Presentation1.pptx, pediatric tb diseaase

il y a 10 ans 5827 Vues

Presentation1.pptx, interpretation of x ray on bone tumour.

il y a 10 ans 13754 Vues

Presentation1.pptx white matter disorder in pediatric

il y a 10 ans 7003 Vues

Presentation1.pptx, imaging of multiple sclerosis.

il y a 10 ans 5796 Vues

Presentation1.pptx, congenital intracranial tumour

il y a 10 ans 1824 Vues

Presentation1.pptx. radiological imaging of epilepsy.

il y a 10 ans 5830 Vues

Presentation3.pptx, intra cranial infection.

il y a 10 ans 2606 Vues

Presentation1.pptx, intra cranial vascular malformation.

il y a 10 ans 3408 Vues

Presentation1.pptx, congenital malformation of the brain.

il y a 10 ans 9581 Vues

Presentation1.pptx. interpretation of x ray chest.

il y a 10 ans 29287 Vues

Presentation1.pptx. imaging of the cartilage.

il y a 10 ans 4400 Vues

Presentation1.pptx imaging of the peritoneum and mesentry.

il y a 10 ans 7233 Vues

Presentation1.pptx. inflammatory bowel disease.

il y a 10 ans 6311 Vues

Presentation1.pptx, imaging of the lower urnary system

il y a 10 ans 7334 Vues