Airflow를 이용한 데이터 Workflow 관리

YoungHeon (Roy) Kim il y a 5 ans

Nginx Internals

Joshua Zhu il y a 14 ans

Testing at Spotify

Andrii Dzynia il y a 8 ans

Zsh shell-for-humans

Juan De Bravo il y a 10 ans

IQ Work Hacks - Productivity

InterQuest Group il y a 8 ans

Zsh & fish: better *bash* for hackers

Ruslan Sharipov il y a 8 ans

Why Zsh is Cooler than Your Shell

jaguardesignstudio il y a 11 ans

Nonviolent Communication

HannahduP il y a 8 ans

Stop using Nagios (so it can die peacefully)

Andy Sykes il y a 10 ans

길거리 떡볶이 레시피

illuminn il y a 8 ans

Shootout! Template engines for the JVM

Jeroen Reijn il y a 10 ans

Liquid Skills: how the world of learning is changing

Foresight Factory il y a 8 ans