Prototyping at Lessons & Failures

il y a 5 ans 129 Vues

Following Through on UXDX

il y a 5 ans 217 Vues

Prototyping to the North Star

il y a 5 ans 163 Vues

Progressive Web Apps: The Breakdown

il y a 5 ans 217 Vues

Five phrases that shout your agile isn't scaling

il y a 5 ans 74 Vues

3 takeaways from Duolingo's product culture

il y a 5 ans 390 Vues

Integrating UX into a traditional culture

il y a 5 ans 115 Vues

Budgeting: The Art of Show vs. Tell

il y a 5 ans 46 Vues

Enabling and Empowering a Continuous Delivery Culture

il y a 5 ans 62 Vues

Unpack the Problem - Defining Objectives

il y a 5 ans 58 Vues

Building Quality: Test-Automation and TDD

il y a 5 ans 42 Vues

Feeding UX with Monitoring, UXDX 18

il y a 5 ans 41 Vues

UXDX 18: Data Enabled Design,

il y a 5 ans 278 Vues