ands andsdata ands-nectar-rds data sharing research data management big data ardc data management sensitive data csiro research integrity research data data fair data medical data health data research integrity advisor orcid ethics force11 drones data management plans transcript data publication data management planning tools geonetwork igsn force11 scholarly communications institute dmp hisa healthy data clinical data natasha simons metadata scholarly communications rdm training research identifiers research data information integration code of research conduct pids privacy geoscience australia fair data principles dmps data librarians open data spatial data dois social science research funders licensing research practice cloud computing cloud journal editors data repository best practice data lifecycle geoscience research funding ncris nci data storage data visualisation dmps data research data management training data discovery sensors provenance curtin university intersect webinar rdm data publishing citation data citation consent ndb scheme coretrustseal data policies data science r for reusable findable data kathryn unsworth rpas geospatial data persistent identifiers scholix initiative nhmrc responsible conduct of research visualisation george alter qcif medical confidential data australia sample identification australian orcid consortium 23 things controlled vocabulary data linkage queensland health publishing research data alliance gdpr skills training database research graph trusted repositories rscd training data training linked data patient ecological data reuseable ands-nectar-red redbox eresearch interoperable accessable data creative commons data reuse keith russell researchers accessible data paradisec casa virtual labs eresearch infrastructure academic libraries mapping agriculture cope services modelling data collections national map lidar research infrastructure grey literature storing health serverless architecture tech talk australian data archive imos data catalogues researcher identifiers provenanace funders research data managment inorms 2016 uq anu publishing data aaf caul australian national data service redcap human data australian research data commons consultation libarians data stewards sahmri colorectal cancer alfred p sloan foundation data one cdl datacite make data count global sprint #top10fair copyright data licensing datamanagement plans dmps data management plans dashr resources isgn auscope policy data right force 11 international geo sample number rva research vocabularies australia ands services ands-data technical updates research data australia rda ands online services data intensive resbaz 2018 tools and techniques interopperable data mangement personal data manage data c3dis aodn globalarchive supercomputer training pawsey population health phrn aarnet webinars zoom data movement data handling network literacy top tips data training data skills adam brown workflow vgl roadmap strategy design and principals research data footprints data footprints trusted repository journal workshop hongkong hong kong university australian health thesaurus health and medical raid reserch integrity griffith university life sciences belinda weaver data carpentry patient data health and medicat citing data healthcare consumer patients findable data managment plans international approaches data management training university of melbourne dmps melbourne uni uts helen morgan andrew janke university of queensland data managment dmr kate lemay effective data journals data policy big spatial data drone data modeling species and environment geographic data qa4lab softwares user needs specifications imagery analytics tools and software portal hazards risks uav data quality assurance qa4uav data issues drone trends citizen science uavs marine habitats mapping coasts fair data principles reusable data #4 fair nick theiberger #1 fair hdr students interoperability interoberability oznome womens health alswh david fitzgerald accessable digital humanities data discoverability datasets publish and prosper talk data to me imogen ingram roxanne missingham university of technology sydney liz stokes frankie stevens research data training phenomics arboretum smart farm geospatial reproducibility of data legal laws implications safety data ownership caval steve androulakis stem cell research rowland mosbergen rmit latrobe university andrew williams andrew treloar sensing plant phenomics point cloud forest skills iso ownership legal and ethical issues copyrights legal law policies privacy act privacy law compliance framework risk great barrier reef purls data and publications rds journal policies equator statistics species data climate change drone data web services bis spatial data analysis data quality geoglam airborne sensing remote sensing uas mappping uav platforms technology earth sciences scholix pure uwa dataset repositories publishers heath tech talks serverless backends bioinformatics qualitative data digital arts scholarly publishing ada ddi data fabric rda reesearch data management education aoda australian ocean data network spatial standards spatial policy dept of ag department of agriculture vocabularies digital object identifier datamanagement metadatasynchronisation metadata entry metadata templates 19115-1 geospatial metadata whats next? getting started geonetwork community of practice ands introduction geoscience community of practice agenda ecat data cataloguing community of practive humanities researcher identifier nih reserch funders resercher funders uids funding researcher identification scientific information infrastructures liber prov social sciences national institute of health research managers york university jisc hull university archivemedia soils archive sample identifiers nrca identierfiers sample managemnet indentifiers geosciences australia clinical trial anzctr google sheets api 23things data infrastructure development community development teacher librarians data education data ands program data future data futue librarians grey litereature cite my data metrics dói data assets nehta sharing data repository sharing ands-alia library
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