Jvm tuning for low latency application & Cassandra

Quentin Ambard il y a 6 ans

TiDB Introduction

Morgan Tocker il y a 5 ans

Exactly once with spark streaming

Quentin Ambard il y a 5 ans

ORC Files

Owen O'Malley il y a 10 ans

Java GC - Pause tuning

ekino il y a 11 ans

Some key value stores using log-structure

Zhichao Liang il y a 12 ans

Modern real-time streaming architectures

Arun Kejariwal il y a 6 ans

Ozone: scaling HDFS to trillions of objects

DataWorks Summit il y a 5 ans

Ozone and HDFS’s evolution

DataWorks Summit il y a 6 ans

Handle Large Messages In Apache Kafka

Jiangjie Qin il y a 8 ans

KSQL: Streaming SQL for Kafka

confluent il y a 6 ans

HBase Low Latency

DataWorks Summit il y a 9 ans