Work Rules!

Laszlo Bock il y a 8 ans

Pair Programming: Tipps zum Spaß

Duana Stanley il y a 8 ans

Behavior Driven Development

Liz Keogh il y a 12 ans

Scaling micro-services Architecture on AWS

Boyan Dimitrov il y a 9 ans

Dropwizard Spring - the perfect Java REST server stack

Jacek Furmankiewicz il y a 11 ans

The Lean Enterprise - Keynote from Lean UX NYC

Trevor Owens il y a 10 ans

Getting Rest With Webmachine

kevsmith il y a 14 ans

Integration Testing With ScalaTest and MongoDB

Michal Bigos il y a 10 ans

Winning the Erlang Edit•Build•Test Cycle

Rusty Klophaus il y a 12 ans

Design up front is back!

Ari Tanninen il y a 10 ans

Personal Kanban 101

Jim Benson il y a 14 ans