Terrascan - Cloud Native Security Tool

sangam biradar il y a 3 ans

Azure Purview Data Toboggan Erwin de Kreuk

Erwin de Kreuk il y a 3 ans

Azure Synapse Analytics Overview (r2)

James Serra il y a 3 ans

The Cloud Enabled IT Operating Model - Business

Amazon Web Services il y a 7 ans

Azure Cloud Governance

Jonathan Wade il y a 6 ans

Azure cloud governance deck

Softchoice Corporation il y a 7 ans

Best practices for azure governance

CoreStack il y a 5 ans

Access Apps for Office 365 with Power BI

Chris McNulty il y a 9 ans

Share point 2013 to 2015

Prescient Digital Media il y a 9 ans

What's new for ALM with Visual Studio 2013

InCycle Software il y a 10 ans

Change communication strategy

Navitsumo Consulting Ltd. il y a 10 ans

Storage options in the cloud os

Lai Yoong Seng il y a 10 ans