持续交付 Continuous delivery

Sun Wei il y a 11 ans

Html & CSS - Best practices 2-hour-workshop

Vero Rebagliatte il y a 12 ans


Remy Sharp il y a 14 ans

CSS3: A practical introduction (FT2010 talk)

Lea Verou il y a 13 ans

[Worskhop Summits] CSS3 Workshop

Christopher Schmitt il y a 14 ans

NoSQL Databases: Why, what and when

Lorenzo Alberton il y a 13 ans

Scaling Wanelo.com 100x in Six Months

Konstantin Gredeskoul il y a 11 ans

Rails 3 Beautiful Code

GreggPollack il y a 14 ans

Lean Cloud - Amazon Web Services

Simone Brunozzi il y a 11 ans

Capistrano, Puppet, and Chef

David Benjamin il y a 13 ans

Client-side MVC with Backbone.js

iloveigloo il y a 12 ans

Enterprise Architectures with Ruby (and Rails)

Konstantin Gredeskoul il y a 11 ans

Zero downtime deploys for Rails apps

pedrobelo il y a 12 ans