Resurssifiksu henna -hankkeen tulokset (tiivistelmä)

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Bees and trees_ist2018_tyyra_linko

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Miten tutkija voi vaikuttaa päätöksentekoon?

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Digitaalisen transformaation perusteesit kunnille

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Scenarios for hyperconected society 2040

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Nextera global: from transformation to just society

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What is evidence-based policy?

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Work, income and progress in the next era

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Work, income and progress in the next era

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Co creating Change

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How sharing economy changes cities

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Digitaalinen aika: demokratian nousu vai tuho?

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Jakamistalous tulevaisuuden ilmiönä

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Kuluttajien nousu energia-alalla

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Internet of No Things -Otto Markkanen, Cargotec

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