the loss of water becomes higher than its supply resulting in withering. • The biological advantage for the fungus lies in the open stomata since they are, beside wounds, the only places where its hyphes can penetrate the leaf tissue. • The total water balance is hardly or not at all influenced, as long as the effect of Fusicoccin remains a local one. • In principle, one open stomata is enough for a hype.
  • 24. Vacuole Size Changes Are Correlated with Stomatal Movements
  • 25. • During photosynthesis, leaves take in atmospheric CO2 and release O2 through stomata, microscopic pore structures in the leaf epidermis. • A pair of guard cells surrounds each stoma, and these cells control the opening and closing of the stomatal pore between them. • Guard cells regulate this opening and closing in response to a wide variety of environmental signals, such as day/night rhythms, CO2 availability, and temperature. • The primary reason is that stomata also regulate the passage of water molecules. • If the stomata were constantly open, plants would lose too much water via evaporation from the leaf surface, a process called transpiration.
  • 26. How Do Vacuoles Change During Stomatal Opening and Closing? • Plant vacuoles are ubiquitous organelles that are essential to multiple aspects of plant growth, maintenance and development. • Their key role in stomatal movements underscores their importance in fundamental gas exchange for plant • .In addition to their role in controlling photosynthetic gas exchange, vacuoles also store compounds that may help to protect photosystems in the chloroplast from damage caused by excess light. • Vacuoles are important compartments in plant cell metabolism. An intact vacuole is necessary for many plant functions.
  • 27. Abscisic Acid • The plant starts an enhanced production of abscisic acid in case of a water shortage. • The abscisic acid is transported to the guard cells, where it is stored. It inhibits the potassium pump, hinders the production of an osmotic pressure, and does thus cause the closing of the stomata. • The water and the carbon dioxide cycle may compete in case of closed stomata, since carbon dioxide is usually a limiting factor in photosynthetically active tissues.
  • 28. • The Rate of photosynthesis decreases to a low level, • though it does not stopped at all due to the carbon dioxide, • that is repeatedly produced a new in amounts by the respiratory processes within the plant.
  • 29. Stomatal Role In Transpiration
  • 30. Transpiration • Transpirationis the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts especially from leaves but also from stems and flowers. • Leaf surfaces are dotted with pores which are called stomata, and in most plants they are more numerous on the undersides of the foliage. • The stomata are bordered by guard cells and their stomatal accessory cells (together known as stomatal complex) that open and close the pore. • Transpiration occurs through the stomatal apertures, and can be thought of as a necessary "cost" associated with the opening of the stomata to allow the diffusion of carbon dioxide gas from the air for photosynthesis. • Transpiration also cools plants, changes osmotic pressure
  • 31. Regulation of Transpiration Through Stomata • Plants regulate the rate of transpiration by the degree of stomatal opening. • The rate of transpiration is also influenced by the evaporative demand of the atmosphere surrounding the leaf such as humidity, temperature, wind and incident sunlight. • Soil water supply and soil temperature can influence stomatal opening, and thus transpiration rate.
  • 32. • The amount of water lost by a plant also depends on its size and the amount of water absorbed at the roots. • Transpiration accounts for most of the water loss by a plant, but some direct evaporation also takes place through the cuticle of the leaves and young stems.
  • 33. Techniques of Transpiration • Transpiration rates of plants can be measured by a number of techniques, including, • potometers, • lysimeters, • porometers, • photosynthesis systems and • heat balance sap flow gauges. • Isotope measurements indicate transpiration is the larger component of evapotranspiration.[3] • Desert plants have specially adapted structures, such as thick cuticles, reduced leaf areas, sunken stomata and hairs to reduce transpiration and conserve water.
  • 34. • Many cacti conduct photosynthesis in succulent stems, rather than leaves, so the surface area of the shoot is very low. • Many desert plants have a special type of photosynthesis, termed crassulacean acid metabolism or CAM photosynthesis, • in which the stomata are closed during the day and open at night when transpiration will be lower.
  • 36. How do plants breathe through stomata? • Like animals, plants breathe. • The gas exchange into and out of a plant leaf occurs at the underside of leaves, and the process is precisely regulated. • The main energy-producing biochemical process in plants is photosynthesis, • a process that, • initiated by energy from the sun, • converts CO2 and • water into carbohydrate energy molecules for the plant and releases O2 back into the atmosphere. • In this process, leaves take in atmospheric CO2 and release O2 back into the air.
  • 37. CO2 Gain And Water Loss • Carbon dioxide, a key reactant in photosynthesis, is present in the atmosphere at a concentration of about 390 ppm . • Most plants require the stomata to be open during daytime. • The problem is that the air spaces in the leaf are saturated with water vapour, which exits the leaf through the stomata (this is known as transpiration). Therefore, • plants cannot gain carbon dioxide without simultaneously losing water vapour.
  • 38. CAM Plants • A group of mostly desert plants called "CAM" plants (Crassulacean acid metabolism, after the family Crassulaceae, • which includes the species in which the CAM process was first discovered) open their stomata at night (when water evaporates more slowly from leaves for a given degree of stomatal opening), • use PEPcarboxylase to fix carbon dioxide and store the products in large vacuoles. • The following day, they close their stomata and release the carbon dioxide fixed the previous night into the presence of RuBisCO. • This saturates RuBisCO with carbon dioxide, allowing minimal photowhen water is severely limiting.
  • 39. Inferring Stomatal Behavior From Gas Exchange • The degree of stomatal resistance can be determined by measuring leaf gas exchange of a leaf. • The transpiration rate is dependent on the diffusion resistance provided by the stomatal pores, and also on the humidity gradient between the leaf's internal air spaces and the outside air. • Stomatal resistance (or its inverse, stomatal conductance) can therefore be calculated from the transpiration rate and humidity gradient. • This allows scientists to investigate how stomata respond to changes in environmental conditions, • such as light intensity and • concentrations of gases such as water vapor, • carbon dioxide, and • ozone.
  • 40. Here ei and ea is the partial pressure of leaf water, P is the atmospheric pressure r is the Stomatal resistance.
  • 41. Opening stomata • The increase in osmotic pressure in the guard cells is caused by an uptake of potassium ions (K+). • The concentration of K+ in open guard cells far exceeds that in the surrounding cells. This is how it accumulates: • Blue light is absorbed by phototropin which activates • a proton pump (an H+-ATPase) in the plasma membrane of the guard cell. • ATP, generated by the light reactions of photosynthesis, drives the pump. • As protons (H+) are pumped out of the cell, its interior becomes increasingly negative. • This attracts additional potassium ions into the cell, raising its osmotic pressure.
  • 42. Closing stomata • Although open stomata are essential for photosynthesis, they also expose the plant to the risk of losing water through transpiration. Some 90% of the water taken up by a plant is lost in transpiration. • In angiosperms and gymnosperms (but not in ferns and lycopsids), Abscisic acid (ABA) is the hormone that triggers closing of the stomata when soil water is insufficient to keep up with transpiration (which often occurs around mid-day). • The mechanism: • ABA binds to receptors at the surface of the plasma membrane of the guard cell.
  • 43. • The receptors activate several interconnecting pathways which converge to produce – a rise in pH in the cytosol; – transfer of Ca2+ from the vacuole to the cytosol. • These changes – stimulate the loss of negatively-charged ions (anions), especially NO3 − and Cl−, from the cell and also – the loss of K+ from the cell.
  • 44. Opening And Closing of Stomata
  • 45. Density of stomata • The density of stomata produced on growing leaves varies with such factors as: • the temperature, humidity, and light intensity around the plant; • and also, as it turns out, • the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air around the leaves. The relationship is inverse; that is, • as the concentration of CO2 goes up, • the number of stomata produced goes down, and vice versa.
  • 46. Some evidence – Plants grown in an artificial atmosphere with a high level of CO2 have fewer stomata than normal. • Herbarium specimens reveal that the number of stomata in a given species has been declining over the last 200 years — • the time of the industrial revolution and rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere
  • 47. Stomata reveal past carbon dioxide levels • Because CO2 levels and stomatal index are inversely related, could fossil leaves tell us about past levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, his study of the fossil leaves of the ginkgo and its relatives shows: • their stomatal indices were high – late in the Permian period (275–290 million years ago) and again – in the Pleistocene epoch (1–8 million years ago). • Both these periods are known from geological evidence to have been times of – low levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and – ice ages (with glaciers).
  • 49. Number of leaves • More leaves (or spines, or other photosynthesizing organs) • means a bigger surface area and more stomata for gaseous exchange. • This will result in greater water loss.
  • 50. Number of stomata •More stomata will provide more pores for transpiration.
  • 51. Size of the leaf • A leaf with a bigger surface area will transpire, • faster than a leaf with a smaller surface area.
  • 52. Presence of plant cuticle • A waxy cuticle is relatively impermeable to water and water vapour and reduces evaporation from the plant surface except via the stomata. • A reflective cuticle will reduce solar heating and temperature rise of the leaf, helping to reduce the rate of evaporation. • Tiny hair-like structures called trichomes on the surface of leaves also can inhibit water loss by creating a high humidity environment at the surface of leaves.
  • 53. Light supply • The rate of transpiration is controlled by stomatal aperture, and these small pores open especially for photosynthesis. • While there are exceptions to this (such as night or "CAM photosynthesis"), • in general a light supply will encourage open stomata.
  • 54. Temperature • Temperature affects the rate in two ways: • 1) An increased rate of evaporation due to a temperature rise will hasten the loss of water. 2) Decreased relative humidity outside the leaf will increase the water potential gradient.
  • 55. Relative humidity •Drier surroundings gives a steeper water potential gradient, and so increases the rate of transpiration.
  • 56. Wind • Wind blows away much of this water vapor near the leaf surface, making the potential gradient steeper and speeding up the diffusion of wateEven in wind, though, there is some accumulation of water vapor in a thin boundary layer of slower moving air next to the leaf surface. • The stronger the wind, the thinner this layer, and the steeper the water potential gradient.
  • 57. Water supply •Water stress caused by restricted water supply from the soil may result in stomatal closure and reduce the rates of transpiration.
  • 58. Response of Stomata to Environmental Factors • Photosynthesis, • plant water transport (xylem) and • gas exchange are regulated by stomatal function which is important in the functioning of plants. • Stomatal density and aperture (length of stomata) varies under a number of environmental factors such as atmospheric CO2 concentration, • light intensity, • air temperature and • photoperiod (daytime duration). • Decreasing stomatal density is one way plants have responded to the increase in concentration of atmospheric CO ([CO ] ).
  • 59. Future Adaptations during Climate Change • The gene HIC (high carbon dioxide) encodes a negative regulator for the development of stomata in plants. • Research into the HIC gene using Arabidopsis thaliana found no increase of stomatal development in the dominant allele • but in the ‘wild type’ recessive allele showed a large increase, • both in response to rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere. • These studies imply the plants response to changing CO2 levels is largely controlled by genetics.
  • 60. Agricultural Implications • Predicting how stomata performs during adaptation is useful for understanding the productivity of plant systems for both natural and agricultural systems. • Plant breeders and farmers are beginning to work together using evolutionary • and participatory plant breeding to find the best suited species such as heat and drought resistant crop varieties that could naturally evolve to the change in the face of food security challenges.
  • 61. Stomata as pathogenic pathways • Stomata are an obvious hole in the leaf by which, as was presumed for a while, pathogens can enter unchallenged. • However, it has been recently shown that stomata do in fact sense the presence of some, • if not all, pathogens. However, • with the virulent bacteria applied to Arabidopsis plant leaves in the experiment, the bacteria released the chemical coronatine, which forced the stomata open again within a few hours.