Hibernate performance tuning

il y a 13 ans 29597 Vues

Event-sourced architectures with Akka

il y a 9 ans 27818 Vues

TypeScript: coding JavaScript without the pain

il y a 9 ans 16982 Vues

Java 9 Modularity in Action

il y a 7 ans 8525 Vues

Scala and Lift

il y a 13 ans 7619 Vues

Hibernate Performance Tuning (JEEConf 2012)

il y a 11 ans 9447 Vues

Migrating to Java 9 Modules

il y a 7 ans 5454 Vues

Scala: functional programming for the imperative mind

il y a 14 ans 4990 Vues

Modules or microservices?

il y a 7 ans 5880 Vues

Provisioning the IoT

il y a 9 ans 4366 Vues

Java modularity: life after Java 9

il y a 8 ans 4402 Vues

Advice weaving in AspectJ

il y a 15 ans 3683 Vues

Elevate your webapps with Scala and Lift

il y a 13 ans 3239 Vues

Codesmells for AspectJ

il y a 15 ans 2424 Vues

Cross-Build Injection attacks: how safe is your Java build?

il y a 11 ans 3692 Vues

Scala & Lift (JEEConf 2012)

il y a 11 ans 2531 Vues

Modular JavaScript

il y a 10 ans 4080 Vues

Fork Join (BeJUG 2012)

il y a 11 ans 2051 Vues

JDK7: Improved support for dynamic languages

il y a 14 ans 1914 Vues

Coding Your Way to Java 12

il y a 5 ans 2014 Vues