Solução cubo rubik 3x3x3 resolvendo cubo mágico

Fábio Delboni il y a 13 ans

From Monopoly to Bitcoin

Ashley Taylor il y a 9 ans

Idle Chatter - GDC 2016

Anthony Pecorella il y a 8 ans

15 TYPE RULES (Intro to GD, Wk 11)

Shawn Calvert il y a 15 ans

P/Invoke - Interoperability of C++ and C#

Rainer Stropek il y a 10 ans

PresentationML Subject: Slides

Shawn Villaron il y a 9 ans

Marshaling with C# Pocket Reference

Mohammad Elsheimy il y a 13 ans

Apresentação Final a FINEP Projeto MonoBasic

Alessandro Binhara il y a 9 ans

Performance Tuning EC2 Instances

Brendan Gregg il y a 9 ans

Enchanted Objects: The next wave of the web

David Rose il y a 12 ans

Kanban boards step by step

Giulio Roggero il y a 11 ans

5 Ways to Write a Damn Good Sentence il y a 9 ans

2013 05 BEA - ’Mobile is eating the World’

Benedict Evans il y a 10 ans

Airbnb: A $1.3 Billion-Dollar Startup

Kalli Dan. il y a 12 ans