Deep C

Olve Maudal il y a 12 ans


Mariko Yamaguchi il y a 12 ans

Why Zsh is Cooler than Your Shell

jaguardesignstudio il y a 11 ans

You Suck At PowerPoint!

Jesse Desjardins - @jessedee il y a 11 ans


Moriharu Ohzu il y a 11 ans

Ruby everywhere

yukihiro_matz il y a 12 ans

Javascript Best Practices

Christian Heilmann il y a 15 ans

Vim Hacks

Lin Yo-An il y a 14 ans

RSpec 2 Best practices

Andrea Reginato il y a 13 ans

目grep入門 +解説

murachue il y a 12 ans

Why Docker

dotCloud il y a 10 ans

So, I made a keyboard

Jesse Vincent il y a 11 ans

Why Java Sucks and C# Rocks (Final)

jeffz il y a 14 ans

From a monolithic Ruby on Rails app to the JVM

Phil Calçado il y a 11 ans