multi-factor authentication biometrics behavioral biometrics biological biometrics identity privacy zk-snarks zero-knowledge proofs authentication nist fido alliance bulletproofs zk-starks self-sovereign identity zcash security biometric verification biometric recognition encryption sms otp qr codes post-quantum secure iot monero identity proofing blockchain privacy-preserving authentication non-interactive zero knowledge proofs biometric information privacy act biometric identification gdpr presentation attack detection anti-spoofing sofa-b owasp mobile top 10 ffiec threat model information security zero knowledge execution trusted setup receiver sender transaction amount confidential anonymity zexe texas bitcoin conference privacy coin arm pelion hardcoded credentials iot device risk dns rebinding dyn attack brian krebs mirai california iot security law considerations for managing internet of things (io nistir 8228 torii ddos botnet iot security revocation trust transparent succinct ssi digital identity clare nelson sovrin starkware zkp standards nist 800-63-3 designated verifier nizk nizk risky business podcast patrick gray apple high sierra root login flaw biometric authentication canary tools zero-trust data stores cybersecurity decentralized identity foundation pii equifax breach bruce schneier amir husain the sentient machine tensorflow machine intelligence pad algorithms liveness detection iphone x homomorphic encryption deep neural networks contextual biometric cancelable biometrics biometric template security biometric template biometric encryption android eer frr far biometric recognition systems gdpr and biometrics mobile biometrics isc2 security congress 2017 continuous authentication with biometrics multi-modal biometrics iso/iec 30107 miracl sedicci ibm identity mixer microsoft u-prove zcoin identity and access management iso/iec 9798-5:2009 consent ciso compliance iris face bipa finger osi psd2 facial biometrics content security policy and multifactor authentication — that can protec ftc panelists: robert hansen vice president of wh panel 4: beyond bugs: embracing security features such as impacts on performance to embrace security features — like site-wide ss token authorization biometric backlash user experience javascript injection location-based authentication thought auth gps starbug frictionless ux owasp iot top 10 iot authentication operation emmental nist definition strong authentication austin presented at hackformer's january meeting
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